Katy ISD Food for Families Campaign
Now – Dec. 12
Katy ISD Partners in Education
6301 South Stadium Lane, Room 1460
Katy ISD Partners in Education invites you to join in the holiday support for Katy ISD students and their families. Campus principals identify students in need. They collect donations and purchase a $50 grocery card for each family. Cards are delivered to campuses prior to winter break with a message of support from their Katy ISD community. Last year over $15,000 was raised by hundreds of donors. The cost per family is $50 and contributions of any amount are accepted. You may mail or deliver checks payable to Katy ISD Partners in Education. Donations of $50 gift cards are also welcome. Each card must be from a business offering a variety of family food choices. Restaurant gift cards will not be accepted nor do we accept food items. Questions? Contact Janet Theis at 281-396-2461 or at janettheis@katyisd.org.