Griffin Elementary Student Wins People’s Choice Art Award at Houston Rodeo
Griffin Elementary student Siv Henny Horensky has won the prestigious Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s People’s Choice award for her idyllic painting of a cowboy and his horse Looking at the Valley. Competition sponsors Reliant Energy presented Henny with $1,000 for the Griffin art department and $1,000 for KISD to purchase art supplies. She was also excited to receive an amazing limited edition Houston Rodeo belt buckle from the 2011 Bareback Riding Champion Clint Cannon, among other gifts.
Henny created her painting in art class using watercolor paint. Her primary drawing was beautiful, and after painting, it came to life. The amazing result shows the talent of this modest fifth grade student.
“We’re thrilled Henny’s painting won,” says art teacher Vanina Orendorff. “It is a pleasure to teach such an enthusiastic student. We plan to spend the prize money on document cameras, which will be a great addition to our classes.”
“We’d like to thank Houston Rodeo and Reliant Energy for encouraging young artists,” says art teacher Brenda Haegner. “Every year it’s exciting to visit the Rodeo and see the wonderful art so prominently displayed at such a huge event.”