Get to Know Your Katy ISD School Board Candidates (Position 6)
April 17, 2018
Jennifer Skelton

We asked position 6 Board of Trustees candidates Susan Gesoff and Scott Martin some questions to help voters learn more about these Board of Trustee candidates. We will be running a separate piece featuring the candidates for Position 7 (Dawn Champagne and Don Massey) later this week.

Susan Gesoff is married to husband Glen and they have lived in Katy for 13 years. The couple has three daughters Katie 24, Carly 21, and Kelly 18, who all graduated from Seven Lakes High. Susan is a former Katy ISD teacher (2006-2012) who has also volunteered in her children’s schools and with the theatre and choir booster clubs at Beckendorff Junior High and Seven Lakes High. She also volunteers with the National Charity League. She currently works as an Engineer at BP.
Why did you choose to run?
I am passionate about public education and children. Katy is a wonderful place to raise a family, live and retire and I want to serve the community by applying my skills and experience for the benefit of Katy ISD students. I was inspired to run this year in particular, because we became empty nesters which left me with more free time in the evenings and weekends that could be dedicated to a worthy pursuit such as this.
What qualifies you for this position?
I have over five years of ‘front line’ teaching experience in Katy ISD, so I truly understand what it is like inside the 21st century classroom for students and teachers. I have a 30 year employment history in technical industries where I have developed skills related to safety and compliance, budget management, policy development, and planning and performance. On a personal level, I have successfully raised three high-achieving children who were educated by Katy ISD.
What changes and improvements do you hope to implement?
Katy ISD is a premiere district with a stellar record of achievement, however, safety is a challenge for all districts in America, and I will encourage reasonable and effective solutions to further protect our students and staff from random acts of violence. I am focused on academics and will support continuous improvement around STEM and Career and Technical Education, as well as further differentiation for Gifted and Talented learning. Finally, I will strongly encourage the district’s efforts to address the unfair state finance system and student assessment schemes with a goal to keep more of our tax dollars here in Katy and reduce the testing burden on our students and teachers.”
Why do you think are you a better candidate than your opponent?
Respectfully, while each of us brings professional skills and knowledge, I have vastly more hands-on, practical experience in Katy ISD, having been a professional educator and having raised my children through every grade right here. I see the role of board member as one of service to the community, not a stepping stone to a future political career.
Have you volunteered in the Katy ISD school district before and if so in what capacity?
I was a member of the parent/teacher organization at Alexander Elementary, Beckendorff JH, and SLHS for many years. I volunteered with the theatre and choir booster clubs at Beckendorff and SLHS from 2005 – 2017. In addition, I volunteered for numerous school events over the many years our girls were in Katy ISD.
For more information about Susan Gesoff, visit

Scott Martin is a Texan by birth, moving to Katy in 2014. Since that time, he has jumped into the community volunteering his time as a Sunday school teacher in his neighborhood of Nottingham at St. Peter’s UMC. Scott’s wife, Samantha, grew up in Katy in the Bear Creek area attending Bear Creek Elementary and Mayde Creek Junior High and Mayde Creek High schools. The couple has 5-year old twins that will be attending Pattison Elementary in the fall. Scott graduated from University of Michigan Law School and serves as an Assistant Federal Public Defender in the Southern District of Texas.
Why did you choose to run?
I decided to run for the school board because I know we can do better. I am passionate about our community and focused on the future of KISD.
What qualifies you for this position?
I am a product of a Texas public school. I am also a proud parent. In my career as a public defender, I have found great satisfaction in helping others. I believe that these experiences qualify me to serve the Katy ISD community as a trustee.
What changes and improvements do you hope to implement?
My priorities include: (1) ensuring more choice, and greater transparency, in any bond election; (2) ensuring that everyone has a neighbor on the Board, through the creation of single-member trustee districts; (3) finding common-sense solutions to our bullying problem; and (4) finding a “two-way immersion” program for bilingual education that is cost-effective and can be made available at campuses across the district.
Voters can learn more about my ideas for KISD on my website (
Why do you think are you a better candidate than your opponent?
My opponent lives in an area that is already represented on the Board by two trustees, and has stated that she opposes the creation of single-member trustee districts. I support the creation of single-member trustee districts because I fully appreciate that many areas of our district are underrepresented on the Board, and that this has to change.
I am also concerned that my opponent has not publicly disagreed with anything the Board as said or done. This tells me that she is not the independent voice that the voters are looking for. I am that independent voice.
Have you volunteered in the Katy ISD school district before and if so in what capacity?
I am a children’s Sunday School teacher at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church. Recently, I volunteered as a t-ball coach at the Monty Ballard YMCA
Any final comments?
I am grateful to the voters for their many thoughtful questions concerning the issues I have raised during this race. We all want what is best for our children, and for KISD. Together we can make it happen!
For more information about Scott Martin, visit
EDITOR’S NOTE: We will be running a similar Meet the Candidates story for position 7 later this week.