Katy Girl Scouts Earn Bronze Award
All 12 members of Junior Girl Scout Troop 17049 were awarded the Bronze Award on Wednesday, May 11.
The Girl Scout Bronze Award, the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can earn, requires her to learn the leadership and planning skills necessary to follow through on a project that makes a positive impact on her community. Working towards this award demonstrates her commitment to helping others, improving her community and the world, and becoming the best she can be.
The recipients are:
Lauren Boatright – Faith West Academy, 5th Grade
Corrine Daignault – Faith West Academy, 5th Grade
Angelyna Dinnebeck – Golbow Elementary, 4th Grade
Shenta Knox -Â Golbow Elementary, 5th Grade
Lindsey Marek -Â Golbow Elementary, 5th Grade
Mikayla Morgan -Â Golbow Elementary, 5th Grade
Paige Ramsey -Â Golbow Elementary, 5th Grade
Hannah Rivero -Â Golbow Elementary, 5th Grade
Emily Rocker - Morton Ranch Elementary, 5th Grade
Sydney Scace -Â Golbow Elementary, 5th Grade
Ashton Templeton -Â Woodcreek Elementary, 5th Grade
Kyla Vickery -Â Golbow Elementary, 5th Grade
The girls spent at least 15 hours each on their project which focused on helping Houston-area animal rescue agencies. The placed donation collection boxes at area businesses as well as distributed flyers attached to paper sacks throughout their neighborhoods, following up to collect items from homes a week later. They collected a significant amount of used and new pet and office supplies which will be divided amongst the Houston Humane Society, Houston SPCA, and Citizens for Animal Protection (CAP).
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