Cane Island Parkway to Open South of IH-10 in Katy
August 24, 2018
Posted by Ashley Lancaster
According to Fort Bend Country Commissioner Andy Meyers, TxDOT has given a completion date for the section of Cane Island Parkway that will open between IH-10 and FM 1463.

The road will open to traffic on Friday, August 31st and this new, direct route between FM 1463 and IH-10 will bring much needed relief to the traffic congestion through the Firethorne and Woodcreek Reserve communities.
The contractor was on schedule to have this road open well before school started, but FM 1463 is a state-owned road and the intersection tie-in has been controlled by TxDOT’s scheduling decisions.

On a related note, Phase 2 of Cane Island Parkway is already well underway, as they design the next expansion of roadway to a total of 4 lanes between FM 1463 and I-10. They are working aggressively to start the bid phase of the project in Spring 2019, and are already going through design comments with TxDOT. More progress on this road will begin in the coming months.
The new thoroughfare will make a dramatic improvement for Katy families.