Katy Teen Nicholas Joseph Christoffersen Earns Eagle Scout Award
Nick Christoffersen has earned his Eagle Scout Award, the highest achievement in Boy Scouting. Nick is a scout in Katy’s Boy Scout Troop 557 of the Texas Skies District. He has been involved in scouting for 11 years. He began as a Tiger Cub in the 1st grade. Nick has attended National Youth Leadership training in 2007 and again in 2010 as a staff member. He has taken on many leadership roles over the years including Den Chief of pack 557 and assistant patrol leader of Troop 557. He has sealed his membership in the Order of the Arrow with his brotherhood.
Nick’s eagle project was organizing the West Houston Fall Fishing Tournament at Mary Jo Peckham park in Katy. He was responsible for securing sponsors, donations and volunteers. The tournament was held in conjunction with fishing classes where participants earned their angler certification through Texas Parks and Wildlife. Young scouts also worked towards their fishing merit badge.
Nick is a junior at Katy High School and is on the Katy swim team. He is also active in St. Edith Stein’s youth group. Nick plans to major in mechanical engineering and pursue a commission in the United States Marine Corps.
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