Katy ISD Foundation Awards $284K to Local Educators
Katy, TX News (May 11, 2017) – The Katy ISD Education Foundation is committed to helping teachers create extraordinary classroom experiences for their students through grants. The foundation has awarded approximately $1 million dollars to Katy ISD teachers in their first five years. This year, $284,000 in grants were awarded to schools at the elementary through high school lever. The a few of the lucky grant recipients are listed below.
Wolfe Elementary – $4,997
The Write Path…Bright Future!
Lead teacher Christine Storms and team members Beth Morrow and Jenna Hill

Mayde Creek Junior High – $4,923
No, You Can’t Use Wikipedia: Teaching Gen Z How to Research
Lead Teacher Rebecca Calvert and team members Elizabeth Etter, and Stephanie Nicole Varga
Mayde Creek Junior High – $4923
Pavlov’s Teach-nology
Lead Teacher Crystal Ragbirsingh, team members Jennifer Britt and Toni Hicks
Mayde Creek Junior High – $4, 995
Let the Force Guide You
Lead teacher Marissa Salls and team members Lashaun Wright and Mary Grace Hearnsberger
Courtesy of Katy ISD Education Foundation. For more information, visit katyisdeducationfoundation.org.