Dear Katy ISD Parents, Community, Staff, and Students,

As you may be aware, it is anticipated that the Katy ISD Instructional Calendar will look a little different beginning with the 2017-18 school year.

State law currently prohibits a school start date before the fourth Monday in August. Faced with the annual challenges imposed by this start date, our Katy Improvement Council, along with staff, explored ways in which we might better meet the identified needs of our students and families. This led the District to pursue a District of Innovation (DOI) designation by the state which allows for greater local control and flexibility in constructing the school calendar.

As a result, we are now able to develop and consider other instructional calendar options beginning with the 2017-18 school year. However, before moving forward with approving a new 2017-18 Instructional Calendar, the Board of Trustees would like your feedback on the two calendar options presented in this survey that best meets your needs and those of our Katy community.

To take the survey, click here.

Courtesy of Katy ISD
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