American Legion of Katy Installs 2011-2012 Officers
On Wednesday, May 25, the Jonathan D. Rozier Post 164 of Katy held their annual installation of officers for upcoming year. The officers installed were: Commander Ernie Cormier, Vice Commander Stephen Brady and Adjutant H.M. “Mike” Warren.
Other officers installed were Financial Officer Wallace Klekar, Sergeant at Arms Paul Dudkowski, Judge Advocate Justin Perryman, Service Officer Sam Luna and Chaplain Andrew Martin. Three members were installed as Executive Committeemen. They are Henry Thomas, Dave Brasell and Will Miller.
The ceremony was conducted by Past Department of Texas Commander Butch Sparks and was assisted by Past 2nd Division Commander Lynn Sparks. Current 22nd District of Texas Commander Jerry Blaylock was also on hand.
During the Ceremony, Sparks instructed the officers and Commander of their responsibilities to the American Legion, the Post and to the community. The Post, originally chartered in 2001, will mark their tenth anniversary shortly and the new officers are committed to moving the Post forward for the next decade.
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