Piecemakers Complete Nearly 100 Quilts for Lutheran World Relief
Katy Texas News
Posted February 1, 2011
Piecemakers of Living Word Lutheran Church, Katy, Texas is a group of ladies who create colorful tied quilts that provide comfort and warmth to those in need. During the past several months, the volunteers have been busy completing nearly 100 quilts that, along with health kits and school kits, will be displayed at our special dedication services on April 3. The quilts will be delivered to the Lutheran World Relief warehouse in Maryland. From there our quilts will be sent to LWR partners around the world to be distributed to people in areas of war, natural disasters, or other strife. The public is invited to services at 8:15, 9:40, 11 or 6 .
Volunteers from the church and the community gather three times each month to cut scraps of fabric to be sewn together as tops, prepare donated materials for use as middles or backs, and tie quilts. We depend largely on donations of used sheets, blankets, tablecloths, cotton shower curtains, mattress pads, and all types of fabric. Donations may be dropped off at the church office during office hours, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The Lutheran World Relief project is supported by a matching grant from Fort Bend County Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For more information, or if you need someone to pick up donations, contact Mary Beth Busch at mbbusch@att.net or 281-599-0845. Please mention you found this on www.KatyMagazine.com.