Alvin Law Performs for Students of Pattison Elementary

April, 16, 2010 – Katy, Texas – On Thursday, April 1, 2010, Pattison Elementary’s 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students and parents had the opportunity to hear a most inspiring story from Alvin Law himself. Attitude, Learning, Value, Imagination, Never give up are the “Laws” Alvin lives by every day and promotes across the US, Canada and the globe since 1981. Being born with no arms, Alvin has accomplished things in life most of us only dream about. He is a trained broadcaster, fundraiser, and musician. Pictured with Alvin is his neice and nephew, both students of Pattison, Rebecca and Nicholas Reitsma. Alvin plays a tune for the students showing off his talents.  Sponsored in part of Arts in Education, Pattison PTA. Please mention you found this onÂ