31 Katy Teens at Texas Boys State Convention
June 12, 2018
Good luck to all the young men representing Katy at the Texas Boys State Convention in Austin, Texas!

Thirty-one boys from Katy-area high schools are attending the weeklong Texas Boys State 2018 convention that began June 10 in Austin.
The Katy boys are among more than 1,100 from all parts of Texas. They are learning about various forms of government and are divided into 24 cities, eight counties, and four districts. The boys are assigned to parties known as The Federalists and The Nationalists and are campaigning for various offices.
Two boys will be selected to represent Texas at The American Legion’s Boys Nation convention in July in Washington.
Members of Jonathan D. Rozier Post 164 of The American Legion in Katy selected the 31 boys after interviews that followed nominations by teachers and school counselors. The post’s Boys State committee is led by Monte Ikner, with support from Bobby Steph, Ray Downs, Fred Kana, and Henry Thomas.
The boys are seniors-to-be and are listed by high school:
Seven Lakes:
Brody Ameen, Justin Ardis, Jacob DeGeurin, Alejandro Mantilla, Robert Myers, Joshua Shimbashi
Cinco Ranch:
Luke Austria, Nicholas Betts, Joshua Jung, Nicholas Pappas, Matthew Pharis
Parker Egan, Dylan Koch, Mark Nicholson, Chandler Scott, Christopher Tucker
Faith West:
Lucas Campbell, Andrew Carrico, Joshua Romero
Mayde Creek:
Steven Garza, Joshua Brian Soriano, Alexis Zepeda
Vincent Bruce, Michael Han, Sean Koo
Morton Ranch:
Terrell Gray, Alberto Hernandez, Thomas Walters
Michael Arellano, Jared Morris
St. John XXIII:
Thomas Reboli