Taylor High School Choir Students to Compete at All-State
Katy Texas News
Posted January 13, 2011
Congratulations to Melanie Piché and Jasmine Johnson, junior Taylor choir students who earned places in the Texas All-State Choir to be held at the annual convention of the Texas Music Educators Association,  February 9-12, 2011 in San Antonio.
Area Auditions were held Saturday, January 8 at Deer Park High School. Piché placed second in the Soprano 2 room and earned a spot in the All-State Mixed Choir. Johnson placed tenth and earned a spot in the All-State Women’s Choir. The Taylor Choir is under the direction of Kevin Riehle and Kristin Likos. Please mention you found this on www.KatyMagazine.com.
Photos courtesy of Piche Photography