School News
School News in Katy Texas
August 30, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
As the date of Childproof America’s Parent Empowerment Seminar draws closer, local law enforcement agencies are giving the group their cooperation, expertise, and support.

Tomorrow, August 31, representatives from four local law enforcement agencies will meet local press to answer questions and spread the word about Childproof America’s Back to School Parent Empowerment Seminar on September 8.
Present will be Houston Police Department Captain James Dale, Human Trafficking Unit, Vice Division, Constable Wayne Thompson, Fort Bend Pct. 3, Johna M. Stallings, Harris County D.A., and Tyler Dunman, Assistant D.A. Chief of Special Crimes Bureau, Montgomery County.
The briefing will discuss the dangers of domestic child sex trafficking in our area and give information about the prevention seminar. Police are putting the full weight of their support behind organizations like Childproof America to combat child sex trafficking and inform parents of the danger it poses to our community.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Wyndham Energy Corridor
14703 Park Row Dr., Houston
Parents and community members are invited a comprehensive overview of an issue recently declared a “public health crisis” by Governor Abbott. Topics include discussions about the definition of sex-trafficking, Six stages of grooming, international vs. domestic trafficking, physiochemical affects of pornography on a developing brain, and more. Guest speakers include representatives from the Homeland Security Advisory Council, Love People Not Pixels, and more. Register here.
August 28, 2018
Katy Magazine Editors

On August 28, 2018, Katy Magazine received an anonymous letter by U.S. Mail that claims to be from a current Katy ISD teacher. The letter is an open letter to Sean Dolan, the outspoken Katy ISD critic who launched a social media campaign against Superintendent Lance Hindt, and complains vigilantly at Katy ISD board meetings. The author of the letter expresses fears of retribution by Dolan and his anti-Katy ISD supporters for stating their opinion.
I am sending the enclosed letter on behalf of many Katy ISD teacher, including myself, who are tired of the negativity being spread by Sean Dolan and his group of followers. I know that many people are following that back and forth that has been going on.
Because of the tactics that Sean Dolan and his group use, I do not feel comfortable commenting on any of his posts of posting my opinion online. Other teachers and staff members that I have talked with feel the same way.
I am sending this letter to a few different Katy news outlets. I thought it might provide some insight into the way that Katy ISD teachers are feeling. If you see fit to publish or post it, great. If not, it was therapeutic to write.
Thank you”
Dear Mr. Dolan,
First off, I would like to say that I have been an educator in Katy ISD for the past 12 years and my children attend Katy ISD schools. To be clear and upfront, I am a supporter of Dr. Hindt. I realize that for you and most of your followers the fact that I said that makes anything else I have to say irrelevant, and that you probably already marked me as just another sheep who blindly follows the district, supports bullying, supports plagiarism, and/or any of the other labels that you associate with anyone who disagrees with anything you or your followers have to say, but it is simply not true.
The fact that you and your followers do not see the irony between what you accuse others of doing and the things you are doing is completely mind-blowing.
I cannot believe some of the comments that I read from your followers during the live streaming of Katy ISD board meetings. The name calling, innuendos, and blatant disrespect is reprehensible, especially coming from a group who claims to be trying to bring awareness to bullying. I can only imagine that if the comments that are made about our board members were made about your followers’ own children, they would be on the phone with the school in a heartbeat.
Mr. Dolan, I have heard you claim that teachers are afraid to speak up because they are afraid of backlash from the district. As for me, and a steadily growing number of fellow teachers, I will tell you that the number one reason that we DON’T speak up, is you.
I know that if I were to sign my name to this letter, it would only be a matter of time before my name, salary, direct line, and other personal information would be posted on your page, with your safety net “public information” label.
You are always more than willing to meet anyone for coffee, which is all well and good when there is pure intent behind the invitation, but why in the world would I agree to that? So that our conversation can be recorded and spun into something negative? It is not my district that I am afraid of. Sadly, it’s you.
I hate that I sit here and read some of the comments on your page, KNOWING that they are false, and yet I am too afraid to stand up for something that I believe in. I am afraid to speak my mind or offer my opinion, or many times, clarifying FACTS, because I do not want the backlash from you or any of your followers. It is so sad that you have created such an unsettling atmosphere.
Are there flaws within the district? Absolutely. Are there employees who are unhappy? Absolutely. As I have said, I have worked in the district for 12 years and I also have children who attend Katy ISD schools. Have we had issues? Absolutely, but there is far more good in this district than bad. You have chosen to take the bad, publicly exploit it, and spin it so that you get to look like the hero that is going to single-handedly save the district from itself.
You have created an environment so hostile that anytime there is an issue, no matter the size, it is taken straight to social media as another mark against Katy ISD. It’s apparent, at this point, that you prefer things go wrong. It’s another feather in your election cap. I hesitate to call you an ‘ambulance chaser’ but…
The most recent issue involving transportation was, and still is, a major work in progress. My children were late to and from school every day the first week. I agree that the staggered bell times and shortage of drivers, etc. seems like it was not planned out the best way. While I was irritated and concerned that my children were home late, as a parent, I made sure not to project my agitation onto my children, because I was not going to take away from the excitement of their first day of school.
I never considered my children “missing” (they were either at school or on a bus) and would have never thought to call the police. I was actually shocked that you would suggest this. I think, in spite of planning issues, a majority of the schools, as well as the transportation offices have done a very good job keeping parents in the loop and I trust that it will get better. As of the second week of school, my children have been picked up and dropped off within 5 minutes of their scheduled times. I saw a post of yours where a mom commented about her children having to walk across a busy intersection and that there were some people that wouldn’t stop so that the children could get safely across. You made a comment about wanting to be “deputized” so that you could write those careless drivers tickets… Why didn’t you offer, with your flexible schedule and big military vehicle, to serve as a volunteer crossing guard so that those kids would be able to cross the street safely?
I’ve heard you question the district’s spending and I saw your “protest” at our teacher convocation. I’m sure that your posters were only meant to stir up emotions, because I would hope that you understand that when it comes to school budgets, money that is designated for salaries cannot be spent on school supplies, just like bond money for a stadium can’t be used to hire teachers or buy more buses.
You question the fact that teachers and staff members have the option to allot a portion of their paychecks to the Katy ISD Education Foundation, and I question why where any part of my paycheck goes is any of your business? I think it’s amazing that teachers believe so much in what their peers and co-workers are doing that they want to give back to their community. We are, in no way, shape or form, forced to or pressured to give anything. It is a choice that we make because we are proud of the work being done in our district and want to continue to enhance student learning. The Katy ISD Education Foundation is not solely backed by teacher and staff donations, but the fact that teachers and staff members CHOOSE to put a portion of their money into worthwhile projects of their fellow teachers is a GOOD thing.
Whether you want to believe it or not, in the short amount of time he has been here, Dr. Hindt has been an amazing superintendent. I only had the privilege to meet him one time, but I will tell you that many, many teachers were excited about the direction in which our district was going. It was refreshing to have a Superintendent who made himself so available and visited campuses because he wanted to be out and involved, not because it was a photo opportunity. It is truly a shame that he was not given an opportunity to accomplish the things he set out to do for our district.
I write this letter with the support of many teachers and staff members. I do not think anything I have said will change anything that you or your followers are doing. I tell my students and my children that they do need to speak up if something is wrong and I am an avid supporter of the belief that people should try to be a part of the solution, rather than adding to the problem. As teachers, and most importantly, parents, if we teach our kids to constantly look for the bad and focus on the negative, we are doing them a tremendous disservice, because that is all they will ever find. I don’t think that you are interested in seeing the good, and truthfully, changing board members and Superintendents is not the issue or the solution.
I think you and your followers will find fault with anyone that sits in those seats. the word “legacy” has been thrown around a lot lately, and looking at the list of your followers, there are some recognizable names that have a long legacy of disagreeing with most of what Katy ISD does. Our district, our school board, and our current Superintendent are actually very widely supported.
The sad part is that many of us have allowed ourselves to be bullied into silence because of you. Your initial intent may have been one thing, but the way you have gone about things is just wrong. I don’t know what you expect to accomplish by tearing down so many different parts of the district. I know that many of your requests and questions could have probably been simply handled without all the publicity but it’s evident that you thoroughly enjoy that part. Our district has so many wonderful qualities. We have devoted teachers. We have amazing students. We have outstanding programs and activities. It’s a shame that none of that seems to matter to you.
A large majority of teachers, staff, parents, community members and students support our district and those leading us, even though their jobs have been made unnecessarily difficult in the last year.
While I am very disappointed in myself for not having the courage to post or comment publicly, I will continue to support the district the best way I can. I will welcome my students eagerly, teach them, support and encourage them, love them and remind them that the most important thing they can be is kind.
It’s important to remember that if you can’t think of something kind to say, you probably aren’t thinking hard enough. “
Mailed to Katy Magazine by a reader claiming to be a Katy ISD teacher and parent who wishes to remain anonymous.
August 28, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
An ongoing dispute between an iconic Katy grocery store and parents of Katy Junior High students has frustrations running high. Katy Magazine reached out to both sides in hopes of finding a positive resolution.

Katy Parents Frustrated
Last week, a Katy Junior High parent Ralph Morales expressed disappointment with Brookshire Brothers Grocery Store after the store manager contacted Katy ISD and asked them to notify KJH parents to stop using their parking lot as an alternate student pick-up area, and invited Katy parents to share their frustration. The notice also stated the police might be involved to rectify the situation which left many parents upset.
The following email was issued to Katy Junior High parents on August 23, 2018.
“Dear Parents/Guardians of Car-Riders,
The district has received a phone call from our neighbor, Brookshire Brothers, and has forwarded it to me. Ms. Fry, the store manager, expressed concern not only for the safety of the students, but the impact her parking lot being used as a pick-up area has had on her business. It has had a negative impact.
I spoke with her this morning, and she has asked that I appeal to you prior to her involving her corporate office and or the Katy Police Department to rectify this challenge. Please refrain from using that area as an off-site parent pick-up area. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.”
Dr. LeBlanc”
According to Tim Tyler with the Katy Police Department, Brookshire Brothers is well within their rights to enforce parking restrictions, and reminds citizens that if they have requested that people do not park there, it could result in a criminal trespass violation. “The parking lot is legally owned by Brookshire Brothers. If they wanted a vehicle to move and called us, than we would ask them to move,” he says.
A Harsh Decision
To Morales and other Katy junior high parents, being banned by Brookshire Brothers feels extreme considering the store that has been heavily supported by the Katy Tiger community for decades. “The lot helped alleviate additional traffic on the road and allowed for a second secure pickup for the families,” says Morales Ralph Morales who has been a customer of Brookshire Brothers his entire life. “Brookshire Brothers is well within their rights. I just wish they had asked for adjustments before banning car-rider parents from their lot. It was a harsh decision that will affect many families by increasing traffic and wait times,” Morales explains. Other parents concur and feel that there is no harm in parking in an open lot so close to their child’s school, especially since they regularly purchase groceries there.
Student Safety
Several customers posted that they have seen teens pushing each other in carts through the parking lot, running in front of cars, climbing into ice machines, and openly disrespecting patrons and store management. A store employee who wishes to remain anonymous confirmed the students that hang out in the lot and inside the store after school are causing more of a problem than the parents parked and waiting, and the decision was likely more of a safety and liability concern.
“I have been in [Brookshire Brothers] several times when the kids would get out, and one time a kid knocked me down 24 weeks pregnant, and I stood up and he ran off before I could say anything,” says Kylee M., a 2009 graduate of Katy High School and Katy mom.
Another mom, Diane W., feels that both sides have valid points, but that student safety should come first. “As a parent, I believe that it is risky to pick up a kid in a parking lot. I have seen several people pull into Brookshire Brothers at a high rate of speed,” she says.
Statement from Brookshire Brothers Corporate Office
“Thank you for reaching out to Brookshire Brothers for a statement regarding the use of the store’s parking lot in Katy.
The safety of the students, the adults who pick them up, and all of our customers is paramount to us at Brookshire Brothers.
We realize the after-school pick-up practice has been in place for a number of years. The reason we reached out to the Junior High School principal recently was due to multiple incidents since the start of the school year.
The concerns are three fold:
Motorists using the parking lot as a short cut
Unaccompanied minors without supervision in the parking lot and inside the store
Customer and vendor comments regarding safety for all
When the store leadership reached out to the principal at Katy Junior High, the intent was to come up with a reasonable solution that would safeguard everyone.
It seems that we need to revisit with the Junior High leadership team on this matter and work toward a resolution. “
Trying to Reach a Compromise
Katy Magazine has offered to arrange a meeting between Brookshire Brothers and parents from both sides to find a mutually beneficial solution for everyone. Brookshire Brothers PR representative says they will be reaching out to the school to discuss options and alternatives.
August 21, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark
One week into school and everyone is trying to adjust to new routines. With a new school year comes the need to stay informed, communicate and organize. Katy ISD gives us easy access to all of those things and sometimes it’s just at our fingertips.

While it’s all designed to make your life easier it’s important to know your app and tech options. Technology is engrained in our lives. Smart boards assist teachers of our youngest students. While parents recall their school days of heavy, book-filled backpacks, their children access textbooks through websites or Ipads. It’s part of their school experience. Now parents and students can use district run apps and technology programs to stay informed, communicate and organize their educational experience.
HAC- Home Access Center
Who: Every parent with a child in Katy ISD is given an access code and password to their Home Access Center at enrollment.
Here you can view everything about your students KISD experience from teachers, schedules, grades, attendance, and more.
“It’s a system of record and is designed to be a parent’s one stop shop for all their information needs,” explains Kerry Rampelli, Director of Enterprise Systems. This page follows you throughout your KISD journey.
HAC is also updated in real time where the app is updated nightly. This is important to know as older students (or parents) may be anxious to get test scores.
Katy OnTheGo App
Who: Everyone with access to HAC.
This application is everything from the Home Access Center (and more) at your fingertips. From news, calendars, menus, bus routes, the new Bullying Tip Line and everything you had at HAC this app is a must for your smart phone.
“The app has many pieces and can easily be added to based on our needs such as the addition of the Bullying Tip Line this year,” says Maria DiPetta, Manager, Media Relations and Multimedia.
Learn more about how KISD is using technology to report bullying in their new campaign.
Who: Differs based on grade level and campus. All junior high and high schools are using it to some degree. Elementary schools have access to it but only 3rd-5th use it and at some campuses.
Canvas is a learning management system that is accessed through a website and the canvas app. The link is accessed through your HAC page or your instructure, the Canvas software login.
This a great tool where teachers can post assignments, set to do lists and so much more.
When grading assignments, teachers can grade and post work but with this they can also record comments in audio and video. Teachers can also share a video of them doing a math problem so that students can easily refer to it at home and so parents can better understand the work too.
“Students like it because it gives them a to-do list,” says Darlene Rankin, Instructional Technology Director. “Students (and parents) can set push notifications for reminders based on when and how (email, text) they want to be reminded about assignments.”
This makes remembering assignments easy after long rehearsals, practice, etc. It’s never been so easy to not forget your homework!
Naviance: Career and College Planning Tools
Who: 6th grade-12th grade
Naviance is an application that evolves with it’s service based on your grade. It inventories your interests and skills and identifies where those area overlap. With this and more information, it helps students with college prep by finding a school and scholarships.
“This really helps our counselors to comb through a bunch of things and help students find what they are looking for,” said Christy Maeker, Director of Counseling Services. The program is tailored and controled by the student. Parents have access but it’s read-only.
“It really helps us to empower students to see what their future look like,” says Stacie Zimmerman, Counseling Specialist. Each campus varies in how this is introduced but junior highs cover it in social studies and in high school it is discussed in english.
Another great feature to Naviance is that graduated seniors can still have access to it and refer back to lists and interests to help them continue towards a successful future.
What about…
Now these are all the district run applications and resources. There are a lot or resources out there designed to help education communication. Some teachers or programs may use resources such as SeeSaw. Most of the fine arts programs use an application called Charms that helps students and parents stay informed on the many parts of those programs. We are now at the time of year where parents are having their curriculum nights are schools so when applications or sites are introduced, ask your questions and get ready for this academic year.
My Katy: Single Sign-on Environment
To make our lives even easier, Katy ISD gives us one place to sign on and access all of our district applications and educational resources with My Katy. So this isn’t like our social media headache where we have so many passwords to keep up with. In one login we can access all the tools we need to stay informed, communicate and organize…and with a few clicks we’re on our way to a successful academic year.
Which is your favorite application or site? Let us know in the comments.
August 20, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
Beckendorff Junior High eighth grader Jasial Kalapatu got the chance to interview Houston Astros’ third baseman/short stop and 2018 All-Star Game MVP, Alex Bregman.

In the Spring, Jaisal’s mother saw a post on Twitter from SI Kids inviting students to apply to be “Kid Reporters,” and he decided to go for it. “[To apply], I needed to write a 400-word essay about an athlete or sports team in the community making a difference, and then a 200-word essay about why I wanted to be an SI Kid Reporter, and then pitch two story ideas,” Jaisal says.
Kalapatu’s main essay was about the significant impact that the Houston Astros had on the community following Hurricane Harvey. About a month later, he got the news that he made it.
After being accepted, Kalapatu, a baseball and basketball player himself, specifically requested Alex Bregman as his interviewee. “I generally pitch all the stories that I want to do, and my editor (who works for SI Kids) considers them and if she agrees with the approach, she approves them and connects with the right people at the team for scheduling,” he says. To make sure nerves didn’t get the best of him, Kalapatu says he practiced giving the interview on family members so that he would be prepared.
When Jaisal got to Minute Maid and met Alex Bregman, he was prepared with his questions for Bregman, who he says was very agreeable to talk with. “He was nice and gave thorough and thoughtful answers. He seemed to have a lot of self-confidence, but he didn’t come across as arrogant. He was a really good person to interview. I appreciated him spending time with me despite his busy schedule,” he says. Here’s a snippet of the interview with Bregman:
How has being the All-Star Game MVP changed your life? Are you recognized more out in public?
I don’t know if I’m recognized more than before in Houston, but definitely more on a national scale. When we’re out on the road, out in the community, more people know who I am.
Where on the road has it happened?
L.A., Seattle—it’s happened in most of the cities that we’ve been to since the All-Star Game.
You grew up in a baseball family. Your grandfather was the general counsel for the Washington Senators, and your father played at the University of New Mexico. Were you always drawn to the game, or did you play other sports as well?
I’ve always been drawn to baseball. Ever since I was five years old, [when] my dad would bring a baseball card home from work, I just fell in love with the game. I’d play in the cul de sac with my mom and him, and it’s been fun.
For Jaisal’s Full Interview with Alex Bregman, CLICK HERE.
At Beckendorff, Kalapatu is involved in theatre and choir, plays basketball, baseball, and piano, and represents BDJH on the Destination Imagination team. He says if he could interview any one in history, it would be the MLB legend Jackie Robinson, the first African American to ever play professional baseball.
“I’ve always been fascinated by not only his overall game, but his humble personality and the way he never lost his cool, even when people taunted and harassed him. I think that that would be a perfect interview,” he says.
Jaisal doesn’t know what his next interview will be yet, but he’s full of ideas. Follow him on Twitter @SIKids_Jaisal to stay updated.
August 14, 2018
Last week, Katy ISD sent out an email about the additional safety and security measures that will be implemented across the district. Below is a breakdown of the updated safety measures at your child’s school.

When students return to school in Katy ISD on August 15, 2018, they will be met with reinforced and updated safety and security procedures that include software for reporting bullying, more strict identification requirements for parents and visitors, mandatory student ID’s and more.
Required for entrance to any Katy ISD campus:
– Valid, current, government-issued picture ID outside of the main entrance at all campuses.
– Utilize the new controlled access camera and intercom system to present their ID.
– Present valid ID to the front desk receptionist and be logged into the tracking system.
Secondary students must now wear their ID badges at all times during school hours, while on District property. Students in grades PK-5 will continue utilizing their badges during lunch and library times. Fourth and fifth-grade students are requested to wear their badges throughout the school day, when practical. At the secondary level, failure to follow the ID badge requirement may be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.?
Controlled access systems will unlock main entrance doors at a set time each morning.
– Elementary Group 1: 7:35 a.m.
– Elementary Group 2: 7:55 a.m.
– Junior High: 8:10 a.m.
– High School: 6: 45 a.m.
To ensure visitor safety, along with quick and efficient entry into our event venues, Katy ISD has instituted a Clear Bag Regulation. This will limit the size and type of bag allowed at sporting events, performances and graduations held at Rhodes and Legacy stadiums, as well as the Leonard Merrell Center (LMC), and the Katy ISD Livestock Show and Rodeo at the Agricultural Sciences Center.
While Katy ISD encourages visitors not to bring bags if possible, the following types of bags are permissible:
Clear, plastic, vinyl or PVC bags
Clear, plastic, one-gallon, re-sealable, Ziploc-style bags
Clutch bags approximately the size of a hand (4 ½” X 6 ½”)
Medically necessary items
Visitors who bring bags that do not meet the criteria outlined, will not be permitted entrance into the venue.
– Procedures for Reporting Allegations of Bullying
– Bullying and Intervention Programs by Campus
For a full report of Katy ISD’s increased safety and security measures, visit
August 10, 2018
By Jennifer Lynn Skelton
The weekend that every parent and student looks forward to is upon us…Back-to-School Tax Free Weekend. August 10 – 12 is the time for parents to save on items such as school supplies and clothing.

The sales tax exemption applies only to qualifying items you buy during the sales tax holiday. Items you buy before or after the sales tax holiday do not qualify for exemption, and there is no tax refund available.
Many retail outlets have adjusted their weekend hours to accommodate the increased traffic including the Katy Mills Mall (see below).
Friday, 8/10 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Saturday, 8/11 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Sunday, 8/12 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Qualifying Items
Click the links before to scroll the complete lists.
Clothing and Footwear
School Supplies
Special Purchases
School Supplies Purchased Using a Business Account – Exemption Certificate Required
If you buy qualifying school supplies under a business account, you must give a properly completed Form 01-339, Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate, to the seller.
“Under a business account” means you are:
using a business credit card or business check and not a personal credit card or personal check;
being billed under a business account maintained by the seller; or
using a business membership at a membership-based retailer.
Items that Do Not Qualify
The following items do not qualify for exemption during the sales tax holiday:
items sold for $100 or more
clothing subscription boxes
specially-designed athletic activity or protective-use clothing or footwear
For example, golf cleats and football pads are usually worn only when people play golf or football, so they do not qualify for the exemption.
Tennis shoes, jogging suits and swimsuits, however, can be worn for other than athletic activity and qualify for the exemption.
clothing or footwear rentals, alterations (including embroidery) and cleaning services
items used to make or repair clothing, such as fabric, thread, yarn, buttons, snaps, hooks and zippers
jewelry, handbags, purses, briefcases, umbrellas, wallets, watches and other accessories
luggage, framed backpacks, computer bags, athletic bags
Visit the Texas Comptroller’s website for complete details of the Texas tax free weekend.
August 13, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark
With Katy ISD schools starting this week a lot of parents are looking into before and after school care options, especially with the time changes to some of our schools.

The good news is that Katy offers a lot of options and most of these are not just a childcare program but offer curriculum enriched programs with various topics and homework assistance by certified teachers.
How to find the best program for your child?
All of these programs have their own unique curriculum and play structure. It’s always best to research to see to find the best fit for your child.
Safety- What is their pick-up procedures? What kind of CPR and training is required of the staff?
Ask about transportation- Most of these program provide transportation to local school. Be sure and see if your child’s school is one that they service. Do they use carseats?
Curriculum- Different programs focus on different curriculum. Do you want something STEM based? Language immersion? Play based? Homework assistance?
Take a tour- All of these programs listed below offer tours. This is the best way to get a feel for the program and ask your questions.
“I chose Tigerland because it’s great reputation, the majority of the staff have been there for years and the pricing is reasonable,” says Vicky Hegemeyer.
With so many choices in Katy, with a little research it should be easy to find the best fit for your child.
Local Katy Before/After School Programs:
28031 S. Firethorne Road, 281-394-5889
25935 Cinco Terrace Drive, 281-394-7737
4025 S. Mason Road, 281-828-2000
170 N Fry Rd, Katy 77449, 281-646-8330
22022 Highland Knolls Dr, Katy 77450, 281-392-2400
23060 Westheimer Pkwy, Katy 77494, 281-395-4466
26051 Kingsland Blvd, Katy 77494, 281-392-2211
19607 Clay Rd, Katy 77449, 281-492-2688
5740 FM 1463, Katy 77494, 281-394-9696
24224 Cinco Terrace Dr, Katy 77494, 281-612-7648
20817 Westheimer Parkway, Katy 77450, 281-599-1200
Ivy Kids Early Learning Center
27270 Cinco Ranch Blvd, Katy 77494, 281-574-0395
2707 Spring Green Blvd, Katy 77494, 346-307-6922
19919 Lakemont Bend Ln, Richmond, TX 77407, 832-595-1900
6130 S Fry Rd, Katy 77494, 281-693-77494
Katy’s Early childhood Enrichment Center
1407 W. Grand Pkwy, 281-693-1999
19814 Keith Harrow Boulevard 281-859-7300
21955 Westheimer Pkwy 281-828-2273
24007 Franz Road 281-347-5444
25950 Cinco Ranch Blvd. 281–392-1370
10602 S. Fry Road 281-392-1414
4515 FM 1463 281-347-5437
2650 S. Peek Rd, Katy 77450, 281-392-2650
22129 Kingsland Blvd, Katy 77450, 281-392-6770
2202 Fry Rd, Houston 77084, 281-578-1415
19510 Clay Rd, Katy 77449, 281-550-1610
19600 Clay Rd, Katy 77449, 832-464-7787
20144 Morton Rd, Katy 77449, 832-848-0369
My Place Early Learning Center
24034 Cinco Village Center Blvd, Katy 77494, 281-392-5900
2212 Katy Flewellen Rd, Katy 77494, 281-396-4734
1249 FM 1463, Katy 77494, 281-371-0099 (West Cinco Ranch)
1540 Peek Rd, Katy 77450, 281-693-7711 (Cinco Ranch)
21480 Park Row Blvd, Katy 77449, 281-492-7400 (North Mason Creek)
2402 Westgreen Blvd, Katy TX 77450 281-828-1600 (Kelliwood)
24936 Katy Ranch Rd, Katy 77494, 832-583-9700
940 S. Fry Rd, Katy 77450, 281-578-1505
2944 S Mason Rd, Katy 77450, 832-437-0570
5315 E 5th St, Katy 77493, 281-391-8750
Monty Ballard YMCA at Cinco Ranch 22807 Westheimer Pkwy, 281-392-5055
Mark Chapman YMCA at Katy Main Street 1350 Main Street, 281-665-1213
Do you have a Katy before/after school program that you love? Tell us about it in the comments.
August 9, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
College Nannies & Tutors of Katy, a locally owned agency that provides customized childcare and tutoring, was happy to award Katy High School senior Siarah Mazariegos with their first-ever College Test Prep Scholarship.
Siarah is the oldest of four siblings and plays flute for the Katy High School Band as a section leader, serves as student council president and vice president for the National Honor Society. She hopes to attend UT Austin and major in Business, and College Nannies & Tutors of Katy has brought that dream a little closer with a scholarship that will allow Siarah to achieve the highest possible ACT/SAT scores.
The scholarship was created by Franchise owner Doina Berea and Learning Center Manager Rebecca Baker in order to give back to our local community and help a local high school student to improve on their SAT/ACT score.
College Nannies & Tutors of Katy will provide this scholarship to one outstanding high school senior in Katy ISD every year. To learn more about College Nannies & Tutors of Katy, visit
August 5, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark
Katy ISD is gearing up to start school August 15 and part of that prep involves planning how to address and prevent bullying.

Anonymously report bullying on your cell
We’ve seen a world-wide increase in bullying and technology is responsible for a lot of that increase so it’s only fitting that we’re using technology to help combat it.
The Bullying Tip Line is a feature part of the Katy OnTheGo app. To access it simply download the free app. If you already have the app then it will automatically update to include the feature when it launches this month.
While the focus will be getting students to use it, parents and teachers can also make use of it. All you need is a cell phone with the Katy OnTheGo app, information to submit (the more detail the better) and a few minutes of your time. “The ease and anonymity is key here,” says Maria DiPetta, manager, media relations and multimedia for KISD. “While other methods aim to be anonymous this truly is. Schools even have designated cell phone times so when a student is on their phone no one knows if they are playing a game, checking a social media account or submitting a tip on the app.”
The new Bullying Tip Line app is being introduced to principals and administrators this week and has been in development as part of the districts strategic planning process since spring 2017. It’s release is right on schedule with the district’s goals. “The initial goal for the app is for users to familiarize themselves with it and feel comfortable using it,” says Maria. INSERT QUOTE FROM PRINCIPAL- The initial feedback is that it’s very simple to use, so much so that elementary students could do it.
The app is part Katy ISD’s Bullying Prevention Campaign. The campaign includes educational videos, events and the observation of National Bullying Prevention month. The app is just another way of reporting in addition to the anonymous boxes placed in all schools. The hope is that when students have felt uncomfortable being seen putting information in a drop box they would feel comfortable using the app. “Again it being so anonymous is key. In fact the anonymous button is always turned on and all tips will go to an inbox where the administrator for the school receives them daily,” explains Maria.
Educating students how to help
Education is key to helping the app be a success and the schools will focus on this educational process this year. This app can be most effective in addressing a bullying act when given as much detail as possible. “For example,” Maria explains, “student XYZ (full name) is bullying student ABC (full name) in 2nd period, Mrs. So-and-So’s class and they posted this on Facebook (share screenshot of social media.) From there the user could say that student XYZ follows student ABC to the parking lot and then proper people will have the information to verify, prove and prevent this incident from continuing.”
The app will also better help administrators to categorize the bullying whether it’s emotional, physical, social or technological. Some tips may require police investigation while other may be simply resolved by scheduling a sit down with the students. This will allow administrators the information to make those decisions and make sure the best solution is in play for each case.
This app will only be used for reporting. It is NOT to be used to report a crisis that would still be to call 911 or the Katy Connect Crisis Line 281-234-2326.
KISD is dedicated to addressing, preventing bullying
The district plans to track, record and follow the use and trends of the tips reported. In another step to being proactive in the current culture of bullying, KISD recently hired a Coordinator for Bullying Prevention and Student Support. The position is still new and getting settled but further proof at the seriousness that the district put on the topic.
Parents need to be part of the conversation
While the district is doing their part to address and help prevent bullying parents play a key role at home and these conversations need to start their. “Parents should talk to their children about bullying to help prevent them from partaking in it and becoming a possible victim,” says Nelda Wilson Brooks, a Katy family therapist. Parents should also be aware of their children’s social media presence.
Be sure and download the Katy OnTheGo App for many helpful features including the new Bullying Tip Line.
Are you talking to your child about bullying ahead of the school year? What kind of conversations are you having.
August 4, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
Parents can now enter their residential address to view the bus schedule for their child’s grade level and neighborhood.

On Friday, Katy ISD informed the public that the most updated bus schedules were available for families.
Parents whose children meet the qualifications for transportation can enter their students’ grade level and street name and find out the time and location for bus pick-up/drop-off. CLICK HERE TO CHECK YOUR CHILD’S BUS INFO.
Katy ISD will provide transportation to Katy ISD students who live outside a 1/2 mile radius from their campus. Parents with questions about schedules, routes, and bus stop locations can contact the Transportation Call Center at 281-396-6008, Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. until August 24, 2018.
Katy ISD is still actively seeking bus drivers to transport students to and from their campus. The district will provide paid training, health insurance and family assistance, and on-site childcare for children ages 18 months through fifth grade. Wages start at $16.66 per hour.Find out more here.
August 2, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton & Ashley Lancaster
The largest and most comprehensive renovation project in the school’s history is expected to be complete before August 15.

The Mayde Creek Rams will start the first day of their 2018-2019 school year in an almost unrecognizable campus. The renovations were approved in the 2014 school bond, and have a price tag of just over $51 million. According to Mayde Creek High School Principal Ronnie Edwards, they could not have come at a better time.
“Katy ISD has done an excellent job at strategically planning when a campus is in need of updates or renovations, and we were able to see the benefit of that this year,” he says. After taking a certain degree of water damage during Hurricane Harvey in August of last year, the completed changes will give fresh heart to the student body and staff.
The new and improved learning areas and open spaces are literally designed to foster a positive school culture. “The design of the open spaces and flex seating in the common areas will facilitate more collaboration, and give students more opportunities to have their voices heard,” he says.
The hallways and campus infrastructure have been streamlined as well, with Mayde Creek’s back hallways being updated to connect and help students get to class faster. Additionally, a skybridge connecting the freshman center to the main campus will cut down on walking time.
The school will also integrate updated safety and security measures that are being implemented at campuses across the district. And while the ninth grade campus was not included in upgrades approved by the 2014 bond, Mayde Creek freshman will benefit from new classroom furniture, flooring, and updated paint.
A new “Genius Bar” in the school library will also be available, giving students increased opportunities for the use of technology.

(Genius Bar in the school library)
Overall, Mr. Edwards and the rest of the Mayde Creek staff are proud of the success of the project. “We have kept track and taken photos of the renovations from start to finish. It’s important for the community to get a good picture of just how much has changed and how it will benefit future Rams.”
Classroom Renovations to meet current program needs in original section of high school – including Science, Fine Arts, CTE, Administration, Library, Kitchen/Commons
Modify access to building – review construction of corridors to connect halls
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing upgrades/replacement
Elevator replacement
Replacement of finishes – flooring, ceiling, carpet
Renovations to Softball field to meet Title IX
Installation of Walk In Floral Cooler
Relocate Lights above Pool
Reconstruct access road around Mayde Creek complex
2017 BOND
Every school bond generally has normal upgrades and maintenance for all school campuses Additional items were approved for Mayde Creek High School on the 2017 bond.
Athletic Turf Replacement
Scoreboard Replacement in Gyms
Technology Retrofit and Tablets
Document Cameras
Printer Replacements
Upgrade Electrical System (1999)
Renovations & Additions: Library, Athletics, Administration & Music (1999)
9th Grade Center & Performing Arts Center (PAC) (2002)
Exterior Door Replacement (2007)
Natatorium (2008)
Central Plant (2012)
Security Vestibule (2012)

(New flexible seating upstairs)
August 1, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
As Katy ISD continues to grow, more staff is needed each year to fill open and newly created positions. For the 2018/19 school year 27 administration staff were hired.

High School employees
Kerri Finnesand, Principal, Seven Lakes High
Amy Frey, AP, Mayde Creek High
Karlyn Fuquay, AP, Taylor High
Michael Gilchrist, AP, Paetow High
Diego Linares, Principal, Raines High
Rebecca Marron, Student Support Administrator, Paetow High
Jerimain Matthew, AP, Tompkins High
Kendra Okeefe, AP, Seven Lakes High
Junior High employees
Todd Abbott, AP, Memorial Parkway Junior High
Rafael Brazo, AP, Katy Junior High*
Michelene Etzel, Student Support Administrator, Morton Ranch Junior High
Steve Guzzetta, Principal, McMeans Junior High
Kristin Harper, Principal, Seven Lakes Junior High
*Rafael Brazo was named one of Katy ISD’s campus teacher of the year for 2017/18school year as well as one of Katy Magazine’s Top 100 men of 2018.
Elementary employees
Ridget Aleem, AP, Campbell Elementary
Jennifer Cruz, AP, Franz Elementary
Michelle Gaskamp, Principal, Randolph Elementary
Cheryl Glasser, Principal, Rylander Elementary
Kristin Graves, AP, Nottingham Country Elementary
Anna Hinojosa, Principal, Wolfe Elementary
Candace Hopkins, AP, Cimarron Elementary
Elizabeth Hull, AP, Memorial Parkway Elementary
Marc Kampwerth, AP, Morton Ranch Elementary
Elizabeth Paz, AP, Sundown Elementary
Erika Rodriguez, AP, Campbell Elementary
Richard Turner, AP, McRoberts Elementary
Jillian Wilke, AP, Rhoads Elementary
Latwanda Wilson, AP, Bear Creek Elementary
The staff is a combination of new hires as well as internal transfers and promotions.
July 30, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark
Here’s a check-list to ensure that you’re ready for that first day of school.

Katy ISD schools start August 15 and with less than a month it’s time to enjoy these last summer days and prepare for a successful academic year. Here’s a check-list to ensure that you’re ready for that first day of school.
This year KISD will welcome around 80,000 students. A fast growing district means evolving to better organize and meet student needs. This year ALL KISD students must register in the new Power Up computer system. New students registration is still going on. Parents of new students will still need to visit their child’s campus to present certain documents like proof or residency and vaccination records. Click here for a schedule of when you can go visit your child’s campus.
On August 1 current students will get an email sent to their parent’s current email on file. This will give parents instruction on how to register and complete annual updates.
And don’t forget to check your school’s website and/or PTA social media to see when your meet the teacher night is scheduled.
Meal Plans
Families who qualify can apply year-round for free and/or reduced meals for their Katy ISD students. Click here to view the FAQ page and fill out an application.
Parents can also open a MyPaymentsPlus Meal account to pre-pay for their students’ lunches.
Immunization Requirements
KISD follows the Texas Department of State Health Services recommendation for immunizations. See which vaccinations are required for your child’s grade level.Students can get vaccinated at their regular pediatricians office or attend one of several vaccination clinics being held around the city.
Safety and Security
You can view Katy ISD’s safety and security resources here, as well as view a list of anti-bullying programs and initiatives at each campus. As an added safety measure, all Katy ISD students in all grade levels will be required to carry and wear a Student ID badge. Call your campus to find out more.
School Supplies
Some schools make it available to pre-purchase school supplies but that time has passed. Here is a list for all Elementary schools and their supplies requirements for each grade level. For a list of required supplies for secondary schools, Junior High and High School’s, visit their individual websites.
Tax Free Weekend starts Friday August 10 and ends Sunday August 12, This is a great way to save on supplies and get excited about the new school year.
Kickoff the Fall Sports Season
The start of the school year also marks the start of fall sports. Don’t forget to see the Varsity Football Schedule and mark your calendar to go support your favorite high school.
This year both Rhodes Stadium and Legacy Stadium will only be allowing clear bags into the stadium. Make sure you are in compliance as to prevent any delays in cheering for your team.
Celebrate at Back to School Events
With all the preparation for back to school don’t forget to celebrate the new year with fun and local back to school events. Cane Island is hosting a Back to School event on August 4 12pm-2pm at Cane Island. There will be a book fair, crafts, live music, snow cones and more.
Join the fun at Katy Summer Nights: Back to School Bash hosted by the Mark A. Chapman YMCA and held at No Label Brewery on August 10 6pm-10pm.
Camp West is also hosting a Back to School Bash on August 25 at Lake West at 6pm.
Did we miss a local Back to School event? Include it in the comments below.
July 26, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
Here is a breakdown of elementary campuses in Katy ISD by their modified start time, to help you make plans for drop-off/ pick up this year.

In order to address rapid growth in the area, increased enrollment, and challenges with bus driver recruitment, Katy ISD released a modified bell schedule for students for the 2018-2019 school year in April. As you prepare to send your kiddos back to school, make sure you know your campus bell schedule.
Start time: 8 a.m.
5002 Addicks-Howell Rd., Houston
5726 George Bush Ave.
Memorial Parkway
21603 Park Tree Ln.
Bear Creek
4815 Hickory Downs Dr.
1100 South Peek Rd.
22555 Prince George Ln.
20500 Kingsland Blvd.
20100 Saums Rd.
21203 Park Timbers Ln.
3535 North Fry Rd.
6161 South Fry Rd.
3900 South Peek Rd.
24831 Westheimer Pkwy.
21800 Westheimer Pkwy.
19711 Clay Rd.
2751 Westgreen Blvd.
7800 South Fry Rd.
1155 Wood Creek Bend Ln.
26633 Cinco Terrace Dr.
5150 Ranch Point Dr.
5303 Flewellen Oaks Ln.
3701 Cross Creek Bend Ln.
Start time: 8:20 a.m.
West Memorial
22605 Provincial Blvd.
5360 Franz Rd.
Mayde Creek
2698 Greenhouse Rd., Houston
19910 Stonelodge Dr.
3535 Lakes of Bridgewater Dr.
2100 Greenway Village Dr.
5905 South Mason Rd.
1901 Charlton House Ln.
18605 Green Land Way
26100 Cinco Ranch Blvd.
2715 Fry Rd.
Morton Ranch
2502 Mason Rd.
23720 Seven Meadows Pkwy.
5200 Falcon Landing
28727 North Firethorne Rd.
26906 Pine Mill Ranch Dr.
27602 Westridge Creek Ln.
4535 E. Ventana Pkwy.
29801 Kingsland Blvd.
For the district FAQ and list of all grade level start times, click here.
July 22, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
The Seven Lakes Spartans received international recognition and won Overall Outstanding program for their participation in the Best Buddies program.

Best Buddies is the world’s largest organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They establish global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development.
In July participants from Seven Lakes High School including President Reagan Kallina and Co-Vice President Tania Swain and their buddies flew to Indiana for the 2018 International Best Buddies Conference, where they received international recognition and won Overall Outstanding Program for their school.
This is not the first year that Seven Lakes has taken home awards for their work in the Best Buddies program. In 2016 and 2017, they were awarded Outstanding High School Chapter in Texas. In 2017, the chapter was also awarded the National Pacesetter Award and was ranked in the top 15 chapters in the nation for fundraising.
All Katy ISD high school’s have Best Buddies programs. Both participants and volunteers benefit from the program, with the participants often choosing college and career paths that specialize in Special Education or a related field.
In order for a student to volunteer with the program, they must meet certain criteria along with go through an interview process. If chosen, the commitment is for one school year.
“Receiving these awards is such a testament to the truly life changing impacts of Best Buddies! It is so humbling to be recognized on such a large scale but more than anything, empowering to be able to see how big of a difference our organization can make in the lives of our peers and our community,” states Anna Celeste Fedewa, former President.
You can request information about Best Buddies at your campus by phone.
July 16, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
Cinco Ranch defensive star, inside linebacker David Gbenda, heads into his senior year with over 20 college offers on the table.

Elite college football programs are all clamoring to sign Cinco Ranch High School’s dynamic defensive star, and 4-star Texas recruit, David Gbenda (#33).
Gbenda, who will graduate in 2019, has received offers from no less than 24 national football powerhouses like Notre Dame, Nebraska, Michigan, and Ole Miss.
The 6’0, 212-pound inside linebacker earned his keep among the top college prospects in Texas last year, with 40 independent tackles, 16 assists, 2 sacks, and a total of 8 tackles for loss throughout the season. In their match up against Seven Lakes, Gbenda stymied the Spartan offense with an incredible 10-yard sack. Even Katy’s elite running game had more trouble than usual moving the ball against #33 and the rest of the strong side defense.
Recently, Gbenda narrowed down his myriad of college offers to a Top 10. On the list are University of Texas, Notre Dame, University of Houston, Michigan, Nebraska, Texas A&M, Washington, Ole Miss, Texas Christian University, and Missouri. He is expected to make his final decision in December 2018.
As anyone knows, talent can only get you so far – you have to have the work ethic and heart to make plays happen in a district as competitive as Katy. According to Cinco’s head coach Don Clayton, Gbenda has all of that and more in spades.
“His energy, leadership of the team, and his constant commitment to improve are a throwback to the good old days of football, when people played as hard as they could, for as long as they could. He is always striving to perform at his absolute best,” says Clayton.
Gbenda himself is taking all of the attention in his stride. “It’s kind of crazy to be honest. As a freshman and sophomore, I saw others in my grade being heavily recruited and I just thought, ‘I want that and to be heavily recruited by big name programs.’ It’s so unreal, and a blessing to me,” he says. David says that the coaches at Cinco have been crucial in his success. “With the competition we face, the coaching staff (at Cinco) has helped me learn the game,” he says.
Fans can get their first glimpse of Gbenda’s skill at the scrimmage against Stratford on August 24 at Cinco Ranch High School. See the full Katy ISD Varsity Football Schedule here.
July 2, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark & Ashley Lancaster
Minnesota Vikings defensive end Danielle Hunter was named the 2018 Breakout Star, and signed an extension with the team for $72 million last Wednesday.

Katy, Texas’ Danielle Hunter proudly represents his hometown by shining in the big leagues with a new $72 million contract extension from the Minnesota Vikings.
Hunter signed with the Vikings in 2015, and his electrifying performance resulted in a 5-year contract extension for $72 million, with a $15 million signing bonus. These contract terms place him in the Top 10 highest paid defensive players in the NFL – impressive, considering that the DE is only 23 years old. On paper, his 2017 season may not look like much, with 25.5 sacks under his belt in his three seasons – but he hasn’t been a starter. The Vikings began to set him loose on the opposing offense and saw his incredible potential.

From Maverick to Tiger and now Viking
Hunter was a football and track and field star graduate from Katy ISD’s Morton Ranch High School. After he graduated from Morton Ranch he attended LSU from 2012-2014 where he was a two-year starter and defensive end. According to the NFL Network’s Peter Schrager Hunter is pegged as a “breakout star” for 2018 because of the talent that the Vikings have along their defensive front Hunter is rarely going to see double teams. He should have the ability to terrorize opposing offenses while only having to beat one guy. The other team can’t double team everyone, so the Vikings’ defensive line should have the ability to make a play on almost every snap. In football terms this is huge.
“I was shaking with excitement,” Hunter told the Vikings’ official website. “I was like, is this real.”
Hunter is an American born in Jamaica but spent his formative years in Katy, Texas where he grew to love football. Many can’t wait to see what the season has in store for this 23 year old.
The Vikings have been praised and noted for being strategic in their deals to open a window into the championship season. Could we see a Katy native in a Super Bowl game this year? From the sounds of the stats it could come to be.
The NFL season opener is September 7. The Vikings have their first preseason game on Saturday August 11 vs. the Denver Broncos. Their first regular season game is slated for Sunday September 9 vs. the San Francisco 49ers.
With the NFL Football season quickly approaching it’s time to prep your Fantasy Football roster. Are you including Katy’s Danielle Hunter in your roster? What do you think of the Vikings’ strategy to go for a championship? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.
June 26, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark
Friends and family of Stephen Papp, 33, are mourning after the history teacher and Morton Ranch football coach was tragically killed in a car accident.

News and sorrow is quickly spreading this week of the loss of Morton Ranch’s assistant football coach, Stephen Papp. He passed away Saturday night in a car accident. Details have yet to be released. Even though he was currently on staff at Morton Ranch, Papp influenced many young Katy athletes having spent time at Katy ISD’s Mayde Creek and Cinco Ranch High Schools prior to moving to Morton Ranch.
A cancer survivor, Papp was known for being quiet about his battle and giving his all to his students. Papp was also a World History teacher and enjoyed sharing the love of both athletics and history with his students.
“I enjoyed getting to know and work with Stephen over the past 2 years,” said Wendell Ishee, social studies teacher/Morton Ranch football coach and one of Papp’s coworkers. “He was always a willing worker and loved working with our kids and athletes. He had a brilliant football mind and was always willing to talk about schematics and situations. He worked to get the most out of his football players. He taught them toughness and accountability. I also watched him transform many athletes in pole vault during track season. I am very saddened by his death and my prayers go out to his family and friends,” he says.
Current Paetow junior and former Morton Ranch freshman football player Alex Elko tweeted Monday night: “Rest Easy Coach Papp … He was always a constant believer in everyone’s ability to obtain success through hard work and dedication … The world definitely lost a great one . I truly believe he is in a much better place. I pray that his family may find peace and understanding. Again , Rest In Peace Coach Papp.”
Stephen Papp’s funeral is scheduled for this Friday, June 29 3 pm at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in his hometown, Kingwood.
Do you have a fond memory of Coach Papp? Share it with us below in the comments.
June 26, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
Katy families and businesses affected by Hurricane Harvey will have an opportunity to recover with the approval of the State Action Plan, totaling just over $5 billion dollars.

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush announced on Monday that the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has approved the State Action Plan for a ttotal of $5.024 billions dollars as part of the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery.
Affected areas in Harris County and the City of Houston will receive $2.7 billion in recovery funds, while areas outside Harris County and Houston city limits will get the remainder of $2.3 to rebuild and restore homes and businesses, and infrastructure. Here is a breakdown in fund distribution and approved programs:
1. Single Family Homeowner Assistance ($1.048 billion)
Provides funding for rehabilitation and reconstruction of owner-occupied single-family homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey.
2. Buyouts and Acquisitions ($275 million)
Eligible homeowners may sell their home to a local government at a pre-storm or post-storm fair market value and move out of harm’s way by relocating outside of a floodplain to a lower-risk area
3. Homeowner Reimbursement ($100 million)
Allows homeowners to be reimbursed for certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred for repairs to their home including reconstruction, rehabilitation or mitigation up to $50,000.
4. Affordable Rental ($250 million)
Provides funding for rehabilitation, reconstruction and new construction of affordable multi-family housing projects in areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey.
5. Local Infrastructure ($413 million)
Repairs, enhances and restores infrastructure for local communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey as part of a comprehensive long-term recovery program.
6. Economic Revitalization ($100 million)
Offers interim assistance to small businesses impacted by Hurricane Harvey through deferred forgivable loans and loans in exchange for job creation or retention. Small business within Harris County and the city of Houston will be eligible to apply for this program.
7. Local, Regional and State Planning ($137 million)
The GLO will conduct planning studies focused on disaster mitigation in the impacted areas with the purpose of promoting sound long-term recovery.
Information on Homeowner Recovery Assistance
June 20, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
With the opening of two new Katy ISD schools in the 2019/20 school year, a modification of attendance boundaries will be necessary. Three options for elementary and junior high were presented to the board at Monday’s board meeting.

Katy ISD Elementary campus #42 located in the northwest quadrant of Katy ISD and Junior High #16 in the southwest quadrant located in the Cross Creek neighborhood will both open in the fall of 2019. Both will relieve overcrowding for many schools in the district.
At last Monday’s school board meeting, three attendance boundary modifications were presented for elementary and junior high.
In the northwest quadrant, the elementary schools with the largest chance of being impacted are Bethke, Hutsell, King and Winborn Elementary schools. In the southwest quadrant, the addition of Junior High #16 will possibly impact Beck, Cinco Ranch, Seven Lakes, Tays and Woodcreek Junior High. While not all of these schools are currently overcrowded, the modification will re-align many schools to prevent future overcrowding.
Families that could be potentially impacted by proposed attendance boundary modifications will be informed of opportunities to provide input, which will include an electronic survey, email, written correspondence, and by telephone. These communications will begin June 20 and be available until November 20, 2018.
At the September school board meeting, trustees will be given the preliminary results of the survey. In December, the board will receive the final recommendations. Notification to those impacted will begin January 2019.
Katy ISD has created a page to answer questions and provide the community with the possible modifications. Click here for more information. The board was presented aPowerPoint presentation with details.
June 18, 2018
Natalie Cook Clark & Ashley Lancaster
Katy ISD’s Seven Lakes high school ranked at number 15 in the Greater Houston Area. Keep reading to see where the rest of Katy ISD’s high schools, junior highs, and elementaries ranked.

See the Katy ISD schools that made the top 100 in elementary, junior high, and high school in the Greater Houston Area for 2018.
Top 100 (Out of 191)
Seven Lakes – #15
Cinco Ranch – #25
Taylor – #37
Katy – #51
Mayde Creek – #65
Morton Ranch – #90
Top 100 (Out of 335)
Beckendorff – #12
Tays – #18
Seven Lakes – #19
Beck – #29
McMeans – #35
Woodcreek – #37
Cinco Ranch – #58
Memorial Parkway – #61
Mayde Creek – # 89
Top 100 (Out of 902)
Pattison – #29
Stanley – #31
Wilson – #37
Griffin – #48
Kilpatrick – #51
Davidson – #56
Woodcreek – #63
Jenks – #68
Holland – #72
Wolman – #73
Exley – #83
McRoberts – #90
Katy – #93
Rylander – #98
Williams Elementary came close at #101
Katy ISD has a total of 8 high schools and many often find themselves on prestigious ranking lists such as this one.
This list evaluates student performance on STAAR Reading and Math tests and campus overall performance as compared to other campuses with similar levels of poverty. It also considers performance through growth, graduation rates, and other college readiness factors.
For 13 years Children at Risk has ranked Texas area schools in hope of promoting dialogue amongst educators, communities and parents. Learn more about how they rank and see how other area schools faired in the 2018 Texas School Guide.
June 17, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
Susie Garza, Assistant Principal at West Memorial Junior High in Katy ISD, passed away on Thursday, June 14, 2018 in New Mexico during her return from a family vacation.

(Photo from West Memorial Junior High in November 2017)
On Thursday morning, June 14, while on the way back to Houston, the family’s car was rear-ended at a high rate of speed in New Mexico. Ms. Garza did not survive the accident. Her daughter, Andrea, who was with her at the time, was air-lifted to the hospital and is expected to survive. Garza’s other daughter, Analicia “Ana”, is by her sister’s side as she recovers.
The family had been on a road trip vacation that began June 2, 2018. Garza and her family visited national parks and other landmarks in Colorado, Idaho, Washington, Canada and California.
Words From The Family
Part of the official statement from her daughters, Ana and Andrea reads:
“Susie had such a passion for people. She loved her work in education, which she began at the age of 21. She would often tell her family that she would do whatever it took to help her students succeed. It was that kind of determination and dedication that she carried with her throughout her entire career.
She had an infectious sense of humor and positivity. Her desire to help others was the guiding force in her life. Her dedication to her students allowed her to change and impact so many lives.
She was such a loving and generous person, a trait she instilled in her children. Susie also instilled in them the desire to serve their community. She always pushed us to achieve our highest potential and encouraged us at every turn.
She was the very best mother and she is and will be remembered for her unwavering love. She loved each of her friends and family fiercely. She always saw the best in people.
It is our hope, as her children, that each of us remember her for her love and try to see the best in others, as she did.”

(Photo from the Garza vacation in Seven Falls, Colorado)
A Longtime Katy Educator
Garza began her career in Katy ISD in 1996 as an ESL teacher at Mayde Creek High School. In 1997, she was promoted to Assistant Principal and has worked at Katy High, Cardiff Junior High and West Memorial Junior High, where she currently worked at the time of her passing.
A Heartbroken Community
As word broke of her passing, tributes began pouring in on social media.
Sharice Wasson-Irons wrote, “My heart is completely broken! What a huge huge loss. Our WMJH family will miss her dearly!!!”
Samantha Decker Ridenhour wrote, “Susie was an amazing AP and an even better person. Praying for comfort for the family.”
Heather Jones wrote, “Mrs. Garza was an amazing AP, she helped my son navigate Jr. High. She genuinely cared about her students. She was an asset to Katy, and West Memorial. She will be deeply missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family.”
Katy ISD and West Memorial Junior High have truly lost a loving educator and leader.
Service information will be updated here at a later date.
June 15, 2018
By Katrina Katsarelis

Katy Independent School District Superintendent Lance Hindt appointed Steve Guzzetta as the new principal of McMeans Junior High (MMJH).
“I am very excited to continue the success and traditions that have been established at McMeans Junior High,” said Guzzetta. “I opened the school as a teacher and coach before becoming an administrator there so I already have a deep connection with the community and a passion for the success of the students,” added Guzzetta.
Longtime Katy Educator
Mr. Guzzetta has an extensive level of experience that includes 24 years with Katy ISD. He began his career in 1994 as a history teacher and a coach at Katy Junior High (KJH). In 1995, he moved to Katy High School (KHS) and taught geography and coached for five years. In 2000, he transferred to MMJH where he taught for two years prior to be promoted to assistant principal. Four years later he was named the curriculum principal at MMJH and he served in that capacity until 2007. At this time, he was named assistant principal at Taylor High School (THS). In 2015, he was promoted to associate principal and has remained in that position for the past three years. Mr. Guzzetta holds a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M University and a Masters of Education in Educational Administration from Prairie View A&M.
Mr. Guzzetta joins MMJH on June 18. He will be replacing Dr. Susan Rice who will be retiring.
June 14, 2018
Congratulations are in order for nineteen local Chick-fil-A Team Members selected to receive a $2,500 Chick-fil-A Leadership Scholarship this fall.

Each recipient not only demonstrated professional leadership, teamwork, and positive influence on the job, but also a commitment to volunteer work in our local community for the past twelve months. In addition, a personal letter of recommendation from the Owner/Operator, Rusty Wylie, was submitted for each of the outstanding award winners.
Mr. Wylie commented, “It’s a tremendous blessing to be able to recruit so many of our communities best and brightest young people. One of the most fulfilling aspects of owning three locations is the opportunity to provide leadership training at an early age, giving our young people an edge on success that translates to any future career. I’m so proud of each and every one of them.” The award winners from Chick-fil-A Mason Road, Chick-fil-A Cinco Ranch and Chick-fil-A Katy Green are:
Alexis (Lexie) Borowski, Lone Star, Undecided
Sophia Bui, University of Houston, Business/Finance
Nicholas Burnside, University of Houston, Restaurant and Hotel Management
Kandace Dobbs, University of Houston, Communications
Avery Fontenot, University of Arkansas, Business
Brooke Richardson, University of Houston, Communications
Jane Akwitti, University of Texas- Austin, Pre Med Track
Savannah Alphin-McPhink, Ashford University, Applied Behavioral Sciences
Avery Connor, Steven F. Austin University, Music Ed
Ellie Farlow, Samford University, Nursing
Aylin (Selena) Morales, Lone Star, History
Fay Walkabout, University of Texas-Dallas, Neuro-Science
Fazeeah Agoro, Texas Tech, Kinesiology /Physical Therapy
David Balderas, Lone Star, Bachelor in Science
Sonya Cadena, Texas State, Physicians Assistant
Destiny Logan, Lone Star, Nursing
Madison Morel, Abilene Christian University, Nursing
Daniel Veillon, Houston Community College & Sam Houston, Criminal Justice
Jake Winegar, Houston Baptist University, Liberal Arts- Political Science
June 13, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
Amy Aguilar, Stephens Elementary 5th grader, passed away suddenly on Friday, June 8, 2018 from an asthma attack.

(Amy and her parents celebrating her last day of 4th grade on May 25, 2018)
Amy was known as a happy, loving child who would have been 10 years old on June 23. She was enjoying the summer before her final year at Stephens Elementary. On Friday, June 8, Amy passed away suddenly from a severe asthma attack.
A Loving Daughter and Sister
Amy’s parents Ivan and Yatchzel Aguilar are devastated by the loss and say Amy was a wonderful sister to her brother Ivan and sister Mia. Amy enjoyed a close bond with her entire family and enjoyed doing “girly” things were Mia and teaching her brother how to read. Amy also loved playing with her dog Luna and her favorite color was purple.
Stephens Elementary Support
Amy enjoyed going to school at Stephens Elementary so much that she wanted to go even when she was sick, according to her parents. One of her favorite teachers was Ms. Monica Melchiorre, who has been visiting with the family daily since Amy passed away. The parents say they are very grateful for her love and care of their daughter and their family. Family, friends and faith are helping the family during this very difficult time.
Children with Asthma
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 13 people have asthma, or 25 million Americans, and it is more common in children than adults. Each day 10 Americans die from asthma with adults being more likely to die from the disease than children. It is said to be the number one reason children miss school.
Services on Wednesday
Amy will be laid to rest today, Wednesday, June 13, at 3 p.m. at Klein Memorial Parklocated at 14711 Cypress North Houston, Cypress, Texas 77429.
Please Wear Purple
The burial is open to Amy’s friends and family. The parents request that everyone wear purple in honor of Amy, as this was her favorite color. “Absolutely NO BLACK!”
How to help
A GoFundMe account was set up by a family member to help the immediate family with expenses.
June 12, 2018
Good luck to all the young men representing Katy at the Texas Boys State Convention in Austin, Texas!

Thirty-one boys from Katy-area high schools are attending the weeklong Texas Boys State 2018 convention that began June 10 in Austin.
The Katy boys are among more than 1,100 from all parts of Texas. They are learning about various forms of government and are divided into 24 cities, eight counties, and four districts. The boys are assigned to parties known as The Federalists and The Nationalists and are campaigning for various offices.
Two boys will be selected to represent Texas at The American Legion’s Boys Nation convention in July in Washington.
Members of Jonathan D. Rozier Post 164 of The American Legion in Katy selected the 31 boys after interviews that followed nominations by teachers and school counselors. The post’s Boys State committee is led by Monte Ikner, with support from Bobby Steph, Ray Downs, Fred Kana, and Henry Thomas.
The boys are seniors-to-be and are listed by high school:
Seven Lakes:
Brody Ameen, Justin Ardis, Jacob DeGeurin, Alejandro Mantilla, Robert Myers, Joshua Shimbashi
Cinco Ranch:
Luke Austria, Nicholas Betts, Joshua Jung, Nicholas Pappas, Matthew Pharis
Parker Egan, Dylan Koch, Mark Nicholson, Chandler Scott, Christopher Tucker
Faith West:
Lucas Campbell, Andrew Carrico, Joshua Romero
Mayde Creek:
Steven Garza, Joshua Brian Soriano, Alexis Zepeda
Vincent Bruce, Michael Han, Sean Koo
Morton Ranch:
Terrell Gray, Alberto Hernandez, Thomas Walters
Michael Arellano, Jared Morris
St. John XXIII:
Thomas Reboli
June 10, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
Two new Katy companies have opened recently that cater to the special needs community. Inclusive Educational Services focuses on life skills and tutoring for younger children, while Angels Life Skills works with adolescents and adults.

Iris Guzman, a long time special education teacher has opened Inclusion Educational services to help children with Austism, Aspergers, Dyslexia, or others struggling with emotional or learning disability. Catering to preschool and school age children, the company offers academic tutoring, life skills and social skills coaching, parents’ rights consultations, guidance and support for special needs families, and other services and programs for special needs families.
Prior to opening IES, Guzman worked in Katy ISD, Spring ISD, and Alief ISD as a special needs teacher. Guzman has over 15 years of experience teaching special needs children and is also the mother of a special needs child. Her 25-year old daughter, Noriann, is a graduate of Houston Community College’s V.A.S.T. program. The Inclusive Educational Services office is currently located in LaCenterra Cinco Ranch, but the company is building a classroom center at a future location in the Falcon Ranch area. IES offers a free needs assessment. Visit
Angels Life Skills Center opened in March to provide services for ages 13 to adult.
The center offers Day Habilitation, a person-centered program in which they give participants more choices over their daily activities, also, giving the opportunity to develop interpersonal and communication skills. Life skills training teaches daily activities such as how to do laundry, cooking, gardening, eating healthy, using proper hygiene, balancing finances, how to tell time, the date, and/or the seasons.
Day care, before/after school care and summer care are available Monday through Friday 6am – 6pm. Angels Life Skills is located at 20829 Kingsland Blvd Suite D. They accept volunteers from the community that want to work with special needs individuals. To find out more information, you can contact them at 281-717-4870.
These two organization join others in Katy servicing the special needs community such asWe Rock The Spectrum. Katy ISD has the highest percentage of special needs students (9.9% totaling 7,805 students in the 2017/18 year school year) in the Houston area surpassing Houston ISD, Fort Bend ISD and Cy-Fair ISD due to the exceptional education.
June 8, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
Meet the Katy family behind the heartwarming story of simple, fatherly affection that has gone viral on social media.

Jim Porterfield (left) with his children and son-in-law
“As some know my dad is mentally and physically handicapped and so especially now that he’s older he’s unable to work or earn an income but he’s been saving his pocket change for the past month for some reason and I thought nothing of it until I came home and found this today,” tweeted his daughter Morgan, a graduate of Taylor High School and former THS Expressions member.

This sweet, simple act of kindness and fatherly affection has gone viral on social media, being picked up by news outlets across the country. The tweet has gotten over 50K retweets and has been shared by People, DailyMail, and more. We got in touch with Morgan to find out more about her father and their family.
The Accident
In 1981, railroad worker and Katy father of four children, Jim Porterfield, was in a head-one collision with a drunk driver that almost killed him.
Porterfield spent 6 weeks in a coma and underwent a total of 13 surgeries to treat severe head and bodily injuries that included a subdural hematoma, multiple lacerations, and shattered bones. Skin grafts, pins, and bolts were necessary to keep him alive and repair some of the damage – but nevertheless, Jim was left with severe physical and mental disabilities.
“He is unable to brush his hair, teeth, or eat with his dominant hand,” says his daughter, Krista on the family’s GoFundMe page, which they started to raise money to help pay for medical expenses.

Defying the Odds
Doctors said that it was unlikely that Mr. Porterfield would live, let alone walk again, but he defied the odds and not only survived, but lovingly raised and cared for his four children, despite his limitations. He worked in a file room at an oil and gas company in Houston for over 30 years, paying the bills, and providing for his kids the way a good father does.
He was laid of from his job in 2017, and the medical bills have become overwhelming for the family to handle. Not yet eligible for medical care, his children are scraping by to make ends meet. It’s been tough, but even during hardship, Jim is finding little ways to show his children how much he cares.
“My dad has always told me how blessed he is, and tried to teach me to help others and do everything for the glory of God…he’s my hero and the most kindhearted and loving man you’ll ever meet,” says Morgan.

Morgan will start school at Sam Houston State University in the fall, and her younger brother, Evan attends Memorial Parkway Junior High.
June 7, 2018
Out of its 67 campuses, Katy Independent School District is proud to announce that this year, 21 were named a Texas Honor Roll School by the Educational Results Partnership (ERP) and the Institute for Productivity in Education (IPE).

“What a great way to end the school year by receiving this prestigious recognition. This distinction speaks volumes of the great things happening in our schools. It takes a village to educate a child and our superstar staff and students should be proud of the work they have accomplished,” said Christine Caskey, Ed.D., Chief Academic Officer.
The 2017-18 Texas Honor Roll includes…
Alexander Elementary, Davidson Elementary, Griffin Elementary, Holland Elementary, Jenks Elementary, Kilpatrick Elementary, McRoberts Elementary, Pattison Elementary, Shafer Elementary, Williams Elementary, Wilson Elementary, WoodCreek Elementary
Beck Junior High, Beckendorff Junior High, Cinco Ranch Junior High, McMeans Junior High, Seven Lakes Junior High, Tays Junior High, WoodCreek Junior High
Cinco Ranch High School, Seven Lakes High School
After an extensive analysis of student data, these Katy ISD schools were clear leaders in getting students to grade level and beyond.
The 2017-18 Texas Honor Roll recognizes public elementary, middle and high schools that consistently demonstrate high levels of student academic achievement, improvement in student outcomes over time and a closing of the achievement gaps. For high schools, Texas Honor Roll recognition includes college readiness.
This year, the program recognized 729 higher performing schools across the state. These schools become an accepted example to other school districts seeking to learn and replicate the best practices employed at these campuses. The Katy ISD schools will be provided with a banner to display at their campus.
June 2018
After taking hundreds of nominations over the past several weeks, we are excited to present the 2018 list of Katy’s most prominent, influential, inspirational, successful, and charitable men who are leading the way in Katy. (Consider yourselves all #1 because these are in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.)
Top 100 men and their guests are invited to attend a fun, casual mixer event held at NO LABEL BREWERY. Free entrance and beer for Top 100 Men. Their invited guests are also welcome but will be charged $10 for entrance (covers up to 3 beers). This is an exclusive event for Top 100 Men and their invited friends/guests. Visit KATY MAGAZINE’S Facebook page event to RSVP or email for questions or additional details.
1. Monty Ballard, philanthropist and YMCA namesake
2. Tim Barker, pastor of Katy Community Fellowship
3. Justin Beckendorff, Waller County Commissioner
4. Frank Bielec, cast member on TLC’s Trading Spaces
5. Nic Black, good samaritan and Harvey hero
6. Jay Bobo, teacher of the year, Miller Career and Technology Center
7. Tom Bolin, First Baptist Church former pastor and longtime Katy icon
8. Jeffrey Brashear, Municipal court judge, US Naval veteran, Katy native
9. Sgt. Brian Brawner, Harvey hero, Harris County District 4, Blue Light Letters
10. Chuck Brawner, City of Katy Mayor
11. Rafael Brazo, teacher of the year, Seven Lakes High School
12. Bob Bryant, former fine arts director of Katy ISD and school namesake
13. Doyle Callender, former City of Katy Mayor
14. Bill Callegari, former State Representative
15. Don Clayton, head athletic director, football coach at Cinco Ranch High School
16. Lee Crews, Katy ISD chief operations officer
17. James Cross, principal of Cinco Ranch High School
18. John Curley, teacher of the year, Seven Lakes High School, father of cancer survivor
19. Andrew Derry, principal of British International School of Houston
20. Brett Donaldson, owner of Grand Vision and philanthropist
21. Ryann Donaldson, owner of Grand Vision and philanthropist
22. Duran Dowdle, Mayor pro tem, City of Katy
23. Jerry Edmonson, senior pastor of The Fellowship
24. Don Elder, former City of Katy Mayor, Board of Directors for Metro
25. Keith Garvin, KPRC reporter
26. Andrew Gaston, teacher, LaCrosse coach at Taylor High School
27. Glen Ginter, longtime Katy dentist and community volunteer
28. Stan Goss, executive coach, Visions events leader, and community volunteer
29. Austin Hansen, author, philanthropist, and volunteer
30. Chris Harris, City of Katy council member
31. Bill Hastings, City of Katy police chief
32. John “Hawk” Hawkins, 268th District County Associate Judge and former Asst. DA Fort Bend County.
33. Constable Ted Heap, Harris County Precinct 5
34. Lance Hindt, Katy ISD superintendent
35. Dr. Zachary Hodges, President Northwest College, HCC
36. Fabol Hughes, former City of Katy Mayor
37. Ken Janda, founding member and volunteer, Katy ISD Education Foundation
38. Mo Jeloudarzedeh, charitable giver, owner of Mo’s Place
39. Gary Joseph, head athletic coordinator, football coach at Katy High School
40. Sam Jow, teacher of the year, McMeans Junior High
41. Andy Kahan, victims’ rights advocate
42. Bobby Katsabas, owner of Snappy’s and community icon
43. John Micah Kerber, teacher of the year McDonald Junior High
44. Lance LaCour, Katy Area EDC president and CEO
45. Bill Lacy, Katy ISD board of Trustees
46. Jim Leggett, senior pastor of Grace Fellowship UMC
47. David Loesch, Katy Rotary and president of WWBF
48. Kevin Luce, Harvey hero and charitable giver
49. Don Massey, Community volunteer and Harvey hero
50. Don McCoy, Fulshear Chamber of Commerce President
51. Mike McGown, pastor of Parkway Fellowship
52. Andy Meyers, Fort Bend County Commissioner
53. Jose Morrillo, business owner and philanthropist
54. Dan Naef, president of Cane Island
55. Johnny Nelson (posthumously), longtime Katy Icon and namesake of Katy Heritage Museum
56. Sage Northcutt, famous UFC Fighter, outspoken Christian, Katy native
57. Ralph Oliver, Harvey hero, founder of Texans Embracing America’s Military
58. Twaski Parker, teacher of the year, Mayde Creek Junior High
59. Richard (Dick) Phillips, University of Houston
60. Steve Pierson, former City of Katy council member and avid volunteer
61. Richard Piwonka, Teacher of the year, Morton Ranch High School
62. Robert Powell, Harvey hero, Grand Lakes rescue and rebuilder
63. Zachary Randolph, Katy teen fired for paying for police officer’s dessert
64. Rory Robertson, passionate school, sports, and community volunteer
65. Jay Rodriguez, Morning Show Co-Host, SUNNY 99.1
66. Brian Royo, owner of No Label Brewery
67. James Ross, GM of Katy Mills
68. Ryan Rush, Senior Pastor Kingsland Baptist Church
69. Heath Rushing, Memorial Hermann Hospital CEO
70. Bobby Sanders, OTHS teen leadership teacher and head basketball coach
71. Luis Santiago, Katy ISD police officer and Teddy Cops program coordinator
72. Hank Schmidt, former City of Katy mayor and community icon
73. Mike Schofield, State Representative
74. George Scott, Katy ISD Board of Trustees
75. Matt Schomburg, avid community volunteer and business owner
76. Fred Shafer, lifelong educator and Katy ISD school namesake
77. Dr. Jim Siebert, Chief Meteorologist for Fox 26 News
78. Roman Soto, MCHS grad, professional concert cellist
79. Ernest Stevenson, Teacher of the year, Opportunity Awareness Center
80. Nolan Stillwell, Culinary artist, Owner of Sweet Heat Jam Co.
81. James McCoy Taylor, Katy native, musician, contestant on The Bachelorette
82. Cyril Thomas, Entrepreneur and philanthropist
83. Jeff Thompson, Katy rotary
84. Constable Wayne Thompson, Fort Bend County Constable
85. Obra Tompkins, career educator and Katy ISD school namesake
86. Alex Tsounakas , Owner Snappy’s and community icon
87. Lt. Simon VanDyk, PIO, Harris County Emergency Services District #48 Fire Department
88. Downy Vickery, Prosperity Bank and community philanthropist
89. Ted Vierling, assistant superintendent of operations, Katy ISD
90. Hendrik Volschenk, Harvey hero, Texas Game Warden
91. Evan Vourazeris, Katy actor on Netflix’s hit series, Ozark
92. Russell Wilson, Katy Fire Chief and named Texas Fire Chief of the Year
93. Lewis White, Attorney and community philanthropist
94. Robert Willeby, Community advocate and volunteer
95. Tom Wilson, career educator and Katy ISD school namesake
96. Ray Wolman, career educator and Katy ISD school namesake
97. Mark Wiley, President of Hope Impacts
98. Rusty Wylie, CFA franchisee and philanthropist
99. Dr. Ed Young, Second Baptist Church senior pastor
100. Dr. John Zerwas, State Representative and MD
Top 100 men and their guests are invited to attend a fun, casual mixer event held at NO LABEL BREWERY. Free entrance and beer for Top 100 Men. Their invited guests are also welcome but will be charged $10 for entrance (covers up to 3 beers). This is an exclusive event for Top 100 Men and their invited friends/guests. Visit KATY MAGAZINE’S Facebook page event to RSVP or email for questions or additional details.
June 5, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
Katy families who are struggling financially and have children in the district ages Pre-K through 12th can register to receive free school supplies for the 2018 – 2019 school year.

The first day is school is stressful for all children. For disadvantaged children and families, that stress is magnified when they have to go without essential items like binders, pencils, and backpacks.
Katy Christian Ministries is now taking registration information for Katy ISD students ages Pre-K through 12th grade to receive school supplies for the upcoming school year.
– Be active clientele of Katy Christian Ministries
– Live within Katy ISD limits
– Students must be actively enrolled in a Katy ISD school
Call 281-391-9623, Monday – Thursday from 1 to 5 p.m. to register and get more information.
In addition to the Red Apple donation drive, students at Bear Creek, Sundown, Stephens, Mayde Creek, Hutsell, Rhodes, Franz, and Schmalz elementary will receive an invitation to the “Operation Backpack” event at the end of the summer.
For those who wish to donate to Katy families in need, CLICK HERE.
Katy ISD Votes on Anti-Bullying Job Position, Teacher Salary Increases, Administrative Staff Changes
May 30, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
On Tuesday, May 29 the Katy ISD Board of Trustees held their monthly regular board meeting. Many changes and additions were approved. All agenda items below were approved 6-0, as George Scott was not in attendance.

2018-19 Teacher Salary Increase
School Board Trustees approved a $1,230 pay increase for all teachers, which is an average of 2%.
Non-teacher personnel will receive a 2% increase of the midpoint of the 2017-18 non-teacher pay ranges.
New Assistant Superintendent of Operations & SLHS Principal
Ted Vierling was announced as the new Assistant Superintendent of Operations. Mr. Vierling has 20 years of experience in Katy ISD. His service includes four years of teaching and two years serving as an assistant principal at Mayde Creek High School and two years as an assistant principal followed by five years as the principal at Beckendorff Junior High. For the past seven years, he has served as the principal at Seven Lakes High School.
Mr. Vierling is a graduate of Katy High School. He holds a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M University and a Master of Education Leadership from the University of Houston. Mr. Vierling’s will begin his new position on July 1, 2018.
For those who have not had the pleasure of working with Mr. Vierling, his name might sound familiar as his speech entitled, “Why not? ” , at this year’s Seven Lakes High school graduation ceremony was highly praised across social media.
On Wednesday, Superintendent Lance Hindt appointed Kerri Finnesand as the new principal of Seven Lakes High School (SLHS). Ms. Finnesand has 22 years of experience in education. Her service includes five years of teaching, three years as an assistant principal, two years as an intermediate principal and 13 years as a principal at all three levels. Ms. Finnesand holds a Bachelor of Science from Penn State University and a Master of Education from the University of Houston.
Finnesand will join the Spartan family on May 31.
New Position – Coordinator for Bullying Prevention & Student Support
The Board of Trustees approved a request to create 35 new positions for the 2018-19 school year including a Coordinator for Bullying Prevention & Student Support. This position will be under Ken Gregorski, Deputy Superintendent.
The district has been researching to create this position for the past few months. In looking at Katy ISD needs, HR looked at the entire nation in creating the duties and requirements. Once again, Katy ISD is innovative in this area as not many districts in the United States have this -type of person on-staff. The position open now for applications. Gregorski stated that they are casting a wide-net in order to get the best fit, including but not limited to educators, counselors, and law enforcement.
New Position – Staff Attorney
A staff attorney position was added to work under general counsel. The position will help provide better access to counsel from the campuses, especially for KISD’s special education population.
Families move to Katy ISD for their special education program. Over other area top school districts (Houston ISD, Fort Bend ISD and Cypress Fairbanks ISD), Katy has a higher percentage of special education students, 9.9% that totals 7,805 students in the 2017/18 year school year.
The entire meeting agenda, minutes and video can be found here. The next work study meeting will be on Monday, June 18, 2018 and regular school board meeting will be Monday, June 25, 2018.
May 30, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
Katy Unites celebrates Katy ISD by using social media avenues to tell positive, encouraging stories.

(Teachers at Kilpatrick show support for Katy Unites)
Katy Unites began as a conversation between community members in mid-May, when people felt that an anti-Katy ISD movement created controversy and attracted negative, national media attention.” People felt it was time stop the cycle of untenable, counter-productive, and aggressive conversations. The group felt that, the use of anger and personal attacks to address bullying only increased the bullying exponentially .
“The cycle just had to stop, so we decided to try something different”, says community member and group co-organizer, Melissa Nixon.
In order to be successful, Nixon and other co-founders knew it was important to have a clear vision and goal for the group. Some of their goals include:
Celebrate the people and programs in Katy ISD that are making a positive difference.
Inspiring others
Create an environment that encourages creative, productive talks to address the challenges in Katy ISD.
There is not an “official” membership to join. Interested persons only need to follow the group on one of their social media avenues…Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and awebsite (still under development). The group has periodic face-to-face meetings to organize the direction of the group and plan for the future. Meeting information can be found on Facebook. Katy Unites states “We welcome anyone in our community who wants to help celebrate our successes to join Katy Unites.”
Katy Unites plans to be a consistent and permanent movement celebrating and sharing moments in Katy ISD and the love many community members have for the #1 district in the Houston area.
“The focus is to put more energy and power in our successes because we believe a positive focus encourages positive results,” says Nixon.
May 24, 2018
Katy ISD is proud to announce the top two students from each high school who are ranked highest academically in their respective graduating classes.

These students have worked extremely hard from the very first day of their ninth grade year until the last day of their senior year. Many of them are now moving on to prestigious colleges and universities throughout the nation. The 2017-2018 valedictorians and salutatorians are:
Shreya Budhiraja – Valedictorian

Subhiksha Srinivasan– Salutatorian

Marie-Anne Barron – Valedictorian

Piper Mackenzie Harris – Salutatorian

Arman Thomas Yazdian– Valedictorian

David Liu – Salutatorian

Penelope Nicole Meranio Gadia – Valedictorian

Kelly Tseng – Salutatorian

Anusri Dharmendra Shah – Valedictorian

Dennis Liu – Salutatorian

Sachi Khemka – Valedictorian

Hachem Bey El-Murhbi – Salutatorian

Viraaj Singh Punia – Valedictorian

Rohit Ramesh Kamath – Salutatorian

May 20, 2018
Katy ISD Superintendent Lance Hindt addresses the school shooting in Santa Fe and what the district does on an ongoing basis to protect our schools.

Dear Katy ISD Parents, Staff and Community,
Today, all of us at Katy ISD are saddened at the senseless loss of lives after the tragic events at Santa Fe High School. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Santa Fe community.
As a parent and Katy ISD superintendent, I want to reiterate to our Katy ISD community that we stand in solidarity with the community of Santa Fe ISD. We also take this opportunity to reiterate to our parents and community that Katy ISD has a robust emergency protocol. Regularly, the Katy ISD Police Department, along with officials from every campus address emergency situations and conduct the appropriate emergency preparedness drills. While classes and activities will proceed regularly, there will be an increased presence of Katy ISD police officers at our schools.
What occurred in Santa Fe is a reminder to parents and teachers of the crucial importance of maintaining an open line of communication with students. We know that the number one deterrent to any threat is an open dialogue between parents, students and staff as they have first-hand knowledge when it comes to keeping our schools safe.
Also, we understand that the students may want to talk. Please know that personnel at our campuses will be available to speak to students who may need to be supported in the wake of the recent events. Additional information concerning our district-wide safety and security resources can be found here.
Thank you for support,
Lance Hindt, Ed.D.
May 17, 2018
Kaitlyn Sheroke, a senior at Katy Independent School District Seven Lakes High School (SLHS), has been awarded the prestigious Gold Medal Scholastic Writing Award for her short story titled Sirenia.

Kaitlyn will be traveling to New York City to be recognized during the annual Carnegie Hall ceremony on June 7.
“We are over-the-moon proud of our young scholar who has been a student in Katy ISD since her elementary school days,” said SLHS English Department Chair Pam Cannon. “Kaitlyn’s writing is more than just an assignment, she pours out her heart into each and every one of her pieces. The SLHS Spartans are proud to see her work receiving the national attention it deserves,” added Cannon.

To receive this award, students must first go through regional judging in order to advance to national review. This year, Kaitlyn along with nine other Katy ISD students became regional Gold Key participants. The history of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is known for its rich notable alumni, like Sylvia Plath and Joyce Carol Oates, who have gone on to write a variety of contemporary works of literature which are read around the world.
After graduation, Kaitlyn will be attending Baylor University.
May 15, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
On Monday, Mayor Brawner and the City of Katy passed a resolution for Katy’s Heritage Museum to be named after former Katy mayor and city administrator, Johnny Nelson.

Nelson passed away surrounded by loved ones in January 2018. He served as mayor from 1983 – 1987.
After retiring from his role as city administrator (1994-2014), Nelson became the curator for the Katy Heritage Museum.

The honor, therefore, of having the museum re-named in his honor, is another way that his friends and loved ones keep his legacy alive.
His wife of 51 years, Paulette, was at City Hall to see the resolution pass.
There will be a re-dedication ceremony on Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 10:30 a.m.
May 14, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton
Katy High softball and Tompkins baseball both won their matchups over the weekend and advance in their bids for a state title.

As the #1 ranked team in the Texas as well as #8 in the nation, the Katy High School softball team is headed towards another state playoff game for the second time in 4 years. After winning the match up with Ridge Point on Friday in the 6A regional quarter-finals double header, the Tigers (36-1) will face Kingwood (33-9) in the semi-finals this week.
Game one against Kingwood will be on Thursday, May 17 at 6:00 pm at Katy. Game two is at Kingwood on Friday, May 18 at 6:00 pm. If a third game is needed to break a tie, it will be held immediately following game two on Friday.
No. 7 state-ranked Tompkins (25-8) baseball team, had some ups and downs over the weekend but came out on top over Westside. This is the first time the falcons have advanced to the regional quarterfinals. They will face Cy Ranch (26-6-2), whom they fell to last year.
The games will be played on Saturday, March 19 at Tompkins.
May 11, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton and Katrina Katsarelis
Superintendent announces retirement and board votes yes to pursuing litigation at last night’s meeting.

Proceeding with Lawsuit
At last night’s meeting, the board of trustees voted unanimously to hire outside counsel to pursue litigation for defamation against the superintendent, board members and other employees of Katy ISD that have been harassed in the last few months.
The school board is going forward with a lawsuit to protect the district’s reputation. Several board members stated that the bullying accusations were debilitating for students, faculty and Hindt even affecting hiring of candidates.
An attorney for the district said it’s for that reason they feel it’s necessary to spend what they need to pay for outside counsel. Attorneys would file defamation lawsuits on behalf of the district.
Hindt Announces Retirement Amid Heckling
Dr. Lance Hindt became emotional as he announced his plans to retire as of January 1, 2019. As he announced his plans to retire, a small group of hecklers began cheering and heckling loudly. One of the hecklers yelled “Merry Christmas!”
While some heckled, there were many supporters in the room appearing dismayed and some even began crying. Hindt stated that his highest professional honor was to come back to the place he was raised and become superintendent, but he has to put his family first now.
Click to watch video

“In light of an organized and relentless and dishonest smear campaign against me, I cannot remain as superintendent of Katy ISD. My family is now my number one priority. They are innocent bystanders. This malicious campaign against me is hurting them severely and I cannot allow it any further,” Hindt said. “I love Katy. But there is a vicious ugliness in the ruthless attacks that I and others have endured. My prayer is this community, the silent majority, comes together and never allows something like this to happen again.”
“My wife and my children, they need me,” Hindt said. “In light of an organized, relentless and dishonest smear campaign against me, I cannot remain superintendent of Katy ISD while fulfilling those duties and still fulfill my sacred duty as a husband and father.”
See the Katy ISD video recording here.
Each board member addressed Dr. Hindt after his resignation expressing love and respect for Dr. Hindt. Many apologized that these attacks on him and his family have led him to resign but understood his decision. As each address was read in the board meeting, those who support Dr. Hindt were shocked and moved to tears. Those in the community that don’t support him, continued yelling out from the audience and heckling during the entire meeting.
Vendetta Against Hindt
The campaign against Lance Hindt was initiated by a Katy ISD dad and internet marketing professional named Sean Dolan. Dolan started a social media page called, “A Better Legacy” under the guise to stop bullying but many noticed right away it seemed more like a Lance Hindt hate page. Prior to his accusations against Lance Hindt, Dolan surreptitiously recorded meetings with Katy ISD teachers. One of the recordings that Dolan openly posted on social media involved girls in his son’s class pouring Fruit Loops cereal in Dolan’s son’s backpack. When Dolan didn’t like the outcome of his son’s “bullying” situation, many Katy ISD supporters believe that Dolan, who some has been referred to as a “media pimp” used his internet and social media marketing background to cyberbully the superintendent to quit. Dolan was in attendance at last night’s meeting
Others in Fear of Cyberbullying
The board members told the story of how people in the community (the board did not give any names) have been scared into silence. Most people in the community support the superintendent and Katy ISD but after seeing how Dr. Hindt and his supporters were relentlessly attacked, they have been scared to come forward with their support.
Supporters of Dolan feel that he is bringing things to light in the district that need to address and the group plans to make as much noise as is needed to have their concerns addressed. Many of Dolan’s social media followers don’t live in Katy ISD but heard about the bullying controversy on social media and on news stations.
One of the overall sentiments stated by the board members was “Enough is Enough” of the attacks and cyber bullying that has cast a negative light on our community. It’s time to take a stand against all forms of bullying.
In anticipation of the lawsuit, Dolan has started a gofundme page in an attempt to raise legal fees.
May 5, 2018
Katy Magazine Editors
Katy ISD has announced the results for the 2018 school board election for position 6 and 7.

Congratulations to Dawn Champagne and Susan Gesoff for being elected to represent Katy ISD on the Board of Trustees.
About Susan Gesoff (Position 6)
Susan won the position with 3,324 votes versus 2,182 for Scott Martin.
Susan Gesoff is married to husband Glen and they have lived in Katy for 13 years. The couple has three daughters Katie 24, Carly 21, and Kelly 18, who all graduated from Seven Lakes High. Susan is a former Katy ISD teacher (2006-2012) who has also volunteered in her children’s schools and with the theatre and choir booster clubs at Beckendorff Junior High and Seven Lakes High. She also volunteers with the National Charity League. She currently works as an Engineer at BP.
About Dawn Champagne (Position 7)
Dawn Champagne won the position with 3,025 votes versus 2,629 for Don Massey.
Dawn, her husband, Brett, and three children have lived in Katy for 17 years, currently residing in Kelliwood. Their three children attend and/or graduated from Taylor High School. Dawn has volunteered in Katy ISD for over a decade at the school and district level. She also volunteers at her church, St. Peter’s UMC, and other organizations. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from University of Houston with a Consumer Science Degree and also holds a Masters of Business Administration from University of Houston.
May 5, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
Third through fifth grade members of the Kindness Crew are on a mission to spread joy and friendship to every student at Bryant Elementary through easy, fun, and uplifting weekly challenges.

Once a month, students from third, fourth, and fifth grade meet with the school counselor at Bryant Elementary to talk about what is happening in the lives of Bengals, including setbacks and successes.
Each member of the Kindness Crew has input in creating weekly challenges. The entire campus competes, and students can nominate each other to be recognized for showing acts of extreme kindness.
Every Monday, the Kindness Crew greets students showing up for the day with a high-five and a “Good Morning!”
“They line the entry way to the school, getting kids motivated to start their week off right,” says Assistant Principal Lindsay O’Leary.

This month, they created motivational posters for students that will be taking the STAAR test.
“To have the Kindness Crew be models for our younger Bengals has gotten my 2nd grade class excited about completing kindness challenges. When they see those older students are motivated each week to do something kind for others, they want to follow along, which brings our whole school together,” says second grade teacher, Christi Elrod.
One of the favorite challenges so far has been the “Talk to Someone New” Challenge, where kids are encouraged to say hello to a student they have never met.
Bryant Elementary staff hopes that the Bengals’ example will inspire other Katy ISD campuses to join in. “The culture of kindness we have here at Bryant has really been in large part to the intentional importance our counselor and administrators have placed on being kind to others. There is not just a “beginning of the year push” to have students exhibit kindness, but a purposeful, sustained effort to keep kindness on the hearts and minds of our students and faculty,” says Elrod.
May 4, 2018
Ashley Lancaster
With over 8,000 special education students currently enrolled at Katy Independent School District, a familiar face will now be the new Director of Compliance for Special Education.

Gwen Coffey’s new role was formally announced to the public by the Katy ISD Board of Trustees during the monthly board meeting.
Coffey is currently the principal at Roberta Rylander Elementary. As part of her new endeavors, she will direct the district’s special education program to ensure the provision comprehensive services for students with disabilities. She will also work to individualize educational plans that meet the needs of all students with disabilities and ensure compliance with state, federal and local requirements.
“My belief is that our students are our most valuable resource. Increased student learning and achievement are my passion,” said Coffey. “I am honored to have the opportunity to work collaboratively with our Katy community to help increase achievement for all students.”
Ms. Coffey’s educational experience extends to several professions within school campuses. She began her career in 1997 as a teacher in Corpus Christi, Texas. Two years later she joined the Katy ISD family as a teacher at Golbow Elementary where she taught both general education and special education for six years. Her next endeavor was as a counselor at Huggins Elementary at Lamar Consolidated Independent School District. Following that, she was a middle school counselor for one year at Bammel Middle School in Spring ISD, which lead to her taking the assistant principal position at that school. However, Ms. Coffey knew that Katy ISD was her home and decided to come back as an Assistant Principal at Cimarron Elementary.
Ms. Coffey holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Science in Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, a Masters of Education in Counseling, and she is currently in obtaining her Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership from Texas Tech University. Coffey will begin her new endeavor in June 2018.
Here is the list of prominent, influential, inspirational, strong, and charitable women who are leading the way in Katy. (Consider yourselves all #1 because these are in ALPHABETICAL ORDER.)
By Katy Magazine Editors
Development Manager of Christ Clinic
Anti-Sex Trafficking Champion
Executive Director of Ballard House
Parks Director for Willow Fork Drainage District
Philanthropist and Volunteer; Namesake of Ballard House
Katy Educator and School Namesake
VP of Prosperity Bank and First Woman in the Katy Rotary
Longtime Katy Resident and Volunteer
Katy ISD KEYS Mentor and Katy ISD Partners in Education
Katy Educator and School Namesake
City Secretary, City of Katy
Keep Katy Beautiful
Special Needs Advocate and Katy ISD Namesake
Chief Academic Officer, Katy ISD
Founder of Smilin’ Rylen Foundation
Memorial Hermann Executive and Community Volunteer
Executive Director of Katy Christian Ministries
Education Advocate and Community Volunteer
Principal of Beck Junior High
Katy Educator and School Namesake
Katy Search and Rescue Champion in Hurricane Harvey
Paetow High School Principal
Director of Katy’s Fussell Senior Center
Katy ISD Media Relations and Multimedia Manager
Artist, photographer, and arts philanthropist
Owner of Katy Budget Books
Nottingham/Kelliwood Fry Road Tree Activist
President of Willow Fork Drainage Ditch
Katy ISD Board of Trustees
Baby Gowns for Eternity
Katy FFA champion and volunteer
Katy ISD Board of Trustees
President of Cinco Ranch Ladies Club
Political activist and national grassroots chair for Ted Cruz, and others.
Social Media Liaison for Harris County ESD 48 and Search and Rescue at TEXSAR
Local dentist and founder of Autism Rescue Angels
Boston Marathon bombing survivor, amputee, writer, and speaker
Katy ISD Chief Communications Officer
Assistant Principal of Creech Elementary
Past president of the RWCK and Cinco Ranch Ladies Club
Katy Christian Ministries Crisis Center Director
Founder of Hope Impacts
Director of the Katy High Bengal Brigade for 34 years
Teacher and First Lady of Katy ISD
ELA Instructional Coach at Exley Elementary
Associate Superintendent, Administration, Governance and Legal Affairs, School Namesake
Entrepreneur and avid volunteer
Owner and founder of Katy’s Early Childhood Enrichment Center, and early childhood education trainer and consultant
District Wide Elementary Teacher of the Year and Katy Elementary Music Teacher
Autism advocate and owner of Stokan Jaggers & Associates
Co-owner of Snappy’s Restaurant
Mural Artist
First Lady of the Katy Area EDC
VP of the Board for Katy Christian Ministries
Retired music educator and avid volunteer
Anti-Sex Trafficking Champion, founder of Childproof America
Principal at Bethke Elementary
Principal of Creech Elementary
Director of Katy Cowgirls
District wide Rookie Teacher of the Year
Golf Celebrity
Principal of Memorial Parkway Elementary
Established Moms to the Rescue during Hurricane Harvey
Founder of Graeme’s Superheroes
Principal at Seven Lakes JH
Retired educator, avid volunteer, on the board of Katy Cares
Arts Advocate and Volunteer
Educator and Hurricane Harvey Book Club Founder
Founder of Clothed By Faith
Founder of Keep Kids Connected
Widow of Jordan Muesse
Author, missionary, speaker, pastor.
Cancer survivor and volunteer
Founder of Lindsay’s Light, speaker, and relationship violence educator
Cancer survivor and now a Cancer Nurse Practitioner
Chick-fil-A Marketing Director and Community Volunteer
Community Relations Director for Congressman Michael McCaul
Tourism and Marketing Director for the City of Katy
Social Services Director, Katy Christian Ministries
McMeans Junior High Principal
Co-Owner of No Label Brewery and Philanthropist
Entrepreneur and Early Childhood Education Expert
District Wide Teacher of the Year and OTHS Teacher
Keep Katy Beautiful
Special Needs Advocate, Katy Wolfpack coach
Katy Educator and School Namesake
Business owner, philanthropist, and community volunteer
Vice President of KARE (Katy Association of Retired Teachers) and avid community volunteer.
Katy Educator and School Namesake
Principal at WoodCreek JH
Business owner, avid volunteer, Harvey hero
Katy ISD Partners in Education and Katy ISD Education Foundation
President of Katy ISD Board of Trustees
Assistant Superintendent, Student Support Services
VP of DaVita Healthcare and Volunteer
President of the Board of Directors, Katy ISD Education Foundation
President of RWCK
Former Katy ISD educator, Keep Katy Beautiful board member, and school namesake
Bear Creek Elementary Principal
Wife of Rep. John Zerwas
We solicited nominations from community leaders and readers on social media venues and through email to compile these 100 Top Katy Women of 2018!
During a memorable gathering at the Leonard E. Merrell Center, Katy Independent School District Superintendent Lance Hindt, along with Board of Trustees, honored the “Of the Year” employees.
May 2, 2018

Among those recognized were: District-wide Campus Teacher of the Year, District-wide Rookie Teacher of the Year, Principals of the Year, Nurse of the Year and Counselors of the Year.
District-wide Elementary Campus Teacher of the Year
Leslyn Jacks is the Music Specialist and Director of the Choir program at Katy Elementary (KE). Since joining KE her choirs have doubled in enrollment and she has directed more than 30 performances leading to a record number of her students continuing their music courses at the junior high level. This year, her and her students performed just six weeks after Hurricane Harvey spreading joy through music and demonstrating the resilience of the Katy Community. Jacks is one of Katy Magazine’s Top 100 Women of Katy in 2018.
District-wide Secondary Campus Teacher of the Year
Amanda Sandlin is a psychology teacher at Tompkins High School (OTHS). Through her lessons, Sandlin seeks to bring the content alive for her students. Her greatest goal is for them to gain skills to succeed outside the classroom. She utilizes the study of positive psychology to help her students lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. Sandlin is one of Katy Magazine’s Top 100 Women of Katy in 2018.
District-wide Elementary Rookie Teacher of the Year
Annie Meeks is an English Language Arts (ELA) and social studies teacher at Stephens Elementary (USE). She may have just begun her teaching career this year but she has made an impression with her tenacity and ability to build relationships. She believes that in a world full of technology and distractions, it is important to find ways to better maintain students’ focus. Meeks is one of Katy Magazine’s Top 100 Women of Katy in 2018.

District-wide Secondary Rookie Teacher of the Year
Rebecca Calfee from Mayde Creek Junior High (MCJH) began her career this year as an eighth grade social studies teacher. Calfee is a product of Katy ISD and she sets her students up for success through detailed lesson planning. Her preparation and skillset set her apart from others as she gives the impression of a seasonal veteran, rather than a first-year teacher. She spends her extra time tutoring her students and makes a point of attending student activities outside of her classroom to show support.
District-wide Nurse of the Year
Kim Cromie, from Bonnie Holland Elementary (BHE), moved from California to Maryland and was involved in a Head Start program as the Health and Safety Administrator. This opportunity ignited her love of working with children and families. That is when she went into nursing school. When she and her husband moved to Katy she was given the opportunity to be the campus nurse at BHE. She knew she had finally found her calling. Besides keeping students healthy, Nurse Cromie also mentors other nurses in Katy ISD.
District-wide Elementary Counselor of the Year
Susan Coventon has spent the last 21 years in education at Katy ISD. Even though she started out as a teacher, she realized her calling was in counseling. She is currently the school counselor at Nottingham Country Elementary (NCE) where she dedicates her time to guide students in their journey toward healing and success. Coventon’s experience is widespread and includes training of trainers in crisis prevention & preparedness as well as mental health. You will find her volunteering at Bo’s Place, offering grief-counseling support for children and their families.
District-wide Junior High Counselor of the Year
Jodi Darcey has been a counselor at Katy ISD for six years and a district lead counselor for the past three. She is currently at WoodCreek Junior High where she uses her skills, coupled with the desire to help others to connect with students and staff. Through guidance, character building, individual and group counseling coupled with parent education and counselor collaboration, Darcey knows everyone can succeed.

District-wide High School Counselor of the Year
Glynn Guynes from Katy High School began his career in Katy ISD in 2007 as a counselor at Katy High School (KHS). In 2012, Guynes started serving in the roll of KHS Lead Counselor and as District Lead Counselor. That year he was also named the KHS Support Staff Member of the Year. He serves as a mentor to new counselors and coordinates the new counselor orientation.
District-wide Elementary Principal of the Year
Stephens Elementary Principal Stephanie Vaughan has demonstrated great leadership not just at her current campus but also at Sundown Elementary and Franz Elementary where she previously excelled in her passion for education. In March 2007, Vaughan opened the newly named Ursula Stephen Elementary (USE) as their principal and she has been there for the past 11 years. Her commitment to educational excellence and student achievement can be seen in the numerous recognitions the campus has received.
District-wide Secondary Principal of the Year
Mindy Dickerson currently serves as the principal of Patricia E. Paetow High School. Her passion is teaching the whole child. She believes very strongly in both adult and student learning through choice, as well as basing decisions on what is best for learners. Her career in Katy ISD began as an elementary school teacher. During her tenure as principal at Beckendorff Junior High (BDJH), the campus received the Texas and National Schools to Watch distinction for teaching the whole child and providing a great learning experience tailored to middle school students. Dickerson is one of Katy Magazine’s Top 100 Women of Katy in 2018. Read about her here.
Congratulations to all Katy ISD “Of the Year” employees!
April 27, 2018
The Katy ISD Police Department in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public an opportunity to safely dispose of potentially dangerous, expired, unused and unwanted prescription medications.
According to the DEA, pharmaceutical drugs can be just as dangerous as street drugs when taken without a prescription or a doctor’s supervision. Needles or sharp objects will not be accepted and any liquids must be in prescribed containers. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.
“The majority of teenagers who are abusing prescription drugs usually get these medications from family and friends or simply by taking them from a family medicine cabinet,” says Chief of Police Robert Jinks. “Through take-back programs people have a better option to dispose of old drugs,” adds Jinks.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Drop Off Location
Mark L. Hopkins Law Enforcement Center
20370 Franz Rd.
April 29, 2018
by Jennifer Skelton
The groundbreaking ceremony for High School #9 and Junior High #16, located in Cross Creek Ranch, will take place on Monday, April 30 at 11:00 a.m.

The new junior high and high school are located a few blocks away from Amy Campbell Elementary opening August 2018. Click here to read about Amy.
Junior high #16 is scheduled to open August of 2019 at a cost of $54,920,468 as voted on by the Katy citizens on the 2017 Katy ISD Bond.
High school #9 is scheduled to open July 2020 at a cost of $206,074,464 as voted on by the Katy citizens on the 2017 Katy ISD Bond. This high school will have the district’s competition natatorium.
The Groundbreaking ceremony is located at 27500 Fulshear Bend Dr, Fulshear, TX 77441. Click here for map.
April 29, 2018
by Jennifer Skelton
The groundbreaking ceremony for High School #9 and Junior High #16, located in Cross Creek Ranch, will take place on Monday, April 30 at 11:00 a.m.

The new junior high and high school are located a few blocks away from Amy Campbell Elementary opening August 2018. Click here to read about Amy.
Junior high #16 is scheduled to open August of 2019 at a cost of $54,920,468 as voted on by the Katy citizens on the 2017 Katy ISD Bond.
High school #9 is scheduled to open July 2020 at a cost of $206,074,464 as voted on by the Katy citizens on the 2017 Katy ISD Bond. This high school will have the district’s competition natatorium.
The Groundbreaking ceremony is located at 27500 Fulshear Bend Dr, Fulshear, TX 77441. Click here for map.
April 18, 2018
Katrina Katsarelis

The Katy ISD police is warning parents and students about a recent stranger danger incident.
Police are cautioning parents after a Taylor High School female student was approached by a man on her way to school. The student said the man insisted on giving her a ride.The student says she was walking along Kingsland Boulevard Tuesday morning when an older Hispanic man in a tan truck asked if she needed a ride.
The student said she told him “no,” but that he wouldn’t give up. The man drove off, then came back around and asked her if she needed a ride again. She called her mother and stayed on the phone with her until she made it to the school safely.
The student said he was driving an older model tan Chevy pickup truck and described the man as hispanic, in his 40s or 50s with slicked black hair, gray facial hair and wearing a black T-shirt and navy blue pants.
If you have information about this case, please contact the Katy ISD Police Department.
April 19, 2018
Jennifer Skelton
We asked position 7 Board of Trustees candidates Dawn Champagne and Don Massey some questions to help voters learn more about these Board of Trustee candidates.

Dawn, her husband, Brett, and three children have lived in Katy for 17 years, currently residing in Kelliwood. Their three children attend and/or graduated from Taylor High School. Dawn has volunteered in Katy ISD for over a decade at the school and district level. She also volunteers at her church, St. Peter’s UMC, and other organizations. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from University of Houston with a Consumer Science Degree and also holds a Masters of Business Administration from University of Houston.
Why did you choose to run?
I feel that this is the next step for me. I am ready to be a voice for our community of students, parents and teachers. I have spent a vast amount of my time during the last 16 years as a full time volunteer with not only Katy ISD, but also with Scouts, my church, and National Charity League. I am there, nearly on a daily basis, with the people most important to the district: the children and teachers.
What qualifies you for this position?
I have a vast amount of experience working with parents, teachers and children and a broad understanding of our district because of my involvement not only with my kids’ schools but also with numerous community organizations. I would speculate that about 80% of my time is spent working with parents, teachers, administrators or children. I know these people (parents, teachers and children), and these are the people that the decisions made by the school board affect the most. I am with the people who are directly involved in the day to day occurrences at our schools. I understand what the people of our district need, because I am with them on a daily basis.
What changes and improvements do you hope to implement?
The Safety and Security of our children is #1. I don’t want our kids being scared to go to school! I want to help build a stronger relationship with the community at large. The school district is the center of the community, and therefore all community members should be heard. I want to make sure that all kids are given equal opportunity. I want to make sure that we maintain great communication between parents, teachers and staff. Good communication is key to all problem solving.
Why do you think are you a better candidate than your opponent?
I think that I am more qualified because I have lived in Katy for 17 years and have volunteered, on a continuous basis, with the schools in Katy ISD, and many other community organizations. I understand the daily struggles of teachers, parents and students. I know what it’s like to run a carnival, to decorate for 8th grade dances, to raise $60,000 for project prom, to find volunteers for every single event there could ever be at every level of schools, to work with kids in every capacity you could imagine, and much more! And, I know what it’s like working with administration of every level. I have gotten along with the principals and assistant principals at every level. I am not only experienced, I am passionate, I am knowledgeable, I have a history of leadership within the district, and I have been very active in our community at large for 16 years.
Have you volunteered in the Katy ISD school district before and if so in what capacity?
-Taylor HS: president of the PTO, 2016-present; VP of Project Grad 2017/2018; Counselors’ volunteer coordinator 2014-2016; Project Grad 2014/2015 committee; Choir chaperone to nearly every event since 2011.
-Keys Mentoring 2014-present.
-Katy ISD Bond Committee 2017.
-Secretary Katy ISD Council of PTAs 2016/2017 (5) McMeans JH: PTA Board 2012-2016 (Fundraising VP, Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) VP, band director’s aide, choir teacher’s aide, 8th Grade Dance Coordinator; Volunteer of the year 2015/2016.
-Exley Elementary: PTA Board 2008-2013 (President, 1st VP of Programs, VIPS VP)
-PTA Officer Training: 2008, 2014 and 2015.
-Leadership Katy 2010/2011 and 2016/2017.
Any final comments?
I am a Texas native. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from University of Houston with a Consumer Science Degree and I have a Masters of Business Administration from University of Houston as well. When I am on the Katy ISD School Board, I will be an advocate for you. This is not a stepping stone for me to go on to something else later. Being on the Katy ISD school board is what I want to do. I will not just go along with the flow. I will vote and stand up for what the community wants. I am ready to listen to all parents and teachers and am willing to work on behalf of everyone in our community to grow excellence. Please visit me on my FB page at Dawn Champagne for Katy ISD Board of Trustees.
For more information about Dawn Champagne, visit

Don and his wife Carrie, married for 12 years, have three children that attend Katy ISD schools. Don has a Masters degree in Criminal Justice, and was previously a law enforcement officer before becoming General Manager at Kay Mills and now COO at Rothchild Commercial. Don Massey was named one of Katy Magazine’s 2017 People of the Year for his efforts implementing Katy Mills as an emergency station for Hurricane Harvey rescue efforts, pet rescue , and FEMA.
Why did you choose to run?
My family and I have been super blessed by Katy and Katy ISD and we love to serve our community. I have a heart to serve the community and since the position of School Board is a volunteer position, it is a perfect match for my experience and allows me to Serve the entire Community. My goal is to help Katy ISD continue to be the best School District in Houston and Texas.
What qualifies you for this position?
My unique experience as a Law Enforcement Officer and Business Leader gives me the skills needed to address the real issues facing our schools today. Safety and Security along with Financial Accountability are the highest levels of priority for our district. As a former police officer and as the GM at Katy Mills, I have the real life experiences to address today’s issues. As an Officer, I have worn the badge, I have arrested bad guys and I have saved lives. As a COO and GM, I have managed multi-million dollar budgets and built collaborative relationships with many community stake holders. I think this combination will be a great addition to the skills that are already on the School Board.

What changes and improvements do you hope to implement?
My main focus is on Safety and Security for our Students, Teachers, and Staff. I would address this by challenging the way we use CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) for our schools. Some of the items that we can explore are: 3M Safety Film, Bollards and Advanced Door Locks. The 3M film will slow down an active shooter offering our emergency responders precious time to save lives. Using bollards at entrances and raising the fences throughout the district will also slow down active shooters. All of these are items need to be implemented or explored quickly to deter an active shooter in our schools. I also would hold our administration accountable for the policies that are in place. Oversight and governance are the responsibility of the board and I will take that responsibility seriously.
Why do you think are you a better candidate than your opponent?
I have a great deal of respect for my opponent for her volunteer service, but I believe that my community relationships, business strengths, and law enforcement leadership make me the best candidate. With all of the school shootings and violence in schools, my law enforcement background and expertise is a much needed asset to helping the board implement new and innovative programs to protect our children. The world is changing and I want Katy ISD to be forward thinking and proactive. I also have a reputation for “action” and “innovation” and for successfully and quickly implementing programs that make Katy a better place. An example of this is Katy ISD’s Simon Youth Academy, which is a smaller more hands-on learning center at Katy Mills that is helping at-risk Katy teens get their diplomas and graduate. Not every child in Katy ISD learns the same way and we have to meet children where they are so we can help them succeed.
Have you volunteered in the Katy ISD school district before and if so in what capacity?
I spearheaded bringing the Simon Youth Foundation to Katy ISD to help at-risk students graduate from high school and reduce drop out rates. This was only possible by bringing multiple organizations together including Katy ISD, Katy Mills, Simon Property Group, and the Simon Youth Foundation.
I have also volunteered in the following capacities:
– Katy ISD Strategic Design Committee.
– Superintendent’s Round Table.
– Career and Technical Education Advisory Board.
– Miller Career Center Mentor and Internship Host.
– Katy Elementary Advisory Board and PTO.
– Leadership Katy 2014.
– The 2014 Bond Committee.
Any final comments?
I will take my position very seriously and plan to do all I can to take care of our students, teachers and staff and ensure they have the resources and support needed to help prepare our children for the future. I will also be proactive in helping to implement safety and security measures to keep our schools safe from violence; whether it’s violence from outside intruders or other students. It would be my honor to serve the Katy community as a Katy ISD Board of Trustee. Please Vote Don Massey for Position 7.
For more information about Don Massey, visit
EDITOR’S NOTE: We ran a similar Meet the Candidates story for Susan Gesoff and Scott Martin, position 6 on Tuesday, April 17. CLICK TO READ
April 16, 2018
Katrina Katsarelis

Katy ISD has compiled a great list of camps for Katy ISD students entering 7th to 12th grades. We’ve divided it up by local band camps, University band camps, and instrument specific band camps.
Katy ISD Junior High Band Camp – Tompkins High School – July 16-20
For all Katy ISD band students entering grades 7-9.
The cost of the camp is $130 and will include a T-shirt if registered by June 5.
Email or click for registration form.
The Bocal Majority and Operation Oboe – Tays Junior High – June 18-21, 2018
Full day commuter camp for oboe and bassoon students entering grades 7-12.

Sam Houston State University Junior High Band Camps—June 10-14, 2018
Full day camp with housing available for students entering grades 7-9.
Texas State University Summer Band Camp —June 10-15, 2018
Full day camp with housing available for students entering grades 7-12.
Stephen F. Austin Middle School Band Camp —June 10-15, 2018
Full day camp with housing available for students entering grades 7-8.?
Baylor Summer Middle School Band and Orchestra Camp—June 24-30, 2018
Full day camp with housing available for students entering grades 7-9.
University of Houston Cougar Band Camp—July 8-12, 2018
Full day camp with housing available for students entering grades 7-12.
Texas Tech Band and Orchestra Camp—July 8-14, 2018
Full day camp with housing available for students entering grades 7-12.
Instrument Camps
?As we learn of other instrument-specific camps, we will post information here
Brass Only Band Camp? – June 7-9, 2018
Full day commuter camp for brass students entering grades 7-12.
The Bocal Majority and Operation Oboe—June 18-21, 2018 @ Tays JH
Full day commuter camp for oboe and bassoon students entering grades 7-12.
Floot Fire?—June 25-29, 2018 (Memorial) or July 16-20, 2018 (The Woodlands)
Full day commuter camp for flute students entering grades 7-12.
Tomball Trombone Institute — July 16-20, 2018
Full day commuter camp for trombone students entering grades 7-9.
April 17, 2018
Jennifer Skelton

We asked position 6 Board of Trustees candidates Susan Gesoff and Scott Martin some questions to help voters learn more about these Board of Trustee candidates. We will be running a separate piece featuring the candidates for Position 7 (Dawn Champagne and Don Massey) later this week.

Susan Gesoff is married to husband Glen and they have lived in Katy for 13 years. The couple has three daughters Katie 24, Carly 21, and Kelly 18, who all graduated from Seven Lakes High. Susan is a former Katy ISD teacher (2006-2012) who has also volunteered in her children’s schools and with the theatre and choir booster clubs at Beckendorff Junior High and Seven Lakes High. She also volunteers with the National Charity League. She currently works as an Engineer at BP.
Why did you choose to run?
I am passionate about public education and children. Katy is a wonderful place to raise a family, live and retire and I want to serve the community by applying my skills and experience for the benefit of Katy ISD students. I was inspired to run this year in particular, because we became empty nesters which left me with more free time in the evenings and weekends that could be dedicated to a worthy pursuit such as this.
What qualifies you for this position?
I have over five years of ‘front line’ teaching experience in Katy ISD, so I truly understand what it is like inside the 21st century classroom for students and teachers. I have a 30 year employment history in technical industries where I have developed skills related to safety and compliance, budget management, policy development, and planning and performance. On a personal level, I have successfully raised three high-achieving children who were educated by Katy ISD.
What changes and improvements do you hope to implement?
Katy ISD is a premiere district with a stellar record of achievement, however, safety is a challenge for all districts in America, and I will encourage reasonable and effective solutions to further protect our students and staff from random acts of violence. I am focused on academics and will support continuous improvement around STEM and Career and Technical Education, as well as further differentiation for Gifted and Talented learning. Finally, I will strongly encourage the district’s efforts to address the unfair state finance system and student assessment schemes with a goal to keep more of our tax dollars here in Katy and reduce the testing burden on our students and teachers.”
Why do you think are you a better candidate than your opponent?
Respectfully, while each of us brings professional skills and knowledge, I have vastly more hands-on, practical experience in Katy ISD, having been a professional educator and having raised my children through every grade right here. I see the role of board member as one of service to the community, not a stepping stone to a future political career.
Have you volunteered in the Katy ISD school district before and if so in what capacity?
I was a member of the parent/teacher organization at Alexander Elementary, Beckendorff JH, and SLHS for many years. I volunteered with the theatre and choir booster clubs at Beckendorff and SLHS from 2005 – 2017. In addition, I volunteered for numerous school events over the many years our girls were in Katy ISD.
For more information about Susan Gesoff, visit

Scott Martin is a Texan by birth, moving to Katy in 2014. Since that time, he has jumped into the community volunteering his time as a Sunday school teacher in his neighborhood of Nottingham at St. Peter’s UMC. Scott’s wife, Samantha, grew up in Katy in the Bear Creek area attending Bear Creek Elementary and Mayde Creek Junior High and Mayde Creek High schools. The couple has 5-year old twins that will be attending Pattison Elementary in the fall. Scott graduated from University of Michigan Law School and serves as an Assistant Federal Public Defender in the Southern District of Texas.
Why did you choose to run?
I decided to run for the school board because I know we can do better. I am passionate about our community and focused on the future of KISD.
What qualifies you for this position?
I am a product of a Texas public school. I am also a proud parent. In my career as a public defender, I have found great satisfaction in helping others. I believe that these experiences qualify me to serve the Katy ISD community as a trustee.
What changes and improvements do you hope to implement?
My priorities include: (1) ensuring more choice, and greater transparency, in any bond election; (2) ensuring that everyone has a neighbor on the Board, through the creation of single-member trustee districts; (3) finding common-sense solutions to our bullying problem; and (4) finding a “two-way immersion” program for bilingual education that is cost-effective and can be made available at campuses across the district.
Voters can learn more about my ideas for KISD on my website (
Why do you think are you a better candidate than your opponent?
My opponent lives in an area that is already represented on the Board by two trustees, and has stated that she opposes the creation of single-member trustee districts. I support the creation of single-member trustee districts because I fully appreciate that many areas of our district are underrepresented on the Board, and that this has to change.
I am also concerned that my opponent has not publicly disagreed with anything the Board as said or done. This tells me that she is not the independent voice that the voters are looking for. I am that independent voice.
Have you volunteered in the Katy ISD school district before and if so in what capacity?
I am a children’s Sunday School teacher at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church. Recently, I volunteered as a t-ball coach at the Monty Ballard YMCA
Any final comments?
I am grateful to the voters for their many thoughtful questions concerning the issues I have raised during this race. We all want what is best for our children, and for KISD. Together we can make it happen!
For more information about Scott Martin, visit
EDITOR’S NOTE: We will be running a similar Meet the Candidates story for position 7 later this week.
April 11, 2018
A technical issue, shortly after the STAAR test began on Tuesday, kicked out many students across the state including Katy ISD.

The delay in service persisted for about 20 minutes, the TEA said.
“We believe no student information was lost during this time. We are still collecting data on the issue – there were about 1,000 school systems statewide that had a least one student who experienced the disruption,” said DeEtta Culbertson, with the Texas Education Agency.
More than 1,200 school systems were testing at the time, she said.
Katy ISD released the following statement Wednesday afternoon.
Dear Katy ISD Parents/Guardians,
As you may be aware, STAAR testing began yesterday across the state of Texas including at all our Katy ISD campuses. Unfortunately, soon after the test administration began, the Educational Testing Services (ETS), which is the state’s vendor for the STAAR exams, reported that a state-wide disruption to its server had caused multiple outages to its online system. These outages impacted students taking grades 5 and 8 reading, grades 4 and 7 writing, and English I. As a result, many students were inadvertently kicked out of the testing session and/or were unable to log back into the ETS system.
In addition, some students experienced the assessment “freezing” and had to temporarily log off and log back into the system. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) and ETS were immediately notified of these disruptions. Students impacted by the outages were allowed to have missed time added back to their time limit.
Katy ISD is not currently aware of any students losing their responses. However, we are working with the TEA and ETS and will be reviewing any testing trends once results are released to the district.
Thank you for your support and patience as we continue to monitor this situation which has impacted districts across the state. We will update our parents with any additional information that comes to our attention.
Katy ISD
Katy ISD’s Teddy Cop program needs our help to finish out the year with every special needs child having their own Teddy Cop.

April 6, 2018
by Jennifer Skelton
Officer Luis Santiago founded the Teddy Cop program in Katy ISD in 2016 and runs the program. The bears (buddies) are purchased from Build-a-Bear with their unique outfit matching our local Katy ISD Police’s uniform. Katy ISD has 36 elementary schools with a special needs program totaling over 1,000 students.
The Teddy Bears, along with the interaction between the officer and the child, builds a trusting relationship as well as building rapport with the parents. Officer Santiago selflessly gives of his time fundraising and interacting with the children but as you can see by the smile on his face, these children give much more to his heart than he could ever give to them. He has a love for people and the children that have helped this program grow and succeed.
Less than 150 bears (at 4 elementary schools) are left to reach the goal of every elementary special needs child in Katy ISD having their own Teddy Cop.
Donations come from many different businesses, Katy ISD school PTA’s and individual contributors. Teddy Cops is so close to its goal this school year. Click here to make a donation for Teddy Cops to reach each special needs child this year. Donations can also be made to any Katy elementary school as well as Build A Bear at Katy Mills Mall.
Free prom dress event for all Katy ISD girls on Thursday, March 29th at Cinco Rach High School from 2:30 pm – 6:00 pm.

March 28, 2018
Prom season is upon up and with seven high schools, Katy has hundreds of girls out shopping for the perfect dress. Prom can be an expensive event and one Katy group is hoping to help parents and teenagers by giving away FREE Prom dresses.
Kim Noska and Jennifer Skelton each began receiving donated formal dresses after Hurricane Harvey devastated much of Katy. Their goal was to make sure that no girl had to miss her homecoming due to finances. During this process, Noska and Skelton joined forces eventually receiving over 1,500 dresses, plus shoes and accessories, as well as some men’s wear.
In the fall, over 500 Katy ISD girls wore dresses to Homecoming from this effort. The group received over 300 dresses that would be more suited for Prom so the women decided to save the dresses and offer them in the spring.
All of the dresses are in excellent condition and in fact, many have never been worn and still have the tags attached.
This one time event, on Thursday, March 29th from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm at Cinco Ranch High School is open to ALL Katy ISD students.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Skelton.
March 21, 2018
The new elementary will be located in the Cross Creek Ranch subdivision and is scheduled to open in the fall of 2018.

The Katy ISD School Naming Selection Committee presented their recommendation for the naming of Elementary #41 at the Board of Trustees Work Study Meeting this week.
The school is proposed to be named after retired educator Amy Campbell. This campus, located at 3701 Cross Creek Bend Lane in Fulshear, TX.
The public forum will take place today, Wednesday, March 21 at 6 p.m. in the Katy ISD Board Room, located at 6301 S. Stadium Lane. Community members are invited to participate in this forum and provide input regarding the proposed names.
After the forum, the Katy ISD School Naming Committee will reconvene to review input and provide their final recommendation to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees at their regular meeting on Monday, March 26.
The Online Psychology Degrees national website recently recognized one of the University of Houston-Victoria’s graduate special education programs as among the best in the nation.

Katy Magazine News
March 18, 2018
The UHV School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development’s Master of Education in Special Education with an applied behavior analysis concentration was ranked 17th nationally in the website’s 2018 Top 30 Master’s in Behavioral Analysis Online list. The applied behavior analysis concentration is one of three options UHV students pursuing a master’s in special education can study.
When choosing programs for the ranking, the website considered programs in applied behavior analysis, human behavior, special education and criminal justice as well as general psychology programs that offer a specialization in behavioral analysis. From there, the website considered accreditation, accessibility, job training and coursework.
The coursework for the program has been vetted by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, which means students are taking courses that will prepare them for the national certification exam to become board-certified behavior analysts.
In addition, the online accessibility offers an advantage because most of the students are professionals already working in clinics or the classroom. That means many of the students already are in a position where they can get their supervision hours at their current place of employment.
University of Houston Victoria Katy campus, located at 2002 W. Grand Pkwy, offers face-to-face programs as well as many online classes for Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.
January 22, 2018
Katy ISD announces Jaime Shipley as the new principal for Elementary School #41, which is set to open in Fall 2018 in the Cross Creek Ranch subdivision.
Ms. Shipley has 19 years experience in education including nine years as a building principal. Her administrative experience began as an instructional facilitator at Carrollton-Farmers Branch in 2006. Shipley became an elementary assistant principal at Goose Creek CISD (GCCISD) in 2008. The following year, she was promoted to building principal in GCCISD and remained there for four years. In 2013, Shipley became the principal of Schmalz Elementary in Katy ISD and has led the campus for the past five years.
She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary and Early Childhood as well as her Master of Science in Education, Curriculum and Instruction from Baylor University.
“I am excited about leading the way for a new school and a new legacy. We, as a staff and community, will build the foundation together so students have unparalleled learning experiences,” says Principal Shipley.
The Katy Tigers gave us the details on what Katy coaches talked about with Jimbo Fisher, Texas A&M’s new head coach on Tuesday afternoon.
December 6, 2017
By Ashley Lancaster
Aggies in Tiger Land
According to Jon Joseph, new head coach of the Texas A&M Aggies, Jimbo Fisher (formerly Florida State University), stopped by the Tigers’ field house with two staff members at 2:30 p.m.
“They came to say hello to see committed player Seth Small and were able to meet and watch Deondrick Glass,” says Joseph. Glass, now a junior, was offered by Florida State during his freshman year.
Giving Kudos to the Katy Program
While there, the Aggies staff also met all the Katy coaches, but Coach Fisher has visited Katy High in the past. “He says not much has changed, and he commented on how well the Katy program is run and how successful it is, and the plan is to get the Aggies to the championship every year like Katy,” says Joseph.
Talking X’s and O’s
There was a brief meeting between Gary and Jimbo, and a 30-minute conversation with coaches Fisher (A&M), Banks, Price, and Joseph (KHS),” he says. The Tigers say Fisher was incredibly nice and the visit went well. After the meetings, they all went out and watched the Tigers practice for their upcoming playoff matchup against the North Shore Mustangs this Saturday at 2 p.m. at NRG.
Fisher and staff ended the day meeting teachers, people, and coaches at KHS, “He told the coaching staff to come up to A&M to visit, watch practice and talk X’s and O’s whenever they want.”
After Hurricane Harvey, Ms. Forney put pen to paper and outlined a comprehensive plan to meet the immediate needs of the Cardiff faculty and staff who were hardest hit by the storm. Thus was born the “CJH Boots on the Ground Initiative” which consisted of a group of volunteers who cleaned out flooded homes, delivered food to work crews and collected donated items. She went even further by reaching out to non-profit organizations to sponsor families and support them as they worked to get back on their feet. Because of Ms. Forney’s detailed planning, communication skills and her dedication to the community, many families received the help they needed after the storm.
Thanks to the SPARK Program and contributions from the local community, this park will be available for public use during non-school hours and on weekends. It features modular playground equipment, walking trails, picnic tables, outdoor music equipment and learning spaces.
The park will be open for public use during non-school hours and one weekends, and will feature modular playground equipment, walking trails, picnic tables, outdoor music equipment, and learning spaces.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy ISD superintendent Dr. Lance Hindt along with members of the school board, Katy Elementary School staff, Mayor Chuck Brawner, and State Representative Mike Schofield were among those in attendance for the unveiling of the new historical marker at Katy Elementary School, the site of the first schoolhouse in Katy.
November 10, 2017
By Ashley Lancaster
Katy Elementary, “The Original”
The original property, a small one-room house, was established in 1898 and slated by the founders of the town to be used for public education. The current Katy Elementary campus was built in 1965, renovated in 1989 and again in 1995. Today, students play on the same location as the original playground. The first school bell from 1909 still hangs in the main entrance of the campus.
A tribute to Katy’s legacy
All of Katy Elementary’s students and staff were in attendance for a special ceremony that included opening remarks from Katy ISD School Board president Ashley Vann who stated, “The legacy this school has created is why Katy ISD is a destination school district. The legacy started here.”
School principal Beth Grimet introduced and recognized those individuals who were responsible for organizing the event, including the Katy Elementary PTO leadership board including Mrs. Monica Oldham, Stephanie Richter, Carrie Singletary, Brandi Traylor, Jennifer Bradley, Nessa Gutierrez, and Kristel Meadows; assistant principal Ashley Pierce, and Mr. Chris Harris, “without whom,” she states, “today would not have been possible.”
Former Katy Elementary teachers and staff, Katy ISD namesakes, and Katy ISD legacy families and children were also recognized. Chris Harris, who did the research and footwork to have a marker placed at the school presented an informational slideshow for kids and adults, giving everyone present a history of the site where Katy Elementary now sits.
State recognition
Mayor Chuck Brawner read the proclamation, while Texas state representative Mike Schofield read the offical historical marker, said a few words as well, “In a growing city like Katy, its important to be mindful of our past. The Beckendorffs, Mortons…these aren’t just names on roads, they are the people who built this place. This school is where education in Katy began, and it has gone from a few dozen families in 1898, to over 300,000 people. We received from them, and future generations will received from us.” Superintendent Dr. Lance Hindt closed the ceremony.
Those Katy kids
The ceremony ended with a fun, campus-wide performance of the school song, “Katy Kids”, before students were released to their classrooms, and invitees were led outside for the unveiling ceremony and reception to follow.
Katy ISD Police Department is sponsoring the 15th Annual Santa Cops Program, aimed at helping families that may be experiencing hardships by providing gifts and clothing for their children during the holidays. This year, the program anticipates an increased number of families in need due to the devastation caused by Harvey.
November 13, 2017
As in the past, generous sponsors are needed. Every year students, community organizations as well as district employees make this program a success. The Katy ISD Police Department welcomes any and all who would like to participate. If you or someone you know would like to donate and help children this year, please send an email to
Sponsor information will be sent out around the third-week of November. After Harvey, the outpouring of love and generosity has been heartwarming and the Katy ISD Police Department would like to continue the community’s support throughout the upcoming holiday
November 9, 2017
The Katy ISD Partners in Education’s 15th Annual Food for Families has launched and the community is invited to support Katy ISD families in need this holiday season. Food for Families is an annual campaign that since 2003 has helped thousands of Katy ISD students and their families with grocery gift cards. Every Katy ISD campus identifies students in need of assistance, and the gift cards are given to those students before winter break. This long-standing program has helped thousands of families and Katy ISD Partners in Education hopes to this year touch even more.
Donations of any amount are welcomed and appreciated. The deadline to donate is December 7. To make a contribution online please click here. To donate via check, please remit to “Katy ISD Food for Families” and mail to Partners in Education: Katy ISD ESC, 6301 South Stadium Lane, Katy 77494.
Food for Families, a Katy ISD Partners in Education yearly initiative, unites our Katy ISD staff and community in holiday support for select students and their families. To learn more, visit Partners in Education under the “Community” tab at or contact Tammy Stringer, 281-396-2645,
Katy ISD’s original elementary campus, built in 1965, will receive a historical marker on Friday, November 10, 2017 to celebrate it’s history and the many Tigers who have pass through it’s hallways.
November 6, 2017
Historical marker being given
Katy Elementary (KE), along with its community and students, is honored for being recognized with an historical marker as the first schoolhouse site in Katy. The original property, a small one-room house, was established in 1898 and slated by the founders of the town to be used for public education.
Educating Katy students since 1909…
The current Katy Elementary campus was built in 1965, renovated in 1989 and again in 1995. Today, students play on the same location as the original playground. The first school bell from 1909 still hangs in the main entrance of the campus.
Katy ISD Election Day is November 7, 2017, with a $609M bond referendum on the ballot. Read on for polling locations by county, early voting results, and bond details.
November 7, 2017
By Jennifer Skelton
Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2017. Katy ISD has a bond on the ballot for $609,204,553 that includes six new schools (one high school, two junior highs and 3 elementary schools) to alleviate overcrowding and to keep up with growth in the southwest and northwest quadrants of the district. The full bond includes…
74% – Six new schools
9% – Component replacements
5% – Technology
4% – Buses, portables, fuel tank replacements
3% – Fielder Elementary comprehensive renovation
3% – Safety and security
2% – Expansions for Raines and Katy High
Katy ISD was recently voted the #1 school district in the Houston metro area and is 2nd in growth in the state of Texas adding 2,800+ new students yearly.
Early voting numbers shows 7,374 votes were cast towards the bond broken down by 4,177 from Fort Bend County; 2,880 coming from Harris County; and 188 coming from Waller.
Katy students hold fast to their faith, share testimonies, and pray over the district and their community at Rhodes Stadium on October 15.
October 16, 2017
Ashley Lancaster
On October 15, approximately 200 high school and junior high-aged Katy students participated in Fields of Faith, a youth-led event where students invite, pray for, share with, and challenge their peers to read the Bible and follow Jesus Christ. An athletic field provides a neutral rally point where a community can come together.
Fields of Faith
In Katy, the familiar and historic Jack Rhodes Memorial Stadium served as the meeting place for what was to be a truly touching and inspiring night for young people and adults alike.
Youth in prayer
The kids, who come from different schools and churches all over the city, prayed for our country, for our national, state and local leaders, for unity in the nation, for all of our schools, teachers and administrators. They also shared their personal testimonies and encouraged and shared their faith with each other. There was a live band to lead them in worship, and volunteers and pastors from Powerhouse, First Baptist Church of Katy, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes all came together to organize the event and make hot dogs for the kids to eat, provide an inspirational message, and close the evening in prayer.
“It is so important for young people people to be encouraged to live their faith and share their faith with others,” says Pastor Robert Burdette.
September 26, 2017
Ashley Lancaster
The family of Taylor High School’s injured star defensive end and Texas A&M commit, Max Wright, opens up about surgery, recovery, and plans for college.
An injury late in the third
During last week’s match up against Fort Bend Austin, Mustang defensive end and A&M commit Max Wright left the game late in the third quarter complaining of a “muscle cramp” and did not make a reappearance.
Late Saturday, an MRI confirmed that Wright had suffered a torn ACL in his left knee, an injury that will keep him on the sidelines for the remainder of the season.
True to form, the faithful football player encouraged his friends, teammates, and followers on Twitter with inspirational bible verses. And faith will play a huge role in the months to come while Max prepares for his big comeback with the Texas A&M Aggies.
Surgery on the books
“Honestly, we are heartbroken that he will miss his senior year but are seeking to believe and trust that God has bigger and better things in store for Max down the road,” says his mother, Cydney Wright.
According to Cydney, Max’s surgery is scheduled for October 5 by Dr. Walter Lowe, and he is already working out and attending physical therapy at Memorial Hermann Ironman. “He is ready to tackle this head on and feels incredibly strong!” says Wright.
Continuing to lead
As a team captain, the 6’4″, 270 lb. athlete will continue to lead his team from the sidelines while continuing to focus on rehab and recovery and preparing to play college football for the Aggies.
The Wright family would like to thank the Katy ISD community for their outpouring of love, support, and prayers.

(Photo by Sara Isola)
“We are truly grateful for all the love , prayers and support from the Texas A&M coaches and families as well as all our family and friends! Max is amazingly strong and his determination has proven that he can handle adversity and with God’s help he will be back stronger than ever and ready to hit Kyle Field when he reports to College Station after graduation. Setbacks bring amazing comebacks! Thank you for your continued prayers! Gig’em and Go Mustangs!”
September 20, 2017
From Katy ISD Communications:
On Tuesday, September 19, 2017 parents and guardians of the Taylor High School Football Team were notified that their head coach was placed on administrative leave till further notice. The leave is unrelated to his role with students.
In his absence, Katy ISD Assistant Coach Joe Sheffy will be taking his place in leading the Taylor High School football team this season. Sheffy is a certified, highly experienced individual who is well versed on the needs of the team.
Katy ISD is committed to its students and will do everything necessary to ensure their continued success during this period. Because this is a personnel matter the District is unable to provide additional information.
September 11, 2017
Harris County Fire Chief says, “Thank You” to Katy ISD for their relief and rescue contributions.
All of Katy Stepped Up
In a recent press release expressing his sympathies and to all families and residents who suffered water and wind damage from Hurricane Harvey, Harris County Emergency Services Fire Chief (Dist. 48) Jeffrey S. Hevey gave his sincerest thanks to several local organizations who stepped up to help rescue people from flooded areas in both HCESD No. 48 and FBESD No. 1.
Among those listed were the Katy ISD Police Department, Katy ISD campuses, and Katy ISD Department of Transportation (school buses).
Katy ISD Stands Out
During the six days of the storm and continued flooding, the district opened it’s doors at Cinco Ranch High School and Morton Ranch High School to accept 4,000 displaced residents and donations for families in need. Katy High School served as the main operating headquarters for U.S. National Guard and other military while they carried out rescue and relief missions all over south Texas. Katy ISD bus drivers bravely volunteered to drive district vehicles into high water to rescue 450 people trapped by flood waters. Katy ISD police officers faithfully, dutifully served their community in every necessary capacity during the storm. During a time when roughly 15,000 students and 2,600 Katy ISD employees were directly impacted by the storm and subsequent flooding, the impact that the district had on relief and rescue efforts is truly inspiring.
Below is the full list of the partners and agencies named by Chief Hevey:
– Powerhouse Church (Shelter)
– Katy ISD Police Department
– CrossPoint Church (Shelter)
– Westlake Fire Department
– Harris County Sheriff
– Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office
– Harris County Office of Emergency Management
– Fort Bend County Sheriff
– Precinct 5 Constables (Harris County)
– Precint 3 Constables (Fort Bend County)
– Texas Department of Public Service (State Troopers)
– MIdland, Texas Police
– Webb County Sheriff
– Dallas County Sheriff
Katy, TX News (September 8, 2017) – Neighborhoods surrounding Bear Creek Elementary suffered severe flooding last week. While the school was left intact, the local service provider has placed restrictions on water usage, as nearby lift pumps, along with the waste water treatment plant were compromised by the storm.
These restrictions will limit the school’s access to water and waste treatment. As such, Bear Creek Elementary students and staff will be transferred to Paetow High School, located at 23111 Stockdick School Rd., Katy, TX, for the reopening of schools on September 11. Paetow is Katy ISD’s newest high school which opened its doors this fall to two grade levels – freshman and sophomore classes. The elementary students will be housed in the east tower of the campus, currently unoccupied by secondary students.
Transportation for all Bear Creek Elementary zoned students will be provided, should they need it. Information regarding routes, pick up and drop off times/locations will be emailed to parents before Monday.
In the meantime, operations crews have completed their mechanical and electrical assessments, which met all standards. Since there was no flood water intrusion within the building, Bear Creek students and staff will be returning to a safe and secure learning environment once restrictions are removed by the local service provider.
“Students and staff are our highest priority during this recovery process,” said Superintendent Lance Hindt. “Though the relocation for Bear Creek students is temporary, multiple Katy ISD departments are working vigorously to make this a smooth transition for everyone, both now and when students and staff are able to return to their school.”
Katy ISD closed the district on August 25 in anticipation of Hurricane Harvey. Following the storm, the District announced that 16 campuses had been impacted by flooding in surrounding neighborhoods. One campus, Creech Elementary took on several feet of water and arrangements have since been made for students and staff to be relocated to the University of Houston Cinco Ranch campus while repairs are being made at the school. Bear Creek Elementary will be the second school to relocate as a result of Tropical Storm Harvey. The remaining 14 schools have cleared building assessments and will reopen in their home locations this Monday.
Schools reopen across Katy ISD on September 11.
Katy, TX News (September 7, 2017) – Local dance studio will donate 100% of proceeds to Creech Elementary and Beck Junior High teachers.
On Thursday, September 7 Connolly Dance Arts will host a Dance – A – Thon event from 5 to 10 p.m. to give Katy families a chance to dance out all the stress caused by Hurricane Harvey and connect with their neighbors. The best part? One-hundred percent of the proceeds from the event will benefit teachers at Creech Elementary and Beck Junior High, who lost so much when their schools were affected by the flooding.
Registration is from 4 to 5 p.m., and the cost is $20 per contestant and $60 per family. They also accept $20 gift cards to Target, HEB, and Amazon. There will be a DJ, bake sale, and refreshments.
K.T. Connolly, owner of Connolly Dance Arts, says, “Even if you don’t want to participate, we invite everyone to come out and support these amazing Katy teachers!”
Connolly Dance Arts is located at 22760 Westheimer Pkwy., #300.
September 5, 2017
Sixteen Katy ISD schools were impacted by flooding that took place last week in the surrounding neighborhoods. Two district campuses, Creech Elementary and Beck Junior High, saw more extensive damage than other campuses. While Bear Creek Elementary sustained minor water intrusion. The damages and repairs include:
Beck Junior High
The campus is being assessed by operations crews and is being evaluated and remediated for damage due to water intrusion through the building’s roof, skylights and a construction site within the building. Mechanical and electrical systems, as well as air quality and mold testing, are being conducted throughout the building. These tests will determine if the school is ready to reopen on Monday, September 11.
Operations crews have begun the building assessment, which includes air quality/mold testing and a number of other safety reviews. Conditions near and around the campus have prevented our crews from fully assessing the building. Katy ISD is working on a plan to relocate students and staff and will notify families of the alternate campus site by the end of the day on Wednesday, September 6.
The campus sustained minor water intrusion within the building. Operations crews are testing mechanical and electrical systems to ensure a safe return for students and staff. Evaluation and repairs to the damaged structure are expected to be completed by the end of the week, in time for the return of students on Monday, September 11.
Katy, TX News (September 1, 2017) – The Katy community of Cane Island has opened its Amenity Village event center, converting it into a temporary dorm for Katy first responders, some of whom had been sleeping in a nearby parking lot.
Beds have been set up and showers in the community’s fitness center are available. Meals also are being served. The Cane Island Amenity Village is located at 2100 Cane Island Parkway, just north of Interstate 10. On Site Contact: Dan Naef, 702-581-1956.
Katy, TX News (August 31, 2017) – Due to limited personnel as a result of the aftermath of Tropical Storm Harvey, it is projected that Katy ISD schools will reopen on Monday, September 11. Staff who can safely commute to work are asked to return to their campuses or office on Wednesday, September 6.
Only two Katy ISD campuses, Creech Elementary and Beck Junior High, sustained severe water damage which will require a significant amount of time to repair and restore. Fourteen Katy ISD campuses are located within neighborhoods directly impacted by flooding, though the school buildings remain intact. Nevertheless, there is a tremendous amount of work ahead for Katy ISD over the coming days, weeks and months as the District prepares to welcome back students and restore facilities and structures impacted by the storm.
During this catastrophic weather event the Katy ISD community, staff, parents and even students spent countless hours volunteering and caring for those who may have lost access to their homes and/or possessions due to the storm. Katy ISD bus drivers rescued hundreds from flooded areas and several of the Katy ISD campuses opened their doors to state emergency agencies staging operations. Superintendent Lance Hindt released a letter to parents and staff today notifying them of the district’s closure and reflecting upon the kindness and unity of the Katy community.
Katy, Texas News (August 29, 2017) – Peli Peli Restaurant is stepping up in the chaos created by hurricane Harvey to fuel first responders as they attempt to save families affected by the devastation of the flood.
Their Cinco Ranch restaurant, located at 23501 Cinco Ranch Blvd. in LaCenterra at Cinco Ranch and directly across from Torchy’s Tacos, is currently open and working to prepare hot meals for rescuers.
“Basically, we’re going to cook every bit of food on our shelves to feed Katy’s finest,” says Thomas Nguyen, co-founder and partner. If they run low, Nguyen says that they are asking Katy families who want to help to swing by with food for them to cook and prepare for Coast Guard, National Guard, FEMA, firefighters, volunteers, police, EMT, and others. “If we run out, we invite residents to donate food for us to prepare – our kitchen is ready and our doors are open. We’ll even make sandwiches.”
For first responders in a hurry, Nguyen says not to worry about coming inside. Just call 281-257- 9500 or 832-259-2448 and someone will run a hot meal out to the curb.
Today only, they will also be offering hot meals to first responders at their I-10 and Campbell location.
If you know of a Katy business offering assistance, supplies, or services to those in need, email us!
Katy, TX News (August 27, 2017) – Here are a few important advisories, alerts and notes from Harris County.
There are over 177 high water locations across Harris County on Houston Transtar. Click link for more info.
Check out their Flood Warning System to see what we see. Click “channel status” on the left and you will see that most of our bayous and creeks are RED and out of bank.
Red= out of banks
Yellow= near top of bank
Green=still ok
You can get swept away in as little as six inches so it’s not worth driving through.
Here is a rescue that took place last night at Saums Rd. Driving to your drowning is one of the most common ways flood deaths occur. It’s not worth it. Stay put!
First responders are being dispatched to over 1,000 (and growing) rescues at this time. Some water inside is better than being outside. So, please stay put. If water is rising to Stay safe, this is seriously nothing to joke with!
Please heed to the advice emergency officials. It’s devastating sitting in this emergency operations center listening to the thousands of calls coming in to get rescued. DO NOT attempt to leave, just stay put. TRUST US you wont get very far. More rescue boats are coming but the list is long. DO NOT go into attics, you will get TRAPPED! Get on roofs. As soon as day breaks it will be easier to rescue you!
If waters are rising and it’s absolutely necessary, please go onto your roof. We will get to as soon as we can. DO NOT GO IN YOUR ATTIC.
We understand water is in homes, but only call 911 with life-threatening emergencies. Our 911 call center is inundated with requests, not allowing true emergencies to get thru. If you are dialing and it is a true emergency, STAY ON THE LINE. A dispatcher will get to you ASAP.DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOME. Stay put.
Harris County Flood Control District 713-684-4000
Red Cross Houston 713-526-8300
1. Road Closures
2. River/Creek Flood Gages
3. Electricity Outage Tracker
4. Harris County Rainfall Map
Here’s the latest on the hurricane as it pertains to Katy
Although it’s been downgraded to a CAT 1 Hurricane, we are definitely not out of the woods. Street and flash flooding expected for the next few days.
Meteorologists are expecting 12″ inches of rain today with a total of 30″ over the next few days.
Harvey is expected to stay on Hurricane status through Saturday night and high winds may happen through Sunday.
Flooding expected around bayous and river basins Brazos, Colorado,etc.
Harvey is a tornado-happy Hurricane and we may have on/off tornado watches until 1 PM today or later. TORNADO PREPARATION LINK
Stay put. Don’t be on the roads.
If you must be on the roads, don’t drive in water. Cars have been carried away in just six inches of water.
Use 911 only for emergencies.
Katy Kindness Tip: It’s a great idea to check on your neighbors and friends who may be shut-ins, single moms, or senior citizens.
Thank you to David Thelan for sending us these important links
Katy, Texas News (August 25, 2017) – Overnight, Harvey slammed ashore and has downgraded to a Category 1 hurricane. But that doesn’t mean Katy is out of the woods. Reduced wind speeds and persistent rain mean that we are still in for potentially disastrous flooding and possibly fast moving tornadoes.
POSTED: 9:00 AM.
UPDATED SAT 8/26, 7:00 AM
Weather stations reported up to 6″ of rain in the last 12 hours, with the Mayde Creek area at Greenhouse Road overflowing at its banks.
Water in this area will feed into the Barker/Addicks Reservoir, and it’s a possibility that roadways nearby could flood.
PRELIM Rainfall Reports for Katy area:
*Fort Bend County*
SSE Katy 4.47 in
SE Katy 3.41 in
*Harris County*
Katy 1.0 NNE 3.62 in
NE Katy 2.68 in
E Katy 2.00 in
HOUSTON TEXANS are discussing playing next Thursday’s game against the Cowboys in Arlington.
DYNAMO & DASH games have been cancelled for the week.
HOUSTON COUGARS are practicing in Austin in preparation for the season.
*Prelim High Wind Reports from NWS Houston*
SSW Katy 24 MPH
NE Fulshear 24 MPH
ENE Stafford 22 MPH
ENE Fulshear 21 MPH
NNW Pecan Grove 21 MPH
First Colony 20 MPH
SSE Katy 17 MPH
W Mission Bend 17 MPH
NW Richmond 17 MPH
SE Katy 16 MPH
N Pecan Grove 16 MPH
W Mission Bend 16 MPH
SE Katy 13 MPH
ENE Brookshire 32 MPH
W Katy 23 MPH
– Harris County –
NWS is showing “potentially devastating” flood threats and intense rainfall amounts as Harvey inches closer. If you haven’t already, please take last minute precautions for water, shelter, and food.
UPDATED 6:20 PM According to the National Weather Service, Hurricane Harvey is now classified as a Category 4.
WATER ? available at Brookshire Bros on Franz Rd. as of 6:30 pm.
WATER PALLETS AT SHELL STATION – Shell Station at Avenue D and Franz has water pallets for $7.99 as of 10 AM
ALL YOUTH SPORTS POSTPONED- All KYF events and activities are cancelled due to the storms this weekend.
WATER AT HEB – Highland Knolls and Mason Rd. Possibly just restocked. (8:55 AM.)
KROGER 99 & MORTON RESTOCKING – A reader reported that Kroger at Morton and 99 is restocking water and other items that are out right now. (8:40 AM).
A reader reported that there is water at Trader Joe’s, LaCenterra as of 8:20 AM.
As Hurricane Harvey heads toward the Texas coast, the National Hurricane Center is warning Texans to be ready for “life threatening flash flooding”. Katy will not be impacted by surges because we have no coastal areas, but will need to be on alert for flash flooding. Katy could also experience heavy winds and rains. Flash flood watches are in effect possibly through Monday. Heavy rain is projected and the hurricane is reported to be “very close to reaching Category 3”.
There was a lot of water stocked at HEB South Fry Road as of 6:30 AM. Lines already forming.
All Katy ISD campuses and school facilities are closed today. According to a statement from the school district, “While Hurricane Harvey has yet to touch ground in the Katy area, the National Weather Services is predicting an extreme weather event. As such, we have chosen to err on the side of caution to ensure the safety and security of our students, families, staff and community.”
If you do not have to drive, stay put. Make sure you have water and rations for a few days. Don’t forget to check on your neighbors, seniors, and shut ins!
– Charge your phones now.
– Stay put during the storms.
– If you must drive, DO NOT drive through water.
– Never bypass road closure signs. The roads have been closed because of serious danger or flooding.
KATY MAGAZINE will continue to update this page specifically for Katy as new events take place.
Katy, TX News (August 22, 2017) – With a unanimous vote of 7-0, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees called a November 2017 bond election for the 239-project bond package presented by a community-led committee this past July. The total bond package is $609.2 MM and would have no impact on the school tax rate.
The Community Bond Advisory Committee’s (CBAC) package focuses on meeting existing and near-term needs as the District continues to grow by 2,800 student annually and older campuses show signs of aging. It’s a growth bond that directly affects students, with 74% of the bond allocated for new schools. The improvements proposed for existing campuses will ensure that classrooms adequately support the curriculum and meet legislative requirements across the district.
The bond package is comprised of six new schools, a comprehensive renovation of Fielder Elementary, repairs and replacements for components like school kitchens, roofs, floors and intercoms at 61 campuses and facilities, facility expansions at two schools, and safety and security upgrades at 40 campuses. Students across the entire district will likewise benefit from technology network improvements. The CBAC also included funds for new buses as well as fuel tanks and portable buildings to replace existing aging ones.
The bond touches every quadrant of Katy ISD, from the far northeast to the lower southwest. The last day to register to vote is October 10 and Election Day is November 7. Click here for more information on the bond package.
Katy, TX News (August 7, 2017) – Seven Lakes High School Best Buddies President, Anna Celeste Fedewa, and co- Vice President, Reagan Kallina, represented their chapter at the 2017 Best Buddies Leadership Conference in Indiana this summer.
The SLHS chapter was awarded Outstanding High School Chapter in Texas for the 2nd year in a row, the National Pacesetter Award and was ranked in the top 15 chapters in the nation for fundraising. Fedewa and Kallina were also only of 9 students chosen to have a position on the Friendship Walk committee where they brainstormed with others and will aid in planning next year’s fundraising walk. “Founded in 1989 by Anthony K. Shriver (pictured), Best Buddies is a vibrant international organization that has grown from one original chapter at Georgetown University to more than 2,300 chapters worldwide, positively impacting the lives of over 1.1 million people with and without intellectual and developmental disorders. Best Buddies programs engage participants in each of the 50 United States, and in over 50 countries around the world.”
Courtesy of Seven Lakes High School
Katy, TX News (August 2, 2017) – Parents, students, staff, and other community members, as well as media outlets, are invited to join Katy ISD Superintendent Lance Hindt and the Board of Trustees for the official dedication of Mike Johnston Field and Legacy Stadium. Katy ISD namesakes and local officials will also participate in the celebration.

The Mike Johnston Field at Legacy Stadium was approved by voters as part of the 2014 Katy ISD bond. The facility will provide students and the community with a state of the art multipurpose second stadium to serve more than 77,000 students, and community members, across the district. This year, athletic and fine arts teams from eight high schools will benefit from this new facility.
The dedication ceremony will include special performances by all high school bands and choir directors.
Where: Legacy Stadium
1830 Katyland Drive
Katy, TX 77493
When: Thursday, August 17
2:30 – 4:45 p.m. – Community & Media Tours
(Call to schedule a tour)
7:30 – 8:30 p.m. – Stadium Dedication Ceremony
Katy, TX News (August 1, 2017) – Texas Education Agency (TEA) has released SAT scoring data for Houston area high schools in 2015, and three Katy ISD high schools ranked within the top 10 highest overall performance scores in the region.
The schools and their combined SAT scores from 2015 are listed below:
7. Seven Lakes High School: 1689
- Katy ISD
- Math: 585
- Reading: 558
- Writing: 546
8. Taylor High School: 1662
- Math: 569
- Reading: 552
- Writing: 541
9. Cinco Ranch High School: 1656
- Math: 578
- Reading: 547
- Writing: 531
Also mong the top 10 were schools from Clear Creek, Houston, Spring Branch, and Fort Bend ISD.
This information can be verified on the Texas Education Agency website.
Katy, TX News (July 28, 2017) – Teachers and staff of Katy’s ISD’s new Bryant Elementary School pause for a group photo during a recent get-together at the Cane Island Amenity Village Event Center. Residents of the Katy master-planned community of Cane Island will attend the all-new school located at 29801 Kingsland Boulevard.
Katy, TX News (July 25, 2017) – Katy ISD’s head athletic director, Debbie Decker, was recently appointed president of the Texas High School Athletic Directors Association (THSADA). Decker is the first person from Katy ISD to serve in this capacity.
In addition to overseeing the day-to-day business of the Texas High School Athletic Directors Association, Decker will also be responsible for writing columns for quarterly newsletters, appointing committees and committee members, and serving on the special events committee, among other tasks.
Courtesy of Debbie Decker via THSADA:
“My vision as President of the THSADA is to engage, encourage and support athletic administrators in the development of knowledge and skills necessary to be successful leaders in educational based athletics.
1. Promote the role of the athletic administrator in the state.
2. Continue developing athletic administrators to their highest level of competency by providing resources through trainings including the state conference.
3. Expand on professional development and leadership training opportunities.
4. Build on the current relationship with the UIL, THSCA and TGCA.
5. Collaborate with THSADA members on how to continue to grow our association.”
Katy, TX News (July 20, 2017) – Katy ISD is pleased to welcome Dr. Doreen Martinez as the new principal for Memorial Parkway Elementary, and Mr. Rashan Smith at McRoberts Elementary.
Dr. Martinez has worked in the field of education for 28 years. She began her educational career in 1989 as a teacher in Pasadena ISD. She has also work in Angleton ISD, Clear Creek ISD and as a grant/technology coordinator in Royal ISD.
She came to Katy ISD in 2001, where she served as an instructional technology facilitator, technology training supervisor, Parent & Patron Center Coordinator and then as an assistant principal at Morton Ranch Junior High. In 2015, Dr. Martinez returned to Angleton ISD as Principal of Angleton Junior High. However, it’s the District’s pleasure to have her back home at Katy ISD where she will lead the Memorial Parkway Elementary family.
“Coming back to Katy ISD is such a proud honor and a dream come true,” says Principal Martinez. “My goal is to work to build trust, establish relationships and create a positive environment where our Panthers can excel and achieve their dreams. Working together as a team we will be ‘the best school in the land!’”
Mr. Smith has worked in the field of education for 17 years. He began his career with Houston ISD in 2001 as an elementary teacher, serving as a literary specialist and intermediate classroom teacher at JFK Elementary. He also worked with Pre-K students at Gabriela Mistral early Childhood Center and as a student behavior specialist at Fondren Middle School.
He came to Katy in 2012 and served as an assistant principal at Mayde Creek Junior High, a principal for Katy Summer Academic Term in 2016 and 2017 and before moving to McRoberts Elementary, he was an assistant principal at Seven Lakes High School.
“To become the principal of McRoberts Elementary is truly an honor,” says Principal Smith. “It is a reflection of the Katy community. A community that is built on integrity, honor, kindness, relationships and success. As the new principal of McRoberts Elementary, one of my main goals will be to establish a rapport with each and every one of my students and help them to reach their highest potential. Go Dolphins!”
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (July 18, 2017) – Katy ISD’s 2017 District-wide Elementary Teacher of the Year Kristal Parrish and Secondary Teacher of the Year Phuong Nguyen have been selected as finalists in the Region 4 Teacher of the Year program.
Ms. Parrish is a fifth grade teacher at WoodCreek Elementary where she teaches reading, writing and social studies. Since 2013, Ms. Parrish has also been the fifth grade team Curriculum and Instruction Leader. She’s a dedicated teacher that inspires her students to make an impact in the world. She does this by teaching them to be critical readers and writers, and deep thinkers who are compassionate. Her philosophy surrounds the ideal that “there is no program, no app, no curriculum that can replace the tremendous power and essence of an effective and passionate teacher in the life of a student.”
Ms. Nguyen teaches 10th – 12th grade students in the area of Principles of Health Science, Health Science Technology and Clinical Rotations at Taylor High School. As a teacher, she creates an environment where curiosity is cultivated, learning is collaborative and students develop skills to be successful in every endeavor. Her philosophy is one of adaptability and emphasis on the importance of a moral compass. Ms. Nguyen also initiated the Katy Students Run program at her school to create another platform in order for her to mentor and teach the necessary skills to be successful in life.
The Region 4 Teachers of the Year event is part of the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) Texas Teacher of the Year program and is the initial step into the National Teacher of the Year selection process.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (July 12, 2017) – More than 7,500 Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) members, advisers, and guests from across the country gathered in Nashville, TN for the 2017 National Leadership Conference. The meeting provided MRHS FCCLA members with the opportunity to attend leadership and program training, hear national speakers, and explore colleges and careers. Kyle Triplett, an 11th grader and Michael Hurley a 9th grader at Morton Ranch High School in Katy, Texas, were among the members and took part in STAR Event competitions at the conference.
FCCLA offers over 30 STAR [Students Taking Action with Recognition] Events. These events, which include Early Childhood Education, Job Interview, and Sports Nutrition, among others, represent college and career readiness skills taught in Family and Consumer Sciences classroom. Members compete at the Regional, State and National level. This year, Kyle and Michael were among over 4,200 STAR Event participants who competed in Nashville, TN. They competed in the Promote and Publicize category. Their project focused on showcasing all the benefits FCCLA offers our community. Their presentation consisted of a 10 minute speech, 30 page portfolio with documentation, and an 8 x 4 foot visual display. During their presentation they explained each community service activitiy that the chapter’s 124 members participated in. Activities completed by chapter members this year included; mentoring of elementary reading students, breast cancer awareness, food drives, purchasing Christmas gifts for needy children, book drive, heart disease awareness, promoting physical activity among the family, and programs to promote cultural awareness and acceptance. Triplett and Hurley received a gold medal in the event by scoring highest among their competitors. Hurley stated that he has learned confidence, public speaking skills and the importance of hard work while competing this year.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and effective career and technical student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA has more than 164,000 members and more than 5,300 chapters from 49 state associations, in addition to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience is unique among youth organizations because its programs are planned and run by members, and it’s the only career and technical in-school student organization with a central focus on careers that support families. Participation in national FCCLA programs and chapter activities helps members become strong leaders in their families, careers, and communities.
Courtesy of Kelsey Jozwiak, MRHS
Katy, TX News (July 7, 2017) – YMCA Operation Backpack, an initiative of the YMCA of Greater Houston, is one of Texas’ largest back-to-school supply drives. In its 13th year, YMCA Operation Backpack is expecting to reach its highest goal to date by giving school supplies and/or a new backpack to 120,000 youngsters whose families struggle to make ends meet. Last year, the YMCA delivered backpacks and supplies to more than 105,000 children. Thirty-six school districts in the Houston area will benefit from the event.
This initiative is not possible without donors, however. Required school supplies can cost up to $200 per student, yet more than 25 percent of Houston-area children ages 17 and under live in poverty. The month-long school supply drive will run from July 11 to August 11, 2017.
How you can help:
- Make a monetary donation or purchase pre-packaged school supplies and a backpack at any participating H-E-B at the checkout stand. Your donation will directly support your local YMCA.
- Text the word SCHOOL to 91999 to make a monetary donation.
- Visit to make a monetary donation.
- Visit for a list of school supplies if you wish to purchase them individually. Supplies and backpacks can be dropped off at any YMCA or at designated sites specified on the YMCA website.
Courtesy of YMCA of Greater Houston
For information on the Katy Tailgate event that will make donations to Operation Backpack at Katy YMCA’s, click the link here:
Katy, TX News (June 15, 2017) – Schmalz Elementary was recently selected to participate in the 2017 Raising Family Partnerships Fellowship. The school is one of 20 from across the state selected to redesign and transform their family engagement plan based on best practices, personal experiences and lessons learned from other participants.
The year-long fellowship kicks off in the summer of 2017 with a design camp where school leaders will turn research into practice and engagement opportunities for their campuses during the upcoming school year.
Raising Your Hand Texas Leadership Program consists of an elite network of 1,000 Texas school leaders who contribute to creating a high-quality public school system that supports the success of all students. Following the design camp, participants will remain connected, working together to implement and improve their plans and to collaborate and provide feedback on ways to strengthen partnerships on their campuses. Congratulations to the staff at Schmalz Elementary School.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (June 13, 2017) – Three Katy ISD teams classified in the “Top 10 Teams” during the Global Destination Imagination Tournament, which took place in Knoxville, Tennessee on May 24-28.
More than 1,400 teams representing 45 states and 14 countries competed in the event to showcase their innovative challenge solutions. In total, five Katy ISD teams attended the tournament, including students from Griffin Elementary, Hayes Elementary, Beckendorff Junior High and Katy High School.
In the Improv Challenge, 3-Peat, the Katy High School “Tie Di ers” finished in 10th place. This placed them as the highest ranking team in the state of Texas, who was in attendance. Participating in the Scientific Challenge, Top Secret, the Hayes Elementary team “It’s Classified” finished in third place. The “Altos Kryptos,” from Griffin Elementary won second place in the same category.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (June 7, 2017) Taylor High School student Max Wright has been nominated to play in the 2018 U.S. Army All-American Bowl presented by American Family Insurance. In total, 400 football players are nominated, but only 100 are selected to participate in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl, the nation’s premier high school sporting event, held every January.
Wright was nominated by the U.S. Army All-American Bowl Selection Committee, which consists of All American Games, its national network of coaches and scouts, as well as 247Sports. This nomination recognizes the versatility and adaptability Wright possesses both on and off the field.
The U.S. Army All-American Bowl is a unique event designed to showcase and recognize the talents of America’s youth while celebrating the team that makes a difference every day for the nation – the U.S. Army.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (June 6, 2017) By Christine Hall
Kids can invent the darnedest things—and the TMC Young Inventors Forum is an example of just how creative they can be.
For the past three years, the British International School of Houston and the Texas Medical Center have partnered on the TMC Young Inventors Forum, an eight-week program for 7- and 8-year-old students to learn the fundamentals of innovation and how to apply them to health care.
Monday’s event was the culmination of the program, when 14 teams pitched their health care solutions to parents, teachers and a judging panel of community leaders at the TMC Innovation Institute.
“This is exciting because we started this program not just for fun, but because invention and entrepreneurship are skills that should be learned early on in life,” said William McKeon, president and CEO of the Texas Medical Center. “Every child can be a CEO of a company, and every child can have an idea that is a breakthrough.”
In addition, eight teams of fifth-graders, who were part of the inaugural Young Inventors Forum, came back to pitch new ideas and display a new level of entrepreneurship by adding financial information to their products, including cost, profit margins, pricing and marketing.
The curriculum was led by Katharine Forth, Ph.D., CEO of iShoe, which creates products to measure and track balance. iShoe was part of the first TMCx Accelerator class.
Judging the inventions were Julia Andrieni, M.D., vice president of population health and primary care at Houston Methodist Hospital and president and CEO of Houston Methodist Physicians’ Alliance for Quality; Karen Bell, consul general of the United Kingdom; Houston Council Members Dwight Boykins and Amanda Edwards; and Bernard Harris, M.D., CEO of Vesalius Ventures.
Each of the participants walked away with a medal, a goody bag and a T-shirt.
In addition, five teams were awarded lightbulb-shaped trophies in the categories of:
- Strength of Pitch: Staying Alive T-shirt – a T-shirt that shows hand placement for CPR.
- Marketability: DriveMe Chair – a self-driving wheelchair.
- Quality of Prototype: Fluffy Crutch Helper – making crutches softer and more comfortable to use.
- Degree of Impact: Eye Help You – a computer that helps patients with ALS communicate through eye movements.
- Innovativeness: Sunshine Cast – a cast that aids in vitamin D absorption.
Courtesy of The Medical Center News
Katy, TX News (June 6, 2017) – Close to 5,000 Katy ISD seniors walked across the stage at the Leonard E. Merrell Center during this year’s graduation ceremony. Katy ISD congratulates all graduates and wishes them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
The District is proud to announce the Top 10 graduates from each of its comprehensive high schools. They are:
Cinco Ranch High School:
• Valedictorian: Trisha Neha Madhavan
• Salutatorian: Tiffany Cheng Yu
• No. 3: Alyssa Shuang Wu
• No. 4: Nirmit Shah
• No. 5: Sarah Kyoko Halvorsen
• No. 6: Aidan Roy Gettemy
• No. 7: Amol Milind Patil
• No. 8: Sabrina Clare Hodgins
• No. 9: Sean Bao Ngo
• No. 10: Jamie Liang Tan
Katy High School:
• Valedictorian: Holly Grace Meier
• Salutatorian: Bryan Daniel Marin
• No. 3: Kendrick Tan Mendoza
• No. 4: Brandon Jay Komplin
• No. 5: Sophia Nicole Carmen Lecher
• No. 6: Jacob Michael Clayton
• No. 7 : Sabrina Pereira Ghelardi
• No. 8: Alexandria Helen Woodward
• No. 9: Thanh Tam Thi Vo
• No. 10: Denali Evangeline Ibbotson
Mayde Creek High School:
• Valedictorian: Kunal Shailesh Jain
• Salutatorian: Wahibah Hannan
• No. 3: Juseung “Chris” Park
• No. 4: Shourya Kashyap
• No. 5: Thy Nguyen
• No. 6: Joseph Ola
• No. 7 (tie): Andrew Duong
• No. 7 (tie): Kassem Abusnineh
• No. 9: Justin Ngov
• No. 10: Vivian Lam
Morton Ranch High School:
• Valedictorian: Alejandro Guadalupe Gaona
• Salutatorian: Pranav Jayaraman
• No. 3: Uche Ogochukwu Okwo
• No. 4: Nicholas Alexander Rose
• No. 5: Victoria Belen Baltazar
• No. 6: Alyssa Patricia Chuidian
• No. 7: Alexander Octavio Viteri
• No. 8: Alyssa Ann Catoc Reyes
• No. 9: Jeremy Sander See Bayangos
• No. 10: Isra Rehman
Seven Lakes High School:
• Valedictorian: Naveen Chokkar
• Salutatorian: Jessica Shu
• No. 3: Jingze Yu
• No. 4: Thomas Xiong
• No. 5: Helen Zhou
• No. 6: Eva Patel
• No. 7: Rohan Sura
• No. 8: Justin Zhang
• No. 9: Sharon Xu
• No. 10: Moniish Elanchezhian
Taylor High School:
• Valedictorian: Maria Sturzu
• Salutatorian: Shujian “Scott” Lin
• No. 3: Irena Wan
• No. 4: Oishik Saha
• No. 5: Sheel Yerneni
• No. 6: Ananya Subraman
• No. 7: Angela Lin
• No. 8: Jessica Rao
• No. 9: Alissa Nguyen
• No. 10: Vincent Liu
Tompkins High School:
• Valedictorian: Kavya Chandran
• Salutatorian: Lucy Haoyue Chen
• No. 3: Saloni Patel
• No. 4: Brett Lawrence Dolotina
• No. 5: Tanaya Pampattiwar
• No. 6 (tie): Sudarshan Gopalakrishnan
• No. 6 (tie): Tanvi Jadhav
• No. 8: Audrey Liu
• No. 9: Brian Bandaranaike
• No. 10: Venkata Ravila
Katy, TX (June 6, 2017) Children at Risk releases annual school rankings based on four different measures: Student Achievement Index, Campus Performance Index, Growth Index, and College Readiness Index.
“The Gold Ribbon sub-lists highlight high-performing, high poverty schools that are traditional neighborhood campuses; magnet schools and charter schools are not included in the Gold Ribbon sub-lists. High poverty schools are identified as campuses that are more than 75% economically disadvantaged. Those campuses that receive an A or a B in the CHILDREN AT RISK rankings are considered high performing despite high levels of poverty.”
The Houston Region rankings include schools in the following counties: Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Wallis.
Top 5 Elementary Schools
Buckalew Elementary (Conroe ISD)
Commonwealth Elementary (Fort Bend ISD)
Creekside Forest Elementary (Tomball ISD)
River Oaks Elementary (Houston ISD)
Cornerstone Elementary (Fort Bend ISD)
Top 5 Middle Schools
Fort Settlement Middle School (Fort Bend ISD)
Lanier Middle School (Houston ISD)
Houston Gateway Academy-Coral Campus (Houston Gateway Academy Inc.)
Beckendorff Junior High (Katy ISD)
Sartartia Middle School (Fort Bend ISD)
Top 10 High Schools
Debakey High School for Health Professions (Houston ISD)
Challenge Early College High School (Houston ISD)
High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (Houston ISD)
Eastwood Academy (Houston ISD)
Carnegie Vanguard High School (Houston ISD)
Clear Horizons Early College High School (Clear Creek ISD)
Kerr High School (Alief ISD)
Harmony School of Innovation-Sugar Land (Harmony School of Science-Houston)
Clements High School (Fort Bend ISD)
Seven Lakes High School (Katy ISD)
Top Gold Ribbon Elementary Schools
Park Place Elementary (Houston ISD)
Lyons Elementary (Houston ISD)
De Chaumes Elementary (Houston ISD)
Field Elementary (Houston ISD)
Anderson Elementary (Conroe ISD)
Burbank Elementary (Houston ISD)
Sutton Elementary (Houston ISD)
Ed White Elementary (Houston ISD)
Youngblood Intermediate (Alief ISD)
De Zavala Elementary (Houston ISD)
Top Gold Ribbon Middle Schools
Crenshaw Elementary and Middle School (Galveston ISD)
Burbank Middle School (Houston ISD)
Pilgrim Academy (Houston ISD)
O’Donnell Middle School (Alief ISD)
Stevenson Middle School (Houston ISD)
Beckendorff Junior High School is in the Top 5 Middle Schools and Seven Lakes High School is in the Top 10 High Schools.
Courtesy of Children at Risk
Katy, TX News (June 1, 2017) – Katy ISD is proud to announce the top two students from each high school who are ranked highest academically in their respective graduating classes. These students have worked extremely hard from the very first day of their ninth grade year until the last day of their senior year. Many of them are now moving on to prestigious colleges and universities throughout the nation. The 2016-2017 valedictorians and salutatorians are:
Cinco Ranch High School:
- Trisha Madhavan – Valedictorian
- Tiffany Yu – Salutatorian
Katy High School:
- Holly Grace Meier – Valedictorian
- Bryan Daniel Marin – Salutatorian
Mayde Creek High School
- Kunal Shailesh Jain – Valedictorian
- Wahibah Hannan – Salutatorian
Morton Ranch High School
- Alejandro Guadalupe Gaona – Valedictorian
- Pranav Jayaraman – Salutatorian
Seven Lakes High School
- Naveen Chokkar – Valedictorian
- Jessica Shu – Saluatorian
Taylor High School
- Maria Sturzu – Valedictorian
- Shujian Lin – Salutatorian
Tompkins High School
- Kavya Chandran- Valedictorian
- Lucy Haoyue Chen – Salutatorian
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 30, 2017) – The Katy ISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent Lance Hindt will be joining staff and community members as the district breaks ground on Elementary #41. This new educational facility is being made possible in part from savings out of the 2014 bond package and will serve to address growing enrollment that is taking place in the southwest quadrant of Katy ISD. The school is expected to open in Fall 2018. The new school will be located at 3701 Cross Creek Bend Ln. The groundbreaking will take place May 31, 2017 at 9 a.m.
Katy, TX News (May 30, 2017) – The Katy ISD Board of Trustees unanimously voted to name Dr. Dawn Carlson-Scruggs as the Assistant Superintendent for Elementary School Leadership and Support.
Dr. Carlson-Scruggs has worked in the field of education for 25 years. She began her educational career in 1992 as a teacher in Lubbock ISD but she also worked in Austin ISD, Round Rock ISD and Fort Bend ISD. She served as an assistant principal from 2001-2005 in Austin ISD and Round Rock ISD, respectively. While in Fort Bend ISD she served as a principal, coordinator of Leadership Development, Director of Special Education and most recently as Director of Student Affairs.
Dr. Carlson-Scruggs holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Special Education from Peru State College, a Master of Education in Special Education from Texas Tech University, a Master of Education in Educational Administration from the University of Texas at Austin and a Doctorate of Education in Educational Administration from the University of Texas at Austin.
Courtesy Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 23, 2017) – During the Regular Board of Trustees meeting, Katy ISD Superintendent, Dr. Lance Hindt, announced Christopher Morgan as the new principal for Taylor High School. Mr. Morgan will be replacing Jeff Stocks, who recently accepted the position of Assistant Superintendent for Instructional and Administrative Support – Area 2.
Mr. Morgan has worked in education for 22 years. He began his educational career in 1995 as an elementary teacher in Irving ISD. In 1998, he was promoted to Assistant Principal at Paul Keyes Elementary. In 2006, his career moved him to Fort Bend ISD, where he served as an elementary, junior high and high school principal. Mr. Morgan has served as Principal of Kempner High School since 2014.
Mr. Morgan holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology from Stephen F. Austin State University and a Master of Education in Administration Degree from Texas Women’s University. Mr. Morgan will begin his new role as principal of Taylor High School on July 1, 2017.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 22, 2017) – For the second year in a row, Katy ISD’s Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) program reached an unparalleled milestone by donating an extraordinary 1,056,073 hours to the district’s students and staff. Although the number is impressive unto itself, the greater impact lies in the thousands of personal stories it reflects. Each one of those million+ hours represents a person who lovingly donated the gift of time to better the lives of Katy ISD children.
Katy, TX News (May 17, 2017) – Five Katy ISD teams will be headed to Knoxville, Tennessee for the Destination Imagination Global Tournament on May 24-27. Students from Griffin Elementary, Hayes Elementary, Beckendorff Junior High and Katy High School are preparing to compete against teams from across the United States as well as groups representing many other countries throughout the world.
On April 11, nineteen Katy ISD Destination Imagination teams traveled to Lubbock, Texas to compete against more than 370 teams where they showcased their creativity and problem solving skills. The hard work of these students has paid off.
Destination Imagination is a world-wide creative problem solving organization that teaches students the skills needed to succeed in school, career and beyond. Teams use the creative process to turn their ideas into reality.
For more information about Destination Imagination visit and to learn about the Destination Imagination program in Katy ISD, contact Nancy Hess at
Katy, TX News (May 11, 2017) – The Katy ISD Education Foundation is committed to helping teachers create extraordinary classroom experiences for their students through grants. The foundation has awarded approximately $1 million dollars to Katy ISD teachers in their first five years. This year, $284,000 in grants were awarded to schools at the elementary through high school lever. The a few of the lucky grant recipients are listed below.
Wolfe Elementary – $4,997
The Write Path…Bright Future!
Lead teacher Christine Storms and team members Beth Morrow and Jenna Hill

Mayde Creek Junior High – $4,923
No, You Can’t Use Wikipedia: Teaching Gen Z How to Research
Lead Teacher Rebecca Calvert and team members Elizabeth Etter, and Stephanie Nicole Varga
Mayde Creek Junior High – $4923
Pavlov’s Teach-nology
Lead Teacher Crystal Ragbirsingh, team members Jennifer Britt and Toni Hicks
Mayde Creek Junior High – $4, 995
Let the Force Guide You
Lead teacher Marissa Salls and team members Lashaun Wright and Mary Grace Hearnsberger
Courtesy of Katy ISD Education Foundation. For more information, visit
Katy, TX News (May 9, 2017) – This year Katy Magazine “Women’s Issue” included “Katy’s Top 100 Women” and over 30 Katy ISD women, including teachers, principals, district staff and namesakes, were recognized.
The list was generated through community nominations and remained a secret until the magazine hit the stands and when social media posts started circulating the final list.
“We get the pleasure of seeing the passion of many of these women first-hand and the love they have for school children so we have a very high regard for local educators, principals, trustees and namesakes,” says Kirsten Cornell, lead associate editor for Katy Magazine. “There were so many other educators and staff that we want to include and will continue to find ways to celebrate and recognize these hardworking women.”
Katy ISD is very happy to work with Katy Magazine on a daily basis to recognize the positive stories taking place in our district. Next year Katy Magazine is working on an even bigger and better surprise for Katy women. Those interested in nominating a Katy ISD woman, may email with the person’s name and a paragraph as to why she is so special.
Congratulations to all the Katy ISD women who made “Katy’s Top 100 Women” list!
Courtesy of Katy ISD
View Katy Magazine’s Top 100 Women of 2017.
Katy, TX News (May 8, 2017) – Katy ISD voters elected new members to serve of the Katy ISD Board of Trustees on Saturday, May 6, 2017.
- Ashley Vann won Position 3 with a total of 2,279 votes.
- Courtney Doyle won Position 4 with a total of 2,364 votes.
- William “Bill” Lacy won Position 5 with a total of 2,451 votes.
For full election results by precinct, please view the Katy ISD Board Election Tabulation.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 3, 2017) – Alec, a year 13 student at the British International School of Houston has been awarded one of the world’s most prestigious scholarships, the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship at the University of Toronto. The school is located in Katy off of Westgreen Blvd. and Franz Rd.
The University of Toronto is currently ranked No. 1 in Canada and No. 16 in the world. This is University of Toronto’s most prestigious and competitive scholarship for international students and includes tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years.
The scholarship provides an unparalleled opportunity for outstanding international students to study at one of the world’s best universities, in one of the world’s most multicultural cities. Alec will complete his International Baccalaureate studies this summer and enter University of Toronto’s Computer Engineering program this fall.
The scholarship program is intended to recognize and attract the world’s brightest students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and creativity and who are recognized as leaders within their school. A special emphasis is placed on the impact the student has had on the life of their school and community, and their future potential to contribute positively to the global community.
Andrew Derry, Principal of BISH commented, “I am extremely proud of all our graduates who have collaboratively been awarded over $1 million in scholarships this year, the equivalent of $100,000 per student. And in-particular, Alec, who received the coveted Lester B. Pearson Scholarship and exemplified the qualities of the scholarship. Our students are inspired to discover and realise their passions, we have ensured that BISH is a leader at the forefront of innovative education and that our students leave us fully prepared to compete and thrive on a global scale.”
Students at the BISH have access to the very best education including taking the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme that can lead them to some of the highest-ranking universities around the world, with successful pathways to scholarships. This is a demanding academic program and is widely recognized to be the most rigorous course of study for students. The IB is considered the framework for an international education that goes much deeper in meeting the needs of the changing world and is attributed to student academic success extending to the university application process. The BISH Class of 2017 are also celebrating university offer successes including Columbia University, Cambridge, Southampton, Newcastle, University College London, University of Glasgow, University of British Columbia, Baylor and University of Tulsa amongst others.
Courtesy of British International School of Houston
Katy, TX News (April 28, 2016) Information for students who will be attending Paetow High School for the 2017 – 2018 school year and are interested in being a part of the band or color guard
- Color Guard Auditions for the 2017 Paetow High School Guard will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; May 2nd, 3rd and 4th from 5 – 7 PM at Morton Ranch High School. Anyone interested is welcome to attend, no experience is necessary. Please bring athletic attire and a good attitude. For additional questions please contact Greg Redner or access
- Students planning to be a part of the band program at Paetow High School are expected to attend our first mini-camp on Wednesday and Thursday; May 3rd and 4th from 4 – 7 PM at Morton Ranch High School. Make sure to bring your personal instrument, athletic attire and water. For additional questions please contact Greg Redner or access
- All percussion students or piano players attending Paetow High School need to attend our percussion technique days Thursday, May 4th and Wednesday, May 10th from 4 – 6 PM at Morton Ranch High School. For additional questions please contact Greg Redner or access
Katy, TX News (April 24, 2017) – Early voting for the May 6, 2017 election starts Monday, April 24 and ends on May 2. The Harris County Clerk’s office will conduct elections for eight political subdivisions serving over 900,000 registered voters in Harris County. Fifty-four additional political entities in Harris County will also conduct elections on the same day. The deadline to submit an application for a mail ballot is April 25.
Voters residing in the political entities in which the County Clerk is running the election can find sample ballots, the early voting schedule, and the election day polling locations at The County Clerk’s office is conducting elections for the City of Humble, City of Pasadena, Houston Independent School District, Humble Independent School District, Northgate Crossing Municipal Utility District 2, Northwest Harris County Municipal Utility District 28, Oakmont Public Utility District, Harris County Water Control & Improvement District 91.
Voters in the other political subdivisions within the county may visit the website to find out if there is an election taking place in their area by searching via the “Find Your Poll” search engine. Over half of the county’s 2.2 million registered voters are eligible to vote in a May 6 election.
“Contact information for the political entities is provided via the “Find Your Poll” search engine on” said Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart, the county’s chief election officer. “Voters should communicate directly with political entities conducting their own elections to obtain more information about their elections and voting locations.”
For more information about the acceptable forms of photo identification and other means to vote at the poll, the requirements to vote by mail, the early voting period and voting on election day in the upcoming May elections, voters may visit or call 713.755.6965.
Courtesy of the Harris County Clerk’s Office
Katy, TX News (April 20, 2017) – The Katy ISD Volunteer Celebration will be held in the Merrell Center on Friday, May 12th from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Hosted by Partners in Education and the Volunteers in Public Schools Executive Board, this annual event honors the thousands of school district volunteers who donate their time and talents to our students and teachers.
This year’s guest speaker is former NFL player and sportscaster Spencer Tillman. A graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Tillman was part of the 1985 National Championship team and won MVP of the Orange Bowl that year. He went on to have a successful career in the NFL, playing for the Houston Oilers and the Super Bowl Champion San Francisco 49ers. Tillman is now the Color Analyst for Fox Sports 1 alongside Tim Brando. He can be seen just about every College Football Saturday on FS1 and every NFL Sunday on KTRK, giving expert analysis on our Houston Texans. Off-camera, Spencer Tillman has been the featured keynote speaker at some of the country’s most notable companies.
The VIPS Celebration entertainment will include students from every high school, the West Memorial Junior High Theater Troupe and a surprise performance from one of the district’s principals. The morning will also honor the 2016-2017 Campus Volunteers of the Year and debut this year’s principal video homage to volunteers.
All Katy ISD volunteers are invited to attend and should RSVP no later than May 9th by visiting the “Community” page at and clicking “Partners in Education.” Doors will open at 8:15 a.m. and the program will begin at 9:00. For more information about the event, volunteers should contact their campus VIPS Liaison or
Volunteers in Public Schools, a Katy ISD Partners in Education program, offers moms, dads, family and community members a wide variety of volunteer opportunities at their chosen campus. To learn more, visit Partners in Education under the “Community” tab at or contact your campus Volunteer Coordinator.
SurveyMonkey Link to RSVP to the VIPS Celebration
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (April 19, 2017) – The dates for early voting and election day for the 2017 Katy ISD Board election have been announced. The Board is comprised of seven members who are elected at-large to fill available positions. In accordance with the provisions of the Texas Education Code, a person may not be elected as a trustee of Katy ISD unless the person is a qualified voter.
An individual seeking election as a member of the Board of Trustees must have been a resident of the state for 12 months and a resident of the District six months prior to the last date on which the candidate could file to be listed on the ballot. The following persons have filed as candidates for the upcoming election.
Dates, candidate information, polling information, and more below.
Monday, April 24, 2017 – Tuesday, May 2, 2017 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Cinco Ranch High School
23440 Cinco Ranch Blvd. - Morton Ranch High School
21000 Franz Rd. - Seven Lakes High School
9251 S. Fry Rd. - Taylor High School
20700 Kingsland Blvd. - Leonard Merrell Center
Rooms 143 – 144
6301 S. Stadium Ln.
Election Day is Saturday, May 6, 2017 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Precinct 1 – Seven Lakes High School
9251 S. Fry Rd. - Precinct 2 – Cinco Ranch High School
23440 Cinco Ranch Blvd. - Precinct 3 – Katy City Hall
901 Avenue C. - Precinct 4 – Katy Municipal Court Building
5432 Franz Rd. - Precinct 5 – Hayes Elementary
21203 Park Timbers Ln. - Precinct 6 – Taylor High School
20700 Kingsland Blvd. - Precinct 7 – Maurice Wolfe Elementary
502 Addicks-Howell - Precinct 8 – Morton Ranch High School
21000 Franz Rd. - Precinct 9 – Mayde Creek Junior High
2700 Greenhouse Rd. - Precinct 10 – Bear Creek Elementary
4815 Hickory Downs - Precinct 11 – Pattison Elementary
19910 Stonelodge Dr. - Precinct 12 – Shafer Elementary
5150 Ranch Point Dr. - Precinct 13 – Beck Junior High
5200 S. Fry Rd.
Click here to locate your precinct based on county boundaries.
Position 3 Candidates
- Candice Perkins
- Ashley Diehl Vann
- Dr. David Velasquez
Position 4 Candidates
- Courtney Doyle
- Carlos Young
Position 5 Candidates
- Henry Dibrell
- William E. “Bill” Lacy
Courtesy of Katy ISD. Visit for more information .
Katy, Texas News (April 17, 2017) – Theatre Under The Stars (TUTS) will hold auditions in Houston on May 6th and 7th for the upcoming production of PIPPIN, slated to run at the Miller Outdoor Theatre this summer. PIPPIN will be directed and choreographed by Michelle Gaudette who directed MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET for TUTS last summer at Miller Outdoor Theatre.
“We are so looking forward to our annual summer shows at Miller Outdoor Theatre. Our relationship with our friends and colleagues at Miller Outdoor Theatre provides us with the opportunity to remember our beginnings there nearly 50 years ago. Our lineup for this summer, which includes PIPPIN, will build upon our tradition of providing access to some of Houston’s best musical theatre. We are delighted to be working with our long-time collaborator Michelle Gaudette and our immensely talented local actors to create a summer line-up that inspires, entertains, and celebrates all that is great about Houston and the Houston arts scene,” said Hillary Hart, Executive Director of Theatre Under The Stars.
PIPPIN, a circus inspired production, features a troupe of acrobatic performers led by a very charismatic Leading Player. The performers’ main purpose is to tell the story of Pippin, a young prince who is longing to find adventure and passion in all areas of his life. PIPPIN, with book by Roger O. Hirson and music & lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, will play at Miller Outdoor Theatre July 11-16, 2017.
The Houston auditions will take place at the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts in the Administration Building, located at 800 Bagby St., Houston, Texas 77002, and the schedule for the days will be as follows:
Saturday, May 6, 2017
2-6 p.m.
Combined EPA / ECC
7-11 p.m.
Combined Male / Female Dance Call
Sunday, May 7, 2017
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
By Appointment ONLY
3-7 p.m.
Anyone interested in this audition should come fully prepared. Auditioners should be aware that TUTS complies with all Actor’s Equity Association guidelines, and that all rehearsals for the production are held in the daytime during normal business hours.
To schedule an appointment or for any questions about the auditions, please email Rehearsals for PIPPIN will begin on June 23rd. For more information, visit
Leading Player: Male/Female, Any Ethnicity. The ultimate ‘ring leader.’ Masterfully charming and manipulative, the Leading Player is a chameleon of sorts. Guides Pippin through his own story and tries to intervene at the end. Excellent dancer. Obsessed with putting on a great show for the audience. Ab4 – Db3
Pippin: Male, Any Ethnicity, 16 – 25, our story’s young and confused protagonist. He is longing to find his purpose in life. Naive, innocent, and discontent. Eventually finds love, and meaning in life, with Catherine and Theo. Ab4 – G2
Charles: Male, Any Ethnicity, 55 – 70, Pippin’s demanding father. As the King of the Holy Roman Empire, Charlemagne is more comfortable wielding a sword than breaking bread. He wears his years with great pride. E4 – G2
Lewis: Male, Any ethnicity, 25 -35, the son of Charles and Fastrada. More brawn than brains. The perfect soldier, who loves Lewis above all else.
Fastrada: Female, Any Ethnicity, 35 – 55, Pippin’s conniving stepmother. A seductress, who is no stranger to deceit and betrayal, she is both sexy and smart. Skilled at using her sexual appeal to benefit her and her son. F5 – A3
Berthe: Female, Any Ethnicity, 60 – 80, Pippin’s saucy grandmother. A brassy broad full of wisdom, grace, and sass. She tries to help Pippin and encourages him to live his life to the fullest. C5 – E3
Catherine: Female, Any Ethnicity, 25 – 40, a widow and mother. She is a beautiful and a hopeless romantic, who possesses graceful elegance. Encounters Pippin at his lowest point and eventually falls in love with him. Db5 – F#3
Ensemble: Male/Female, Any Ethnicity, All Ages. Strong Dancers. Charlemagne’s Army, Monks, Nobility, Peasants, The Players.
The Theatre Under The Stars production of PIPPIN is sponsored in part by Wells Fargo, The Brown Foundation, Inc., The Wortham Foundation, Inc., the Miller Theatre Advisory Board, Inc., the George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation and the Texas Commission on the Arts.
Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital is the official healthcare partner of Theatre Under The Stars and the official sponsor of the 2016/17 Season. United Airlines is the official airline partner of Theatre Under The Stars. KTRK ABC13 is the official media partner of Theatre Under The Stars.
*Theatre Under The Stars is committed to diversity in casting, and will not discriminate against any Actor or applicant for a part in a cast by reason of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, sexual or affectional preference, age, handicap, political persuasion, or belief.
For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit Theatre Under The Stars is Houston’s leading Musical Theatre Company since 1968, with a focus on education and community engagement. TUTS is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization that relies on the generous support of our donors to deliver first-rate theatre experiences.
Katy, TX News (April 14, 2017) – Phaneendra Kondapi, a veteran engineering educator who helped develop the nation’s first subsea engineering program at the University of Houston, has been named founding director of engineering programs at the University of Houston at Katy.
Kondapi is returning to the University after serving as director of subsea engineering at Texas A&M University for the past year.
The UH Cullen College of Engineering began offering two energy-focused engineering courses at the Houston Community College (HCC) Northwest-Katy Campus last fall, in advance of the planned opening of a new UH System facility in Katy in 2018. The UH System site will be home to UH Katy and the University of Houston-Victoria at Katy. The graduate-level course offerings are focused on areas in high demand in Houston’s Energy Corridor, including petroleum, subsea, electrical and environmental engineering.
Five graduate-level classes will be offered at the HCC Katy campus this fall, in electrical engineering, subsea engineering and environmental engineering. Kondapi will teach one of the subsea courses, flow assurance.
“Dr. Kondapi was vital to developing the first subsea engineering program in the U.S. here at the Cullen College. I am tremendously proud that he will now help to bring our top-ranked engineering programs to the Katy community,” said Joseph. W. Tedesco, Elizabeth D. Rockwell Dean of the Cullen College of Engineering.
Kondapi taught the UH subsea engineering program’s inaugural course, flow assurance, in 2011, and has worked on to standardize global subsea education through the UH-led Global Subsea Education Alliance.
Formerly an adjunct professor of subsea engineering, Kondapi has more than 20 years of experience managing engineering projects at energy industry giants FMC Technologies and KBR.
He said he wants students to learn not just the technical material but to gain an enthusiasm for the field. “My motivation is to make my students successful by encouraging them to get ready for industry,” Kondapi said.
Kondapi was awarded the 2013 SPE Teaching Excellence Award from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) International, which recognizes petroleum engineering faculty who have demonstrated innovative teaching techniques and creative pedagogy methods in the classroom.
The HCC building in Katy is easily accessible for Energy Corridor professionals pursuing degrees or certificates to enhance their skills. “We are here in Katy to serve both the community and the industry to improve their technical and engineering careers,” Kondapi said.
Courtesy of the University of Houston and the Katy Area EDC
Katy, TX News (April 13, 2017) – Katy Independent School District has again received the “Best Communities for Music Education” designation from the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education for the 14th year. Katy ISD is one of 4% of school districts across the nation to receive this prestigious award.
Katy ISD is leading the way with music learning opportunities as outlined in the federal education legislation, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The District understands the importance of providing music education as part of the curriculum and knows the vital role music plays in the overall success of students in school and in life.
The Best Communities for Music Education designation honors school districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in their efforts to provide music access and education to all students.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, Texas News (April 11, 2017) – Katy High School invites you to celebrate the inaugural class of the Tiger Hall of Honor, which recognizes the efforts and contributions of former student athletes, athletic teams, coaches and special merit individuals who have brought distinction, honor and excellence to themselves and to the District. Honorees include Clint Black, William Haskett, Patricia Wardlaw, Nancy Wilson, Renee Zellweger, Andy Dalton and Darren McPherson.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017 7:00 p.m.
Katy High School Performing Arts Center (PAC)
6331 Highway Blvd.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (April 6, 2017) – Hard work and determination pays off for two Katy ISD students whose artwork advanced to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo art auction.
McMeans Junior High eighth-grader Charles Jang’s artwork competed in the Grand Prix judging and won first place against students from over 100 districts. His project was a drawing titled “A Rare Connection.” This was the first year that a junior high student became auction eligible at this level. Jang’s artwork earned “Class Champion” recognition and auctioned off for $65,000.
The detailed work on Fatemeh Ebrahimi’s “Reserve Class Champion” three-dimensional sculpture caught the attention of buyers, who were out-bidding each other to purchase the unique piece. The Taylor High School eleventh-grader’s artwork is titled “The Spirit Within.” Only two entries for the three-dimensional category advanced to the art action where Ebrahimi’s work broke a world record and sold for $102,000.
Katy, Texas News (March 27, 2017) – The CRHS Engineering Club competed in its first ever Regional competition event as an affiliated member of the TSA (Technology Students Association). Students competed in a wide variety of events ranging from digital video production to structural engineering and biotechnology. The CRHS team advanced four students to the state level competition in Waco in April. Please congratulate the following students on their outstanding effort and success:
Music Production
Nikhil Baliga-1st Place and State Qualifier
Architectural Models
Aishani De & Shinjini De-3rd Place and State Qualifiers
Fashion Design
Alicia Morales-3rd Place and State Qualifier
Biotechnology-4th Place
Monica Raumaker
Addie Hervey
Ryan Dyson
Engineering Computer-Aided Design
Michael Weeks
Digital Video Production
Aishani De
Dragster Design
Christian Parrish
Jake O’Neill
Flight Endurance
Frederick Bayeh
Technology Bowl
Aleena Ilbeig
Maggie Weeks
This is the first year of existence for the CRHS Engineering Club TSA Chapter. Our immediate goals are to expand our membership, acquire sponsorship, and establish a tradition of excellence at TSA events. The club is open to all students who have an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Teacher sponsors are Maria Scott, Jay Patel, and Rafael Villarreal.
Courtesy of Cinco Ranch High School
Katy, Texas News (March 24, 2017) – Congratulations to the faculty and staff at McRoberts Elementary School for being recognized as a Demonstration School by the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators (TABSE). During the TABSE 32nd Annual State Conference in Houston, Texas, Mayor Sylvester Turner acknowledged the McRoberts Elementary School educators who work tirelessly to support and advance their students.
McRoberts Principal Dr. Kwabena Mensah also accepted the 2017 TABSE Principal of the Year Crystal Award. He dedicated the award to his students, parents and staff who he says “continually set high expectations for everyone who walks through their school doors.”
Each year, TABSE recognizes distinguished individuals who have made local and state contributions to the education of African-American educators and learners.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, Texas News (March 23, 2017) – After months of practice, 19 teams from Katy ISD have qualified to compete at the Texas Destination Imagination Affiliate Tournament held at Lubbock ISD on April 7-9.
The Gulf Coast Regional Tournament was held on Saturday, March 4th at Seven Lakes High School. Schools representing the Cy-Fair, Fort Bend, Pasadena, Friendswood and Alvin Independent School Districts along with area private schools attended the annual event. Approximately 375 teams competed in eight different challenges. The following Katy ISD schools are preparing to compete against more than 400 teams from districts throughout Texas:
- Alexander, Griffin, Hayes, Holland, Katy, Stanley, Williams and WoodCreek
Junior High
- Beckendorff, Cinco Ranch, Seven Lakes and Tays
High School
- Katy and Seven Lakes
The Destination Imagination program fosters students’ creativity, courage and curiosity through open-ended academic challenges in the fields of S.T.E.M (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), fine arts and service learning. Participants learn patience, flexibility, persistence, ethics, respect for others and their ideas and the collaborative problem solving process. In Katy ISD, Destination Imagination teams form at participating campuses each September.
Katy, TX News (March 24, 2017) – Katy ISD has released their pre-registration dates for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and new first grade. Pre-registration for the 2017-2018 school year will be held on the following dates:
- Thursday, April 6, 2017
Kindergarten and new first grade - Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Registration will be open from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m., and 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on both days. Attendance zone information for all Katy ISD schools can be found by using the Student Assignment by Residential Address (SARA) application or mobile app. This app provides the ability to search by a specific address or you can select any campus to see what subdivisions and apartment complexes it serves. Visit for more information.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, Texas News (March 23, 2017) – Theatre Under the Stars has announced the nominations for the 15th annual Tommy Tune Awards, honoring the best in Houston’s high school musical productions, actors, and artists. Seven Lakes High School’s Studio VII is nominated in several categories for their production of the popular musical “Big Fish” including:
- Best Leading Actor, Ben Heintz as Edward Bloom
- Best Scenic Design
- Best Lighting Design
- Best Stage Crew & Technical Execution
- Best Musical Direction
- Best Orchestra
The winners in each category will be announced on April 18, 2017 in a special ceremony.
Katy, TX News (March 2, 2017) – Katy ISD has launched a strategic design process to create a community-inspired road map for its schools over the next three to five years. Recently, a series of stakeholder meetings were held to gather baseline data from parents, business leaders, principals, teachers, clergy and students on where the District is currently and where the community hopes for the District to be in the near future. The next steps in the strategic design process begins this week as Katy ISD hosts two of four education summits to provide the community an opportunity to share their highest hopes and aspirations for their children. The dates, times and locations for all of the education summits are listed below.
Wednesday, March 22
- Education Support Complex
6301 S. Stadium Lane
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Morton Ranch High School
9th Grade Commons
21000 Franz Rd.
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Thursday, March 30
- Education Support Complex
6301 S. Stadium Lane
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Cinco Ranch High School
Main Commons
23440 Cinco Ranch Blvd
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Katy, TX News (March 16, 2017) – Club SciKidz Houston, a franchise of Georgia-based, Club SciKidz, LLC is proud to announce its expansion into Katy, TX. With two Sugar Land, TX locations at Faith Lutheran Church and Fisher’s of Men Lutheran Church, Club SciKidz Houston is currently accepting Summer Day Camp registrations for its CrossPoint Community Church location at 700 S. Westgreen Blvd.
Club SciKidz Houston features in-school field trips, after school programs and summer day camp sessions for grades PK – 8 (or ages 4 – 15). While the week-long summer day camps are at churches, Club SciKidz also provides its other services at both public and private schools and day care centers.
Club SciKidz was founded on the principle that parents want to provide their children with exciting, challenging and life impacting academic enrichment experiences. The company is committed to demonstrating how science works in the real world by providing activities in veterinary medicine, robotics, forensics, video game creation, food science, paleontology, engineering, chemistry and biology.
Club SciKidz Houston believes every child is a scientist and that we can make them even better scientists. All Club SciKidz Houston programs are focused on dramatic science demonstrations accompanied by hands-on/minds- on experiments and projects that meet or exceed National Science Education Standards and College and Career Standards.
For Summer 2017, Club SciKidz Houston will feature many more enhanced programs. Introduction to Java, Little coder, and Dash and Dot camps allow early experiences with computer coding. Additionally, camps Tech machines, Jr. Meteorology, QuadCopter Aerial Robotics, Mobile Game Design, and Water Robotics will immerse students in engineering and robotics. All of these camps can now be found in either Katy or Sugar Land, TX.
Club SciKidz Houston is the most unique provider of science enrichment programs for children. It offers authentic, immersive, and application based experiences. Parents of previous Club SciKidz Houston participants said, ” I like the variety of experiments my kids were exposed to and how actively engaged they were!” and “your summer programs are excellent!”
Club SciKiz Houston is “Where Science and Technology Connect!” With over 40 offerings, we’re sure there is a camp for your little scientist or engineer! Please check our website for all options.
Club SciKidz Houston will be featured at the Kids Directory booth at the McDonald’s Children Festival on April 1 – 2 from 10AM – 2:30PM. To learn more, stop by booth or feel free to contact us via the information found below:
Katy, TX News (March 10, 2017) – The British International School of Houston (BISH) varsity boys’ soccer team played an impressive game and won the 2017 TAPPS Texas Division III State Soccer Championship title against Dallas Covenant with a final score of 5-2. The team notably played 21 matches over four months before winning this coveted title. Over the last six years they have been district champions four times and state champions twice.
TAPPS, Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS), has a membership of 230 schools throughout Texas who regularly compete with one another in athletic events. TAPPS commits to building leadership, fellowship, fair play and sportsmanship of students enrolled in the organization’s member schools in the areas of academics, athletics and fine arts by providing wholesome competition for young men and women.
Andrew Derry, Principal of BISH commented, “I am extremely proud of our team and our students’ success, which was achieved through determination and resilience, epitomizing our core values of unity, respect and pride. At BISH we believe all children are ambitious by nature and can achieve their greatest aspirations with support and access to an exemplary global education.”
BISH provides a nurturing environment with a world-class learning approach that is grounded in each student’s unique experiences, capabilities and interests. This combined with a brand-new campus, purposely designed to support student achievement, allows the school to extend learning beyond the classroom through a wide variety of academic and athletic activities.
About British International School of Houston
The British International School of Houston (BISH) is an independent school catering to local and international students from Pre-K to 12th Grade. Part of Nord Anglia Education Inc., the school offers a challenging, broad course of study that culminates with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB). Student learning is supported by collaborations with The Juilliard School in New York and MIT. Our new Katy campus spans 34-acres and features purpose driven technology supported by Apple, customizable maker spaces, state-of-the-art science labs, four athletic fields, an aquatic center, two NCAA regulation size gymnasiums, and a 550-seat performing arts theater designed in collaboration with Juilliard. Conveniently located off IH10 at N. Westgreen Boulevard and just minutes from the Grand Parkway, the school is accessible to families residing in major cities across the Greater Houston Area, including Houston, The Woodlands and Sugar Land. Visit to learn more.
About Nord Anglia Education, Inc.
Nord Anglia Education (NYSE: NORD) is the world’s leading operator of premium international schools, serving students from kindergarten through the end of secondary school (K-12). We teach over 37,000 students at our 43 premium schools in China, Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia and North America. We are driven by one unifying philosophy – we are ambitious for our students, our people and our family of schools. Our schools deliver a high-quality education through a personalized approach enhanced with unique global opportunities to enable every student to succeed. Nord Anglia Education is headquartered in Hong Kong. Our website is
For further information, please contact:
Jo Turner, Communications Manager
Tel: 832 248 0581
Katy, TX News (March 6, 2017) – Katy ISD will host the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus for a special one-day event. The tour bus is a state-of-the-art mobile audio and HD video recording and production facility. It allows students to write, record and produce songs, music videos and documentaries among other digital media projects – all in one day.
Selected students from the Miller Career & Technology Center will have the opportunity to create an original student project, while they also remember the legendary singer-songwriter, John Lennon.
Monday, March 6, 2017 8:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Miller Career & Technology Center
1734 Katyland Dr.
Over 400 Katy ISD students will have the chance to record in the state-of-the-art mobile audio and HD video facility, and will form a human peace sign, paying homage to the legendary John Lennon of The Beatles.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (February 28, 2017) – Katy ISD welcomes Todd McVey as the new Head Football Coach/Campus Athletic Coordinator at Obra D. Tompkins High School. Coach McVey is currently serving as an Assistant Athletic Director for Katy ISD, and the Interim Head Coach at Tompkins. He has been the Head Coach and Athletic Coordinator at McKinney HS and Killeen Harker Heights. He was also a member of the staff at Texas City High school when they won the 4A state championship in 1997. The Falcons will introduce Mr. McVey to the Tompkins community at 7 p.m. in the Main Commons on Thursday, March 2.
Katy, TX News (February 27, 2017) – With a unanimous vote of 7-0, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved tonight “Legacy Stadium” as the new name for the Student Activity Facility: Second Stadium. Additionally and as part of public recommendation, the field will be named after former coach Mike Johnston. This state of the art, cost efficient, multipurpose school facility will open up Fall of 2017, thanks to the 2014 voter-approved bond program and it will be part of the Academy Sports + Outdoors Complex.
“It’s an honor to recognize all the former legacies which continue to inspire our students,” says Rebecca Fox, Katy ISD Board President. “Coach Johnston is a perfect example of an individual who continues to pour out his love and dedication for the future generation.”
This February, the Second Stadium Naming Advisory Committee was tasked with identifying a suitable name for the Second Stadium, which would align with the values and core believes of Katy ISD. The committee began with a solicitation of name nominations from the Katy ISD community, which was open from February 8-17. After careful review, a recommendation was presented during the Board of Trustees Work Study Meeting on Tuesday, February 21. District officials were happy to see dozens of attendees at the public forum offered for parents, teachers, staff and community input.
The Second Stadium is being built not just for the districts 75,000+ Katy ISD students, but for the entire community.
Click here to see photos of recent Second Stadium construction.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
KATY, TX News (February 27, 2017) – Texas PTA President Lisa Holbrook recently visited Pattison Elementary, one of six Katy Independent School District (KISD) schools whose Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) were awarded the 2015/2016 Voice for Every Child Award.
Texas PTA’s most prestigious membership award, the Voice for Every Child Award honors PTAs that strive to have one voice (one member) for every child on campus. The Pattison Elementary PTA was recognized at the Platinum level for recruiting at least one member per enrolled student, or 100% of student enrollment. The PTAs at Alexander Elementary, Holland Elementary, Kilpatrick Elementary, Rylander Elementary and Stanley Elementary were also recognized.
During Holbrook’s visit and tour of Pattison Elementary, she lauded the PTA for being the “lifeblood of the campus.”
“On behalf of Texas PTA – thank you,” said Holbrook. “We truly appreciate all you do to support and engage the teachers, staff, students and their families, and the community as a whole.”
The Pattison Elementary PTA also is a recipient of Texas PTA’s 2015/2016 Head Start Award, Golden Apple Award, Men Are Really Super Award and Student Membership Award.
For more information on Pattison Elementary’s PTA, visit
Katy, TX News (February 21, 2017) – Katy ISD had 30 high school students win awards at the 2017 Farrington Contest and Awards, sponsored by the Houston Area Teachers of Foreign Language. This included six students who took home first place prizes in Spanish Advanced, Spanish Intermediate, German 2, German 3 and American Sign Language.
More than 200 Houston-area students participated in the language competition and schools were allowed to send three students from each language level. Participants completed a language exam including reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (February 17, 2017) – The Cinco Ranch High School String Quartet have the privilege of joining the professional actors on stage to add an element of orchestral texture to “In My Life,” the musical retelling of the Beatles story. The musical, told through the eyes of manager Brian Epstein, features the live music of renowned tribute band Abbey Road.
Cinco Ranch High seniors Aidan Gettemy and Daniela Melo, junior Janet Li and sophomore Joshua Jung will join the band for the songs “Eleanor Rigby,” “Yesterday,” “A Day in the Life,” “Hello Goodbye,” and “Hey Jude.” In a special touch, “Yesterday” is played as a scene in which the Paul McCartney character plays the song for the first time for Beatles producer George Martin, with the songwriter explaining that he envisioned a string-quartet accompaniment.
The smash hit production performs at the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts – Zilkha Hall on March 17 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $33- $64, plus applicable ticket fees, and may be purchased online at, by phone at 713.315.2525 or at the Hobby Center Box Office. The show is appropriate for all ages.
Katy, TX News (February 16, 2017) – Katy ISD recently announced that McRoberts Elementary Principal Dr. Kwabena Mensah and Mayde Creek Junior High Principal Dr. David Paz, were chosen for Katy ISD’s Region IV Principal Recognition.
Mensah and Paz were selected by their peers for their ability and willingness to make meaningful contributions to education, their desire for continuous personal and professional growth, and their ability to inspire Katy ISD students and staff.
They will be recognized along with campus administrators from school districts in the surrounding area at the Region IV Principal Recognition ceremony on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at Hotel ZaZa.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (February 15, 2017) – The Conservatory of Music at Cinco Ranch is proud to announce that it has been selected as the new Assessment Center of the Royal Conservatory Music Development Program for the greater Houston area.
The Royal Conservatory Music Development Program provides a recognized national standard of musical success through an effectively sequenced course of study from beginner to advanced levels. The Music Development Program was developed by the acclaimed Royal Conservatory of Music in Canada, and was created in response to feedback from parents and teachers throughout the US, requesting a top-quality nationally-recognized system to track students’ musical progress, celebrating their accomplishments.
The Program centers on periodic assessments for students—one-on-one adjudicator-to-student performance evaluations that also function as valuable teaching and learning opportunities. In each practical assessment, a certified professional adjudicator evaluates a student’s performance of repertoire, studies (etudes), and musical proficiency skills. Assessments are offered for keyboard, string, woodwind, and brass instruments; voice; and the academic subjects of music theory, music history, and pedagogy.
“It was an honor to have been named as a Founding School of the Music Development Program back in 2012,” says Dr. Michael Guevara, manager of the The Conservatory of Music at Cinco Ranch. “Now, having been selected as the Assessment Center for the Music Development Program in the Houston area, this honor further solidifies our desire to offer access to the finest in music education within our community. Students who participate in this program will be provided with experiences and skills that will benefit them now and into the future.”
Assessments are held several times a year at locations across the US. For a list of upcoming assessment session dates and registration information, please visit
Katy, TX News (February 9, 2017) – Katy ISD is now accepting nominations for the naming of the Student Activity Facility: Second Stadium, set to open Fall 2017. Katy ISD will be providing its community with a state of the art, cost efficient, multipurpose second stadium as part of its 2014 Bond.
Individuals interested in submitting a name are asked to review the Katy ISD Board Policy CW (Local) for specific facility naming guidelines, and submit a completed Nomination for Naming a New School or Facility Form. Click here for guidelines and form.
The public may submit the Nomination for Naming a New School or Facility Form and all supplementary materials in the following manner:
- Via email to
- By mail to Katy ISD School/Facility Naming
Communications Department
P.O. Box 159
Katy, TX 77492-0159
- Personal delivery to Education Support Complex (ESC)
Communications Department
6301 S. Stadium Lane
Katy, TX 77494
Submissions must be received no later than 4 p.m. on February 17.
Courtesy of Katy ISD Communications
Katy, TX News (January 31, 2017) – National Letter of Intent Signing Day is February 1, 2017. Several Katy ISD high school athletes, accompanied by their family, friends and Katy ISD staff, will be signing a binding letter of intent offered by distinct college teams from across the United States. Below are the times for signing day at each school:
Cinco Ranch High School – Conference Room 1210 7:00 a.m.
23440 Cinco Ranch Blvd.
Katy High School – Field House Team Meeting Room 2:45 p.m.
6331 Highway Blvd.
Mayde Creek High School – Library 7:00 a.m.
19202 Groeschke Rd., Houston, TX 77084
Morton Ranch High School – Field House 8:00 a.m.
21000 Franz Rd.
Seven Lakes High School – LGI 7:00 a.m.
9251 S. Fry Rd.
Taylor High School – PAC 7:00 a.m.
20700 Kingsland Blvd.
Tompkins High School – LGI 7:00 a.m.
4400 Falcon Landing Blvd.
Katy, TX News (January 31, 2017) – Dr. James M. Jacobs and Associates with Your Total Foot Care Specialist, are pleased to announce two $1,500 “Stepping into the Future” scholarships for 2017 KISD graduating seniors. Applications must be submitted to the offices of Your Total Foot Care Specialist by March 31, 2017, 5:00 p.m. A third party committee will select the two winning applicants.
“We are proud to be a part of the Katy community and are honored to be able to give back to the community by encouraging future generations to reach and accomplish their dreams”, says Dr. James Jacobs. Your Total Foot Care Specialist has been proudly serving the Katy area for over 25 years to help resolve their patients foot care needs.
The “Stepping into the Future” scholarship program is available to seniors graduating with GPA’s ranging from 2.5 to 3.7. Our doctors were able to graduate from undergraduate and then podiatric medical school through the use of scholarships, grants, and loans. The two “Stepping into the Future” scholarship recipients will be announced at the Katy ISD Awards Ceremonies during May.
Katy, TX News (January 30, 2017) – The Katy High School varsity swimming and diving team had a record-breaking weekend at the district meet located at Tompkins High School last weekend.
The team took third place over all in what was one of the fastest district meets Katy ISD has seen in a long time. Diver Chloe Ceyanes was crowned the district champion while fellow diver Hollie Schaper took fourth. In boys diving, Jacob Adkisson was fifth and John Salder placed sixth.
In swimming, their team broke two school records and received numerous medals. All six relay teams advanced to regionals, along with numerous individual swimmers. Massimo Gasponi broke the Boys 100 Fly record previously set in 2004 and Kaloyan Bratanov broke the Boys 100 Free record previously set in 2003.
Here are the Results from District Swimming Prelims & Finals:
Girls 200 Medley Relay
– 3rd Place Bronze Medal – Fernanda Gamez, Haley Watters, Marissa Watters, Kaelyn Lance
Girls 200 Free Relay
– 3rd Place Bronze Medal – Rachael Sanders, Jamie Morgan, Fernanda Gamez, Kaelyn Lance
Girls 400 Free Relay
– 4th Place Ribbon – Rachael Sanders, Jamie Morgan, Haley Watters, Wednesday Hunter
Boys 200 Medley Relay
– 2nd Place Silver Medal – Kaloyan Bratanov, Jonathan Tucker, Massimo Gasponi, Nathan Einarsson
Boys 200 Free Relay
– 4th Place Ribbon – Massimo Gasponi, William Irwin, Kyle Hendon, Nathan Einarsson
Boys 400 Free Relay
– 4th Place Ribbon – Jonathan Tucker, David Freeman, Kyle Hendon, Kaloyan Bratanov
Girls 200 Free
– Breanna Cuzzocreo – 11th
– Heather Matthews – 12th
– Mimi Bratanova – 14th
– Maddie Cotton – 16th
Boys 200 Free
– William Irwin – 18th
– Ben Erickson – 19th
– Alex Hernandez – 20th
Girls 200 Individual Medley
– Haley Watters – 4th Place Ribbon
– Wednesday Hunter – 8th Place Ribbon
– Shivani Kapoor – 14th
Boys 200 Individual Medley
– Kaloyan Bratanov – 1st Place Gold Medal
– Kyle Hendon – 15th Place
Girls 50 Free
– Kaelyn Lance – 5th Place Ribbon
– Rachael Sanders – 7th Place Ribbon
– Alyssa Basaldua – 15th Place
Boys 50 Free
– Nathan Einarsson – 5th Place Ribbon
– Massimo Gasponi – 7th Place Ribbon
– Drake Rosser – 15th Place
– David Freeman – 17th Place
Girls 100 Butterfly
– Marissa Watters – 3rd Place Bronze Medal
– Jamie Morgan – 7th Place Ribbon
– Maddie Cotton – 14th Place
Boys 100 Butterfly
– Massimo Gasponi – 3rd Place Bronze Medal
– Drake Rosser – 12th Place
– Vito Kiselev – 20th Place
– Alex Hernandez – 21st Place
Girls 100 Free
– Wednesday Hunter – 3rd Place Bronze Medal
– Kaelyn Lance – 5th Place Ribbon
– Rachael Sanders – 11th Place
– Heather Matthews – 13th Place
Boys 100 Free
– Kaloyan Bratanov – 1st Place Gold Medal
– Jonathan Tucker – 9th Place
– Nathan Einarsson – 12th Place
– Christopher Perry – 24th Place
Girls 500 Free
– Jamie Morgan – 3rd Place Bronze Medal
– Fernanda Gamez – 4th Place Ribbon
Boys 500 Free
– David Freeman – 15th Place
– Ben Erickson – 16th Place
Girls 100 Backstroke
– Fernanda Gamez – 4th Place Ribbon
– Mimi Bratanov – 9th Place
Boys 100 Backstroke
– William Irwin – 15th Place
Girls 100 Breaststroke
– Haley Watters – 2nd Place Silver Medal
– Breanna Cuzzocreo – 11th Place
– Alyssa Basaldua – 15th Place
– Shivani Kapoor – 16th Place
Boys 100 Breaststroke
– Jonathan Tucker – 8th Place Ribbon
– Kyle Hendon – 19th Place
– Christopher Perry – 20th Place
– Vito Kiselev – 22nd Place
Katy, TX News (January 30, 2017) – Dear Katy ISD Parents/Guardians, Staff & Community Members,
It’s no secret that Katy ISD is considered one of the most successful school districts in the country due to a robust curriculum and the wealth of opportunities available to our students. Likewise, our parents and community members take great pride in supporting our kids and schools and value the role we all play in building the legacy.
As we have all seen, with great success comes rapid growth. For the past several decades Katy ISD has been planning for it and closely monitoring student projections presented by our demographers. Trustees have been engaged in ongoing discussions focused on how best to continue providing the education our students need for a successful future, in light of the fast flow of development in this area. This is especially true in the southwest and northwest quadrants of the District. Earlier this month, the Board approved a charter for a Community Bond Advisory Committee that would be responsible for developing and providing a proposed 2017 bond referendum for the Board’s consideration.
However, for a bond package to effectively meet the needs of students and families, it has to be community driven, as we hope this one will be. Remember, Katy ISD and its future belongs to you!
If you would like to serve on the Katy ISD 2017 Community Bond Advisory Committee, the Board and I invite you to complete a Committee application, which will be available online at, beginning Wednesday, February 1, 2017. As members of the Katy community, let’s continue to play an active role in supporting the children of the next generation. Join me and Katy ISD, as we continue building our legacy!
Lance Hindt, Ed.D.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (January 18, 2017) – Katy ISD is pleased to announce the addition of Ron Counter and B.J. William Gotte as our new Campus Athletic Coordinator/Head Football Coach’s for Morton Ranch High School and Paetow High School. Both positions were approved unanimously during the Katy ISD Board of Trustees Work Study meeting tonight.
Coach Counter comes to Morton Ranch High from Stafford High where he was the head football coach and athletic director for the last four years. During his time at Stafford, Coach Counter led the program into the playoffs four years in a row. Prior to Stafford, Coach Counter made coaching stops at Strake Jesuit High, Round Rock Westwood High, Spring Woods High, Alief Hastings High and Klein Oak High. Coach Counter has also received several “Coach of the Year” honors.
For Coach Gotte, moving to Paetow High School means staying close to home. Growing up he attended Cimarron Elementary, West Memorial Junior High and graduated “class of ’97” at Katy High School, which is where he also began his career in 2001. Coach Gotte made stops at Deer Park High, La Marque High and Flower Mound Marcus High prior to returning to Katy High in 2009. His role as an Offensive Coordinator at Katy High School has played an integral part in winning three state championships.
The Katy ISD Athletic Department is excited to welcome both coaches to these new endeavors within the Katy ISD family. Both coaches will begin this new journey on February 1st.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (January 17, 2017) – The Galleria and Katy Mills are once again proud to help a deserving graduating senior pay for college. Simon Youth Foundation, a national nonprofit that provides educational opportunities for at-risk high school students, is now looking for qualified applicants who live near The Galleria, Katy Mills and the surrounding community.
Each year, Simon Youth Community Scholarships are awarded in every community across the country that is home to Simon, Mills, or Premium Outlets malls. The application period has begun and ends on March 1, 2017. Students can apply online by visiting
SYF will award 25 scholarships to students graduating in the class of 2017 who live in communities surrounding any Premium Outlets mall nationwide. No more than one scholarship will be awarded per property. Recipients will receive up to $1,500 to enroll in an accredited college, university, vocational or technical school.
In addition, an “Award of Excellence” will be given to the top candidate from among the scholarship applicants that represent the nationwide Premium Outlets locations. That student will receive a $10,000 award ($2,500 for up to four years).
In 2016, the Simon Youth Foundation awarded $1.2 million to 300 students nationwide.
“The cost of college continues to rise, and SYF is proud to partner with The Galleria and Katy Mills to award scholarships that will remove some of the financial obstacles that could otherwise prevent a student from achieving the dream of a college education,” said Dr. J. Michael Durnil, SYF President and CEO.
The 2017 SYF Community Scholarship recipients will be selected by International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS), a third-party administrator. Students are selected based on a variety of criteria, including financial need, academic performance, leadership skills and participation in school and community activities. Those students who are the first in their family to pursue a post secondary education will also be given close consideration.
Recipients will be notified in May.
Courtesy of the Simon Youth Foundation
Katy, TX News (January 13, 2017) During a tournament in College Station this week, the Mayde Creek High School men’s JV soccer team showed that there is more to competition than points on a scoreboard. When the players learned from their coach that one of the opposing team members had down syndrome, they banded together to show a level of sportsmanship that is seldom seen in competitive tournaments. Read the story below:
Rams soccer coach Ryan Allred says, “I was notified ahead of time that the team we were playing had a young man with down syndrome on their team. The coach told me that he was going to be putting the young man in the second half, and that he would be wearing the #17 jersey. Before the game started, I went over to our team and I asked them if they would be willing to let this young man score a goal while he was in the game. Without hesitation, all of them answered yes. As the game started, all of that had kind of gone to the back of our minds. With a few minutes remaining in the game their coach put this young man into the game. I yelled to our players that he was on the field. With one minute left to go in the game this young man had received the ball and started dribbling towards our goal. One by one our players started diving to the ground as if he had dribbled around them, and they had missed trying to take the ball away from him. Our goalie even did the same thing. I wish you could’ve been there to see the look on this young man’s face as he scored the goal. His hands quickly shot in the air while running to the sideline and then jumping into the arms of his coach. Meanwhile, all of our players were clapping and cheering him on. And to top that all off, as we were driving away his car was closely parked to our bus and our boys started chanting his name and telling him great game. I felt like we had won more than just a game today. These young men displayed something that most young men would not do for fear of embarrassment or ridicule. They truly set an example as some of the great students we have here at Mayde Creek.”
Courtesy of Mayde Creek High School
Katy, TX News (January 12, 2017) Texas Dance Educator’s Association is proud to announce the invitation from the Texas State Society to perform at the Black Tie and Boots Inaugural Gala in Washington D.C. on January 19, 2017. The 2017 Ball promises to live up to its spectacular reputation as the “hottest ticket in town” during Inauguration weekend, and far exceed expectations. The Black Tie & Boots Inaugural Ball will be held at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in the banks of the Potomac River. This facility is the largest and most elegant facility in the entire DC Metropolitan area. Guests include Texas state officials, dignitaries, thousands of guests from all over the United States.
Only 25 All-State members will be performing at this prestigious event. The following Students are thrilled to be selected from Katy ISD:

Performers will learn a piece choreographed by Eve Robinson, director of the Alvin High School Jacketters. The piece will be performed at several venues and times during the ball. Performers will be wearing their School’s traditional dance team uniform with a sash representing their hometown.
While in Washington D.C., the All-State members will be visiting the National Mall, Smithsonian Museums, Arlington National Cemetery, historical landmarks and a Night tour of the City.
Courtesy of TDEA
KATY, TX News (January 11, 2017) – According to the Girl Scout Research Institute’s (GSRI) report, The Power of the Girl Scout Gold Award: Excellence in Leadership and Life, Girl Scout Gold Award recipients receive greater lifetime benefits than their peers with regard to positive sense of self, life satisfaction, leadership, life success, community service, and civic engagement thanks to their experience in Girl Scouting, including earning their Gold Award.
Chloe Bartine, a senior at Seven Lakes High School, has earned the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor in Girl Scouting. The award recognizes girls in grades 9 through 12 who demonstrate extraordinary leadership through sustainable and measurable community service projects that require a minimum of 80 hours to complete. Less than five percent of Girl Scouts earn the award.
To earn the award, Bartine designed and built two Little Free Libraries for Neighborhood Kidz Club in the communities of Western Pines and Trinity Hunters Place located in Katy, Texas. Bartine’s goal was to address the learning gaps that occur over the summer or holiday breaks when children do not have access to books.
“The Little Free Library is open all the time and the books are free,” said Bartine. “It is a way to promote literacy and nurture the love of reading through sharing.”
To stock the libraries with books, Bartine also hosted a book drive and led more than 15 volunteers to complete this project.
Bartine has served as a volunteer for Neighborhood Kidz Club’s summer reading program the past few summers and said that the kids love having access to books to read during that time.
“I have always loved to read and feel that books can take you places you have never been, help you find the answers to questions you may have and give you opportunities to dream and explore,” said Bartine. “I wanted to give the kids an opportunity to be able to read any time.”
Through earning the Gold Award, Bartine learned the importance of leadership and how it directly affects the success of the project, patience and how to be more organized and attentive to the needs of the project.
After graduation, Bartine will attend the University of Alabama to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in dance.
To learn more about the Girl Scout Gold Award, visit
Katy, TX News (January 6, 2017) In a letter to parents, Dr. Lance Hindt, Ed. D., Superintendent of Katy ISD, addressed the validity of the unofficial letter grade ratings released by the TEA.
“Dear Katy ISD Parents and Community,
Today, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will release unofficial letter grades for every campus and district throughout the state — a requirement of House Bill 2804. This unofficial ratings report is considered a trial run for the new 2017-18 accountability system and is designed to provide districts with a benchmark to track progress and make improvements ahead of releasing the official August 2018 ratings.
It is no secret that Katy ISD is one of the best school districts in the state, consistently earning TEA’s highest accountability rating year after year. In addition, our community is highly regarded for its family values and business growth. However, I and many others believe that TEA’s new methodology for calculating ratings does not accurately reflect where we are as a district and community. In fact, the unofficial ratings show that our district and some of our schools have received less than average ratings in one or more areas (see FAQs for more information on House Bill 2804).
Please know that our Board and staff is committed to ensuring that all students are provided exceptional learning opportunities, programs and facilities. While we will continue to use data to drive student achievement, we are also mindful of the flaws that communities across the state have pinpointed in the current and future accountability systems. Nevertheless, we are encouraged that the TEA will use this preliminary data to continue refining its methodology for calculating letter grades before releasing the official August 2018 A-F accountability reports.
As you may have seen in the 2016-17 Legislative Priorities adopted by the Board, we believe that the educational needs of our children and community would be better served if school districts were allowed greater local input and control. Over the course of the school year, we hope that our parents and community will join the Board of Trustees in advocating the legislature for an accountability system that streamlines the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills and suspends the punitive components of the flawed ratings system.
Our parents, staff and community, are the key ingredient behind the success of our students. Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to navigate and work through the 2017-18 accountability system and its new measures.
Should you have any additional questions, please contact your campus or the Parent and Patron Assistance Center at (281) 396-2441/
Remember, our shared goal is to prepare Katy ISD students for a successful future. The part of our mission statement that reads, “…together with family and community,” means that we all play an important role in reaching that goal.”
Be the legacy!
Lance Hindt, Ed.D.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (December 14, 2016) The Katy ISD Education Foundation recently launched its fifth Inspiring Imagination teacher grant application process, which will fund Katy ISD teacher grants for the 2017-2018 school year. Community support for the grants is led by the Foundation’s Cornerstone Investor, BP America, Inc. This year, BP contributed $40,000 for S.T.E.M.-related teacher grants. “The Katy ISD Education Foundation’s partnership with BP represents the best of our community,” said Katy ISD Superintendent, Dr. Lance Hindt. “Our district is grateful to both BP and the Katy ISD Education Foundation for providing these opportunities for our teachers and students.”
BP’s three years of support for the Foundation has helped fifty different classroom projects all over Katy ISD, reaching multiple campuses, subject areas and grade levels. Projects have included GEMS Club (Girls Excelling in Math and Science) at Hayes Elementary, West Memorial Junior High’s Robotics Club and a library S.T.E.A.M. Makerspace project at Mayde Creek High School. “BP is pleased to continue its support of this outstanding program that provides Katy ISD teachers additional resources needed to further inspire their students,” said Marta Vasel, BP Vice President Strategic Cooperation. “This donation reaffirms BP’s commitment to S.T.E.M. education and to the communities in which we live and operate.”
In its first four years of operation, the Katy ISD Education Foundation has awarded more than $725,000 in grants to Katy ISD teachers across the district. All Katy ISD educators directly involved in classroom instruction are invited to apply for a grant. Applications are due April 4, 2017. To learn more, contact us at 281-396-6031 or visit
About the Katy ISD Education Foundation – The Katy ISD Education Foundation serves as a catalyst for extraordinary teachers to create extraordinary classroom experiences for their students. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit for which contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law.
About BP:
Over the past 10 years, BP has invested more than $90 billion in the U.S. – more than any other energy company. BP is a leading producer of oil and gas and produces enough energy annually to light nearly the entire country for a year. Employing about 14,000 people across the country, BP supports more than 130,000 additional jobs through all of its business activities.
Courtesy of Katy ISD Education Foundation
Katy ISD Selects Academy Sports + Outdoors for Exclusive Naming Rights of Student Activities Complex
Katy, TX (December 13, 2016) Katy Independent School District (ISD) announced that Academy, Ltd. (d/b/a Academy Sports + Outdoors), a premier sports, outdoor and lifestyle retailer, will receive exclusive naming rights to the school district’s Student Activities Complex, as part of a new ten-year deal. The complex is home to Jack Rhodes Memorial Stadium and a second football stadium to be completed in summer 2017.
“As the Houston area’s hometown sporting goods retailer, this partnership is especially meaningful to our team, as Katy is home to more than 3,000 of our team members, our corporate headquarters, two of our store locations, and one of our distribution centers,” said J.K. Symancyk, President and CEO, Academy Sports + Outdoors. “Academy has partnered with Katy ISD for over 25 years, and we are proud to extend our support in the Katy community over the next decade.”
Under the terms of the deal, Katy ISD Student Activities Complex will be named “Academy Sports + Outdoors Student Activities Complex.” The state-of-the-art facility will host district-wide athletics, fine arts and extracurricular activities, as well as non-Katy ISD events at the local and regional level.
“We are grateful for Academy’s support of Katy ISD’s students and community and are proud to be able to grant the organization the naming rights for the Student Activities Complex,” said Rebecca Fox, Board of Trustees President, Katy ISD. “This is an exciting time for our school district and we look forward to our long-term partnership with Academy on a complex that will be a destination for local residents to enjoy for many years to come.”
The 10-year, $2.5 million naming rights agreement will take effect on July 1, 2017.
“I want to commend the administration, staff and community members who worked so diligently with the Board to make this partnership a reality,” said Lance Hindt, Superintendent, Katy ISD. “Community partnerships contribute largely to our legacy of excellence, and we couldn’t be more excited to join forces with Academy.”
Headquartered in Katy since 1990, Academy Sports + Outdoors is dedicated to supporting the community, particularly youth athletics. Through sponsorships, equipment donations and volunteer efforts, Academy supports more than 120 Houston-area youth sports organizations, serving more than 80,000 area kids.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (December 13, 2016) During the Regular Meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the attendance boundary modifications (ABMs) presented to them on December 5, in preparation for the opening of Bryant Elementary, Stockdick Junior High and Paetow High School.
The approved ABM maps, which are designed to help balance enrollment at overcrowded campuses and ensure all students have equal access to a high quality education, were updated based on the feedback provided by the public through the survey and other reviews of campuses that are currently overcrowded.
These ABMs will impact Morton Ranch High School, Katy High School, Katy Junior High, McDonald Junior High, Katy Elementary and Wolman Elementary. A letter will be mailed directly to all the impacted families by the end of January 2017.
For more information and FAQs regarding ABMs, click here.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (December 1, 2016) This month, 181 community and business members from across Katy came together to bring the love of reading into almost 400 Katy ISD classrooms during Promise to Read. The annual initiative is part of a 19-year-old tradition led by Katy ISD’s Partners in Education. Promise to Read affords the community a unique opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the world of children’s literature by spending 30 minutes reading to a classroom of excited elementary students. Each November the program is offered over the course of two weeks at various elementary campuses.
This year’s Promise to Read was hosted at Bear Creek, Hutsell, Exley, Randolph, Williams, Davidson, Morton Ranch, Kilpatrick, Pattison and Wilson Elementary Schools. Host campuses rotate each year so that, over a four-year period, every Katy ISD elementary has an opportunity to participate.
Readers represented a cross section of local companies and organizations including: Aberdare Business Solutions, ABM Industries, Academy Sports + Outdoors, Altitude Katy, AmCap Mortgage, American Kids Athletics, AXA Advisors, Bass Pro Shops, Big Frog, Bolli Bros Pizza, Books Alive, Brainy Learning Club, Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union, Bridges of Healing, CenterPoint Energy, Chick-fil-A, Christian Brothers Automotive, Citgo, City of Katy, Community Health Choice, Cross Creek Ranch, Dahl Team Properties, Dignity Memorial-Katy Funeral Home, Duffey and Grissom CPA’s,
GNA Inspections, Goddard School, Grand Vision Center, HCC Northwest, H-E-B, Herff Jones Houston, Heritage Texas Properties, Homewood Suites Katy, Houston Community College, Houston SPCA, Junior Achievement, Katy Council PTA, Katy Independent School District, Katy Magazine, Keep Katy Beautiful, Kind Bars, Listl Translating Services & More LLC, LPL Financial, Marriott Energy Corridor Hotel, Maude Marks Branch Library, Members Choice Credit Union, Memorial Hermann Hospital System, Must See Katy, Nutty Scientists Fort Bend, Omni Houston Hotel at Westside, PBK, PDQ, Pepper Lawson, PrimeLending, Prosperity Bank, Pump It Up, Second Baptist Church, Signarama Katy, Sovereign Wealth Advisors LLC, Spring Creek Barbeque, Stanley Signature Signs, Star Learning, State Farm Insurance, Sylvan Learning, Target, The Glaser Group McDonald’s, The Shady Lady Window Covering, The Tutoring Center Katy, Tilt Studio, Times Square Entertainment, Wee Kare Pediatrics, Which Wich, Whole Foods Market Katy/Sugar Land, Wood Group, Yellow Rose Properties and YES Youth Fitness and Sports Performance.
“Promise to Read has become a treasured community event thanks to hundreds of devoted community volunteers, many of whom join us every year, and our Katy ISD host campuses,” says Janet Theis, Katy ISD’s Director of Community Partnerships. “Promise to Read continues to open the door for our business community to embrace and inspire the love of reading and share that magic with classrooms across the district.”
About Katy ISD Partners in Education – Through programs like Promise to Read, Katy ISD Partners in Education creates school-support opportunities for parents, businesses and the community by offering a wide variety of options amenable to every schedule, talent and expertise. We bring volunteers into Katy ISD classrooms at each campus and all grade levels. To learn more, visit Partners in Education under the “Community” tab at
Courtesy of Katy ISD Partners in Education
Katy, TX (November 30, 2016) Rotary Club of Katy and City of Katy, sponsors of the 24th Annual Katy Triathlon at Firethorne, are doing a virtual “victory lap” to celebrate the record number of participants and the $25,000 net funds raised in 2016. The success of the competition, whose registration was up 20 percent over last year, enabled the club to increase its Katy Independent School District 2017 college scholarships from $1,500 to $2,000.
“We are thrilled that this year’s Katy Triathlon success allows the Rotary Club of Katy to make such a significant increase in the scholarship monies they give the students,” said Janet Burkett, Director of Marketing for Firethorne, home to the Katy Triathlon for the past nine years. The event drew 600 athletes, up from 500 last year, with 1,500 spectators coming out to cheer them to the finish line.
Celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, the Rotary Club of Katy has raised more than $445,000 for its community service projects since taking over the Katy Triathlon in 1998. The Club’s philanthropic and outreach programs reflect Firethorne’s community support, such as funding college scholarships and essential health, recreation and educational services for Katy ISD students.
2016 race sponsors included Firethorne, Memorial Hermann Katy and Methodist Hospital West, ER Katy, Suzanne Bruce & Associates Dermatology, Loesch Luxury Properties, Courtyard Marriott, No Label Brewing Co., Fort Bend County Commissioner Precinct 3, Kovach KW Signature, Great Harvest Bread Co., Your Total Foot Care Specialist, Bike Barn, Circle B Veterinary Hospital, Growler USA America’s Microbrew Pub, Residence Inn Marriott, Prosperity Bank, Vicki Rao, CPA, Bob Nelson, CPA, Loretta and Dan Dienst and Beverly and George Yeiter.
The Rotary Club of Katy organizes more than 50 of its own member-volunteers, plus helpers from such service clubs as Rotary Interact Club, Katy West Houston Rotaract Club, Boy Scouts and Katy VFW.
Courtesy of Firethorne
Katy, TX (October 20, 2016) The Katy ISD Communications Department was recognized by MarCom Awards, an international competition that recognizes outstanding achievement by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design and production of marketing and communication materials and programs, as a Gold Winner in the category of E-Newsletter.
The Katy ISD Update, a monthly publication created by the Department and delivered via e-mail to nearly 20,000 subscribers, was recognized for its creative design and concept.
The Department was also awarded Honorable Mention by MarCom in the category of Information Video for its video feature on K9 Officers Marcel and Juno, four-legged heroes that sniff out trouble to keep Katy ISD safe, which was produced to honor the Katy ISD Police Department during the District’s Police Week from August 28 – September 3.
Nearly 6,000 entries are submitted every year from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies and freelancers from across the United States and other countries.
The mission of the MarCom Awards is to honor excellence and recognize the creativity, hard work and generosity of marketing and communication professionals.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (October 7, 2016) – The Katy ISD Education Foundation, a southwest region finalist for 2017 Chick-fil-A True Inspiration awards, invites the entire Katy/West Houston community to rally in support of its campaign. One of four non-profit organizations competing for the prize, the Foundation could potentially gain up to $75,000 for its Inspiring Imagination teacher grant program. The winning organization will be determined in part by number of votes received. Voting ends at midnight, Monday, October 17.
Chick-fil-A’s True Inspiration awards recognizes community organizations that align with the Chick-fil-A Foundation’s mission to support and inspire youth. The Katy ISD Education Foundation rewards teacher inspiration of students by funding innovative classroom projects that go beyond district budget limitations. The Foundation was nominated by local Chick-fil-A operator, Rusty Wylie and is the only organization in the Greater Houston Area under consideration. True Inspiration awards are a national contest; therefore voting is open to everyone regardless of location.
Votes are cast exclusively through the Chick-fil-A One app, one vote per person. To vote on the app, select “Vote” on the home screen, then “Southwest Region,” “Katy ISD Education Foundation,” and “Confirm Vote.”
Courtesy of the Katy ISD Education Foundation
Katy, TX (September 30, 2016) Katy ISD is seeking proposals from businesses for the exclusive naming rights of the Katy ISD Student Activity Facilities Complex, which is comprised of the Jack Rhodes Stadium and the future Student Activity Facility: Second Stadium.
The minimal term for this agreement will be 10 years, and the final negotiated price can be paid in yearly increments.
This Complex will not only be the home base for Districtwide athletics, fine arts and extracurricular activities, but will also host non-Katy ISD events at the local and regional level.
Jack Rhodes Stadium opened in 1982 and is located at 1733 Katyland Drive in Katy. The stadium is home for seven high school varsity teams with the eighth high school to open its doors in the fall of 2017. The 2014 bond referendum provided funding to construct the second stadium, which is also located on the same grounds as Rhodes Stadium, thus creating the Katy ISD Student Activity Facilities Complex.
This Complex will create a unique experience for fans, students, parents and the community as sporting and fine arts events can be played concurrently thanks to the infrastructure and new road construction that will allow spectators and game participants easy access in and out of the Complex. Another exciting element of the second stadium is a multi-purpose room that can also serve as a venue for various community events such as banquets, receptions and recognitions.
Businesses interested in submitting proposals can do so by mail to the Katy ISD Purchasing Department at 5364 Franz Road, Katy, Texas 77493 by October 10, 2016 at 2 p.m. All proposals are to be submitted in a sealed envelope and clearly marked: 2:00 PM., OCTOBER 10, 2016 – RFCSP #1609 – NAMING RIGHTS FOR KATY ISD STUDENT ACTIVITY FACILITIES COMPLEX.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (September 27, 2016) The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) has reelected Henry Dibrell of Katy ISD to a three-year term on the TASB Board of Directors, representing TASB Region 4, Position E. Dibrell currently serves as sergeant-at-arms for the Katy ISD board. He joined the board in 2011 and has held the positions of vice-president, treasurer, and secretary.
A graduate of Leadership TASB and a current fellow with the Center for Reform of School Systems, he also invests time volunteering with the Katy High School Band Booster Club and mentoring and coaching flag football athletes. Dibrell is the owner of Campaign Crate, a political consulting firm.
Dibrell is a licensed minister who holds a bachelor of science in marketing from Northwestern State University. He is also a member of the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, where he received the Dean Nicolus Award, and serves on the board of the Katy Pachyderm Club.
TASB is a nonprofit association established in 1949 to serve local public school boards. School board members are the largest group of publicly elected officials in the state. The districts they represent serve more than 5.3 million students.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (September 22, 2016) Parents and students are invited to explore post-secondary opportunities.
Representatives from more than 200 colleges, universities, and career training programs from all over the country will be available to answer questions and provide information about their programs. Click here for a list of participating colleges and organizations.
The event is being held at the Merrell Center on Wednesday, October 5 from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
For more information, contact the Katy ISD Communications Office at 281-396-2298.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (August 26, 2016) Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success – KEYS – the Katy ISD mentor program, will kick off another successful year of mentoring on Thursday, September 22, from 8-9:30 a.m. in the Merrell Center.
Katy ISD campuses will host tables for their mentors along with any community members who might be interested in becoming a mentor.
KEYS is a relationship, not a tutoring, program that matches a caring adult with a student on the brink of success. Mentors make a one-school-year commitment and meet with their students for up to one hour each week, on campus, during the school day, during the school year. KEYS survey results from the 2015-2016 school year showed that 88% of KEYS students increased grades, 80% decreased absences and 87% decreased discipline referrals.
Over its 20-year-history, thousands of mentors have changed the trajectory of their KEYS student’s lives. As school starts this year, hundreds of Katy ISD students are waiting for a mentor of their own. If you have ever thought about becoming a mentor, or if you are already a KEYS mentor, please join us at the KEYS Kick Off. To RSVP or to complete a KEYS application please go to and click on “Partners in Education” under the “Community” tab.
For more information please contact Martha Brown at 281.396.2468, or
About Katy ISD Partners in Education – Katy ISD Partners in Education creates school-support opportunities for parents, businesses and the community by offering a wide variety of options amenable to every schedule, talent
and expertise. We bring volunteers into Katy ISD classrooms at each campus and all grade levels. To learn more, visit Partners in Education under the “Community” tab at
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (August 11, 2016) The Katy ISD Communications Department sent an email regarding the closure of all campuses on Monday, August 15th.
Please be aware that all Katy ISD campuses, including the Education Support Complex (ESC) located at 6301 S. Stadium Lane, will be closed to the public on Monday, August 15, 2016 while staff attend the Superintendent’s Convocation from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Merrell Center.
There will also be increased traffic in the area as nearly 100 school buses transport staff to and from the Merrell Center that day.
If you had planned to visit a campus or the ESC on Monday, we urge you to reschedule for tomorrow or Tuesday during regular business hours.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (August 1, 2016) Katy ISD is changing the way students and parents fill out the First Day Packet. Instead of having to sign and fill out multiple pages, parents will be able to update their child’s or children’s information electronically.
Starting on August 8th, all parents and guardians will receive a unique SnapCode for each child currently enrolled in Katy ISD to their email address on file. If you do not have an email address on file, a letter will be mailed to you. A returning student is defined as any student that is currently enrolled in Katy ISD. You are a returning student even if you have moved within the Katy ISD boundaries and are attending a new campus in 16-17 or if you are attending a new school due to promotion (i.e. moving from 5th grade elementary to attend 6th grade Junior High or moving from 8th grade Junior High to attend 9th grade High School).
What is a Returning Student Update?
This electronic, online process will replace the First Day Packet where many various forms had to be filled out manually and returned to the campus. With InfoSnap, you will be able to update all of your child’s information in one spot and electronically review and sign all documentation. All parents will be updating their student’s information, yearly, using InfoSnap.
If your child(ren) is(are) currently enrolled, you will receive a SnapCode the week of August 8th, you will be directed to the Katy ISD website to begin the updating process.
Starting August 8th, if you have any questions about the Returning Student Update, you can contact your child’s campus during business hours. For after hours (5 p.m. – 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday) you can call 281-396-7663.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (July 29, 2016) Katy ISD delivered a statement regarding the recent arrest of Robert Milton, an art teacher at Katy High School.
At Katy Independent School District, we are committed to providing a safe learning environment for all of our students. Yesterday the district was informed that the Harris County District Attorney’s Office filed criminal charges against, Robert Milton, a Katy High School teacher, for allegedly engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a student.
As soon as the District became aware of the concern an investigation was launched. Milton was immediately placed on administrative leave. Several days later, the teacher resigned from Katy ISD. The District is cooperating fully with prosecutors with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office during this investigation and will continue to do so.
Courtesy of Katy ISD Communications
Katy, TX (July 27, 2016) Simon Youth Foundation (SYF), a national leader in dropout recovery and prevention, has begun building classrooms inside of Katy Mills mall that will be open to students this fall. The non-profit is partnering with the Katy Independent School District to build Simon Youth Academy at Katy Mills and to adopt Martha Raines High School into its network. A Grand Opening Ceremony will be held on September 22.
SYF, a non-profit founded by Simon Property Group employees, partners with public school districts to build dropout recovery academies inside shopping malls. SYF provides the space rent-free and funds the construction of the Academy. Katy ISD will staff the school and refer students who are not on track to graduate. Long-time educator Heather DeVries will serve as the Coordinator of the Academy.
“We’re thrilled to be entering the Katy community,” SYF CEO Michael Durnil said. “Every school district has students who are struggling in the traditional classroom setting. Katy ISD does a wonderful job meeting the needs of all students, and we hope our partnership will allow them to do even more.”
Simon Youth Academy at Katy Mills and Martha Raines High School will be the 27th and 28th programs in the SYF network. SYF provides ongoing support for these schools by providing professional learning opportunities for teachers, annual enhancement grants of up to $5,000, and enrichment opportunities for students.
Additionally, SYF provides scholarships each year to Academy graduates, worth up to $40,000.
“Having SYF as a partner will take our alternative education programs to the next level,” Chief Academic Officer Dr. Christine Caskey said. “We’re grateful for the support we’ve received from the foundation and Katy Mills as we strive to help every student graduate.”
“People in Katy already come to the mall for outstanding shopping, dining, and entertainment. Soon, students will be able to come here to complete their education,” Katy Mills General Manager Don Massey said. “It’s an educational opportunity we’re proud to provide to our community.”
About Simon Youth Foundation
Simon Youth Foundation, a national nonprofit, exists to help at-risk students who are on the verge of dropping out of high school stay in school. Through 26 Simon Youth Academies in 12 states and Simon Youth Scholarships, and in partnership with local public schools, SYF has maintained a 90 percent graduation rate at its Academies since inception, graduated more than 14,000 students, and awarded more than $16 million in scholarships. Learn more at
Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital Giving HISD Teachers Lessons in Real World Healthcare Jobs
Katy, TX (July 20, 2016) For Chardai Grays, her second stint shadowing healthcare professionals at Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital was more focused, allowing her to glean practical ideas to apply to teaching students in her Algebra I class at Heights High School. Grays, along with a contingent of Houston Independent School District’s (HISD) instructors, spent a week in the hospital as part of the district’s “Teacher Externship” program.
“The professionals at Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital are incredible,” Grays said. “I learned how teams and departments organize, communicate, collaborate and use data. I also learned how I would use these skills for a number of student projects.
“For instance,” Grays continued, “the students can do surveys and create dashboards about trends in the neighborhood surrounding the school to learn about the number of homeless people in the area, or learn how many people in the community are eating healthy foods in their homes, or if they’re eating at all. So, I learned a lot that I plan to use during the school year.”
This marks the third year that Memorial Hermann Greater Heights has partnered with HISD to host high school teachers as part of its summer “Teacher Externship” program – designed for teachers of math, science, English, social studies, and career and technical education to learn about industries related to their campus programs.
The idea of the program is to get teachers out of the classrooms and into the real world where they can learn about different industries and associated careers to better able them to craft curriculum that is meaningful and relevant to students.
“I was able to interact with several departments,” said Jonez Harlan, who teaches anatomy, physiology and biology at Heights Hight School. “I could literally visualize my students working in each of them. Unfortunately, many students are not aware of the many job opportunities available that require no degree others require certification, or an associate, bachelor’s or higher degree. Fortunately, doing the Externship program afforded me the opportunity to learn about the many jobs in health care and so I can take this information back to my students.”
During their visit, the teachers rotated and shadowed hospital personnel in departments such as engineering, lab, business office, food and nutrition, emergency, imaging and the pharmacy among others. Joining Grays and Harlan from the Heights High School Health Science Academy was: Nestor Corpuz, Algebra II, Ellen Prestage, geometry and LaTrondria Preston, health and science. Mellonie Lowery, a teacher at Westbury High School, also joined the group.
“As a community hospital, we are committed to connecting with students and the families in our footprint,” said Susan Jadlowski, Sr. Vice President & CEO, Memorial Hermann Greater Heights. “We want to be not only their hospital of choice, but we want to also open our doors for learning opportunities that will help to cultivate future healthcare professionals. What better place to start than in the schools? So, we welcome the teachers to our hospital to learn about the incredible work being done here as well as what healthcare jobs they should be preparing students to pursue as a career.”
After their weeklong rotation, the teachers expressed their appreciation to the Memorial Hermann Greater Heights staff – applauding their professionalism and passion as caregivers. They also expressed their thanks for the staff taking time to give them real world experiences about the healthcare industry.
“The program has exposed me to healthcare career options that you don’t hear about unless you know someone in health care,” said Grays. “Not all of our students want to attend a four-year college. Some want to go to a community college for two years and pick up skills so they can begin working. This program has exposed me to those jobs in health care that are readily available to those who want to enter the workforce with some education under their belt.”
Each teacher echoed Grays in saying they learned useful information that equipped them to better craft meaningful and relevant curriculum for their students.
“We want the teachers to get the full spectrum of healthcare roles and how it takes a team to run a hospital,” Jadlowski said. “We hope their experiences at Greater Heights will help motivate and inspire their students to consider health care as a profession.”
Courtesy of Memorial Hermann Hospital
Katy, TX (July 7, 2016) Cardiologist Dr. Randeep Suneja believes a quality, exceptional educational experience is the greatest gift the Katy community can give its children, and he’s taking steps to support that effort. Inspired by his own teachers from elementary through medical school, Suneja is a passionate advocate of education. As a result, Suneja is using his participation in the annual Katy Half-Marathon to rally the Katy community in support of its teachers. “As a 25 year resident of Katy and former Katy ISD parent, I have seen firsthand the quality of Katy ISD’s educational system. I believe our community can enhance that system and significantly impact a tremendous number of students by providing resources for their teachers,” declared Suneja.
Dr. Suneja is setting his sights high, establishing a record-setting $100,000 goal raised for the Katy ISD Education Foundation and its Inspiring Imagination teacher grants. Of the funds raised by Dr. Suneja’s campaign, 75% will support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) classroom projects and 25% will fund student health awareness initiatives. “I believe this is very important, “states Suneja.
All Katy ISD teachers are invited annually to apply for Katy ISD Education Foundation grants. In its first four years, the Foundation has awarded more than $725,000 in Inspiring Imagination grants to teachers at campuses all over Katy ISD. The Foundation exists to raise support for and manage the grant program, generating funding for innovative classroom experiences not possible within the parameters of a school district budget.
Raised in India, Dr. Suneja contributes his desire to become a cardiologist to all his teachers, but calls both his parents, “the greatest teachers of them all.” This is his second year to raise funds for the Katy ISD Education Foundation. The Katy Half-Marathon is slated for February 4, 2017, the date Dr. Suneja’s campaign will end.
To support Dr. Suneja’s campaign, go to All contributions, which are tax deductible, are welcome. To learn more about the Katy ISD Education Foundation, visit or contact
Courtesy of Katy ISD Education Foundation
Katy, TX (June 15, 2016) St. John XXIII Swim Coach Dana Abbott was recently chosen as the TAPPS 4A Male Coach of the Year for 2015-2016 and received the organization’s Edd Burleson Leadership Award.
In the ten years Abbott has been at St. John XXIII College Preparatory, the girls’ team has placed in the top 3 at State nine out of the last ten years, and the boys’ team has been in the top 6 at State seven out of the last ten years. Most recently, the Sea Lions captured both boys’ and girls’ championships at Regionals, and the girls won their third State Championship in the last five seasons while the boys had their highest State finish ever as Runners-Up.
“This award is really a testament to the kids and a team effort,” says Coach Abbott. “I am blessed with tremendously hard working athletes.” In his typical self-effacing manner, Abbott remarked, “It’s nice to be recognized for all their hard work.”
Abbott’s coaching history in the Katy area is legendary. Prior to his tenure at St. John XXIII, Abbott was head swim coach at Katy High School (1980-2005), where his teams garnered multiple honors. Coach Abbott’s accolades during that time include being named the UIL Regional Swimming Coach of the Year three times and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Texas Interscholastic Swimming Association (TISCA). In 2008, he received the International Swimming Hall of Fame’s Paragon Award form Competitive Swimming. He has given swim clinics and been a speaker at various state, national, and international sports symposiums.
In addition to coaching at St. John XXIII, Coach Abbott currently coaches the Katy Tiger Swim Club summer team, a developmental group of 10- to 14-year-olds, and coaches swimming to a USA Triathlon group. He lives in Katy surrounded by his beloved rescued pets.
Courtesy of St. John XXIII College Preparatory School
Katy, TX (June 15, 2016) The Katy ISD Education Foundation recently announced its fourth year of Inspiring Imagination teacher grant recipients. Two hundred Katy ISD teachers at 33 different campuses were chosen for grants this year. Grant activities range from school gardens to robotics and extend to all subjects and grade levels. Funding will be provided for the 2016-2017 school year.
In its first four years of activity, the Katy ISD Education Foundation has awarded more than $725,000 in Inspiring Imagination grants to teachers at campuses all over Katy ISD. The Foundation exists to raise support for and manage the grant program, an initiative created by the Foundation’s Board of Directors to provide funding for innovative classroom experiences not possible within the parameters of a school district budget.
Grants are made possible by annual pledges from business and community investors, one-time contributions and events. The Foundation hosts two major fundraising events every year: Fireflies and Foodtrucks, slated for September 15, 2016, and its spring GROOVE jazz event. BP, the Foundation’s Cornerstone Investor, funded multiple grants for its BP STEM Grant Program. The Katy ISD Education Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) organization for which donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. To learn more, contact, 281-396-6031 or visit
Recognized at May 23 Katy ISD Board of Trustees meeting, this year’s grant recipients and their projects include:
Individual Grants – One teacher for up to $1,000
Bear Creek Elementary, Novel-ty Bookstore, Second Edition, Karen Baker; Bethke Elementary, Constructing More Than Just Cities and Towers, Christina Dismuke; Cardiff Junior High, Arduinos for Inventing and Programming, Stephen Bennett; Creech Elementary, One Brick at a Time, Donna Parker; Fielder Elementary, SPRKing Innovation Through Coding, Erica Foster; Golbow Elementary, Books, Bands, and Bundles Oh My!: A Third Grade Read Aloud Library, Stephanie Watt-Johnson; Katy Elementary, Astronomy Field Trip in a Box, Rose Marie Sager; Mayde Creek High, Fearless Readers of Life-Changing Novels, Frances Ohanenye; Shafer Elementary, Visualizing and Verbalizing, Brette Kuretsch; Taylor High; Traumatic Brain Injury Stations Lab, Lisa Estill; West Memorial Elementary, Skillastic-tastic Learning, Brittany Brehm.
Team Grants – Three or more teachers for up to $5,000
Alexander Elementary, Digital Learners are MOTIVATED Learners!, led by Stephanie Rainosek; Enriching all Learners through STEM, led by Terra Palmer; Beckendorff Junior High, Standing Desks: An Innovative Classroom Seating Solution, led by Tricia Gragnano Reyes; Cimarron Elementary, Young Engineers Ready to Build Bots!, led by Angela Plut; Cinco Ranch Junior High , LASH on Tech! (Language Arts, Science, History), led by Yolanda Hiller; Exley Elementary, Growing Readers and Writers, led by Bethany Paetow; Franz Elementary, Going Green, led by Tracy John; Hayes Elementary, Full STEAM Ahead! led by Sara Hernandez; Holland Elementary, Eco-Kids, led by Stephanie Nady; Itinerant Teams (multiple campuses), Dyslexia Intervention, led by Luis Villanueva; Early Childhood Intervention Groups – Ready, Set, Grow!, led by Denise Cloyes; Katy Junior High, Biomass Breakdown: It’s Getting Hot, Hot, Hot, led by Candice Thomas; CBR Motion Detectors, led by Elizabeth Flowers; Mayde Creek Elementary, Let’s Read Aloud and Play Along, led by Rhea Marsh; Mayde Creek High, Fatal Vision Impairment Goggles, led by Ashley Griffiths; Giant Triangles for Geometric Experiences, led by Sara Bauler; Library STEAM MakerSpace, led by Kathie Fry; Microbiology in the Digital Age, led by Mary Lee House; Operation Collaboration, led by Amber Allen; Thinking Outside the Box, led by Mary Miron; McRoberts Elementary, Field Researchers for a Day, Scientists for a Lifetime, led by Jeanna Bruno; Memorial Parkway Junior High Got Katy Grit?, led by Yasmina Walker; Morton Ranch High, Today I Will Read, Tomorrow I Will Write, Then my Children and I Will Change the World, led by Myrea Schmidt; Pattison Elementary, Connecting School and Community Through Non-Fiction, led by Christi Elrod; Seven Lakes High, Inspiring Learning, led by Chad Meyer; Navigating Geometry, led by Robert Perkins; Navigators, led by Karl Burford; TI-Navigator System, led by Nick Flora; Shafer Elementary, Mentoring Minds to See The World!, led by Hillary Bartee; Focus to Learn, led by JeanAnn Naumann; Giving Kinder Kids Nonfiction Opportunities, led by Kim Forbes; Stephens Elementary, 3D Real STEMing, led by Meghan Jones; Sundown Elementary, Morning Tinker Time: MakerSpace, led by Leah Miller; Taylor High , Giant Triangles, led by Nicole Brayton; Journey to the Edge of Space, led by Ryan Nutt; Seeing Electricity in a Whole New Light, led by Elizabeth Trader; Tompkins High, Theatre Under The Stars: The Literature Experience, led by Ryan Culver; West Memorial Elementary, Movement in the Classroom, led by Lisa Al-Saedi; West Memorial Junior High, Math Nspired, led by Tina Dycus; Williams Elementary, PBIS Pros, led by Virginia Stout; Project Milo, led by Kara Lowery; Step-Ball-Change, led by Brenda Pennington; Winborn Elementary, Building Language with Legos, led by Whitney Jackson; Wolfe Elementary, Enhancing Summer Reading with a Mobile Book Library, led by Megan Barnett.
Courtesy of the District
Katy, TX (June 3, 2016) The 3rd Annual ER Katy Medical Scholarship Awards ceremony was held at ER Katy where five Katy area high school seniors were awarded scholarships ranging from $300 to $1000. This year ER Katy received 48 applications up almost 3x from last year. With such a great collection of essays and outstanding resumes, the scope of the scholarship was expanded to five winners and two honorable mentions.
Scholarship winners and their respective schools were as follows:
First Place $1000
Angelika Kurpan – Cinco Ranch High School
Second Place $500 each
Alyssa Ontiveros – Katy High School
Madison Zapata – Katy High School
Third Place $300 each
Carly Luzac –Cinco Ranch High School
David Roy – St John XXXIII College Prepatory
Honorable mention $100 each
Shehla Syed – Katy Taylor High School
Madeleine Geiger- Tompkins High School
Students were joined by their families for the ceremony and got the chance to meet ER Katy staff and tour their facility. ER Katy looks forward to continuing this scholarship giveaway for Katy area high school seniors who look forward to a future in the medical field.
Courtesy of ER Katy
Katy, TX (May 31, 2016) Tom Wilson Elementary in Katy, Texas was recognized today as the 750th Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified School. Tom Wilson joins 146 schools in Texas and 17 others in the Katy Independent School District in Common Sense Education’s award-winning program that prepares kids to address critical issues related to using technology at home and at school — from creative copyright and protecting student privacy to cyberbullying and sexting.
Launched in 2012, the Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certification program helps educators, schools and districts create a coherent, community-oriented approach to teaching kids (and grown-ups) the dos and don’ts of the Internet. Common Sense’s K-12 curriculum corresponds to what kids are doing online at each developmental stage from kindergarten to high school and includes community resources for parent and caregivers in English and Spanish. Certified schools and districts are qualified by Common Sense and awarded the designation on an annual basis.
“Every time we hear about an incident with cyberbullying or basic privacy concerns, we are reminded that digital citizenship is an essential component to 21st century learning and student safety,” said Hailey Schmidt, librarian at Tom Wilson Elementary School. “By certifying our school, we are showing our community just how important this is, and enabling our students, families, and community members to make smarter choices. The material provides different ways for students to express their concerns and sometimes uses humor to help them manage the issues they deal with everyday.”
The Common Sense Digital Citizenship curriculum has been adopted by all 59 campuses in the Katy School District, reaching over 70,000 kids, and is taught by school librarians or classroom teachers. Digital Learning Manager, Jay Sonnenburg, said: “In Katy ISD we encourage the use of technology in- and outside our classrooms. It’s our job along with the families, to make sure our students are productive, positive, and safe when working and living in this digital landscape.”
“By becoming a certified school, Tom Wilson Elementary has demonstrated an important commitment to the safety and development of their kids and communities,” said Rebecca Randall, vice president of Education Programs for Common Sense. “As more schools integrate technology, often providing kids devices to take home through 1:1 programs, the responsibility of schools to teach digital citizenship continues to grow.”
Common Sense Education’s K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum was launched in collaboration with Dr. Howard Gardner of the GoodPlay Project at Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2010. Instructional materials match the maturity and development of students and range from traditional hand-outs to online, interactive games, which engage kids in exploring the possibilities and outcomes of different online behavior. Over 109,000 schools are registered to use Common Sense Education materials. For more information about the Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certification Program for educators, schools and districts, visit:
Courtesy of Common Sense Education
Katy, TX (May 19, 2016) Faith West Academy announced its valedictorian as Jamie Coalson (GPA 4.74), and two co-salutatorians for the Class of 2016. Salutatorians Rebecca Lockyear and Allison Klimple shared a four-year GPA of 4.70.
Jamie is the daughter of James and Beth Coalson of Katy. During her high school years, she has been a member of the National Honor Society, the Science National Honor Society (secretary), Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Mu Alpha Theta. She is a member Lady Eagle Volleyball Team and the Varsity Swim Team. Jamie was named Academic All-State for TAPPS Volleyball and All-District First Team. AP Physics and AP Chemistry are her favorite courses and have created some of her fondest memories, including the physics excursion to Galveston’s Pleasure Pier.
In the fall, Jamie will attend Harding University’s College of Pharmacy in Searcy, Arkansas.
Rebecca is the daughter of Laura and Alan Lockyear of Katy. During her high school years, she has been a member of the National Honor Society, a member of the Science National Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta (president). Rebecca is a gifted art student and has several state fine arts awards for her paintings and drawings. Her favorite classes are AP Physics and art. One of her most memorable experiences has been touring the Houston Medical Center, where the class observed open heart surgery.
Rebecca will attend University of Colorado in Boulder to study neuroscience.
Allison is the daughter of Sherryl and Joe Klimple of Katy. During her high school years, she has been team captain of the FWA cheerleaders, a member of National Honor Society (chairperson of honors recognition), the Science National Honor Society (president), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (president), and Mu Alpha Theta (treasurer). She was the parliamentarian for the Class of 2016. Allison is a gifted athlete and has won several cheerleading competitions. Her favorite class is AP Chemistry, and her favorite memory from Faith West is the Senior Trip to the Cayman Islands.
Allison will attend Texas A&M in the business honors program.
All three of these young ladies exemplify the character and virtues expected of the prestigious positions of valedictorian and salutatorian. Commencement ceremonies for sixty-nine graduating seniors will be held Friday, June 3, 7:00 p.m., at Cross Point Community Church, 700 Westgreen Blvd, Katy, Texas 77450. The Class of 2016 received a cumulative total of 3.4 million dollars in scholarship money.
Courtesy of Faith West Academy
Katy, TX (May 9, 2016) The British International School of Houston (BISH) is now accepting applications to award two rising Grade 11/Year 12 students a full-tuition scholarship to its International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme beginning in the 2016-17 academic year. Each scholarship, good for two years of study, is valued at more than $55,000.
The application deadline is May 26. For more details and to apply, visit the BISH website.
Over the past three years, examination scores for BISH students in the IB Diploma Programme have placed them in the top 3 percent in the world, the top 1 percent in the United States and first in Texas and Houston. BISH credits these successful outcomes to its highly personalized learning and interdisciplinary curriculum that encourages students to be ambitious.
The IB Programme is widely recognized worldwide as the most rigorous course of study currently available to students aged 16 to 19. Leading universities praise IB graduates for their critical thinking, communication and research skills, intellectual curiosity and global perspectives.
“The IB program is a good fit for our style of learning at Johns Hopkins University, because research is at our core,” said Adam Ortiz, assistant director of admissions during a recent presentation about the IB program hosted by BISH and featuring Dr. Siva Kumari, director general of the International Baccalaureate Organization®.
“Success in an IB program correlates well with success at Harvard,” added Marilyn McGrath Lewis, assistant dean of admissions. “We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Program on the transcript. GPA is not nearly as important a factor in university admission as the IB Diploma.”
The IB Programme encourages students to think independently and challenge assumptions. Students take courses in various subject areas, conduct research and engage in community service. Curriculum details are at
BISH will award the IB Programme scholarships to two highly motivated students, at least 15 years of age, who demonstrate intellectual curiosity and independent thinking, respect for other views and a desire to make a difference in the world.
About the British International School of Houston
The British International School of Houston, a Nord Anglia Education school, is a private international school catering to the needs of local and international students from Early Years through Grade 12. The school will move to a brand new 270,000 sq. ft. facility this summer, conveniently located off Texas Interstate I-10 at Westgreen and Franz, between the Energy Corridor and Katy. This state-of-the-art campus sits on 33-acres with world-class facilities for 2,000 students including modern learning spaces, numerous science labs, design technology labs, an aquatic center, extensive sports facilities and a performing arts center. The school offers a challenging, broad course of study that culminates with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB). For more information on the British International School of Houston, visit, call 713.290.9025 or email
Our international curriculum is designed to inspire, motivate and engage students to take control of their own learning. Our personalized approach is designed to offer just the right balance of challenge and support so that every student makes exceptional progress.
Courtesy of British International School of Houston
Katy, TX (April 26, 2015) Last night during their monthly meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees selected the namesakes for Elementary School No. 40, Junior High No. 15 and High School No. 8, which will open in fall 2017, thanks to the 2014 voter-approved bond program.
The Board unanimously voted to name Elementary School No.40, located in the Young Ranch Subdivision, after Robert and Felice Bryant. Robert began his career in Katy ISD in 1983 as director of bands and fine arts department chair for Katy High School before being promoted to executive director of fine arts for Katy ISD in 2000. During his tenure he was named the 2006 Texas Tech University Distinguished Educator, the 2007-2008 Texas Music Administrator of the Year, and the recipient of the 2015 Jacob L. and Sophia Meyer Farb School Bell Award for Lifetime Achievement in Music Education, among other awards. His wife Felice devoted 24 years teaching kindergarten and first grade students in Katy ISD, and was named the Katy Elementary Teacher of the Year in 1997. She also served as a Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success (KEYS) Mentor and continues to impact students after her retirement through tutoring and mentorship. Together this couple dedicated nearly 60 years of service to Katy ISD schools.
The Board also named Junior High No.15, located at 4777 Peek Road, in honor of the Stockdick family who have contributed to public education in Katy for more than a century. In 1895, the Stockdick family was among one of the first families to arrive in Katy and played an instrumental role in opening a one-room schoolhouse on what is now known as Stockdick School Road. Since then, several generations of Stockdicks have attended Katy ISD schools and have served as teachers, coaches, counselors, administrators and board members. They have also devoted countless hours as volunteers in our schools.
The Board also voted to name High School No.8, located at 23111 Stockdick School Road, in remembrance of Patricia E. Paetow, a lifelong educator who dedicated nearly 30 years to Katy ISD before losing her battle to cancer in July 2015. Mrs. Peatow began her career in Katy ISD in 1987 as an educational diagnostician. She then spent the next three decades working in different capacities, including assistant principal, principal, and director of campus administration and support, before retiring as Katy ISD’s assistant superintendent of administrative support. During her tenure, she led Wolfe Elementary to be recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School by the United States Department of Education for the 1989-1990 school year, and opened Betty Sue Creech Elementary in 2000.
Katy ISD’s namesakes have more than just years of education experience. Living namesakes and their families mentor our students, participate in community projects, and volunteer their time and resources to continue to make Katy ISD the leader in educational excellence.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (March 23, 2016) In an exciting kick off to the 2016 qualifying tournament season, FIRST® Robotics Competition Team 624, CRyptonite, from Cinco Ranch High School, advanced to the finals of the Alamo Regional, winning a heart-stopping third and deciding match 116-106 in an extremely close best-of-three semifinal.
While many of teams at the tournament hailed from Texas, this was an international event, with three teams from China, along with one each from Canada, the Dominican Republic, and Turkey.
After an intense day and a half of qualifying matches, CRyptonite ranked fourth in the 66 team field, and was chosen by the second ranked team, Team 3005, RoboChargers, from Dallas to compete along with Team 3579, Rattlers, from San Marcos as the second seed Alliance during the tournament’s elimination round of eight Alliances.
“Watching our robot on the field is as exciting as watching a game of football. I helped build the robot, so I want it to succeed on the field,” said a spectator, Kate Evans, a member of Team 624 CRyptonite.
Brimstone fires a shot and scores; members of the CRyptonite team cheer on their team
Teams of students and adult mentors worked hard to design, prototype, and build competitive robots during the six week build season, which started January 9, when teams received the rules of the 2016 game, and ended February 23, one week before the start of the seven-week qualifying tournament season. In this year’s game, Stronghold, two alliances of three robots each score points by breaching the opposing defenses, launching balls, called “boulders”, into the opponent’s tower, scoring points and weakening the tower’s defenses.
Drive team manipulator, Justin Kleiber, and driver, Christian Pawlowicz, concentrate on maneuvering their robot
The team’s hard work showed in the semifinals as Team 624 played in a series of close matches that had the audience completely enthralled.
In an incredibly close best-of-three semifinals, against a strong Alliance led by Team 2468, Appreciate, from Westlake HS in Austin CRyptonite’s Alliance won the first match by only four points, 99-95, but lost the next 107-100, causing a sudden death round to take place.
Fans and team members cheered and screamed as the game got more tense, but eventually CRyptonite’s Alliance pulled ahead, winning by 10 points, 116-106, sending them to the finals.
Playing a tough Alliance, headed by Team 148, Robowranglers, from Greenville, in the finals made for continuous action and aggressive defenses, including much robot-on-robot contact, as Robowranglers and their Aalliance partners pulled out ahead, eventually winning the final match.
While fans were on the edge of their seats as they watched to see who would win the finals and qualify to compete at the World Championships in St. Louis in April, this week-two tournament was also the first time most, if not all of the teams had competed in the new game with their new robot.
For CRyptonite, it was a chance for the new four-person drive team to see how they and the rest of the team worked together under pressure and see how the other teams’ robots compared to their robot, nicknamed Brimstone.
While there were issues with Brimstone’s shooting accuracy and vision aiming (robots can use an on-board camera to calculate on the fly, the distance and angle to make shots on field targets which are outlined with reflective tape.), shooting accuracy improved as the team learned how best to work with the new robot.
The CRyptonite robot, Brimstone
“I felt that the regional was a good example of working hard to improve; we were able to improve enough over the course of the regional to compete with one of the best teams in the world,” said Jack Sampson, drive team field coach and the team’s president, speaking about Robowranglers, a former world champion team.
“We plan on adjusting our shooter to make it faster and more consistent, incorporate vision aiming, and add a climbing mechanism”, added Sampson.
The team’s next tournament will be March 25-26 at the Rocket City Regional in Huntsville, Alabama, where they will have the chance to see how their improved robot competes.
“I feel with vision up and running our shooting will drastically improve and give us a huge performance boost,” said Alex May, head of scouting and team vice president
The Alamo Regional was an learningexperience for Team CRyptonite, even though they did not win the finals. “I felt our team performed very well. Obviously, it would have been great if we won, but given how our performance was inconsistent, but improved as the tournament went on, I felt placing second was very solid,” said May.
Courtesy of the CRyptonite Robotics Team
Katy, TX (March 22, 2016) Three Katy ISD student artists recently earned top honors in the 2016 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo School Art Competition. Taylor High School’s Allyson Bishop was selected as the Class Champion for all 3D artworks. Cinco Ranch High School’s Ashley Coleman won the Reserve Class Champion award for all mixed media art pieces. Tompkins High School’s Lucy Chen won the Reserve Grand Champion award for all high school art and broke the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo record for highest auction amount, $220,000. As a whole, Katy ISD student art brought in $468,000 in this year’s art auction. Additional Katy ISD students were selected for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Art Award finals.
Congratulations to the following:
Western Art Academy:
Allyson Bishop, Taylor HS
Erica Smolik, Katy HS
(Intensive four-week workshop held in Kerville, Texas under the direction of Schreiner University focusing on oil painting/drawing and activities including field trips to local art studios)
Glassell Junior School of Art Workshop Winners:
Carys Burnette, Cimarron Elementary
Bernadette Hanselman, Taylor HS
Claire Bai, Tompkins HS
(120 positions are awarded to students K-12 grade selected for one session in the summer or fall in the medium they wish to study.)
Lucy Chen, Reserve Class Champion
Allyson Bishop, 3D Class Champion
Ashley Coleman, Mixed Media Reserve Class Champion
Iris Lee, Taylor HS
Megna Arya, Tompkins HS
Allyson Su, Seven Lakes HS
Ben Graham, Tompkins HS
Rachel Bai, Tompkins HS
Christine Jeong, Tompkins HS
Renee Josse de Lisle, Tompkins HS
Amy Yang, Seven Lakes HS
Premium 3D Winners (these winners also received a $2,500 instant premium):
Joel Contreras, Cinco Ranch HS
Fatemeh Elbrahimi, Taylor HS
Flora Hu, Seven Lakes HS
Lauren Santamaria, Mayde Creek HS
Courtesy of the District
Katy, TX (March 4, 2016) Pattison Elementary is proud to highlight their 2015/2016 PTA Reflections winners for this year’s theme “Let your Imagination Fly”.
Visual Arts: Luciana Aguilar, Melissa Huang, Kevin Kim, Austin Li, Yana Park, Abby Grace Propes
Dance Choreography: Selena Mori, Iris Shin
Photography: Jeffery Liu, Parks Mulkey, Gracie Wu
Literature: Kevin Kim, Anika Rakkhit
Film Production: Adam El Omrani
Pattison has 2 students, Selena Mori & Jeffery Liu, that have advanced to State-Level judging! It is a wonderful achievement as nearly 60,000 students participate in the program annually and less than 3% of those advance to Texas PTA.
Courtesy of Pattison Elementary PTA
Katy, TX (March 4, 2016) On Saturday, February 27th, 8 teams from Michael Griffin Elementary participated in the Gulf Coast Destination Imagination (DI) Tournament held at Seven Lakes High School. DI is a world-wide creative problem solving competition for students in grades K-university. The competition is divided into “challenges” which enable students to showcase their research and creativity while learning about science, fine arts, engineering and community service. The teams began to work on their solutions to their challenge in early October.
Griffin was well represented at the tournament bringing home several awards and advancing 4 teams to the state tournament to be held the weekend of April 1st and 2nd in Anna, Texas. Winners from the state tournament will go on to compete in May at the Global Tournament held in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Teams advancing to state include: The Six Benz, Creative DI Cookies, Salsa Balsa and the DI Champions. Two of these teams won awards for placing first in the Instant Challenge room. The Golden Badge team received a third place trophy. Students were recently recognized for their achievements on the Griffin morning announcements.
Pictured: The Six Benz – Jacob Haven, Shane McCollam, Arjum Bhowmik, Sean Marchelli, Juan Martin Sandoval, and Andy Ko; Salsa Balsa – Aashrita Pantina, Nancy Hess,Sophia Owens, Mirai Drennon,Anita Kumar, Vishal Surya, Jacqueline Keithan, Avik Choudhary with Ms. Hess and Mrs. Keithan
Pictured: DI Champions – Sydney Hanscom, Madeleine Stegall, Jaisal Kalapatapu,Zaahir Sharma, David Doan, Sameer Chakraborty, Madison Huang; Creative DI Cookies – Raymond Xu, Trevor Wegmann, Christopher Watson, Maya Mammen, Joe Dootson, Rebecca O’Rear
Courtesy of Michael Griffin Elementary
Katy, TX (February 17, 2016) Magician Chad Chesmark performed at Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary School’s annual Bluebonnet Bash. In order to attend the Bluebonnet Bash, students had to read eight books from the Texas Library Association’s current list of books nominated to receive the Texas Bluebonnet Award.

Pictured: student Luke DesJardin and Magician Chad
Katy, TX (February 17, 2016) The PTAs of Beck Junior High, Beckendorff Junior High, and Seven Lakes Junior High partnered to showcase the award winning presentation “Keeping You and Your Family Safe Online–Public & Permanent.” The presentation, created by Richard Guerry, focused on the reasonable use of technology and internet safety. This program received the 2010 & 2011 Exemplary School Safety Program Award by the School Safety Advocacy Council. Mr. Guerry has appeared as an internet safety expert on CNN, Radio Disney, and MTV’s Thin Line Campaign. The event was held at each junior high for students as well as a parent only presentation in the evening.

Pictured: BDJH VP of Programs Carrie Zamora, Richard Guerry, BDJH PTA President Cindy Cruz-Davis, and BDJH Principal Mindy Dickerson
Katy, TX (February 17, 2016) Beckendorff staff and parent volunteers, led by Principal Mindy Dickerson and PTA President Cindy Cruz-Davis, celebrated the school’s bus drivers during the recent Bus Driver Appreciation Week. Bus drivers were given gift bags filled with goodies from the PTA and BDJH as a token of thanks for their hard work and dedication.

Pictured:BDJH Prinicpal MIndy Dickerson, PTA President Cindy Cruz-Davis, BDJH staff/administration, BDJH parent volunteers, and members of the BDJH bus driving team.
Katy, TX (February 18, 2016) The Beckendorff Junior High PTA hosted the Annual Carnation Fundraiser around Valentine’s Day. Proceeds will be used for the BDJH 8th grade dance to be held in May. This is one of BDJH’s most popular events/fundraisers.
Pictured: Principal Mindy Dickerson with BDJH PTA parent volunteers
Katy, TX (February 16, 2016) Katy ISD’s Morton Ranch Junior High is celebrating its second year of a unique partnership with Wood Group Mustang via the company’s Founders Legacy program. Launched in 2007 in honor of the company’s 20th anniversary, Founders’ Legacy honors Mustang founders -Paul Redmon, Bill Higgs and Felix Covington – and fulfills a company core value of giving back to its community. The program encourages Wood Group Mustang employees to become personally involved in campus activities throughout the school year. “The Founders Legacy program focuses on middle school youth because of their impressionable age and the critical crossroads they face in terms of future education and career choices,” said David Jackson, community support program manager at Wood Group Mustang.
The Wood Group Mustang initiative features a multi-faceted approach, helping teachers and students at their partner school through financial support and face-to-face volunteer efforts. The Morton Ranch Junior High partnership began with a generous contribution of funds (that helped the school purchase iPads) then quickly turned into a generous contribution of time, talents, and resources. Of the 18 Wood Group Mustang KEYS mentors who work with students in Katy ISD, nine of them mentor at Morton Ranch Junior High. The “Journal Pals” initiative helps students improve STARR reading scores by writing in a journal then sending it to their Mustang journal pal. Mustang also sponsored an innovative contest giving students the opportunity to create their own interpretation of Wood Group Mustang’s core values, each of which has an icon graphic. A student favorite activity is when the 40-foot trailer “Trailblazer” made a trip to campus. A one-of-a-kind museum on wheels, this scientific behemoth is used by young Mustang engineers to teach kids about weather, energy, aerodynamics and biotechnology. It’s a hands-on experience that allows students to learn much and dream big.
The Morton/Mustang partnership has transcended to a true friendship, giving everyone involved an opportunity to help kids be better students and citizens. Principal McCord described the relationship by saying “The Wood Group Mustang employees have become a part of our MRJH family. Their values, commitment, and heart for students are a perfect match for our campus.”
About Katy ISD Partners in Education – Katy ISD Partners in Education creates school-support opportunities for parents, businesses and the community by offering a wide variety of options amenable to every schedule, talent and expertise. We bring volunteers into Katy ISD classrooms at each campus and all grade levels. To learn more, visit Partners in Education under the “Community” tab at
Courtesy of the District
Katy, TX (February 8, 2016) Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success (KEYS), the Katy ISD mentor program, hosted the Men Who Mentor Breakfast on January 22nd. Comprised of existing and potential mentors, this annual event served as networking and encouragement for men who already mentor and information and recruiting for those interested in becoming a mentor.
The West Memorial Junior High Trash Can band provided exciting and invigorating entertainment, after which Superintendent Alton Frailey shared his personal thoughts on the impact a mentor can have in a child’s life. Area Superintendents Dr. Steve Robertson, Lee Crews and Dr. Tory Hill gave campus perspectives on the KEYS program and how they’ve seen first-hand how mentors change lives.
This year’s event also included a new format where principals and KEYS liaisons traveled from table to table, discussing topics such as what do you talk about, what does a KEYS liaison do and finding time to make it work. Facilitators included Dr. Jake LeBlanc, Katy Junior High Principal; Scott Rounds, Cardiff Junior High Principal; Jeff Stocks, Taylor Principal; Greg Little, Mayde Creek Junior High KEYS Liaison; Darryl White, Katy High School KEYS Liaison; James Cross, Cinco Ranch High School Principal; Ted Vierling, Seven Lakes High School Principal and Dan DeYoung, Beck Junior High Assistant Principal.
Boys across the district are waiting for mentors because KEYS needs men. If you’re a guy who has ever thought about being a mentor please go to to learn more about the KEYS program.
About Katy ISD Partners in Education – Katy ISD Partners in Education creates school-support opportunities for parents, businesses and the community by offering a wide variety of options amenable to every schedule, talent and expertise. We bring volunteers into Katy ISD classrooms at each campus and all grade levels. To learn more, visit Partners in Education under the “Community” tab at
Courtesy of Katy ISD Partners in Education
Katy, TX (February 8, 2016) February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Awareness education for students is part of the Texas Education Code Section 37.0831. This week, the CRJH counseling staff will promote healthy relationships by: ?
- Providing information about healthy relationships and respect during morning announcements ?
- Wearing orange February 9, 2016 to promote respect and healthy relationships ?
- National Respect Announcement on February 12, 2016. ?
- Displaying information regarding healthy relationships throughout the school
The counselors would like to encourage parents to start having conversations with their kids about healthy relationships.
- 3 in 4 parents have never talked to their kids about domestic violence or sexual assault. ?
- 44 percent of all students have been in an abusive relationship by the time they graduate college. ?
- Talking about what it means to have a healthy relationship is the first step to preventing dating violence and abuse. ?
For more information/resources, please visit the following website:
Two students from Katy recently had the opportunity to introduce some students from India to the world of FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics.
On a family vacation during winter break, Abhishek Routray, a 2015 graduate of the Cinco Ranch HS FIRST Robotics Competition Team 624, CRyptonite, and currently a Mechanical Engineering major at UT Austin, along with his brother, Anuraag, an eighth grade student on the Beck JH FIRST LEGO® League team, Naturally Beck, presented a robotics workshop to students of the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) school ( ), in Khordha, Orissa, on the east coast of India. Their mother, Chetana Samal, a Mentor and for both the CRyptonite and Naturally Beck robotics teams, is originally from this part of India.
A four-year veteran of the CRyptonite FIRST Robotics Competition team which ended the 2015 season ranked as one of the top teams in the world, Abhishek was used to describing the FIRST robotics concept of building and competing with robots in fun and exciting robotics programs to build engineering and technology skills and inspire young people in kindergarten through high school to be STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) leaders.
The workshop portion of the event ended with the room full of students intently watching a demo of the LEGO Mindstorms robot the group had created. They were hooked.
“These kids were listening intently,” Abhishek said. “They paid attention even well past their dinner time. I couldn’t help but think about how right Dean Kamen, the founder of FIRST, was when he thought that robotics could be made into a sport in order to excite young people about STEM like they get excited about football.”
After the robot demo, Abhishek and Anuraag presented a LEGO Mindstorms robot kit to the school – a gift from the CRyptonite robotics team.
Katy, TX (February 1, 2016) Congratulations to Ethan Le (2nd from the left), a senior at Cinco Ranch High School, for winning First Prize at the Schmidbauer Young Artist Competition at Stephen F. Austin State University on January 30, 2016. As its first prize winner, Ethan received $2,000 and an appearance as guest soloist with the Stephen F. Austin Orchestra of the Pines on March 7, 2016.
Katy, TX (January 26, 2015)
Dear Katy ISD Parents, Guardians and Community Members,
You may be aware of recent changes in Texas law that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2016, regarding carrying firearms in open view in some locations. We would like to reassure you that Katy ISD has never allowed handguns or other prohibited weapons to be carried into any of our campuses or school facilities.
We would also like to assure you that the safety of your child is our top priority, and we are taking every precaution to keep them out of harm’s way.
School grounds have been considered “gun-free” zones under the federal Gun-Free Schools Act that was enacted more than 20 years ago. Texas law also does not permit handguns or certain other weapons to be taken into any school buildings or carried anywhere that school-sponsored activities are taking place. Handguns and firearms are not allowed at any school-sponsored activities, regardless of whether the events or activities take place on or off school property or on school passenger vehicles like school buses.
District officials are continuing to review the new Open Carry Law, and we will keep you informed regarding the implementation of this new law in Katy ISD. You can also view our FAQs online for more information.
Meanwhile, should you see any suspicious activity on or around your child’s campus or anywhere in the district, please call Katy ISD police at 281-237-4000 (24 hours a day) or call 911. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Parent & Patron Assistance Center (PPAC) at (281) 396-2441.
Katy ISD
Katy, TX (January 26, 2016) Houston Community College (HCC) has the largest international population of any community college in the country. In no small part by the efforts of HCC president Dr. Zachary Hodges to attract foreign students.
The World Chamber of Commerce recently recognized Dr. Hodges’ innovative thinking with the International Pioneer award.
“Houston Community College is an inclusive institution and is only strengthened by the diversity of our students,” said Dr. Hodges. “The programs that we implement are meant to help students grow in a 21st century economy and it’s wonderful that students around the world see the benefits of attending school in Houston, one of the most diverse cities in the country. I am pleased to accept an award recognizing the hard work HCC puts in to grow the next generation of workers, entrepreneurs and innovators.”
Students from nearly 150 countries come to HCC for quality education. More than 900 from Vietnam and more than 500 from Mexico. Others are from as far away as Japan, Congo and India. As of fall 2014, 5,850 international students enrolled at HCC. That’s up 2.6% from fall 2012.
HCC students in the U.S. also have the opportunity to study abroad and attend a global seminar in Salzburg, Austria.
“It is programs like these that attract students to West Houston and enrich our communities,” said Victoria Bryant, World Chamber of Commerce Texas president. “Dr. Hodges is instrumental in attracting international students to the Houston area with his global mindset. We couldn’t think of anyone more deserving of 2015 International Pioneer award.”
Stop Hunger Now is a nonprofit organization that works to end World Hunger by delivering meals, building hospitals, irrigation systems, wells, and much more in developing countries.
Wahibah Hannan and Huma Baig, juniors at Mayde Creek High School, are organizing a meal packaging event at their school. Wahibah has spent three months raising funds that are needed to pay for the food to pack the meals; $1,000 of which she saved herself.
On Saturday, February 6, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., Mayde Creek High School will be open to volunteers who would like to help package 10, 152 meals for Stop Hunger Now. These meals will be sent to a developing country to feed the hungry. For some of these people, this is the only food they get. The students ask for any time that you can give for this campaign.
If you would like more information about Stop Hunger Now, please visit
Katy, TX (January 21, 2016) Muralist George Bevill shares his illustration, inspired by Chris Van Allsburg’s book The Polar Express, during Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary School’s annual Polar Express Day.
Pictured Front row: Alyssa Clutter, Timmy Hutchins, Brianna Cabral, Elizabeth Mower, Gonzalo Garcia, and Brianna Cabral Back row: OKE Principal Malynn Rodriguez and Muralist George Bevill
Katy, TX (December 5, 2015) Cinco Ranch Junior High was filled with the sound of cheering as Cinco Ranch High School’s CRyptonite Robotics Team hosted their fourth annual FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) LEGO® League Katy Qualifier robotics tournament.
For the second year in a row, Team 9066 (Naturally Beck) from Beck Junior High won the First Place Champions Award as the team with the highest combined score from all elements of the competition, beating out 23 other teams from all over the Houston Metro area.
FIRST LEGO League is a robotics competition for 4th to 8th grade students in teams comprised of two to ten members. Every year, the teams, working with adult mentors build a LEGO robot to compete in a specific challenge designed by FIRST. In addition to organizing and running the tournament, Cinco Ranch High School robotics Team 624, CRyptonite, has been sending student mentors to help adult volunteers work with teams from Creech Elementary and Beck Junior High.
Robots are built of LEGO and LEGO MINDSTORMS products including sensors, attachments and motors. This seasons’ game is called Trash Trek. In Trash Trek, teams are challenged to explore the world of trash, from collection, to sorting, to smart production, and reuse. They must create their own LEGO MINDSTORMS robot to accomplish trash-themed missions on a tabletop playing field.
In addition to building a robot, teams also create a project solution to present to a panel of judges. This year’s project was to make less trash or improve the way people handle the trash they make. On the competition day, students present their solutions, and the top three teams also receive a Golden Ticket to the Championship.
To learn more about FIRST Robotics Competition:
For more information on Team 624:
Katy, TX (January 12, 2016) Katy ISD Superintendent, Alton Frailey, announced on Tuesday that he would be stepping down from his post this August. Frailey has been a public school educator for 33 years, nine of those are as the Superintendent with Katy ISD. He made the announcement early so the Board of Trustees would have ample amount of time to recruit and select the best possible replacement.
Frailey acknowledged that there are still five months of the school to complete and he is dedicated to remain working to continue fostering learning environments beneficial to student success.
While in office, Frailey was a part of the vast achievements received by school in Katy ISD. The eight consecutive years of sustaining the Texas Education Agency’s highest ratings, to being ranked this year by Niche as the number one school district in the Houston area, to students consistently outperforming the state in SATs and ACTs, the highly regarded fine arts departments, FFA and athletic programs, to two successful community developed bond referendums, to working with advisory councils such as the Superintendent’s Student, Employee, Parent and Community Roundtables, and the enhanced financial picture, and becoming a national leader in the implementation of technology innovations.
In his letter to Katy ISD, Frailey thanks the Board members, parents, faith leaders, business partners, and volunteers for all of their hard work. He sent out a special thank you to the principals and office staff saying he respects and admires them and all the hard work they provided during the past nine years.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (November 25, 2015) – The British International School of Houston today announces that they will become one of the first schools in the world to benefit from an innovative new collaboration between Nord Anglia Education and The Juilliard School in New York. Starting September 2016, students at the school will use an enhanced embedded arts curriculum developed by specialists from Juilliard, along with continued support from, and engagement with, Juilliard alumni and affiliated artists.
The collaboration between Juilliard, the world-renowned performing arts conservatory, and Nord Anglia Education, the world’s leading premium schools organization, is designed to enhance the British International School of Houston’s performing arts offering with its innovative structure, design and approach. The new embedded arts curriculum, which focuses first on music, was developed by curriculum and music experts at both Juilliard and Nord Anglia Education.
Andrew Derry, Principal of the British International School of Houston, said, “This collaboration is incredibly exciting. An already vibrant and creative music department will be invigorated by our exclusive collaboration with Juilliard, and everyone involved is eager to begin the program and offer our students a world-class musical experience of the highest quality.”
The music curriculum is designed for all students, not just those who are serious about learning an instrument or musical performance. It is based around a repertoire of 12 core works covering a wide range of cultures, genres and historical periods, each of which has been carefully chosen by Juilliard to open the door to categories of music and fundamentals essential for all young people to know and experience. Ultimately, the curriculum aims to nurture cultural literacy and develop key skills in students, such as discipline, creativity and confidence that will enable them to succeed anywhere in the world once they’ve left school.
Joseph W. Polisi, President at the Juilliard School, said, “In collaborating with Nord Anglia, we have a unique opportunity to share our expertise, offering those studying at Nord Anglia schools the chance to learn from the best that our two institutions can offer. We believe that the performing arts should have a significant role within today’s global educational environment. By working with Nord Anglia, we can reach students from around the world to cultivate their skills and help guide them in their future growth.”
Katy, TX News (November 25, 2015) – Katy ISD’s mission is to work with families and our community to provide students with unparalleled learning experiences. To that end, the District is sharing information about upcoming Attendance Boundary Modification proposals that are intended to provide long-range solutions to manage student enrollment growth as we see 2,000+ new students and their families move into the district on an annual basis. Successful ABMs are achieved through campus capacity reductions, capacity increases or a combination of both.
Each year, the District engages in studies of growth, development and school and program enrollment capacity projections conducted by Population and Survey Analysts (PASA). On October 26, 2015, new enrollment projections were presented to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees. The study estimates continued growth for Katy ISD, particularly in the northwest and southwest quadrants with the addition of more than 47,000 new housing units (multi-family and single family) during the next 10 years.
Please click here to take the survey. (Please note this survey link will only work once. If you have any problems accessing the survey, please email us at
The purpose of this survey is to share information about how growth in the region is being addressed by Katy ISD, to gather information about how your family may be impacted and to share information about ABM processes.
Your participation is anonymous, unless you choose to provide your contact information at the end of the survey. The data from this survey will be used as a part of a broader analysis and discussion with the Katy ISD Board of Trustees. Your feedback is very much appreciated.
Katy, TX News (November 20, 2015) – Katy ISD’s newest high school campus, Tompkins High School, recently held their first-ever signing day for student athletes.
- Drew Guthrie, Harding University, Baseball
- Nick Hutchison. Texas A&M – Kingsville, Baseball
- Marissa Langer,University of Texas-Dallas, Golf
- Brittany Panetti,University of New Mexico, Basketball
- Kendall Rollins, University of Mary Hardin Baylor, Basketball
Congratulations to these awesome young athletes for their success and hard work, and to Tompkins High School for their first signing day in school history.
Katy, TX News (November 16, 2015) – As Katy ISD prepares to open two elementary schools and one junior high next year, the Board of Trustees will begin considering attendance boundary modifications to help balance enrollment numbers.
District administrators will review the ABM process, present preliminary ABM proposals, and discuss options for landlocked schools exceeding 125% capacity.
Katy, TX News (November 11, 2015) – Katy ISD’s Beck Junior High, located in Cinco Ranch, recently celebrated its annual “International Day” festival for sixth students. The event was chaired this year by PTA volunteer Usha Machiraju and supported by more than 30 parent volunteers.
Machiraju, who also helped to represent India at the event, commented that “This annual event allows Beck students to enjoy the culture, history and food from many countries in one setting hosted by student parents who proudly and playfully engage the students in a “trip around the world”. This year, more than sixteen different countries were represented.”
According to Beck Junior High Principal Carra Fleming, “International Day is such a valued tradition at Beck Junior High because it truly embraces the many international cultures represented here. I also love the way it brings in volunteers we might not normally see because they truly feel valued and have so much to contribute in this area. I learn and grow as much as the kids do through this event each year.”
Katy, TX News (October 26, 2015) – Katy ISD’s new mobile app, SARA (Student Assignment by Residential Address), enables parents to find their school assignment according to their residential address. In order to determine which school your child is set to attend, simply visit, katyisd.or/pages/sara.aspx or download the SARA app on your mobile device. From there, select the student’s grade, enter your address, and click the “Find Address” button.
Katy, TX News (October 12, 2015) – According to American School & University’s (AS&U) Top 100 Report issued each year, Katy ISD has jumped 38 spots since 2007, and currently ranks 57th nationwide. Rankings in the Top 100 Report are based on enrollment in public school districts across the nation.
The report also shows that many of the districts that have grown significantly in the last 25 years are in suburban areas, and 20 of the 100 largest school districts in the nation are in Texas.
Since 1928, AS&U has been the information source for education facilities and business professionals — serving the nation’s K-12 and higher-education administrators responsible for the planning, design, construction, retrofit, operations, maintenance and management of education facilities. Click here for more information.
Katy, TX News (September 24, 2015) – In recognition of September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, various Taylor High School football, band, Pacesetters, cheer squad and flagmen will wear the color gold to help raise awareness.
“It’s been great to have the support of the community to help spread awareness of childhood cancer,” said Kay Curry, mother of Lilli, a 9th-grade freshman at Taylor HS who has been battling cancer for four years. Curry has been working with neighbors to spread awareness of childhood cancer. “That the staff and students at Taylor would rally around the effort in Friday’s game is amazing.”
While Taylor’s main color – blue – won’t change, the Taylor teams will add gold to their uniforms in the game Friday vs. Katy:
- The football team will wear gold arm bands.
- The coaches will wear gold visors.
- The cheer squad will wear gold bows in their hair and gold ribbons on their socks.
- The band will wear gold armbands.
- The Pacesetters will use gold pompoms.
- The flagmen will wear gold socks.
Earlier this month, the THS cheer squad and several local citizens wrapped gold bows around the trees in the median of Kingsland Blvd, the street that runs in front of Taylor High School and neighboring Nottingham Country Elementary.
“Currently, THS has students fighting Childhood Cancer and we also have current cheerleaders who have lost siblings to Childhood Cancer,” said Reyna Wagner, THS varsity cheerleading and flagmen coach. “That is why when this awareness and opportunity came up, the Cheerleading Program at THS wanted to spread awareness, because it has affected us at ‘home’.”
Curry is appreciative, “It’s so heartwarming to have the support of friends and neighbors for those of us impacted by this horrible disease. Childhood cancer is a lot less rare than most people think. Unfortunately, in our journey, I’ve become aware of other children impacted by cancer in the Katy area. The statistics on childhood cancer are sad.”
Those stats include:
- Every three minutes, a child is diagnosed with cancer
- 1 in 285 children will get cancer before the age of 20
- Every year, the parents of approximately 16,000 children in the US will hear the words ‘your child has cancer’
- Of all the federal funds earmarked for cancer research, only 4% is directed toward childhood cancer research
Curry and neighbors also have worked this month with other schools to help spread awareness of childhood cancer in one way or another (faculty/staff wearing gold ribbons, distributing fact sheets about childhood cancer, wearing gold shirts to school, posting a message on the marquee, etc.). Some of those schools include Nottingham Country Elementary, Memorial Parkway Elementary, Memorial Parkway Junior High, Bonnie Holland Elementary and Beck Junior High.
Katy, TX News (September 2, 2015) – From KPRC Local 2 – A 15-year-old Taylor High School student was taken by Life Flight after being struck by a vehicle in Katy Wednesday morning.
According to Harris County deputies, a blue Mini Cooper struck the boy on Kingsland and Provincial Boulevard around 7:25 a.m.
Witnesses said the boy was alert when the student was transported by Life Flight to Memorial Hermann Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
The Katy Independent School District released the following statement:
“Katy ISD would like to take this time to remind all parents and students to be mindful of school zones, and to keep an eye out for children when driving past campuses and neighborhood bus stops. This is also a good time for parents to remind their children about safety precautions at bus stops and while walking to and from school. We ask our community to join the District in keeping our students safe.”
According to authorities, the student is expected to be OK.
Katy Magazine’s thoughts and prayers are with this student and his family. Please, do not text and drive, and remember to mind the speed limit signs in the mornings and afternoons when students are traveling to and from school.
Katy, TX News (August 6, 2015) – Katy ISD’s 2015 District-wide Elementary Teacher of the Year Christina Dismuke was named the Region IV Elementary Teacher of the Year last night at the annual awards ceremony. Dismuke was selected out of 94 nominees from 47 area school districts.
Dismuke teaches second grade at Morton Ranch Elementary and is a master teacher, second grade Team Leader and Lead Mentor on campus. She is not only involved in the classroom, but also in the community where she spends time volunteering for her church and regularly attends her students’ extracurricular activities.
“Mrs. Dismuke is truly one of the most gifted teachers with whom I have worked in my sixteen years in education,” said Deb Hubble, principal at Morton Ranch Elementary. “It is no exaggeration to say that teachers of all age levels flock to her classroom to observe and learn from her. She masterfully exemplifies what elementary education should be about.”
Dismuke is one of four Katy ISD teachers to be named a Region IV Teacher of the Year in the past 30 years, including Barbara Sue Walker (1989), Theresa Fallwell (2008), and Janie Spies (2014). She will move on as the Region IV Elementary Teacher of the Year to compete against the other Education Service Centers for a finalist spot at the state level, and ultimately an opportunity to be named Texas Teacher of the Year.
Katy, TX News (July 28, 2015) – Plans of comprehensive renovations are set to begin at Memorial Parkway junior high in fall 2015. The project, with an estimated budget at $23.5 million dollars, will provided comprehensive reconfiguration of the campus and will add classrooms, upgrade and replace mechanical, electrical, and plumbing components, and more.
Modifications and upgrades to the 148,627 sq. ft. campus are expected to finish in August 2017 and will be the largest project funded by the 2014 Katy ISD bond measure. For updates on projects funded by the Katy ISD 2014 bond, visit
Katy, TX News (July 15, 2015) – Katy ISD Trustee Henry Dibrell has earned the designation of Master Trustee upon completion of Leadership TASB, a program sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB).
During the fifth session from June 18 to 20, school board members in the 2014–15 Leadership TASB class made presentations of their team’s findings following year-long research focused on topics such as statewide inequities, changing demographics, challenges to traditional public school models, achievement gaps and transformational education.
The Leadership TASB class met in conjunction with TASB’s Summer Leadership Institute in Fort Worth. More than 1,000 new and veteran school leaders received extensive training on every facet of effective board governance, heard keynote addresses from renowned education experts, and picked up valuable ideas from district showcases and networking opportunities.
After the graduation ceremony on June 19, participants joined the ranks of more than 800 school board members statewide who are Leadership TASB alumni.
The 2015 Leadership TASB class, composed of 35 school board members, represents Texas school districts of all sizes. Participants who completed all required elements of the study program earned Master Trustee status, the highest designation recognized by TASB.
TASB is a nonprofit association established in 1949 to serve local public school districts. Texas school board members are the largest group of publicly elected officials in the state. The districts they represent serve more than 5.1 million students.
Katy, TX News (July 12, 2015) – Katy ISD’s 2015 District-wide Elementary Teacher of the Year, Christina Dismuke, was selected as a region IV Teacher of the Year finalist this week out of 94 nominees from 47 area school districts.
One elementary and one secondary teacher will be chosen from the finalists to represent the area and compete against the other Texas Regions at the state level.
Dismuke teaches second grade at Morton Ranch Elementary and is a master teacher, second grade team leader and lead mentor on campus. She is not only involved in the classroom, but also in the community where she spends time volunteering for her church and regularly attends her students’ extracurricular activities.
Information courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (June 30, 2015) – A total of 696 students from the Katy ISD graduating Class of 2015 received more than $21,023,000 in academic and/or athletic scholarships.
The total amount of academic scholarships earned is $17,117,850 and athletic scholarships totaled $3,957,489.
Total scholarships accepted per campus are as follows:?
Campus | Academic Scholarships | Athletic Scholarships | Total |
Cinco Ranch HS | $4,066,372 | $830,332 | $4,896,704 |
Katy HS | $1,966,436 | $852,619 | $2,878,855 |
Mayde Creek HS | $1,912,439 | $122,458 | $2,034,897 |
Morton Ranch HS | $3,952,073 | $887,480 | $4,727,790 |
Seven Lakes HS | $2,486,270 | $641,720 | $3,127,990 |
Taylor HS | $2,732,260 | $622,880 | $3,355,140 |
Raines HS | $2,000 | N/A | $2,000 |
Katy, TX News (June 17, 2015) – Seven Lakes High School would like to welcome their newest addition to the Spartan family — Kaitlyn Eidson, the new Varsity Girls’ Soccer Coach.
Kaitlyn is a graduate of Cinco Ranch High School, and served as a team captain for the SMU Mustangs Women’s Soccer Team. Following a brief stint as a professional soccer player overseas, Coach Eidson returned to Texas to serve as an assistant coach at Lake Highlands High School, near Dallas. Coach Eidson is excited about the opportunity to coach the Seven Lakes girls’ soccer team and is eager to begin working with the kids, coaches, and parents. Please welcome Coach Eidson to Seven Lakes High School!
Katy, TX News (June 15, 2015) – The National Weather Service (NWS) is anticipating heavy rain and a possible tropical storm early this evening. In response, Katy ISD has elevated its readiness level to Readiness Level 3.
As such, the District is taking the following steps to prepare for possible inclement weather:
- Fuel vehicles and equipment and, if needed, refill storage tanks
- Remove debris and anchor items used or stored outside District facilities
- Issue advisories to staff to begin personal hurricane preparations
- Move valuable items and critical documents into interior rooms and elevate those items at least three inches above the floor
- Inspect roof and yards to prepare for high winds
- Inspect flood control features to ensure outfalls are clear of debris
- Participate in state conference calls
- Place key staff on standby
- Confirm emergency communications are working
As the storm makes its way closer to the Gulf Coast and weather forecasters have a better idea of where landfall will occur, Katy ISD officials will determine when and if to move to Readiness Level 2 or Maximum Readiness Level. Parents, staff and community will be notified of any changes to summer school or the use of facilities the evening before or the early morning of, the anticipated weather event. Please check here for information on how the District notifies the community about inclement weather.
Katy ISD reminds families to prepare for expected rain and possible high winds as well by checking their family emergency plan, updating emergency kits and staying informed.
Harris County Homeland Security & Emergency Management has a number of tools for families to use, including a brochure on Hurricane Preparedness and an emergency supply checklist. The Ready Houston regional preparedness page also has helpful information on how to prepare for disasters, including hurricanes.
Information courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (June 12, 2015) – Eight Katy ISD campuses recently received the No Place for Hate® designation for 2014 to 2015 through the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of Houston.
This initiative helps to create and sustain inclusive school environments where all students feel valued and have the opportunity to succeed by promoting respect for individual difference.
The following Katy ISD campuses received the No Place for Hate® designation for 2014 to 2015:
- Cimarron Elementary
- Fielder Elementary
- Franz Elementary
- Stephens Elementary
- Wilson Elementary
- McMeans Junior High
- Seven Lakes Junior High
- Mayde Creek High School
No Place for Hate® provides educators and students with the resources to ensure that anti-bias and diversity education are an integral part of the school curriculum.
Information courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (June 10, 2015) – Concordia University (Austin, TX) Head Volleyball Coach Nicole McCoy announced the signing of Faith West Academy’s Ashleigh Wostarek to the American Southwest Conference Tornados.
Team Captain Ashleigh led the Lady Eagles as middle blocker. She posted several honors for 3-A Division TAPPS Volleyball; 2014-2015 1st Team All-District, 2014-2015 All-State Honorable Mention, 2013-2014 1st Team All-District, and 2012-2013 2nd Team All-District. Outside hitter/defensive specialist Ashleigh was first team for Skyline Juniors of Houston’s club volleyball players.
Concordia is a privately-held, accredited, liberal arts university, and is under the auspices of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. It is a member of the highly respected Concordia University System in which more than 36,000 students are enrolled nationwide.
Ashleigh is the daughter of Mr. Thomas Wostarek of Fayetteville, TX and Ms. Pam Wostarek of Katy, TX.
Katy, TX News (June 1, 2015) – There are now options for new purchases when it comes to buying Varsity Football season tickets for the 2015 school year.
- Tickets may be purchased online at on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 8:00 am until the first football game at Rhodes Stadium of your school’s season.
- Tickets may be purchased in person at the Leonard Merrell Center Box Office on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 from 8:00 am to 11:00 am or 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm and Thursday, June 4, 2015 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.
The Box Office phone number is 281-396-6390. (Leonard Merrell Center is located at 6301 S. Stadium Lane, Katy, TX 77494).
Katy, TX News (May 27, 2015) – Due to the rain, we are rescheduling the May 26 groundbreaking ceremony for Elementary School No. 38 for Tuesday, June 9 at 10 a.m.
We apologize for the inconvenience but hope you will still join the Katy ISD Board of Trustees, Superintendent Alton Frailey, and fellow staff and community members for this celebration.
This will be the fifth campus the District breaks ground on as part of the six new schools to be built thanks to the 2014 voter-approved bond package.
Located in the Cinco Ranch Northwest area, this school will provide enrollment relief to Wolman and WoodCreek elementary schools when it opens in fall of 2016.
News courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 26, 2015) – For the second time in Faith West Academy’s thirty-three year history, the honor of valedictorian is being awarded to two graduating seniors, as both have been named co-valedictorians for Faith West Academy’s Class of 2015. Ashley Coalson and Emma Estephan shared a four-year GPA of 4.73.
Ashley is the daughter of James and Beth Coalson of Katy. She is a member of the National Honor Society, charter member of the Science National Honor Society (president), Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Mu Alpha Theta. She was a member of the Lady Eagle Volleyball Team and the Varsity Swim Team. Ashley was named Academic All-State for TAPPS Volleyball. She was named “Most Representative Female Student” at the 2014 Homecoming and received the 2015 FWA Athletic Booster Club Scholarship.
In the fall, Ashley will attend Texas A & M and intends to study mechanical engineering and pursue biomedical research.
Emma is the daughter of Jacques and Donna Estephan of Katy. During her high school years she has been a member of the National Honor Society (secretary), a charter member of the Science National Honor Society, International Club, and Mu Alpha Theta. Emma is a gifted art student and has several State Fine Arts Awards for her paintings and drawings. With an interest in the martial arts she has earned a second degree black belt-level 3 from Katy TaeKwonDo Academy.
Emma will attend University of Texas to study medical science.
Both young ladies exemplify the character and virtues expected of the prestigious position of valedictorian. Commencement ceremonies for thirty-three graduating seniors will be held on Friday, June 5, at 7:00 p.m., at Cross Point Community Church, 700 Westgreen Blvd, Katy, Texas 77450.
Katy, TX News (May 20, 2015) – Seven Lakes High School was named to the Superintendent’s ABCD Club today for going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty. This honor recognizes campuses and departments that excel by providing enriching experiences for our students and improving their campus and community.
Seven Lakes was nominated by a parent whose child suffers from Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. The Seven Lakes High School administrators and staff joined forces to ensure this student’s needs were met and encouraged him to participate in extracurricular activities such as Science Olympiad. Because of their support, the student is graduating seventh in his class and attending Rice University in the fall.
“Principal Ted Vierling and his staff set a great example,” said Lisa Wu, Seven Lakes High School parent. “They are encouraging, supportive and always there to help.”
News courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 18, 2015) – Rhoads Elementary teacher Morgan Dear was recently selected as one of only 155 teachers across the country to attend the 2015 Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy.
The Academy is a one-week, all-expense-paid intensive professional development program that provides teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to motivate students to pursue careers in science and math.
Dear will be joined by math and science experts from the National Science Teachers Association and Math Solutions, who design the curriculum and manage the daily activities and logistics of the Academy.
News courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 15, 2015) – Beginning March 2016, College Board will be administering a redesigned SAT, which was developed to support college readiness and success for students by focusing on the knowledge and skills that current research shows are most essential for college and career success.
In an effort to help the community better understand the changes, students, parents and community from any area of the District are invited to attend any of the following Redesigned SAT Community Information Sessions.
May 20 | Katy High School | 6331 Highway Blvd. | 6:30 p.m. |
May 26 | Tompkins High School | 4400 Falcon Landing Blvd. | 6:30 p.m. |
May 27 | Taylor High School | 20700 Kingsland Blvd. | 6:30 p.m. |
The first administration of the redesigned PSAT will be October 2015, while the first administration of the redesigned SAT will be in March 2016.
Katy, TX News (May 8, 2015) – A high school student from James E. Taylor took top honors in this year’s Congressional Art Competition hosted by Congressman John Culberson (TX-07).
“This is one of my favorite events,” said Congressman Culberson during a reception held for the finalists at his Houston office. “I’ve been hosting this event for 13 years, and this is one of the closest competitions we have ever had. The level of talent in our area is truly impressive.”
Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent. Students from each congressional district in America submit their work to their Representative’s office, and panels of local artists select the winning entries. This year, Culberson’s office received 49 entries from nine schools.
First place went to Amber Wang of James E. Taylor High School for her oil painting “Tiny Roper.” Her painting will be displayed for one year at the United States Capitol. Miss Wang will also receive a trip to Washington, D.C. to attend a reception honoring winners from each district, courtesy of Southwest Airlines.
Katy, TX News – Thanks to a partnership with the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office, Katy ISD students gained real-world experience to careers in the field of forensics and crime scene investigation this week during Katy ISD’s first-ever Forensics CSI Day at the Robert R. Shaw STEAM Center.
Students were able to tour FBCSO’s mobile investigation unit, speak directly with CSU investigators, and utilize skills such as finger printing and blood splatter analysis to solve a crime scene created by the Katy ISD forensic science teachers and instructional specialist Mariam Manuel.
Katy, TX News – More than 1,400 certified teachers gathered at the Leonard E. Merrell Center for the Katy ISD Teaching Job Fair on April 25, hoping to acquire a new job at one of the fastest growing districts in the nation.
The hiring fair was hosted in response to the rapid growth of the district and representatives from every school gladly welcomed both current Katy ISD employees applying for transfer and new applicants with a valid Texas teaching certification.
To find out more on how to become a teacher in Katy ISD, visit
Katy, TX News (April 22, 2015) – Courtesy of KHOU – For Kim Karns, a junior at Cinco Ranch, her cell phone is her lifeline. “I was on Twitter or texting someone,” said Karns.
She was sitting by the pool with her family on Sunday. Her head was down, fingers typing away on a text that likely saved her life.
“I looked down at the right time,” said Karns. That’s when she felt it. “I felt something hit me in the back of the head, thought it was a baseball or something,” said Karns. “It stung.”
No one knew what it was or where it came from. But Karns was hurt. “When I pulled my hand back, it was covered in blood,” said Karns.
“We were immediately jumping up, going okay let’s get to the emergency room,” said Yvette Karns, Kim’s mother. Her parents drove her to Memorial Hermann hospital in Katy where a CAT scan surprised even doctors.
“It was like all the life in me just drained,” said Kim’s mother. A bullet was lodged inside Kim’s head.
“I should be dead,” said Karns. An ambulance rushed her to the Medical Center where doctors removed the bullet stuck between her scalp and skull.
“I was pretty much like bring it on, get it out of me,” said Karns. “I was ready to go home. I told them I’ve got school tomorrow and a volleyball tournament this weekend.”
Investigators with the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office say this was a stray bullet. Someone nearby fired it up into the air and that is a crime.
“It’s going to come down somewhere,” said Karns. “There’s going to be a consequence for that.”
It’s a crime that Kim’s mother says could have cost her daughter her life.
“Am I upset? Yes,” she said. “Would I like to wring their neck and say what were you thinking? Yes.”
Most people can’t say they survived a bullet to the head.
“She had an angel on her shoulder that day,” said Kim’s mother.
But now Kim has the stitches to prove it. “If I would have been one inch in any other direction, it could have gone differently,” said Kim. “I’m just really grateful to be alive.”
According to investigators, the caliber of the bullet has yet to be determined. Detectives believe the bullet was shot from south of the victim’s home from a distance of up to a mile. If you have any information about this incident, call the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office at 281-341-4665.
Katy, TX News (April 20, 2015) – Morton Ranch Junior High Science Teacher Kim Thompson, and eighth-grade student Patrick Schumacher were selected this week as two of only 28 individuals nationwide to participate in the JASON National Argonaut Adventure.
As JASON Argonauts, Thompson and Schumacher will embark on a seven-day journey to Cape Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas this summer to experience hands-on research with scientists working on a range of marine science projects.
JASON Learning is a non-profit organization that connects students to real science and exploration to inspire and motivate them to study and pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Funded by Chevron, students and teachers in Katy ISD are able to access JASON Learning materials including inquiry-based labs, videos, lesson plans, assessments, and comprehensive professional development programs.
Click here for more information on JASON Learning.
Katy, TX News (April 16, 2015) -Dear Parents, Staff and Community Members,
Beginning March 2016, College Board will be administering a redesigned SAT, which was developed to support college readiness and success for students by focusing on the knowledge and skills that current research shows are most essential for college and career success.
On Monday, April 20 a representative with College Board will be presenting a thorough overview of the redesigned SAT during the Katy ISD Board of Trustees Work Study meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Education Support Complex. Parents and students are encouraged to attend to learn more about these changes and how it will impact students.
The first administration of the redesigned SAT will be March 2016; however, the first administration of the redesigned PSAT will be in October 2015.
Click here to view the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the redesigned SAT. For additional information on the changes to the SAT, to view sample questions, and sign up for updates, parents and students are encouraged to visit the College Board website.
Information courtesy of Katy ISD Communications Department
Katy, TX News (April 16, 2015) – Seven Lakes High School seniors Brianna Aheimer and Oluwatofe Alimi are the recipients of a $2,500 Achievement Scholarship through the National Achievement Scholarship Program. Aheimer and Alimi are among only 800 seniors nationwide to receive this scholarship.
More than 150,000 students from across the country were considered in the 2015 National Achievement Scholarship Program after taking the 2013 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test as high school juniors.
From that pool of students, the National Achievement Scholarship Program selected approximately 1,600 Semifinalists. The winners were selected based on their record of accomplishments and greatest potential for academic success in college.
The National Achievement Scholarship Program was established in 1964 to honor scholastically talented Black American youth and provide scholarships to the most outstanding participants in each annual competition. These awards, totaling more than $2 million, are financed by grants from 30 corporate organizations and professional associations, as well as the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
Katy, TX (April 14, 2015) – The Katy Independent School District was recently ranked second among large school districts in the Center for Digital Education’s and National School Boards Association’s 10th anniversary Digital School Districts Survey. This the second year in a row that Katy has been named one of the top ten digital school districts in the nation.
The Digital School Districts Survey showcases exemplary school boards’ and districts’ use of technology to govern the district, communicate with students, parents and community, and improve district operations.
Katy ISD’s second-place rank in the large student population category demonstrates how the District is adapting curriculum, communication and collaboration by embracing digital technologies.
The top 10 rankings are awarded to the school boards and districts that most fully implement technology benchmarks in the evolution of digital education, as represented in the survey questions.
Katy, TX News (April 8, 2015) – The Katy ISD School Board recently passed a resolution calling for the elimination of state high-stakes testing beyond federal mandates, which includes those assessments that are required for graduation, also known as STAAR. This message is really resonating with members in our community and many at the national level! We do not know of any teacher, parent or educator who believes the STAAR test to be a true test of a child’s ability or the STAAR test to be the right Accountability and Assessment system. There has been no measurable improvement in college readiness.
Sadly, we have heard over and over again that this is not getting enough attention from our legislature or from the media and that it’s only from our group that they have heard this. We are thrilled to be a part of Katy ISD and helping to lead the charge. Our hope was that this would be something that the community could rally behind and fight for together and that’s exactly what’s happening. We are making news in education circles around the country! We posted a story on our Facebook feed yesterday and we have been thrilled to see this post reach over 40,000 people in less then 24 hours! We have had hundreds of shares and lots of reposts on many other group sites in the last few days. Parents and Teachers are very passionate about this topic and we pledge to do our best to make changes with the support of Katy ISD Board of Trustee Members.
See below for just some of the links in groups around Texas and in national circles that have shared Katy ISD’s Resolution and have expressed concern over the STAAR:
- Facebook Groups-
Jen Hatmaker
Texans Advocating for Meaningful Student Assessment (TAMSA)
Texas Parents Opt out of State Tests
Texas Kids Can’t Wait - Link to Resolution:
Article courtesy of One Katy PAC
Katy, TX News (April 8, 2015) – Seven Lakes Junior High held a world premiere of a special video titled “Celebrating Diversity” at a recent PTA meeting. Seven Lakes Junior High students speak over 34 languages and their families come from countries all of the world.
The campus was very excited to showcase the wonderful diversity present on the campus. The video was a project created by the SLJH Diversity Committee. Students volunteered to participate in the filming of the video and the majority of filming and production was completed by students. The world premiere of the video was a very special event with speeches by Dr. Medrano, Principal, and a few of the students that participated in creation of the video. Visit the Seven Lakes Junior High Website to see the “Celebrating Diversity” video.
Katy, TX News (March 27, 2015) – Houston Christian High School students have recently participated in several reading and writing competitions with outstanding results. We are proud to announce high honors achieved in the literary arena through the Library of Congress Letters About Literature competition and WordWright.
In writing, freshman Jake Fritsche and sophomores Richard Hansen and Jeremy Mitschke, were in the top 15 out of 1500 in the state of Texas to achieve high honors in the Library of Congress’s Letters About Literature competition. Additionally, Houston Christian was the only high school to have three finalists in the competition nationwide. Letters About Literature is a reading and writing contest for students in grades 4-12. Students are asked to read a book, poem, or speech of their choosing and write a letter to the author (living or dead) expressing the impact the author’s writing had on them personally.
In reading, a team of HC sophomore students were recently honored at the third annual meet for this year’s WordWright Challenge. Bryce Ott and Will Bates won high individual honors in the meet. The WordWright Challenge, supervised by Mrs. Hannah Bailey, English teacher at HC, is a national competition for high school students requiring close reading and analysis of many different kinds of prose and poetry.
Houston Christian continues to exemplify its high academic standard through these notable literary honors. Houston Christian is a private college preparatory high school in West Houston at 2700 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. N., near I-10 and Beltway 8. For additional information Campus tours are available to prospective students and their parents through the Admissions office. Contact Admissions at 713-580-6020 or
Katy, TX News (March 13, 2015) – Cinco Ranch High School’s robotics Team 624 (CRyptonite) punched their ticket to the FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition (FRC®) World Championship by winning the 2015 Dallas FRC Regional Tournament. The tournament marked the first week of the seven-week world-wide FRC qualifying tournament season, which culminates in the World Championship at the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis.
After 10 matches in the qualifying rounds and making their way through five quarter and semi final matches, CRyptonite, along with their Alliance partners, Team 118 (Robonauts) from League City and Team 2613 (Protobot) from Van Horn, won a thrilling best-of-three final, 2-1 against Alliance opponents Team 148 (Robowranglers) from Greenville, Team 987 (High Rollers) from Las Vegas, Nevada and Team 3802 (Robopop) from Carrollton.
“Winning the first regional tournament we competed in this season was fantastic,” said CRyptonite Student President and Cinco Ranch senior, Dylan Bray. “We struggled in the qualifying matches with a new robot, new game and new Drive Team, but, with the help of our Alliance partners, we really pulled it together in the elimination rounds. Qualifying for the World Championship the first week of the season takes a lot of the pressure off.”
CRyptonite also won the tournament’s Imagery Award, which celebrates attractiveness in engineering and outstanding visual aesthetic integration of machine and team appearance.
The organizers of the Dallas Regional had a surprise in store for everyone on the final day of the event – a visit from inventor, entrepreneur and FIRST founder, Dean Kamen, along with Dallas Cowboys safeties, Barry Church and J.J. Wilcox. They were joined by four Cowboys cheerleaders and the team mascot, Rowdy.
Regarding this year’s challenge and how FIRST robotics helps prepare students for a future in science and technology, Kamen told the audience, “We wanted to really push the concept of team work.” He said that technologic breakthroughs, no matter in what industry, will require teamwork across engineering disciplines, because “all the easy stuff’s been done…(so) “team work is absolutely critical.” Addressing the students, Kamen said, “All the teams, all the players are winners because of the effort you’ve put in and what you’ve learned.”
Katy, TX News – On April 25, 2015, Katy ISD will host a massive job fair for certified teachers to fill open positions in all grade levels throughout the rapidly growing district.
The fair will be held at the Leonard E. Merrell Center (6301 S. Stadium Lane, Katy, TX 77494) from 8 to 11 am for junior high and high school positions, and 1 to 4 pm for elementary positions. Applicants must bring a copy of their certification and/or TEA/SBEC content exam scores in order to be admitted, and the fair will be open to current Katy ISD teachers who meet transfer eligibility requirements.
All Katy ISD campuses will be represented at the fair, so applicants should bring enough resumes to share with representatives from 35 elementary schools, 13 junior high schools, and eight high schools.
Visit for more information and directions.
Katy, TX News (January 28, 2015) – After being placed on leave, possibly for linking to a Christian website in the Seven Lakes Junior High e-newlsetter, Principal Imelda Medrano has returned to her job. Katy ISD officials were not able to say exactly why the principal was suspended, but stated that Medrano had not been accused of any criminal activity nor any conduct that would risk the safety of the students.
The article included in the newsletter was a warning against the dangers of social media apps and how they can be used by sexual predators to target children.
“Sexual predators can target your children even when your child is in the room down the hall,” it read. “And sexual predators aren’t the only problem. Cyber-bullying and exposures to sexually inappropriate content are additional concerns.”
Katy ISD immediately sent out a mass email to parents, telling them to ignore the article and refer to the district’s policy on bullying, at which time Medrano was placed on leave for sharing content that had not been approved by the district first. Concerned parents started a Facebook page to show support of Medrano and call for her reinstatement.
After an administrative review, the district sent out another email advising that Medrano would return to work the following week.
Superintendent Alton Fraily said, “I appointed Dr. Medrano to open SLJH in 2012 and since then, she has demonstrated successful leadership capacity at the school. She has my full support and confidence as she continues as principal at SLJH.” KM
Katy, TX News (January 26, 2015) – Brittany Bowles, Elena Irvine, and Amanda Stoner from St John XXIII College Preparatory in Katy, Texas are three of more than 500 high school cheerleaders and dancers from across the U.S. who performed in the world famous London New Year’s Day Parade, now in its 26th year.
The individuals invited to perform in the parade qualified for the trip after being selected as an All American at one of the summer camps hosted by Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA), National Cheerleaders Association (NCA), United Spirit Association (USA), Universal Dance Association (UDA) and National Dance Alliance (NDA). All Americans are selected to try out based on superior cheerleading skills at camps across the country.
Varsity has been hosting camps since 1974. Since then, they have been leading the way by combing high energy entertainment with traditional school leadership. Each year Varsity Brands trains over 325,000 cheerleaders at over 5,000 camp sessions.
Only the top 12% of the cheerleaders who attend Varsity summer camps earn the chance to march in the holiday spectacular. In addition to performing in the London parade, the All Americans had a chance to tour London during their seven-day trip.
“This is the 26th year we’ve been able to bring talented cheerleaders to London, where they can showcase their skills to a very enthusiastic international audience,” says Mike Fultz, the Varsity International Event Coordinator.
Katy, TX News (January 7, 2015) – With ongoing community growth and development spurring a nearly 3,000-student annual increase in enrollment, Katy ISD’s student transportation system is facing mounting pressure. To address this growing problem, district leaders are searching for a more sustainable solution and need the community’s help to identify the best path forward.
Katy ISD is asking all parents and community members to take its transportation survey to provide the district feedback on current use and potential changes like new bus route modeling and modified school bell schedules. The survey will be available from Wednesday, January 7 to Wednesday, January 21.
“Our community and our families remain our greatest resource when it comes to issues that impact people’s daily lives,” Superintendent Alton Frailey said. “It’s important that we understand their experiences and preferences, so we can build a sustainable transportation system that considers these values and that can effectively serve our students now and into the future.”
The transportation survey covers four topics: current transportation methods, utilization of district transportation, transportation preferences, and school start and end times.
The survey will be open to all Katy ISD parents and community members. Every person with a current email address on file will receive a personal survey invitation. Paper surveys will be available upon request, and surveys in Spanish will be sent home with students at select schools across Katy.
“Community feedback is an important component of our decision-making process. I encourage everyone to participate,” Frailey said. “It is only by working together that we will be able to make Katy ISD the best educational experience for every student.”
Katy ISD’s enrollment surpassed 70,000 students this year and is projected to top 90,000 by 2023, causing district leaders to characterize the current transportation system as unsustainable. The key variable for providing transportation services is the availability of drivers. This is a challenge many school districts face, as it is a well-documented problem across the region, state, and country.
Once the survey closes on January 21, district leaders will use the results to provide transportation recommendations. Their recommendations will be presented to the Board of Trustees in February or March.
Potential changes include new bus route modeling and multi-bell schedules.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (November 24, 2014) – Community members, businesses and organizations across Katy came together over the past two weeks to bring the love of reading into nearly 500 Katy ISD classrooms. The annual reading program is part of a 17-year-old tradition lead by the Katy ISD Partners in Education department that brings the community into the classroom. Through Promise to Read, the program provides the business community a unique opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the world of children’s literature by spending 30 minutes reading to a classroom full of excited elementary students. The program currently runs for two weeks at 13 elementary campuses each year in November.
This year’s Promise to Read event was hosted with Partners in Education at: Hays, Holland, Katy, Memorial Parkway, Schmalz, Shafer, Stanley, Stephens, Sundown, West Memorial, Wolfe, Wolman and WoodCreek elementary schools. Host campuses rotate each year so that, over a three year period, every Katy ISD elementary has an opportunity to participate.
“Promise to Read has become a treasured community event thanks to hundreds of devoted community volunteers, many of whom join us every year, and our Katy ISD host campuses,” says Janet Theis, Katy ISD’s Director of Community Partnerships. “Promise to Read continues to open the door for our business community to embrace and inspire the love of reading and share that magic with classrooms across the district.”
Readers represented a cross section of local companies and organizations including: H-E-B, Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union, AXA Advisors, McDonald’s, Tradition Bank, Second Baptist Church, Katy Memorial Hermann Hospital, CenterPoint Energy, Members Choice Credit Union, The Shady Lady Window Coverings, Children’s Lighthouse, Pepper Lawson Construction, Omni Hotels, Christian Brothers Automotive, Pump It Up, Junior Achievement, Herff Jones Graduation Center, Firethorne, Bicycle World, Spring Creek Barbeque, Katy Fire Department, Mar-Mar’s Candy Jar, KCC Orthodontics, HCC NW, Edward Jones, Johnny’s Pizza House, Two Forks Catering, Adams Law Firm, Sylvan Learning, Harris County Public Library, Houston SPCA, Schakolad Chocolate Factory, Chick-fil-A Mason Road and Chick-fil-A Cinco Ranch, KVPAC, Dignity Memorial Katy Funeral Home, Houston Museum of Natural Science, PUPS – Prevent Unwanted Pets, Tutor Doctor, Katy Area Chamber of Commerce, St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, Texas Taxi, Cross Community Church, Cotton Holdings, Costco Wholesale, Thomas C. Harrison, DDS, Inc., Amegy Bank, Westpark Springs Hospital, Spectra Energy, City of Katy Senior Center, Keep Katy Beautiful, Marriott Energy Corridor Hotel, PBK Architects, Grand Vision Center, Gina Cornelius Swim Academy, Krenzien, Krenzien & Associates, Tista’s Fine Furniture and many other Katy community members and area businesses.
Promise to Read is one of several community involvement programs offered by Katy ISD Partners in Education and essentially fulfills the mission of bringing the community into the classroom. Find more information about Partners in Education on the Katy ISD website.
Katy, TX News (November 5, 2014) – Katy ISD community voters approved the $748 million dollar School Bond Referendum that will provide new schools and student activity facilities, address growth trends, and improve existing campuses.
In response to the election results, Superintendent Alton Frailey offered a letter to Katy ISD parents and staff thanking them for their participation in the 2014 Katy ISD School Bond election:
“Dear Katy ISD Community, parents, and staff,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the entire Katy ISD community, thank you for passing the Katy ISD 2014 Schools Bond that will address growth, safety measures, renovation and student activity facility needs. I am heartened to report that the bond referendum passed tonight with an unofficial count of 28,509 votes “FOR” the bond and 23,146 votes “AGAINST,” for a 55.2 percent approval rating.
We recognize that you have placed a tremendous amount of trust and confidence in your district’s servants to provide unparalleled learning opportunities for the tens of thousands of students that are here today, as well as those to come. This bond represents an investment in the future for our students and our community. You can rest assured that as project implementation begins, the Board of Trustees and staff will continue to efficiently manage bond funds to ensure the construction of carefully built learning spaces that will have the most significant and positive impact on our students and community for years to come.
This referendum reaffirms our community’s commitment to Katy children—a commitment that could not have been realized without the work and time of more than 200 volunteers representing the entire Katy ISD. These individuals spent tireless months and hours developing a bond package that will meet short- and long-term needs. Likewise, our staff and community members who notably went above and beyond to educate residents and voters about the bond through community meetings, media engagements, and campus-based informational sessions, are to be commended for their efforts.
Moving ahead, we welcome all community members to be a part of the next phases of the bond process. Over the coming months, you will be hearing about meetings, discussions, and opportunities for community members to attend and join in the work.
Again, thank you for your continued support of the students in Katy ISD.”
Alton Frailey
Superintendent of Schools
Katy Magazine would like to thank Superintendent Frailey for his dedication to the growth and success of Katy ISD. For more information on the Katy ISD School Bond Referendum, visit
Katy, TX News (September 23, 2014) – Last night, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved both the Debt Service and Maintenance and Operations tax rates for 2014-2015, which have remained the same for eight consecutive years. The tax rates combined equal a total school tax rate of $1.5266.
The Debt Services tax rate was approved at $0.40 per $100 valuation and provides funds to service the District’s debt for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The Maintenance and Operations tax rate was approved at $1.1266 per $100 valuation and provides funding for the District’s daily operations cost for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
For more information on school tax rates for the District, visit the Katy ISD website.
Katy, Texas News (September 8, 2014) – Large crowds attended the first Taste of Katy Tailgate on Aug. 20 in Old Town Katy where tailgaters had a chance to sample the fine food and drink of 17 Katy restaurants, pubs and food/drink companies. Tailgaters were asked to donate a backpack and/or school supplies for needy youth in Katy ISD.
Participating restaurants included D’Amico’s Italian Market Cafe, Babin’s Seafood House, Baker St. Pub & Grill, Hasta la Pasta, Crawfish Café, Da Vinci Ristorante Italiano, The Cellar Door, No Label Brewing Co, Zoe’s Kitchen, What’s Poppin Popcorn, Chick Fil A, Los Cucos, Midway Barbeque, Wright’s of Texas Salsa and the Snowdog Ice Cream truck.
Live music entertainment were provided by the Rankin Twins and the Justin Van Sant Band and Johnny B from KSBJ radio was broadcasting live from the tailgate party. There were inflatables, face painting, games and balloon artists, for the kids, and several Katy ISD student groups helped out at the different booths.
Underwritten by the Matt Schomburg State Farm Insurance Agency, and generously funded by the participating local restaurants and businesses, the event was completely free to the public. The only request was that attendees would provide a backpack filled with school supplies for less fortunate families in Katy ISD.
Taste o Katy Tailgate plans for next year are already underway. Over 220 backpacks and several boxes full of school supplies were donated. Schomburg matched the number of backpacks with a personal donation. “Next year we will be able to help even more children start the school year off right with the school supplies they need,” said Schomburg.
Katy, TX News (September 4, 2014) – The Taylor Lacrosse Club, established in 2003, is the oldest high school lacrosse club in the Katy, Texas area. A number of players have gone on to play lacrosse at the college level at schools such as Marymount, Oklahoma, UT Austin, Texas State, Texas A&M, North Texas, Shenandoah College, Rollins and Sam Houston State.
Since lacrosse is not a UIL sport in Texas, it is considered a club in Katy ISD. Taylor club is looking to change its name to the Katy Kings for the 2016 season due to the wide range of players that come from schools all over the district, and many consider lacrosse to be the perfect off season sport for football players. Practice starts in September and the season runs from late January to late April.
JetLax plays at the Division II level and has had players from Taylor, Cinco Ranch, Morton Ranch and Katy High Schools that play under the direction of the Texas High School Lacrosse League. Division opponents are Fort Bend, Lamar, St. Thomas, Stratford and Westside. The Texas High School Lacross League has 27 different lacrosse teams across the Houston metropolitan area, and has clubs for female as well as elementary and junior high players.
If you are interested in coaching or playing for JetLax, visit
Katy, TX News (September 3, 2014) – This past school year, eight outstanding Katy ISD students were selected to participate in Education in Action’s 2014 spring break and summer camps. Lone Star Leadership Academy camps took place in Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin/San Antonio, and Houston/Galveston depending on the students’ grade level. Selection for the Lone Star Leadership Academy was based on each student’s demonstrated academic success and leadership ability, an educator recommendation, and involvement in school and community activities.
During the Lone Star Leadership Academy camps, selected students joined delegations of other distinguished students from across the state to develop leadership skills while learning about the great state of Texas. They also completed problem solving and decision-making simulations, exercised creativity, and practiced presentation skills in leadership groups. Participants experienced what they are learning in school through visits to historically, politically, scientifically, and environmentally significant sites.
Katy ISD students who participated in the 2014 Leadership Academy are:
Beckendorff Junior High: Caleb Oneal
Cinco Ranch Junior High: Jake Dickson
Holland Elementary: Ashlee Ballard, Eduardo Diaz, April Feng, Elena Yu and Grace Zhang
Seven Lakes Junior High: Jake Wilson
For more information about the Lone Star Leadership Academy or to nominate outstanding students for 2015 programs, visit
Katy, TX News (August 19, 2014) – Last night at the monthly Work Study meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees unanimously voted to place a $748 million bond referendum on the November ballot, as recommended by the community-led Bond Committee.
The bond package, designed primarily to address the District’s rapid growth, includes six new campuses, six comprehensive renovations and improvements to nearly 50 existing campuses. Additionally, it includes technology retrofits, safety and security updates district-wide, and new student activity facilities.
“Essentially, every student in Katy ISD would see the benefits of this bond,” said Katy ISD Board President Bryan Michalsky. “This is a bond package constructed by our community with the students’ best interest at heart.”
With student enrollment growing by almost 3,000 students every year, many campuses are already facing challenges resulting from overcrowding and aging facilities. By building six new campuses, this proposed bond package would add nearly 9,000 seats in classrooms across the District and provide enrollment relief to more than 10 campuses.
“The area’s exponential growth is exciting for the District, but we must continue to plan and accommodate for that growth,” said Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “As families and businesses continue to move to the area, it is imperative that we adequately serve the educational needs of current and future students.”
As recommended by the Bond Committee, nearly 50 percent of the total bond referendum will go towards new facilities and another 30 percent to existing facilities, impacting nearly 70,000 students. Meanwhile, the impact to the tax rate would only be zero to a maximum potential increase of a half cent.
The average homeowner with a home value of about $200,000 would pay $10 more annually, and residents 65 and older would remain exempt from any school tax increase.
The 227-member Bond Committee was comprised of parents, staff, students, principals, business professionals and senior citizens who engaged in 13 meetings over the course of four months to review the District’s Long-Range Facilities Plan, visit impacted campuses and reach a consensus on the $748 million bond package.
For detailed information including a cost breakdown, projects by campus and the potential tax rate impact, visit
Katy, TX News (August 18, 2014) – Beckendorff Junior High recently welcomed incoming sixth graders at Cub Camp. Students toured the campus, enjoyed a pizza lunch, and met with school staff.
Sixth-grade principal Eric Netherly gave parents an overview of daily life at the campus, and volunteers Shani Matheson and Sheila Paxton greeted parents. A parent panel (Shani Matheson, Carrie Zamora, and Cindy Cruz-Davis) gave an overview of what to expect in the coming school year.
Katy, TX News (August 6, 2014) – For the tenth consecutive year, YMCA Operation Backpack joins the forces of local churches, businesses, and other community partners to touch the lives of Katy area children and their families this school year.
The Katy Family YMCA is collecting brand new backpacks filled with school supplies to help students in the Katy, Sealy and Royal ISDs. Thousands of supplies will be collected for children who might otherwise start school unprepared. Last year the Katy YMCA helped 2,500 kids and the goal this year is to help close to 4,000.
Connie Stirgus, Outreach Coordinator for the Katy Family YMCA, has the task of securing donations of needed school items from community partners and individuals. She also heads up the effort to recruit volunteers to help in the sorting, packaging and distributing of the supplies.
“Many of us remember going to the store with our parents and picking out a brand new backpack and supplies for the school year,” said Stirgus. “With the current state of the economy, many parents just don’t have the money to buy the supplies their kids need to start the school year. That can be disheartening to the parent and also to the child. The YMCA wants to help those families help their kids have a successful year. I have been in schools delivering supplies and it puts a smile on my face to see all kids, regardless of their parents’ financial situation, have all the supplies they need to start the year off right.”
Many times Stirgus goes out and approaches prospective donors when there are special classroom needs, such as unique supplies that the teachers like for the kids to have. An example of this is a composition book which costs about $2.50 each. The Y uses cash donations from individuals and companies for these requests, such as BP, which recently donated $500.
“HEB stores in Katy put together bags of supplies, ranging in price from $2.50 to $7.00, and backpacks that their customers can purchase. “We pick these up and deliver them to the different schools,” says Stirgus. Drop-off locations included: Tradition Bank, HEB, New Hope Presbyterian Church, Sphier Emergency Room, Dagley Insurance, Choice ER, Connect2health Wellness, Whole Foods Market and the Katy Family YMCA.
YMCA Operation Backpack continues through August 10, but it’s never too late to donate supplies and backpacks to the Katy Family YMCA. All collected backpacks and school supplies will be distributed to children in need within the Katy YMCA service area. If you are in need of backpack(s) for school, please contact your child’s school counselor.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (July 23, 2014) – It was standing room only Monday night at the Board of Trustees Work Study Meeting as more than a hundred community members attended to support the Katy ISD Bond Committee’s presentation recommending a $748 million bond package to include new campuses and student activity facilities, district-wide renovations, technology retrofits, and safety and security updates, among other items.
“Katy is a magnet for families from all over the nation because of its successful schools, communities, and businesses. We know this area is going to continue growing and with it, the District too,” said Katy ISD Bond Committee Chair Keith Carmichael. “Managing growth and planning for the future is a priority we cannot underestimate or ignore, and this Bond Committee recognizes this.”
For nearly four months, more than 200 Katy parents, seniors, students, and other residents came together to form the Bond Committee to review more than a hundred projects, study the District’s Long-Range Facilities Plan, assess enrollment projections and even tour campuses currently slated for renovation to determine the District’s current and future needs.
On July 16, the Committee reached a consensus on a $748 million bond which could potentially result in a one cent tax rate increase.
The Board of Trustees will have until Aug. 18 to consider the Bond Committee’s recommendation, as well as call for a Nov. 4, 2014 bond election, if approved.
For more information, visit
Katy, TX News (July 23, 2014) – After spring auditions, “Sensations”, the Seven Lakes Show Choir, selected their members for the 2014-2015 school year. Members include Samantha Pedrosa, Cameron Connolly, Shreya Kaul, Stone Tejada, Nataley Lucas, Gabriel Prevallet, Mindy Keahey, Emily Sanders, Benjamin Calarco, Lyndsey Burton, Corey Standley, Stephanie Neff, Alex Chung, and Rabiaa Nguyen.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (July 21, 2014) – Recent Morton Ranch High School graduate, Leema Weilein, recently earned a silver medal in the STAR Event Competition at the 2014 FCCLA National Leadership Conference in San Antonio. Weilein competed in the Job Interview category, which involved developing a portfolio, honing interviewing skills, and communicating in a professional manner. Weilein made school history by being the first Morton Ranch High School FCCLA member to advance to the national level.
FCCLA offers more than 30 Family and Consumer Sciences-related events, also known as STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) events. Members compete at the district, state, and national level. This year, Weilein was among more than 4,200 STAR Event participants who competed at the conference. Click here for more information on the 2014 STAR Event Competition.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (July 14, 2014) – Morton Ranch Junior High Principal Mark McCord was recently named a finalist for the 2013-2014 Texas PTA Outstanding Educator Awards for secondary principals.
Each year, the Outstanding Educator Awards recognize teachers, principals, and superintendents from across the state who have shown that strong family-school partnership encourages student success.
The winners will be announced in late July at the Summer Leadership Seminar. For more information on the Outstanding Educator Awards, visit the Texas PTA website.
Katy, TX News (July 9, 2014) – Luis Enrique Rangel son of Ysabel and Andres Rangel and a Senior at Taylor High School in Katy, Texas earned a top composite score of 36 on a recent ACT test. Nationally, while the actual number of students earning a composite score of 36 varies from year to year, on average, less than one-tenth of one percent of students who take the ACT earns the top score. Among test takers in the high school graduating class of 2013, only 1,162 of 1.8 million students earned a composite score of 36.
The ACT consists of tests in English, mathematics, reading, and science. Each test is scored on a scale of 1-36, and a student’s composite score is the average of the four test scores. Some students also take ACT’s optional Writing Test, but the score for that test is reported separately and is not included within the ACT composite score.
In a letter recognizing this exceptional achievement, ACT CEO Jon Whitmore said, “While test scores are just one of the many criteria that most colleges consider when making admission decisions, your exceptional ACT composite score should prove helpful as you pursue your education and career goals.”
ACT test scores are accepted by all major U.S. colleges, and exceptional scores of 36 provide colleges with evidence of student readiness for the academic rigors that lie ahead.
Katy, TX News (July 8, 2014) – Cinco Ranch High School Robotics Team 624 (“CRyptonite”) won the 2014 FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition Texas Robotics Invitational Tournament (TRI), which was hosted by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory on June 21. This new off-season tournament attracted 32 teams from all over Texas. CRyptonite was Captain of the winning alliance, partnering with Team 3847 “Spectrum” from Strake Jesuit, Team 1429 “KAOS” from Galena Park ISD, and Team 5070 “Gearnotics” from Houston.
TRI also marked the debut of two brand new teams from KISD high schools: Team Ta.R.D.I.S. from Taylor HS and the Tompkins HS team. Because these teams have no robot of their own yet (teams will build 2015 robots when they receive their new challenge in January), CRyptonite set up the Taylor team with a loaner robot. They also provided a drive coach, along with help from CRyptonite team members in programming and maintaining their robot, while Team 1477, “Texas Torque” from The Woodlands did the same for the Tompkins team.

“The Taylor and Tompkins students had a great time experiencing the excitement of a full competition, not only running the robot, but working on it in the pit. We look forward to helping both teams in their upcoming rookie season. We’d also like to thank Texas Torque for their loaner robot and for helping the Tompkins team,” said Mike Outlaw, CRytponite Robotics Booster Club Secretary and Build Mentor.
The next off-season tournament for CRyptonite is the Indiana Robotics Invitational in Indianapolis. Held on July 18-19, this invitation-only tournament will bring together 70 of the top teams in North America.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (July 7, 2014) – This year, the Taylor High School Band continues the exciting tradition of a community parade for the neighborhoods surrounding Taylor High School starting at 8 am on Saturday, Aug. 16. The 325-member band will march through surrounding neighborhoods from 8 am to 11 am, have a lunch break at Memorial Parkway Jr. High, then continue marching from 12 pm to 3 pm, ending at Taylor High School.
Members of the band will be accepting donations for their total marching distance. In addition to pledges, for a minimum donation of $150, the entire 325-piece marching band will provide a small personal concert containing songs chosen by the individual houses or cul-de-sacs along the route (a list of songs will be provided online). These concerts and donations will take place along the parade route.
Contact JET March-A-Thon Chairman Holly Meredith at for a personal concert. Visit for more information and the parade route.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (July 7, 2014) – The Tompkins High School Cheerleaders will hold a Cheerleader Clinic for interested students ages five through 13 on Saturday, Aug. 23, from 9 am to 12 pm in the Tompkins High School dance gym.
The purpose of this clinic is to give participants the opportunity to experience cheering at a high school level sporting event. Participants will learn a short cheer and dance, and will have the opportunity to perform at the annual Falcon Frenzy Pep Rally in late August.
Click here for more information or to register for this event.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (June 26, 2014) – During the regular June Board Meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the reassignment of Angelita Bateman as the new principal of Williams Elementary, and William Rhodes as the new principal of Fielder Elementary. Bateman is currently the assistant principal at Williams Elementary, and Rhodes is a Human Resources Coordinator for Katy ISD.
Bateman has been in education for 13 years and began her career as an elementary teacher in Katy ISD in 2001. She became the assistant principal of Williams Elementary in 2007. Bateman holds a bachelor’s degree in humanities and a master’s degree in elementary education.
Rhodes has been in education for 12 years and began his career as an elementary teacher in Katy ISD in 2006. He then served as an assistant principal at Fielder Elementary before beginning his current role as a Human Resources Coordinator. Rhodes holds a bachelor’s degree in education, a master’s degree in educational leadership, and is expecting to earn his Doctorate in educational administration in May 2015.
Katy, TX News – Katy ISD Receives Top Rating in Schools FIRST Financial Accountability Rating System
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX (June 25, 2014) – Katy ISD has earned a rating of Superior Achievement under the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for the 2012 – 2013 fiscal year. Katy ISD has received this top rating for each of the 12 years that Texas districts have been rated through Schools FIRST.
Schools FIRST is a statewide rating system created to ensure that school districts are held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices, while achieving improved performance in the management of their financial resources. This accountability rating system assigns one of four ratings, the highest being Superior Achievement, followed by Above Standard Achievement, Standard Achievement, and Substandard Achievement. More information regarding the FIRST rating system can be found on the Texas Education Agency website.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (June 25, 2014) – ?During the regular June meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the new teacher salary schedule for 2014 – 2015, and an increase in pay for bus drivers and auxiliary positions C1 through C4.
The beginning teacher salary will increase 4.26 percent, and current Katy ISD teachers entering their sixth year with the District will receive a significant 7.09 percent increase.
Auxiliary positions C1 through C4 will receive an increase of $1.00 per hour for the 2014 – 2015 school year. Bus drivers will receive a $2.50 per hour increase, changing the starting salary rate from $13.75 to $16.25 per hour.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News – At the time of registration, parents must bring proof of residence dated within the past 30 days, showing the parent/guardian’s name and street address. A recent utility bill (electric, water, or gas), a house or apartment lease agreement, or an earnest money or purchase contract and a letter from a mortgage company indicating loan approval or proof from the home builder/realtor of cash payment verification.
Notice: It is a felony to falsify residency information for enrollment purposes (Texas State Penal Code, Section 27.10).
Attendance zone information for all Katy ISD schools can be found by using the Attendance Zone Locator. You can search by a specific subdivision or apartment complex, or you can select a campus and see what subdivisions it serves.
The following items may also be required based on residency status:
- Exhibit C: Application for Determination of Minor’s Bona Fide Residence – student is not living with a parent or legal guardian.
- Exhibit E: Temporary Power of Attorney – student is not living with a parent or legal guardian; may also need step-parent to complete.
- Exhibit F: Affidavit of Student Admission Information (for nonresident student in a grandparent’s after-school care) – enrolling based on grandparent’s address and after-school care – need Exhibit G as well.
- Exhibit G: Affidavit of Grandparent’s After-School Care (for nonresident student ) – enrolling based on grandparent’s address and after-school care – need Exhibit F as well.
- Exhibit H: Affidavit of Bona Fide Residence – to be completed by the person whose name is on the utility bill, for situations in which the student and parent reside with another family – need Exhibit I as well.
- Exhibit I: Parent’s/Guardian’s Assurance of Bona Fide Residence – to be completed by the parent when his/her name is not on the utility bill, for situations in which the student and parent reside with another family – need Exhibit H as well.
Registration information for new home buyers
If a family is living outside of Katy ISD and will not move into their house by August 25, 2014, they will need to submit an Application for Early Enrollment (District Transfer Application) along with $35 application fee. If they are not living in Katy ISD when the application is submitted, they have 60 days to close on the new house.
If the family is living within the boundaries of Katy ISD, all of the above applies except they have five months to close on the new home. In either case, the parent is completely responsible for transportation to and from school.
The following modifications will provide relief for Shafer, Wolman, and WoodCreek Elementary Schools.
Students residing in the LUZs below and attending Wolman Elementary will transition to Elementary #36 (in Pine Mill Ranch)
- LUZ 67D Silver Ranch (New Sections)
- LUZ 67F Cardiff Ranch
- LUZ 73B Churchill Farms
Students residing in the LUZ below and attending WoodCreek Elementary will transition to Elementary #36 (in Pine Mill Ranch)
- LUZ 67C Pine Mill Ranch
Students residing in the LUZ below and attending Shafer Elementary will transition to Elementary #37 (in Cross Creek Ranch)
- LUZ 73A Cross Creek Ranch
Future students moving into the LUZ below will attend WoodCreek Elementary (currently zoned for Wolman Elementary)
- LUZ section 9A -17 of Cinco Northwest (Future Development)
Additional links and information, visit
Katy, TX News (June 13, 2014) – On May 9, Katy Area leaders joined together for a day of inspiration from nine, world-renowned leaders while benefiting the Katy ISD Education Foundation. This year’s theme, Beyond You, challenged leaders to leverage their influence for the sake of others. As Leadercast so aptly describes their mission, “We believe the world is missing out. We could all be learning more. Living out our purpose. Leading and being led by people who inspire and enlighten us, give us strength and allow us to grow. Leadercast was built on a belief that the world needs better leaders—leaders worth following.” In keeping with the Beyond You theme, the proceeds of Leadercast Katy were donated to an organization dedicated to enriching the lives of young people.
The Katy ISD Education Foundation’s mission is to provide resources to enrich teaching, inspire learning, and enhance opportunities for students enrolled in Katy ISD. The organization strives to unite our community while providing a competitive advantage for Katy ISD students and teachers through targeted investments in our schools. This May, $209,599 for Inspiring Imagination grants was awarded to teachers at 26 different campus locations. Leadercast Katy is pleased to join the community in supporting the Katy ISD Education Foundation. The proceeds from this year’s event, $2,250, enables two additional teacher grants to be fulfilled next year.
With the support of sponsors, Chick-fil-A, The Les Strech Team, Faith West, Restore Her, The Katy Area Chamber of Commerce, Office Max, and the Growth Coach, Leadercast Katy served dual roles. President and CEO of the Katy Area Chamber of Commerce commented, “We were proud to help bring Leadercast, a world renown leadership training seminar, to local leaders. The choice to benefit the Katy ISD Education Foundation reflects the tremendous commitment of the Katy Area to empowering teachers to inspire children, children who will one day be our future leaders.” Planning is already underway to further support the Katy ISD Education Foundation. Said franchise owner Rusty Wylie, “We are excited about the tremendous positive response to Leadercast and look forward to providing continuing support for the foundation at next year’s Leadercast Katy event scheduled to take place May 8, 2015.”
Katy, TX News (June 12, 2014) – Galaxy Fireworks partners with Morton Ranch High School’s Maverick Band and Band Booster Organization throughout peak firework season, serving and assisting as the band’s main fundraiser for the year. Band Director Kyle Coleman says, “In today’s economy, raising the necessary funds to establish a top quality band program is extremely difficult.”
Through their partnership with Galaxy Fireworks, the Maverick Band is able to raise a significant amount of funds for their program. During firework season, eager students in the Morton Ranch High School band staff the Galaxy Fireworks warehouse west of Westgreen Road and I-10.
Galaxy Fireworks collaborates with the schools in various ways. The company offers volunteer hours to students within the community. For many student volunteers, Galaxy Fireworks is their first experience in a work place environment, and it allows them to gain experience in customer service, sales, time management, and understanding the importance of product knowledge. Galaxy Fireworks awards a scholarship to a graduating senior whom shows strong leadership skills and dedication to education and extracurricular activities.
This year, a scholarship of $1,000 was awarded to this year’s recipient, Ernesto Martinez. Martinez plans to attend the University of Houston in the Fall. He has also been hired by Galaxy as a daytime store manager to further help finance his college tuition and further grow his workplace skills. The 2013 recipient, Mathew Korioth, recently finished his freshman year at Texas A&M.

Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (June 10, 2014) – Summer is just around the corner and parents may be thinking about what their child will do for meals when school is out. This summer, Katy ISD will again participate in the USDA Summer Food Program at five District schools.
The program is free of charge to any child under the age of 18, and includes breakfast service. Lunch and breakfast will only be served to children who come and eat in the school cafeteria.
Hutsell Elementary: June 16 – July 9
8:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Stephens Elementary: June 16 – July 9
8:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Morton Ranch Junior High: June 17 – July 1
8:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
McDonald Junior High: June 16 – June 25
8:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Raines High School (OAC): June 17 – July 17
8:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
For more information about the Summer Food Program, visit the Katy ISD Nutrition & Food Service website.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News – The Cinco Ranch High School Chorale was recently selected as a 2015 Performing Choir by the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). This year, 33 school choirs from across the state submitted CDs for evaluation by a panel of judges, which included university music professors.
The panel unanimously chose the Cinco Ranch High School Chorale to perform at the 2015 TMEA Convention to be held in February at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio.
This is the highest honor that a choir in Texas can receive, and marks the first time that a high school choir from Katy ISD has received a second TMEA performance invitation. Director Dorothy Wilson also had the honor of conducting the CRHS Chorale in performance at the 2008 Convention.
Katy, TX News (June 4, 2014) – Emily Couch, a sophomore at Katy High School, is a member of the varsity golf team. During the 2014 school year, Couch was selected to play in the Shell Houston Open Pro-Junior Event, which is organized through the Houston Golf Association. She was paired with professional golfer Brandon Grace of South Africa and two male golfers Case Garrison and Sean Cleland. The foursome shot a score of 31, taking first place in the event.

Katy, TX News (June 4, 2014) – One high school senior will receive a $16,000 college scholarship from the Phillips 66 Dependent Scholarship Program. The competitive program awards outstanding collegebound students whose parents work for Phillips 66 or one of its subsidiaries. The awards are based on academic excellence, community service, and financial need.
The company announced Ana Hernandez of Katy as honoree this year. Ana, daughter of Phillips 66 employee Francisco Hernandez, is a senior at Seven Lakes High School.
“This scholarship program reflects Phillips 66’s commitment to the communities where we live and operate and builds on our corporate vision of improving lives,” said Claudia Kreisle Phillips 66 Director, Contributions and Community Engagement. Phillips 66 is a growing energy manufacturing and logistics company with high-performing Midstream, Chemicals, Refining, and Marketing and Specialties businesses, headquartered in Houston. “We congratulate Ana on her achievements inside and outside the classroom and wish her every success in college,” Kreisle said.
The Phillips 66 Dependent Scholarship Program will annually award as many as 66 four-year scholarships of $16,000 each for higher education at any accredited institution. Scholarship Management Services, a neutral, third-party administrator of educational assistance programs, selects the recipients and manages the program for Phillips 66.
Katy, TX News (June 3, 2014) – Koralie Barrau, a 2014 graduate of Katy’s James E. Taylor High School, will spend part of her summer on a service project working with YWCA Haiti. Barrau, who was a part of Taylor High School’s National Honor Society, a distinguished scholar with 54 hours of community service under her belt, and an active member of the French Club and Key Club, has felt a strong connection to Haiti her whole life, especially after the 2010 earthquake took the life of her beloved grandmother.

Throughout high school, Barrau attended multiple leadership conferences and was a student council representative. She proudly co-edited the Taylor High School 2014 year book and is the proud recipient of the 2014 yearbook award. In the Fall of 2014, Barrau will attend George Washington University’s school of Media and Public Affairs. She plans to major in broadcast journalism and international relations.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 23, 2014) – ?This summer, a select group of Katy ISD teachers will participate in the Fund for Teachers Fellows program, traveling to destinations like London, Spain, France, and Costa Rica to embark on self-designed learning experiences that they will bring home to Katy ISD classrooms. A total of eight Katy ISD teachers have been selected among only 46 in the Greater-Houston area for the grant program.?
This year’s Fund for Teachers 2014 Fellows are:
- Stephanie Aromy and Charlotte Cook, Kilpatrick Elementary – Aromy and Cook will explore locations from Paris to the Seine Valley that inspired renowned Impressionists such as Monet, Renoir, Sisley, Cezanne, and Pissarro, to guide students’ discovery of the artists within themselves.
- Mary Batycki, Stephanie Cantu, Jennifer Chapman, and Leigh Ann Sublette, Alexander Elementary – This group will participate in the Teachers College Summer Reading Program at Columbia University in New York City to develop the Readers’ Workshop model school-wide and train colleagues and parents for maximum student achievement.
- Nancy Bradley and Kristen Brennan, Exley Elementary – Bradley will participate in the Teachers College Summer Writing Institute at Columbia University in New York City to train two elementary school staffs in the implementation of a writing workshop model that creates 21st century writers.
- Carla Otero, Cimarron Elementary – Otero will observe Picasso’s Cubist masterpieces in the most important museums of modern art in New York, Paris, London, Spain, and France to inform students’ perception of the human figure as a conglomeration of shapes and guide their drawings away from stick figures to more realistic replicas.
- Mandy Burks, Katy McAteer, and Kenric Lopez, McDonald Junior High – This group will participate in the Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute to experience American History in a first-person setting, acquire authentic resources, and better understand the learning processes/goals set for students.
- Karen Lewis, McMeans Junior High – Lewis will evaluate second-language instructional methods from a learner’s perspective at the Centro de Panamericano Idiomas in Costa Rica to broaden cultural awareness and deepen relationships with immigrant students and their families.
- Jo-chin Hsu, Seven Lakes High School – Hsu will research traditional and contemporary art/culture in China and Taiwan to enhance curriculum for the largest AP Chinese class in the district.
Fund for Teachers enriches the personal and professional growth of teachers by recognizing and supporting them as they identify and pursue opportunities around the globe that will have the greatest impact on their practice, the academic lives of their students, and on their school communities. For more information, visit
Katy, TX News (May 23, 2014) – Beth Coalson, Faith West Academy science teacher, has been awarded a $4,986 grant from Fund for Teachers. The grant will allow Coalson to research, across Western Europe, the great scientists of the 16th-19th centuries during the summer. Coalson will place an emphasis on physics, experimental science, and technology. “Fund for Teachers bridges the gap between what teachers have and what students need to advance academically,” said Karen Webb, Fund for Teachers’ executive director. “Fellows turn our initial investment into broadened perspectives and engaged learning – for themselves and their students. The result is a transformed career and classroom.”

One can follow Coalson’s journey (June 7 – 21) daily on her blog,, as she will discuss adventures in seeing history firsthand (i.e. Galileo’s telescope, Newton’s principia and the apple tree on his estate, and Leonardo da Vinci’s original notebook pages).
Fund for Teachers has awarded $2 million to teachers for self-designed learning experiences. This summer, 525 preK – 12 teachers will pursue knowledge and skills they identified as essential to student success. Fellowship destinations include conferences, self-guided expeditions, fieldwork, and service learning projects in 85 countries on six continents. Since 2001, Fund for Teachers has invested $22 million in the personal/professional growth of 6,000+ educators.
Katy, TX News (May 19, 2014) – The Katy Independent School District has partnered with the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 9182 to celebrate Memorial Day throughout the District on May 26 with a variety of campus activities that will educate students and staff on the importance of this national holiday.
“The Board of Trustees and I understand how important Memorial Day is for our families and staff,” Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey said. “Because school will be in session, we have been presented with a unique opportunity to create a day of instruction and learning that will include honoring fallen soldiers at campuses and District offices.”
Local veterans representing community members and staff will be at various campuses across Katy to lead the Pledges of Allegiance in the morning. They will also visit history and social studies classrooms throughout the day to share their experiences while serving our country and personally encourage all students and staff to value their freedom and honor those who died to protect it.
Additionally, the Katy Veterans Memorial Service at Katy Magnolia Cemetery will be broadcast live at many Katy ISD campuses. “For those who served, this is a day with deep emotional roots,” said Katy VFW Post Commander Gary Drahos. “It is a day for us all to honor those who lost their lives helping to preserve the freedoms Americans enjoy today.”
Through the years, the VFW Post 9182 has also recognized servicemen on Memorial Day weekend by placing U.S. flags at the grave sites of soldiers, airmen, and sailors, and by hosting a memorial service.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 16, 2014) – Humanities Texas recently announced that five students from Mayde Creek High School are among the winners of the Humanities Texas inaugural President’s Vision poster contest.
Sarah Mavad and Megan Myers won a first-place prize for their poster on Lyndon B. Johnson, Akrama Khan and Fatema Shipchandler won a second-place prize for their posters on John Adams and Woodrow Wilson, and Sophia Carrico won a third-place prize for her poster on Franklin D. Roosevelt. All five individuals are students in Penny Rosas’s eleventh-grade class at Mayde Creek High School.
In order to participate in the President’s Vision poster contest, students had to identify the “vision” of a U.S. president and use explanatory text and primary sources to illustrate how that president pursued his vision during his time in office.
Humanities Texas received 152 poster submissions representing a total of 27 different presidents. Humanities Texas, along with three expert judges, evaluated the posters’ historical accuracy, critical thinking and visual appeal.
“We are pleased to recognize such outstanding posters,” said Humanities Texas Executive Director Michael L. Gillette. “These students have captured the visions of four American presidents in compelling and visually engaging ways.”
Mavad and Myers will receive a $500 prize and Humanities Texas will pay to have their posters professionally printed. Khan and Shipchandler will each receive a $250 prize and Carrico will receive a $100 prize.
Additional information about Humanities Texas and its President’s Vision program can be found at
Katy, TX News (May 14, 2014) – At the May 8 Bond Committee meeting, Katy ISD principals discussed the technology and safety needs on their campuses. Committee members also heard presentations on transportation and portable needs within the District, and shared observations from the April 30 facility tours.
This week committee members get to work on reviewing cost estimates for all the District-wide needs presented to them for their consideration over the course of the past five weeks. These needs include: school and student activity facilities, renovations and replacements, technology, safety and security, and transportation.
The next Bond Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, May 15 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Meetings are open to the public to listen and observe. For more information, agendas, and presentations from the meetings, visit the Katy ISD Bond webpage.
Courtesy of Katy ISD
Katy, TX News (May 12, 2014) – The National Merit Scholarship Corporation last week announced the 2014 winners of the prestigious $2500 National Merit Scholarship. A total of 10 Katy ISD students were named among only 2,500 designees across the nation.
Katy ISD’s National Merit Scholarship winners are:
- Joey Gu, Cinco Ranch High School; probable career field: biochemical engineering
- Austin Kuo, Taylor High School; probable career field: chemical engineering
- Sarina Madhavan, Cinco Ranch High School; probable career field: biomedical engineering
- Ojas Potnis, Seven Lakes High School; probable career field: medicine
- Anthony Qi, Seven Lakes High School; probable career field: corporate finance
- Dhanatcha Sadetaporn, Taylor High School; probable career field: medicine
- Siddharth Seethepalli, Seven Lakes High School; probable career field: computer science
- Vidisha Srivastav, Seven Lakes High School; probable career field: bioengineering
- Catherine Wu, Cinco Ranch High School; probable career field: medicine
- Jonathan Zong, Taylor High School; probable career field: computer science
These scholars were selected by a committee of college admissions officers and high school counselors, who appraised a substantial amount of information submitted by both the finalists and their high schools: the academic record, including difficulty level of subjects studies and grades earned; scores from two standardized tests; contributions and leadership in school and community activities; an essay written by the finalist; and a recommendation written by a high school official.
To date this academic year, Katy ISD has a total of 15 seniors receiving scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation – four Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners, one National Achievement Scholarship winner, and the 10 students announced last week. College-sponsored Merit Scholarship Winners are expected to be announced in late May. For more information, visit
Katy, TX News (May 9, 2014) – Election Day for Positions 3, 4, and 5 on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees is Saturday, May 10, 2014 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 10 various polling sites across the District:
1 | Ft. Bend – 3006, 3038, 3142, | Seven Lakes High School |
2 | Ft. Bend – 3004, 3122, 3130, | Cinco Ranch High School 23440 Cinco Ranch Blvd. Katy, Texas 77494 |
3 | Ft. Bend – 3014 Harris – 639 Ward A Waller – 420 | City of Katy Municipal Building 910 Avenue C Katy, Texas 77493 |
4 | Harris County – 119, 149, 639 Ward B Waller – 418, 419 | Katy Municipal Court Building 5432 Franz Rd. Katy, Texas 77493 |
5 | Harris – 362, 619, 644 | Memorial Parkway Jr. High 21203 Highland Knolls Katy, Texas 77450 |
6 | Harris – 400, 509, 522, 547, 751, 772, 993 | Taylor High School 20700 Kingsland Blvd. Katy, Texas 77450 |
7 | Harris – 95, 120, 283, 461, 711 | Wolfe Elementary 502 Addicks-Howell Rd. Houston, Texas 77079 |
8 | Harris – 305, 603, 618, 720, 813, 877 1005, 1061 | Morton Ranch High School 21000 Franz Rd. Katy, Texas 77449 |
9 | Harris – 463, 521, 589, 804 879, 992, 1006 | Mayde Creek High School 19202 Groeschke Rd. Houston, Texas 77084 |
10 | Harris – 398, 517, 523, 621, 622, 650, 771 | Bear Creek Elementary 4815 Hickory Downs Houston, Texas 77084
For more information on the candidates and the polling locations and times, view the 2014 Voter’s Guide on the Katy ISD website.
Katy, TX News (April 30, 2014) – Katy ISD trustees approved VLK Architects to provide design services associated with elementary school #38 within Cinco Ranch Northwest Subdivision and elementary school #39 adjacent to Ventana Lakes Subdivision. The new elementary campuses will be designed to accommodate 1,030 students in grades pre-K through 5th grade to address the increased growth occurring in Katy ISD.
According to VLK Principal Todd Lien, AIA, “VLK looks forward to working with Katy ISD administrators and staff to develop plans for the new elementary schools, and provide the growing Katy community with age-appropriate, student-centric learning environments that are flexible, sustainable, secure, and integrated with the latest technology to serve the needs of the next generation of learners.”
VLK previously participated in a 21st century Learning Symposium hosted by the District to discuss ideas and examples of learning environments that are being designed and built in districts around the country and the state. Among the many items that were discussed were how these concepts could be designed into new schools for Katy ISD.
Approval of VLK Architects came at the recommendation of superintendent Alton Frailey, chief operations officer Thomas Gunnell, and district architect Peter McElwain. Trustees approved the measure as part of the board’s consent agenda.
Katy, TX News (April 30, 2014) – Members of the Tompkins FFA chapter traveled to Huntsville, TX April 10th to compete in the Area III Farm Business Management Career Development Event.
Tompkins’ Farm Business Management team qualified for the state competition by finishing first in one of the state’s 10 area competitions. 12,700 students began the statewide tournament in 28 different events, which reflect classroom instruction in basic technical, leadership, interpersonal, and teamwork skills.
Tompkins FFA placed first in the Farm Business Management Contest. Team members included:
- Jessica Stokan- 1st High Individual
- Quyen Doan- 3rd High Individual
- Mollie Franklin- 14th High Individual
The Texas FFA is the nation’s largest state FFA associations with a membership of 103,000 active FFA members. On average there are approximately 18 schools per district. FFA programs teach skills in leadership, career development, and personal growth. FFA gives students the opportunity to practically apply classroom knowledge to real-world experiences through local, state, and national competitions.
Katy, TX News (April 21, 2014) – Three Houston-area educators have been chosen to receive the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL’s) 2014 Walter Kase Teacher Excellence Award at the Walter Kase Teacher Excellence Award Luncheon at 11:30 a.m., May 2, at the Westin Galleria, 5060 West Alabama, Houston, TX, 77056. The ADL founded in 1913, is a leading civil rights organization with programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice, and bigotry. The Walter Kase Teacher Excellence Award pays tribute to three Region IV educators for their outstanding efforts to create an atmosphere in their schools that rejects prejudice and promotes respect for and understanding of diversity.
The recipients are first grade bilingual education teacher Beneranda Alvarez of Andre Elementary School in the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, sixth grade teacher Rebecca Ryan Millhench of the Young Men’s College Preparatory Academy in the Houston Independent School District, and Texas history teacher and department chair Phyllis Nawrot of Cardiff Junior High in the Katy Independent School District.
Beneranda Alvarez recognized that her bilingual education students weren’t exposed to other cultures in Andre Elementary School because their language skills kept them segregated, so she created the Andre Cultural Museum. The Museum is a two-week transformation of her classroom into a world of diverse cultures and traditions, helping her students learn about people who are different, and that their differences matter and enrich society.
Students in Rebecca Ryan Millhench’s Sixth Grade Contemporary World Cultures class at Young Men’s College Preparatory Academy are upstanders, because Millhench has them participate in her “Be an Upstander” program. The students spend the school year reading books and collecting experiences that increase their cultural awareness, teach them how prejudice and discrimination ultimately can lead to genocide, and how non-violence and respect lead to growth and success. Millhench writes: “As Nelson Mandela stated, ‘education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.’ In order for my students to change their world, they start in room 115.”
Phyllis Nawrot became a teacher later in life, but she embarked upon her career with the enthusiasm, creativity, and commitment of a freshly-minted college graduate. As history department chair at Cardiff Junior High, she coordinates the history club, and her students drink up the lessons they learn in their history club activities like sponges. They visit museums such as the Holocaust Museum Houston and the Buffalo Soldier Museum. They read about other cultures and learn about their struggles. Nawrot teaches them to stand up against prejudice, respect differences and value diversity, and brings awareness that different ways of life matter.
The Walter Kase Teacher Excellence Award is named for Holocaust survivor Walter Kase, who has dedicated his life to telling his story about life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The luncheon is underwritten by Sysco Foods.
For more information or to set up an interview or coverage, call Dena Marks at 713-627-3490, ext. 234, or via cell phone at 832-567-8843. Tickets start at $150. For more information on tickets, check out the event website.
Katy, TX News (April 17, 2014) – The National Psoriasis Foundation is pleased to announce that the 3rd Annual Walk to Cure Psoriasis will take place at Discovery Green with registration and health fair opening at 8 a.m. followed by the walk at 9 a.m. Walkers will follow a 1K and 5K route around the beautiful park. For more information, please go to
This year, we are pleased to introduce you to three of our Walk to Cure Psoriasis Youth Ambassadors, six year old Melanee Martin from Kingwood, eleven year old McKenna Sheedy from Katy, and 17 year old Arianna Quazi from Houston. All three struggle with the challenges of having psoriasis, a disease that affects 7.5 million Americans and an estimated 180,000 Houstonians. Melanee, Arianna, and McKenna will join us for the walk and share their personal stories about the challenges of growing up with psoriasis. All have put together teams to walk and are actively involved in the walk.

The Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Houston is the largest event of the year for people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Registration is open to anyone with an interest in finding a cure for psoriasis including the general public. Proceeds will go towards psoriatic disease research. We have made great progress in identifying the culprits that cause psoriasis in the last 2 years since the Houston walk program began. In addition, the National Psoriasis Foundation has invested $10 million to date in grants and fellowships that have led to discoveries about the genetic origins of psoriatic diseases and the link between psoriasis and other serious health conditions, like cardiovascular disease. A portion of those funds have gone to scientists in Texas.
We are pleased to announce Dr. Stephen Tyring and Dr. Christopher Downing from the Center for Clinical Studies will serve as the Honorary Medical Chair for the Walk to Cure Psoriasis. For over 15 years, the Center for Clinical Studies (CCS) has been serving patients with cutting edge new treatments for various dermatological and infectious diseases.
About Psoriasis
Psoriasis is the most prevalent autoimmune disease in the country, affecting as many as 7.5 million Americans. Appearing on the skin most often as red scaly patches that itch and bleed, psoriasis is chronic, painful, disfiguring, and disabling. Up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, a related joint disease. There is no cure for psoriasis.
About the National Psoriasis Foundation
The National Psoriasis Foundation is the world’s largest nonprofit organization serving people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Our mission is to find a cure for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and to eliminate their devastating effects through research, advocacy, and education. For more information, call the Psoriasis Foundation, headquartered in Portland, Oregon, at 800-723-9166, or visit
Katy, TX News (April 3, 2014) – All Katy ISD Bond Committee Meetings are open to the public to listen to and observe the process.
Meeting Location: Katy ISD Educational Support Complex
6301 S. Stadium Lane
Katy, TX 77494
Light Supper/Meet & Greet: 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. (before every committee meeting)?
Meeting Time: 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
View the bond meeting schedule here.
Katy, TX News (March 19, 2014) – During Monday’s Work Study meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees heard a presentation on potential transportation options for the 2014-2015 school year. To keep up with the continued growth in Katy ISD, the District is considering transportation options that would expand bus routes, while maintaining efficiency and high levels of safety.
The presentation reviewed potential transportation models and options. Among the options being considered is a multi-bell schedule that would stagger school start and end times across the District and increase the number of bus routes. However, it was noted that the insufficient number of bus driver candidates continue to remain a challenge to meeting the demand for increased service.
District administration also provided an overview of state reimbursement for transportation, 2012-2013 transportation initiatives, and actions the District has taken since 2012-2013.
To view the full presentation, visit the Katy ISD website.
Katy, TX News (February 18, 2014) – High school students in Katy ISD may register for Advanced Placement exams at their home campus Feb. 24-March 7, 2014. Late registrations will be accepted through March 19, 2014 with a late fee of $5/exam. Students interested in taking the AP Chinese or AP Japanese exam must submit registration to the campus by March 6. Each high school will announce the details of the registration process at the home campus.?
All students who are enrolled in AP courses in Katy ISD are strongly encouraged to participate in AP exams. An Advanced Placement (AP) exam score of three or better is counted as an advanced measure for Distinguished Achievement graduation recognition (DAP). However, students are not required to take the exam, and the exam has no bearing on the high school course grade.
Fee waivers are available for students on free or reduced lunch. Homeschooled students may register in person at the high school campus in their attendance zone during the registration window.
A partial refund of $30 per exam is available for seniors who have been admitted to a college and who have documentation that the college will not accept AP exam scores for credit. Refunds must be requested in writing to the home school counseling office by May 2, 2014 with documentation from the college or university’s AP exam policy.
Students in special economic circumstances (on free and reduced lunch) must identify that need during exam registration. All requests for additional fee waivers must be made during the registration period (Feb. 24-March 7, 2014) to ensure that proper arrangements are made for the student. AP Coordinators will confirm eligibility for any fee waivers. Students in need of testing accommodations must adhere to the College Board timeline for these requests. Contact the AP Coordinator with any questions.
AP exams are scheduled for the weeks of May 5-9 and May 12-16. To determine the exact date of a particular exam, visit
Scores of three, four or five on AP exams are generally accepted for college credit; however each college or university has its own policy on awarding college credit or advanced standing. Students are responsible for checking the policy at the university or college they plan to attend by contacting the university or by visiting the College Board’s website at
Contact the AP Coordinator for more information about the AP program and AP exam registration.
Katy, TX News (February 11, 2014) – Katy ISD recently selected spelling bee winners from each campus to move on to the 2014 Katy ISD Spelling Bee. Each year, Katy ISD fourth through eighth grade students complete a qualifying spelling test at their home campus, and the top scoring students are invited to participate in campus-level spelling bees. A first place winner and an alternate from each Katy ISD elementary (grades 4 and 5) and junior high campus (grades 6 through 8) are invited to the District Spelling Bee, where they receive a certificate and trophy for their campus win.
The 2014 Katy ISD campus winners are:
Ryan Haisler, Alexander Elementary
Bradley Honeycutt, Bear Creek Elementary
Rose Hodgins, Beck Junior High
Riddhi Rege, Beckendorff Junior High
Nathan Vuong, Cardiff Junior High
Simarik Sandhu, Cimarron Elementary
Basil Gopilan, Cinco Ranch Junior High
Allison Wong, Creech Elementary
Songsen Chen, Exley Elementary
Hana Chaudhry, Fielder Elementary
Erika Beltran, Franz Elementary
Murtaza Ibrahim, Golbow Elementary
Sameer Gupta, Griffin Elementary
Bethany Luo, Hayes Elementary
Raksheet Kota, Holland Elementary
Kailey Wyckoff, Hutsell Elementary
Benjamin Aagard, Katy Elementary
Allison Powell, Katy Junior High
Tanmay Sarkar, Kilpatrick Elementary
Breeasia Segura, King Elementary
Isabella De La Rosa, Mayde Creek Elementary
Anthony Williams, Mayde Creek Junior High
Phuc Dang, McDonald Junior High
Clarisse Manuel, McMeans Junior High
Ngozi Osode, McRoberts Elementary
Isabella Salazar, Memorial Parkway Elementary
Reilly Kinsey, Memorial Parkway Junior High
Dhruti Patel, Morton Ranch Elementary
Cindy Perez, Morton Ranch Junior High
Sarena Lawji, Nottingham Country Elementary
Angela Guan, Pattison Elementary
Gabriel Gozalo, Rhoads Elementary
Donovan Nichols, Rylander Elementary
Nhatphi Aaron Pham, Schmalz Elementary
Aditi Panda, Seven Lakes Junior High
Maya Rao, Shafer Elementary
Innathy Joy Mpeye, Stanley Elementary
Daniel Basilio-Fernandez, Stephens Elementary
Johnathan Gutierrez, Sundown Elementary
Gianina Gift Ferreras, West Memorial Elementary
Bradley Sherman, West Memorial Junior High
Karnika Choudhury, Williams Elementary
Rohan Kancherla, Wilson Elementary
Christian Daggett, Winborn Elementary
Joseph Salha, Wolfe Elementary
Jeremiah Ageh, Wolman Elementary
Daniel Martin, WoodCreek Elementary
Kalyanee Nanaware, WoodCreek Junior High
Each of the campus winners competed in the District Spelling Bee on Tuesday, Feb. 11 for a chance to move on to the regional level. The event begins at 6 p.m., and is located in the Morton Ranch High School Performing Arts Center.?
Katy, TX News (February 4, 2014) – Sundown Elementary students took place in a contest to tell where their mascot, Sunny, went on vacation. The students were to write a creative story telling where Sunny went. They wrote about Sunny going to Washington D.C.; Hollywood, CA; Galveston Beach and Outer Space.
In this picture, Sunny has just returned from the Mascot Olympics in Sochie, Russia where she took the first place medal in Curling. The winners of the contest were, from left to right, Adrian Eubank (fourth grade), Emily Roldan (third grade), and Hebert Cabrera Jimenez (third grade). Shown also in the picture are Crystal Matovich, SE Librarian, and Sunny the Armadillo.
Katy, TX News (January 30, 2014) – The fourth grade students at Morton Ranch Elementary went on a field trip without ever leaving their campus. The Fort Bend Museum provided hands on activities and role play with their Texian Time Machine program. The students were engaged in activities that allowed them to compare their lives today to the lives of early settlers in Austin’s Colony. For more, visit
Katy, TX News (January 27, 2014) – The National Weather Service (NWS) is forecasting a strong possibility of winter precipitation and below freezing temperatures beginning early Tuesday morning and continuing through Wednesday. Katy ISD will increase weather monitoring and consult with the District’s contracted meteorologist to prepare for possible dangerous weather.
Residents are reminded to monitor local media, the Katy ISD website and the NWS website for related warnings, potential school closings, or changes in the forecast over the next several days. Parents, particularly of elementary age children, are asked not to drop children off at school before the time students are allowed into the building.
As a reminder, the temperature will change over the course of the day, so children should wear several layers of lightweight, warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing. Parents and guardians are asked to monitor media outlets throughout the day concerning school notifications and potentially unsafe driving conditions.
The primary danger from this Arctic front will be from extended periods of temperatures at or below freezing, with a potential for sleet and freezing rain. Katy ISD reminds residents to practice the “Four P’s” of cold weather preparedness:
Protect People
- Keep warm and stay indoors if possible.
- Dress in layers and wear hats, gloves and an appropriate coat.
- Avoid overexertion, as cold weather puts added strain on the body.
- Keep heat sources at least three feet away from furniture or drapes and never leave children unattended near a space heater.
Protect Pets
- Bring pets inside, and move other animals or livestock to sheltered areas.
- Keep adequate food and water available.
Protect Pipes
- Disconnect, drain and store outdoor hoses in a protected area.
- Wrap exposed faucets and pipes – including those outside the house or in unheated crawl spaces, attics, garages and other areas.
Protect Plants
- Bring potted plants inside or store in garage near interior wall to provide extra warmth and protection from wind.
- For cold-sensitive outdoor plants, put down extra mulch and consider covering with a cloth fabric to shield the plants from wind and frost.
Residents are also reminded to prepare cars for winter by having them serviced and add antifreeze as needed.
Katy, TX News (January 22, 2014) – The Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the recommended Attendance Boundary Modification (ABM) associated with Shafer and Stanley Elementary Schools at last night’s Board meeting.
As you may recall, this past November the District’s demographic consultant, Population and Survey Analysts (PASA), provided an attendance boundary recommendation for elementary schools #36 (in Pine Mill Ranch) and #37 (in Cross Creek Ranch). After review of that recommendation and consideration of public feedback, that ABM was approved by the Board at its December 16 meeting.
Part of the feedback that was received regarding the ABM for elementary schools #36 and #37, included requests that a closer look be taken at balancing enrollment between Shafer and Stanley Elementary Schools. This input came from a variety of sources including the Board meeting open forums, a follow-up ABM survey for parents of students at Shafer and Stanley Elementary Schools, and individual emails and phone calls to the District.
The final ABM recommendation, along with community feedback, and patron concerns and suggestions, were presented to the Board of Trustees at the January 13 Board meeting. The Board approved the recommendation at the January 21 meeting. The following modifications will provide relief for Shafer and Stanley Elementary Schools:
Students residing in the LUZs below and attending Shafer Elementary will transition to Stanley Elementary.
- LUZ 74J Oak Forest
- LUZ 74K Oak Forest
Students residing in the LUZ below and attending Stanley Elementary will transition to Shafer Elementary.
- LUZ 74A Westheimer Lakes North
A map of the approved Attendance Boundary Modification can be found on the District’s ABM webpage.
Katy, TX News (January 16, 2014) – Tompkins High School, Katy ISD’s newest campus, is proud to announce freshman student Lucy Chen as the winner of Best in Show in the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo District Art Contest. Chen competed against seven high schools with some incredible artwork. Her piece will also now advance to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo for possible auction.
Katy, TX News (January 7, 2014) – Katy ISD, with the assistance of K12 Insight, an education consulting group, will hold a series of Katy Community Conversations to welcome perspectives on District programs and initiatives. Discussion topics will include budget priorities, student enrollment, and facility usage and construction to accommodate our growing population.
Your voice plays a critical role in Katy ISD’s decision-making process, so they encourage everyone to attend. The community will also be invited to participate in a spring Community Outreach Survey to continue this important conversation.
“Community Conversations” will be held at local libraries, schools and other venues throughout three days in January.
Please join them by registering to participate in one their “Conversations!”
Katy, TX News (January 3, 2014) – The Katy High School Swim Team collected books to donate to the library at the Texas Children’s Hospital – West Campus. The team also made holiday decorations for the residents at the Cinco Ranch Alzheimer’s Special Care Center.

Katy, TX News (December 18, 2013) – During the regular December meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the use of available funds from the District’s General Operation Fund (GOF) for the construction of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) Project Center for the District. The total project cost is estimated at $5 million.
The S.T.E.M. Project Center was one of three projects that comprised the Student Activity Facilities bond that went before voters in November. Although voters did not approve the bond measure, the District received feedback from the community that it was very interested in seeing this particular project move forward.
“The need for the S.T.E.M. Project Center adjacent to the Miller Career and Technology Center continues to exist to support student learning in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “New curriculum requirements and the increasing prominence of these fields in today’s society reinforce the need for this facility.”
The design for this project was approved at the October 28 Board meeting. This approval will resume the construction document development phase of the project.
Katy, TX News (December 16, 2013) – Taylor High School Student Council has been very busy this holiday season. They raised over $2,000 at their annual Big Feast event – which allowed them to feed over 200 Katy, TX families a Thanksgiving meal from Blake Eyed Pea. They also adopted 20 children from Katy ISD Santa Cops and spent $2,000 at Target getting presents for the children.
Katy, TX (November 13, 2013) – In honor of Veterans Day, students from Primrose School of Kelliwood said “thank you” to Katy area veterans. The celebration was part of Primrose School of Kelliwood’s Balanced Learning system, which offers activities related to positive character development in children.
The school led the pledge of allegiance and joined the older students at McMeans Middle School to honor veterans from the Katy area.
“It’s important that our students know heroes don’t wear capes or know how to fly – true American heroes risk their lives for our country, for our children and families,” said Lou Ann McLaughlin, Franchise Owner of Primrose School of Kelliwood. “Honoring the bravery of our veterans teaches our students to be grateful for the unmerited gifts that others give to them every day.”

Katy, Texas (November 7, 2013) – The WoodCreek Junior High Chamber Orchestra has been selected to perform at the prestigious Midwest Band and Orchestra Convention in Chicago in December.
Established in the fall of 2008, the WoodCreek Junior High Orchestra has given students the experience of learning and performing in a string orchestra setting. These committed WoodCreek Chamber Orchestra students attend a weekly 90 minute after-school rehearsal, in addition to their regular orchestra practices, sectionals, and private lessons.

The Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra Conference is the largest instrumental conference in the world, and one of the most prestigious. More than 16,000 composers, educators, administrators, performers, and clinicians attend each year. Last spring, Midwest Clinic received 160 applications (with recordings) for 40 performance opportunities.
These 40 positions were awarded to grade school, middle school, high school, college, military, adult, and professional groups from around the world. The WoodCreek Chamber orchestra is only one of two junior high string orchestras selected from the US to perform at this convention.
Playing at the Midwest Clinic is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the 32 sixth, seventh, and eighth graders who will be traveling to Chicago. WoodCreek Junior High’s commitment to music education, their tradition of excellence in instrumental music, the outstanding support for the fine arts programs enjoyed by Katy ISD, plus the hard work and dedication of the students and directors have led to the WoodCreek Chamber Orchestra being selected and recognized as one of the premier junior high school string orchestras in the United States.
The WoodCreek Chamber Orchestra will give a final performance on Dec. 13. Details here.
Katy, Texas (October 24, 2013) – Morton Ranch Junior High became an official “No Place for Hate School.” Morton Ranch is the second junior high school in Katy ISD to receive this prestigious recognition.

Mr. Larry Lachman with the Anti-Defamation League came out and presented the banner to principal, Mr. Mark McCord. The banner presentation took place during a Unity Day Pep Rally. The pep rally was one of several events conducted during October, the official anti-bullying month.
Other events held to bring awareness to bullying included Unity Day, where students and teachers wore orange in the support of ending bullying. Sixth grade students participated in the “Step Up” assembly and were given specific skills on how to identify and lend support to students who are bullied in school.
Students have also been participating in bullying and cyber bullying lessons during advisory classes. Teachers also went through a district created bullying workshop as a part of their professional development training.

Katy, Texas (October 17, 2013) – Beckendorff Junior High hosted internet safety expert Katie Greer for a presentation of internet safety for Katy ISD parents. She also held assemblies at different Katy ISD schools to stress the importance of safety, security, and being a good digital citizen.

After getting into the area of Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) through a position as Internet Safety Program Coordinator at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, Katie LeClerc Greer hasn’t stopped fighting to keep kids safe in these technology-driven times.
Under the supervision of one of the country’s best ICAC prosecutors, Katie developed a variety of proactive programs to deliver to students, parents, educatorsto students, parents, educators, communities and law enforcement agencies throughout the country.
Katie’s presentations are delivered in schools and communities throughout the U.S. and at national conventions, and have been featured on CNN, USA Today and in Vanity Fair magazine. Katie also serves as the Director of Outreach for the Vermont Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
Additionally, Katie serves an Advisory Board Member for The Internet Keep Safe Coalition, a international alliance of policy leaders, educators, law enforcement members, technology experts, public health experts and advocates that create positive resources for parents, educators and policymakers who teach youths how to use new media devices and platforms in safe and healthy ways.
Most recently, Katie was named as an Advisory Board Member for The Internet Keep Safe Coalition (iKeepSafe), a nonprofit international alliance of policy leaders, educators, law enforcement members, technology experts, public health experts and advocates that creates positive resources for parents, educators and policymakers who teach youths how to use new media devices and platforms in safe and healthy ways.
Katy, Texas (October 15, 2013) – As enrollment in Katy ISD continues to increase, there is a direct impact on the District’s facilities. Katy ISD currently has more than 15,000 student athletes participating in athletic programs, including six high schools participating in varsity football and soccer. In addition, all seven high schools participate in marching contests at Rhodes Stadium.
A second stadium-multipurpose facility will address scheduling issues that will become increasingly difficult as future high schools are opened. Katy ISD will schedule seven varsity football teams into Rhodes Stadium beginning in August of 2014, and the District also anticipates that two or three additional high schools will be built within the next decade. This will create several challenges for the District, including compliance with the U.I.L. 5 Day Rule.
The second stadium-multipurpose facility was designed by a cross-section of community representatives who are involved in the Katy ISD athletic and fine arts programs, as well as staff members. It has been proposed to be built adjacent to Rhodes Stadium due to the District’s current ownership of the land, and the location’s multiple points of access to I-10 and the Grand Parkway.
The District chose not to build the second stadium south of 1-10 for several reasons: purchasing land would cost taxpayers approximately $20 to $40 million; there is no available land on the south side with easy access to I-10 or Grand Parkway; and there is no location south of 1-10 where the stadium would not be in a residential area.
Building the second stadium next to Rhodes Stadium does, however, allow the District to avoid additional costs for land acquisition; utilize existing infrastructure, including drainage; provide good access to and from major thoroughfares; and realize efficiencies with the centralized deployment of event staff.
Katy ISD is the only district in Texas with seven high schools working with one stadium. School districts typically add a second stadium when they have five to seven high schools participating in varsity-level athletics. The following is a comparison of Katy ISD to other districts with multiple stadiums:
Other Student Activity Facilities projects that are part of the bond referendum include an Agricultural Sciences Center and a S.T.E.M. Project Center. Together, these projects cost $99 million and it is anticipated that the sale of these bonds will not raise the tax rate beyond the current $.40 rate for debt service.
The Katy ISD bond election will be held on November 5, 2013 in conjunction with the general election. Early voting will take place from October 21 – November 1, 2013. Voters will be required to show a form of photo identification at the polling location before they will be permitted to cast a vote.
For more information about the second stadium, as well as the other Student Activity Facilities projects, and voting location dates and times, visit the District’s website at
Katy, Texas (October 8, 2013) – High school is a time for students to participate in organizations, discover and develop their interests, and realize the potential for future job opportunities. For Elizabeth Waters, a 2012 Cinco Ranch High School graduate, that realization came at the beginning of her freshman year.

Currently a mechanical engineering student in her second year at Georgia Tech, Waters turned her passion for math, science and design engineering into multiple successful internships and potential job opportunities, all before her sophomore year of college. She also credits her involvement in the Cinco Ranch High School Robotics Program for defining her high school experience and preparing her for life after graduation.
“As I got further in school, I realized that math, science and design engineering were subjects I was passionate about, and as I went through junior high and transitioned into high school, that became even more clear for me,” said Waters. “It was obvious in my freshman year of high school that mechanical engineering was what I wanted to do.”
Waters’ love for S.T.E.M. subjects led her to join the Cinco Ranch High School “CRyptonite” Robotics Team 624, which she participated in all four years of high school, and even held leadership roles within the organization. As a nationally ranked robotics team, CRyptonite Robotics includes students from every grade level who participate in year-round competitions. Most recently, CRyptonite Robotics took first place in the Texas Robot Roundup in Austin, Texas. They competed against multiple Texas teams, as well as teams from Louisiana and Hawaii.
A unique quality of the robotics program in Katy ISD is that the students have adult mentors that are parents of the students, Katy ISD staff, and even business partners from sponsoring companies.
Waters was able to participate in multiple successful internships with the University of Texas, Wood Group Mustang (formerly Mustang Engineering) and Oceaneering Space Systems through the connections she made while participating in the Robotics Program.
She gained valuable experience in the satellite design lab at the University of Texas as a technician and designer, and worked with the mechanical facilities at Wood Group Mustang, where she completed jobs that were equivalent to a new hire in the industry as a recent high school graduate. This past summer, she worked for Oceaneering Space Systems as a contractor for NASA’s Johnson Space Center. She was onsite every day with the mobility group to help build and design chassis for objects such as the lunar rover.
“I think it is important to give students of all different interests the opportunity to really engage in programs that foster those interests,” says Waters. “For me that was robotics, but for another student that might be culinary arts, automotive design, or medicine.”
The opportunities Katy ISD provided to Waters made pursuing a career in mechanical engineering a reality. “The education that I’ve had within Katy ISD has made it very easy for me to transition from a scholastic environment into a work environment, and be successful in that work environment,” said Waters.
She believes that students in Katy ISD see the value in what they’re learning in the classroom by participating in projects or hands-on learning through their extracurricular activities. These opportunities lead students to academic success, and give them confidence that what they’re learning will be beneficial and applicable beyond Katy ISD.
For more information about Cinco Ranch High School “CRyptonite” Team 624, visit the Team 624 website.
Katy, Texas (September 30, 2013) – Katy ISD has a proud and rich history of FFA and agricultural sciences excellence. As one of the District’s oldest and most storied programs, it boasts one of the state’s largest FFA chapters at Katy High School. Across all campuses, more than 3,000 students are involved in agricultural sciences programs.
When you hear about FFA, the first image that may come to mind is probably of a student raising and showing a farm animal. The FFA program, however, is more than just learning about how to raise livestock. Students who participate in FFA learn about time management, public speaking, entrepreneurship, decision making, marketing, media relations and hone their leadership skills and gain confidence, all while learning the value of community service.
Katy ISD also benefits monetarily from the FFA programs. Students who participated in FFA last year received approximately $80,000 in scholarships, and those who participated in the Katy ISD Livestock Show received $576,854 from the sale of their animals. In addition, the Katy Rodeo generates approximately $50,000 that is put toward Katy ISD’s agricultural programs.
As enrollment figures in Katy ISD continue to climb, there is a direct impact on instructional programs and facilities. Built in 2004 when the Katy only had four high schools, the District has now outgrown the existing L.D. Robinson Pavilion where students display their animals during the Katy ISD FFA Livestock Show. Because of the limited amount of space at its current location near the Merrell Center, there is no room for growth or expanded instructional opportunities.
On November 5, voters in Katy ISD will consider a bond authorization package that includes construction of an Agricultural Sciences Center on Katy-Hockley Cutoff Road. The Agricultural Sciences Center project is a multi-faceted expansion of the existing Gerald D. Young Center to provide a variety of learning and special event opportunities once the phased project is completed.
The Agricultural Sciences Center was designed by a cross section of community representatives who are deeply involved with the Katy ISD FFA program and the Katy Rodeo, as well as staff members and teachers. During the design process, the committee identified several issues that an expanded Agricultural Sciences Center would address:
- Student safety and convenience by having the barns and show pavilion at the same place;
- The ability to reduce animal safety risk caused by travel to and from the barns and show pavilion, as well as more space in holding areas;
- The negative impact on Katy High School and Merrell Center operations due to the lack of parking when large FFA events are held at the L.D. Robinson Pavilion;
- Additional aquaculture and biosciences opportunities;
- Strategic investment in a long-term solution by providing a facility that can grow with the District.
Other Student Activity Facilities projects that are part of the bond referendum include a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) Project Center, and a second stadium. Together, these projects cost $99 million and it is anticipated that the sale of these bonds will not raise the tax rate beyond the current $.40 rate for debt service.
The Katy ISD bond election will be held on November 5, 2013 in conjunction with the general election. Katy ISD residents who are not registered to vote have until next Monday, October 7, 2013 to register. Early voting will take place from October 21 – November 5, 2013. Voters will be required to show a form of photo identification at the polling location before they will be permitted to cast a vote.
For more information about the Agricultural Sciences Center, as well as the other Student Activity Facilities projects, and voting location dates and times, visit the District’s website at
Katy, Texas (September 16, 2013) – The Beckendorff Junior High recently hosted its first annual “8th grade games” and students were divided into 24 teams, as each team rotated through various challenges to participate in team and character building activities. A few stations included solving a mystery with their teammates in their classrooms, a low ropes/trust course outside, an academic challenge in the gym, and a digital safety seminar in the LGI.

The purpose of these games was to foster acceptance and inclusion amongst all 8th grade students. “The 8th Grade Games were such a fun way to kick off the year. It was neat to see students communicate with and work through challenges with students they may have not previously known. Mrs. Riley, the 8th grade counselor, and I want to keep this energy and sense of teamwork going throughout the year,” said 8th grade principal Kelley Kirila.
Katy, Texas (September 16, 2013) – Trinity Charter Schools has named Daniel Smith as Principal of Trinity Charter Schools’ Krause Campus, the education source for children at Krause Children’s Center, a residential treatment center in Katy, Texas, for children ages 12-17. Smith brings a robust background in education to the Krause team along with entrepreneurial and technological experience. Betsy Guthrie, chief executive officer of Trinity Charter Schools, made the announcement.

“With Daniel’s background as an educator and principal we know we are getting one of the best to lead our students at Krause,” said Guthrie. “He has an outstanding history working with at-risk kids and Title I schools, and he has a clear vision for where he wants to take Trinity Charter Schools’ Krause Campus.”
Trinity Charter Schools maintains campuses at Krause Children’s Center in Katy, New Life Children’s Center in Canyon Lake and Pegasus Schools in Lockhart. The Krause campus enrolls 60 students at a time. One of the main purposes of this school is to accelerate students who have fallen behind grade level due to a variety of reasons that may include missed school, behavioral issues or multiple foster placements. As principal, some of Smith’s goals include improving academic rigor and providing more robust extracurricular activities.
“The classroom is a sacred place that requires a love of learning,” said Smith. “These kids need engagement and creativity with their lessons, and that is something my staff brings every day. We have high expectations for our students, but we also have ‘crazy high’ expectations for ourselves. We want these kids to develop a passion for knowledge.”
Smith received his Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from University of Oregon and his Master of Arts degree in educational administration from Lamar University in Beaumont. Before coming to Trinity Charter Schools’ Krause Campus in Katy, Smith worked as the manager of college and career readiness for the Houston Independent School District, where he analyzed district-wide data to properly direct programs and learning needs.
Smith also is the co-founder of Sibme, a video software startup company that utilizes a cloud based video technology platform for teacher collaboration and development. Smith is certified in English Language Arts and Reading for grades 8-12, English as a Second Language Supplemental for grades 8-12, Professional Development Appraisal System certified, Instructional Leadership Development certified, and certified as a principal.
“Our ultimate goal at Trinity Charter Schools is to provide the highest quality academic experience and to get students up to the grade level they should be and even accelerate as many as we can,” said Smith. “These kids need specialized attention to help them take control of their lives in a positive way and to restore their self-confidence, and that is exactly what we want them to accomplish before they leave us.”
Katy, TX (September 10, 2013) – The Beck Jr. High PTA volunteers welcome returning parents and new to Beck Jr. High parents to their annual Open House Night.

At the start of each school year, the PTA volunteers help man the tables that include the PTA registration/memberships, school supplies, school tshirts & jackets, and special orders (which includes hair bows, hair bands, mugs, etc). Behind the scene of such a busy time is Beck Jr. High’s own PTA President Maggie Boyle who makes sure everything goes smoothly for both the faculties and parents.
Katy, TX (September 6, 2013) – Katy ISD’s Creech Elementary announced its theme for the new school year, “Creech Rocks” and the fun began. The first day of school included the annual Tears and Cheers event for parents, hosted by PTA. And Principal Elena Thrun hosted a school assembly to welcome students.

Katy, TX (August 28, 2013) – Krause Children’s Center, a psychiatric residential treatment center for children ages 12-17, recently joined forces with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to host a Back to School Celebration for Krause’s on-site Trinity Charter School.
The Fortune 500 financial services organization provided a “fun day” for the children of Krause that included a water slide, rock climbing wall, hot dogs and Marble Slab ice cream to get them excited for the upcoming school year.
“We are so appreciative of the group from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans here at Krause,” said Steven Lancaster, chief executive officer for Krause Children’s Center. “The Thrivent staff not only provides special activities for the kids but also completed a work project a few months ago to safety-proof all of our electrical outlets in the dorms. We are so grateful to have worked with a company that cares so much about the Krause kids and wants to make sure their first week in school gets off to a great start.”
Katy, Texas (August 12, 2013) – Katy ISD final accountability ratings released today by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) show that outstanding student achievement produced a “Met Standard” rating for the District under the new state accountability system.
Katy ISD Met Standard on all four Indexes: Index 1-Student Performance; Index 2-Student Progress, Index 3-Closing the Performance Gap and Index 4-Postsecondary Readiness.Within the new system Katy ISD also met all 84, or 100 percent, of the required Safeguard Indicators. The Safeguard Indicators are measured in the areas of Performance, Participation, Federal Graduation Rates, and Federal Limits on Alternative Assessments for all students, seven ethnicity groups, economically disadvantaged, Special Education, and English Language Learners for Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science and Social Studies.Ratings in the new system are determined through the use of four performance indexes. Districts and campuses are assigned one of two ratings under the new system: “Met Standard” or “Improvement Required.” The rating of “Met Standard” is assigned to districts and campuses that meet performance index targets on all indexes for which they have performance data in 2013.
Fifty teams from across the nation traveled to Lubbock this past week in the battle for Premier Baseball’s National Sophomore Championship Title. Three of the four teams in the semifinals were from Texas. Three of the athletes photographed from Katy are: Taylor Jiral – Cinco Ranch High School sophomore; Hunter Wells – Cinco Ranch High School sophomore; and Ryan Hill– Taylor High School sophomore.
From the left: Coach David Hart, Trevor Hand, Nick Airhart, Taylor Jiral, Zach Zubia, Hunter Wells, Tyler Turner, Clayton Kopecky, Trent Murphy, Brady Burns, Chris Winter, Cody Lee, Cody LeCompte, Josh Biles, Evian Benjamin, Ryan Hill, Coach Jack Rodriguez, Coach James Ulsh. Not pictured: Nick Tanner, Chris Andritsos, Ryan Stanley, Josh Wallace, Wendell Champion, Chandler Morris.
Find out more information here:
Katy, TX (June 18, 2013) – During the June Work Study meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved a recommendation by Superintendent Alton Frailey to retain the services of PBK Architects for the design services associated with the proposed construction of a new second stadium. Available 2010 Bond funds are proposed to fund the initial design work.
The recommendation for design work associated with the proposed second stadium comes from the need for additional athletic and fine arts support facilities to keep pace with student growth at the secondary level within the district.
PBK Architects are deemed best qualified for this service, having successfully completed numerous stadium projects across the state, including multiple projects at the Rhodes stadium complex.
Katy, TX (July 19, 2013) – State Representative Bill Callegari of Katy, TX, was honored in Austin by the Texas Retired Teachers Association for his successful efforts to improve the Teacher Retirement System pension fund with the passing of Senate Bill 1458.
Pictured (from left) Marcy Cann, TRTA District 4 incoming president, Callegari, Brenda Ritter, TRTA District 4 outgoing president, and Tom Ritter.
Callegari, chairman of the House Pensions Committee, worked diligently with Senator Robert Duncan, chairman of the Senate Pensions Committee. As a result they were able to enact TRS pension reform at relatively low cost to the state and to school district employees. SB 1458 was signed by Governor Perry.
According to Tim Lee, TRTA executive director, SB 1458 helps make the TRS fund actuarially sound and protects the benefit plan for retired and active public school employees. “TRS retirees who retired on or before Aug. 31, 2004, will receive a 3 percent cost-of-living increase but the COLA has a cap that limits the annuity increase to $100 a month,” he said. “The COLA provision will help more than 195,000 TRS retirees. This legislation assures TRS members that the fund is actuarially sound. It also protects the TRS defined benefit plan for all future retirees and the retirement security of 1.3 million Texans, many of whom do not have Social Security benefits.”
At the reception, Lee presented Callegari with a crystal trophy bowl. Callegari, thanked the members of TRTA for their efforts in helping to get the bill passed. He said that before he was appointed Chairman of the House Pensions Committee, as a state representative, he was aware that many of the older TRS retirees were having a hard time living on their small TRS pension. “I will never forget when Brenda Ritter told me that I needed to help the elderly school district employees who were trying to survive on their small pensions. She told me it wasn’t the administrators who needed help, but those whose pensions were less than $1,000 a month.”
Ritter who retired as the Katy ISD communications coordinator is a member of the Katy Area Retired Educators and outgoing president of TRTA District 4. The 11,743 member district is the largest in the state and covers Harris, Ft. Bend, Galveston and Brazoria counties.
Callegari also thanked former Houston ISD Administrator Marcy Cann, incoming TRTA District 4 president. Cann is a member of the Houston Association of Retired Teachers.
Katy, Texas – The U.S. Department of State has awarded Emily Stepanek, a high school student in Katy, TX, one of 65 scholarships to study abroad on the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad program.
Emily Stepanek
The competitive, merit-based award covers the full cost of an academic year abroad, providing Emily a full immersion experience through living with a host family in Malaysia, attending a Malaysian high school, and helping develop the skills necessary to be a leader in the global community. The YES Abroad program is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Through her participation in the YES Abroad program, Emily will be at the forefront of citizen diplomacy, serving as a “youth ambassador” in her host country, promoting mutual understanding by building lasting relationships with her host family and friends, and through community engagement in volunteer service and leadership training.
The Kennedy-Lugar YES program was first authorized by the U.S. Congress in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, as an effort to increase dialogue and understanding between the U.S. and countries with significant Muslim populations. Initially created as a program for international high school students to live and study in the United States, the YES program was expanded in 2007 to include YES Abroad for American high school students. The YES Abroad program provides opportunities for Americans to study for an academic year in select countries including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey.
The YES Abroad program is administered by a consortium of non-profit organizations led by American Councils for International Education and including AFS-USA, AMIDEAST, and iEARN-USA. Exchanges taking place in Malaysia are administered by AFS. AFS is a worldwide, nonprofit organization that has been a leader in international exchange for more than 60 years. Visit for more information on studying abroad, hosting an exchange student, or bringing intercultural learning into the classroom.
For more information about the YES Abroad program, including information on how to apply for the 2014-15 academic year, visit For more information about hosting a YES international exchange student, visit
Katy, Texas – Cinco Ranch High School Destination Imagination team, DI Harder, won first place in the world at the Global DI Competition in Knoxville, Tennessee. There were teams from 45 states, seven Canadian provinces and 13 countries competing with over 15,000 people in attendance.
The teams 17.7 gram structure held 820 pounds, and was hit by a ram 18 times. Their side project, a modified clepsydra or water clock, received the top score of any team competiting. Their entire skit, scenery, and costumes were based on Julius Cesar. The group previouslywon first at Regional and first at State. At Regional their structure won the DiVinci Award. They competed in the ‘DI Extreme Challenge’ winning first at Regionals and third at State. The team consists of Matthew Burch, Alexandra Du, Matt Gaikema, Joey Gu, Ross Miglin, Jessica Yi, and Cathy Wu.
Katy, Texas – Martha McCullough of Katy’s Star of Destiny Chapter, NSDAR , awarded Rylander Elementary School pre-K aide, Veronica Lemberg, a USA flag and certificate for obtaining her American citizenship. Veronica, her husband, and son were recently sworn in as American citizens of the United States of America.
Martha McCullough (left) presenting flag to Veronica Lemberg
Their newest American citizen studied very hard to accomplish this honor and the members of Star of Destiny, NSDAR are very proud of their accomplishments. To learn more about joining the Katy NSDAR chapter, Star of Destiny, please email them at or visit their website at
BRAVO! Congratulations to the recently named Cinco Ranch High School 2013-2014 Bravo Show Choir members. This talented group of students is looking forward to presenting many entertaining musicals and performances next school year. Mark your calendars for September 26, 27, and 28 for the Bravo Fall Show. Director Dorothy Wilson and David Lee are excited about the diverse talent this ensemble will bring to the stage. Watch for more information on the CRHS choir website or on
Pictured from front: three-year seniors; Connor Ughetta, Miles Ellis, Ryan Pierson; second row: three-year seniors; Victoria Sweitzer, Madison Rice; third row: two-year seniors; David Tait, Allie Kane, Eric Ander, Meredith Taylor, Ashlee Shipp; back row: new members; Laura Walling, Allie Schauer, Nick Palm, Abby Rogers, Sarah Dray, Shreya Jois, Andre Oyardo, Amber Azinge, Johny Craner, Emily Smith, Jordyn White
The Alley Theatre recently announced the semi-finalists for the 2013 Houston Young Playwrights Exchange (HYPE). After two rounds of readings, 15 plays were chosen above all other submissions. Five of the 15 semi-finalists are Katy ISD students. Congratulations to Danielle Northcutt (Katy HS), Jake Brown (Katy HS), Camron Alexander (Taylor HS), Katie Morrison (Mayde Creek HS), and Gerardo Velasquez (Mayde Creek HS). These five students will continue with individual interviews, where the top six plays will be selected as finalists.
Danielle Northcutt (playwright) is pictured with actor Dan Cote, who played the part of Tin Man.
McMean’s junior high’s concepts of engineering and technology class won the annual KISD CO2 car competition.
Pictured from left are Cadence Mckinney, Layla Hooshmand, teacher Dallas Bergstrom, and Emily Resch. Each earned first or second place in their respective competition.
The Katy ISD CO2 Car Competition is held each spring. The competition invites all eighth-grade concepts of engineering and technology students from all 13 KISD junior high schools, with each junior high allowed to enter five cars in three different contests.
Students are able to choose between: big block design, wedge block design, or race car. The race cars are checked to make sure they meet required specifications and are then raced down a 65’ track. Some of the cars will race as fast as 50 mph, and most finish the race in under a second. The design competitions are judged by volunteers that work in the engineering field. This year’s volunteers were from Conoco Phillips and Halliburton.
Cadence McKinney won first place in big block design with her white tiger design,
narrowly edging out her classmate Emily Resch who earned second place with her pig design. Layla Hooshmand earned first place in the wedge block design competition with a very complex two-headed snake car.
Concepts of engineering and technology is a CTE (Career and Technology Education) course that uses science, technology, engineering, and math. This project allows kids to use critical thinking to research, design, plan, and build a car. It exposes them to the use of machines and tools while using STEM principles.
Fifth grade girls in Girl Scout troop 17384 from several Katy-area schools worked together on their Bronze Award projects during the spring. Though they all worked together, half of the troop focused on hand-making ABC and 1-2-3 books and acquiring book donations from friends, family, neighbors, and local stores. The other half of the troop knitted caps for premature babies and cancer patients for those at a Katy-area hospital.
When the girls delivered their first collection of book donations, they enjoyed a tour of the 5th Ward Head Start preschool in Houston and meeting the students and teachers.
Caps were knitted by the troop girls as well as collected by other troops who knitted caps and will be donated to a Katy area hospital.
All eight girls of troop 17384 bridged into Cadettes and are already looking forward to working on their Silver Award project.
Bailey Aronson and Michelle Garland were named valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of Faith West Academy’s class of 2013.
The valedictorian, Bailey, is the daughter of Mike and Cheryl Aronson. Bailey excelled in the classroom where she took advanced placement and honors courses and had a four-year GPA of 4.68, as well as participated in numerous extracurricular activities. She was a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and the volleyball team. In the fall, Bailey will attend the University of Mississippi to major in forensic chemistry.
The salutatorian, Michelle, is the daughter of Toy Garland and Cindy Fogal. Michelle also took advanced placement and honors courses and had a four-year GPA of 4.61. In competitive sports she was on the softball and volleyball teams. She was a member of the National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. Michelle will attend Texas A & M to study petroleum geology.
Both Bailey and Michelle exemplify the character and achieved the academic requirements that define them as outstanding 2013 graduating seniors of Faith West Academy. Commencement ceremonies for forty-four graduating seniors will be held 3:00PM, June 8 at Parkway Fellowship, 1093 Farm to Market 359, Richmond, TX.
Photos of Bailey and Michelle are shown with Faith West Academy Principal Mary Strickland, who announced the valedictorian and salutatorian at an awards assembly at the school on May 28.
Faith West Academy senior Stan Stanulonis, 19, has accepted an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He will report for duty with another FWA alumnus, Eric Pearson (class of 2009), and 1,150 new cadets for this incoming class of 2017.
John Talhelm, admission representative for West Point and West Point Class of 1973, was on hand 5/28 for the formal presentation on behalf of the President of the United States and the Superintendent of West Point, LTG David Huntoon, Jr. “Over fifteen thousand young men and women applied,” said Talhelm. “This appointment is valued at $440,000 over the course of a four year program where Cadets can choose from 45 academic majors that span a broad spectrum of academic disciplines.”
“It truly was a group effort in getting his appointment. It may not have happened if Sandye Reed (History Department Head at FWA) didn’t make it possible for him to go to Boy’s State which is an accomplishment that carries a lot of weight,” said Stan’s mother Michelle Stanulonis. She elaborated that many played a role in Stan’s appointment; “Mrs. Reed, Coach Stephon Leary, Flenoyd Turner, Charles Crawford and Diane Williams, wrote letters for Stan to Congressman Michael T. McCaul, 10th District, who later gave him a nomination. Christina Martin, Denise Best, and Jeanna Bickerstaff wrote teacher’s appraisals. Mark Lamendola also sent a letter of recommendation. And Kim Derry was extremely helpful as Stan’s counselor and as such the point-person for the (Faith West) Academy.”
“Stan is one of our most outstanding students,” says FWA Principal Mary Strickland. “He has an unwavering commitment to excellence as he has demonstrated in the classroom on the sports field, and in his other extracurricular activities.”
Stanulonis is an accomplished trumpet player taking State Superior Ratings for the last two years. Also, Stanulonis’ interests include basketball and cross country. He was the president of the 2012-2013 FWA Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Stan is the son of Stanley and Michelle Stanulonis of Katy.
Katy’s newest high school, Obra D. Tompkins, will open its doors to freshmen and sophomore students in August. The school hosted a “Meet the Falcons” night on Thursday, May 23. Hundreds of parents, potential students, and faculty members were in attendance at this exciting event. Parents and students were given the opportunity to meet staff members, ask questions about organizations, and get in the Falcon spirit.
Pictured are Tompkins cheerleaders and the school’s namesake Mr. O.D. Tompkins.
Beginning in the fall of 2014, the Katy Independent School District will open the doors to a brand-new elementary school for families in the west Houston master-planned community of Cross Creek Ranch.
Located at FM 1463 and Flewellen Oaks Lane, the new school will serve families in one of the nation’s top-selling master-planned communities. According to the Katy ISD, the new school will have the capacity to service just over 1,000 students with 60-70 teachers and support staff.
“Our schools are A-plus at every grade level,” states Rob Bamford, general manager of the award-winning, 3,200-acre community. “Time and again we hear from residents who state ‘quality of schools’ as the top reason they choose Cross Creek Ranch.”
Residents currently attend Shafter Elementary of the Katy ISD and Huggins Elementary of the Lamar Consolidated ISD.
Nestled in a lush, natural setting minutes west of the Grand Parkway off FM 1093, Cross Creek Ranch is a peaceful retreat where active lifestyles and homes from award-winning builders come together to create an unmatched quality of life. More than 30,000 trees have been planted in the community since 2006 and close to half of its 1,000 homes are adjacent to native naturalized landscape, designated trails and parks.
Cross Creek Ranch’s resort-style amenities include the Cross Creek Water Park, a spacious fitness center and sports complex with tennis courts, basketball court, sand volleyball court and playgrounds for all ages. The community also is home to the Essence Café, a charming, quaint dining spot open to the public serving a variety of breakfast and lunch favorites.
Other distinguishing amenities include Flewellen Creek Park, which eventually will wind approximately 150 acres through the heart of Cross Creek Ranch, a disc golf course, a fenced one-acre dog park and an onsite Fitness Director and Lifestyle Director who coordinate resident events.
In addition to its unique features, the premier west Houston community is home to the largest model home collection in the Houston area with fully furnished residences from Highland Homes, Lennar Homes, Newmark Homes, Perry Homes, Trendmaker Homes and Village Builders. Its gated, custom-home neighborhood, The Lakes at Cross Creek Ranch, offers home sites from the $650’s to $1 million with impressive lake views from custom homebuilders Avanti Custom Homes, Huntington Homes, Partners in Building and Taylor Morrison Homes.
For more information, go to or call 281-344-9882.
The Cinco Ranch High School County Line student media staff was recently recognized with an Award of Distinguished Merit and presented a Bronze Star Award by the UIL-Interscholastic League Press Conference at the Texas state ILPC Convention in Austin. This award recognizes the top scholastic newspapers in the state based on a master teacher critique and rating. The County Line staff is led by senior co-editors Michelle Chong and Jesse Sparks, and the student publications adviser is Ed Larsen.
Other section editors and staff include seniors Maddie Brisson, Francesca Crichton, Gabi Deckelman, Ana Gutierrez, Elizabeth Hale, Trevor Nichols; juniors Jamie Bynum, Rachel Childress, Camryn Fuller, Joe Goodwin, Victor Huerta, Shiva Mirzahaidar, Molly Wade; sophomores Emily Burleson, Sofia Guevara, Kelsy McMeans, and Snovia Moiz.
Texas scholastic student publications, both print and online, are critiqued using a comprehensive grade rubric and assigned ratings by publications specialists. ILPC judges are master teachers who have advised national award-winning publications and who know the nuances of student publications. Certificates are awarded to those publications which earn the following ratings:
- Award of Distinguished Merit – The association’s highest rating.
- Award of Achievement
- Award of Honor
- Award of Merit
The top publications receiving Award of Distinguished Merit are also entered into competition for ILPC’s prestigious Gold, Silver and Bronze Star awards. Recipients of the Star Awards represent the top 10 percent of student newspapers and yearbooks in Texas.
In addition to the publication rating, staff members earned a total of ten medals and six honorable mentions in the ILPC 1-AA individual Achievement Awards categories for writing, design, and photojournalism.
The County Line student publications staff produces six issues of the news magazine each school year and maintains an online news presence with weekly coverage on the staff website.
Morton Ranch High School senior Elijah Hall-Thompson competed in the UIL Track and Field State Meet in Austin. With this time, he became number one among high school athletes in the nation in the 200 meters. He has been invited to compete in the Adidas Dream 100 in New York in two weeks. Only the top athletes get an invite. He ran his personal best in both events.
He represented the school well by winning two gold medals, competing in the conference 5A 100 meter and 200 meter dash. He blazed the track with a time of 10.26 in the 100 meter dash edging out Kyle Fulks of Katy to win first place. He ran away from the competition in the 200 meter dash winning first place with a time of 20.6.
Videos of the race can be found at the following link:
For more information, contact William Gulley at MRHS.
Pictured is Sharon Zhu, Katy piano student of Mary Ann LaCour with awards received at the annual May Spring Recital held at Living Word Lutheran Church on May 4, 2013. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zhu, Sharon received (awards left to right) the Katy Music Teacher’s Association Student Affiliate Award, the Studio Senior Award trophy, the Katy Music Teachers Spring Festival trophy – for the second time – and the Studio Superior Award trophy – also for the second time. Zhu, a Senior at Cinco Ranch High School, has participated in many piano events including the Texas Music Teachers State Theory Test and has been selected to perform on the Katy Music Teachers Association Honors Recital at both the annual Sonata Festival and the KMTA Spring Festival, both adjudicated events. In addition to piano, Zhu participates in band and tennis.
The Katy and Fort Bend Family YMCAs each received a $5,000 grant from JCP Cares, JCPenney’s new charitable giving program, to provide school-aged children with financial assistance to attend afterschool programs at the Y. Specifically, the gifts are providing children at the Y afterschool programs at Stafford Elementary, Stafford, and Schmalz Elementary, Katy, with financial assistance to participate. The children that qualified for the assistance would not have been able to otherwise participate without the support of this grant. More importantly, it is providing the supported children with access to life-enriching afterschool programs that cultivate the values, relationships and skills kids need to thrive.
According to the Afterschool Alliance, a nonprofit public awareness advocacy organization, 15.1 million U.S. children are left unsupervised after 3 p.m. during the school year. Studies show participation in afterschool programs helps boost school attendance and academic performance and reduces gaps in academic achievement among children from disadvantaged households.
“As a company founded on the Golden Rule, JCPenney has a strong legacy of giving back,” said Miki Woodard, president of JCP Cares and vice president of philanthropy at JCPenney. “We are firmly committed to organizations like the Y, which truly make a difference in their communities.”
The YMCA sees the benefits of this collaboration first-hand. “The support of JCPenney enhances our efforts to serve as many children as possible with meaningful, high-quality afterschool programming,” says Brian Haines, Katy YMCA District Executive. Eric Schenkelberg, Fort Bend YMCA District Executive, stated, “By working together we can not only keep children safer, but also help provide them with lasting benefits, including healthier lifestyles, improved social skills and an enhanced academic performance.”
Collectively, the YMCAs of Greater Houston serve over 10,000 children per day in child care at more than 200 locations with 40% receiving financial assistance to participate. Locally, the Katy and Fort Bend YMCAs operate over 22 licensed afterschool programs in the Katy and Stafford school districts. For more information about the YMCA’s afterschool program, visit them on the web at ( To learn more about JCP Cares, JCPenney’s charitable giving program, go to (
Society for the Performing Arts (SPA), Houston’s leading performing arts presenter, recognized 29 participants from its 15th Annual Student Visual Art Contest sponsored by Wells Fargo at an awards ceremony recently held at the Wortham Theater Center.
Taylor High School freshman Megan Yu (right) and mom Puchin show winning smiles. Yu’s artwork titled “Deep Family Roots” was awarded third place at Society for the Performing Arts 15th Annual Student Visual Art Contest.
More than 500 pieces were submitted to this year’s visual art contest, offering all kindergarten through 12th grade students in the greater Houston area the opportunity to showcase their talents and win prizes while learning about the performing arts. Students submitted artwork based on the theme The Spirit of Cultural Celebration, inspired by SPA’s presentation of the internationally renowned, Mexican-born singer and composer Lila Downs.
Entries ranged from paintings to drawings to digital images. All submitted artwork was judged on creativity, skill and interpretation of the theme The Spirit of Cultural Celebration. Participating judges included Michael A. Chmiel of Jack Meier Gallery; Jason Moodie of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Michelle Barnes of The Community Artists’ Collective; local artist Adelina Ruiz Moya; Zachary Gresham of Art League Houston; and Richard Williams of Glassell Jr. School.
The Division D (ninth through 11th grade) winners were: First Place – Seoyoung Kim, Memorial High School, Spring Branch ISD; Second Place – Bethany Ochs, Memorial High School, Spring Branch ISD; Third Place – Megan Yu, James E. Taylor High School, Katy ISD; Honorable Mention – Anna (Hee Won) Cho, See Woo Jong and Hyeyun Jeong, all of Memorial High School in Spring Branch ISD.
“Every child is creative and each possess a unique history and rich set of experiences that are assets, said SPA Director of Education and Outreach Joe Angel Babb. “The Wells Fargo Student Visual Art Contest promotes instruction in the arts that builds upon those strengths. When given encouragement and an opportunity to try, every child develops the skills and attributes of an artist such as observation, synthesis, empathy and communication. I congratulate the contest winners, but also the teachers and parents who support the creativity of children. They are helping kids achieve here and now and making an investment in the future prosperity of our community.”
Winners received scholarships to Glassell Jr. School, memberships to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and tickets to see a performance presented by Society for the Performing Arts.
Katy ISD Creech Elementary’s administration and teachers celebrated National Volunteer Week with a volunteer recognition event, chaired by Creech teacher Stefanie Huddleston and a “Sunshine” committee comprised of teachers and administrative staffers. The lunch event included heartfelt thanks by teachers from all grades popping by to say “thanks” and special, original cheers from the 4th through 5th grade Pep Squad, led by teacher Shelly Watson. The big finale was the announcement of the school’s six 2012-2013 Volunteer of the Year nominees.
Volunteer of the Year nominees Teri Kong, Anna Bourg, Kristen Rutherford, Angela Bazzi, Sara Jackson and Jan Killam received colorful goodies from Principal Elena Thrun (center).
The Beck Junior High Math team won the Texas Math and Science Coaches Associationstate (TMSCA) championship in general math in the 5A division. The TMSCA held the state-wide competition at the University of Texas at San Antonio campus. There were 84 schools from all over the state that participated in 5A division competition. The Beck team beat many powerhouses to claim the state championship. Beck math club also advanced to the mathcounts state competition, and ranked number eight in Texas at this prestigious national competition. Beck math club is led by Mrs. Stidham and many parent volunteers.
Join Westland Baptist Church for an open house on Saturday, April 27, from noon to 3 p.m. for a preview of High Voltage – Houston’s premier rock camp which features top-notch musiciancs who teach kids how to write their own music. The open house will feature free pizza and drinks, live performances from former campers, and raffle prizers.
High Voltage Rock Camp is for kids ages 9 to 16. With a staff of experienced professional musicians and certified music educators, High Voltage Rock Camp is your destination for becoming a better musician. Whether you are an experienced player or just beginning, you will learn what it takes to write a song, create your own parts, and play with a band, while simultaneously improving your technique, theory and musicality on your chosen instrument.
Camp dates are as follows:
June 17 – 21 | Camp Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Friday Pizza Party: 5-6:30pm Concert Start Time: 6:30pm Drop Off: 8:30-9am Pick-Up: 5-5:30pm | Westland Baptist Church 1407 W. Grand Pkwy, Katy, Tx 77494 |
June 24 – 28 | Camp Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Friday Pizza Party: 5-6:30pm Concert Start Time: 6:30pm Drop Off: 8:30-9am Pick-Up: 5-5:30pm | Westland Baptist Church 1407 W. Grand Pkwy, Katy, Tx 77494 |
Beckendorff Jr. High’s Teen Leadership classes held its annual ‘Ready to Roll’ campaign raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through their ‘Pennies for Patients’ program. Students and faculty donate spare change to help treat patients with blood cancers. BDJH raised $25,000 bringing the schools total in the past seven yearly campaigns to $106,000.
Paige Whitten Seimers, Teen Leadership teacher said, “I’m so proud to be a part of a campaign, Ready to Roll Day, at my school, Beckendorff JH, that raises money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I’m blessed to work in a generous community of teachers, students, families that look for ways to give back.”
Paige Whitten Seimers, Teen Leadership teacher, and her student Caite Ryan display the $25,000 check raised in one week during Ready to Roll campaign for Pennies for Patients.
Grace Primary and Lower School students were challenged by their teachers to participate in a two-week long reading challenge. To complete the challenge, two-year-olds through second grade had to read up to nine picture books and third through fifth grade were challenged to read 500 minutes per student.
“Launching the 2013 Grace School Reading Challenge was a great way to promote the importance of reading to students, parents and the wider community,” said Leigh Anne Shumate, Head of Primary and Lower Schools. “A love of reading is one of the most important gifts we can give our students.”
The students were encouraged to read both during the school day and at home as part of the effort. They were also encouraged to earn extra points by writing a book review or choosing to read instead of watch TV.
“We wanted to make sure that we gave parents the opportunity to support their children throughout the challenge,” said Shumate.
To promote the reading challenge, the teachers at Grace provided daily reading activities, produced a reading challenge song and also recorded a flash mob style dance video.
“We pulled out all the stops,” said Shumate. “These activities were designed to show children how much fun reading can be, but were part of a broader educational goal to establish a solid language arts foundation.”
More than 350 students participated in the “Books Rock” themed challenge with 92,001 minutes read in only nine days. As a result of a successful challenge, the students were rewarded with the ultimate prize: an ice cream truck party.
“I’m so proud of what they were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time,” said Shumate.
Four Cinco Ranch High School Choir students advanced through the rigorous audition process and received placement in the All-State Choir. The students performed at the Texas Music Educator’s Association convention in February. Congratulations to David Tait, Hannah Ballard, Lauren Marlow and Eubie Pabilona for their dedicated hard work!
Pictured: David Tait, Hannah Ballard, Lauren Marlow and Eubie Pabilona.
For the eleventh time in the past 12 years, Katy ISD has been named among the Best Communities for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation, which recognizes schools and districts across the U.S. for their commitment and support for music education. Katy ISD is one of only 21 districts in Texas to receive this recognition for 2013.
“Our music educators constantly go above and beyond their required duties to make sure their students succeed. This recognition is a direct reflection of their commitment,” said Bob Bryant, executive director of fine arts for Katy ISD. “It is evident that our community, administration, and School Board supports and encourages quality music education for every student.”
Last September, two Katy ISD musical groups, the McMeans Jr. High Symphonic Band and the Cinco Ranch High School Symphony Orchestra, were selected as National Winners in the Mark of Excellence honors by the Foundation for Music Education. Additionally, the Cinco Ranch Junior High Honors Band was selected and performed in December for the prestigious Midwest Clinic in Chicago. Selected and performing at the Texas Music Educators Association Clinic in San Antonio in February were the Katy High School Jazz Band, the Stephens Elementary “Stompin’ Hooves” instrumental ensemble, and the Griffin Elementary Fifth Grade Choir.
The Cinco Ranch High School Robotics Team recently visited Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital and went behind the scenes in the Operating Room to experience the hospital’s new da Vinci® Si Surgical System. Sixteen students and their parents suited up in sterile gear to participate in simulation demonstrations with Dr. Arturo Gonzalez, a general surgeon affiliated with the hospital. For more information about Memorial Hermann Katy and its robotic surgery program, visit or call 713.222.CARE (2273).
For the third year in a row, Cinco Ranch High School’s Robotics Team 624 (“CRyptonite”) was invited by ExxonMobil Chemical Company to represent FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics at an Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day event. Held annually by ExxonMobil Chemical, this program helps junior high girls envision careers in engineering and encourages them to get involved in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) courses and activities in high school. ExxonMobil Chemical supports FIRST and Team CRyptonite as one of the team’s corporate sponsors.
Fourteen members of Team CRyptonite, along with last season’s basketball-shooting robot, “Panzer” travelled to ExxonMobil’s west Houston office on February 15 to show how helping to design and build a robot as part of a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team has allowed them to experience solving real-world engineering and technology problems.
An all-freshmen group of Team 624 girls was called upon to handle much of this demo for about 200 girls from KISD’s West Memorial and McDonald Junior Highs.
Zoe Burch and Nasa Xu showed how the robot works and talked about the build process. Aided by Daniel Lambert and Bill Waters, some of the junior high girls got to try their hand at driving the robot and shooting baskets.
Stephanie Grace, Susana Simmonds and Andrea Zaharie explained the robot’s pneumatic system to the girls, while Leah Button-Edelson and Jordan Wood did the same for the electronic system.
Team 624 Student President, Fraser Head talked about robotics competitions, and showed photos and video of the team in action. Pneumatics Captain David Gros was also there to answer questions.
The junior high students asked many questions, and were particularly impressed with the fact that just last year several of the Team 624 girls were in their shoes, attending this event with Cinco Ranch Junior High. At the end of the program, one of the most common questions from the junior high girls was, “Does the high school I’ll attend have a robotics team?”
Founded by inventor Dean Kamen, FIRST was created to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology. FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is an annual competition that helps students discover the rewards and excitement of science, engineering, and technology. The 2012 season included over 2,500 teams.
FRC combines the excitement of sports with science and technology to create a unique Varsity Sport for the Mind™. Participants are eligible to receive nearly $16 million in scholarships from some of the finest science and engineering schools in the country.
Since its founding in 2000, Cinco Ranch High School’s FIRST Robotics Competition Team 624 (“CRyptonite”) has achieved national recognition in all areas of FRC competition. Team highlights from 2012 include advancing to the divisional Semi-Finals of the FRC World Championship and the Indiana Robotics Invitational, winning the Bayou Regional Qualifying Event, advancing to the Finals at the Lone Star Regional Qualifying Event, along with capturing awards for quality, innovation and industrial safety.
This has been possible through the generous financial and mentor support of our corporate sponsors, including founding sponsors BP America and Oceaneering Intervention Engineering. Other corporate sponsors include: ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil Chemical, Wood Group, BAE Systems, Texas Workforce Commission, Kinder Morgan, West Engineering Services, MTS, Shell and Dockwise. We’re also indebted to numerous teachers, parents, mentors and our incredibly hardworking students.
To learn more about FIRST Robotics Competition visit:
For more information on Team 624, visit
Cinco Ranch High School students, Indy Rajan (11th grade) and Ethan Le (9th grade), received the highest honor a Texas music student can receive. After multiple rounds of competitions, they were selected from over 5,000 students throughtout the state to perform in the All-State Symphony Orchestra at the Texas Music Educators Association Convention in San Antonio on February 16, 2013. Indy received a ranking of 9th in viola while Ethan received a ranking of 3rd in violin among all the students in the state of Texas. Congratulations to both for their musical accomplishments.
A group of Katy ISD educators were among more than 400 teachers who met with state legislators to discuss key public education issues during the Association of Texas Professional Educators’ (ATPE) Lobby Day Feb. 11 at the Texas State Capitol.
“As professional educators, we believe that our voice must be heard,” said Katy ATPE President Heidi Kirby. She teaches at Cinco Ranch High School. “We support restoring funds that were cut from public education in 2011 and reforming the accountability system in Texas public schools. We do not support any type of voucher program that would take money away from public schools and use public tax dollars for private schools and for-profit schools.”
Kirby traveled to Austin for ATPE Lobby Day with Katy ISD educators Bill Crockett, Tim Elliott, Janet Charpiot, Hellen Secrist, Lisa Love and Janet Godfrey.
In conjunction with Lobby Day, they participated in a Political Involvement Training event, where they learned how to impact the political process and gained insight into complex education issues facing the 83rd Legislature.
For more information on the ATPE Political Involvement Training and Lobby Day, visit
With more than 110,000 members, the Association of Texas Professional Educators is the preeminent educators’ association in Texas and the largest nonunion educators’ group nationwide. Its membership consists of classroom teachers, para-educators, administrators, college students and retired educators. ATPE is committed to advocating for better benefits for all educators, promoting a collaborative work environment and the right of educators to choose the association they feel represents their interests, and providing the best education possible for all Texas school children.
Jack and Sharon Rhoads Elementary is proud to announce the 2012-2013 teacher, first year teacher, and para professional of the year.
Gretchen Dehoyos was honred as the teacher of the year. Gretchen teaches 5th grade science. Travis Bailey was announced as first year teacher of the year. Travis teaches PE. Ms. Rita Branch was announced as the para professional of the year.

Ms. Dunnahoo traveled to the Texas Music Educators Association Convention in San Antonio to perform with the All -State Choir in February.
Test scores released by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) from the 2012 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) accountability test for grades 3-8 show that Katy ISD outperformed the state in every grade level assessment. The district also exceeded the state passing rate by an average of 13 points.
“While we are very pleased that our students outperformed the state, that is not our only goal,” says Katy ISD Superintendent, Alton Frailey. “While we will remain competitive with our peer districts within the state accountability system, our primary objective is to provide each student high quality and comprehensive learning experiences.”
The following chart compares Katy ISD scores to the state passing rate. The district’s passing rates include STAAR English and Spanish version, as well as STAAR L, STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate, which are taken by students in the Special Education Program. The state passing rates, however, only include STAAR assessments administered in English.
Katy ISD and State Passing Rates for 2012 STAAR | ||||||||||
Grades 3-8 | ||||||||||
Grade | Reading | Mathematics | Writing | Science | Social Studies | |||||
Katy ISD Passing Rate | *State Passing | Katy ISD Passing Rate | *State Passing | Katy ISD Passing Rate | *State Passing | Katy ISD Passing Rate | *State Passing | Katy ISD Passing Rate | *State Passing | |
Rate | Rate | Rate | Rate | Rate | ||||||
3 | 89% | 76% | 82% | 68% | – | – | – | – | – | – |
4 | 91% | 77% | 85% | 68% | 87% | 71% | – | – | – | – |
5 | 90% | 77% | 91% | 77% | – | – | 88% | 73% | – | – |
6 | 88% | 75% | 87% | 77% | – | – | – | – | – | – |
7 | 88% | 76% | 86% | 71% | 86% | 71% | – | – | – | – |
8 | 89% | 80% | 81% | 76% | – | – | 84% | 70% | 78% | 59% |
Data Sources: Katy ISD passing rates include STAAR English and Spanish versions, STAAR L, STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate.
*State passing rates include English Test Version only: from TEA News Release by Commissioner Williams on January 30, 2013.
The STAAR test assesses student performance based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) learning objectives developed by the TEA. Because students took the STAAR test for the first time in 2012, test scores will not count in any way toward a student’s 2012-2013 state testing results, regardless if they passed or failed the test. The TEA is currently in the process of developing a new accountability system for the 2013 – 2014 school year. Additionally, the TEA will not be assigning accreditation status to school districts in 2012-13.
During the next two weeks, parents will receive their child’s Confidential Student Report, which provides a summary of how their child performed. Because the STAAR assessments are new and more rigorous than past TAKS assessments, many parents may see test scores that differ from previous TAKS test results.
“The change in scores is not a reflection of the education that students receive as we continue to provide high-quality instruction that students and parents expect in Katy ISD,” says Katy ISD’s Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Christine Caskey. “Not only is STAAR more rigorous than TAKS, this was the first time students saw the format of the new test. As students and teachers become more familiar with STAAR, we anticipate that future scores will improve.”
Students who participate in the 2013 spring administration of STAAR will receive a new Confidential Student Report near the end of the 2013 school year. The 2013 spring administration of the STAAR will be the first set of test results that will count toward a student’s state testing performance.
Beckendorff Jr. High 8th graders had the opportunity to participate in Rachel’s Challenge presentation in January. Rachel’s Challenge is a series of student empowering programs and strategies that equip students and adults to combat bullying and allay feelings of isolation and despair by creating a culture of kindness and compassion. The programs are based on the writings and life of 17 year-old Rachel Scott who was the first student killed at Columbine High School in 1999. Rachel left a legacy of reaching out to those who were different, who were picked on by others, or who were new at her school. This program was sponsored by the BDJH PTA.
American Football Monthly announced their college and high school coaches of the Year for 2012. Topping the list is Katy High School’s Gary Joseph, having been named the high school football National Coach of the Year. A total of six high school Coaches of the Year were selected this year – the coveted National Coach of the Year and five regional winners.
Joseph has served the Katy High School football program for 31 years, becoming head coach in 2004. During his time, the Katy Tigers have won three 5A state championships and advanced to the state finals on three additional occasions. Joseph’s coaching record stands at 120-11.
Among Coach Joseph’s awards include being named District 18/19 5A Coach of the Year eight times; the Houston Touchdown Club’s Coach of the Year in 2005; and the Houston Texans’ 5A Coach of the Year in 2005, 2007, and 2008. In 2007, Joseph was named by the Texas Sports Writers Association as Coach of the Year and was also honored by the Katy Chamber of Commerce being named Katy’s Citizen of the Year. Joseph received the Regional Coach of the Year Award in 2008 for the southwest region of the United States, and was named one of Houston’s Top 100 Professionals in 2010. Additionally, he was voted into the 2012 Greater Houston Football Coaches Association Ronnie Bell Hall of Honor and just received the 2013 Semper Fi Coaching Award – Houston Area.
For the Joseph family, football is a true tradition. Coach Joseph’s father, Eddie Joseph, led a successful coaching career at Wharton High School and later became executive vice president of Texas High School Coaches Association. Coach Joseph and his wife of 34 years, Sheila, have three children, all of whom have also followed in their father’s and grandfather’s footsteps. Their son, Jeff, is on staff with the Texas A&M football program; their son, Jon, is completing a degree in education at Texas A&M University; and their daughter, Julie, is an assistant athletic coordinator at Cardiff Jr. High in Katy.
The Katy High School football program is led by Gary Joseph, Head Coach/Athletic Coordinator; Tim Ripperger, Assistant Head Coach; B.J. Gotte, Offensive Coordinator; Matt McDaniel, Defensive Coordinator; as well as Thomas Brooks, Bryan Hill, Tom McPherson, Eric Mikolajchak, Clayton Odom, Robert Ortiz, Marcus Prier, John Rowland, Richard Slater and Micky Thompson.
The Katy ISD Board of Trustees last night approved the name of the district’s newest campus, High School No. 7, after retired educator Obra D. Tompkins. Obra D. Tompkins High School is located at 4400 Falcon Landing Blvd., and is slated to open in August 2013.
The Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the naming of its newest high school after retired educator, Obra D. Tompkins. Pictured from left to right: Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey, Obra D. Tompkins, and Tompkins HS Principal Mark Grisdale.
Tompkins served more than 39 years in the field of education, serving the bulk of his years as principal for Mayde Creek High School. He has been called a ‘trailblazer’ among his colleagues and has served in a number of capacities in education during his career. Tompkins retired in 2012 from his most recent position as Katy ISD’s executive director for campus administrative support.
Katy ISD’s living namesakes have more than just years of education experience. They are community-minded individuals who mentor, participate in community projects and volunteer their time and resources to continue to make the Katy ISD community the leader in educational excellence.
Katy ISD is a TEA Recognized district serving more than 64,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 57 campuses, and with more than 7,600 employees is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area.
Ursula Stephens Elementary of Katy ISD, located on Fry Road, is proud to announce that our music instrumental group, Stephens Stompin’ Hooves ensemble, led by director, Ms. Pay-Sung Chew, will be performing at the Annual Clinic and Convention of the Texas Music Educators Association in San Antonio on February 15, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. We are very proud and honored to be chosen for such a prestigious state event among music educators all over the state. This is the first time an elementary instrumental group from the Katy district has been chosen to perform at the convention.
The Stephens Stompin’ Hooves comprises of 32 fifth grade students who meet twice a week before school to rehearse. The group performs various types of music, including African marimba music, Asian music, Western classical music as well as folk and pop music. The group performs on instruments such as xylophones, drums, recorders as well as body percussion (clapping, patting, snapping, and stomping).
The Stompin’ Hooves was also recently invited to perform at the State Capitol in Austin in March 2013 to promote fine arts education during the Arts Education Day in the Capitol event.
The Presidential Election of 2012 was an opportunity to foster civic responsibility in KATY ISD Students by teaching the social studies strands of government and citizenship in a meaningful way.
The Project V.O.T.E. committee members worked together to create the mechanism by which the KISD schools could participate in a district wide mock election.
The results of the district election were sent to the statewide mock election Project V.O.T.E. (Voters of Tomorrow Thru Education) which was sponsored by the Texas Secretary of State.
In order to simulate the Electoral College, the election was based on electoral votes, not popular votes.
Each campus was assigned electoral votes based on the school’s population. The winner of the district wide election was the candidate that received over half of the district’s electoral votes. (The mock election sponsored by the TX Secretary of State is not associated with Project Vote (Voting for America, Inc.) or ACORN.
Students in grades 3-12 registered to vote electronically and voted electronically on their campus.
(Only those students who registered to vote during the registration period were able to vote during the early voting period on Election Day.)
Katy Music Teachers’ Association is pleased to present our three grant recipients: Nicoletta Sarabtidis, Cameron Vhalkamp, and Spencer Taylor. These students were chosen by Brett Nelsen, Cinco Ranch High School Orchestra Director, and Brandon Amison, private string instructor to receive the first ever KMTA String Outreach Grant. The grant was provided jointly by Music Teachers’ National Association and KMTA to encourage string students to continue music study, reach out to the community, and excel in leadership in their school orchestra program.
Recently, these students participated in the holiday concert provided by the Cinco Ranch High School Orchestra program: Nicoletta Sarabtidis, Cameron Vhalkamp and Spencer Taylor.
These students are slated to perform in recital for the Katy Music Teachers’ Association meeting in April. In addition, they have been busy auditioning for All-Region and All-State Orchestras, and learning solos for the upcoming UIL Region Solo and Ensemble Contest in February. They are also members of the Texas Music Teachers’ Association Student Affiliate.
KMTA is grateful for the collaboration of Mr. Brett Nelsen, director of Cinco Ranch Orchestras.
The cooperation between public school directors, private teachers, and accompanists can only make for a better music education for these bright, young students. Thank you to Brett Nelsen, Brandon Amison, KMTA, and MTNA for enabling these musicians to achieve greater levels of success!
Nicoletta Sarabtidis
Cameron Vhalkamp
Spencer Taylor
The National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs announced today that Foundations Academy has been awarded Accreditation.
As an Accredited center, Foundations Academy has been recognized as an early care and education program exemplifying excellence in the care of young children. By achieving accreditation Foundations Academy provides a high quality program for children, professional development opportunities for staff, and an environment for children that is conducive to their individual growth and development that exceeds state licensing requirements.
The accreditation process included a self-study process in which administrators, staff, and parents evaluated the program in accordance with Accreditation standards. After the self-study process was complete, an onsite observation was conducted at Foundations Academy by an early childhood professional. Based on the information collected, Foundations Academy was awarded accreditation through the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education. All parents, staff members, and administrators at Foundations Academy are to be congratulated for achieving this level of excellence.
The National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs is sponsored by the Association for Early Learning Leaders, a national leader among associations serving child care owners, directors, and administrators. The organization’s goal is to strengthen and enhance the skills and knowledge of leaders in the field of early child care and education by providing membership services and benefits. For more information, please visit
Cinco Ranch High School’s FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Team 624 (“CRyptonite”) showcased their robot’s basketball shooting and mobility skills at the Toyota Center in downtown Houston prior to the Houston Rockets NBA basketball game on December 22. Based on their robot’s performance in last season’s “Rebound Rumble” competition at the Lone Star Regional Robotics Tournament, Team 624 was chosen by the Rockets organization, along with Clear Lake ISD’s Team118, for this first-time event.
As several students put the two robots through their paces in the central courtyard of the Toyota Center, others answered questions and explained to Rockets fans how the FIRST organization uses robotics competitions to help students discover the excitement and rewards of science and technology by solving real-world engineering problems. A representative of FIRST robotics was also on hand to answer questions.
Designed and built by Team 624 and Team 118 students with the help of adult mentors, the 120 lb. basketball-shooting robots drew a crowd of appreciative Rockets fans, who watched as the two remote-controlled robots wheeled about the makeshift court and shot baskets. The team’s students explained how the robot’s targeting, shooting and drive systems work, and how a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC®) team functions.
“Everyone had a great time,” said David Herzfeld, Cinco Ranch High School Robotics Booster Club President. “We want to thank the Rockets for giving Team 624 students the opportunity to show Rockets fans what their robot can do, and how FIRST robotics has introduced them to hands-on application of science, technology, engineering and math concepts.”
After the robot demo, a group over 60 Team 624 members and their families enjoyed watching the Rockets defeat the Memphis Grizzlies 121 – 96.
Cardiff and McMeans Junior High were honored last week for going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty and were named to the Superintendent’s ABCD Club. This honor recognizes campuses and departments that excel by enriching experiences for our students and improving their campus and community. These two campuses join Bear Creek Elementary as recipients of this prestigious award.
Cardiff Junior High was nominated by a parent whose child was diagnosed with a condition that required an immediate alteration to her day-to-day way of life. Coupled with the natural anxieties of starting junior high, her parents were very worried about how she would cope. Much to their comfort, Cardiff staff members all joined forces to ensure this student’s needs were met and she experienced the same top-quality educational experience as her peers.
“From the moment we stepped foot on the Cardiff Junior High campus, Principal Hull and his staff have gone above and beyond,” said Beth Blackwell, Cardiff JH parent. “The nurse at Cardiff, Kathy Montalbano, has also been amazing to work with.”
The Blackwells joined Katy ISD Superintendent and staff members as he presented the ABCD Club Award to the campus.
McMeans Junior High was nominated to the ABCD Club for their efforts to become a “No Place for Hate” school. The campus held three school-wide events that engaged all students in the program. Shelly England, former McMeans parent, nominated the campus earlier this year.
“The parents, PTA, teachers, counselors and principals (at McMeans JH) all worked very hard to accomplish this goal and make a difference with students,” said England.
McMeans Junior High is the only junior high and one of only three campuses in Katy to receive the “No Place for Hate” designation. The campus also started a NPFH student organization that hosts student activities throughout the school year.
To nominate a campus or department for the Superintendent’s ABCD Club, submit a letter to, with your contact information, explaining what the campus or central department did that you feel was Above and Beyond the Call of Duty. Nominations can be submitted by parents, community members, internal customers or students.
Superintendent Frailey presented the ABCD Club award to Cardiff JH in for going Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.
Superintendent Frailey presented the ABCD Club award to McMeans JH for their efforts in implementing the No Place For Hate program on campus.
On December 19, The Katy High School Theatre Arts Booster Club delivered 62 hand-made fleece blankets to residents at the Cinco Ranch Alzheimer’s Special Care Facility and at the Heritage Park of Katy Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
Theatre students and Booster Club members made a total of 62 blankets to donate, 31 for each facility. They worked on the project during rehearsals of their upcoming musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. The blankets were cut from soft, fleece fabric and the edges were hand tied into a decorative fringe.
“The residents were genuinely thrilled to receive the blankets, said Booster Club President Kathryn Gilliam. Gilliam accompanied students, Hope Deverney and Shelby Barnhardt, to deliver blankets to the Cinco Ranch facility. “One lady immediately wrapped hers around her shoulders like a shawl,” Gilliam shared, “another resident, Ms. Maria, said it was so soft she would sleep with it.”
Katy High School Theatre Director, Rachel Smith said, “I think students providing service to others in their community shows our kids how blessed they are and how necessary it is for them to think of others.”
“I’m very proud of the Booster Club and the Theatre Students for making the effort to make these blankets during rehearsals for the musical,” Gilliam added.
Showtimes for Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat are: Thursday, Jan. 31 through Saturday, Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. Sunday Feb 3 matinee at 2 p.m. All performances will take place at the Katy High School Performing Arts Center. For ticket information, visit
For more information contact Kathryn Gilliam, KTABC President, at
The students pictured are Hope Deverney and Shelby Barnhardt. They are pictured delivering blankets to the residents of the Cinco Ranch Alzheimers Special Care Facility.
For Robin Stauffer’s English classes, it has been a bear of a season. When Stauffer, a Seven Lakes High School teacher, first decided to hold the teddy bear drive for the local Joe Joe Bear Foundation in Katy, students from her eleventh grade Advanced Placement classes agreed to help and donate. What was initially a few stuffed bears has become a mountain of plush animals, which the foundation will donate to children undergoing treatment for cancer or other life-threatening diseases to area hospitals.
The foundation was created and named in honor of Joseph David Ordaz, who passed away March 10, 2009, after a long battle with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia at the age of 24. Joe endured two bone marrow transplants and while preparing for the second, he asked to hold a teddy bear while alone so he could feel like someone was always with him. The nonprofit organization collects only new bears for children, who due to weakened or no immune systems cannot accept gently loved stuffed animals, so they, too, can have a friend even when no one is around.
“I started the bear drive because I wanted to do something for all the children and their families who will spend the holidays at the hospital instead of at home,” Stauffer said. “I also wanted to set the example for my students that it is indeed far better to give than to receive. I hoped my students would participate, but I never imagined how this small project would take on a life of its own.
“My students have really stepped up, and I know their generosity will mean so much to every child who has a bear to hold,” she said. “Many of the students also wrote a brief personal note to the child and attached it to the bear’s tag.”
Stauffer has so far collected more than 100 plush bears and animals for the Joe Joe Bear Foundation and plans to deliver them tomorrow, Dec. 21. For more information, please contact Robin Stauffer at
Learn more about the Joe Joe Bear Foundation at or contact them at or 281-398-4522.
Seven Lakes High School English teacher Robin Stauffer sits near a pile of more than 100 plush bears in her classroom. She and her classes collected the bears to donate to the Joe Joe Bear Foundation in Katy, which benefits children undergoing treatment for cancer or other life-threatening diseases.
The Cinco Ranch High School FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition (FRC®) Team 624 “CRyptonite” held its second annual FIRST LEGO League (FLL®) robotics Qualifier Tournament on December 8 at Cinco Ranch Junior High. Robotics teams of 4th to 8th grade students from all over the Houston metro area competed in the tournament. Team Cryptonite also organized a tournament toy drive to collect board games for the Krause Children’s Center in Katy.
FIRST LEGO League teams of two to ten members work alongside adult mentors to design, build and program autonomous robots using LEGO MINDSTORMS® NXT technologies, and create an innovative solution to a problem as part of a research project. This year’s competition is the SENIOR SOLUTIONSSM Challenge, where students explore the topic of aging. Can FIRST LEGO League teams improve the quality of life for seniors by helping them continue to be independent, engaged, and connected in their communities?
Team “Bud-Botics”, an independent team from the Cy-Fair area, won the First Place Champions Award as the team with the highest combined score from all elements of the competition. They also won the award for Robot Performance. Team“Beck Tech”, from Katy ISD’s Beck Junior High won the Second Place Champions Award.
As First and Second Place Champions, both Bud-Botics and Beck Tech will advance to compete in the Lone Star FLL Championship Tournament, which takes place on February 23, 2013 at John H. Reagan High School in Houston.
FLL Teams are judged on each of the three parts of the FLL Challenge: The Robot Game – the performance of their robot in head-to-head competition, along with robot design and programming; The Project – a research project and presentation; and FIRST Core Values – for how well a team embodies these values.
Throughout the build, research and competition process, FLL robotics teams deal with real-world application of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts and hands-on problem solving, as well as honing research and presentation skills.
Team CRyptonite students and adult volunteers organize and run the Katy Qualifier Tournament as part of their commitment to community service and to promoting FIRST robotics to inspire future scientists and engineers. The team also founded the FLL programs at Beck JH and Cinco Ranch JH, and currently mentor the two Cinco Ranch Junior High FLL teams.
The Katy FLL Qualifier Tournament, one of 800 held around the world, was the first step in the regional robotics competition process which culminates in the Southwest (Texas/New Mexico) FLL Championship.
Tournament. The winning team from this Championship Tournament will participate in the 2013 FLL World Festival in St. Louis, Missouri in April.
Founded by inventor Dean Kamen, FIRST was created to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology. The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is an annual competition that helps students discover the rewards and excitement of science, engineering, and technology. The 2012 season included over 2,500 teams.
FRC combines the excitement of sports with science and technology to create a unique Varsity Sport for the Mind™. Participants are eligible to receive nearly $16 million in scholarships from some of the finest science and engineering schools in the country.
Since its founding in 2000, Cinco Ranch High School’s FIRST Robotics Competition Team 624 (“CRyptonite”) has achieved national recognition in all areas of FRC competition. Team highlights from 2012 include advancing to the divisional Semi-Finals of the FRC World Championship and the Indiana Robotics Invitational, winning the Bayou Regional Qualifying Event, advancing to the Finals at the Lone Star Regional Qualifying Event, along with capturing awards for quality, innovation and industrial safety.
To learn more about FIRST Robotics Competition visit: For more information on Team 624, visit
Every year in mid-December, the students at Sue Creech Elementary participate in Gingerbread Day festivities during their “specials” time. Emily Silva, a Creech Mom, chairs the annual event.
Parents and the Creech PTA donate supplies such as graham crackers, peppermint sticks, gumdrops, skittles and more, and a virtual army of teachers and parent/family volunteers assist the children (more than 850 students enrolled) in making their own individual Gingerbread Houses to take home. Creech Art Instructor Natalie Sansom kicks off each grade’s production with an instructional overview for the students that combines art and architecture. Then, the organized ensues, and the entire school is filled with the pleasant aroma of goodies event after the students gather up their projects to take home.
2012 -2013 Sue Creech Elementary PTA
Elena Thrun, Principal, Sue Creech Elementary, Katy ISD
Sara Jackson, PTA President, Sue Creech Elementary, Katy ISD
Pictures attached (names left to right):
Creech Art Instructor Natalie Sansom checks out the hard work of 4th graders Evan Dunn, Cole Evans and Diego Zamora
Creech teacher Heather Rozeboom with her student Maren Jensen
Ray and Jamie Wolman Elementary School (RJWE) Principal Kelly Ricks and Assistant Principal Angela Kovar presented a Special Business Partner award to Wayne Meyer, General Manager of Firethorne at the school’s recent Dedication Ceremony. Ricks and Kovar described the award as “a small token of our appreciation to you and Firethorne’s developer. You (Firethorne) have provided us with numerous monetary and human resources over the past several months to make our school a great place.”
Ricks and Kovar noted how the Wolman community appreciates Firethorne’s support, from staff members monitoring the bounce houses at the student orientation, to contributing to the school’s beautiful electronic marquee, which is a wonderful communication tool, and landscaping.
RJWE, located at 28728 North Firethorne Road, is the first school to open within the 1,400-acre Firethorne master-planned community in Katy/Fulshear. The school features 42 classrooms, a library/media center, science laboratory, two art rooms with a pottery kiln, two music rooms and a regulation gymnasium. Every 3rd through 5th grade classroom features a smart board.
Firethorne has 150 acres devoted to parks and recreational amenities, a 12-acre lake with surrounding greenbelt, hike/bike trails, parks and playgrounds, tennis courts, Fitness Center, resort-style swimming pool, competitive swim center, discovery-rich wildlife observation area and a natural bird habitat. Served by highly acclaimed schools in Katy ISD and Lamar Consolidated ISD, Firethorne combines the vibrancy of West Houston with the small-town charm of Katy/Fulshear. It is located near the crossroads of I-10 West and FM 1463, 10 and 15 miles west, respectively, of the Texas Medical Center-West Campus and Houston’s Energy Corridor.
For info, go to, call 281-693-1010 or to visit Firethorne, take I-10 West and exit Pin Oak to FM 1463.
(RJWE) Principal Kelly Ricks (center) and Assistant Principal Angela Kovar (at podium) presented a Special Business Partner award to Wayne Meyer (left), General Manager of Firethorne at the school’s recent Dedication Ceremony.
Seven Lakes offensive guard Caleb Benenoch has seen progressively more interest in him as a player over the past year. Originally a Michigan State commit, the high three-star prospect received new offers from Baylor, Oklahoma, Texas, Texas A&M, and UCLA.
The 6-foot-5, 321-pound Benenoch decided to de-commit from Michigan State in June. After showing interest in several schools he was between two programs – Baylor and UCLA – and officially visited both campuses in recent weeks.
On Monday morning, in front of a small gathering of his fellow senior teammates at Seven Lakes, Benenoch announced his commitment. He started by thanking his teammates.
“I want to tell everybody ‘Thank you.’ Thank you for being my teammates – some of y’all for four years,” Benenoch said. “Y’all are a big part of my success. We shed blood, sweat and tears together for four years. It’s been really great being a part of this.”
He then talked about the process of choosing a school.
“As far as college goes, I committed to Michigan State a while ago, early in the process, and then opened my recruitment back up,” he said. “It’s been a long process and I’ve had a lot of fun but I want it to come to an end today. It took a lot to make this decision. I talked to my parents and prayed about it for a long time.”
Benenoch then let his intentions be known that he would be a UCLA Bruin.
“I wanted to stay closer to home so y’all can watch me play and to be close to my family and friends,” he said. “After taking all my visits, though, I’ve decided that the best option for me is to go to Westwood and play for UCLA.”
He chose to play at the Pac-12 program for several reasons but a big one was offensive line coach Adrian Klemm.
“I really just felt at home there,” he said of UCLA. “I really like the offensive line coach, coach Klemm. He played in the NFL so he knows what it takes to get there. The other offensive linemen in the class, it’s a really good class and we have a chance to be a part of something big. I’m really excited.”
Benenoch’s older brother, Josh Benenoch, plays for Baylor and the Bears also received his last visit. It was not quite enough to make up ground on UCLA though.
“It was tough to pick against Baylor and they really made me think when I visited there,” he said. “I could have played with my brother, which I haven’t done since I was a freshman, but my heart was just set on UCLA.”
Benenoch is ranked as the No. 25 offensive guard in the country and the No. 76 overall prospect in the state of Texas. He is commitment No. 19 in the class for UCLA and the seventh offensive line pledge for the Bruins.
Texas Commissioner of Education Michael Williams announced last week that he will again defer the requirement that states that STAAR end-of-course examinations be counted as 15 percent of a student’s final grade in each subject tested. With this announcement, local school districts have the option to move forward with the 15 percent rule for the 2012-2013 academic year. Last year, Katy ISD opted to participate in the deferral as the district adjusted to the rigor of the new STAAR test.
“Katy ISD will again participate in the deferral as we feel that this will allow both students and teachers an opportunity to better understand STAAR, while focusing on the subject matter and not just a final test score,” said Dr. Christine Caskey, Katy ISD Chief Academic Officer.
As posted on the Texas Education Agency’s website:
“Deferring the 15 percent rule for this school year relieves some of the pressure being felt in Texas districts as we continue the transition to a more rigorous accountability system,” Williams said. “This deferral also allows the Texas Legislature ample opportunity to address the various issues and concerns that have been expressed about implementation of the new system.”
On Nov. 29th, Williams received letters from Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and Senate Education Committee Chair Dan Patrick urging deferral of the 15 percent rule. All three state leaders noted the rule would be an issue that would be discussed during the upcoming legislative session.
Click here to read the full announcement from the Texas Education Agency.
Katy ISD is a TEA Recognized district serving more than 64,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 57 campuses, and with more than 7,600 employees is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area.
The Katy High School Theatre Arts Booster Club has begun a service project to donate fleece blankets to residents at the Cinco Ranch Alzheimer’s Special Care Facility and the Heritage Park Nursing Home in Katy.
Students and parents involved with the Katy High School Theatre Arts Program are putting the blankets together during rehearsals of their upcoming musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. The blankets are cut from soft, fleece fabric and the edges are hand tied into a decorative fringe.
“We have always helped out with other community service projects in the past, but this is our first solo project,” said Katy High School Theatre Director Rachel Smith. The idea for making blankets came to her when she saw blanket kits on sale at a local craft store. “I realized it would be cheaper if we actually cut the fabric ourselves,” Smith said, “instead of buying kits.”
The Theatre students decided to donate their blankets to residents at two local facilities because one of the senior theatre students had a grandparent at the Cinco Ranch facility. “I think students providing service to others in their community shows our kids how blessed they are,” Smith said, “and how necessary it is for them to think of others.”
The students have a goal of delivering the blankets to the residents of the communities themselves on December 10th. For more information contact Kathryn Gilliam, KTABC President, at
Showtimes for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat are: Jan 31 – Feb 2 at 7 p.m. and Feb 3 matinee at 2 p.m. All performances will be at the Katy High School Performing Arts Center. For ticket information, visit
Robyn Smith and Payton Trahan
Tom Wilson Elementary celebrated last month with book character studies all over campus by offering the students, teachers, and staff an opportunity to dress up as a favorite book character. This year was the first annual TWE Character Parade. Parents were invited to watch the parade as it progressed around the perimeter of the school and back into the classrooms for character reading instruction.
“Students not only loved the chance to dress up as a book character, but they also had a great time seeing all of their friends and teachers do the same,” states Charlotte Gilder, assistant principal of Tom Wilson Elementary.
Many of the teachers dressed in unison from one book and then took the opportunity to instruct the students about characterization and character traits in literature throughout the day. The office staff, including Principal Rhonda Henderson, dressed up as the characters from The Wizard of Oz.
One student said, “This is the best day ever!” as she passed by excited parents with cameras to capture the event.
The hectic holiday season is upon us and families in Katy will be scheduled to the max. Tom Wilson Elementary offered an evening for families to slow down and spend quality time with each other while also supporting the school’s library. On Tuesday, November 13, “I Love to Read Night” took place at the school. All members of the community were invited to bring family and lounge around the school to read newly purchased books from the Fall Book Fair.
“Reading areas were set up all over the school with bean bags, comfy chairs, and pillows for families to read together after visiting the book fair,” states Rhonda Henderson, principal of Tom Wilson Elementary.
Cookies and juice were available for visitors in the cafeteria throughout the event as well as the opportunity to support the school library by shopping at the Fall Book Fair. The Fall Book Fair took place in the library. All profits will be utilized to purchase additional books for the library as well as author events throughout the school year.
Marty Linder, school librarian, says, “This event was a warm and cozy celebration of reading.”
More than 200 artists transformed the pavement of downtown Houston into an unconventional art gallery last weekend for the Houston Via Colori Street Painting Festival. The festival showcased the artistry of 10 of the city’s best emerging high school-age artists, including Cinco Ranch High School’s Samrath Kaur.
Kaur, along with the other artists, showcased her talent by creating a chalk mural directly on the pavement to benefit children with hearing impairments.
Via Colori is a free two-day event that benefits The Center for Hearing and Speech. Festival attendees got an up-close and personal view of the artwork and talked to the artists, all while enjoying more than a dozen local bands.
For more information about the Via Colori Street Painting Festival, visit
Austin Vacek currently 18 years old, started swimming part time just 5 years ago and moved to year-round swimming with KATY Aquatics in 2009. He has made rapid improvement over the past three years, including advancing to the Junior National Championships that were held in August at Indianapolis, IN and the Minneapolis Grand Prix that was held earlier this month in Minnesota.
Austin is home-schooled and currently a High School Senior. Since applying to many colleges and Universities earlier this fall, he has received several offers for Swimming Scholarships including West Point, Texas A&M and The University of Texas, just to name a few. On Friday, November 16, Austin officially made his choice and signed a letter of intent to swim at The University of Texas in Austin. The UT men’s swimming program won the NCAA Division I Championships in 2010 and has been second place in 2008, 2009, 2011, and 2012.
Austin is now looking forward to finishing an outstanding year at KATY Aquatics while anticipating his start with UT in the fall of 2013. Austin is scheduled to compete at the Junior Nationals in December at the University of Tennessee. The parents of Austin Vacek are Dan and Sherre Vacek. His coach is Troy Emmons, Head Coach of KATY Aquatics.
The KATY Aquatics coaching staff and team would like to congratulate Austin on his accomplishments both in and out of the pool and wish him well during his collegiate career at The University of Texas!
Left to Right: Dan Vacek (father), Austin Vacek (center), Troy Emmons, Head Coach KATY Aquatics (left)
The Beck Junior High Cheerleaders served as Ambassadors for the First Annual Beck Pink Out Week. They encouraged school-wide participation that included a pink out at the football games where the Bulldogs “Pinked the Panthers” as they played McDonald Junior High.
The Cheerleaders lead the charge by wearing pink ribbon items all week, cheering with pink poms at the games, and encouraging fellow students to wear pink all week, culminating with National Pink Out Day. The entire staff and student body wore pink for the cause. Finally, the Cheerleaders represented Beck Junior High at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure by cheering on the racers and walkers with Pink Out cheers.
Beck 8th grade cheerleaders: Courtney Bass, Julia Chesnick, Rhiannon Miller, Brooke Nicholson, Josephine Palitza, Ava Rinderknecht, Sydney Rindernecht, Sarah Sheppard, and Mikaylee Strohm.
Beck 7th grade cheerleaders: Kaitlyn Buffa, Mallory Compton, Hallie Domagas, Dominique Dore, Skyler Forrest, Payton Hanks, Alexis Kramer, Hannah McCarty, Rachel Regner, Amanda Saxman, and Alyssa Wessels (not pictured: Megan Ward)
Beck Mascots: Jacey Hollier, Lindsey Mumey
Seven Lakes Junior High was officially dedicated last week by Board Vice President Joe M. Adams. The ceremony included performances by the Seven Lakes JH Choir, Chamber Orchestra, Theatre Arts, Band, and a special presentation from the National Junior Honor Society. Special guests included Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey and Senator Glenn Hegar. Seven Lakes JH is led by Principal Dr. Imelda Medrano.
Click the following to view a photo gallery and video from the festivities.
Katy ISD is a TEA Recognized district serving more than 64,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 57 campuses, and with more than 7,600 employees is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area.
In the attached photo from left to right: Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey, Seven Lakes JH Principal Imelda Medrano, Board Vice President Joe M. Adams, and Texas State Senator Glenn Hegar.
Community members from Katy and the surrounding area recently stopped what they were doing to read students in more than 345 classes as part of Katy ISD’s fifteenth annual Promise to Read program. Through Promise to Read, volunteers promise to spend 30 minutes reading to an elementary classroom during one week in November.
This year, ten Katy ISD elementary campuses hosted the event with Partners in Education: Morton Ranch, Hutsell, Nottingham, Kilpatrick, King, Pattison, Mayde Creek, Griffin, Bear Creek and McRoberts Elementaries. Host campuses rotate each year so that, over a three year period, every Katy ISD elementary has an opportunity to participate.
“Promise to Read has become a volunteer event that many in our community really look forward to. Most of our visiting readers return year after year,” says Sandi Meier, Katy ISD Promise to Read and Classroom Champions Coordinator. “Having a guest reader in the classroom is a fun treat for students, but it also promotes the life-long joy of reading.”
Readers represented a cross section of local companies and organizations including: Amegy Bank, American Kids Athletics, AXA Financial Advisors, Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union, CenterPoint Energy, Chick-fil-A of Katy, City of Katy, CiCi’s Pizza, Cinco Ranch Conservatory of Music, ExxonMobil, First Victoria Bank, Grand Vision Center, Gary Greene Realtors, Harris County Sheriff’s Department, Hasta La Pasta, H-E-B Katy Market, Herff Jones Graduation Center, Houston Aeros, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Katy Area Chamber of Commerce, Kelliwood Animal Hospital, Members Choice Credit Union, Memorial Hermann, Omni Houston Hotel Westside, Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt, Pediatric Dentists of Katy, Pepper Lawson Construction, Rainforest Café, SmartOrigami, The Shady Lady Window Coverings, Tradition Bank, and Wood Group.
Promise to Read is one of several community involvement programs offered by Katy ISD Partners in Education, the department that brings the community into the classroom. Find more information about Partners in Education at
Katy ISD held the official Dedication Ceremony for Fred and Patti Shafer Elementary in West Katy on October 18. Katy’s 35th elementary school opened in August to more than 800 students.
The dedication ceremony was held in the evening with a reception preceding the ceremony. The ceremony included presentations by Shafer Principal – Cheryl Rankin, Assistant Principal – Becky Wingfield, Superintendent – Alton Frailey, School Board President – Rebecca Fox, State Senator – Glenn Hegar, and Fred and Patti Shafer.
The ceremony honored Mr. & Mrs. Shafer as namesakes for the new school and reflected on their long careers in Education. Fred Shafer spent his educational career working with special needs children in Texas, and most recently served as the Executive Director for Special Education, Counseling, and Psychological Services for Katy ISD, prior to retiring last year. Patti Shafer spent 16 years teaching in the classroom prior to becoming a school administrator for three of Katy ISD’s Jr. High schools. Patti retired from Katy ISD last year as Principal of Woodcreek Jr.High.
In addition to the presentations aforementioned, the Shafers were entertained and honored by more than 75 Shafer Elementary students, receiving gifts and presentations from students in every grade during the ceremony. Entertainment included the Shafer Elementary Harmony Brigade. With students acting as comedians, jugglers, jesters, trumpeters, and knights, the ceremony was one for the record books!
The Seven Lakes High School Band will represent KatyISD in the upcoming State marching contest in San Antonio, Texas, on Tuesday, November 6th. They will compete against other marching bands from across the state for top honors. This is quite an achievement and a testament to the hard work and dedication of the directors, band, and color guard members.
After earning a division 1 rating in the Region 23 UIL Marching Contest earlier this month, Katy ISD’s Seven Lakes High School advanced to the Area Marching Contest this past Saturday, Oct. 27th. A total of 22 bands competed in the Area Contest with 10 advancing to Finals and only 4 advancing to compete at the State Marching Contest. The Seven Lakes High School band was among the top 4 bands and will advance to State! Only 4 times since the 1980’s has a school from Katy made it to the State Marching Contest and only 2 times in 5A classification. The last time a school advanced to the State Marching level was Seven Lakes High School in 2007, as a 4A school.
The State Marching Contest will take place at the Alamodome in San Antonio on Tuesday, November 6th. Seven Lakes High School’s performance time is 10:30 a.m.
The Seven Lakes High School band competes with both band and colorguard members and is comprised of approximately 300 members. Directors include: Damon Archer- Directors of Bands; David Reynolds- Associate Director of Bands; Jonathan Yoo-Assistant Director of Bands; and Angie Fritsch-Guard Director. Drum Majors include: Grace Chung-Head Drum Major; Alaina Roth; Molly Todd; and Mark Milhelin.
Excitement and support for the band abound at Seven Lakes! The school has even arranged a “fan bus” for students to travel to San Antonio to support the band at their performance!
The band is also given support and assistance from Rachel Luergering , Student Teacher, and many dedicated parent volunteers. They are also fortunate to have supportive corporate sponsors which include Conoco-Philips; Wal-Mart Transportation; Baytown Shopping Center; M&H Enterprises; Soteica Visual Mesa; Drs. Hamon & Debuyl, DDS; Infinity Roofing; Kingsland Dental Group; Randall’s; Trendmaker Homes; Trailer World of Katy; KTK, Inc; and Forrest Orthodontics.
Visit for more information.
Photographer: Steve Hickman
This October, Roger Clemens, former Houston Astro, spoke to Mrs. Poss’ Communication Applications classes at Taylor High School.
The students were doing a project on leadership and a student picked Mr. Clemens as his leader. The student contacted Mr. Clemens and he graciously agreed to come speak to the student’s class. Clemens spoke about different leadership roles, how to overcome obstacles, and how to achieve success.
After Clemens spoke he signed autographs and let the students see his “Team of the Decade” championship ring.
The Communication Application’s class teaches students communication skills that allow them to understand the communication process as well as the verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills involved in personal and professional communication.
Having been a Houston Astro, Clemens knows what it takes to be a public figure. He has the knowledge and experience of having to communicate with large groups of people and also knows valuable life skills that have helped him reach fame.
The kids of Mrs. Poss’ classes as well as Taylor High School were glad to welcome the iconic Roger Clemens.
Congratulations to all six Katy ISD high school band programs! At the UIL Region 23 Marching Competition held at Rhodes Stadium October 23, all high school bands from Katy ISD earned the very top UIL rating, a Division I (Superior/Exemplary) from ALL three UIL adjudicators. Each band’s performance was evaluated according to the State UIL Marching Band performance rubric which contains forty-three different indicators for music and marching performance.
Because of this outstanding accomplishment by the bands, each Katy ISD band has advanced to compete in the AREA UIL Marching Competition to be held this Saturday, Oct. 27, at the Berry Center in Cy-Fair ISD.
There will be a total of 22 bands competing in the preliminary round of the Area competition. The performance times for the preliminary round competition is based upon a random draw and will begin at 9:00 a.m.
From the preliminary round of competition, ten bands will advance to the finals competition that evening. The finals round will begin at 7:00 p.m., with all performance times done by a random draw. The competition will conclude at 9:45 p.m. with the announcement of the bands advancing to the State UIL Marching Competition to occur at approximately 10:00 p.m. ONLY four bands will advance to the State competition.
The UIL State Marching Contest for Class 5A will take place on November 6, at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas.
Recently Beck Junior High School participated supporting in the Susan B. Komen foundation for Breast Cancer awareness. The school led thousands in raising awareness for breast cancer as well as raising funds.
The entire school participated in a “Pink Out” week. Mr. Stocks (Principal) and a team of his teachers ran in the Susan B. Komen 5K run as well as the 2012-2013 Cheerleading Squad dawned pink pom-poms and pink ribbons and created new cheers especially for the over 47,000 participants to cheer them on also those who have been affected directly by breast cancer at the race on October 6, 2012. Beck raised over $500 not including the monetary support that came from individuals who were supporting the runners.
The community is very proud of all the students at Beck Junior High and all those involved in the event.
Michael L. Griffin Elementary in Katy has been hosting the Boosterthon Fun Run event that began October 18. The Boosterthon Fun Run is a 9-day program designed to help local schools raise needed funds for education while inspiring students to live healthy, character-filled lives. This school year, Boosterthon’s new character theme, Highway USA, will show 500,000 students how to make good choices.
“For nine days, our team has the opportunity to interact with students across the country and get them excited about fitness, leadership and character,” said Chris Carneal, Boosterthon founder and president. “Schools often exceed their financial goals, and we challenge students to live out daily character actions in school and at home.”
Highway USA teaches students how to make good choices through “Choice Challenges.” Each day, students will experience lessons in leadership, character, education, fitness and the importance of a positive attitude. Along the way, students will also learn about “Highway Heroes,” influential figures of the past whose lives were marked by a single choice that made a positive impact on the world.
Leading up to the Boosterthon Fun Run event at their school, students are invited to gather pledges for each lap they run. Boosterthon provides rewards to students for gaining pledges made to their school. In addition, each day will begin with Boosterthon’s all-new “Boost Fit” challenge, a 2-minute fitness drill that team members will lead during morning announcements.
As part of the 2012-2013 school year, schools nationwide will partner with Boosterthon in “Pass It Forward,” the organization’s giveback initiative designed to impact local children’s hospitals across the country.
For more than 40 years, traditional school fundraisers depended on product sales. Founded in 2001, Boosterthon reinvented the industry. Today, students are not selling products door-to-door; instead they benefit from a fun, interactive program that impacts schools and develops leaders.
But the Boosterthon Fun Run is more than a fundraiser. The program’s extensive character curriculum combines stickers, songs, live presentations, music videos, and books to help spark character conversations at home.
“We know that by investing in the next generation, everyone wins,” said Carneal. “We want Highway USA to be a life-changing experience for each student. By making this Boosterthon’s most interactive and engaging program to date, we are creating an unforgettable experience for students, while instilling in them powerful life lessons.”
Radio Disney recently blasted the air waves of Kilpatrick Elementary.
Radio Disney partnered with Texas Children’s Hospital to bring the “Get Fit Radio Disney” program to Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary. Students enjoyed dacing, singing, and had a great time getting fit in the Outback.
OKE students from left to right: Mia Gersitz, Abby Campassi, Sarah Grindal, Zach Pena, and Samuel Berry
Cinco Ranch High School recently announced it’s 2012 Homecoming Court.
Those crowned as part of the court are CRHS students Lori Schaefer, Olivia Ritter, Vivian Tran, Ana Gutierrez, Anesa Lujinovic, Austin Crosby, Cole Thomas, Gabriel Sobarzo, Daniel Fernee, and Kevin Chung.
Homecoming will take place Saturday, October 20th at Rhodes Stadium.
During the month of September, Katy ISD announced that it took several steps to address issues related to the change in eligibility requirements. Many of these initiatives are a direct result of input from parents, campus and district staff, and the community.
The district has made 13 modifications since the new transportation eligibility requirements were first implemented, which include adding seven routes and six stops to address either hazardous condition or walk distance issues. Since July, approximately 18 different hazardous areas have been identified at 14 elementary campuses, and approximately 19 different hazardous areas have been identified at 11 secondary campuses.
Crossing Guards
Sixteen crossing guards have been added and an additional 12 staffing units were approved by the Katy ISD Board of Trustees on Sept. 24. This brings the total of crossing guards in the district to 88 district-funded, compared to last year’s 60 district-funded – an increase of 47%. Additionally, the district has increased the time crossing guards are at six combined school zones to accommodate elementary and secondary starts.
The district is frequently asked if crossing guards can be added at major intersections or on busy streets at the corners outside of school zones. The Texas Transportation Code allows school crossing guards in school zones, which are those marked sections of the public roads during the posted hours or while the light is flashing. The statute does not make provision for crossing guards outside of the school zones. A type of crossing monitor could be added, but could only be used to direct students when to cross or not. They would have no authority to stop traffic.
School Zones
The district has approached local municipalities to extend school zones in the following areas:
• Request for a new school zone on Mason Road – granted and installation completed
• Request for a school zone on Ashley on the north side of the Mayde Creek School Complex – under consideration
• Request to extend the school zone at Griffin onto Courtney Manor – scheduled for commissioners’ court action
• Request to extend the school zone and make other changes including a new crosswalk on Seven Meadows Boulevard – under consideration
• Extension of school zone on Kingsland at Lodgeglen – under consideration
Driver Recruiting
The district continues to actively seek bus drivers. At the driver job fair held at Morton Ranch High School in August, 138 interested persons attended and 27 applicants have been recommended to hire. Before these new hires can begin driving, they must pass the required fingerprinting and criminal history search. Once completed, they must then successfully undergo training and testing, which will take four to six weeks to complete.
Campus Initiatives
The Transportation Department and Office of Emergency Management continues to work with principals and individual campuses to address specifics related to transportation. This is not limited to bus routes only, but takes into account pedestrian control, traffic flow recommendations, additional crossing guard’s needs, bike rack needs, and sidewalks. The Katy ISD Police Department also has offered to provide bicycle safety training for campuses.
The Cardinal Newman Society recently announced that Pope John XXIII High School of Katy has been named to its National Catholic High School Honor Roll. Pope John XXIII High School is one of only seven high schools in the nation honored for its Excellence in Catholic Identity and the only recognized school in the Houston area.
“This is a great honor for us and our whole community,” says principal Tim Petersen. “We are dedicated to providing our students with a quality Catholic environment to learn, grow, and become educated in all aspects of life, both in and out of the classroom. This national recognition affirms that we are fulfilling our mission to prepare the hearts and minds of our students to serve God and others.”
Recognized schools are evaluated based on their campus ministry activities, including the number of all-school religious services, the number of theology courses offered, the qualifications of the theology instructors, and the presence of appropriate civic themes in religious studies courses, as well as the appropriate treatment of theology and Catholic social teachings in civics classes.
Pope John XXIII High School opened its doors in 2004. Located in the heart of West Houston, Pope John XXIII High School strives to educate the whole student – mind, body, spirit, and imagination. With a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, strong Catholic identity, and emphasis on service and leadership, graduates move on to collegiate careers prepared to succeed. For more information about Pope John XXIII High School, please visit
The Catholic High School Honor Roll was created by The Acton Institute in 2004. The Cardinal Newman Society assumed the program this year, consistent with its mission of helping Catholic families and promoting faithful Catholic education.
Taylor High School student council officers and representatives recently traveled to the Star of Hope, donating over $400 worth of shirts and toiletries. The group enjoyed the chance to give back to others and make a difference in the community. The student council’s next adventure will be traveling to Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital in downtown Houston to donate over 100 new toys and play with all the patients staying there.
Beckendorff Junior High students recently joined together for See You at the Pole, a prayer rally where students meet at the school flagpole before school to pray for their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation. This is a student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led event. Originally initiated in 1990 by 10 students, millions of students now meet on the fourth Wednesday each September for this occasion.
The McMeans Junior High Symphonic Band and Cinco Ranch High School Symphony Orchestra were recently recognized as Mark of Excellence honorees by the Foundation for Music Education. The Mark of Excellence award seeks to recognize outstanding achievement in performance by high school and middle school bands.
The Mark of Excellence award consists of national wind band, choral, orchestra, jazz, and percussion ensemble honors in which schools enter by recordings, with the top quarter selected as national winners. Winners receive their recorded and written comments from the adjudicator, scores, and a compilation CD of the performances of the national winners.
Visit the Foundation for Music Education website at for more information on the individual Mark of Excellence awards.
Eric Redeker, a 2011 Taylor High School graduate, and Cody Hebert, a 2012 Katy High School graduate, recently squared off in the John Bohmann Memorial Invitational Golf Tournament in Seguin. The two had previously played against each other while in high school. Redeker is currently a sophomore at Trinity University, and Hebert is a freshman at Southwestern University. Trinity took first place in the tournament, with Southwestern finishing a close second.

The student families and staff of Sue Creech Elementary spent an evening at Constellation Field early in the school year. Principal Elena Thrun threw out the first pitch of the game. Seen in the crowd wearing their custom Creech spirit tees were numerous Creech parents and students.

ACT reports that Katy ISD graduates for 2012 are more ready for college-level coursework when compared to students across the state. In 2012, more than 1,500 Katy ISD students participated in ACT testing and, as a district, had a higher average score in all four categories than the state average. The Katy ISD average composite score for 2012 was 23.5, while the average composite score for the state was 20.8.
The ACT consists of curriculum-based tests of educational development in English, mathematics, reading, and science designed to measure the skills needed for success in first-year college coursework. ACT research shows that it is the rigor of the coursework that has the greatest impact on ACT performance and college readiness.
For more information about ACT testing and scoring, visit
The Taylor High School Pacesetters recently hosted their annual Junior Pacesetter Clinic on Sept. 1. Approximately 250 girls participated in the clinic, where they learned a dance and had a showcase for the parents at the end. That evening, the clinic participants performed with the Pacesetters during the halftime show at the football game. The clinic is for students in kindergarten through ninth grade. Everyone always has a fantastic time, so come join the fun next year!
The talented members of Cinco Ranch High School Bravo show choir are preparing for their fall show, The World Goes Round, featuring a revue of the music of John Kander and Fred Ebb. The creative musicians and dancers have worked hard to present an energetic, entertaining performance which will include longtime favorites such as "Me and My Baby," "All That Jazz," "Mr. Cellophane," "New York, New York," and "Maybe This Time," just to name a few. The show is full of humor, but also includes some beautiful ballads, along with choreographed dance numbers. Performances will take place Sept. 20, 21, and 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the CRHS Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $8 for adults, $6 for students, and $5 for gold card members. Advance tickets are available by contacting or by calling 281-237-5204.

As the temperature outside rises, so does the mosquito population. Warm weather means more mosquitoes, and with more mosquitoes comes an increased risk of West Nile Virus. Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services (HCPHES) encourages people to eliminate mosquito breeding habitats from their property and to take appropriate precautions to avoid being bitten by disease-carrying mosquitoes. To help students stay healthy this season, Katy ISD offers the following procedures for insect repellant use during school hours.
- Concerned parents are strongly encouraged to use a repellant on their child before they leave for school, especially younger children who may have difficulty applying the repellant safely.
- No repellant sprays or lotions will be provided by or applied by school personnel during the school day.
- Parents who are concerned about mosquito exposure during the school day may send a lotion, wipe-on, or wristband type of repellant for use by their child. (Sprays pose the risk of accidental exposure and will not be allowed.)
- Parents should instruct their child in the proper use and application of an acceptable repellant, since it will be retained in the child’s possession (backpack, etc.) for use when going outside for activities or practices.
- Students with physical limitations that make it impossible to self-apply a repellant will need to bring a parent note from home along with the repellant.
For more information, visist the HCPHES website at
Roosevelt Alexander Elementary recently held its meet the teacher night. During the event, RAE students and their families got to meet their new teachers, visit the classroom, and say hello to staff members. The RAE PTA worked hard to make the evening a successful event, with members selling spirit wear, starting their membership drive, distributing and selling school supplies, and passing out the 2011-2012 yearbooks.

Katy student Neel Bhan recently earned the NRG Howard Cosgrove Scholarship for $50,000 from NRG Energy, Inc. Bhan’s father works in the company’s information technology group in Houston. Scholarship winners were selected on the basis of merit. Bhan recently graduated from Cinco Ranch High School and plans to major in biochemistry at the University of Texas at Austin. During his years at CRHS, he tutored younger students in math, competed in Academic Decathlon, and completed an internship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
The Katy/West Houston Aggie Moms Club (KWHAMC) recently hosted its annual Texas A&M Howdy Social at Holy Covenant United Methodist Church in Katy. The Aggie moms welcomed incoming freshman students and parents with special speakers, honored the graduating seniors, and announced the 2012 scholarship winners. The KWHAMC will have its first general meeting for the 2012-2013 year on Sept. 6, beginning at 6:45 p.m. at Living Word Lutheran Church, located at 3700 S. Mason Rd. To learn more, visit or the group’s Facebook fan page at Katy/West Houston Aggie Moms.

As the new school year begins, Katy ISD’s police officers, crossing guards, bus drivers, campus administrators, teachers, and other staff members are working hard to ensure students get to school safely. To that end, they ask drivers throughout the area to watch out for children.
Here are things drivers can do to help ensure the safety of children walking or riding bicycles to school:
- Drive friendly: Setting an alarm can ensure plenty of time to get to work, eliminating the anxiety and frustration of arriving late.
- Look right before turning right: In addition to looking left for oncoming cars at intersections, drivers need to check for pedestrians crossing on the right.
- No phone in the zone: Remember that cell phone use is prohibited in most school zones. Wait to text, read texts, or talk until it is safe.
- Treat bicycles as vehicles: Bikes on the street should be treated as vehicles by other drivers. Don't crowd the bike, or pass and turn in front of the rider.
- Respect crossing guards: They have legal authority to control traffic. Please respect them as they help children cross safely.
- Watch for bus flashing lights: They warn drivers to stop. Passing the bus in either direction endangers children exiting the bus and is a serious traffic violation.
- Read school zone times: Times are based on the start and end of the school day and are not uniform throughout the area, so please read the signs.
- Respect drop-off areas: They are established by the school to ensure students don't have to walk between buses or cross traffic lanes.
- Plan for severe weather: Weather problems can include extreme heat, ice, and thunderstorms. Develop a family plan for severe weather days.
- Most importantly, watch out for children as your drive!
The Beckendorff Junior High PTA recently hosted a skate party mixer for all incoming sixth-graders. In addition to skating, there were many interactive activities to introduce students to each other. “We wanted to give our incoming sixth-graders the opportunity to meet students from other feeder schools,” shares event organizer Gina D’Agostino. “Our hope is to ease the first day junior high nerves with them seeing many familiar, friendly faces in the hallways and classrooms.”
Katy ISD recently launched its new parent portal called the Home Access Center, giving parents instant access to their child’s information. The Home Access Center enables parents and guardians to access their child’s schedule, grades, assignments, and absences, and update basic contact information. Parents can also learn the name of their child’s teacher for the upcoming school year.
Parents and guardians will receive in the mail the username and password information needed to login to the Home Access Center. Usernames and passwords from the Parent Information Center last year will not work for the Home Access Center.
Specific features included in the Home Access Center are secondary student schedules that will be visible the second week of the new school year, attendance data shown in a color-coded chart, classwork and assignments for the current week, and report cards visible to parents at the time they are generated.
For more information and detailed information about the Home Access Center, including a user guide and frequently asked questions, visit the Home Access Center homepage at
Katy ISD is a TEA Recognized district serving more than 62,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 57 campuses, and with more than 7,600 employees is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area.
One of Katy's teenagers, Ciara Acton, daughter of Tom and Rhonda Acton, was recently named the Texas Shorthorn Lassie Queen at the State Shorthorn Show in Denison. As lassie queen, she will represent the Texas Shorthorn Association at cattle shows such as the Houston, San Antonio, and Fort Worth Livestock shows. Acton has been showing shorthorn cattle since she was 8 years old. She will be a senior at Taylor High school during the upcoming school year. In addition to being the lassie queen, she is an officer for the Taylor FFA program and a member of the National Honor Society and the Katy 4H.
Beckendorff Junior High recently hosted Cub Camp for all incoming sixth-graders and their parents. Cub Camp is designed to familiarize students and parents with junior high life. Activities included a school tour where students practiced opening lockers, a parent panel, and a presentation highlighting important policies and procedures.
The Houston duo of Xavier Gonzalez and Peter Leung recently reached the doubles quarterfinals during the U.S. Tennis Association’s Boys 16 National Championships played at Stowe Stadium in Kalamazoo, MI. This is the most important tournament of the year for American junior tennis, and this year 196 of the nation’s finest players competed. Past winners in boys 16 doubles include John McEnroe, Andre Agassi, Michael Chang, Sammy Giammalva, and Mike Russell.
Gonzalez and Leung defeated four teams en route to the quarterfinals, including two seeded teams. Their bid for a semi-final slot fell short against the Whitehurst twins of Talahassee, FL, as Gonzalez and Leung lost 7-6, 6-3.
As one would expect from a tournament that has a 70-year tradition, there were moments of drama along the way. In the round of 32, Gonzalez and Leung were down 3-7 in the 10-point super tiebreaker and saved a match point at 8-9 before prevailing, 11-9. Gonzalez will be a junior at St. John’s School, and Leung will be a junior at Taylor High School.

With Wolman Elementary School opening on Aug. 27, Principal Kelly Ricks wanted to welcome the 722 students and their teachers to the new campus in a fun, approachable way. So, she, along with the teachers and staff and the school's namesakes, Ray and Jamie Wolman, created a lip dub video to the Katy Perry song, "Firework." To date, there are 3,131 views on the YouTube link at .
Wolman Elementary is home of the Explorers in red, silver, and black. This is the first school to open within the 1,400-acre Firethorne master-planned community in Katy/Fulshear. The school’s namesakes, the Wolmans, have dedicated their careers to student’s education in Katy ISD.
Ricks, who is a Katy-based educator and administrator, says this assignments marks “a highlight of her career to start a school from the ground up.” Her talents and achievements in primary school education are recognized statewide by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), as well as nationally with a prestigious National Blue Ribbon nomination this year. She is immediate past principal of Katy ISD’s Diane Winborn Elementary, a TEA Exemplary school also recognized for multiple years by the Texas Business and Education Coalition and one of 26 schools in the state nominated by the Texas Education Agency for the 2012 National Blue Ribbon award. Her former school was one of only 13 Blue Ribbon nominees in Texas to be designated a high performing school in 2012.
With the new school year comes new classes, books, teachers, and a new program in Katy schools – recycling. Starting with the new school year, Katy ISD will implement a single stream recycling program, allowing recycling of plastics, glass, and metals at each of its campuses and administrative facilities.
The program was piloted at seven locations from January to June of this year, diverting more than 55 tons of materials from the landfill. The district hopes to build on this beginning with increased education and awareness as they move to include all campuses. “We want to set the example for our kids,” explains Kathy McDonald, executive director of maintenance and operation. “We want to demonstrate the importance of being good stewards, as well as the financial benefits of recycling.”
Katy ISD schools have practiced recycling for more than 14 years using AbiBow Recycling’s Paper Retriever program. The addition of a program for recycling other materials, however, is expected to increase revenue in schools and reduce the district’s operational costs. Each school will collect plastic bottles, cans, cardboard, and other materials used within the school.
One major goal of the project is to reduce the amount Katy ISD spends on tipping fees and the charge for having waste collected and disposed. The district has set a goal of reducing waste headed for the landfill by 30%, potentially saving the district nearly $100,000. “The success of a recycling program depends on educating everyone involved about what can and cannot be recycled,” says Scott LaMarr, director of operations for the district. “Another factor is everyone making a conscious decision to place their trash in the proper receptacle.”
For more information about Katy ISD’s recycling program, contact recycling coordinator Shanna Taylor at or 281-802-0331.
Katy ISD is a TEA Recognized district serving more than 62,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 53 campuses. With more than 7,600 employees, it is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area.
A recent study by the Alliance for Excellent Education shows that 2012 Katy ISD graduates will have a significant impact on the Houston area economy throughout their lifetime. This year, approximately 4,083 high school seniors graduated from the district’s six high schools: Cinco Ranch, Katy, Mayde Creek, Morton Ranch, Seven Lakes, and Taylor.
Among the findings:
- Collectively, Katy ISD’s 2012 graduates are expected to earn as much as $60 million more in an average year compared to their likely earnings had they not earned a high school diploma.
- By the midpoint of their careers, these new graduates, combined, will likely purchase homes totaling in value of as much as $87 million more than what they would have spent without a diploma.
- They will likely spend up to an additional $3.2 million in vehicle purchases, combined, during an average year.
- The spending and investments made by these graduates, combined, will likely be enough to support as many as 360 new jobs in the Houston area, and increase the gross regional/state product by as much as $56 million by the time they reach their career midpoints.
- As a result of increased wages and higher levels of spending, federal, state, and local tax revenues are expected to grow as much as $13 million during an average year.
These projections were calculated by the Alliance for Excellent Education using a sophisticated economic input/output model, developed in conjunction with State Farm, which provides economic projections of local benefits based on the number of students who graduate from high school. At the heart of the model is the well-documented fact that high school graduates earn, on average, more money than their peers who do not earn a diploma.
The model, which was created by Economic Modeling Specialist Inc., an economics firms specializing in socioeconomic impact tools, pulls from the most recent economic data available from sources including the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of labor Statistics. The majority of the data included in the model is state- and/or metro-area specific, yielding results tailored to each community.
The Epsilon Mu chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa is gearing up for the start of the new school year. The group will be sponsoring membership meetings from September to December in Katy ISD schools. Interested women teachers who have been actively involved in education for at least two years and have been recommended by an Alpha Delta Kappa teacher are eligible for membership.
Chapter president Elizabeth Stelevich recently attended the Texas State Convention in Corpus Christi where teachers from all over the state met to select new officers. Cindy Bigham from League City will serve as the Texas state president for the next biennium.
Alpha Delta Kappa is an international honorary sorority for women educators. Membership, which is honorary and based on peer recognition, provides a wealth of opportunities for leadership development and networking through workshops, training sessions, conferences, and conventions. But, perhaps the greatest opportunity Alpha Delta Kappa provides is the opportunity to make a difference. Around the world, Alpha Delta Kappa members combine their energies and talents to enrich their lives and the lives of others through thousands of heartwarming, community-based altruistic projects.
More than 38,000 members in over 1,400 chapters around the world have discovered the many opportunities provided by membership in Alpha Delta Kappa. Texas is divided into 16 districts, and the Epsilon Mu chapter is proud to serve women educators in Katy ISD.
Locally, the chapter has sponsored scholarships for graduating seniors, organized bingo games at nursing homes and collected socks for the residents, provided materials for the Threads of Love group to create blankets for the NICU nurseries in local hospitals, adopted families at Christmas, and provided funds for a smile train surgery, Katy Christian Ministries, TARC, and the American Heart Association. Recently, members adopted the Krause Center as their holiday project and then helped fund the spring prom. Internationally, the group raises funds for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and the St. Jude Hospital for Research.
To learn more, visit or contact Elizabeth Stelevich at
Katy music student Anurag Gupta recently earned several awards from the Texas Music Teachers Association during the organization’s senior awards reception. Gupta received the Campbell World of Music award, the 12-year theory medal plaque, the Student Affiliate Participation award, and the Whitlock Memorial Scholarship award. These awards represent his consistent achievement at the highest levels of theory and performance from levels one through 12. Gupta was also a winner at the Chopin Contest in 2004 and played at Carnegie Hall the same year. He has been training in classical piano for over 14 years under professor Paul Krystofiak.
Gupta graduated from Taylor High School in June 2012, where he was ranked eighth in his graduating class. He was also co-captain of the varsity swimming team. He was recognized as an all-American in swimming for the past three years. He is going to be a freshman at Case Western Reserve University this fall and plans to major in biomedical engineering.
He is the son of Ashok and Lopamudra Gupta, who have resided in Katy for almost 21 years.
Starting Aug. 6, parents can find their child's bus schedule on the Katy ISD website including: transportation eligibility, bus number and stop, and drop-off and pick-up times. In addition, the district will also open a transportation hotline at 281-396-6008 on Aug. 6, dedicated to answering parents' questions about the new transportation eligibility guidelines.
In May, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved a change in the eligibility requirements as a result of the transportation department experiencing challenges in having a sufficient number of drivers available to meet the district's daily transportation needs. This is due in part to a combination of growth in the number of students receiving transportation services, as well as the lack of individuals available to become a well-trained bus driver capable of getting students safely to and from school.
To be eligible for transportation services, an elementary student must live beyond an approximate half-mile radius from school property, and for secondary students, beyond an approximate one-mile radius from school property. Bus transportation will continue to be provided for students for whom a hazardous condition may exist between home and school, as well as special needs bus routes.
To prepare for the transportation changes, parents and guardians are encouraged to: set up car pools and walk groups; provide parent/volunteer assistance at key intersections outside designated school zones; and, to report unsafe conditions to the Katy ISD Transportation Department.
A list of frequently asked questions and additional information regarding 2012-2013 bus route changes can be found on the Katy ISD website.
The Cinco Ranch High School Robotics Team 624, known as CRyptonite, recently advanced to the semi-finals during the Indiana Robotics Invitational (IRI) held in Indianapolis. The competition was part of the For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) robotics program. Selected for the first time to participate in this event, CRyptonite climbed the individual team rankings in the qualifying rounds to the number two spot out of 70 top high school robotics teams from across the U.S. and Canada. In one of those qualifying rounds, their alliance scored 136 points, setting a world record for this year’s Rebound Rumble game.
In multiple matches, the team also completed a rare triple balance of three robots on a tipping bridge, highlighting CRyptonite’s robot design, along with the student drive team’s strategy and skills. “With a superior performance, we made a tremendous impression on the other teams, particularly as a first-time competitor at the IRI,” says Mike Outlaw, robotics booster club president and build mentor. “And based on solid performances all year long, culminating with the IRI, we’ve cemented Team 624’s reputation as a worldwide top contender. We’ve also established national recognition that Cinco Ranch High School and Katy ISD are home to a world-class high school robotics program, which has produced one of the top robotics teams in the nation.”
The IRI marks the final competition for the eight seniors on Team CRyptonite, including three members of the leadership team: Elizabeth Waters, president; Marc Outlaw, build vice president; and Megan Woods, public relations vice president. The team’s other graduating seniors are: Chris Boucher, Matt Deom, Caroline Guardia, Rob Jaska, and Kazuya Konada.
Founded by inventor Dean Kamen, FIRST was created to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology. The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is an annual competition that helps students discover the rewards and excitement of science, engineering, and technology. The 2012 season included over 2,400 teams. FRC combines the excitement of sports with science and technology to create a unique varsity sport for the mind. Participants are eligible to receive nearly $14 million in scholarships from some of the finest science and engineering schools in the country.
Since its founding in 2000, the CRHS robotics team, CRyptonite, has achieved national recognition in all areas of FRC competition. Team highlights from 2012 include advancing to the divisional semi-finals of the FRC World Championship and the Indiana Robotics Invitational, winning the Bayou Regional Qualifying Event, and advancing to the finals at the Lone Star Regional Qualifying Event, along with capturing awards for quality, innovation, and industrial safety. This has been possible through the generous financial and mentor support of the team’s corporate sponsors.
To learn more about FIRST Robotics Competition visit For more information on Team 624, visit For a video overview of the Rebound Rumble game, visit

Katy has a new three-time world champion. Mikayla Francisco, age 8, recently took home three gold world champion titles in traditional form, sparring, and creative form at the American Taekwondo Association’s World Championships in Little Rock, AR. She competed in a total of seven top 10 divisions, placing in each event with three silver medals in traditional weapon, extreme form, and extreme weapon, and a bronze medal in creative weapon.
Francisco was first enthralled by her two older cousins performing Taekwondo forms on a white, powdery sand beach during a family reunion in late December 2008. At the age of 4, she declined her father's offer to sign her up for youth soccer and figured that it could not match the attraction of a crisp, white uniform (Dobok), punching and kicking techniques, and learning the bo staff (Jahng Bong).
In January 2009, Francisco began lessons at Katy ATA Black Belt Academy, starting as a white belt Tiny Tiger. She showed good promise as a color belt, competing at regional tournaments and eventually becoming a young junior leader. At age 6, she earned her first Texas state champion title in creative form.
During the 2010 to 2011 season, Francisco continued to excel in each of the color belt forms and competed in both regional and national tournaments. At age 7, she earned five Texas state champion titles in traditional form, traditional weapon, sparring, creative form, and creative weapon in 2011.
She was promoted to the rank of first degree black belt in June 2011 at age 7. The 2011 to 2012 season would prove to be her road to the world championships. Francisco trained numerous hours with world champion Taekwondo instructors, third to fifth degree black belt instructors, and tumbling coaches based in Katy, as well as with an extreme martial arts instructor, based in Los Angeles.
Along with her 2012 world championship achievements, Francisco also earned seven Texas state champion titles in traditional form, traditional weapon, sparring, creative form, creative weapon, extreme form, and extreme weapon.
Her parents, Tim and Maristelle Francisco, believe that the leadership program helped her establish goals and objectives, focusing on courtesy, loyalty, respect, perseverance, honor, integrity, and self-control, the basic tenets of Taekwondo.
Entering fourth grade this fall at Stanley Elementary, Francisco continues to be an A student. She also has a passion for piano, tumbling, and her Katy ISD Destination Imagination team, which rounds out her activity schedule.
Katy ISD and Katy Athletics are proud to announce the return of Memorial Hermann Katy as the official healthcare provider for the district’s athletic program. Memorial Hermann and Katy ISD originally entered into this agreement back in 2008. The agreement started out as a partnership with Memorial Hermann physicians and the district’s trainers to provide timely and cardiovascular screenings, nutrition letters, and Saturday morning athletic clinics. Katy ISD’s trainers work in tandem with Memorial Hermann’s team to constantly educate student-athletes, ensuring long-term wellness and short-term success in their athletic outings.
“Memorial Hermann prides itself on providing top-notch care and protecting and caring for Katy’s student-athletes, their parents, and the community as a whole,” says Diana Schauer-Tran, marketing director for Memorial Hermann Katy.
Charles Stevens, Katy ISD assistant athletic director, spearheaded the agreement back in 2008 and couldn’t be more pleased to continue through 2013. “Our trainers know that when a student-athlete suffers an injury, the physicians at Memorial Hermann will provide high-quality care in a time-efficient manner,” says Stevens.
In addition to the physician support, Memorial Hermann provides scholarships to Katy ISD student trainers each year. Three 2012 Katy ISD graduates recently received a $1,000 scholarship each to assist with their college expenses.
Ever wanted to spend a whole week out of town with friends? This summer, that is exactly what 29 of Seven Lakes High School students did through the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) program. The organization is dedicated to providing resources and premier opportunities to members interested in the business field. Not only does FBLA provide “real-world” experiences, but the club also offers several scholarships and hosts competitions at the district, state, and national levels.
This year, the National Leadership Conference, held in San Antonio, played host to over 8,000 FBLA members from all over the nation. During the tumultuous week, students competed in various events, made new friendships, and participated in the Institute for Leaders (IFL) conference. IFL is a two-day conference that teaches participants skills in leadership through interactive games and dynamic programs. In addition, students and advisers spent their week in theme parks, such as Six Flags and SeaWorld; explored tourist attractions, like the Riverwalk, caverns, and museums; and enjoyed the beautiful city of San Antonio with friends.
The 2012 national competition was definitely a memorable experience for everyone; in fact, Seven Lakes brought home several awards this year. Their marketing team – consisting of members Sanjana Palla, Nathan Agnew, and Rohan Moharir – placed fifth in the nation; and Nalin Chauhan, placed fourth in the business financial plan category. Finally, Seven Lakes received the award for the second largest chapter in the Mountain Plains Region and the outstanding chapter award. As the region’s second largest chapter, Seven Lakes FBLA hopes to continue igniting innovations throughout the year!
By Priyanka Jagannathan, SLHS FBLA Reporter for 2012-2013

In the final group of National Merit Scholar designees, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation recently announced more than 2,000 winners of scholarships financed by colleges and universities across the country. Katy ISD had a total of five students named on this list, joining nine college-sponsored award recipients who were announced in late May.
The district congratulates the following students:
- Ha Jung of Cinco Ranch High School: National Merit Vanderbilt University Scholarship; probable career field is medicine
- Rohit Rekhi of Cinco Ranch High School: National Merit Rice University Scholarship; probable career field is chemical engineering
- Amber Wang of Cinco Ranch High School: National Merit Rice University Scholarship; probable career field is economics
- David Wang of Seven Lakes High School: National Merit Rice University Scholarship; probable career field is medicine
- Jenna Netland of Taylor High School: National Merit Rice University Scholarship; probable career field is computer science
Officials of each sponsor college selected their scholarship winners from among the finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program who will attend their institution. College-sponsored awards provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship.
For the 2011-2012 academic year, Katy ISD had a total of 51 students named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists, with 24 of those talented students being named award winners. This year’s competition for National Merit Scholarships began when approximately 1.5 million juniors in some 22,000 high schools took the 2010 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), which served as an initial screen of program entrants.
For more information about the National Merit Scholarship program, visit
The annual state sales tax holiday is right around the corner, according to Senator Glenn Hegar. The three-day annual event will begin on Friday, Aug. 17 and will continue through the weekend to its conclusion at midnight on Sunday, Aug. 19. The tax holiday offers Texas families the opportunity to save on needed back-to-school items.
Shoppers will have the once-a-year opportunity to save on school supplies, backpacks, and clothing. Just as in previous years, retail customers will enjoy a full reprieve from sales and use tax for most clothing and footwear priced under $100, which could save shoppers about $8 on every $100 they spend. The holiday is fully inclusive – families and individuals do not need to have a child to take advantage of the savings and will enjoy relief from both the 6.25% state sales tax, as well as the additional 2% other entities may impose.
“As Texas seeks to continue its climb out of recent years’ economic downturn, 2012’s sales tax holiday is a welcome opportunity to enjoy some savings as we ready for our childrens’ return to school,” says Sen. Hegar. “During the 81st Texas Legislature in 2009, I joined with my House and Senate colleagues to expand the list of items that qualify for exemption from Texas state and local sales and use taxes, a benefit I certainly encourage us all to take advantage of.” Texans will save an estimated $64.8 million in 2012 during the state and local sales taxes holiday.
For a list of tax-free items during the sales tax holiday, visit
A total of 735 students from the Katy ISD graduating class of 2012 earned academic and/or athletic scholarships totaling more than $21,286,000. The total amount of academic scholarships earned is $16,588,377, and athletic scholarships totaled $4,699,360.
Total scholarships accepted per campus are as follows:
Cinco Ranch High School
Academic scholarships: $4.8 million
Athletic scholarships: $1.1 million
Katy High School
Academic scholarships: $2.7 million
Athletic scholarships: $975,000
Mayde Creek High School
Academic scholarships: $1.7 million
Athletic scholarships: $475,000
Morton Ranch High School
Academic scholarships: $1.9 million
Athletic scholarships: $828,000
Seven Lakes High School
Academic scholarships: $2.6 million
Athletic scholarships: $780,000
Taylor High School
Academic scholarships: $2.9 million
Athletic scholarships: $531,000
Katy ISD is a TEA Recognized district serving more than 62,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 53 campuses, and with more than 7,600 employees is one of the largest employers in the west Houston area.
For Katy elementary school teachers Andrea Tryon, Angela Sticker, and Lisa Campbell, every day will be “take your child to work day,” thanks to their new positions at Katy ISD’s soon-to-open Ray and Jamie Wolman Elementary School. All three are residents of Firethorne, live a stone’s throw from the school, and have children enrolled at their neighborhood elementary, the first school to open within the 1,400-acre Katy/Fulshear master-planned community.

“When we moved into our new home in Katy in March 2010, I learned there would be a new Katy ISD school built in Firethorne and I thought how great it would be to teach at the neighborhood school,” says Sticker, a fourth-grade math and science teacher whose son, Sean, will be a fourth-grader at Wolman Elementary. The mother of three has taught at her children’s school before and loves getting to say hi to them at lunch and in the hallways, and seeing them before the bell rings and at the end of the day when they come to her classroom. She and Sean look forward to having the same lunch period and recess.
When Sticker interviewed for the position with Wolman Principal Kelly Ricks, she admired Ricks’ clear vision for the school, its students, and teachers. “Kelly Ricks has hired great teachers, and I want Sean to be in these teachers’ classes,” she says.
Second-grade teacher Lisa Campbell also is no newcomer to teaching at her son Connor’s school. “Teaching at his school makes it easier to keep up with what’s going on at the school and allows me to have a personal relationship with his teacher,” she shares. “I enjoy teaching where I live – you can build closer relationships with people.” She is looking forward to the prospect of being able to teach some of her neighbors’ children this year, too. The mother of two rises at 5:30 a.m. and goes for a walk in Firethorne to boost her energy level to be at her best for her family and her students. “I treat my students like they are my own children,” she says. Connor will start first grade in the 2012-2013 school year.
“Since Gaven, age 10, started kindergarten, we’ve been at the same school,” says first-grade teacher Andrea Tryon. “I am so excited that we will be together at Wolman Elementary for his final elementary school year.” Tryon opened a new school five years ago and is familiar with how much time it takes to get a new school up and running. Being at the same school as her son has given her the opportunity to have more time to spend with him, while allowing her to get work done at school. After school, Gaven goes to her classroom and they have a snack together, talk about his day, and do homework.
“I also believe that my son knows and respects how hard teachers work and how much time they have to put into their job,” says Tryon, a teacher for the past 15 years. “Being a good teacher is being a second mom to 22 kiddos that you care about very much, a counselor, a nurse, a secretary, and an educator! It can be very difficult juggling both jobs, but I love what I do and it is worth every minute!”
Wolman Elementary School features 42 classrooms, a library and media center, a science laboratory, two art rooms with a pottery kiln, two music rooms, and a regulation gymnasium. Every third- through fifth-grade classroom will feature a smart board.
School namesakes Arlan “Ray” and Jamie Wolman are pillars of Katy ISD and the Katy community through their selfless community work and a combined 77 years experience in education. Earlier this year, the Katy Area Chamber of Commerce honored Ray with its Citizen of the Year Award. Ray, who recently retired after 40 years with the district, began his career as the only science teacher at Katy’s only high school. In 1980, he became head of the Welch Outdoor Learning Center (OLC), where he impacted thousands of students’ lives each year through an outdoor classroom designed for students to learn in a varied environment. He worked with Boy Scouts to obtain their Eagle Scout Award through projects at the OLC and was involved through 30 years in the coordination of the Katy ISD Folk Life Festival.
His wife Jamie began her career in Katy ISD as a teacher to special needs students. A counselor at the junior high and high school levels before retiring, Jamie has served on the Katy Higher Education Task Force and currently chairs the Katy Area Chamber of Commerce Education Committee. She also volunteers weekly as a Katy ISD KEYS one-on-one mentor to a student.
Firethorne blends the best nature has to offer: 150 acres devoted to parks and recreational amenities, a 12-acre lake with surrounding greenbelt, hike-and-bike trails, parks and playgrounds, tennis courts, a fitness center, a resort-style swimming pool, a competitive swim center, a discovery-rich wildlife observation area, and a natural bird habitat. Served by highly acclaimed schools in Katy ISD and Lamar Consolidated ISD, Firethorne combines the vibrancy of west Houston with the small-town charm of Katy and Fulshear. It is located near the crossroads of I-10 West and FM 1463, 10 and 15 miles west, respectively, of the Texas Medical Center-West Campus and Houston’s Energy Corridor. Visit, call 281-693-1010, or visit Firethorne by taking I-10 West and exiting Pin Oak to FM 1463.
Seven Lakes High School student Batchlor Johnson IV recently served as a student ambassador on a 10-day tour of Australia. He was joined by several other students from around the U.S., who learned about Australian culture while touring major landmarks. He also spent eight days visiting the Samoan Islands – his mother’s native land – with his family, learning about the area’s unique culture. Johnson currently serves as president of the SLHS class of 2015.

The eighth-grade Katy Rebels-D’Addieco basketball team recently won first place in the Primetime tournament in Humble, with a record of 4-0. Team members put in extra effort to complete every play, which made all the difference in the games. Their strong defense allowed them to control the pace of the games and overcome opponents early, resulting in large margins of victory against quality teams. Team members include Allison, LaShanda, Kim, Sydney, Natalia, Alyssa, Emily, Delaney, Tianna, and Anna.
Cinco Ranch High School recently announced it 2012-2013 varsity and junior varsity cheerleading squads. Varsity squad members include Erika Brown, Madison Cook, Kayleigh Fisher, Co-Captain Melanie French, Ali Haddix, Co-Captain Maddie Kalenits, Captain Ashley Kirby, Lauren Littlejohn, Kory Luna, Taylor Morrison, Brittany Nguyen, Jordan Peterson, Ashlyn Wagner, and mascot Gwen Fuqua.
Junior varsity squad members include Nikki Aubuchon, Katie Comstock, Kalyn Jackson, Co-Captain Jenna Johnson, Captain Kayla Little, Kelsy McMeans, Shaye Mueller, Chloe Rasch, Abby Rogers, Amber Seros, Cynthia Torrence, and Brianna Wallace.
The Cinco Ranch Junior High girls’ volleyball team recently competed against several other schools in the Katy south region for the Katy ISD Summer Volleyball League championship. The team advanced to the final bracket against McMeans Junior High School and won first place in the league.
Taylor High School student Zachary Burch was recently accepted to the Houston Grand Opera’s High School Voice Studio for the 2012-2013 season. Each year, the High School Voice Studio selects eight seniors from the greater Houston area to participate in the program, which includes weekly voice lessons, master classes, vocal coaching from Houston Grand Opera staff, and performances opportunities. Burch is a member of the THS chorale and Expressions group under the direction of Kevin Riehle. Burch was also selected for the 2012 Texas All -State Mixed Choir.
Photo Courtesy of Piche Photography
Three local athletic trainers were recently awarded sports medicine scholarships from Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital. Morton Ranch High School student Jarrell Beckett, Cinco Ranch High School studnet Catherine Long, and Katy High School student Victoria Costilla each received $1,000 in recognition of the distinguished service they provided to Katy ISD athletic programs during their high school careers. Each student has big plans for their future. Beckett will attend Prairie View A&M University, Long will start her studies at Valparaiso University in Indiana, and Costilla will attend Texas Tech University this fall. For more information on Memorial Hermann Katy, call 281-644-7000.
Pictured (from left) are scholarship recipients Jarrell Beckett, Catherine Long, and Victoria Costilla.
The Beck Junior High School student council recently celebrated the end of another year of giving back to others. Students and their families were very generous in their contributions and in volunteering their time and talents.
Over the past year, BJHS students participated in the following community service projects:
• Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center blood drive, with 17 total products donated by students
• Ronald McDonald House of Houston, with 33,986 can tabs collected by students
• Katy Christian Ministries food drive, with 515 items donated by students
• Texas wildfire relief, with two carloads of items and $200 worth of gift cards donated to the Katy Fire Department by students
• Katy Christian Ministries Santa’s Sleigh program, with $4,713.50 collected by students for Christmas gifts for 20 children ($1,646.19 of the remaining amount was mailed to KCM)
• Hummingbird Ministry Christmas Shoppe (where residents of the women’s shelter can purchase Christmas gifts at very discounted prices for one another), with students donating several shopping bags and boxes
• Custodian Christmas ham and fruit baskets, with students providing six baskets
• Supplies for Soldiers (items shipped to Mr. Weber’s son, Matthew Weber, in Afghanistan), with students collecting items to fill six large computer paper boxes, including $70 contributed for postage
• Valentine Candy Grams, with 2,138 sold
• Project Linus blankets, with students making 71 blankets
• Katy ISD Book Drive, with students donating 145 books
• Two books donated to the BJH Library on behalf of a Beck family and a staff member
Pictured are members of the Beck Junior High School student council and BJHS Principal Jeffrey Stocks
Spartans Out Serving (SOS) is a Seven Lakes High School student volunteer organization founded by parents in 2005. This organization strives to educate, empower, and inspire the student members to volunteer and serve others. The members learn selflessness and community awareness as they make a positive impact in the community. During the past year, over 1,200 members reported 30,500 community service hours. They have volunteered at school, throughout Katy and the Houston area, and across the U.S. and the world. This year, 139 senior SOS members completed the requirements to wear a white community service cord at graduation. The group recently presented $1,000 scholarships to seven student volunteers to use toward their education after high school graduation.
Scholarship recipients include:
• Kimberley Argarwal
• Kenzie Buchanan
• Natalie Chen
• Rachel Fallin
• Matthew Williamson
• Nicole Yost
• Jane Weber
Pictured are (from left) Natalie Chen, Kimberely Argarwal, sponsor Rebecca Greene, Kenzie Buchanan, Rachel Fallin, Nicole Yost, Matthew Williamson, and Jane Weber.
Seven Lakes High School student Susan Hagger recently competed in the Starburst Junior Golf Classic in Waco. Katy ISD was well represented 28 local golfers participating in the three-day tournament, which included over 1,000 golfers from across 12 states and Mexico. Hagger fired a 74 on the second day, which was the low round of the competition for her. She finished in third place, earning her a spot in the Starburst Hall of Fame. Hagger will be a junior at SLHS in the fall.
Pictured are SLHS golfer Susan Hagger and Starburst Junior Golf Classic Committee member Jeff Coker.
Several Katy music students under the direction of Mary Ann LaCour recently earned Texas Music Teachers Association Theory medals during a spring concert. Students honored include (front row, from left) Lindsay Chu, gold; Lexie Kwon, gold; Rajasi Kolhatkar, gold; Rachel Rodriguez, gold; (back row, from left) Scott Lennard, gold; Addie Kwon, silver; and Gloria Fernandes, silver. Not pictured are Ore Omidele, Allison Yang, Brian Lennard, all gold medal recipients; and Rachel Zhu, a silver medal recipient. The Texas Theory Test is administered twice each year by the Katy Music Teachers Association.
Local piano student Linden Lanier recently earned a music scholarship and the Student Affiliate award from the Katy Music Teachers Association (KMTA), along with a senior award trophy, a plaque commemorating 13 years of piano study, and a Sonata Festival trophy. Lanier has studied with Katy area piano teacher Mary Ann LaCour from kindergarten through 12th grade and was recently to play at the KMTA Sonata/Sonatina Festival Honors Recital. She is the daughter of Margaret Lanier of Syracuse, NY and Pat Lanier of the Houston area. She will be majoring in music at the University of North Texas in Denton in the fall.
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation released the names of more than 2,500 winners of National Merit Scholarships financed by U.S. colleges and universities, according to Katy ISD. Nine students from Katy ISD are among these talented scholarship recipients.
• Mark Jablinski, Mayde Creek High School; National Merit Baylor University Scholarship; probable career field: mechanical engineering.
• Henry Wang, Taylor High School; National Merit University of Alabama Scholarship; probable career field: engineering.
• Jonathan Crookham, Cinco Ranch High School; National Merit W. Harold Otto Scholarship; probable career field: architecture.
• John Haley, Seven Lakes High School; National Merit University of Oklahoma Scholarship; probable career field: engineering.
• Brian Lambert, Cinco Ranch High School; National Merit University of Houston Scholarship; probable career field: electrical engineering.
• Melissa Leroy, Seven Lakes High School; National Merit Texas A&M University Scholarship; probable career field: petroleum engineering.
• Tianyi Liu, Cinco Ranch High School; National Merit University of Oklahoma Scholarship; probable career field: petroleum engineering.
• Rajneesh Nair, Seven Lakes High School; National Merit Baylor University Scholarship; probable career field: medicine.
• Ariana Peruzzi, Cinco Ranch High School; National Merit University of Houston Scholarship; probable career field: music.
Officials of each sponsor college selected their scholarship winners from among the finalists in the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program who plan to attend their institution. These awards provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship.
To date this academic year, Katy ISD has had a total of 21 seniors receiving scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation – four corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners, two National Achievement Scholarship winners, six National Merit Scholarship winners, and the nine students announced this week. An additional group of college-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners is expected to be announced in July.
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Kilpatrick Elementary students were recently selected by an audition process to be a part of Katy ISD’s District Honor Choir for 2012. Hundreds of students auditioned for this fine group, and Kilpatrick Elementary is very proud of its students who made the choir, including: Alana Chow, Induja Gautam, Thomas Holmes, Corey Johnson, Annie Lewis, Catherine Marchelli, Avery Marsh, Valeria Muhala, Sid Puranik, Nick Rager, Emily Sheen, and Victoria Stornello. They performed in a concert on May 6 at the Cinco Ranch High School Performing Arts Center. Their music teachers, Suzie Calarco and Michele Dial, are very proud of their representation for OKE in the District Honor Choir. Please mention you found this on
The Beckendorff Junior High PTA recently hosted the school’s eighth-grade dance, with a theme of “cruisin’ on, class of 2016.” The evening was a great success and was enjoyed by students and staff. Pictured (from left) are eighth-grade dance chairs Wanda Galicia, Jody Schultz, and Carol Bowman. All of the volunteers enjoyed planning and decorating for this fun end-of-the- year party… even after they inflated over 7,000 balloons for all the arches and balloon towers! Please mention you found this on
The first-grade teachers at Kilpatrick Elementary School recently participated in a teacher makeover fundraiser. Parents were able to place a silent bid, and the top two winners from each class had the privilege of pampering their teacher. The money that was raised is being used to purchase Smart Boards. Please mention you found this on
Daniel Carbone, Cameron Connolly, and John Fly, outgoing eighth-graders at WoodCreek Junior High, recently performed their rendition of Howie Day’s “Longest Night” at the school’s pop show. The trio, whose group name is Vague 11:11, also made an appearance at Katy High School’s Dessert Cabaret in April. Carbone, Connolly, and Fly are a talented group who are in the process of composing their own music. Please mention you found this on
The National Junior Honor Society at McMeans Junior High recently held a school-wide stuffed animal and toy drive for young patients at Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital. Under the guidance of Mrs. Krolczyk and Ms. Canavati, the drive was a huge success and helped collect about 450 donations. Please mention you found this on
Alexander Elementary reading teacher Karen Mabry and her student Reagan Kallina recently cut their hair together for Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a nonprofit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the U.S. and Canada suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Please mention you found this on
Faith West Academy recently named Samuel Mote as valedictorian and Karis Kontilis as salutatorian of the class of 2012.
Mote is the son of Stella Mote. Samuel excelled in the classroom, where he took Advanced Placement and honors courses and had a four-year GPA of 4.74. He also participated in numerous extracurricular activities and was a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, the football team, and the ComedySportz team. Mote was named a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. In the fall, he will attend Texas A&M University to major in electrical engineering.
Kontilis is the daughter of James and Anita Kontilis. During her time in school, she competed on the swimming team, served as a class officer for all four years, and was a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and the International Club. Kontilis will attend Union University, in Jackson, TN to study to become a concept artist and illustrator, costumes designer, author, and artist.
Both Mote and Kontilis exemplify the character and achieved the academic requirements that define them as outstanding 2012 graduating seniors of Faith West Academy. Commencement ceremonies for 49 graduating seniors will be held June 2 at Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church in Katy. Please mention you found this on
Faith West Academy Class of 2012 Valedictorian Samuel Mote and Salutatorian Karis Kontilis
McMeans Junior High School recently received a No Place for Hate banner from the Anti-Defamation League in Houston for participating in the No Place for Hate program. Students participated in No Name Calling week, designed a T-shirt, made anti-bullying posters, and wrote letters to bullies on card stock hand prints, which were posted along the hallways. In 2011, only five Katy ISD schools earned the No Place for Hate status, with only one being a junior high. Please mention you found this on
MMJH students, counselor Jan Karwowski, and parent leaders Shelly England and Cynthia Darden proudly display the school’s No Place for Hate banner
Congratulations to the new Cinco Ranch High School Bravo Show Choir members! After a rigorous audition process, these 12 girls and 12 boys have been chosen for the 2012-2013 Bravo Show Choir ensemble. The show choir members are looking forward to presenting many entertaining musicals and performances throughout the next school year. Mark your calendars for the soon-to-be-announced fall Bravo show, with performances scheduled for Sept. 20, 21, and 22 in the CRHS Performing Arts Center. Director Dorothy Wilson and David Lee are excited about the diverse talent this ensemble will bring to the stage. Please mention you found this on
Pictured are (front row, from left) Eubie Pabilona, Eric Morgan, Austin Crosby, (second row) Miles Ellis, Reid Akers, Victoria Sweitzer, Jesse DeFranco, Kimberly Coolidge, Hannah Ballard, Matthew Hubble, Carlos Torres, Scotty Lewis, Rachel Treistman, Ryan Pierson, Madison Rice, Connor Ughetta, (back row) Eric Ander, Meredith Taylor, David Tait, Jessica Melancon, Maria Dean, Morgan Manley, Allie Kane, and Ashley Shipp
The Special Buddies program at Roosevelt Alexander Elementary School recently hosted a Special Olympics Texas Unified Sports event in May. The event was a part of the Project UNIFY program, activating youth around the country in an effort to develop school communities where all young people are agents of change. The program’s goals are to foster dignity, respect, and advocacy for people with intellectual disabilities through sports. Please mention you found this on
Kilpatrick fifth-grade students recently participated in Katy ISD’s Fifth-Grade Challenge Showcase at Morton Ranch. All fifth-grade Challenge students from around the district were invited to research a topic related to one of the units they have studied in the Challenge program. Kilpatrick had more than 15 students participate, with topics researched including tie dye and graffiti and products created including the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, and a reproduction of Van Gogh’s Starry Night. Please mention you found this on
Pictured is Anthony Kessel with a replica of the Taj Mahal
Faith West Academy sisters Madison Emery (sophomore) and Erika Emery (senior) breezed past New Braunfels Christian in straight sets to take the TAPPS 3A State Championship in tennis doubles. “The matches (6-2 and 6-0) were actually closer than the score reflected,” says Erika of the state finals. “The Warren sisters (Janae and Kendall) are good players. I have played Kendall in competitive leagues, and she had me worried. Faith West fans got behind us, and that made it wonderful. It gave us the edge. Even our principal, Mrs. Strickland, was there with a sign.”
The Emery sisters had an impressive season going undefeated in all sets of every match played. They have been dubbed the Super Champs in the tennis circuit. “Our dream had always been to play doubles together at state,” says Erika of the experience. Erika and Madison have been playing tennis since they were 8 and 6 years old, respectfully.
When the Emery sisters were younger, they said they were inspired by the Williams sisters. They understood from these athletes that it would take determination and practice to excel in the sport. They practiced over 20 hours a week under the direction of Peter Farrell of Willow Fork Tennis Shop to achieve their goal.
Erika and Madison are the daughters of Rocky and Julie Emery of Katy. They have a seventh-grade brother, Rocky Jr., who plays football.
Erika Quick Facts
Favorite TV Show: One Tree Hill
Favorite Movie: Transformers
Favorite Music: Country – Taylor Swift
Favorite Sport: Tennis
Attends Church: Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church
Madison Quick Facts
Favorite TV Show: Vampire Diaries
Favorite Movie: Avengers
Favorite Music: Country – Taylor Swift
Favorite Sport: Tennis
Attends Church: Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church
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The Taylor High School choir recently celebrated another successful season at an end-of-the-year banquet held at CrossPoint Community Church. During the event, the Taylor Choir Booster Club awarded four $1,000 scholarships to four deserving seniors, including (pictured, from left) Emily Walt who is attending the University of Texas to major in chemical engineering, Melanie Piche who is attending the University of Tulsa for vocal performance and music education, Stephen Hargis who is attending Texas A&M University to study engineering, and Erin Connors who is attending Belmont College to study audio engineering technology. Please mention you found this on
Photo by Piche Photography
Kindergarten students at Faith West Academy recently took center stage, demonstrating what they learned throughout the past school year to parents and friends. One cherished moment occurred when the children sang “Walkin’ on Son-shine,” the theme of the evening. The ceremony concluded with teachers reading each student’s name as they were awarded a diploma of advancement to first grade by of FWA Elementary Principal Terry Boling.
Students (by teacher) that advanced to first grade include:
Nathan Bakare
Payton Been
Jaxon Boling
Christopher Carriker
Jocelyn Durham
Joshua Garza
Reese Howard
Brandon Lumkins, Jr.
Ember Mandola
Christine Marinho
Hannah Mathew
Julia Mlodzianowski
Donald Nuckels
Justin Okello
Jedidiah Olotu-Judah
Noah Wiggins
Jack Willhoit
Jame Wisniewski
London Arthur
Cole Beard
Parrish Facciponte
Josiah Farris
Chai-anh Garcia
Matthew Grant
Gavin Hall
Braden Luedeker
Connor Maceiras-Kimball
Mason Martin
Lauren Maxwell
Emma Molsberry
Eva Nuckels
Obi Nwosu
Seth Saunders
Ogechi Sea-akwaegbu
Abigail Sedgewick
Congratulations to all of these students! Please mention you found this on
Roosevelt Alexander Elementary recently held a students-versus-teachers basketball game at Seven Lakes High School. Boys and girls from fourth and fifth grade played against the faculty, and girls of all ages cheered them on. The students beat the staff handily, but the staff is ready to show their stuff in 2013. Pictured are (from left) Emma Thompson, Daniella Chetta, and Jensen Vann. Please mention you found this in
The Katy ISD Board of Trustees recently approved a change in the eligibility requirements for students to receive transportation services. Starting in August 2012, the eligibility for bus transportation will change from the current 3/10 of a mile to approximately ½ mile for elementary students and approximately one mile for junior high and high school students. Bus transportation will continue to be provided for students for whom a hazardous condition may exist between home and school, as well as special needs bus routes.
Approximately 52 bus routes (elementary and secondary) will be eliminated, affecting approximately 6,600 students, or nearly 21% of the 32,000 students that ride school buses daily. The Katy ISD Transportation Department will begin building bus routes in June and will have specific routing information available for parents sometime in August. Specific dates will be announced by the district once they become available.
The changes are the result of the Transportation Department experiencing particular challenges this year in having a sufficient number of drivers available to meet daily transportation route requirements. Due to vacant routes and driver absences, there have been days in which the department has found it necessary to find drivers to cover up to 46 routes. These changes will allow the district to better meet route driver needs and will provide for more effective route management, including driver training and driver support in issues involving student management.
“The change in transportation services comes after extensive review of our current transportation operations that not only revealed a heavy burden for drivers covering multiple routes, but also a high amount of uncertainty and risk due to vacant routes and driver absences,” says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “In comparison to other school districts, Katy ISD’s transportation eligibility distances remain among the shortest in the Houston area as many districts require students to live outside of a two-mile radius.”
A list of frequently asked questions and additional information regarding 2012-2013 bus route changes can be found on the Katy ISD website. Additionally, Katy ISD will continue to post updated information regarding new bus routes and pick-up times prior to the start of the new school year. Please mention you found this on
Your child worked hard all school year to perform at their best. But according to the National Summer Learning Association, when kids take an absolute break from education during the summer months – whether by circumstance or by design – they lose about two months’ worth of grade-level equivalency in math skills and more than two months’ worth of reading achievement. With all the potential excitement over field trips to amusement and waterparks, don’t let your child ride the slippery slide of taking too much of a mental break during summer.
Here are 10 ways the owner and director of the LearningRx in Cinco Ranch, David Midkiff, recommends to parents can fight back against the summer learning slide.
1. Make a rainy day toy box, so kids don’t end up watching TV all day. It can consist of age-appropriate puzzles, Playdoh, circle-the-word booklets, art supplies, craft ideas, board games, and playing cards.
2. Bookmark or print out brainteasers from sites like the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ( Sites like offer entertaining material on spelling, reading, math, and grammar, and has classic strategy games.
3. Buy or create a book of games you can play in the car. Even a simple game like 20 questions can help improve a child’s logic and reasoning and memory.
4. Use sidewalk chalk as a hidden math and writing exercise. Learning is fun, after all.
5. Have your child create a reward system for the number and level of books he or she reads over the summer.
6. Take your children to summer library and bookstore programs. Most will post them online, but you can also request a calendar of events.
7. Add an educational twist to hopscotch that will challenge children’s math skills. Instead of drawing the traditional hopscotch board with chalk, replicate a calculator large enough for your child to jump on the buttons.
8. Use the summer to strengthen your student’s cognitive skills through one-on-one brain training to improve memory, visual and auditory processing, attention, and logic and reasoning. A core of strong brain skills will help them head back to school with the tools to succeed at learning in any subject.
9. Encourage your child to learn an instrument or another language. Studies have shown a strong correlation between “arts” and “smarts.”
10. Learn how to choose age-appropriate books for children and teens. According to Scholastic Parents Online, reading just six books during the summer break can be enough to keep a struggling reader from falling behind. A great tip for an already struggling reader or very young children is to take turns reading pages, start a chapter book that can be read in installments.
With summer break just around the corner, take the time to plan some brain activity for your child.
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The Roosevelt Alexander Elementary School PTA recently delivered books to the Early Childhood Center (ECC) in Royal ISD in honor of campus namesake Roosevelt Alexander’s brother, David Alexander Sr., who passed away this spring. David Alexander was a longtime educator and prominent community leader for many years in the Brookshire area. On hand for the book donation were (pictured, from left) RAE Principal Kristin Harper, Roosevelt Alexander, ECC librarian Laketra Glover, and PTA president Debbie Kallina. Please mention you found this on
In its second year, 107 students at Stan Stanley Elementary completed the Marathon Kids program. Marathon Kids is a national fitness program for children. To complete the program, children must walk or run a marathon (26.2 miles) over several months of the school year and track their progress in quarter-mile increments. The goal of the program is to encourage healthy living through walking and running. During the school year, children had opportunity to participate in the Marathon Kids Houston Area Kick Off and Final Mile, Katy YMCA Turkey Dash, Texas Children’s Hospital Kids Fun Run, and other local runs. The children who completed the program closed out the year with a celebratory ice cream social. Program leads are Mary Jane Nowak and Jessica Wilson. Please mention you found this on
Katy ISD recently announced class of 2012 valedictorians and salutatorians from each of its six comprehensive high schools. In just a few short weeks, they will be joined by 3,500 Katy seniors during 2012 graduation ceremonies. Katy ISD and Katy Magazine congratulate all graduates and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
This year’s valedictorians and salutatorians are:
• Cinco Ranch High School: Varun Bora (Valedictorian), Nisarg Gandhi (Salutatorian)
• Katy High School: Katrina Marie Schilling (Valedictorian), Ted Deng (Salutatorian)
• Mayde Creek High School: Alex Van Dyke (Valedictorian), Mark Jablinski (Salutatorian)
• Morton Ranch High School: Brenna Adelman (Valedictorian), Adriana Ibarra (Salutatorian)
• Seven Lakes High School: Tolu Alimi (Valedictorian), Shannon Cheng (Salutatorian)
• Taylor High School: Clare Zhang (Valedictorian), Elizabeth Neville (Salutatorian)
Katy ISD Graduation Dates
Cinco Ranch High School
June 1 at 7 p.m. at the Merrell Center
Katy High School
June 3 at 7 p.m. at the Merrell Center
Mayde Creek High School
June 2 at 2 p.m. at the Merrell Center
Morton Ranch High School
June 2 at 7 p.m. at the Merrell Center
Raines High School
May 31 at 7 p.m. at the Taylor High School Performing Arts Center
Seven Lakes High School
June 2 at 9 a.m. at the Merrell Center
Taylor High School
June 3 at 2 p.m. at the Merrell Center
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The McMeans Junior High Theater department recently announced Best Actor and Best Actresses of the year at an end-of-the-year awards ceremony. Jack Gammack was named Best Actor, and Tennille Faber and Carrie Drake were both named Best Actress. Theater director Ann Batten-Bishop presented the awards. Please mention you found this on
Katy Junior High eighth-grader Brayden Sattler recently won Best in Show among junior high students at the Katy ISD Spring Art Show. Sattler, who is multihandicapped, has a passion for art and has overcome many difficulties to create his inspired artwork. Please mention you found this on
The Katy High School Choir Association recently awarded scholarships to six Katy High School choir students in the class of 2012. Scholarship applicants wrote essays on the topic of music education and the role it has played in shaping their values and future plans. The essays were reviewed by a panel of judges from outside the KHS choir, and the winners were announced at the KHS Choir Awards Banquet held on May 14 in the KHS Commons. The KHS Choir Association presented a $1,000 scholarship to Sarah Reeves, for a student who will be majoring in music. Emmanuel Zacarias was selected to receive a $500 scholarship for a student who will be majoring in a field other than music. Additional $250 scholarships were presented to Emma Denning, Cathy Zhan, Tracy Richardson, and Alex Thurman. Congratulations to these KHS choir students! Please mention you found this on
The Katy City Council and the Katy ISD Board of Trustees recently held elections this past weekend, with two city council positions and two school board positions up for election. In the Katy City Council race, Steve Pierson and incumbent Larry Gore were elected to serve. In the Katy ISD Board of Trustees race, voters elected Brian Michalsky and Charles Griffin to serve. Please mention you found this on
Seven Lakes High School senior Nicole Breaux recently signed with the University of Louisiana to play tennis. She was joined at the signing ceremony by (front row) her mom Tricia Breaux, Lanie Breaux, (back row) SLHS Principal Ted Vierling, Head Tennis Coach Kevin Mcilvain, her dad Barry Breaux, and Assistant Tennis Coach Joshua Martinez. Please mention you found this on
Seven Lakes High School senior Kyle Fitch recently signed with the University of Mary to play football. He was joined at the signing ceremony by (front row) his mom Tina Fitch, brother Luke Fitch, (back row) SLHS Athletic Coordinator Lydell Wilson, Assistant Football Coach Scott Joseph, dad Lingard Fitch, sister Lauren Fitch, and Assistant Football Coach David Pollack. Please mention you found this on
Tiger-Rock Martial Arts of Katy (formerly Katy TaeKwonDo Academy) recently announced its newest class of Black Belt students reaching personal milestones, instructors who each passed testing requirements for their next rank level, and Tiger Cub graduates during the April belt rank exam.
Congratulations to these students who have earned their First Degree Level 1 Probationary Black Belt: Austin Cooley, Peyton Danton, Pam Dorrance, Madelynn Hurford, Dean Nusiebeh, Eric Rubio, and Hailey Schaefer. Congratulations to these students who have earned their First Degree Level 2 Decided Black Belt: Kolby Conaway, Joshua Cooley, Kendall Gillentine, Aditya Goswami, Jennifer Lightsey, Alexys Morrison, Michael Nevins, Tanaya Pampattiwar, Henry Phillips, Claudia Saez, Aadhithya Sivakumar, Dylan Syahputra, Grady West, and Lindsey West.
Congratulations to the following students for earning their Second Degree Black Belts: Noah Lerma and Nicholas Pohla. The following students earned their Third Degree Black Belts: Allie Beall, Madison Beall, Sarah Munoz, and Sohum Purao. Tiger-Rock Martial Arts of Katy also congratulates the dedicated students who recently passed the instructor exam to earn tiered instructor status. Those earning the honor include Jeff Armstrong, Allie Beall, Madison Beall, and Peyton Danton. Congratulations to the following student who graduated from the Tiger Cubs program into the Junior program: Tomas Kricorian. Please mention you found this on
The newest class of First Degree Level 1 Black Belts at Tiger-Rock Martial Arts of Katy, pictured with Katy instructors (in back row) are (front row) Madelynn Hurford, Austin Cooley, and Peyton Danton.
The newest class of First Degree Level 2 Black Belts at Tiger-Rock Martial Arts of Katy, pictured with Katy TKD instructors are (front row) Alexys Morrison, Lindsey West, Grady West, Henry Philips, Kolby Conaway, and Joshua Cooley.
The James E. Taylor High School chorale recently had celebrated National Day of Prayer by performing at an interfaith service at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. The concert offered a moving and fitting conclusion of the end of the year. They will be joined by all THS choirs for a final performance May 22 at 7 p.m. in the THS Performing Arts Center. Please mention you found this on
Morton Ranch High School seniors Jose Muniz and Matt Herrera recently signed letters of intent to play baseball at the University of Houston Victoria for the upcoming school year. They were joined at the signing ceremony by their parents, MRHS Athletic Coordinator Dave Meadows, Senior Class Assistant Principal Rom Crespo, Head Baseball Coach Jim Janczak, and Principal Mark Grisdale. Please mention you found this on
MRHS student Jose Muniz with his parents Jose and Alma Muniz and MRHS staff members
MRHS student Matt Herrera with his parents Tom and Marguerite Herrera and MRHS staff members
Middle blocker Lydia McKay, a senior at Katy High School, recently signed a letter of intent to attend Texas Tech University and play volleyball in fall 2012. She was joined at the signing ceremony by (first row) her mom Brenda Backs, (back row, from left) Assistant Athletic Coordinator Dianne Loftin, Head Volleyball Coach Karen Paxton, and Principal Dr. Steve Robertson. Please mention you found this on
Photo courtesy of Russell Sadberry
Motivational speaker Alvin Law of Canada recently visited with sixth- and seventh-grade students at McMeans Junior High School. Law, born with no arms, had some great messages for the students on achieving their dreams. He shared stories of how being looked at in a different way his whole life helped him succeed and messages about treating those around us with respect and dignity. Pictured with Law are his niece and nephew Rebecca and Nicholas Reitsma. Please mention you found this on
The Mayde Creek High School yearbook staff led by advisor Shetye Cypher was recently honored for its accomplishments in yearbook design and coverage by Balfour Yearbooks. The MCHS yearbook is featured in the 26th edition of Yearbook Yearbook, which honors approximately 3% of yearbook staffs who use Balfour. Yearbooks published by Balfour for the 2011 school year were evaluated in one or more of the following areas: theme development, layout design, photo content, secondary packages, and cover design. Please mention you found this
Katy ISD’s Volunteers in Public Schools initiative recently hosted its annual VIPS Breakfast honoring the thousands of school district volunteers who donate their time supporting Katy ISD students and teachers. This school year, 14,700 volunteers donated 761,321 hours, which, in human resource terms, equates to $16,588,988. This year’s speakers were music therapist Meagan Morrow, clinical coordinator Dawn Phillips, and speech pathologist Kelley Warren Kirst from TIRR Memorial Hermann.
Each year, every Katy ISD campus salutes its volunteers by honoring a campus Volunteer of the Year. This year’s honorees include:
Elementary Volunteers of the Year
Alexander – Debbie Kallina
Bear Creek – Veronica Dixon
Cimarron – Ruth Vargas
Creech – Carolyn Pack
Exley – Rachael Moffett
Fielder – Judy Crowe
Franz – Anjanette Connor
Golbow – Virginia Rivas
Griffin – Tiffany Walker
Hayes – Jennifer McFarlin
Holland – Nikki Alvarez
Hutsell – Diana Au-Thornton
Katy – Karin Calland
Kilpatrick – Cindy Cruz-Davis
King – Veronica Garza
Mayde Creek – Donald and Yvonne Liles
McRoberts – Wade Magruder
Memorial Parkway – Lisa Johns
Morton Ranch – Mio Gonzales
Nottingham Country – Candice Lehman
Pattison – Cynthia Darden
Rhoads – Chris Clinefelter
Rylander – Theresa Wilkinson
Schmalz – Kathy McPherson
Stanley – Jessica Wilson
Stephens – Suzanne Poole
Sundown – Pat Murphy
West Memorial – Cathie Lusby
Williams – Megan Perkins
Winborn – Amy Causey
Wolfe – Marilyn Brown
WoodCreek – Tanya Jemela
Junior High Volunteers of the Year
Beck – Teri Ward
Beckendorff – Glee Fossier
Cardiff – Maria Alvarez
Cinco Ranch – Theresa Wilkinson
Katy – Shawnna Kelleher
Mayde Creek – Ashley Savoie
McDonald – Morgen Rose
McMeans – Shelly England
Memorial Parkway – Stephanie Place
Morton Ranch – Sarah Bennett
West Memorial – Debbie King
WoodCreek – Roslyn Anderson
High School Volunteers of the Year
Cinco Ranch – Robin Smith
Katy – Leonard Sadler
Mayde Creek – Liz O’Donnell
Morton Ranch – Lori Estlund
Seven Lakes – Jennifer Keese
Taylor – Penny Hafner
Volunteers in Public Schools is an initiative offered through Partners in Education (PIE), the Katy ISD department that brings the community into the classroom. For more information, please go to and click on the PIE logo. Congratulations to all of Katy ISD’s volunteers of the year! Please mention you found this on
Katy ISD recently announced the district-wide and campus teachers of the year for 2011-2012. Each campus selected one outstanding teacher who has demonstrated excellence and leadership among their peers and in their classrooms. From that selection of campus honorees, Katy ISD honored two as its district-wide teachers of the year. Brittany Spurlock of the Miller Career and Technology Center and Colleen Dominguez of Bear Creek Elementary School were named the district-wide teachers of the year.
Elementary campus teachers of the year include:
Sharlene Schlorholtz, Alexander Elementary; Colleen Dominguez , Bear Creek Elementary; Pam Guajardo, Cimarron Elementary; Lisa Mills, Creech Elementary; Kim McKinney, Exley Elementary; Jenifer Wilkinson, Fielder Elementary; Jennifer Lea Middleton, Franz Elementary; Kathleen Landecker, Golbow Elementary; Jennifer Faist, Griffin Elementary; Mariah Collier, Hayes Elementary; Christie Sell, Holland Elementary; Brenda Shaver, Hutsell Elementary; Shellie Colvin, Katy Elementary; Blanche Wriborg, Kilpatrick Elementary; Kim Auman, King Elementary; Beth Jordan, Mayde Creek Elementary; Marta Lopez, McRoberts Elementary; Sharlu Melville, Memorial Pkwy. Elementary; Renee’ Bonin, Morton Ranch Elementary; Jennifer Webb, Nottingham Country Elementary; Jennifer Tang, Pattison Elementary; Lindsey Woodring, Rhoads Elementary; Christine Dail, Rylander Elementary; Kristin Morris, Schmalz Elementary; Kelli Graham, Stanley Elementary; Mónica Melchiorre, Stephens Elementary; Joanie Lathrom, Sundown Elementary; Casey Gentry, West Memorial Elementary; Stacey Levin, Williams Elementary; Elias M. Reyes, Winborn Elementary; Susan Hayes, Wolfe Elementary; and Tanya Swindell, WoodCreek Elementary
Junior high campus teachers of the year include:
Sandra A. Thomas, Beck Junior High; Shalonda Dumas, Beckendorff Junior High; Jessica Rainey, Cardiff Junior High; Kelley Kerlick, Cinco Ranch Junior High; Malinda Breen, Katy Junior High; Mary Dawson, Mayde Creek Junior High; Wendy Walker Valdes, McDonald Junior High; Crystal Krolczyk, McMeans Junior High; Jenny Legler, Memorial Parkway Junior High; Jeanette Lewis, Morton Ranch Junior High; Neisha Richie, West Memorial Junior High; and Sheryl Taylor, WoodCreek Junior High.
High school campus teachers of the year include:
Frankie Lazard, Behavioral Transition Program; Kay Lynn Fenn, Cinco Ranch High School; Jennifer Blair, Katy High School; R. W. Dillard, Mayde Creek High School; Brittany Spurlock, Miller Career and Technology Center; Josephine Tran, Morton Ranch High School; Randi Rea, Opportunity Awareness Center; Angel Gray Purdy, Raines High School; Kim Glasgow, Seven Lakes High School; and Jackie Scott, Taylor High School.
Congratulations to these outstanding educators and all Katy ISD teachers for another fantastic year! Please mention you found this on
Katy ISD Board of Trustees Treasurer Neal Howard and
district-wide teachers of the year Brittany Spurlock and Colleen Dominguez
Gabriel Traknyak, a second-year engineering student at the Miller Career and Technology Center, recently won first place at the Houston chapter of the American Institute of Architecture’s annual competition. The competition involved designing a museum to be sited opposite the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. The three-month project involved a computer design, sketches, justification, artistic renderings, and a model. Judging was by prominent local architects, including a Rice architectural professor and the Menil Museum curator. Over 100 students from schools across the six counties of the greater Houston metro area entered to compete for awards and scholarships.
Traknyak’s work will remain on display at the downtown office of the Architecture Center of Houston. John Sanders, the MCTC engineering teacher, says that Traknyak is a very talented, polite, and hard-working student. He was accepted directly into the five-year Master’s program at Kansas State University, an architecture school ranked by architects as the fifth best graduate program in the nation. Please mention you found this on
Volleyball setter Jordan Moore, a senior at Katy High School, recently signed a letter of intent to attend Texas State University and play volleyball in fall 2012. She was joined at the signing ceremony by (front row) her parents Ken and Kim, (back row, from left) Assistant Athletic Coordinator Dianne Loftin, Head Volleyball Coach Karen Paxton, Principal Dr. Steve Robertson, Head Trainer Justin Landers, and Head Trainer Russell Sadberry. Please mention you found this on
Golfer Taylor Dillingham, a senior at Katy High School, recently signed a letter of intent to attend St. Edwards University and play golf in fall 2012. She was joined at the signing ceremony by (front row) her parents David and Lesley, (back row, from left) head golf coach Paul Donley, Principal Dr. Steve Robertson, and Athletic Coordinator and Head Football Coach Gary Joseph. Please mention you found this on
Four eighth-grade Girl Scouts at McMeans Junior High School recently earned the Silver Service Leadership Award. Each girl volunteered 70 hours or more this year by making fleece blankets for seniors at Christmas and hosting a pet collection drive to aid seniors with pets through Meals on Wheels. In addition, their troop earned the Girl Scout Community Service Award for volunteering with other organizations. Pictured are (from left) Keely Keeney, Harley Maldonado, Emily Ridgaway, and Insiyah Sulemanji. Please mention you found this on
Morton Ranch High School senior Cheryl Cedillo recently earned the Tommy Tune Award for Best Feature Actor at the Hobby Center. The Tommy Tune Awards program presented $10,000 in scholarship awards to 11 area students, as well as many outstanding performance awards to local students.
Forty-four schools were represented at the awards ceremony and nine other actors were nominated for the Best Feature Actor award. Cedillo gave an eloquent speech and represented her school very well. The Tommy Tune Awards will be televised on June 3 at 2 p.m. on Channel 13. The other Morton Ranch nominees were Kiirah Washington for Best Supporting Actress and the Outstanding MRHS Pit Orchestra. The MRHS Fine Arts Department is very proud of everyone’s accomplishments throughout the year and especially for their invaluable commitment to the musical productions of Hairspray. Please mention you found this on
MRHS student and Tommy Tune Award winner Cheryl Cedillo with award namesake Tommy Tune
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation recently announced the 2012 winners of the prestigious $2,500 National Merit Scholarship. A total of six Katy ISD students were named among only 2,500 designees across the nation.
Katy ISD’s National Merit Scholarship winners are:
• Varun Bora of Cinco Ranch High School; probable career field: biomedical engineering
• Ted Deng of Katy High School; probable career field: medicine
• Abhishek Garg of Seven Lakes High School; probable career field: engineering/entrepreneurship
• Anse Kwak of Taylor High School; probable career field: engineering
• Elizabeth Neville of Taylor High School; probable career field: engineering
• Renee Zhan of Seven Lakes High School; probable career field: fine arts
This year’s competition for National Merit Scholarships began in October 2010, when approximately 1.5 million students in approximately 22,000 high schools took the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. Last fall, the highest-scoring participants in each state – approximately 16,000 students representing less than 1% of the nation’s high school seniors – were named as semifinalists.
From the semifinalist group, 15,000 students met the very high academic standards and other requirements to advance to the finalist level of the competition. By the conclusion of the 2012 program, about 8,300 finalists will have earned the Merit Scholar title and received a total of over $35 million in college scholarships.
To date this academic year, Katy ISD has a total of 12 seniors receiving scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation – four corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners, two National Achievement Scholarship winners, and the six students announced this week. College-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners are expected to be announced in late May and in July. For more information, visit Please mention you found this on
Football linebacker Brandon Ebrecht, a senior at Katy High School, recently signed a letter of intent to attend Trinity University and play football in fall 2012. Seated between Brandon are his dad Daryn and mom Robin. Ebrecht was also joined by (back row, from left) defensive back coach Matt McDaniel, linebacker coach Joaquin Garcia, brother Hayden, brother Tanner, athletic coordinator and head football coach Gary Joseph, and Principal Dr. Steve Robertson. Please mention you found this on
Katy High School senior Amanda Jones, who serves as defender on the school’s soccer team, recently signed a letter of intent to attend Culver-Stockton College and play soccer in fall of 2012. She was joined at the signing ceremony by (front row) her parents Jeff and Laura, (back row) Ronald Leftwich, assistant athletic coordinator and head girls soccer coach Dianne Loftin, Principal Dr. Steve Robertson, sister Allison, Ashley Fritsche, and athletic coordinator and head football coach Gary Joseph. Please mention you found this on
Over 250 excited elementary students and their parents recently gathered at Taylor High School to build the Great Wall of China out of Legos at the design date, hosted by Katy Parents of Gifted and Talented (KPGT) and Katy ISD GT. Led by Bricks 4 Kidz, the students tackled the project with gusto. While their wall may not be visible from space, their creation was certainly more colorful than the original.
Fourth- and fifth-grade GT students also had the chance to design their own computer games at the event. Led by techno whizzes from Wonder-Space, screens lit up with vibrant space scenes, volcanoes, and robots as newfound computer skills met lively imaginations.
“Extended learning opportunities are crucial if GT students are to fulfill their extraordinary academic potential,” shares Janet Manning-Shaw, co-president of KPGT. ”KPGT was delighted to work with Katy ISD to offer this free GT design date. We hope it complemented the architecture and design unit being studied by GT students as part of the district’s Challenge program in schools.” Please mention you found this on
Meagan Peoples, a students at Miller Career and Technology Center, recently participated in the state mystery basket competition hosted by the Family, Community Career Leaders of America (FCCLA). Peoples, a students at Katy High School, competed against 14 other students from across the state and placed first in the event.
Participants were provided with a mystery basket of two ingredients and given only 60 minutes to plan, create, and prepare a single entrée, including a protein, starch, and vegetable, using the two items and the supply of pantry ingredients with only two portable burners and the equipment the contestants choose to bring to the competition. In addition, the competitors had to demonstrate proper use of equipment, technique, safety, and sanitation. The competition is very similar to the hit show Chopped that airs on the Food Network Channel. Please mention you found this on
The Cinco Ranch High School Bravo Show Choir is gearing up to perform School Daze, celebrating the high school experience. The musical production will feature current hits like “Rumor Has It,” “Anyway You Want It,” and “Mad World,” to name a few. Brazo students have worked hard to produce the show in its entirety, coordinating everything from musical arrangements and set design to choreography.
Show times are May 3, 4, 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Cinco Ranch High School Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $6 for students and $8 for adults. For more information, contact choir director Dorothy Wilson at or by calling 281-237-5204. Please mention you found this on
For the ninth time in the past 10 years, Katy ISD has been named among the Best Communities for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation, which recognizes schools and districts across the U.S. for their commitment and support for music education. Katy ISD is one of only 12 districts in Texas to receive this recognition for 2012.
“Our music educators constantly go above and beyond their required duties to make sure their students succeed,” says Bob Bryant, executive director of fine arts for Katy ISD. “This recognition is a direct reflection of their commitment. It is evident that our community, administration, and school board supports and encourages quality music education for every student.”
In December, two Katy ISD musical groups, the Taylor High School Symphony and the Beckendorff Junior High (BDJH) Symphony, were selected to perform at the prestigious Midwest Clinic in Chicago. The groups, representing two of only nine school groups from around the world selected to perform, were chosen from a pool of more than 150 applicants after undergoing a rigorous application process. Additionally, the BDJH Choir was selected for and performed at the American Choral Directors Association Southwest Division Conference in Dallas.
Katy ISD offers a variety of enriching music programs to its students, including string orchestra, full orchestra, choir vocal ensemble, marching band, concert band, jazz band, and multiple and individual events of solos and small ensembles.
“Students in Katy ISD are exposed to high-quality music programs from kindergarten through their senior year,” shares Bryant. “Studies have shown that children engaged in music and the arts often perform better academically, as well. This is just another reason why we try to offer a variety of quality fine arts programs and opportunities for our students.” Please mention you found this on
Children’s book author Rob Scotton recently visited kindergarten students at Alexander Elementary, sharing his stories with them. Scotton is the author of Splat the Cat and Russell the Sheep. Please mention you found this on
Katy ISD Partners in Education recently announced guest speakers for the annual VIPS celebration breakfast on May 1 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Merrell Center. This year’s speakers include TIRR Memorial Hermann music therapist Meagan Morrow; clinical coordinator Dawn Phillips; and speech pathologist Kelley Warren Kirst. Attendees may recognize this trio from features on CNN and ABC’s Diane Sawyer – Special Report, detailing the recovery of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The celebration breakfast will also include the long-awaited announcement of each campus volunteer of the year and special performances by Katy ISD student groups.
Hosted by Katy ISD Partners in Education and the VIPS Executive Board, the breakfast honors the thousands of school district volunteers who donate their time each year to Katy ISD students and teachers. Last year alone, Katy ISD volunteers gifted more than 700,000 volunteer hours to the district.
All Katy ISD volunteers are invited to attend and may RSVP by April 24 at, by clicking on “VIPS Breakfast Celebration.” Doors will open at 8:30 a.m., with the program beginning at 9 a.m. For more information, volunteers should contact their campus VIPS liaison or email
About TIRR Memorial Hermann
TIRR Memorial Hermann is a 119-bed nonprofit inpatient rehabilitation hospital located in the Texas Medical Center in Houston. Founded in 1959, TIRR Memorial Hermann has been named one of America’s best hospitals by U.S.News & World Report for 22 consecutive years.
About Volunteers in Public Schools
Volunteers in Public Schools is one of five programs supported by Katy ISD Partners in Education, the department that brings the community into the classroom. Other initiatives include KEYS Mentoring, School-Business Partnerships, Junior Achievement, and Sister Schools.
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Cinco Ranch High School student Shayla Maldonado recently committed to playing volleyball at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi after graduation this year. She started playing volleyball here in Katy at the YMCA when she was 8 years old. She continued on to play club volleyball with Katy Volleyball Academy, Southwest Juniors, Kaboom, and Texas Elite. She is a three-time Junior Olympian.
Maldonado also played in seventh and eighth grade at Cinco Ranch Junior High, and was a three-year letterman at CRHS. She was team captain on several of these teams and won MVP this year, among other awards. She was also selected as one of the Greater Houston Volleyball Coaches Association All Stars this year, which was a true honor.
Maldonado played both volleyball and softball up until her junior year, but decided at that time that her goal was to play D1 volleyball and that is just what she did. Being only 5’7″ though and playing the middle blocker position, the odds were against her. But through hard work, persistence, and determination, she accomplished her goal.
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Photo by Adam Copeland Photography
Birthday Book Club members at Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary School recently celebrated their birthdays by donating books to their school library. Pictured are Jerry Kurinsky, Brennan Hart, Melina Crothers, Pranav Rajkumar, and Lenore Hudspeth. Please mention you found this on
The president of the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Dr. Randy O’Rear, has selected Chase Riggs to play Jesus in the school’s 2013 Easter pageant. Each year, Dr. O’Rear chooses an outstanding student for the honor of portraying Jesus. This casting is based less on acting ability than on a strong Christian faith and attitude.
Riggs is a 2009 graduate of Faith West Academy (FWA) in Katy and is currently a junior at Mary Hardin-Baylor. He is majoring in chemistry, with an emphasis on education. He has served as a technical director in the Miss MHB Pageant and Crusader Knights, a college leader for Young Life, a volunteer for stunt night, and a student worker in the media services office. This past year, Riggs played the role of Judas in the university’s Easter pageant. Other FWA alumni that with roles in the pageant include Adam Long (FWA Class of 2007) as Peter, and Nathan Long (FWA Class of 2009) as Joseph of Arimathea. Long will play one of the disciples in the 2013 Easter pageant.
The university’s tradition of an annual Easter pageant began in 1940 when it was held during the afternoon on Easter Day. At that time, the school was not co-ed, so all of the roles were played by women. Over time, the production expanded to include male students and extra performances.
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Kindergarten students at Exley Elementary School recently participated in an egg drop science experiment. The students dropped their packaged eggs from the roof of the school to see which ones would break. Please mention you found this on
The eighth-grade 4X400 girls’ relay team from Beck Junior High recently won the district track and field competition, breaking the district record with a time of 4 minutes, 13 seconds. Relay team members include Macey Esser, Nevita George, Sydney Wright, and Tori Boyle. Their coach is Kristi LeCroneir. Please mention you found this on
Members of Kilpatrick Elementary, along with PTA leaders from across the state, recently gathered for the Texas PTA Convention. Texas PTA President Sharon Goldblatt welcomed local members Cindy Cruz-Davis, Traci Faulk, and Shantania Leggins, along with many other members to the event-filled weekend. Highlights included a founder’s day dinner, featuring keynote speaker and famous dad Ed Smart, and a general meeting dedicated to advocacy with keynote speaker Rep. Donna Howard. The event honored Kilpatrick Elementary and other PTA councils that have maintained a strong campus presence by sustaining and growing membership. Other convention attractions included an exhibit hall, parenting and leader training workshops, and networking activities for all attendees. Please mention you found this on
WoodCreek Elementary fifth-grade student council members recently raised over $1,800 for cancer patients through the Pennies for Patients program. Funds raised will go towards continued research and treatment for leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood and soft tissue cancers. The student council is continually inspired by fellow Katy area elementary student
Quonziah Ford (also known as Ziah the Victorious), who is battling rhabdomyosarcoma, an aggressive form of cancer.
Since 1994, more than 10 million middle school and high school students nationwide have raised millions of dollars in pennies and other spare for the Pennies for Patients program. The funds, collected during a three-week period, benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). LLS leads the way in blood cancer research and has been instrumental in advancing research on solid tumors and autoimmune diseases. Please mention you found this in
The eighth-grade Katy Rebels-D’Addieco basketball team placed second in the opening tournament of the season and qualified for Primetime Nationals in Dallas this summer. Tenacious defense and hustle led the team to the championship game, where they lost in the closing minutes. Congratulations to Allison, LaShanda, Kim, Sydney, Natalia, Alyssa, Emily, Delaney, Tianna, and Anna on a fantastic start to their AAU season together! Please mention you found this on
Lauren Redeker, a 2008 graduate of James E. Taylor High School, recently earned the Spring 2012 Always Expect More of Aggies Teacher Award. The award was established by the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University with the purpose of recognizing outstanding TLAC student teachers who have demonstrated exceptional work ethic and commitment to the teaching profession. Recipients are recognized by the department and receive a certificate and a $200 scholarship award. Nominated by her university supervisor and cooperating teacher, Redeker received the award for her exceptional effort and dedication during student teaching in initiative, organization, professional integrity, and dedication. Please mention you found this on
Outbacker of the Month is the most prestigious award earned at Kilpatrick Elementary. Kilpatrick Outbackers exhibit “Koalaty” character continuously. Outbackers are those that always lend a helping hand, always have a smile on their face, serve as role models, and go above and beyond to make OKE the exemplary school that it is. One student from each grade level, staff member, volunteer, and partner in education is chosen every month to be Outbacker of the Month. Those honored with the title for month of March include volunteer Scott Griebe, students Nauman Shaikh, Ethan Jasman, Kaitlyn Lau, Induja Gautman, Ardyn Buchanan, and Mackenzie Fernandez, and fifth-grade teacher Amy Pinkerton. Please mention you found this on
The Beckendorff Junior High School choirs recently journeyed to Dallas, participating in two performances with national organizations. The mixed varsity choir performed during the Middle School/Junior High National Choral Music Conference at the Booker T. Washington School for the Performing Arts. The varsity girls concert choir performed for the American Choral Directors Association, Southwest Division at Meyerson Symphony Hall. Congratulations to BDJH choir students who participated! Please mention you found this on
Kilpatrick Elementary School student Nicki Baney was recently recognized at the Youth Art Month Capitol Exhibit in Austin. Her painting, “The Prickly Pear” was selected for the exhibit at the State Capitol building. Nicki was recognized at a ceremony celebrating Youth Art Month at the Capitol. Nicki is pictured here with her painting and her art teacher Stephanie Aromy. Please mention you found this on
Katy piano students Lindsay Chu and Lexie Kwon were recently selected to perform in the Katy Music Teachers Association spring festival honor’s recital at Houston Community College. Chu and Kwon are both students of piano teacher Mary Ann LaCour. Chu is the daughter of Eduardo Chu and Cecilia Sui-Chu, and Kwon is the daughter of Vincent and Victoria Kwon, all of Katy. Please mention you found this on
The Cinco Ranch Ice Cougars hockey team recently skated home with a third-place trophy in the Texas Cup State Championship Silver Division, held in Dallas. The win topped off another stellar season for this high school hockey team. The Ice Cougars ended their regular season in first place in the Interscholastic Hockey League with some impressive statistics, including 19 wins, two losses, and one tie. The Ice Cougars took on hockey teams from Houston, Dallas, and Austin at the state championship.
The deciding game that led to the team’s third-place finish, actually took place against hometown rival the Seven Lakes Spartans, who entered the competition as the fifth seed. Despite an early morning time slot, the game was exciting and nerve-wracking for all in attendance. After two periods of intense offensive play and skillful goaltending, the game was tied up 3-3 entering the third period.
Regular play ended with no more goals from either team, sending the game into overtime. After only 38 seconds of overtime play, freshman James DiStefano connected on a pass from sophomore Ryan James to score the game winning goal for the Ice Cougars.
Members of the Ice Cougars Texas State Cup team include: Captains and seniors Julien Demers, Wayne Hubley (ISHL All-Time Assist Leader); assistant captains, senior Taylor Engel and junior Robert Fernandes; seniors Cody Heiser and John Schroeder; junior Luke Hamilton; sophomores Nick Bourdoumis, Mason Corliss, Tyler Fenske, Michael Hertlein, Ryan James, Nick Manning, Erik Moses, and Brian Spengler; and freshmen James DiStefano, Michael Fernandes, and Collin Williams.
Ice Cougar team members unable to attend the tournament included juniors Dylan Carpenter, Nolan Hurd, and Connor Sharrah; sophomore Connor Hiller; and freshman Cam Vahlkamp. The team would like to extend their gratitude to their head coach Artie Jean and assistant coaches James Miller and Kavon Kootahi, as well as team manager Rose Fernandes and team representative Susan Manning for all of their hard work, time, and dedication. Special thanks to Laury Good, Cinco Ranch High School teacher advisor, for her ongoing support and assistance of the team.
Third-grade students at Kilpatrick Elementary recently made volcanoes during the parent-led Eureka science program. The students were introduced to the concept of plate tectonics and how they are the underlying cause of the three major forces that change the face of the Earth (earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes). They learned how these forces both destroy and create the earth. The best part was watching their volcanoes erupt lots of oozing “lava.” Students pictured include Christian McCool, Kyle Wagner, Ajay Tandon, Grant Hightower, Zachary Webb, and Sarah Grindal. Please mention you found this on
National Merit Scholarship Corporation officials recently announced approximately 800 outstanding black American high school seniors who have won Achievement Scholarship Awards through the National Achievement Scholarship Program. These awards, totaling over $2 million, are being financed by grants from 29 corporate organizations and professional associations. Katy ISD had two winners of this prestigious scholarship: Toluwani Alimi and Olamide Omidele, both from Seven Lakes High School.
Toluwani Alimi has been a student in Katy ISD since fifth grade and attended Kilpatrick Elementary and Beckendorff Junior High. He plans to major in chemical engineering upon graduating from SLHS.
Olamide Omidele has attended Creech Elementary and Beck Junior High. Upon graduating from SLHS this May, he plans to attend Columbia University and enter the medical field. “I feel very blessed to receive this award and want to thank my parents and the school for supporting me,” he says.
More than 160,000 students entered the 2012 National Achievement Scholarship Program by requesting consideration in the competition when they took the 2010 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) as high school juniors. In September 2011, approximately 1,600 of the highest scorers were named semifinalists on a regional representation basis. To continue in the competition, semifinalists had to fulfill requirements for finalist standing, which included having a record of consistently high academic performance; being endorsed and recommended by an official from their high school; earning SAT scores that confirmed their PSAT/NMSQT performance; and writing an essay.
From the semifinalist pool, some 1,300 advanced to the finalist level, and the 800 National Achievement Scholarship winners were selected from this group of outstanding students. Achievement Scholar awardees are the finalist candidates judged to have the strongest record of accomplishments and greatest potential for academic success in college. Please mention you found this on
Members of the Seven Lakes Orchestra Parent Association (SLOPA) recently participated in the annual KVPAC Arts for All Family Festival at La Centerra, earning the best booth award. The booth displayed the art instruments for their annual Music to the Eyes raffle, provided an instrument “petting zoo” where children could try out a violin, and featured live serenades performed by SLHS orchestra ensembles throughout the day. Please mention you found this on
Second-graders at Franz Elementary recently studied the history of the City of Katy. To conclude their studies, fourth-generation Katy resident Rosanne Stockdick Lopez, presented a slide show full of historical pictures and stories about Katy in its beginnings. Stockdick Lopez’s great grandfather was Adam H. Stockdick, Katy’s first landman who helped bring many families to settle the area. Pictured are second-grade students displaying fact sheets about Katy or a copy of Adam H. Stockdick’s teaching certificate from 1886, including (front row, from left) Mahin Khasru, Bailey Dobbs, Hailea Middleton, Moses Salazar, (back row, from left) Lizette Garcia, teacher Alice Dobbs, Rosanne Stockdick Lopez, and Franchesca Vasquez. Please mention you found this on
The Katy Music Teachers Association recently held its annual spring festival, with 210 piano students participating in the event. Students performed for a judge, who gave them a rating between one and four. Students who earned a one or two received blue and red ribbons, respectively, and all students earned a certificate.
The judges for this year’s event were Timothy Boaz, Katie Frank, Jill Kitzmiller, Betty Shaw, and Winnie Wing. The event took place at Houston Community College’s Spring Branch campus in the performing arts center.
Several students were also selected to perform in the honors recital, earning a purple ribbon for their accomplishments. Students who participated include Sara Diehl, Raymond Cheng, Lindsay Chu, Karleen Wu, Eric Ji, Sunny Tang, Ping Jing Toong, Juliette Farmer, Peter Chen, Audrey Liu, Casey Sutton, Jessica Rao, Sarah Shu, Ping Rui Toong, Angela Lin, Steven Sun, and Austin Kuo. Please mention you found this on
The Morton Ranch High School Maverick Belle Dance Team recently earned two National Champion titles. The team placed first in the medium ensemble division and tied with Oak Ridge High School for first place in the large ensemble division. Please mention you found this on
Cinco Ranch High School recently hosted a Hunger Games food drive to support Katy Christian Ministries, with students collecting over 1,200 non-perishable items to donate to those in need. With every donation, students had the chance to win books, movie tickets, T-shirts, and posters from the popular Hunger Games series by author Suzanne Collins. The experience was a great way for students to learn the value of giving back and see that hunger is no game. Please mention you found this
The Morton Ranch High School girls’ varsity bowling team recently competed in the state championship in Euless, after placing second at the regional competition and second at the district level. The team entered the state finals ranked 18 out of 36 teams and advanced to the quarterfinals, beating out 31 teams and placing fifth in the state. Please mention you found this on
The seventh-grade girls’ C basketball team at Cinco Ranch Junior High recently celebrated winning the district championship for the current season. The team was coached by JJ Haynie, and the girls finished the season with a record of 8-1. All of the team members were newbies to the sport this year, making their achievement that much greater. Team members include (back row, from left) Mackenzie Beard, Dana Pollack, Erin Spicer, Coach Haynie, Jasmine Rivera, Karla de la Luz, Jamie Shuerg, (front row, from left) Natalie Hagan, Megan Esch, Terra Kubala, Jean Blackwell, Paola Alcantara, and (not pictured) Sarah Foreman. Please mention you found this on
Students at Sundown Elementary are getting ready to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the school’s opening! The celebration will be held on April 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Sundown gym. Shown in their celebration shirts are (from left) Cadin Gillingwater, Alicia De La Torre, Jaclyn Pulido, Anali Perez, Alex Matovich, and Sophia Phillips. Please mention you found this on
More than 1,300 gifted students from every Katy ISD elementary campus recently visited the Katy Outdoor Learning Center over a two-week period to spend a day being archeologists. In budget-conscious times, Katy ISD and Katy Parents of Gifted and Talented (KPGT) joined forces to create a fantastic opportunity to put months of classroom research into practice. Specially prepared archeological pits were an unending source of fascinating artifacts leading students to hypothesize why bones, beads, arrow heads, and other items may be discovered. Energetic geocaching scavenger hunts through the woodlands introduced how archeologists use new technology. Archeology experts volunteered their time and knowledge to take students around the world on a virtual tour of ancient civilizations.
“Thanks to dedicated Katy ISD Challenge teachers and parent volunteers working together, we created an opportunity for extended learning, which gifted students need to fulfill their extraordinary potential,” shares Amy Schemidt, co-president of KPGT. Please mention you found this on
The Beck Tech robotics team from Beck Junior High recently won the research award in the First Lego League competition, with the support of science teacher Joe Mikulas. Team members include (pictured, from left) Ryan Reese, Aditya Sudhakar, Jason Shenoi, William Ding, Michael Tian, Pranay Anand, and Oren Shed. Also shown are students Ryan and Aditya holding their team’s award. Please mention you found this on
Taylor Power, a junior at Seven Lakes High School, was recently named the Reserve Grand Champion in this year’s Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Art Contest. Her colored pencil drawing titled, “Sergeant in Charge,” brought a new world record at $175,000 for this year’s HLS&R Education Fund. Buyers were Ken and Mary Hucherson; Terry and Kelly Pruitt; Jerrol and Pam Springer; and Kent and Betty Wiseman. Please mention you found this on
Bradley Edward Learned, a senior at Cinco Ranch High School in Katy, recently earned an appointment to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY last week. Learned is the son of Albert and Mary Ann Learned. He is a member of the National Honor Society, plays varsity soccer, performs community services at Katy Christian Ministries, and has served as a referee for the Katy Youth Soccer Association. He also maintains a high grade point average in all classes, which are primarily AP or Pre-AP level, while also working a part-time job as a veterinarian technician. Learned was nominated for the appointment by U.S. Ron Paul. Please mention you found this on
Debbie Stoddard, executive director of the Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston, recently visited with students in grades six through 12 at Faith West Academy (FWA). Each student was challenged by their school chaplain to help raise $20 to donate to the center. At the end of their fundraising event, FWA raised and donated $1,500, in addition to a new play pen filled with diapers.
FWA’s generosity will help the Pregnancy Help Center provide resources to residents of three counties who are faced with circumstances regarding a present, potential, or former pregnancy. Services provided by the center range from pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, and help with maternity clothes and baby items to peer counseling and classes for parents-to-be. Please mention you found this on
Katy student, Kunal Budhiraja, an eighth-grader at Beck Junior High, was recently named a semifinalist eligible to compete in the upcoming Texas National Geographic Bee in Bedford on March 30. Preliminary bees were held at individual campuses, with each winner then taking a qualifying test, which was submitted to the National Geographic Society. In each of the 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, Department of Defense Dependents schools, and U.S. territories, the National Geographic Society invited students with the top 100 scores to compete at the state level.
The state winner will receive $100, The Complete National Geographic on DVD, and a trip to Washington, D.C. to compete in the national finals at the National Geographic Society headquarters May 22 to 24. The first-place national winner will receive a $25,000 college scholarship and lifetime membership in the society, as well as an all-expenses-paid trip with a parent or guardian to the Galapagos Islands. To learn more, visit Please mention you found this on
Katy area preschoolers recently laced up their dancing shoes for Texas Children’s Hospital and stepped up the fight against childhood obesity, one dance at a time. Five local Primrose Schools (North Mason Creek, Cinco Ranch, Eldridge Parkway, Kelliwood, and Copperfield) hosted a Healthy Hearts Hoedown to encourage the community to get moving for healthy lifestyles and enter the Primrose Schools Family Dance-off ( to win as much as $30,000 for the hospital.
More than 150 people attended the event, which was sponsored by the Gym Station of Houston and held in conjunction with “Go Texan” Day and the kick-off to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Families enjoyed activities, such as line dances, karaoke, a Conga line, a limbo competition, and a chili cook-off. Please mention you found this on
The Katy ISD School Naming Committee recently announced the proposed names for the four new schools opening in the fall of 2012. A public forum will take place on Tuesday, March 20 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Katy ISD ESC 1200 rooms, located at 6301 South Stadium Ln. Community members are invited to participate in this forum and provide input regarding the proposed names. After the forum, the Katy ISD School Naming Committee will review input and provide their recommendation to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, March 26.
Elementary #33 located at 5200 Falcon Landing Blvd., is proposed to be named after Tom Wilson. Wilson spent 30 of his more than 39 years in education with Katy ISD. His dedication to education extends from teaching to administration as a principal and finally recruiting in HR.
Elementary #34 located at 28727 N. Firethorne Rd. is proposed to be named after Ray and Jamie Wolman. The Wolmans have a combined 77 years in education. Jamie spent 33 years in Katy ISD teaching special needs students and as a counselor before retiring. Ray recently retired after 40 years with Katy ISD. He started with the district as the only science teacher at Katy High School, then as the head of the Outdoor Learning Center where he has grown the program into what it is today.
Elementary #35 located at 5150 Ranch Point Dr. is proposed to be named after Fred and Patti Shafer. With 36 years in education, Fred spent nine years in Katy ISD working as the director and then executive director of special education. With 37 years in education, Patti dedicated the last 12 years to Katy ISD students at the junior high level.
Junior High #13 located at 6026 Katy-Gaston Rd. is proposed to be named Seven Lakes Junior High in regards to the geographic location of the facility and the student community that will grow into Seven Lakes High School.
These living namesakes have more than just years of education experience. They are award-winning, community-minded individuals. They mentor, participate in community projects, volunteer, and offer their time and resources to continue to make education and the Katy community the leader in educational excellence. Please mention you found this on
It was full steam ahead for the Firethorne Stampede auction team, which purchased 17 animals at the recent Katy ISD FFA Livestock Show and Auction. The team had the winning bid on the Grand Champion Goat, Grand Showman Goat, and Grand Showman Pig.
“We look forward to the Katy ISD Livestock Auction every year and especially this year, with one of our Firethorne visitor center guides, Katy Taylor senior Kathryn Jones serving as her school’s FFA chapter president and sweetheart, as well as FFA district treasurer,” says team spokesman Wayne Meyer. Meyer is general manager of the 1,400-acre Firethorne master-planned community in Katy/Fulshear.
Since 2006, the Firethorne Stampede auction team has invested approximately $187,000 in auction animals to raise scholarship funds for Katy ISD FFA students.
2012 Firethorne Stampede participants in the Katy ISD FFA Livestock Show and Auction included: Firethorne, Jefferson Development Company, Allen Boone and Humphries, BKD LLP, Bluegrass Maintenance, Canady and Canady, Clearwater Utilities Inc., First Southwest Co., Founders Bank, Freed Advertising, HBC Terracon, Jones and Carter Inc., Lake Management, M/I Homes, Park Construction, Perry Homes, RHC Investments, Southwest Water Co., Storm Water Solutions, Susan Farb Public Relations, and Tax Tech Inc. Please mention you found this on
Students at Stanley Elementary have been learning the value of giving back to others through their campus newspaper, The Tumbleweed Times. The publication’s Get Involved section recently featured donating to the Katy Christian Ministries Food Bank, and SES students went above and beyond collecting necessary supplies for their fellow Katyites. Two cars were filled with donations, with over 1,500 items delivered to the food bank. Please mention you found this on
It is spring break time, and many Katy ISD families have plans to hit the road for fun activities throughout the next week. Before starting vacation, the Katy ISD office of emergency management reminds families to be safe by planning ahead and taking necessary precautions. Katy ISD’s spring break is March 12 to 16.
Before starting a vacation, it is important for families to develop a safety plan. In general, it is best for the family to stay together, so that they can watch out for each other. However, when visiting places like large amusement parks, not every family member may want to do the same things. Therefore, it is smart to develop a communication plan before arriving.
“So often, we rely on preprogrammed numbers in our cell phones; however, cell phones get lost,” says John Bremer, Katy ISD emergency management coordinator. “That is why it is important that each family member memorize one or two phone numbers of other family members.”
When on road trips, there may be times when the family stops at a rest stop, gas station, or restaurant with a car full of family belongings. Think about what you choose to leave in the car. Don’t leave purses, passports, credit cards, money, or small valuables; take those things with you or hide them in your car or trunk prior to stopping.
“One thing to keep in mind while on a road trip is that driving ability can be compromised by many things,” adds Bremer. “It goes without saying, do not drink alcohol and drive, and do not text and drive. Also keep in mind that heat and dehydration can make a driver sleepy. So stay hydrated, cool, and, if tired, have another adult take the wheel.”
ATMs are a great way to be able to travel without having to carry large sums of money, but they are often a target for criminals. Be careful at the ATM. Do not keep your PIN anywhere near your ATM card, and if the ATM does not seem right or does not function properly, leave and report it to your bank immediately. As you approach ATM machines, look around and pay attention for people who may be watching you.
Finally, the Katy ISD office of emergency management reminds families to keep their homes secure while they are away. Empty and unwatched homes can be a target for burglars. Ask the neighbors or family friends to watch your home and report any suspicious activity, and don’t leave hidden keys around the exterior of your home.
By following some of these tips, you can ensure that your family will enjoy a safe and memorable spring break. Please mention you found this on
Girl Scout troops in the Silver Spur unit of Katy recently celebrated Girl Scout World Thinking Day, with a theme of, “we can save our planet.” Girls from Cadette Troop 17081 showcased Scotland, displaying the country’s dance costumes, food, history, and photos of the countryside. They also gave samples of Scottish shortbread to booth visitors and performed the Highland Fling accompanied by the bagpipes. Please mention you found this on
Rhoads Elementary School students in the Read, Deed, Run program recently delivered hand-crocheted fleece hats and birthday cards for the children at Texas Children’s Hospital. Read, Deed, and Run is a program where students in grades three through five read 26 books, do 26 good deeds, and run 26 miles over the course of the school year. Please mention you found this on
Second-graders at Williams Elementary School recently welcomed mothers and special friends to the annual Sweetheart Tea. The students politely welcomed their guests and served teatime treats. They shared songs, poems, and specially made projects honoring their sweethearts. Please mention you found this on
Students at Griffin Elementary School recently raised over $36,000 for the American Heart Association during a Jump Rope for Heart event. For two days, PE classes were filled with students leaping around an array of jump rope activities. Then they replenished their energy levels with healthy snacks supplied by the PTA. “I’m very proud of our Griffin Grizzlies,” shares PE teacher Sean O’Connor. “The kids got really excited about jumping rope, but even more excited about the chance to help save lives. Their efforts resulted in over $36,000 being raised for the American Heart Association!” Please mention you found this on
The Taylor High School swim team recently celebrated the end of a very successful season. At the state swimming meet in February, David Harlan placed fifth in the 200 freestyle and ninth in the 100 freestyle. Hanna Huston placed ninth in the 500 freestyle and 13th in the 200 freestyle. The boys’ 400 freestyle relay placed 10th overall. Additionally, many student athletes placed at the regional competition held earlier in the year and swim team coach Matt Apple was named district coach of the year and regional coach of the year. Please mention you found this on
Kindergarten through second-grade students at Aristoi Classical Academy recently celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday by dressing like their favorite Dr. Seuss characters. The day was a great way to honor the beloved children’s book author, while encouraging students to continue the adventure of reading. Please mention you found this on
McDonald Junior High recently celebrated February as Black History Month with a campus-wide event featuring inspirational guest speakers and student performances. Many community leaders attended the event, including MDHS Principal Dr. Kenneth Cummings, MDJH black history committee members Karla Beeek and Lisa Brooks, KIAH-TV weekday anchor and guest speaker Mia Gradney, Katy ISD campus namesake and former principal Roosevelt Alexander, and MDJH black history committee members Debra Patrick and Jessica Anderson. Please mention you found this
The Griffin Elementary Fishing Club recently won first place in the schools division for their Dr. Seuss-themed float, named One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Catfish, at the Katy ISD FFA Rodeo parade. The parade also paid homage to the children’s book author, with a theme of “oh, the places you will go.” Students were decked out in the iconic tall striped hats and colorful face paint found in Dr. Seuss books, while teachers added to the crowd-pleasing antics with decorations and costumes. Please mention you found this on
Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary recently honored Blanche Wriborg as the campus teacher of the year. Wriborg has been teaching for 18 years and has taught at OKE for the past five years. She has an unwavering positive outlook, works to inspire students, and is a great mentor to student teachers. Wriborg (front row, left) was joined by Principal Malynn Rodriguez (front row, right), who presented her with the award, as well as (back row, from left) her husband Larry and sons Luke and Larry. Please mention you found this on
The Taylor High School Student Council recently received the Youth in Philanthropy award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals. The group was recognized for hosting its annual big feast event, which allowed students to give over 200 families a Thanksgiving meal. Other student council projects spotlighted include the group’s wildfire victim relief efforts, known as Taylor United, where students raised over $5,000 for the victims; giving back through Santa Cops; and volunteering during Students Performing Unselfish Deeds (SPUD) week. Please mention you found this on
Cinco Ranch High School senior Johnathan R. Leyba was recently invited to attend a dinner at the Taste of Texas, with U.S. Naval Academy Dean of Admissions Capt. (Ret.) Stephen “Bruce” Latta. After dinner and several Naval Academy alumni speakers, Dean Latta presented Leyba with an official letter of appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. Leyba will begin his studies at the Academy in late June.
Leyba plans to study engineering and to one day become a pilot and astronaut. He will attend the Academy in Annopolis, MD and is scheduled to graduate in 2016 with a degree in engineering and the rank of Ensign in the U.S. Navy or a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps.
The U.S. Naval Academy has an alumni list of more than 72,000 young men and women, including one U.S. president, 21 members of Congress, 52 astronauts, 73 Medal of Honor recipients, and two Nobel Prize winners.
Joining Leyba (pictured, third from left) at the event were blue and gold regional coordinator Rick Mawdsley; U.S. Naval Academy Dean of Admissions Bruce Latta; Lt. (SWO) Lendrick; Capt. Ken Ham (USNA ’87), a NASA astronaut; and blue and gold officer Chris Eckert. Please mention you found this on
McMeans Junior High School recently hosted a reception honoring Dr. Susan Rice for 10 years of service as campus principal. Teachers, staff members, PTA members, and her family surprised her with cake and punch. Rice (pictured, second from left) was joined at the event by Assistant Principals David Paz, Melanie Thomas, and Gary McHatton. Please mention you found this
During a recent work study meeting, Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey announced the reassignment of Debbie Decker as the executive director of athletics for Katy ISD. Decker has been serving as interim executive director of athletics since the retirement of Rusty Dowling in January 2012.
Decker has been with Katy ISD since 2005 as assistant athletic director. She has been responsible for assisting in the overall organization and administration of the Katy ISD Athletic Department. Prior to joining Katy ISD, Decker served as assistant athletic director for McKinney ISD.
Decker holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University Commerce, and a Master of Education from Tarleton State University, where she also earned her principal certification. She is also an NIAAA Certified Athletic Administrator and holds an all-level physical education lifetime certificate.
The Katy ISD Department of Athletics oversees the athletic programs of all six Katy ISD high schools and 12 junior high programs. Katy ISD athletic programs have been successful statewide as Katy ISD has won 16 state team championships. Please mention you found this on
One week after the Katy Elks Lodge hosted Hoop Shoot, an annual free throw competition, two of the six winners who advanced to the district level are now on their way to compete at the state level.
Macy Ray, winner in the 12-13 girls’ category, and Bennett Hanks, 8-9 boys’ winner, will be representing the Gulf Coast district this weekend in Dallas. This is Hanks’ first trip to state, while Ray will be enjoying her third time there. Last year, Ray advanced to the national competition, where she placed fourth. Katy has always provided strong competition to other Elks Lodges in the Hoop Shoot scholarship program. Please mention you found this on
The National League of Junior Cotillions (NLJC) has recently completed its seventh season in Katy. The program, which features character education, etiquette, and social dance training for sixth- through eighth-grade students, includes five classes, a Fall Ball, and a five-course instructional dinner over a seven-month period.
The purpose of the NLJC program is to give students instruction in ballroom dance and practice in the social courtesies needed for better relationships with their family and friends. Students actively learn life skills through a creative method employing role-playing skits and games.
The social behavior component ranges from rules of conversation to formal and informal table manners. In addition to the usual courtesies connected with dancing, etiquette instruction is also provided with regards to the following: acknowledgment of gifts, behavior at cultural and civic events, correspondence, interaction in groups, introductions, paying and receiving compliments, receiving lines, sportsmanship and sports etiquette, telephone and text messaging courtesy, instructional dinners, and many other areas of social conduct.
The NLJC setting encourages children to be comfortable together, to make new friends, and to enjoy themselves in a friendly environment. Communication skills learned by young ladies and gentleman in a peer group setting help to increase their confidence and poise in social situations.
The National Leagues of Junior Cotillions is headquartered in Charlotte, NC, where the program was established in 1979. There are now over 400 chapters in 30 states across the country, involving thousands of students.
For more information about the program, please contact Sarah Heston by phone at 281-224-1453 or by email Please mention you found this on
The Beckendorff Junior High Symphony Orchestra recently received an invitation to perform at the Midwest Clinic in Chicago, IL, won Texas State Honor Orchestra at the junior high level, and performed at the Texas Music Educators Association convention in San Antonio.
The BDJH Orchestra program began in 2004 with the opening of the school and was under the direction of Matthew Porter. Since that time, the program has grown from 64 string players in 2004 to a current enrollment of 240 string players from grades six through eight. The orchestra program is composed of three beginner orchestra periods, four performing groups, and the full orchestra, which meets outside of the school day. Every orchestra from Beckendorff has earned the sweepstakes award at the UIL Concert and Sight Reading Contest since the school’s opening.
The varsity orchestras from Beckendorff have been selected twice by the Foundation for Music Education as a National Winner in the Mark of Excellence/National Orchestra Honors project. In addition, the Honor orchestra from Beckendorff has placed in the finals for the TMEA Honor Orchestra Competition the last three years running and most recently was named the 2012 Texas Honor Orchestra.
The full orchestra, or Beckendorff Symphony, was formed in 2007 and currently meets only once a week after school hours to rehearse. Since that first year, the Symphony Orchestra has placed in the finals of the TMEA Honor Orchestra Competition three times in the last four years and has consistently earned top honors and awards at contests. The Beckendorff Symphony Orchestra is under the direction of Matthew Porter and Susan Steber with assistant directors Shaun Hillen and Darlene Blose. Please mention you found this on
Katy Junior High School recently named Malinda Breen as Teacher of the Year and Dawn Hensley as Paraprofessional of the Year. Breen teaches eighth-grade science and is currently the science department chair. Hensley has worked for Katy ISD for eight years and is the school’s secretary. Please mention you found this on
KJH’s Teacher of the Year Malinda Breen
KJH’s Paraprofessional of the Year Dawn Hensley
A retirement reception was held recently at McMeans Junior High School for custodian Jose Pena. His career with the Katy Independent School District spanned more than 15 years, and many friends, family members, and coworkers celebrated his retirements. Pictured are (from left) Susie Fonseca, Geronima Medina, Jose Pena, Yolaisy Gutierrez, Juan Reyez, and Paula Maldonado. Please mention you found this on
Elizabeth Basler of Houston was recently selected to participate in the 2012 Miss Teen Houston pageant competition on March 4. Basler will compete in the Miss Teen division for her share of thousands of dollars in prizes and specialty gifts. As part of the pageant, she will compete in casual wear, formal wear, and an interview. If Elizabeth were to win the title of Miss Teen Houston, she would represent Houston and the surrounding communities at the national competition in Orlando, FL. Please mention you found this on
Kilpatrick Koalas recently celebrated Australia Day. Students in Ms. Snow’s kindergarten class had fun decorating their own koala ears and wearing them in the Outback, while learning about Australia’s unique culture and history. Please mention you found this on
Students at Creech Elementary School recently enjoyed a cultural arts performance by the Asian American dance group of Young Audiences of Houston. Pictured are CES Principal Elena Thrun (center) and students (from left) Cameron Harper, Molly Chandler, Sofia Pham, and Chloe Jabel with dance group members who visited the campus. Please mention you found this on
McMeans Junior High School theater students recently performed Saga of the Golden Horseshoe, an old west melodrama, under the direction of Ann Batten-Bishop. Pictured are (from left) Zachary Baker, Emily Kimmich, Jack Gammack, Tennille Faber, and Kiara Stewart. Please mention you found this on
Golbow Elementary School was recently awarded $5,000 by Safe Kids Worldwide, with Sesame Street’s Grover, members of Safe Kids Greater Houston, and volunteers from FedEx Express attending the ceremony. In October 2011, Safe Kids hosted a photo contest on Facebook for schools that participated in Walk to School Day, an annual day dedicated to raising awareness about pedestrian safety. Schools that held Walk to School Day events were eligible to win a $5,000 prize and a visit from Grover as part of the Safe Kids Walk This Way program. Please mention you found this on
The author and illustrator of Fancy Nancy, one of the most popular children’s picture book series, recently visited Stan C. Stanley Elementary School. Students in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade met author Jane O’Connor and illustrator Robin Preiss Glasser. The Fancy Nancy book series is based on a little girl named Nancy, who believes that more is always better when it comes to being fancy. The talented duo of O’Connor and Glasser have written and illustrated numerous best-selling books. This author visit was made possible by Blue Willow Bookshops. Please mention you found this on
Cinco Ranch High School graduate Kate Murphy recently competed on the Texas Tech School of Law’s mock trial advocacy team in the American Bar Association’s National Arbitration Competition in Chicago. Murphy’s team took top honors, winning the competition. The team is coached by Shery Kime-Goodwin and includes team members Murphy, Wade Iverson, Jared Mullowney, and Meredith Mills. Please mention you found this on
Beckendorff Junior High School recently announced it will host the Katy Regional Science Olympiad Tournament on March 3, welcoming over 1,000 junior high and high school students from all over Texas.
BDJH science teacher Scott Lightle is well-known for having pioneered science Olympiad activities within Katy ISD. He has been coaching BDJH teams in science Olympiad competitions for many years now and with great success. In 2009, a BDJH team placed eighth at the national event. In order to reach nationals, teams must place first, second, or third in their corresponding state competitions.
In Texas, the state competition is held at Texas A&M University. In order to compete in their corresponding state competitions, teams must qualify by placing first or second in a regional competition. This year, Lightle has been asked by Texas A&M University to host one of these regional tournaments.
At the upcoming regional tournament, approximately 15 junior high teams and 15 high school teams from across the state will compete for a spot in the upcoming state meet. The tournament will be the first one to be run by a public school, since most regional competitions take place on college campuses. The level of excellence that is expected from the organization of this event was highlighted when the director of the National Science Olympiad, Bob Coverdill, paid a visit to BDJH from the University of Illinois and met with coach Lightle and the team. For more information, visit
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Faith West Academy Varsity Cheerleaders recently attended the Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders National Championships in Orlando, FL. Competing with teams from across the country, they earned fourth place in their division in the finals. In addition to competing and cheering at team events and pep rallies, cheerleaders also volunteer many hours serving the Katy community. Please mention you found this on
Many families in Bastrop, Waller, Montgomery, and Grimes counties are still struggling after losing their homes to last year’s devastating wildfires. While it will take months and even years to fully recover, the students and staff at Katy Elementary have stepped up to help.
When Jennifer Stockstill of Katy saw a story about members of the Heart of the Pines Volunteer Fire Department on KPRC Local 2 News, she shared it with the school’s PTO board. PTO members decided to donate to the cause, having been inspired by the firefighters who worked so tirelessly and selflessly to protect others when their own homes were in danger.
Students at Katy Elementary School had already been collecting coins to help victims of the wildfire. With this new goal, the students were able to collect $1,100. “Hopefully by our story, others will be inspired and moved to donate,” says Stockstill.
“It strikes at your heart – it’s pretty emotional – [and it] makes you know you’re appreciated,” says John Banning, a member of the Heart of the Pines Volunteer Fire Department, about the school’s donation.
KPRC Local 2 Chief Meteorologist Frank Billingsley visited Katy Elementary to meet the students who reached out to help fellow Texans in their time of need. “What I really wanted to say to you guys is thank you,” said Billingsley to the room full of kids and teachers.
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McMeans Jr. High students involved in the No Place for Hate program recently participated in National No Name Calling Week by making posters for the hallways. The group also designed their T-shirts. All students were given pledge cards for the week and earned rewards for upholding the pledge all week long. Please mention you found this on
Faith West Academy softball pitcher Valerie Shearer recently signed a national letter of intent to play for Johnson County Community College’s women’s softball team. Shearer was was named to the All-District team from 2007 to 2011 and the Academic All-State team, received an honorable mention at the All-State for 3-A TAPPS competition, and was named team captain in 2011. In the summer months she plays for Envy Gold, a select team in Waller. After six years of pitching, she has developed a screwball that will hit 57 miles per hour and a change-up at 38 miles per hour that keeps a low ERA.
Shearer is currently a member of the National Honor Society and plans to major in business. She is the daughter of Jeff and Lea Shearer. She was joined at the signing ceremony by (seated) coach Jeff Shearer, her mother Lea Shearer, (standing) FWA coach Mike Gifford, and FWA Athletic Director Greg Koch.
Johnson County Community College, located in Overland Park, Kansas, is a two-year college with more than 20,000 students. Under the leadership of coach Aubree Brattin, the Lady Cavaliers opened last season as the No. 7 in Division II fast pitch softball by the NJCAA Preseason Coaches’ Poll. Since 1991, Johnson County has appeared in the NJCAA Preseason Poll every year except 1997. Please mention you found this on
Six Cinco Ranch High School choir students, along with two alternates, recently advanced through the rigorous selection process to receive placement in the prestigious All-State Choir, earning the opportunity to perform at the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Convention in San Antonio in February. Directors Dorothy Wilson and David Lee are proud of these hard-working, talented students, as well as all of the other students who advanced through various stages of the process. Please mention you found this on
Members of the McMeans Junior High School choir recently performed at a Houston Rockets basketball game. Students treated Rockets fans to a beautiful version of “The National Anthem” to kick off the game.
The McMeans Junior High School choir is under the direction of Anne Guess.
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Katy ISD will hold a hearing for public discussion of the 2010-11 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) annual report released by the Texas Education Agency. The joint public hearing for the Board of Trustees and Katy Improvement Council will take place at approximately 6:45 p.m., Monday, January 23, in the board room at the Katy ISD Education Support Complex located at 6301 S. Stadium Lane. Annual AEIS reports provide information on student/school performance, as well as information about staff, district finances and programs for the 2010-2011.
The hearing, presented by Dr. Freda Corbell Creech, executive director for research, assessment, and accountability, will begin with an annual performance report based on the recently released AEIS report. AEIS information for Katy ISD and each individual campus is available on the Texas Education Agency website. The Katy ISD AEIS report is also available in the Department of Research, Assessment, and Accountability Department, and in the Communications Department at the Katy ISD Education Support Complex.
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Katy ISD joins districts across the state to thank its Board of Trustees for voluntarily tackling the enormous job of governing local school districts. January has been proclaimed School Board Recognition Month by the Governor, to help highlight the contributions of dedicated men and women who take the time to care about our local schools.
The men and women serving on the Katy ISD seven-member Board are:
- Joe M. Adams, president – Mr. Adams has served the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 1989. He also serves as a director on the Gulf Coast Area Association of School Boards, has served on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board of Directors since 2011, and is on the Board of Directors of the Southern Federal Credit Union. Adams spent 30 years in the oil and gas business, working for several service/drilling companies in New Orleans, Dallas, London and Cairo, Egypt.
- Rebecca Fox, vice president – Ms. Fox has served as a member of the Katy ISD Board since 2004. She has also been named “Master Trustee” by the Texas Association of School Boards. Fox is a long-time volunteer in Katy ISD schools through programs like KEYS Mentoring and Junior Achievement. She was awarded the distinction of PTA Lifetime Member for her dedication to students, families and the community.
- Robert Shaw, secretary – Mr. Shaw has served on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 1997. Shaw has been an active member in the district, having been a former membership chairman and concessions chairman of the Katy High School Athletic Booster Club. Prior to his board service, Shaw served the district as UIL swim referee, served on the Katy ISD Plan Committee, served as vice president of the West Houston Aquatic League and served as president of the Tiger Swim Club.
- Neal Howard, treasurer – Mr. Howard has served on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 2009. Howard has been active in the Katy community, having served as a small group leader at Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church and the Young Life-Katy Adult Committee. Howard has also coached for Katy Youth Basketball for eight years and is a member of the Rice Belt Basketball Chapter of the Texas Association of Sports Officials.
- Henry Dibrell, sergeant-at-arms – Mr. Dibrell was elected to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees in May 2011. Dibrell is active in the community and is a former member of the Board of Directors of Lifehouse Houston, Houston Police Department’s Youth Police Advisory Council and Somebody Cares Houston’s Board of Advisors. Dibrell is a member of the Katy High School Band Booster Club, the Katy Bengal Brigade Booster Club and is a flag football coach at Crosspoint Church in Katy. He is also a member of the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity where he received the Dean Nicolus Award.
- Dr. Bill Proctor, trustee – Dr. Proctor was elected to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees in May 2011. Proctor is a member of the Association of Professional Educators, the Association of Texas Professional Educators, and the Katy Chapter of the Association of Texas Professional Educators. He also serves as Katy ISD KEYS mentor, a member of the Katy Chamber of Commerce, and serves with the Katy Higher Education Task Force.
- Terry Huckaby, trustee – Mr. Huckaby was elected to the Katy ISD Board of Trustees in May 2011. Huckaby works as a physics, chemistry and biology teacher in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD. He has lived in Katy for 12 years and serves his community as president of the Creekbend Estates HOA. He also serves on the TSTA/Cy-Fair Executive Board as Regional Treasurer.
For more information on Katy ISD’s Board of Trustees, visit Katy ISD will honor its Board of Trustees during its regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, January 23, at 6:30 p.m. in the Katy ISD ESC Board Room located at 6301 S. Stadium Ln.
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Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union (BVSCU) has committed to supporting Katy ISD students by becoming a 2012 KEYS Scholarship Platinum Sponsor. As a KEYS sponsor, BVSCU is helping to create scholarships for students who have participated in KEYS through their senior year. One-hundred percent of their contribution will go directly to KEYS Scholarships.
“Employees at Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union have supported KEYS for more than ten years and know the direct benefit that students are getting from the program,” says Joe Simmons, president and CEO of BVSCU. “It felt natural for us to join forces to help support these students as they enter post-secondary schools.”
The KEYS (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success) mentor program is offered to Katy ISD students who are on the brink of success. Often, these students have been challenged by life circumstances outside of their control. Mentors meet with their students on campus each week during the school year, during the school day.
“Our partnership with Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union is treasured by every Katy ISD campus. Brazos Valley’s incredible generosity in sharing their resources, both human and financial, makes a difference every day in our school district. This is just one more example of their faithful commitment to our children,” says Martha Brown, Katy ISD Partners in Education.
Founded in 1954, Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union (BVSCU) serves educators, faculty, staff, their families and other qualified individuals within a 13-county area of Texas. With 10 convenient locations, BVSCU provides comprehensive financial services including loans, checking and savings. BVSCU is federally accredited by the NCUA, an Equal Housing Lender and a member of the Texas Credit Union League. For more information, visit or call 281-391-2149.
KEYS’ annual event Ties & Tiaras, hosted at Agave Road on March 1, will celebrate mentors while supporting the KEYS Scholarship Fund. Featuring student performances throughout the come-and-go event, the 2012 Mentors of the Year will also be announced.
KEYS is brought to you by Partners in Education, the department that brings the community into the classroom. For more information about KEYS and to find out how you can get involved, visit the KEYS web page at, or contact Martha Brown at 281-396-2468.
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Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey announced principal reassignments during the December Board of Trustees work study meeting. These reassignments come in preparation for four new campuses that will open in fall 2012. Reassignments are as follows:
- Rhonda Henderson – reassigned from Hayes Elementary to Elementary #33/Falcon Landing.
- Kelly Ricks – reassigned from Winborn Elementary to Elementary #34/Firethorne.
- Cheryl Rankin – reassigned from Rhoads Elementary to Elementary #35/Cinco Ranch Far West.
- Imelda Medrano – reassigned from Exley Elementary to Junior High #13/Seven Lakes HS campus.
Each of these principals will transition into their new roles in March 2012, after spring break. As such, Katy ISD is currently working to fill the principal positions at Hayes, Winborn, Rhoads and Exley Elementary Schools. Katy ISD is also working to fill the principal position at McRoberts Elementary following the resignation of Principal Christine Salenga.
Additionally, former Wolfe Elementary Principal Dr. Jacob Leblanc has taken the role of principal at Katy Junior High School.
For more information about the vacant positions, visit
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Students who have not received a high school diploma because they did not meet the passing standard on sections of the Exit Level Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) will have the opportunity to retake the necessary subject area tests in March 2012. The TAAS test is no longer being offered; however, individuals eligible to take TAAS will take Exit Level ELA and/or Mathematics, and the TAKS scores will be matched to the appropriate TAAS passing standard.
Students currently enrolled in school who need to retest are automatically registered; however, those who are out of school must register online by 5 p.m. Jan. 20. Individuals will need to register online for testing by accessing the website at
The registration process will be online only. Online registrations received after this date will not be processed. Paper registration packets will no longer be available.
The 2012 March TAKS tests will be administered on the following dates:
- March 5 – Social Studies
- March 7 – ELA (and ELA Writing for TAAS Examinees)
- March 8 – Mathematics (and Mathematics for TAAS Examinees)
- March 9 – Science (and ELA Reading for TAAS Examinees)
Katy ISD is offering the March Exit retesting at Arthur Miller Career/Technology Center, 1734 Katyland Dr. On the day of testing, examinees must present picture identification. For additional information, contact the Katy ISD Office of Research, Assessment and Accountability at 281-396-2343.
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The Texas Comptroller’s Office recently awarded the GOLD Leadership Circle Award to Katy ISD for the second consecutive year, recognizing the district’s transparency in financial reporting. Katy ISD scored a total of 18 out of 20 possible points on the 2011 ratings criteria. This award is valid for one year and will be added to the district’s listing on the Texas Transparency website.
The Leadership Circle Award spotlights cities, counties, school districts and other special districts across the state that: open their books to the public; provide clear, consistent pictures of spending; and share information in a user-friendly format that lets taxpayers easily access additional information.
The Comptroller’s Leadership Circle program started in 2009 and was renewed in January 2011 to include improved award criteria. The Leadership Circle is divided into three categories:
- Gold – highlighting entities that are setting the bar with their transparency efforts;
- Silver – encouraging entities who are making progress; and
- Bronze – inspiring those entities that are just beginning their transparency efforts.
In addition to the GOLD Leadership Circle Award, Katy ISD was recently named one of only 23 districts in Texas to receive the maximum Five-Star rating under the Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST) for two consecutive years. The district also earned a rating of Superior Achievement on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for the ninth year.
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Katy ISD’s Diane Winborn Elementary is among 13 public schools in Texas to receive the “High Performing Schools” nomination for the 2012 National Blue Ribbon Schools recognition. A total of 26 Texas public school nominees were announced by Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott this week. These schools serve as models of best practices for schools across the state.The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools for academic excellence and for significant progress in closing the achievement gap in one of two categories:
- High Performing – Schools whose students rank in the top 10 percent based on performance on their state standardized tests. A total of 13 Texas public schools received this nomination.
- Improving – Schools that dramatically improve student performance to high levels on state tests. A total of 13 Texas public schools received this nomination.
“Our campus belief is that all students should have every opportunity to reach their fullest potential and attain the highest level of accomplishment,” says Kelly Ricks, Diane Winborn Elementary principal. “We are celebrating this nomination because it is a true testament to the hard work put in by every staff member and student each and every day.”
Diane Winborn Elementary is a TEA Exemplary school serving more than 700 students in grades Pre-K through fifth. This is the campus’ first National Blue Ribbon Schools nomination.
Nominated schools were chosen through an objective evaluation of student achievement statistics and other data for the more than 8,000 public school and charter campuses in the state. Each nominee will move on to complete an application process through the U.S. Department of Education with final winners announced in September 2012.
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Students at Memorial Parkway Elementary School recently enjoyed a visit from Author/Illustrator Woody Kuon who has published more than 80 books. Students enjoyed watching Kuon use his artistic talent to turn their teachers into book characters.
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Students in the Seven Lakes High School fashion design classes put their skills to good use recently. Students were assigned to create lap quilts for a class project and donated eight completed quilts to Texas Children’s Hospital’s West Campus in Katy. Teacher Kathy Bassila plans to continue the project with future classes.
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Outbacker of the Month is the most prestigious award earned at Kilpatrick Elementary. Kilpatrick Outbackers exhibit “Koalaty” character continuously. Outbackers are those that always lend a helping hand, always have a smile on their face, serve as role models, and go above and beyond to make OKE the exemplary school that it is. One student, staff member, volunteer, and Partner in Education is chosen every month to be “Outbacker of the Month.”
December recipients are: Emily Warwick, Addison Broussard, Srihitha Valluri, Luke DesJardins, Jenny Xun, teacher Debbie Vickers, Camila Diaz, Rachel Oberman, and volunteer Patricia Gilarranz.
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The Stephens Elementary fifth grade student council recently completed a warm clothing drive. The 12-member Council organized the drive, distributed flyers throughout the school, and collected the items over a period of two weeks. Almost 400 items of warm winter clothing were collected and distributed through the Salvation Army, including blankets, coats, gloves, and hats.
Mrs. Kinne, a fifth grade teacher at Stephens and sponsor of the student council, said that working with this group of students this year has been a privilege and an honor. Mrs. Vaughan, Stephen Elementary principal, is excited about doing another community service project with this group in the spring.
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Kilpatrick Elementary recently celebrated spelling bee winners following its annual school-wide spelling bee, open to fourth and fifth grade students. Nineteen students qualified for the bee, and Sid Puranik was crowned the champion after spelling the word “battalion”. Kalyanee Nanaware was named first runner up. Puranik will participate in the district-wide spelling bee in February. We are proud of all of the students that participated.
On Friday, Dec. 9 students shared their holiday spirit through song with the Katy community when the Kilpatrick fifth grade choir students spent the day caroling. Caroling stops included Memorial Hermann Katy, The Solana at Cinco Ranch, and Katy Mills Mall where they entertained the many shoppers near the theater.
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WoodCreek Junior High seventh grade cheerleaders held a week-long DVD drive benefitting Texas Children’s Hospital in Katy. They collected 380 DVDs from staff, students, and the community to donate to the hospital for use in their media and chemo rooms.
The girls also performed for the residents of the hospital and met some of the patients. The team is coached by Christina Gamble. Team members include: Paige Redmon, Callie Williams, Emma Chamblee, Maggie McDonald, Laken Loveless, Sayla Spiller, Kaylee Hane, Lindsey Hallen, Cailey Barrett, Rebecca Leal, Kathryn Fuller, and Sophie Crow.
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Ten Cinco Ranch High School students, and two alternates, recently advanced through the rigorous selection process and were selected as Area Candidates for the TMEA All-State Choir. They will compete in the Area F Area Audition on Jan. 7, 2012 at Deer Park High School.
Directors Dorothy Wilson and David Lee are pleased with the accomplishments of these dedicated musicians. Students chosen for All-State Honors include: Lindsay Barlett, Madison Rice, David Tate, Zane Hill, Eric Morgan, Julian Peraza, Sayan Ray, Eubie Pabilona, Melanie Mozer, and Chelsea Bettis. The alternates are Ryan Pierson and Miles Ellis.
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Members of Studio VII at Seven Lakes High School recently competed at the Texas Thespian Convention, held in Houston. Keeping with their award winning tradition, Studio VII students proudly produced several outstanding performances.
The following students received overall superior ratings in their events and have qualified for nationals at the University of Nebraska this summer: Lauren Sanders in monologue acting; Courtney Johnson and Luis Quintero for Duet Acting; Matt Russo, Lauren Bowler, Carson Kuzawa, Brett Connors, Mason McCandless, and Alex Field for Group Acting, Katie Hand, Tessa Albert, Jenny Mosholder, Taylor Power, Jenna Johnson, Britney Skillman, and Andrew Cernosek in Group Musical; Laken Ray for Theatre Marketing; Gabby Brewer for Stage Management; and Eric Korte for Lighting Design.
Additionally, Tessa Albert placed second in the state in mask making and Courtney Johnson received a Texas Thespian $1,000 acting scholarship. Finally, Madi Boldt was elected to the Texas Thespian State Student Board for 2012.
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Members of the Mayde Creek High School National Honor Society recently held a book drive to collect fiction and non-fiction books for the Jamali English School in Nagpur, India. The books were collected during lunch at the school.
The Mayde Creek NHS officers include: Lance Brumlow, Shelbi Lemeilleur, Fidel Leon, Anthony Tran, Andrew Nguyen, Zac High, Sarah Alfaro, and Ruquiya Shipchandler.
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Students at Taylor High School participated in a city-wide pajama day on Dec. 9 to raise money for Easter Seals, an organization dedicated to assisting children and adults with autism and other disabilities and special needs. Students could either donate a pair of pajamas or pay $5 to wear their own, with all donations going to Easter Seals Greater Houston. Students raised approximately $1,500.
To date this semester, students at Taylor High School have raised nearly $10,000 for the Katy community through various service projects.
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The James E. Taylor swimming and diving team recently participated in the Texas Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association Gulf Zone Championships at the Conroe ISD Natatorium. The men’s team took fifth place and the women’s team took ninth place out of 37 teams.
Taylor team members qualifying for the meet included: Kasey Palfreyman, Hanna Huston, Aila Taylor, Marie Saunders, Simone Romero, Carmina Alvarez, Galina Martin, Emily Roulston, Samantha Wong, Jordan Rodriguez, Megan Skinner, David Harlan, Anurag Gupta, Stuart Mossup, Alan Tankovich, James Taylor, Gavin Erdmann, Josh Kingma, Andre Romero, Skyler Phillips, Patrick Rozum, Travis Loveland, Galen Sulistyo, Kevin Hammack, Chris High, and Christian Martin.
Finalists included:
200 Yard Medley Relay
Women: Kasey Palfreyman, Hanna Huston, Aila Taylor, and Marie Saunders – seventh place
Men: Stuart Mossup, Alan Tankovich, James Taylor, and Gavin Erdmann – seventh place
200 Yard Freestyle
Women: Hanna Huston – fifth place
Men: David Harlan – third place
200 Yard IM
Women: Marie Saunders – 15th place
Men: Stuart Mossup – 14th place
Men’s 50 Yard Freestyle
James Taylor – seventh place
Men’s 1 Meter Diving
Kevin Hammack – 11th place
Chris High – 14th place
Christian Martin – 15th place
100 Yard Fly
Women: Hannah Huston – sixth place
Men: Alan Tankovich – 13th place
Men’s 100 Yard Freestyle
David Harlan – first place
Gavin Erdmann – 13th place
Men’s 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
David Harlan, Anurag Gupta, James Taylor, and Gavin Erdmann – seventh place
Men’s 100 Yard Backstroke
Gavin Erdmann – 14th place
100 Yard Breaststroke
Women: Aila Taylor – 12th place
Men: James Taylor – first place
400 Yard Freestyle Relay
Women: Marie Saunders, Samantha Wong, Aila Taylor, and Hanna Huston – seventh place
Men: David Harlan, Anurag Gupta, Alan Tankovich, Stuart Mossup, and Josh Kingma – seventh place
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Students at Hayes Elementary School have been keeping busy this holiday season by focusing on giving back to others in the Katy community.
Members of the student council collected donations for this year’s annual Katy Christian Ministries Food Drive. All food donated will go to help families in need during the holiday season.
In addition, the Hayes Elementary fifth grade Soaring Singers Choir visited The Grand Parkway Senior Living, The Sunrise Assisted Living, and CHRISTUS St. Catherine Hospital. The Soaring Singers spent the day sharing their beautiful voices and holiday spirit. In return, the students were greeted with many joyful faces and warm hugs.
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The Katy ISD Board of Trustees recently recognized several Katy ISD staff members and students for a variety of achievements at their November meeting.
Those recognized included: Melissa Mozer, Cinco Ranch HS volunteer, for receiving the 2011 State Board of Education Heroes for Children Award; Eileen Kress, Mayde Creek HS ESOL teacher, for being named Region 4 TexTESOLer of the year; Kimberly Del Carmen, Cinco Ranch HS ESOL teacher, for being named Region 4 K-12 ESOL Teacher of the Year; the Katy ISD Department of School Psychology for receiving the TASP Outstanding Delivery of School Psychological Services award; Katy ISD’s three National Achievement Scholarship Semifinalists; Katy ISD’s 30 National Hispanic Scholars; and Katy ISD’s 50 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalitsts.
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Katy ISD’s 2011 Teachers of the Year were recently honored by the Katy Heritage Society. Each teacher’s name was etched into commemorative bricks, now on display in the patio of Katy Heritage Park.
A total of 55 teachers were honored. In a small dedication ceremony, Carol Adams from the Katy Heritage Society, Steve Smith from Rover Oaks and Ida Franklin from Venus Construction, unveiled the commemorative bricks. Click here to view a photo gallery from the unveiling.
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The KEYS mentor program brings adult role models into the lives of children on the brink of success. To date, the majority of Katy ISD’s KEYS mentors are women, yet there are so many male students in need of support.
This is why Partners in Education is calling on all men to come to the annual Men Who Mentor Breakfast on Friday, January 20, from 7:30 – 9 a.m. in the Katy ISD Educational Support Complex. This breakfast is open to all current male mentors and those interested in participating. Click here to R.S.V.P.
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Bonnie Holland Elementary art teachers Judy Rounds and Debra Sweeney were recently published in the December edition of Arts and Activities Magazine. Their article, titled “Winter Birch Trees” after their lesson of the same name, explains how the teachers created an art activity inspired by the natural beauty of Birch trees.
For more information, visit
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The Taylor High School varsity boys golf team recently won second place in Division II at the Dick Harmon Memorial Golf Tournament held at Redstone. Team members are: Taylor MacKay, Thomas Reilly, Ben Stephens, Ryan Miller, and Austin Partin.
In addition, MacKay finished first in individual play with a score of 71, 38 in the 27-hole event.
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Students at Pattison Elementary Student Council recently collected money to buy gift items for the Katy ISD Police Santa Cops Program. The school collected enough money to sponsor 10 children. On Dec. 3, students met at Target and purchased one outfit for each child (pants, shirt, shoes, jacket) and spent the rest of their funds on fun items for the kids. All gifts were wrapped and delivered to the Katy ISD police station for pick up by parents.
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Community members from Katy and the surrounding area recently stopped what they were doing to read students in more than 356 classes as part of Katy ISD’s 14th annual Promise to Read program. Through Promise to Read, volunteers promise to spend 30 minutes reading to an elementary classroom during one week in November.
This year, ten Katy ISD elementary campuses hosted the event with Partners in Education: Holland, Fielder, Hayes, Katy, Memorial Parkway, Alexander, Sundown, Schmalz, Wolfe and West Memorial Elementaries. Host campuses rotate each year so that, over a three year period, every Katy ISD elementary has an opportunity to participate.
“Promise to Read has become a volunteer event that many in in our community really look forward to. Most of our visiting readers return year after year,” says Sandi Meier, Katy ISD Promise to Read and Classroom Champions Coordinator. “Having a guest reader in the classroom is a fun treat for students, but it also promotes the life-long joy of reading.”
Readers represented a cross section of local companies and organizations including: Absolutely! Magazine, Amegy Bank, American Kids Athletics, AXA Financial Advisors, Boy Scouts of America, Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union, CenterPoint Energy, Century 21 Western Realty, Champions Real Estate Group, Chick-fil-A of Katy, City of Katy, CiCi’s Pizza, Cinco Ranch Conservatory of Music, ConocoPhillips, Double Dave’s Pizzaworks, Exxon Mobil, Firethorne, Grand Vision Center, Harris County Sheriff’s Department, Herff Jones Graduation Center , Houston Aeros, Katy Area Chamber of Commerce, Kelliwood Animal Hospital, Members Choice Credit Union, McDonald’s, Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt, Pediatric Dentists of Katy, Prudential Gary Greene Realtors, Rainforest Café, Tradition Bank and Wood Group.
Promise to Read is one of several community involvement programs offered by Katy ISD Partners in Education, the department that brings the community into the classroom. Find more information about Partners in Education at
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Students at Williams Elementary School have been keeping busy with fall with their exciting New Wrangler Café and LASSO programs.
Each month Williams hosts the New Wrangler Café. New students attend with their “Howdy Partner”, an experienced student who is chosen to pair up with the new student to help them feel welcome and show them the ropes. This is a wonderful way to make new students make new friends and feel comfortable in their new school. The PTA’s counselor crew and the school counselor organize this program.
In addition, fifth grade students were recently taken back to colonial times in their LASSO (Linking Adults and Students in Self-Discovery Opportunities). Many students come dressed in period dress to get into spirit. All children visited different classroom stations learning to write letters with a quill and ink, make corn husk dolls, play games of the Colonial times, and much more.
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Society for the Performing Arts (SPA) will present the 14th Annual Student Visual Art Contest sponsored by Wells Fargo. This art contest offers all kindergarten through 12th grade students in the greater Houston area and beyond a chance to showcase their talents and win prizes, while learning more about the performing arts. The deadline for all entries is Friday, Feb. 17, 2012.
Titled Japanese Culture, its People & Legends: Triumph in the Face of Tragedy, this year’s Visual Art Contest is inspired by SPA’s presentation of TAO: The Art of the Drum – a theatrical performance featuring explosive drumming, dazzling contemporary costumes and innovative choreography. TAO: The Art of the Drum makes its Houston debut on Friday, Feb. 24, 2012, in Wortham Center’s Brown Theater.
All submitted artwork will be judged on creativity, skill and interpretation of the theme Japanese Culture, its People & Legends: Triumph in the Face of Tragedy. Works on paper, including photography, are permitted with a maximum size of 16 in. x 20 in. Entries may be matted or un-matted. SPA requires one entry per student and one artist per entry. Students may submit artwork themselves or teachers may submit students’ artwork on their behalf. Please include the following information on the back of the artwork: title of work, student’s name, grade, address, telephone number and e-mail, as well as the school name and address, teacher’s name, telephone number and e-mail.
Visual Art Contest entries may be delivered in person or mailed to Society for the Performing Arts; Attention: Education Department; Jesse H. Jones Hall; 615 Louisiana St.; Suite 100; Houston, TX 77002.
Winners will be announced on Friday, Feb. 24. Senior contest winners will be awarded scholarships in various amounts. One “Best of Show” graduating high school senior will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship in loving memory of Viola Davis Rosson, late mother of Mary Rosson Espinosa and mother-in-law of Miguel Espinosa. A “Special Merit” graduating high school senior will be awarded a $500 scholarship in loving memory of K.E. “Jake” Jacob, late father of Dinah Sultanik and father-in-law of H. Michael Sultanik.
All first, second and third place winners will receive a museum membership provided by various local museums. First place winners for grades K-11 will receive a scholarship to the Glassell Junior School, MFAH. All winners, including the honorable mention recipients, will receive a gift of art supplies and tickets to a performance provided by SPA. For more information, visit or call 713-632-8112.
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Do you know a great teacher or principal who deserves recognition? If so, nominate them for the H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards. The H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards recognize dedicated public school educators who go above and beyond to inspire students of all backgrounds and abilities to reach their full potential. More than $600,000 in prizes will be awarded to deserving educators.
To nominate a Katy ISD teacher or principal, or to find out more about the awards, click here. All applications/nominations must be postmarked by January 6, 2012.
The H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards is the largest monetary recognition program for educators in Texas – and one of the largest in the nation.
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Members of all three eighth grade volleyball teams at Cinco Ranch Junior High swept the district championship for the first time ever is school history. Girls on the A, B, and C teams all earned spots to compete in the district championship, held Oct. 29.
Members of the A team are: Juliana Ansley, Alli Avant, Anna Butschek, Yvonne Goodwyne, Corin Evans, Ashley Kosub, Jada LaGrue, Alyssa Palermo, Georgia Rollins, and Harleigh Tally.
Members of the B team are: Patricia Ascanio, Megan Atkinson, Ashley Cook, Anna Futch, Kim Karns, Eve Massey, Claire McAlister, Anna Miller, Blair Stratman, Allie Warren, Lexi Wheeler, Camerin Wilkins, and Kim Wilkins.
Members of the C team are: Channell Bryant, Julie Calcagno, Priscilla Carter, Katie Funkhouser, Jennifer Kluppel, Catherine Ludolph, Raeann Marino, Hannah Nguyen-Cao, Clair Sullivan, Shae VanCleave, Jordyn White, and Kyless Wilkinson.
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Families kindly donated a record 2,608 items to the Annual Griffin Elementary Food Drive in aid of Katy Christian Ministries (KCM) Food Pantry. Every day for the past week, students have hauled in bags brimming with generosity and canned goods. As a result, Griffin collected 300 items more than last year’s total. The donations will help KCM provide local people in need with three nutritionally balanced meals each day.
“We are always amazed by the generosity of Griffin families,” says student council co-sponsor Ruth Turner. “Our student council had a mammoth task to box all the wonderful donations.”
“The students’ commitment to help others was amply demonstrated by their willingness to stop at nothing to get the job done,” says student council co-sponsor Kristin LaFollett. “At Griffin we encourage our students to realize how they can be good citizens by assisting people who are experiencing difficult times within our community.”
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Beginning in November, parents of Katy ISD students in grades 1-4 and 6-11 can be referred for screening for the 2012-2013 gifted and talented program. To initiate a referral, parents must complete a Parent Checklist. Checklists may be obtained at all elementary, junior high and high school campuses or from the Katy ISD website at Parents of students in grades 1-4 must complete the Elementary Parent Checklist. Parents of students in grades 6-11 must complete the Secondary Parent Checklist.
Parents who are interested in referring their children for the gifted program are also invited to attend a “GT Program Awareness” session on Monday, December 5 at 7 p.m. in Room 1200 at the Katy ISD Administration Building located at 6301 S. Stadium Lane (behind Katy High School). Enter through the second set of doors (facing the I-10 freeway) marked “Staff Development.”
Parent Checklists for students in grades 1-4 must be completed and returned to the elementary school office by the district-wide deadline of December 14, 2011. Secondary Parent Checklists for students in grades 6-11 must be returned to the junior high or high school office by January 13, 2012. These deadlines will be adhered to so that students can be tested on designated testing days. Students whose Parent Checklists are not returned by the deadline will not be screened for service for the 2012-2013 school year. Screening instruments include the parent checklist, classroom observations, standardized ability and achievement tests. Elementary students may also take an intelligence test.
The State of Texas requires that multiple objective and subjective measures be used to identify students for gifted programs.
The program for elementary students consists of a one-day-a-week pullout in the Challenge classroom with a teacher trained in gifted education.
The program for secondary students (grades 6 through 12) is a subject specific aptitude program that targets the language arts, math, social studies and science disciplines.
Secondary students may be referred for screening in one, two, three or all four content areas. After identification, students are served within the Advanced Placement (AP) and Pre-AP programs. Secondary students currently identified as GT may request screening for service in additional content areas. Requests must be made to GT Facilitator by January 13, 2012.
Parents may contact campus counselors, elementary Challenge teachers, or secondary G/T facilitators if they have additional questions. Students already identified and experiencing success in the G/T program do not need to be re-screened.
Transfer students who were screened in fall 2011 must wait one full academic year before they can be re-screened.
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Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary recently celebrated its October and November Outbackers. Students from each grade level, a staff member, volunteer and business partner are selected each month based on their outstanding citizenship and positive contribution to Kilpatrick Elementary.
October Outbackers are:
Lauren Hart – Kindergarten
Jake Manthei – Kindergarten
Rachel Augustine – 1st
Olivia Cardiff – 2nd
Lexi Gerber – 3rd
Hannah Simmang – 4th
Alexina Esposito – 5th
Julie Griebe – Staff
Cyndi Juntti – Volunteer
November Outbackers are:
Justin Labay – Kindergarten
Michelle Goodnight – 1st
Satvi Sheth – 2nd
Justin Yap – 3rd
Tyler Kopp – 4th
Aaron Erol – 4th
Moises Zanabria – 5th
Kim O’Neal – Kindergarten Teacher
Papa John’s – Business Partner in Education
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Hundreds of gifted and talented elementary students enjoyed getting together at the Katy Parents of Gifted & Talented (KPGT) GT Create Date to make puppets out of recyclable materials. Students and parents let their imaginations loose as they turned trash to treasure at this fun event co-sponsored by KPGT and KISD. Led by professional puppeteer Greg Ruhe from Puppet Pizzazz and professional artist Taylor Perry, the children enjoyed an inspiring and hilarious puppet show before launching into their own creations.
“It was sometimes difficult to tell who was having more fun – the children, the parents or the presenters,” says Amy Schemidt, KPGT co-president. “Gifted students thrive when presented with stimulating challenges and KPGT was delighted that KISD supported this event.”
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Katy ISD junior high band students recently competed in head-to-head auditions seeking a position in one of the two TMEA Region 23 All-Region Junior High Bands. At the end of the auditions, results revealed Katy ISD had 137 students earning membership to these prestigious ensembles. This represents over 86% of the total membership in these two select groups: All-Region Symphonic Band, All-Region Concert Band. Every junior high in Katy ISD had students earning positions in the All-Region Band.
These bands will be featured in concert on Saturday, Dec. 3, at the Cinco Ranch High School Performing Arts Center.
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Mayde Creek High School students recently competed in the Texas Association of Journalism Education competition in San Antonio. Students Corissa Ayala and Dinora Rodriguez took Superior/first place ranks in Photography. They competed against more than 700 high school photographers.
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Seven Lakes High School student Samantha Loos-Polk recently won the Heart in Art Award at Culture Shapers’ Annual Award Ceremony in Houston. This award is distributed annually to students who are nominated by their teachers and peers.
Heart in Art Award winners have overcome adversity, but maintain a strong sense of leadership, character, social skills and community. After battling illness herself, Samantha hopes to bring smiles to the faces of children in hospitals through her paintings. She is currently working on a painting of a Periwinkle flower to hang in the halls of Texas Children’s Hospital.
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How does your garden grow? With lantana, snapdragons and Brussels sprouts at Morton Ranch Elementary as students recently planted a garden that may soon grow vegetables for the entire campus to enjoy. In a project led by Kimberly Czubara, science coordinator at Morton Ranch Elementary, students from all grade levels planted herbs and vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, collard greens, cauliflower, parsley, rosemary and mint to name a few. The garden will serve as an extension to science classrooms for the entire campus, while adding an aesthetic appeal as well. The campus hopes to soon have a fully functional vegetable garden.
Czubara, who has been with the campus since it opened just three years ago, found it challenging to find examples of real plant life around the new campus grounds. This, combined with Principal Elisa Farris’ hope to one day have a real Farmer’s Market, is what first led to the idea of planting a garden for students to nurture from start to finish.
“Every grade level has something to learn about plants, from plant parts and plant systems, the life cycle of plants, the survival of plants in a particular environment and the properties of soil to support plant life,” says Czubara.
Finding a creative way to face this challenge, Czubara reached out to a local Eagle Scout and his troop members to build planting boxes. All in all, 14 boxes measuring 16’x4’ were built alongside the campus. Ka ty Stone and Gravel donated soil for the boxes and Nelson Water Gardens and Lowe’s extended a significant discount to the campus for gardening tools and plants.
A classroom schedule for each grade level has been created for weekly watering duties. Throughout the year, students will weed and harvest the garden, and will plant new vegetation in the spring.
“My hope is to harvest the vegetables and be able to eat them in soups, salads and salsas,” says Czubara.
To view photos of the garden and the planting project, click here.
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Sixteen state-qualified high school boys bowling teams competed in the Second Annual Kat Cup Tournament this past weekend in College Station sponsored by the Sam Houston State University Bearkats Bowling Team and Track Bowling. Seven Lakes High School’s team walked away the second place winners.
The Seven Lakes team consists of: Donovan Bilanoski, Marcus Conley, Gordon Lee, Andre Wahyudin, Carter Hambleton, and Jacob Turco.
The first elimination was based on total pin count after three games played. The top eight teams advance to the quarter finals. Seven Lakes made the cut. In the games to follow, the eliminations were based on BAKER format. The best two out of three bakers advanced.
In the quarter finals Seven Lakes won both bakers against Ellison High School and advanced to the semi-finals. Again Seven Lakes won both bakers against Allen High School and moved on to the final round against the no. 1 team, Madison High School. The team gave a great effort, but they were unable to defeat Madison High School and took second place.
A notable personal achievement at the tournament was Andre Wahyudin’s sixth place finish with a 530 series in the overall individual scores on a sport shot Kegel NCAA #2 Transfer Brush pattern.
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Armeyah Ablola, a student at Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary, entered and won the Raise Your Hand Texas (RYHT) Pick the Pic contest. The contest ran from Sept.7 – Oct. 7 and required Abola to submit a photo answering the question: “What two things inspire you to achieve success?”
In Ablola’s photo, she stated that she is inspired by her faith in God and her family.
The contest was open to all public school students in Texas and RYHT has awarded one winner per Region as determined by the number of “likes” per photo. Ablola was competing for first place with other public school students in Education Service Region 4. Her winning photo had a record 1,116 votes at the close of the contest.
RYHT is a non-profit public education advocacy organization. The contest was open to all current Texas public school students (parental permission required) and the goal was to raise public awareness of the importance of student achievement and success.
The statewide contest in which parents and students were asked to submit one photo was conducted on the RYHT Facebook page. Individual student winners received and Apple iPad and their campus received a $500 contribution from the Raise Your Hand Texas Education Fund.
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The Goddard School, located in Katy, is reaching out to all Goddard School alumni. The organization has just announced that it will be accepting applications for its fourth annual $10,000 Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship.
The scholarship is awarded to a Goddard School alumnus each year to use toward his or her education at an accredited college or university.
“The Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship provides financial support to a graduate of The Goddard School who demonstrates an excellent work ethic, commitment to family and community and a love of learning,” says Joe Schumacher, chief executive officer for Goddard Systems, Inc. “We are eager to determine this year’s recipient of this prestigious award.”
The Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship is named in memory of the founder of The Goddard School, an entrepreneur who started several other well-known franchise companies including AAMCO Transmissions, Inc. and MAACO Auto Painting and Bodyworks, Inc. According to Schumacher, Martino was a successful businessperson who worked his way up from humble beginnings to achieve success.
The application deadline for the Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship is February 19, 2012. Eligible applicants can access the scholarship application on Goddard’s website at under the communication tab. Students interested in applying should follow the guidelines below:
- Applicants must be graduates of The Goddard School Pre-Kindergarten and/or Kindergarten program.
- Applicants must submit a completed application form.
- Applicants must use the scholarship to attend an accredited college or university.
- Only high school juniors and seniors are eligible.
- To complement the Scholarship Application, applicants may submit a video essay between 30 and 120 seconds (e.g., How The Goddard School influenced your career path/education). Video essays should be mailed to 1016 West Ninth Ave, King of Prussia, PA 19406 ATTN: Scholarship. (Video content may be used by Goddard Systems, Inc. in advertising and publicity, including broadcast and social media.)
- Relatives of Goddard Systems, Inc. or The Goddard School employees are ineligible.
- The scholarship recipient selection will be made without regard to race, age, gender, religion, political beliefs, employment status or any other factor which could constitute unfair or illegal discrimination.
- Decisions of the Scholarship Committee are final in matters relating to the above practices.
- Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of funds available and applicant eligibility.
For more information about the Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship, visit
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Members of the WoodCreek Junior High seventh grade cheerleading squad completed a community service project where they performed at two area retirement communities, Spanish Meadows and The Solana. The girls performed a dance, fight song, many cheers, tumbling and then afterwards mingled with residents as well as passed bows that they made out to help decorate for fall.
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During the October 24 Board of Trustees meeting, Dr. Pat Guseman, president of Population and Survey Analysts (PASA), presented the 2011 Demographic Update, which shows steady growth for Katy ISD at a rate of approximately three percent each year during the next five years. While slightly slower than the rapid growth experienced between 2001 and 2009, the report shows approximately 23,000 additional students moving to the district during the next 10 years.
The district also announced today that as part of the Long Range Facilities Plan process, Katy ISD has entered into the initial stages of the Attendance Boundary Modification (ABM) process.
Last November, Katy ISD voters approved a bond referendum that included five new campuses – three elementary schools, one junior high and one high school. Four of the five campuses are set to open in fall 2012, and High School No. 7 is slated to open in fall 2013.
As part of the attendance boundary modification process, Katy ISD has scheduled two public workshops, both to be held in the Katy ISD Educational Support Complex located at 6301 S. Stadium Ln. Public Workshop #1 is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The first public workshop will review the 2011 Demographic Update, as well as the values, assumptions and data that will be used in creating the attendance boundary recommendation for the new campuses. Attendance boundary recommendations will not be presented at this first meeting.
Public Workshop #2 is scheduled for Thursday, December 8, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. At the second public workshop, the district will present the proposed attendance boundary changes and solicit input from the community.
For those community members who cannot participate in one or both of the public workshops, the district will post on its website online surveys. Details about the online surveys will come at a later date. Information about the ABM process can be found on the Katy ISD website.
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Katy ISD has been named to the Texas Comptroller’s 2011 Texas Honors Circle for earning five stars in the 2011 Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST). Katy ISD is one of only 46 districts in the state to have earned the highest rating by achieving significant academic growth while keeping spending low. Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Christine Caskey, and Chief Financial Officer, Bill Moore, were recognized for this achievement by the Katy ISD Board of Trustees during their Oct. 24 meeting.
Katy ISD also recently earned a rating of Superior Achievement under the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for the 2009-2010 fiscal year, and has been recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association and the Association of School Business Officials International for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. These certificates are awarded to organizations that are committed to the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting.
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The National Center for Education Achievement recently released the list of 2011 Higher Performing Schools for Texas that includes 13 Katy ISD campuses. Higher Performing Schools are those elementary, middle, and high schools in Texas that have consistently outperformed their peers with similar student populations over a three-year period. NCEA identified the Higher Performing Schools based on one or both of two measures: 1) academic growth of students and/or 2) achievement of students on the TAKS Commended standard.
The following Katy ISD campuses have been named 2011 Higher Performing Schools: Alexander, Griffin, Kilpatrick and Rylander Elementary Schools; Beck, Beckendorff, Cinco Ranch, McMeans and Memorial Parkway Jr. High Schools; and Cinco Ranch, Katy, Seven Lakes and Taylor High Schools.
These campuses will be recognized during the Katy ISD Board of Trustees Meeting on December 12.
NCEA (formerly known as Just for the Kids) began identifying Higher Performing Schools in 1998 and continues to annually release these lists as well as College and Career Readiness Charts for every public school in Texas. To view complete charts, visit
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Katy ISD is asking the community to participate in upcoming Attendance Boundary Modification (ABM) discussions by either providing feedback online or by attending an upcoming Public Workshop on Nov. 15.
At the Nov. 15 public workshop, the district will review the 2011 Demographic Update, as well as the assumptions, values and data that will be used in creating a preliminary attendance boundary recommendation for the three new elementary schools and new junior high opening in August 2012. Specific attendance boundary recommendations will not be presented at this first meeting. Community members can also provide feedback on the values and assumptions online.
A preliminary recommendation will be presented to the Board of Trustees at the Nov. 21 meeting. Afterwards, the community will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the preliminary recommendation at a second public workshop held on Dec. 8, as well as via the Katy ISD website.
The Katy ISD 2011 Demographic Update shows Katy ISD gaining approximately 23,000 students over the next 10 years. This consistent growth has been anticipated through Katy ISD’s Long Range Facilities Plan and, as such, Katy ISD will open four new campuses in the western quadrant of the district next fall – with a new high school slated to open in fall 2013.
With a strong belief that all stakeholders should be involved in ABM decision making process, Katy ISD is following a model that was first implemented in 2009 to gather public input and feedback from the community. This model is a proactive approach that addresses issues and engages the community in the decision-making process.
To RSVP for the Nov. 15 public workshop, please click here. To participate in the community survey, please click here. For more detailed information about the ABM process and to view key dates, visit the ABM website.
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The Seven Lakes High School Spartan Band and Color Guard are competing to win a $50,000 grant in the Pepsi Refresh Project. Band and color guard members encourage all Katy residents to vote for them daily.
There are two ways to vote:
- Visit and click “Vote for this idea” (users can log into the page from their Facebook account)
- Text 110005 to PEPSI (73774)
Users can vote once per day per method through Nov. 30.
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Three educators with experience in Texas higher education were named this week as finalists for the position of provost and vice president for academic affairs at the University of Houston-Victoria.
“We are pleased that all three finalists previously worked in Texas institutions of higher education and can bring that background to UHV if they are selected,” said Jane Fry, chairwoman of the UHV Provost Search Committee and an associate professor in the School of Education & Human Development.
The finalists are as follows:
Lisa Abney, provost and vice president of academic and student affairs, and an English professor at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, La. Abney earned both her bachelor’s degree in modern languages (Spanish) and her master’s degree in English from Texas A&M University. Her doctorate in English is from the University of Houston. She served as a lecturer in English and an academic adviser and coordinator at UH-Downtown. She has worked at Northwestern State since 1997 in various positions including head of the Language and Communication Department, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and director of the Louisiana Folklife Center based at the university.
Jeffrey Cass, dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and an English professor at the University of Louisiana in Monroe. Cass earned a bachelor’s degree in English and German from the University of Dallas. Both his master’s and doctorate in comparative literature are from the University of California at San Diego. From 1991 to 2007, he worked in various positions at Texas A&M International University in Laredo including English professor, assistant to the provost, Advanced Placement Faculty Fellows director and associate provost. He has held his current position since 2007.
James McDonald, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and an anthropology professor at Southern Utah University in Cedar City. McDonald earned a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from the University of Arizona in Tucson; a master’s degree in anthropology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; and a doctorate, also in anthropology, from Arizona State University in Phoenix. He worked in various positions from 1999 to 2008 at the University of Texas at San Antonio. These positions included chairman of the Anthropology Department, senior associate dean for faculty affairs in the College of Sciences and associate vice provost for academic and faculty support. He has worked in his current position at Southern Utah University since 2008.
The finalists, who were selected after a national search, will now come to UHV for interviews and meetings with the campus community. To view each finalist’s résumé, go to
Don Smith, who was UHV’s provost and vice president for academic affairs from 1995 to 2006, currently is serving as the interim provost and special assistant to the president through the fall semester.
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Katy ISD has learned that the Texas Education Agency has granted the district’s appeal on behalf of Nottingham Country Elementary, resulting in an elevated accountability rating for the campus from Recognized to Exemplary. Katy ISD filed the appeal in August, requesting that the TAKS mathematics commended performance for a specific student sub-population be recalculated.
The appeal was based on the fact that the status for two students in one subpopulation changed after the submission of the pre-code file, but prior to testing. The original TEA rating was just one student short of Exemplary status.
With Nottingham Country Elementary’s elevated status, Katy ISD now has 19 campuses rated as Exemplary, 26 rated as Recognized and five rated as Acceptable. Katy ISD as a district has been rated as Recognized for four consecutive years.
Katy ISD’s Exemplary campuses for 2010-11 are Alexander Elementary, Exley Elementary, Fielder Elementary, Griffin Elementary, Hayes Elementary, Holland Elementary, Katy Elementary, Kilpatrick Elementary, Nottingham Country Elementary, Pattison Elementary, Rylander Elementary, Schmalz Elementary, Stanley Elementary, Stephens Elementary, Williams Elementary, Winborn Elementary, WoodCreek Elementary, Beckendorff Junior High, and McMeans Jr. High.
Recognized campuses are Bear Creek Elementary, Cimarron Elementary, Creech Elementary, Franz Elementary, Golbow Elementary, Hutsell Elementary, King Elementary, Mayde Creek Elementary, McRoberts Elementary, Memorial Parkway Elementary, Morton Ranch Elementary, Rhoads Elementary, Sundown Elementary, West Memorial Elementary, Wolfe Elementary, Beck Junior High, Cardiff Junior High, Cinco Ranch Jr. High, Katy Junior High, McDonald Junior High, Memorial Parkway Jr. High,, West Memorial Jr. High, WoodCreek Junior High, Cinco Ranch High School, Seven Lakes High School, and Taylor High School.
Acceptable campuses are Mayde Creek Jr. High, Morton Ranch Jr. High, Katy High School, Mayde Creek High School and Morton Ranch High School.
Raines High School, the district-wide dropout prevention and recovery campus, received an Acceptable rating under state criteria for alternative education sites.
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Mayde Creek journalism students had an outstanding showing at the Texas Association of Journalism Education competition last weekend in San Antonio. Two students competing against 700 others received first place for their work.
Mayde Creek senior Corissa Ayala took a Superior (first place rank) and an Honorable Mention in Photography. Senior Dinora Rodriguez took a Superior (first place rank) in Photography as well.
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Morton Ranch High School Senior Felisa Cantu was recently selected as the 2011 Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards Gold Medallion winner in the Community Service category of the Houston Region.
The Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards annually honor young Latino leaders with $1,000 educational grants for their college education or to fund a community service effort. The award categories include: Business, Community Service, Education, Engineering and Mathematics, Healthcare and Science. The awards are divided into twelve different regions across the country: Los Angeles, Houston, New York, Chicago, Washington DC, Dallas, Miami, Northern California, Denver and Phoenix.
Three recipients are selected for each category (Gold, Silver and Bronze Medallion) in each of the regions and special recognition ceremonies are held with local business, education and community leaders to pay tribute to their accomplishments. All recipients are then eligible to be selected as their category’s national recipient and receive a laptop and a paid trip to be recognized at the National Youth Awards ceremony in January 2012 (location TBA).
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Senior Aaron Murray and Junior Maria Gonzales won medals at the TAPPS State Championship Cross Country Meet in Waco, Texas this past weekend. Murray, who joined the Pope John cross country team just last year, took home the first place medal for the second time. His 4800-meter course time of 15:30.6 minutes was the fastest time across all divisions. This first place win earned him the title of Boys 4A State Champion for the second year in a row.
Junior Maria Gonzales took second place in the 4A Girls Division, running the 3200-meter course in 12:20.5. This is Gonzales’ first year to place at the state meet and only second to participate, with a three minute improvement over her time in 2009 as a freshman.
“I’m very proud of what our runners have accomplished this year,” says Coach Hilda Gonzales. “We’ve worked hard towards developing a quality program and athletes like Aaron and Maria show that our hard work is paying off.”
Pope John XXIII High School opened its doors in 2004. Located in the heart of West Houston, Pope John XXIII High School strives to educate the whole student – mind, body, spirit, and imagination. With a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, strong Catholic identity, and emphasis on service and leadership, graduates move on to collegiate careers prepared to succeed.
For more information about Pope John XXIII High School, visit
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Caitlin Auffenberg and Austin “Tex” Vinson were named Pope John XXIII High School‘s Homecoming Queen and King. Along with their members of their court, they were presented at the school’s Homecoming game on October 21.
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The newly formed Katy ISD Education Foundation recently held its inaugural luncheon for prospective Board of Directors to recruit area community leaders to participate in the organization. More than 30 guests attended the event, with 25 of those committing to the Board of Directors.
“We are overjoyed at the response we received from the luncheon as this inaugural Board is vital to the success of the Foundation,” said Marcy Canady, Executive Director of the Katy ISD Education Foundation.
“The Foundation’s mission is to fund innovative projects that are aligned with the mission, strategic plan, and educational philosophy of the school district,” said Pete Gavrel, President of the Katy ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors. “We exist for the sole purpose of supporting the school district in the mission of realizing unparalleled learning experiences for our Katy kids.”
“The Foundation will open new funding opportunities for supporting and enhancing educational programs for students and teachers,” said Marcy Canady. “Most importantly, the Foundation will provide another way to engage our community through our Board of Directors made up of local leaders, who will help to maintain the high standards of excellence expected in Katy.”
To view photos from the inaugural luncheon for prospective Board of Directors, click here.
The Katy ISD Education Foundation has been created to support the educational programs for both the students and staff personnel of the Katy Independent School District. Funds received will be used to facilitate student achievement and skill development, to recognize and encourage staff excellence and to expand community involvement from individuals, businesses and civic organizations. For more information about the Katy ISD Education Foundation, visit
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The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) recently announced that Joe M. Adams, president of the Katy ISD Board of Trustees, has been reelected to a one-year term on the TASB Board of Directors, representing Region 4A. Adams was appointed to the TASB Board in January 2011.
Adams has served on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 1989, holding every position at least twice and the role of board president four times. He also serves on the board of the Katy ISD Education Foundation. Adams was awarded the master trustee designation in the 2009 Leadership TASB class. A Gulf Coast Area Association of School Boards director since 1992, he also chairs the board for the Southern Federal Credit Union in Houston. Owner of Budget Blinds and Bluebonnet Painting and Renovation in Katy, he previously spent 30 years in the oil and gas business working for several service-related companies in New Orleans, Dallas, London, and Cairo. Adams, who earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing at Texas A&M University, is married with two grown children and three grandchildren.
TASB is a nonprofit organization established in 1949 to serve local public school districts. School board members are the largest group of publicly elected officials in the state. The districts they represent serve more than 4.8 million public school students.
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The Katy ISD Police Department will join forces with members from the Houston Drug Enforcement Administration during National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day to collect potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs. This initiative will take place on Saturday, October 29, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the lobby of the Katy ISD Law Enforcement Center located at 20370 Franz Rd. Patrons may drop off their expired or unwanted prescription drugs for on-site destruction.
“We encourage all families to take a moment to look in their medicine cabinets and drop-off any unused prescription drugs,” said Katy ISD Police Sergeant Tom Donalson. “This is an easy and anonymous service that could potentially save a life.”
According to the U.S. Department of Justice DEA, prescription drug abuse in the U.S. is increasing at alarming rates – as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, many Americans do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away – both potential safety and health hazards.
This event is the third of its kind. To date Katy ISD Police Department sites have removed over 600 pounds of expired or unwanted dangerous drugs from the community. For a complete listing of collection sites across the U.S., visit
For additional information, contact Katy ISD Sergeant Tom Donalson at 281-237-4000.
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Golbow Elementary recently won the Safe Kids USA/FedEx Facebook photo contest. Their winning photo was one of 72 entries from across the country. From these entries, program sponsors selected 10 finalists that were voted on using Facebook. For their prize, the campus will soon receive a visit from the Safe Kids Ambassador, Grover from Sesame Street, and a $5,000 check for educational materials.
Students and staff members at Golbow celebrated International Walk to School Day on Oct. 5 with a special visit from the H-E-B Buddy who handed Buddy Bucks to student walkers and bike riders. Campus volunteers and staff members also distributed stickers and bracelets to participating students.
“It was incredible to watch the Golbow staff and PTA work together to promote our great school,” says Ann Smith, Golbow Elementary principal. “I would like to thank the entire Katy community for supporting us.”
Golbow Elementary is also a National Green Ribbon School, a title that has been given to only 42 schools in the nation and supported by the Texas Education Agency in partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. In addition to Walk to School days, the campus has incorporated plastic bottle recycling, paper recycling, Waste Free Lunch Day, Recycle Day, Earth Week celebrations and more. They also plan to purchase worm farms this year to assist with the curriculum on decomposition and composting.
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More than 200 fifth grade students participated in Griffin Elementary’s fifth annual Super Bowl. Since the beginning of the school year, Griffin PE coaches have taught students the rules of football, team positions, strategy, and tactics, and on Saturday, Oct. 24 students participated in a school-wide Super Bowl game.
Excitement about the game has been building for weeks. The boys’ Green Giants and the girls’ Orange Crush teams were the winners of the game. At halftime, parents and students enjoyed a performance by the fifth grade teachers, Beckendorff Junior High cheerleaders, and Griffin Grizzly, Griffin’s bear mascot who acted as assistant referee.
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The Seven Lakes High School Junior Varsity Cheerleaders attended the UCA cheer camp this summer hosted at Moody Gardens. The JV squad received first place honors for Extreme Routine Dance as well as first place in the cheer category. The squad also received recognition as All around Superior Squad of the Week.
In addition to these honors the JV squad had two members named as UCA All American Cheerleaders: Captain Alissa Fono and Captain Sara Stout.
Members of the JV squad are: Captain Sara Stout, Captain Alissa Fono, Brennah Blacwelder, Meg Swanson, Niki Swanson, Taylor Freetage, Austin Harris, Kendall Guinn, Kristen Whiddon, Sydney Walden, Taylor Fono, and Britt Fancher. They are coached by Jaime Wilson.
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The Houston Community College Pandora’s Box Film and Speaker Series welcomes concentration camp survivor Walter Kase for an intimate speaking engagement. Kase will present at the HCC Katy Campus Wednesday, October 26 from 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Kase, 81, changes lives every day with his powerful story of survivorship and resilience. Originally from Poland, Kase and his family were taken by the Nazi Army when he was 11 years old. He was held in five separate Nazi concentration camps before redeeming freedom at 15 years old. Afterward, he moved to the United States weighing just 64 pounds and became a successful businessman.
In this rare speaking opportunity, Kase will discuss full details: adolescence, concentration camp life, family, US immigration and the mystery behind his emotional reaction to chocolate with HCC faculty, staff, students and the community.
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Twenty-seven students from WoodCreek Junior High were named to the Texas Music Educators Association Region 23 Honor Choir. Members of this choir will perform Saturday, Nov. 5 at Morton Ranch High School. The choir includes top students from Katy and surrounding area schools.
Members from WoodCreek Junior High who were named to this choir are: Emily Lasse, Kristina Szafron, Alexa LaCour, Jonathan Yapp, Gregory Holloway, Geoffrey Paz, John Fly, Cameron Connolly, Sabrina McMullen, Chloe Nguyen, Alex Ambrose, Chiamaka Chidi, Heather Matthews, Christina Williams, Megan Augustine, Haley Watters, Abby Rivera, Lauren Nguyen, Justin Partyka, Bryce Kornblau, Elizabeth Freeman, Morgan Proffitt, Caroline Nestor, Vanessa Maybruck, Crysty Cruz, Daniel Carbone, and Ally Johnson.
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On October 16, Katy congregations from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) joined with the Brookwood Community for a special bike rally and carnival. The Brookwood Community is a residential facility and vocational program for adults with disabilities. The bike rally or BW15 provided residents with a fun, inclusive bike ride. Some Brookwood residents rode tandem bikes with volunteers from the churches. Others rode independently on either regular or specially modified bikes.
Church members from the Katy third and fourth wards, two congregations from the south Katy area, provided food and drinks for the participants. The LDS volunteers also came to support the residents with cheering and encouragement. After the bike rally, the Katy churches provided a carnival with games and activities for the residents at the Brookwood community.
This event was part of a broader Houston-wide “Day of Service” in which many Houston area Latter-day Saint congregations participated.
The Brookwood community is located in Brookshire, Texas and provides an educational environment that creates meaningful jobs, builds a sense of belonging and demands dignity and respect for adults with disabilities. To learn more visit
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Hutsell Elementary has been awarded the Green Ribbon Schools Award from the Texas Education Agency in partnership with Texas Parks and Wildlife. Green Ribbon Schools is an award program that recognizes schools participating in activities that promote and encourage a healthy and environmentally friendly learning environment.
These activities must fall under the four Cornerstones of a Green Ribbon School: Eco-Campus, Health & Fitness, Nature Adventure, Natural Classrooms. By participating in these activities a school is providing a healthier, happier and smarter campus for students, teachers and the community. A Green Ribbon School takes a comprehensive approach to help students reach their potential.
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Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey spoke last Thursday to a room of more than 100 Katy community members, dignitaries and staff members, during his annual State of the District Address. Providing a snapshot of key issues and district growth, Frailey encouraged attendees to focus on preparing the students of Katy ISD for overall good citizenship beyond graduation. Guests also enjoyed a special performance by a Katy High School jazz combo.
During the address, Frailey shared some of the district’s major educational accomplishments from the past year, such as top scores being earned on standardized tests by Katy ISD students and Katy ISD being named a Recognized district for the fourth consecutive year.
“When we have a state of the district, it is to update the community on where we have been and the current reality of the district,” says Frailey. “However, I also like to share the big wins as they are something in which the entire community can be proud.”
This year, Frailey stressed the importance of part Katy ISD’s mission statement “to create the future,” by focusing on the purpose of the district, and the importance of coming together as one community to support all Katy ISD students.
Added Frailey, “Katy ISD has students who, when they leave the district, they become leaders; they help build and they shape the future. That is what we as a district are here for, to keep producing our future leaders.”
Two students from the Superintendent’s Student Round Table also participated in the 2011 Address and shared stories of what Katy ISD has meant to them.
“Katy ISD has provided me with the support I need. The solid composition of workers gave me the best education I can get and that has allowed me to build my future,” says Nicole Vazquez, Morton Ranch High School senior.
Rhett Moffett, Seven Lakes High School senior added, “On behalf of all of the students, I would like to thank everyone in Katy ISD for buying into the attitude of excellence here, and for making Katy ISD the best place to be a student.”
To view a video or the slideshow presentation from the 2011 State of the District Address, click here.
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Last week Morton Ranch High School participated in the Generation Texas College Week. The counseling staff provided students with multiple exciting opportunities to learn more about college.
Activities included a kick off pep rally, trivia contests, college faculty bingo, and numerous opportunities to get help applying for colleges and scholarships.
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Pattison Elementary Arts in Education Chair Solveig Kyriakides and Pattison art teachers Valerie Maggitti and Kendra Martin recently hosted the kick off to their PTA Reflections Contest. This year’s theme is “Diversity Means.”
The Reflections program provides an outlet for students to explore creatively what they are learning in the classroom. Entries must be submitted to the school by November 4. For more information, call 281-237-5450.
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WoodCreek Elementary is excited to implement Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students), a nationally recognized program aimed at providing positive male role models for students.
Watch D.O.G.S. are dads, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who have committed to volunteering at least one day each year, engaging with our students in the classroom, getting to “play” at recess, and become a familiar face in our hallways. The response to the initiative has been tremendous so far, with more than 70 people volunteering to make a difference and inspire our students. These men are our heroes for taking the opportunity to be involved in the lives of their children and their community.
WATCH D.O.G.S. is the safe school initiative of the National Center for Fathering that involves fathers and father figures to help create a more safe and secure learning environment in our nation’s schools.
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Katy ISD parents and community members are invited to attend an upcoming orientation to learn more about the new State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test that replaces TAKS for grades 3-8, and beginning 9th grade students this year. The orientation will help parents and community members better understand what to expect with STAAR.
The STAAR orientation date is scheduled for Thursday, November 3 at the Cinco Ranch High School Performing Arts Center, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Click here to print a flyer for the event.
The new STAAR grade 3-8 assessments will be administered in the same grades and subjects as TAKS. Grades 3-8 will be assessed in mathematics and reading, with writing assessments in grades 4 and 7; science assessments in grades 5 and 8; and social studies assessments in grade 8. Entering 9th grade students this fall (class of 2015) are required to take 12 STAAR end-of-course assessments.
More information about the STAAR test can be found on the Katy ISD website at
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Melissa Mozer of Katy was recently presented the Heroes of Children award by the State Board of Education. Mozer has been a volunteer for 12 years at Cinco Ranch High School in Katy ISD. She has served as an executive board member of the CRHS Athletic Booster Club and chaired the club’s scholarship committee, a representative on the Katy PTA Council and has worked with Project Graduation for all four of her children.
Mozer also has been the “Popcorn Mom” for the last 10 years supporting the Cougar Commitment/POWER program, the Katy ISD drug awareness program that benefits all the high schools in the district. She is currently the Choir Booster Club board president, a member of the PTSA and Project Graduation boards, respectively.
The State Board of Education honors 15 volunteers from school districts across Texas with this award. The Heroes for Children honorees are selected by the State Board members and recognized for volunteering their time, talents and skills to help improve public schools in their communities. Each hero will also have their name engraved on a plague that is permanently displayed at TEA headquarters. The awards are given annually in recognition of outstanding service and dedication to helping provide each Texas student with a meaningful, positive learning experience in school.
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It’s been a busy start of the 2011-2012 school year for Pattison Elementary kindergarten students. From hosting a gingerbread man hunt to holding a red day, students are making the most of their first year of school at Pattison.
Kindergarten students participated in their annual Gingerbread Man Hunt to help them find their way around the school. The Gingerbread Man led them to the cafeteria, library, science lab, counselor’s office, nurse’s office, and finally the front office where Principal Debbie Barker greeted them with a tray of Gingerbread Man cookies.
Mrs. Burn’s kindergarten students at Pattison Elementary show off their silly socks to celebrate the “s” sound and to introduce a traveling book they write/illustrate as a class called “Pairs of Socks” which focuses on patterns and symmetry.
Finally, kindergarten students dressed in red as part of a theme day that tied all things red into their lessons.
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Williams Elementary School kicked off another year of LASSO programs with first graders learning about health and the human body. The children checked their heart rate, measured their lung capacity, studied the bones in their body, learned how to take good care of their teeth, and had a visit from local Firefighters and EMTs.
LASSO (Linking Adults and Students in Self-Discovery Opportunities) is a PTA sponsored program where each grade level has a unique theme and appropriate grade-level subject matter.
In addition, on Oct. 21 kindergarteners got to dress up in their best clothes to learn all about good manners, sharing and friendship at the Good Manners Tea Party.
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The newly formed Katy ISD Education Foundation recently held its inaugural luncheon for prospective Board of Directors in an effort to recruit area community leaders to participate in the organization. More than 30 guests attended the event, with 27 of those committing to the Board of Directors.
“We are overjoyed at the response we received from the luncheon as this inaugural Board is vital to the success of the Foundation,” says Marcy Canady, Executive Director of the Katy ISD Education Foundation.
“The Foundation’s mission is to fund innovative projects that are aligned with the mission, strategic plan, and educational philosophy of the school district,” says Pete Gavrel, President of the Katy ISD Education Foundation Board of Directors. “We exist for the sole purpose of supporting the school district in the mission of realizing unparalleled learning experiences for our Katy kids.”
“The Foundation will open new funding opportunities for supporting and enhancing educational programs for students and teachers,” says Canady. “Most importantly, the Foundation will provide another way to engage our community through our Board of Directors made up of local leaders, who will help to maintain the high standards of excellence expected in Katy.”
To view photos from the inaugural luncheon for prospective Board of Directors, click here.
The Katy ISD Education Foundation has been created to support the educational programs for both the students and staff personnel of the Katy Independent School District. Funds received will be used to facilitate student achievement and skill development, to recognize and encourage staff excellence and to expand community involvement from individuals, businesses and civic organizations. For more information about the Katy ISD Education Foundation, visit .
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Katy ISD is celebrating Generation TX Week with multiple opportunities for students and parents to learn about higher-education opportunities. Generation TX Week, formerly known as Education: Go Get it Week, is part of a statewide effort to promote and inform students about the importance of higher-education.
The district has scheduled two important events to inform students and parents about post-secondary options. Upcoming events include:
- College & Career Night: More than 200 representatives from colleges, universities, and post-secondary career training programs will be available at the Merrell Center on Wednesday, October 12, for the 2011 Katy ISD College and Career Night. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the event continues until 8:30 p.m. Parents and students are invited to begin their exploration of post-secondary opportunities during this event.
- Financial Information Academy: On Saturday, October 15, Katy ISD will host experts from various institutions to talk about getting the funds to pay for college. Speakers address such topics as How to Use Other People’s Money to Pay for College, College 101, Apply Texas, Collegiate Zone, and Completing the FAFSA among others. Both morning and afternoon sessions will be offered in English and Spanish. Come join us for one of two sessions, 9-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-3 p.m., to learn more about paying for college.
Katy ISD will also host its annual Military Academy Night on Tuesday, Nov. 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Katy ISD Board Room.
House Bill 2237 requires school districts to designate a week in which to provide college and career information to students at the middle and high school level. Through Generation TX Week, Katy ISD is focusing on college and career readiness standards as a way of providing students with information about higher education options, standard college admission requirements, automatic college admission programs, and financial aid availability and requirements.
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Three Katy ISD campuses have been named 2011 Texas Business & Education Coalition (TBEC) Honor Roll Schools. Congratulations to:
- Bonnie Holland Elementary
- Katy Elementary
- Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary
These three campuses are among only 253 schools in Texas to be named on the Honor Roll this year. TBEC analyzes TAKS Commended Performance results based on grades served and student demographics. As posted on the organization’s website, TBEC’s standards for 2011 were the toughest in the 12-year history of the award.
For more information, visit
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Students and community members packed the Morton Ranch High School Performing Arts Center on Sept. 23 during the school’s annual Latin Fest. Guests enjoyed singing, dancing, and cultural showcases that represented every Latin country. Now in its 7th year, the event has become a favorite among students and staff.
Guests were greeted to the 2011 Latin Fest with a slideshow presentation of famous Hispanic-American achievements and tributes to different Spanish-speaking countries. Students opened the show with a flag presentation dance to music by Proyecto Uno. Radio personality Brenda Solis from 104.9 FM also attended and spoke to the crowd.
“The show consisted of a variety of presentations of Spanish dancing, singing, poems and speakers by the students of Morton Ranch High School and local talent,” said Rómulo Crespo, Morton Ranch HS 12th grade principal and creator of the annual festival.
Additional special guests and presenters included Raúl Orlando Edwards from Strictly Street Salsa/Dance with Stars Academy, and singer/songwriter Tati Soleil.
All funds raised from this event benefit the Morton Ranch High School Latinos Unidos Scholarship Fund.
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Mayde Creek Elementary teacher Wellyna Olivier was one of 1,000 teachers nationwide to be surprised as part of the OfficeMax “A Day Made Better” program that provides school supplies to deserving teachers. Olivier was nominated by Roy Moore, assistant principal for Mayde Creek Elementary.
OfficeMax representatives surprised Ms. Olivier during class with two large boxes full of classroom supplies. As part of the award, OfficeMax provided every teacher on campus with a classroom supply gift bag.
OfficeMax and Adopt-A-Classroom founded “A Day Made Better” in 2007 to help offset out-of-pocket expenses for deserving teachers nationwide. Since its inception, the program has funded more than 3,500 teachers and their classrooms. Learn more at
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Katy ISD’s Partners in Education announced the start of their 10th annual “Food for Families” campaign. The campaign seeks to reach families in the school district in need of support. Last year more than 250 Katy ISD students and their families received more than $13,000 in assistance. This year’s campaign runs through Dec. 2.
The process for “Food for Families” is simple: campus principals identify students whose families are in need of support, then the district collects donations from the community and purchases a $50 grocery card for each family. Cards are delivered to campuses prior to winter break with a message of support from the Katy ISD community.
Donations of any amount are welcome. Donations of $50 gift cards from a business offering a variety of family food choices are also accepted (no restaurant gift cards). Checks can be made payable to Katy ISD Food for Families and mailed or delivered to: Katy ISD Partners in Education, KISD Education Support Complex Rm. 1460, 6301 S. Stadium Ln. Katy, TX 77494.
For more information, contact Janet Theis at 281-396-2461 or
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James E. Taylor High School’s show choir, Expressions, kicked off their season for the 2011-2012 school year with “Songfest”. This coffee bar musical delight held at the school on Oct. 4. Audience members enjoyed an evening of ensemble, solo, and duet performances.
Expressions is under the direction of Kevin Riehle and Kristen Likos. Members include: Emily Sarlls, Alli Kuhn, Bethany McDougal, Melanie Piche, Lindsey Blair, Jasmine Johnson, Erin Connors, Leanne McBridge, Stephen Hargis, Amanda Melvin, Troy Hubble, James Resch, Zachary Burch, Patrick Morgan and Scott Kim.
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The Taylor High School student council and National Honor Society united to raise money for local wildfire victims. The student organizations sold “Taylor United” T-shirts during lunches and were able to raise $5,000.
Taylor partnered with Magnolia West High School and delivered more than 100 $50 Wal-Mart gift cards. The students and faculty of Magnolia West High School, along with the district’s superintendent were very gracious and will be delivering those gift cards to families affected by the fires. Taylor High School students also donated Taylor United T-shirts to the Magnolia West students.
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Students at Kilpatrick Elementary are keeping busy this school year with many educational visits from author and illustrator Vuthy Kuon and Toro, the Houston Texans’ mascot.
During Kuon’s visit to Kilpatrick, he asked students for suggestions and transformed staff member Rowena Yap into Humpty Dumpty. Kuon visits schools regularly to share his presentation titled “The Million Faces of Humpty.” He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox, visits nearly 100 schools per year and has performed to over one million students and adults at schools and conferences across the country.
Toro, the Texans’ mascot, visited the school and wowed students with his enthusiasm for eating, exercising and staying healthy. Lucky students that answered Toro’s questions correctly were rewarded with a special Toro T-shirt.
Finally, students broke their fundraising goal for the 2011-2012 school year by raising $53,138.00 in candle sales. The students celebrated with Wacky Hair Day. The top 10 sellers celebrated by spraying silly string on Principal Malynn Rodriguez and Assistant Principal Heather Williams during morning announcements.
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The Seven Lakes Spartan Band Percussion Section earned a first place finish at the Foster High School Drumline Contest on Sept.24. Additionally, the bass drum section was awarded the outstanding bass line at the competition.
The Spartan Percussionists performed their 2011 competition show, “Nuevo Mundo.” The 40 members of Spartan percussion are led by Seven Lakes Associate Band Director David Reynolds.
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The 7th annual Morton Ranch High School Latin Fest was held on Friday, Sept. 23 in the school’s performing arts center. The packed house was welcomed to the annual event by a slide show presentation of famous Hispanic-American achievements and tributes to different Spanish speaking Countries with music by Joe Arroyo and Chayanne.
Students opened the show with country flag presentations dancing to music by Proyecto Uno. Brenda Solis from 104.9 FM was introduced by 12th grade principal and Latin Fest creator Rómulo (Rom) Crespo and the show consisted of a variety of presentations of Spanish dancing, singing, poems, speakers, by the students of Morton Ranch High School and local talent.
Special guests and presenters at this year’s Latin Fest included Raúl Orlando Edwards from Strictly Street Salsa, Dance with Stars Academy, and singer/song writer Tati Soleil. Funds raised from this event go towards the annual MRHS Latinos Unidos Scholarship Fund.
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Katy ISD has earned a rating of Superior Achievement under the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Katy ISD has received this top rating for each of the nine years that Texas districts have been rated through Schools FIRST.
Schools FIRST is a statewide rating system created to ensure that school districts are held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices, while achieving improved performance in the management of their financial resources. The Schools FIRST accountability rating system assigns one of four ratings, with the highest being Superior Achievement, followed by Above Standard Achievement, Standard Achievement and Substandard Achievement. Approximately 784 out of the 1,029 school districts in Texas received the Superior Achievement rating this year.
Katy ISD also recently announced that it has been named a Five-Start District in the Texas Comptroller’s Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST) – one of only 23 districts in Texas to receive this rank for two consecutive years.
More information regarding the FIRST rating system can be found on the Texas Education Agency website.
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Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey, during the Board of Trustees Work Study meeting of Monday, Sept. 19, gave a report regarding the creation of a Katy ISD Education Foundation. Marcy Canady will lead the Foundation as executive director.
“I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Canady will take the lead of the Education Foundation on a full time basis,” says Frailey. “Canady is a great fit for this responsibility, bringing to the table a comprehensive set of skills that range from classroom teacher and K-12 campus administrator, to central office and most recently school public relations.”
Canady has led the development of all aspects of the Katy ISD Education Foundation to this point in her role as Assistant Superintendent of School & Community Engagement. In this first phase, the Foundation has received a Certificate of Incorporation and has filed for 501(c)(3) status. Canady is also working to secure inaugural Board of Directors who will assist in the fundraising and governance of the Foundation.
“Through the Educational Foundation, our community will have another opportunity to come together and unite behind one great cause – our school district,” said Frailey. “Additionally, with current educational budget challenges being felt all across the state, this Foundation will help us fund many projects that we otherwise could not afford.”
An inaugural Education Foundation luncheon for prospective Board of Directors is being held on Oct. 5, 2011 at the Katy ISD ESC. For information regarding how you can get involved, please call 281-396-2355.
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The National Merit Scholarship Corporation officials this week announced the names of more than 1,600 Black American high school seniors from across the country who have been designated as Semifinalists in the 48th annual National Achievement Scholarship Program. Three of these talented students are from Katy ISD. As Semifinalists, these students now have an opportunity to continue in the competition for approximately 800 Achievement Scholarship awards worth more than $2.4 million to be offered next spring.
Katy ISD’s 2012 Semifinalists are:
- Toluwani Alimi, Seven Lakes High School
- Olamide Omidele, Seven Lakes High School
- Stephanie Uwaka, Seven Lakes High School
More than 160,000 high school juniors from all parts of the United States requested consideration in the 2012 National Achievement Scholarship Program when they took the 2010 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). To advance to the Finalist level in the competition, Semifinalists must present a record of high academic performance throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by the high school principal, write an essay, and earn SAT scores that confirm their PSAT/NMSQT performance. From the approximately 1,600 Semifinalists, about 1,300 are expected to advance to the Finalist level, and in January they will be notified of this designation.
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McMeans Junior High’s National Junior Honor Society recently held a donation drive to help those in need who lost their homes and belongings in the Texas wildfires. Students collected items ranging from clothing, toothbrushes, and water to canned food, school supplies and even pet food.
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Williams Elementary’s kindergarten class explored “Worms and Dirt” during a Eureka Life Science experiment. Eureka is a James Williams Elementary PTA-funded science program run by volunteers with teacher support.
During the experiment kindergarteners observed live Red Wiggler worms and learned about their importance as a natural composter. They learned if worms like light, if worms can smell, and how to make their own worm farms.
Kindergarteners also made individual worm farms to observe in the classroom. They released their Red Wiggler worms into the nature area at the school after observing them and learning all about the important job that worms provide for our earth.
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Katy ISD has been named a Five-Star District in the Texas Comptroller’s Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST). Katy ISD is one of only 46 districts in Texas to receive the top rating, and one of 23 districts in the state that received this rank last year as well.
Released from the office of Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the FAST rating system identifies districts and schools that have high academic achievement and cost-effective operations. The FAST report was commissioned by the Texas Legislature in 2009 as a result of HB3 to “develop a method to compare school districts on a level playing field.” For more information about FAST and to read how districts are scored, visit
Katy ISD is a TEA Recognized district serving more than 62,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 53 campuses, and with more than 8,000 employees is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area.
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The Foundation for Music Education has selected the following Katy ISD musical groups as winners in its National Mark of Excellence project:
- Beckendorff Junior High Varsity Girl’s Choir, Commended Winner, National Choral Honors project, directed by Janet Menzie
- Beck Junior High Symphonic Band, Commended Winner, National Wind Band Honors project, directed by Brenden Steber
- Cinco Ranch High School Symphony Orchestra, National Winner, National Orchestra Honors project, directed by Brett Nelson, Oscar Vera and Ray Jones
- McMeans Junior High Symphony Orchestra, National Winner, National Orchestra project in both the Middle School String and Middle School Full Orchestra categories, directed by Amy Williams
The Mark of Excellence project is a competition entered by recordings in which the top quarter was selected as National Winners, and the second quarter received Commended Honors. More than 161 musical ensembles from 30 states entered the competition this year.
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The White House announced this week that the third annual President’s Back-to-School speech will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12:30 p.m. CDT. Katy ISD will broadcast the President’s speech live; however, campuses may make their own decisions as to the best time to view the speech in their classrooms. Parents who do not want their child to view the speech or participate in related activities may complete an opt-out form and return it to their child’s school.
It has become somewhat of a tradition for presidents to address students as former President George H.W. Bush spoke to students across the nation in 1991 and former President Clinton did in a “Webside” chat in 2001. In addition, former President Reagan spoke to the nation’s students during a nationally broadcast question and answer session in 1986.
Classrooms across the district will follow the President’s address with district developed activities and materials that align with Katy ISD’s curriculum. Students with opt-out forms on file will participate in alternative activities, and their grades will not be penalized.
The President’s Back-to-School speech will be available for patrons to view online. Information on how to view the address is expected to be posted soon at
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Katy ISD’s tradition of increasing student participation and strong performance on Advanced Placement (AP) exams continues as the district recently learned that each one of its six high school campuses showed an increase in the number of students participating in the exams. In addition, every high school campus exceeded the state and national percentage of AP students making a qualifying score of 3 or better on the exams.
Katy ISD is among the 388 U.S. public school districts (one of only 23 in Texas) to be listed on the 2011 College Board AP Achievement List. This list identifies districts that simultaneously achieved increases in access to AP courses while maintaining or improving the rate of students earning a score of 3 or better on the exams – the score that generally qualifies a student for college credit. In May 2011, more than 3,000 Katy ISD students took more than 7,200 AP exams, with 79 percent of the exams earning a score of 3 or better. This reflects a 24 percent increase from 2010 in the number of exams earning these high scores.
“Katy ISD values student participation in advanced academic coursework and commends students who choose to challenge themselves academically,” says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “Studies have shown that the students participating in AP courses in high school are more likely to complete a bachelor’s degree with higher GPAs.”
Advanced Placement and PreAP courses are designed to challenge students beyond grade level academic courses and prepare them for success in future advanced coursework. Katy ISD recognizes that support and encouragement from the campus, the teacher, and parents are critical to student success. Therefore, the district follows an inclusive enrollment model for AP and PreAP courses that provides support systems for student success.
Katy ISD offers AP courses in English, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, computer science and languages other than English. For more information about AP or PreAP, visit
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Theatre Under The Stars (TUTS) announced the 45 Houston area high schools competing in the tenth annual Tommy Tune Awards, including Katy, Taylor and Morton Ranch High Schools. Developed by TUTS in 2002, the Tommy Tune Awards honor musical theatre excellence at the high school level, celebrating outstanding student achievement in 15 categories.
During the 2011-2012 school year, a team of Houston-based theatre professionals will evaluate the participating high school productions and announce the winners at a Tony Awards-style ceremony to be held April 17, 2012 at the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts. The event will spotlight musical numbers from the nominated shows as well as award presentations to the performers, directors, choreographers, orchestras and designers who have defined excellence throughout the 2011 – 2012 school year. One of the most prestigious recognitions of the Tommy Tune Awards, the Best Leading Actor and Actress will represent TUTS, all expenses paid, as they go on to compete at the national level for the Jimmy Award at the National High School Musical Theater Awards in New York City in June 2012.
TUTS’ Tommy Tune Awards are named for Broadway legend, Houston native and Lamar High School alumnus, Tommy Tune. A performer, director, and choreographer with more than 50 years of stage experience, Tune received nine Tony Awards for his work in the following productions: Seesaw, My One and Only, A Day in Hollywood/A Night in the Ukraine, Nine, Grand Hotel, and The Will Rogers Follies. He was also awarded the National Medal of Arts in 2003 by President Bush.
TUTS’ Tommy Tune Awards are designed not only to acknowledge remarkable artists in musical theatre at the high school level, but also to encourage their future in the profession by providing an opportunity to win scholarships, compete on a national level, and receive recognition from their peers.
Katy ISD schools will be evaluated on the following performances:
- Katy High School, Honk! – October 13, 14, 15 at 7 p.m.
- Morton Ranch High School, Hairspray – January 19, 20, 21 and 7 p.m.
- Taylor High School, Chicago – January 19, 20 and 21 at 7 p.m.
The Tommy Tune Awards ceremony is open to the general public, and tickets will be available for purchase beginning on April 3, 2012. For information on the 2012 Tommy Tune Awards ceremony, call 713-558-2600 or visit
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The worst drought Texans have seen in years has caused some really hard times for many especially those that have been affected by the wildfires that have been ripping through Texas towns. The Morton Ranch FFA wanted to step up and help the hundreds of families that have been left with nothing due to Mother Nature.
Morton Ranch FFA invited the campus, community, and other FFA chapters to join in with Operation Fill the Trailer. The Maverick FFA hopes for the best to all the families affected by the fires.
The Morton Ranch FFA would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated in this community service event.
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The Morton Ranch High School Boys’ Cross Country team had a strong performance at the Seven Lakes Showcase on Friday, Sept. 9. The Freshman Boys’ were the team champions out of 10 teams led by James Jones, David Winski, and Chris Winski who finished fifth, sixth, and eighth, respectively, out of 70 runners. The JV squad finished second overall out of 11 teams and were led by Randy Piwonka, Travis Cernitisch, and Ahmjad Khan who finished sixth, seventh, and fourteenth, respectively, out of 93 runners.
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The Foundation for Music Education has selected the Cinco Ranch High School Symphony Orchestra and McMeans Junior High Orchestra as National Winners in the Mark of Excellence National Orchestra Honors project. Cinco Ranch won in the Full Orchestra category, and McMeans won in both the Full Orchestra and String categories.
Stacy Holland, sixth grade science teacher at Mayde Creek Junior High, has been accepted into the National Science Teachers Association and the DOW Chemical Company New Science Teacher Academy as a DOW-NSTA Fellow. Intended for science educators entering their second or third year of teaching, teachers supported by the grant receive year-long professional development and financial support to attend and participate in NSTA’s National Conference on Science Education.
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The National Merit Scholarship Corporation today released the names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 57th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. A total of 51 of these talented seniors are from Katy ISD. As Semifinalists, these students now have a chance to compete for some 8,300 National Merit Scholarships, worth more than $34 million, that will be offered in spring 2012.
Katy ISD’s 2012 Semifinalists are:
Cinco Ranch High School: Varun Bora, Amy Chen, Nicole Chu, Jonathan Crookham, Raymond Han, Selena Ilbeig, Ha Jung, Brian Lambert, Tianyi Liu, Yuxuan Liu, Ariana Peruzzi, Rohit Rekhi, Camilo Ruiz, Rachel Stepanek, Matthew Stromberg, Amber Wang, Raymond Xu, Kevin Yates, Ge Yu, Bert Zhang, Evan Zhang and Yiwen Zhang.
Katy High School: Kendall DeBoer and Ted Deng.
Mayde Creek High School: Mark Jablinski and Bo Suh.
Seven Lakes High School: Daniel Brown, Shannon Cheng, Xuezhen Du, Shelley Fang, Abhishek Garg, John Haley, Melissa LeRoy, Kami Lowery, Rajneesh Nair, Karson Ota, Juhie Vyas, David Wang, Jonathan Xu, Renee Zhan, Ming Zhao and Grant Zheng.
Taylor High School: Ariel Chen, Stephanie Chung, Alexander Hunn, Anse Kwak, Jenna Netland, Elizabeth Neville, James Pinkerton, Henry Wang and Clare Zhang.
In order to become a finalist, all semifinalists must maintain an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by their high school principal, and earn SAT scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying test.
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Don and Laurie Abrahamson, parents of WoodCreek Elementary students Hannah and Donnie Abrahamson, handcrafted the new cabin and graciously donated it to the school. The cabin is currently being used daily in the library for the school’s morning announcements. It was constructed to be portable, as it folds and fits through doorways, and may be used for other events at WoodCreek Elementary. In addition to the cabin, Mr. Abrahamson has created and donated a newsstand on display in the WoodCreek Elementary lobby for holding important fliers for the PTA.
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Officials of National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced the names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 57th annual National Merit Scholarship Program, including 22 students at Cinco Ranch High School. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,300 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $34 million that will be offered next spring.
To be considered for a Merit Scholarship award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. About 90 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and more than half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar title.
Twenty-two Cinco Ranch High School students have qualified as National Merit Semifinalists. Principal James Cross met with these students to offer his congratulations for the hard work and dedication they have shown throughout their years at Cinco Ranch High School.
Students named Semifinalists are: Tianyi Liu, Rachel Stepanek, Ariana Peruzzi, Evan Zhang, Ha Eun Jung, Amber Wang, Nicole Chu, Camilo Ruiz, Bert Zhang, Varun Bora, Selena Ilbeig, Brian Lambert, Jonathan Crookham, Matthew Stromberg, Kevin Yates, Yiwen Zhang, Rohit Rekhi, Ge Yu, Amy Chen, Yuxuan Liu, Raymond Han, and Raymond Xu.
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Planning and paying for college or technical school can be overwhelming. This year, Katy families are paying as much as $22,000 to $43,000 annually to send their students to public and private colleges and universities in Texas. To help keep families well-informed about options when it comes to paying for college, Katy ISD Community Education is hosting several free College Funding Workshops.
College Funding Workshop attendees will learn how to:
- Plug into $10+ billion of grant money
- Learn how private colleges may be less expensive than state schools
- Identify forgivable loans exceeding $46,000
- Learn about out-of-state public schools which don’t charge out of state tuition
- Learn how to improve your financial aid awards
- Identify schools more generous with their aid dollars
- Learn how higher income families can qualify for “need based” financial aid
Upcoming workshops:
Cinco Ranch High School 7 p.m. to 8:10 p.m. Sept. 13 – Room 1617 | Taylor High School 7 p.m. to 8:10 p.m. Sept. 13 – Library |
Katy ISD’s College Funding workshops are free and open to the public. For more Information contact Ross Raymond at 832-877-7557 or e-mail
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On Wednesday, Oct. 12, Katy ISD sophomores and juniors will have the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) at their home campus. Taking the PSAT can encourage a student to start thinking seriously about college and career goals, and the education needed to reach those goals. Registration opens Sept. 6, and information will be distributed to students at their home campus.
Sophomores must register and pay the PSAT/NMSQT exam fee of $14 by Sept. 16 to participate. Homeschooled students may register through their zoned high school, and also pay the exam fee by Sept. 16. Every Katy ISD junior is automatically registered to participate, with their exam fees paid by the district.
Taking the PSAT provides the following advantages to students:
- It measures the reading, math, and writing skills needed for college (and for success in most jobs and careers in today’s world). After the test, a score report will tell students how their skills measure up. Students can use it to find their “skill gaps” and make plans to fill these gaps.
- The Student Search Service gives PSAT/NMSQT test takers the option to voluntarily place their names and addresses in a pool of college-bound students interested in receiving admission and financial aid information from certified colleges, universities and scholarship agencies.
- Students who take the PSAT typically score higher on the SAT than those who do not take the PSAT.
- It provides practice for the SAT Reasoning Test.
- It allows students to predict their SAT scores in time to work on specific skills that may raise their scores.
- Juniors who score well may qualify for National Merit Recognition and Scholarships.
- Sophomores who score well are invited to participate in the district National Merit Review Program.
- It provides valuable information to parents and students on student potential for advanced academics in high school.
PSAT/NMSQT test takers receive a free personalized PSAT/NMSQT college planning kit online. Using a unique access code on the score report, students have access to an online PSAT/NMSQT Score Report, a customized SAT study plan, personalized lists of college majors and careers, a personalized list of colleges, and access to MyRoad—an interactive majors, college and career exploration program.
Students can prepare for this exam by reviewing the information on the PSAT/NMSQT prep booklet available on each high school campus.
Katy ISD provides all students the academic opportunities needed to prepare them for college and beyond. Participation in the PSAT is an important part of preparing for college.
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Students in fifth grade who are not currently identified for the elementary Challenge program have the opportunity to be screened for Gifted and Talented Program service to begin in the fall of sixth grade. Secondary gifted program options are available in English, reading, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students may be screened in any or all of these content areas.
If you would like to refer your child for secondary Gifted and Talented screening, complete a Secondary Parent Checklist and return to your child’s elementary campus by Sept. 28. Parent Checklists will not be accepted after Sept. 28.
You may obtain a Parent Checklist from your child’s campus counselor beginning Sept. 12. You may also access the checklist on the Katy ISD website at
If you refer your child for screening, testing will take place at your child’s campus during the month of October. You will be notified of the placement decision by U.S. mail in January.
For more information, please contact the Challenge teacher at your child’s elementary school.
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Katy ISD is hosting an all-inclusive open house for community members and local businesses to learn about working with the district. The annual PIE Open House plus annual Local Vendor Initiative will join forces on one day, Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. in the Merrell Center. Patrons will have a chance to: learn about School-Business Partnerships; reconnect with partner campuses; learn about the district’s Open for Business initiative; and more. Current and prospective business partners are invited to attend.
In addition to booths hosted by campus leadership, the event will also feature areas hosted by Katy ISD Facilities and Planning, Communications and the district’s Marketing Program. Patrons will also enjoy a free continental breakfast and performances by Katy ISD school groups.
For questions regarding this event, please contact Partners in Education: Janet Theis 281-396-2461 or Tammy Stringer 281-396-2645. To RSVP for this event, visit
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Sunday marked the 10-year anniversary of September 11, 2001. As we reflect on a day of one of the worst tragedies in our nation’s history, we are called to remember the overwhelming support and coming together of communities across the entire country. Heroes all over the United States joined hands to support relief, rescue and recovery efforts for those affected by the events that unfolded that morning.
In the spirit of coming together as one community, Katy ISD’s James Williams Elementary asked students to write stories about a time when they’ve been a helper in the community. Every child who brought a story to school received an American Flag to place on the campus grounds.
Hundreds of flags graced the Williams Elementary grounds over the weekend, in commemoration of all people who helped others on Sept. 11, 2001, and in the days that followed.
Williams Elementary opened in 2000 and was named in honored of Dr. James Williams, who served the Katy ISD Board of Trustees. Currently, Williams Elementary serves more than 750 students in grades K-5.
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Katy ISD students and teachers have access to an entirely new level of classroom learning this year through Katy ISD’s Public Wi-Fi, now available on every campus across the district. With Wi-Fi, and at the teacher’s discretion, students may use their personal devices – such as mobile phones, laptops and iPads – to access Web 2.0 tools used for specific lessons in the classroom. Parents can also feel secure knowing that Katy ISD’s Wi-Fi network is equipped with the same Internet restrictions as all district student computers and devices.
“While this is a great step in technology for the classroom, this does not mean that students have free rein to use their devices throughout the school day,” says Katy ISD Chief Informational Officer Lenny Schad. “This does, however, enable teachers to allow students to use their own devices for specific classroom projects and assignments. Students who do not have personal devices will be able to use a comparable district-owned device for such projects – or will be given a comparable assignment.”
Public Wi-Fi was first piloted at Cinco Ranch High School 2010 and the feedback was positive. Teachers have found the new Wi-Fi network helpful, as they are now able to quickly engage students in projects by directing them to their mobile devices.
“Everyone is really excited about Wi-Fi. My students have already utilized their devices to take notes, look up definitions and even submit assignments through,” says Marcia Simmons, Pre-AP English Teacher at Cinco Ranch High School. “We are getting the full advantage of having this on our campus.”
For more details on Katy ISD’s Wi-Fi service, view the Katy ISD Public Wi-Fi: A Guide for Parents. By accessing the Katy ISD Wi-Fi network, users accept the terms of Katy ISD’s Responsible Use Guidelines.
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The Seven Lakes High School Band’s inaugural March-a-thon was a rousing success! On Saturday, Aug. 27, nearly 300 kids and 80 parent volunteers marched a seven-mile route through Grand Lakes, Cinco Ranch and Seven Meadows.
Money raised during the 16 concert stops and along the route will go toward helping the band reach its fundraising targets for the fall and provide continued excellent music education opportunities for the SLHS band members.
The band would like to thank its partners who helped pull off this great day: Randalls, Fort Bend County Constable Precinct 3 Police Department, Community Volunteer Fire Service and EMS, Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Department, Willowfork Fire Department, Fort Bend EMS, Grand Lakes Homeowner’s Association, Seven Meadows Homeowner’s Association, and Cinco Ranch Homeowner’s Association.
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This morning, the concentration of smoke from wildfires to the north has significantly increased and is not expected to subside during the day. Therefore, Katy ISD is taking the following steps to maintain the health and well-being of students and staff:
- There will be no outdoor PE or recess activities for the remainder of the day.
- There will be no outdoor athletic or fine arts practices. Athletic and fine arts after school practices will be held indoors if possible. Students should check with their coaches/sponsors for exact details as to the status/location of their practice.
- Campuses will work to load students on buses quickly to minimize time outdoors.
District officials will continue to monitor the situation closely for possible impact on operations for Friday. By noon Friday, district officials will make an announcement as to what, if any impact, the air quality may have on Friday night athletic events.
Visit for up-to-the-minute updates.
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Kilpatrick Elementary celebrated the return of its students, teachers, staff and volunteers with several back to school events. The students were welcomed back to the school for Meet the Teacher Night on Wednesday, Aug. 17 where students were not only able to meet their teachers and see their new classrooms, but they were able to purchase spirit wear for the upcoming school year. This year’s theme in the outback is “OKE On Top of the World…Let the Adventure Begin.”
In addition to this event, the PTA welcomed back the school’s wonderful teachers and staff back by hosting their annual luncheon on Friday, Aug. 19. At OKE, the first day of school is not complete without a “Welcome Back Coffee,” which gives parents an opportunity to meet other volunteer parents and get familiar with the many volunteer opportunities in the Outback.
With the start of the school year, Kilpatrick kicked off its Birthday Book celebrations the first week of school. Students who donated Birthday Books to the school library included: Rohan Bhat, Evan Mungaiu, Zoe Charles-Zekeri, Breno Rocha, Matthew Bobadillo, and Amy Lacey.
Finally, Cub Scout Pack 548 and Daisy Troop 17516 raised money through popcorn and cookie sales and donated part of the proceeds to the beautification of Kilpatrick Elementary. The scouts also helped plant the butterfly garden in front of the school.
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Katy ISD’s Community Education offers evening and online classes to adults for fun, enrichment and learning. Classes offered include foreign languages, finance, computer, sewing, dance, music and more.
For information on classes and to view the Fall schedule, visit or call 281-396-6365. Please mention you found this on
Katy resident Radina Khalid recently completed an internship at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston where she classified technical reports, researched ways to improve communication through social media and researched project management. Khalid, a student at James E. Taylor High School, landed a NASA internship through the Interdisciplinary National Science Project Incorporating Research and Education Experience (INSPIRE) program.
Khalid interned in the Advanced Planning Office, the organization that performs independent and objective assessments for early-stage conceptual developments and integrates multiple forward-looking initiatives at Johnson. Khalid helped summarize new innovations for patent lawyers and organize metadata libraries.
“Aside from the great amount of NASA-based information, I learned that every day is an interview at work,” Khalid says. “You meet quite a lot of new people every day who can be potential coworkers in the future.”
“Radina has been wonderful to work with this summer,” says her mentor, Adrianne Blume. “Not only is she very intelligent and capable, but the maturity, confidence and professionalism that she portrays is a rare find in high school students.”
Khalid expects to graduate in June 2012. She plans to study mechanical engineering and computer science after high school.
INSPIRE is a multi-tier, year-round program designed for high school students who are interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers. Participants compete for a paid residential internship summer experience at any of the NASA centers.
For more information about NASA or the INSPIRE program, visit
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Stan C. Stanley Elementary welcomed back students for the 2011-2012 school year with this year’s theme “Where Growing is a Grand Adventure.” In its third year of education, Stanley Elementary is one of the largest elementary schools in Katy ISD. The Texas Education Agency assigned an Exemplary accountability rating to the school in its first year of qualification.
Stanley Elementary is located on Cinco Terrace Drive in Cinco Ranch Southwest.
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The Katy ISD Board of Trustees last night approved the proposed budget that includes total revenues of $563 million, and total expenditures of $556 million for the 2011-2012 academic year. The budget was built on the same tax rate from the previous year at $1.1266 per $100 valuation for the Maintenance & Operations tax rate, and $0.40 per $100 valuation for the Debt Service tax rate.
Katy ISD and districts across the state are facing significant budget shortfalls due to $4 billion in cuts to public education in Texas. For Katy ISD, this translates to a general fund budget that is $27 million less than the previous year’s. Despite the cuts, this year’s budget will add $3.9 million to the general fund balance.
“The Board and I have conducted an extensive review of the 2011-2012 budget and considered many different options. It’s also important to remember that we have five new schools to open and operate over the next three years – and the Katy area continues to grow,” says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “Facing a major financial reduction is never an easy situation, and there were many areas where we had to cut back. However, at the end of the day, we have found a way to reduce spending while increasing the fund balance and, more importantly, eliminate any major negative impacts to student learning.”
The Katy ISD budget is composed of three fund types: General Fund, Special Revenue Fund and Debt Services Fund. The General Fund includes revenues and expenditures of $449.4 million and $442.8 million respectively, with the major expenditure being payroll (88 percent). The Special Revenue Fund includes revenues and expenditures of $27 million and $24.7 million respectively, covering the district’s food services operations. The Debt Services Fund covers the district’s long-term debt and includes expenditures of $88.7 million and revenues of $86.6 million – with transfers of $240,000 in interest earnings on bond projects, and $3.2 million for the subsidy from Build America Bonds.
Adds Frailey, “Although the budget is now final, we will continue to look for cost-savings opportunities in every area of the district.”
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The ground has officially been turned for the replacement campus of one of Katy ISD’s oldest elementary campuses, Wolfe Elementary. The campus, originally built in 1969, was approved for an entirely new building in the 2010 Katy ISD Bond Election. The new campus will serve approximately 500 students in grades K-5, and is expected to be completed in July 2012.
Representatives from Katy ISD administration, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees, PBK, Tellepsen and the Wolfe Elementary community turned the soil in at the new campus location in an exciting groundbreaking ceremony last week.
“A great amount of effort went into bringing us together to officially begin work on this new campus,” says Katy ISD Assistant Superintendent Marcy Canady. “Back in 2006, a roof replacement was allocated for this campus; but, due to continued discussions about other structural and mechanical issues with the building, it was determined that replacing the campus would be a less expensive option.”
The replacement campus is being built just a few yards away from the current campus, but will remain fenced-off for safety precautions during construction. PBK Group is the contracted architect and Tellepsen is the contracted construction company for the Wolfe project.
“This campus has a lot of history in the Katy area and, in some cases, there have been three generations of families who have walked the halls at Wolfe,” says Wolfe Elementary Principal Dr. Jacob LeBlanc. “The new campus represents the continued commitment from this community to education, and I look forward to seeing even more generations walking the new halls in 2012.”
Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey adds, “I appreciate the community members who championed this project from the beginning. The Wolfe Elementary project is a great example of a community coming together for a common goal.”
To view photos from the groundbreaking ceremony, click here. For updates on the Wolfe Elementary replacement campus project and other Katy ISD bond projects, visit
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The 200-member Katy High School Tigers Marching Band and Trash Can Band kicked off their first-ever Roar Tour at Firethorne last Saturday morning, delighting homeowners with such musical requests as “Awesome Song” and “North Shore.” The band played in exchange for donations made to the marching band to purchase band instruments for the Katy High students.
“We are making plans for next year already and very much looking forward to a return to Firethorne,” says Davis, noting the entire Tigers Band Roar Tour raised $3,500 in its initial effort.
The ROAR TOUR began at the Firethorne Visitor Center, 28100 N. Firethorne Rd., and continued throughout Firethorne, stopping to play for homeowners and streets that donated to the fundraising project. Individuals or groups purchased three songs for $100. Contributions were collected along the Firethorne route.
For further information on supporting the Tigers Band, please contact Leslie Davis at 281-543-9679.
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The Katy ISD Board of Trustees last night approved the Superintendent’s recommendation to appoint Sanée Bell, current instructional principal at WoodCreek Junior High, as the new principal of Cimarron Elementary. This comes after Cimarron Elementary Principal Mindy Dickerson accepted the principal position at Beckendorff Junior High.
Bell started her educational career in 2000 as a junior high language arts teacher in Louisville, KY. She joined Katy ISD in 2002 as a high school English teacher and junior varsity basketball coach at Katy High School. Since then, Bell continued to move to positions of increasing responsibility in the district, serving as assistant principal and interim principal for West Memorial, and opening WoodCreek as an assistant principal alongside Patti Shafer, principal.
Bell holds a Bachelor of Arts in English/Allied Language Arts from Western Kentucky University, and a Master of Science in Educational Management from the University of Houston Clear Lake. Bell’s new role at Cimarron is effective immediately.
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The Katy ISD KEYS (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success) mentoring program was piloted in 1995-1996 as a way to help students on the brink of success build achievement through a sense of belonging, self-confidence and ultimately academic growth. KEYS is not a tutoring session, it is an hour outside of the classroom that focuses solely on the belief that a particular student can and will be successful.
“The success of KEYS is based on the power of one – one mentor, one student, one hour per week,” says Martha Brown, Katy ISD Partners in Education.
The Power of One is a motto that the group focuses on to encourage community members to dedicate one small portion of their week to help make a tremendous impact on the life of one student in their community.
Steve Ogier, a KEYS Mentor and Katy resident, first became a mentor eleven years ago at Creech Elementary. Since then, he has mentored five students through five campuses – and even mentored one student from second grade through high school graduation.
“I had no expectations when I first became a mentor,” says Ogier. “It seemed like a good opportunity to make a contribution and occupy my retirement years.”
The relationship between a mentor and mentee often grows on its own and evolves over time. Students and mentors may start by playing games, reading or just talking.
“My advice to new mentors is to be a good listener, show up on time, be dependable and non-judgmental,” adds Ogier. “Now, eleven years later, my biggest reward has been seeing students impacted by growing into responsible young adults.”
Every spring, the KEYS program is evaluated by collecting data from campus liaisons, students and mentors. The most recent data shows that 91 percent of students in the KEYS program had a decrease in discipline referrals; 84 percent showed a decrease in absences; and 89 percent showed improved grades. Additionally, in the past six years, $77,000 has been awarded to graduating student participants through Katy ISD’s annual KEYS Scholarship program.
With the new school year underway, Katy ISD campuses will identify many new students who could benefit greatly from a mentor.
“Every year we have more students in need of a mentor than mentors available,” says Brown. “Now is a great time for anyone who ever thought about mentoring to take the first step and get involved.”
To be a KEYS Mentor, you need:
- A belief in the potential of every child;
- One hour per week to spend with a child, on campus during the school day;
- Participation in a brief campus KEYS orientation; and
- Successful completion of a KEYS application and background check.
For more information, please contact Martha Brown in Katy ISD’s Partners in Education department at 281-396-2464.
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Griffin families raised over $56,000 and contributed an amazing 28,320 volunteer hours last year. The extra cash meant the PTA has been able to purchase a fantastic range of equipment and teacher training ready for the new school year.
Griffin PTA bought:
- two smart boards;
- five document cameras;
- four projectors;
- extra math and literacy equipment;
- accelerated readers for the literacy library;
- supplies and classroom items for the Art Department;
- additional books for the library;
- a digital recorder, cables, microphones and headphone for the Music Department;
- sponsor a series of educational events for students which have focused on test preparation and positive lifestyle choices; and
- a literacy workshop for teachers.
“Budgets are tight, so the PTA is working closely with the principal, grade teachers and specials teachers to make sure every dollar we raise and every hour spent volunteering is put to the best possible use,” says PTA President Tiffany Walker. “I’m proud that every MGE teacher is a member of the PTA. Our goal for this year is to reach 1,000 members. By working together we can make a real difference at school and be great role models for our children.”
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Katy ISD has entered into Readiness Level 3 in response to continuing weather forecasts for extreme heat. As such, the District will be taking the following steps to alter school operations to ensure student and staff safety:
- Students will be allowed to have water bottles at school and on the bus next week until the emergency readiness level returns to “4 – Normal Readiness.”
- Schools will make every effort to expedite bus loading at dismissal.
- The campus administration will receive email warnings when the temperature reaches 100 and when the heat index reaches 105; student outdoor activities will need to be adjusted according to the guidance for elementary or secondary schools.
- Athletics and Fine Arts coaches and sponsors have already been acclimating students to the heat; they will continue to follow the Athletic Department’s guidelines.
- All teachers responsible for student outdoor activities will be provided information on the signs of heat-related health problems and the proper steps to care for students who show symptoms of heat-related injury.
Outdoor Activities Guidelines
Secondary Students
Students will be allowed and encouraged to drink water before and after outdoor activities.
At Readiness Level 3 – PE students should not be outdoors more than 45 minutes regardless of temperature.
Students will be allowed to rest halfway through PE, rest may be outdoors but should be in the shade when possible.
Elementary Students
Students will be allowed and encouraged to drink water before and after outdoor activities.
Even in the cooler parts of the day at Readiness Level 3 outdoor activities on the playground or for PE are limited to 20 minutes.
For more information, visit
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The Cinco Ranch High School varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders recently attended the UCA cheer camp at Moody Gardens. The varsity squad received first place camp champions in both extreme dance routine and camp cheer. The junior varsity squad received superior recognition for both their extreme dance routine and camp cheer at their final evaluations, as well as a “most improved” award for their overall performance at camp. The mascots received the Traditions award and the camp champion award.
Cheerleaders of both squads will be participating in the upcoming Race for the Cure on Oct. 1. Go to to make a donation to Team Cinco.
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Seven Lakes High School’s varsity volleyball team recently placed second at the Remedy Roofing Volleyball Classic. Teams played over two days at Katy ISD high schools. Seven Lakes won their final game against Tomball High School.
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The 2011 Seven Lakes High School Spartan Band & Guard will hold its inaugural Spartan March-a-thon Parade on Saturday, Aug. 27 with the goal of entertaining local supporters and raising funds for its 2011-2012 season. The parade is set to begin at 9 a.m. at Central Park in Phase III of Grand Lakes (intersection of Rainwood Park Lane and Emily Park Lane).
The 300-member band will march through portions of Grand Lakes in the morning, followed by lunch at Beckendorff Junior High School. The parade will continue in the afternoon through portions of Cinco Ranch and Seven Meadows, ending at 4 p.m. at Seven Lakes High School.
For a $100 minimum donation, the band will play a private concert in front of your home or at a location of your choosing along the parade route. Persons interested in the mini-concerts can sign up at
The band also will take donations along the parade route during the March-a-thon. All funds support the Seven Lakes High School Band & Guard program, including items such as instruments, equipment, transportation, entry fees, and music clinicians. The SLHS Band Booster Association is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donation receipts will be available upon request for your tax records.
“Safety is a priority, so we will be working with local law enforcement and the local fire department to secure our route. Students will be marching at a leisurely pace with frequent water breaks,” says Damon Archer, director of bands, Seven Lakes High School.
The Seven Lakes High School Band has received numerous UIL Sweepstakes awards and has performed at Chicago Symphony Hall in Chicago and Meyerson Hall in Dallas. Since the school’s opening in 2005, the band has grown from 72 members to more than 300 members, with five concert bands, two jazz bands, two colorguard teams, a competition marching band, a halftime marching band, and a full orchestra.
The band and colorguard participated in the 2011 Pre-Game festivities at the Allstate Sugar Bowl in New Orleans and, along with the Taylor High School band, was the recipient of the first ever KatyONE Award from Katy ISD. The motto of KatyONE community is very important to the band’s mission, and drives the SLHS band’s commitment to the Katy community, and its music students and families. Visit for more information.
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Katy ISD announced its policy for providing free and reduced-price meals for children eligible under the federal income guidelines for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program. A copy of the policy may be viewed at
Children living in households whose income is at or below the federally approved levels, based on family size, may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Transfer students approved for the program from another school district may either complete a Katy ISD application or provide documentation of their eligibility status. Foster children who are the legal responsibility of a welfare agency or court may also be eligible for benefits regardless of the income of the household with whom they reside.
The Katy ISD Nutrition and Food Service Department encourages parents in all eligible households to complete an online application prior to the start of school. The online application can be found at the district website
A Free and Reduced meal application form and an information letter will also be distributed in the student first day packet. A paper application will not need to be completed if you submitted the 2010-2011 application online. If your child was on the program at the end of the previous school year they are eligible for the same benefit for the first 30 operating days of the new school year, or until a new application is processed. A new application is required each school year.
The Nutrition and Food Service Dept. is located at 5364 Franz Rd. Staff is available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., to assist parents complete the application. Bring the names of all members of the households and their gross monthly income. For any questions call the Katy ISD Nutrition Dept. office at 281-396-6240.
Applications are available online, at any district school and at the food service office, and may be submitted any time during the school year as of July 1. The information households provide on the application will be used for the purpose of determining meal eligibility. Application information may be verified by school officials at any time during the school year.
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Beginning this fall, KUBE-TV Channel 57 will offer Katy ISD high school football fans the chance to watch the game in the comfort of their own home. Seven Lakes, Cinco Ranch, Morton Ranch and Katy high school games will all air on the Houston broadcast channel.
With the start of the new school year, The KUBE will kick-off its weekly coverage of high school sports with “Thursday Night Showdown,” which will feature eight high school football games during the season. Live coverage of each game will begin at 7 p.m. and will highlight some of the biggest high school football rivalries in the Houston area. The season will begin on Aug. 25.
Katy-area games to be shown include:
Sept. 29 Seven Lakes Spartans vs. Cinco Ranch Cougars
Oct. 6 Katy Tigers vs. Morton Ranch Mavericks
Two additional playoff games will be aired with teams determined by ranking and division.
In addition live high school football coverage every Saturday and Sunday at 6 p.m., KUBE-TV will air “The High School SportZone,” a locally produced sports program dedicated to high school sports and hosted by veteran sportscaster Todd Freed, who has been covering Houston high school sports for more than a decade. This fast-paced, 60-minute show offers all high school sports throughout the entire school year.
During the show, Freed, the recipient of two prestigious Lone Star Emmy Awards, including the Host/Producer of the Best Sports Show in Texas, will present action packed highlights and conduct compelling interviews with student athletes and coaches. In addition, each week, Freed will bring in a team that has demonstrated exceptional talent on the field or court for his “Team of the Week” segment. The team chosen for this honor distinguished itself with outstanding play and ability.
“It’s awesome to present a show that I believe is bigger and better than ever,” Freed says. “I’m confident high school fans across greater Houston are going to enjoy what they see — with 60 minutes of action-packed sports though the entire school year.”
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Katy ISD parents can receive free immunizations for their child through an upcoming Care Van Free Immunization opportunity. The event will take place on Thursday, Aug. 11 from 4 to 7 p.m., at the Katy ISD Law Enforcement Center, 20370 Franz Rd.
Please bring all immunization records and/or bring a notice from your school indicating that an immunization is due. A parent or legal guardian must accompany their child and a photo ID is required.
For questions regarding this event, please contact the Katy ISD Health Services Dept. at 281-396-2785.
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The Goddard School, located in Katy, believes in the power of play for learning, as well as the importance of providing a healthy, active lifestyle for all children. In an effort to spread the word to families in their community, the educational preschool will sponsor The Goddard School Block Party event from Monday, Sept. 19 through Saturday, Sept.24.
The event will engage children and their families in a variety of exciting fitness, nutrition and playful learning activities based on the core curriculum and enrichment programs that are an integral part of the FLEX Learning Program offered at The Goddard School.
In addition to The Goddard School Block Party event taking place in our Schools, Goddard Systems, Inc. (GSI), franchisor of The Goddard School, is the exclusive preschool sponsor of Play for Tomorrow’s Ultimate Block Party: The Arts and Sciences of Play, a powerful global movement designed to recognize and celebrate the power of play for learning. The Ultimate Block Party will take place Sunday, October 2nd, at Rash Field in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in downtown Baltimore, MD and will feature an amazing day of play for families and children, designed to bring playful learning back to the forefront. At the event, GSI and the Baltimore-area Goddard Schools will host the Let’s Play Café. Children will enjoy manipulating play dough, shopping at a pretend farmer’s market and participating in a series of engaging pretend restaurant activities while learning about nutrition, counting, sorting and other important lessons through play.
To gear up for the big celebrations, Asli Remlinger, owner of The Goddard School located in Katy, offers five tips for parents to help their children partake in healthy activities:
- Make it into a game. Create a game out of everyday tasks such as chores, cleaning and gardening. Think outside the box to create activities that are active and stimulate the mind. Play helps children learn to solve problems, promotes flexibility and motivation, teaches regulation of emotions and builds resilience and confidence.
- Get outside. Preschoolers need plenty of time and space to run around and play. Taking your child to a playground or park is a great way to release energy and exercise! Play outside with your child and teach hand-eye coordination by showing the basics of throwing, catching and kicking a large, soft ball.
- Add music to the activity. Play “Statues” by playing up-tempo music. Have your child move while the music is playing and freeze into a statue when you pause the music. Encourage creative dancing.
- Be active with your children. Support young toddlers’ mastery of walking by allowing them to be active! Play with them as they learn to run, hop, dance and throw. Have them chase bubbles or invent a silly walk — play becomes exercise. Remember to provide encouragement to your child as they build self-confidence.
- Get active inside, too. When weather interferes, get out the large balls, exercise mats and Twister games, or do some stretching and balancing exercises together. Limit TV, video game and computer time to encourage your children to become active.
“Focusing your child’s physical fitness on fun activities will increase your child’s ability to move with confidence and competence,” says Sue Adair, director of education at GSI. “At The Goddard School, we also work closely with our families to help guide healthy activities, because exercise increases overall metabolism; builds a healthy heart and lungs, strong bones and muscles; and improves coordination, balance, posture and flexibility.
To learn more about The Goddard School Block Party and The Goddard School located in Katy, parents are encouraged to drop in for a tour or call Asli Remlinger directly to arrange a personal appointment at 281-392-1912 or visit online at
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Katy ISD parents will have a chance to earn extra meals for their children during the second annual Meal Pay Bonus Weekend. MealpayPlus will be open for deposits starting Saturday, Aug. 13. During the entire weekend, Aug. 13-14, parents who place funds into their child’s meal or general account will received “Bonus Back” funds that could be worth up to one week of free meals depending on the amount deposited. The district has also added a Second Chance Bonus Weekend on Aug. 27-28, allowing one more opportunity for parents to receive Bonus Back funds.
Bonus funds can be earned by depositing the following amounts into student accounts:
Deposit – Bonus Amount
$10 to $39.99 – $2
$40 to $59.99 – $4
$60 to $79.99 – $6
$80 to $99.99 – $8
$100 to $199.99 – $10
$200+ – $12
If you do not have a MealpayPlus account, you may register by visiting mealpayplus.comand enter your child’s student ID number. There is a 4.75% convenience fee payable to MealpayPlus when you use this service to make meal payments.
Parents can also sign up at, to view a history of the food items your child purchases each day, check the funds in the account and sign-up to receive low balance and email reminders from the Nutrition and Food Service Department.
School starts Aug. 22. Visit for additional helpful back-to-school information.
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Sara Moore, a 2011 graduate from Seven Lakes High School, has been selected to receive a 2010 National Spanish Exam Senior Scholarship. As a first place winner, she will receive $2,000 for college. Moore was chosen by a panel of Seven Lakes staff members to represent the campus and compete against students from all over the country.
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As part of the reductions aimed at making up the $27 million shortfall in state funding in the 2011-12 budget, the district began the process earlier today of notifying approximately 70 non-campus based employees that their positions will be cut.
Approximately 176 positions will be cut as part of this action. The number of staff members actually impacted is lower than the number of positions cut due to vacancies already created due to attrition. The affected positions are in central office administrative and professional staff, non-campus based paraprofessional staff, and maintenance and custodial personnel. In addition, individuals whose positions are cut will be eligible to interview for positions that may exist at the campuses.
“This phase of cuts is necessary in order to hire back teachers and campus-based support staff, and allows the district to continue payments for employee health insurance and to maintain current transportation services,” says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “As we saw our budget picture improve from what all indicators were pointing to in the spring, our first step was to look at our campus staffing to see how we could bring back as many teachers as possible. While just as difficult as the first round of layoffs this spring, reducing our staffing in non-campus based personnel allows us to bring back teachers into the classroom where they are most needed.”
Frailey added that while the loss of personnel in the maintenance and custodial divisions will have an impact on services at the campuses and departments, the district will work to mitigate any large negative impact this may create.
At its July 25 meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved a campus staffing plan that allowed for the rehiring of 214 out of 267 teachers who had originally lost their jobs in April. At that time, the district was looking at a $50 million dollar shortfall and a state mandated April 19 deadline to notify teachers of their employment status for the 2011-12 school year. Between April and July, more than 100 teachers were able to find other teaching positions within the district as others voluntarily resigned or retired.
“The Board recognizes that this has been a very difficult time for our employees and our community as we have had to wrestle with the implications of reduced funding from the state,” says Katy ISD Board President, Joe Adams. “Overcoming a $27 million funding shortfall is not an easy task and I commend everyone who has worked diligently over the past several months to ensure that we have a sound, fiscal budget for the upcoming year.”
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Starting Aug. 15, parents may view their elementary student’s homeroom teacher assignments through Katy ISD’s online Parent Information Center (PIC). Saving on printing and postage costs, elementary campuses will no longer mail postcards to parents. Homeroom teacher information will also be available at elementary campus Meet the Teacher events on Aug. 17, as scheduled by each campus. Parents with email addresses on file will receive the following information on Aug. 8 with specific instructions on accessing a Katy ISD PIC account:
For parents already accessing student information via the PIC: Simply log-in to the PIC, go to the “Student Dashboard,” and click the “Attendance icon under Attendance/Schedule” to view your student’s homeroom teacher information.
For parents needing to create PIC accounts: Parents and legal guardians will need to sign-up for the PIC and register their child using a Katy ISD student ID number and secure PIN number. If you do not receive an email with this information from the district on Aug. 8, please contact your student’s campus registrar/attendance clerk for assistance.
Important Dates to Remember:
Aug. 8: Email sent to parents with Katy ISD student ID number and PIN number to access the PIC.
Aug. 15: Homeroom teacher assignments available on the PIC. For those unable to access this information prior to Aug. 17, teacher assignments will be available at your student’s campus during Meet the Teacher events.
Aug. 17: Elementary Meet the Teacher events, as scheduled by each campus.
Aug. 22: First Day of School (8:20 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.)
Visit for additional Back-to-School information.
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Final ratings released today by the Texas Education Agency show that outstanding student achievement produced a Recognized accountability rating for Katy ISD for the fourth straight year, even as the state eliminated the Texas Projection Measure (TPM), a controversial formula introduced in 2009-10. The district also achieved its Recognized rating for 2009-10 without the use of TPM and has maintained its Recognized rating for the past four years while the state standards for achievement have continued to increase.
The following reflects the district ratings for the last four years, including the use and non-use of TPM for 2009-10:
2010-11: Recognized
2009-10 (without TPM): Recognized
2009-10 (with TPM): Recognized
2008-09: Recognized
2007-08: Recognized
2006-07: Acceptable
On the 2011 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), district-wide performance for all students tested in all grades reached the Exemplary level in all areas tested including reading/language arts (96%), math (93%), writing (97%), social studies (98%), and science (92%). Katy ISD reached the Exemplary level on 19 out of 25 TAKS performance indicators (five student groups tested in each of five subject areas), and Recognized on the remaining six.
“Our Recognized rating is a testament to our attention given to ensure that each individual student’s need is addressed. We set a course four years ago to repurpose resources so that teachers would have the support they needed in order to accomplish this necessary work. I am pleased that through collaborative efforts our KISD teachers, staff, and students have continued to rise to the state’s ever changing standards. The entire community should be proud of this achievement,” says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey.
The TPM formula used in 2009-10 counted students as passing the TAKS if those students improved to a degree that they could be expected to pass the TAKS exam in a future year. The elimination of the TPM results in a rating change for some individual campuses when compared to last year. This year 45 out of 50 campuses earned either “Exemplary” or “Recognized” ratings, with 18 (36%) ranked “Exemplary” and 27 (54%) ranked “Recognized.” Five campuses (10%) are ranked “Acceptable.”
The linked chart reflects the campus ratings for the last four years, including the use and non-use of TPM for 2009-10. From 2007-08 through 2010-11, the number of campuses moving from Acceptable to either Recognized or Exemplary has increased.
Katy ISD’s Exemplary campuses for 2010-11 are Alexander Elementary, Exley Elementary, Fielder Elementary, Griffin Elementary, Hayes Elementary, Holland Elementary, Katy Elementary, Kilpatrick Elementary, Pattison Elementary, Rylander Elementary, Schmalz Elementary, Stanley Elementary, Stephens Elementary, Williams Elementary, Winborn Elementary, WoodCreek Elementary, Beckendorff Junior High, and McMeans Jr. High,
Recognized campuses are Bear Creek Elementary, Cimarron Elementary, Creech Elementary, Franz Elementary, Golbow Elementary, Hutsell Elementary, King Elementary, Mayde Creek Elementary, McRoberts Elementary, Memorial Parkway Elementary, Morton Ranch Elementary, Nottingham Country Elementary, Rhoads Elementary, Sundown Elementary, West Memorial Elementary, Wolfe Elementary, Beck Junior High, Cardiff Junior High, Cinco Ranch Jr. High, Katy Junior High, McDonald Junior High, Memorial Parkway Jr. High,, West Memorial Jr. High, WoodCreek Junior High, Cinco Ranch High School, Seven Lakes High School, and Taylor High School.
Acceptable campuses are Mayde Creek Jr. High, Morton Ranch Jr. High, Katy High School, Mayde Creek High School and Morton Ranch High School.
Raines High School, the district-wide dropout prevention and recovery campus, received an “Acceptable” rating under state criteria for alternative education sites.
This is the last year for the TAKS before the state transitions to the STAAR, the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness for third- through eighth-graders, and STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) exams for grades 9-12. This year’s ninth grade students, (class of 2015), will start to take End-of-Course exams in the Spring 2012 semester. Information about the new state assessment and accountability system will be shared throughout the school year.
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James E. Taylor High School’s Albert Riley has committed to swim for Texas A&M University. Riley graduated from Taylor High School in May. He was coached by Rick Barker at Taylor and Clayton Cagle at Cypress-Fairbanks Swim Team in Cypress.
Riley is an eight-time All-America selection. At the Texas State meet in March 2011, he placed third in the 50-meter freestyle with a time of 20.79 second and fourth in the 100-meter freestyle with a time of 45.05 seconds, breaking school records in both events. At the Regionals meet in February, he set a meet record in the 100-meter freestyle with a time of 45.44 seconds. He finished in the top 30 at the December 2010 Junior Short Course Nationals in multiple events with times of 21.20 seconds in the 50-meter freestyle, 46.36 seconds in the 100-meter freestyle, and 1:40.39 in the 200-meter freestyle.
Riley was selected as the Taylor High School Athlete of the year
for 2010-2011 and Katy ISD District Swimmer of the Year 2011. He is the son of Albert and Carrie Riley and plans on pursuing a degree in accounting and finance at A&M.
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Katy High School’s junior varsity and varsity cheerleading squads have had a busy and productive summer as they gear up for the 2011-2012 school year. The junior varsity squad recently held their annual Red & White game and the varsity squad won three trophies at the Woodland’s Elite Cheer Camp.
The junior varsity squad holds the Red & White game at the end of each school year. Members who participated include: Maranda Ripperger, Courtney Alexander, Annie Rymes,Co-Captain Hannah Martin, Carling Williams, Laura Ann Thiele, Alicia Walker, Danielle Golden, Co-Captain Devyn Harris, Brianna Wadas, Avery Carrier, and Chelsea Beauford.
Katy High School varsity cheerleaders won Most Game-Ready Squad at the Wooland’s Elite Cheer Camp, while Kara Hanson won Best Jumper and Shelby Walker was awarded Most Passionate Mascot. Members who participated include: Taylor Marks, Camilla Reed, Carley Roseberry, Victoria Holsey, Mallory Montgomery, Kara Hanson, Sara Rucker, Lauren White, Co-Captain Lauren Ellingson, Co-Captain Amber Treybig, Alexis Bailey, Victoria Dresden, and Shelby Walker.
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During their regular July Board Meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved Mindy Dickerson, current principal of Cimarron Elementary, as the new principal of Beckendorff Junior High. This appointment comes after Beckendorff Principal Ted Vierling was appointed to serve as the new principal of Seven Lakes High School.
Dickerson started her educational career in 1999 as a middle school teacher in Alief ISD. She joined Katy ISD in 2001 as a fifth grade teacher at Williams Elementary. Since then, Dickerson has served as assistant principal at Schmalz Elementary and Rhoads Elementary. She has been in her current role as principal of Cimarron Elementary since 2005. Dickerson holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism/public relations from Texas A&M University, and a master’s degree in educational leadership from the University of Houston. Dickerson will start her new role as principal of Beckendorff on Aug. 1.
The Katy ISD area assistant superintendent, Joe Kelley, will work with the Cimarron Elementary administrative team to ensure that the campus is prepared for the start of the new school year. The Cimarron Elementary principal position has been posted and will be filled at the August board meeting.
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As students return to classes on August 22, teachers across the district will be well prepared to start instruction utilizing a variety of instructional materials, even though some textbooks will not be delivered to the district until sometime in September.
Among items finalized at the close of the 82nd Legislative Session was the creation of Senate Bill 6, the Instructional Materials Allotment for Texas public schools. Because of the brief period of time between the end of the legislative session and the start of classes, implementation of this new system will cause a delay in the delivery of some textbooks to school districts this fall. Katy ISD is well prepared, however, as the district’s classrooms are equipped with numerous additional teaching tools.
“While the new allotment could mean that some classes may start on August 22 without a full library of textbooks, we are confident that teachers will have ample instructional resources to ensure that students receive quality instructional experiences in our classrooms,” says Dr. Christine Caskey, Katy ISD Chief Academic Officer.
The Katy ISD curriculum does not rely solely on textbooks, but emphasizes the use of a number of resources in the classroom, including online resources, literature libraries, Web 2.0 tools, printed materials and many other hands-on learning devices.
“Until the books arrive, we will accommodate campuses with what we have in our warehouse, and stock shelves with classroom sets of textbooks,” says Linda McKay, Katy ISD Textbook Specialist.
For more information about the 2011-2012 academic year, visit
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Katy ISD’s Maintenance & Operations Department celebrated the hard work and achievements of its nearly 600 team members this summer. In the annual awards ceremony, all were honored and more than 85 individuals and 12 campuses received awards.
“We are proud of our workforce and all that they accomplish each year to keep Katy ISD facilities running strong and in the best possible condition,” says Kathy McDonald, Katy ISD Director of Maintenance and Operations.
The top recognition awarded this year was the coveted Overall Most Outstanding Employee of the Year award, which was given in both the custodial and maintenance categories. This award was won by Sandy Scott, Katy ISD head custodian in the ESC and Merrell Center, and Fredy Flores, Katy ISD general maintenance man who works out of the west maintenance area. Scott and Flores have served more than seven and 15 years respectively with Katy ISD.
“I am thankful for this award, but I accepted it with praise and on behalf of my staff,” said Scott.
Katy ISD’s maintenance and operations team oversees the upkeep and operations of more than 10,000,000 square feet throughout the district each and every day. They are Katy ISD’s largest support services organization and cover everything from minor construction projects, to energy management, facility maintenance and grounds upkeep. For more information, visit the Maintenance & Operations page at
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The National Merit Scholarship Foundation recently released the final names of College-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners, which included five students from Katy ISD. This brings the total number of scholarships received from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation by Katy ISD students to 18 for the 2010-11 academic year.
This year’s competition began when approximately 1.5 million high school juniors, in some 22,000 schools around the country, took the 2009 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Based on their scores, some 16,000 Semifinalists were named – with 40 of them being from Katy ISD. Approximately 15,000 Finalists were then selected from this group, based on information about academic, leadership and civic activities. Half of the finalists were chosen for National Merit Scholarships.
Katy ISD students winning scholarships from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation this year are:
Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarships: Lynn Gai, Taylor HS, BP Foundation, Inc.; Nikhil Garg, Taylor HS, BMC Software, Inc.; Reinaldo Amendola-Mayorga, Cinco Ranch HS, Chevron Corporation; and Sirus Jesudasen, Seven Lakes HS, BP Foundation, Inc.
National Merit $2500 Scholarships: Jay Murchison, Taylor HS; Danelle Pecht, Katy HS; andElizabeth Stefanski, Taylor HS.
College-sponsored Merit Scholarships: Connor Bodkin, Cinco Ranch HS, Texas A&M University; John Cheng, Seven Lakes HS, Rice University; Austin Glova, Cinco Ranch HS, Texas A&M University; Kyle Grabowski, Cinco Ranch HS, University of Southern California; Gabriela Hanco, Taylor HS, Washington University in St. Louis; Clare Jensen, Seven Lakes HS, Rice University; Anuhya Jonnalagadda, Cinco Ranch HS, Baylor University; Jamie Linden, Katy HS, Texas A&M University; Travis Williamson, Taylor HS, Texas A&M University; Karen Wylie, Seven Lakes HS, Baylor University; and Adam Zhu, Cinco Ranch HS, Texas A&M University.
Katy High School graduate Imari Herron also received a National Achievement Scholarshipearlier this year, which is conducted by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
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Russell Morrison, an incoming eighth grade student at Beck Junior High, was selected to compete with 28 other eighth graders from around the county in the National Football Academy’s Quarterback Competition at the NFL Hall of Fame in Canton, OH.
After the morning session of throwing accuracy testing, footwork, speed and arm strength testing and coverage reads, the student athletes competed in the Gauntlet, a timed obstacle course testing throwing accuracy, footwork and speed. When the numbers were tallied Morrison was one of the five finalist competing for the eighth grade National Championship.
In the final competition Morrison was the third to run the Gauntlet, hitting four of five targets in 38 seconds and winning the national championship.
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Katy ISD officials announced Friday, July 15 that they would bring to the Board of Trustees at the July 18 work study meeting a proposal to add back to the 2011-12 budget 214 out of 267 teaching positions that were reduced as part of the campus staffing plan approved by the Board of Trustees in April.
In addition, some of the items that were proposed to be cut, but will be added back to the budget include the elimination of transportation not reimbursed by the state; the increase in ticket prices for athletic events by $1; and the reduction of elementary principals and their secretaries to 11-month contracts. Also, in previous action, the board approved adding back a second assistant band director at each of the high schools.
This move comes with the conclusion of the 82nd Legislature’s Special Session and the confirmation that the state will reduce Katy ISD’s funding $27 million for 2011-12. Now that the district knows how much revenue it will receive from the state, it can begin finalizing the budget for the 2011-12 school year, which must be approved by the Board prior to the start of the fiscal year on September 1.
“As we saw our budget picture improve from what all indicators were pointing to in the spring, our first step was to look at our campus staffing to see how we could bring back as many teachers as possible,” says Alton Frailey, Katy ISD Superintendent. “We knew it would be a considerable challenge to navigate through the restraints created by a significant reduction of state financial support and continue to provide the same high quality learning experiences for our students our community has come to expect.”
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Kilpatrick Elementary recently celebrated its own 2011 USATF Region 12 Junior Olympic Champions who are headed to the Junior Olympics in Wichita, KS.
Fifth grader Kendrick Leggins and third grader Finnley Polidore are members of the Track Houston Youth Track Club and competed in the USATF Region 12 Junior Olympic Championship in Arlington on July 6-9.
Leggins ran the 200m, 4x100m relay and the 400m where he earned the gold medal, silver medal and sixth place respectively. Polidore competed in the 4x400m relay, 4x100m relay and the 200m run where he earned the gold medal, bronze medal and seventh place respectively.
In each event, the top five athletes advance on to the 2011 USATF National Junior Olympic Championship in Wichita on July 26-31 where they will compete amongst the nation’s best athletes in their age groups.
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While the start of the 2011-2012 school year is still more than a month away, now it a great time for parents to begin thinking about back-to-school preparations. Midsummer is a great time for parents to make appointments for their student(s) to get their necessary vaccinations and physical to avoid long waits as the school year approaches.
The following vaccines usually are required (except with valid exemptions) for elementary, middle and high school students: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis A and B, measles, mumps and rubella. While immunizations may not be required for all, immunizing your children is a way to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases at school and protect the well-being of your family at home.
A complete checklist of the 2011-2012 Texas state immunization requirements for students entering kindergarten through high school is printed below and also can be found at
In addition to immunizations, students participating in athletics or other extra-curricular activities may be required to undergo a physical examination before school starts. For some sports and extra-curricular organizations – especially football and gridiron-adjacent activities like drill team, cheerleading and band – practice begins weeks before the first day of school and will require physicals even earlier. A proper school physical should include both a medical history and a physical examination to ensure early detection of any health-related issues. For school-aged children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an annual physical for those entering kindergarten (five and six years of age), then every other year and resuming an annual exam during middle school and teen years.
Since few kids (and parents) want to spend precious summer days sitting around in waiting rooms, RediClinic provides a convenient alternative. Review and administration of immunizations and physical exams, as well as acne consultation, are all provided in RediClinic’s Teen Health package, and are among just a few of the services offered at your nearby Pin Oak and Grand Parkway RediClinic. Wait times are short, the clinics in H-E-B grocery stores are convenient and the prices are affordable.
So don’t get too lethargic during the dog days of summer. Avoid the rush and get your children’s back-to-school vaccinations and physicals early. You can spend the rest of the season enjoying yourself with the knowledge that your kids are healthy and prepared for the school year.
RediClinic, located inside Katy H-E-B grocery stores at 25675 Nelson Way and 6711 S. Fry Road are open seven days a week, and no appointments are necessary. For more information, visit
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No matter what age and grade level your children are, make sure their vaccines are up-to-date for the school year:
Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP/DTP/DT/Td) |
Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (TdaP) |
Polio |
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) |
Hepatitis B |
Varicella (chickenpox vaccine) |
Meningococcal (Menactra, bacterial meningitis vaccine) |
Hepatitis A |
Christian Cowart, an incoming senior at Katy High School, was selected to attend the University of Houston’s Step Forward Engineering Program this summer and won first place in roller coaster design.
Cowart highly recommends the camp, saying that it solidified his decision to become an engineer and that the U of H staff, student assistants, and campers were all “great people.” He gives special thanks to Dr. Kathy Zerda, University of Houston’s Program for Mastery in Engineering Studies Director, and John Matthews, University of Houston’s PROMES Manager, as well as all the companies that sponsored the camp.
Cowart will be studying Civil Engineering at Miller Career and Technology Center in Katy ISD and hopes to become an engineering intern during his senior year.
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The Goddard School located in Katy believes in the power of play for learning, as well as the importance of providing a healthy, active lifestyle for all children. In an effort to spread the word to families in their community, the educational preschool will sponsor The Goddard School Block Party event from Monday, September 19 through Saturday, September 24.
The event will engage children and their families in a variety of exciting fitness, nutrition and playful learning activities based on the core curriculum and enrichment programs that are an integral part of the FLEX Learning Program offered at The Goddard School.
To gear up for the big celebration, Asli Remlinger, owner of The Goddard School located in Katy, offers five tips for parents to help their children develop healthy eating habits:
- Offer encouragement – Encourage your child to eat a variety of foods to help them get the nutrients they need from each food group. By doing so, they are more likely to enjoy trying new foods!
- Be a good role model – It’s no surprise that children are likely to mimic their parents’ food choices. If your children see you enjoying fruits, vegetables and whole grains, they will more likely enjoy them as well.
- Stock up on healthy choices – Make sure that your cupboards and refrigerator are filled with healthy options rather than prepackaged foods filled with sugar and sodium. Read food labels before purchasing so you know exactly what’s in the foods you are buying—just because it’s made with whole grains doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy.
- Serve balanced portions – The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has turned the Food Pyramid into a plate. The USDA’s MyPlate illustrates balanced portion sizes for the five foods groups—Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein and Dairy—in a familiar way by using a standard mealtime place setting.
- Follow a schedule – Set a daily schedule for meals and snacks (3 meals & 1-2 snacks per day is recommended), with plenty of time between each. This will help children learn the importance of structured eating and help them to stay feeling full throughout the day.
“Nutrition and exercise are important to all children’s overall health,” says Sue Adair, director of education at Goddard Systems, Inc. “That’s why the children attending The Goddard School enjoy various physical fitness programs as part of their teacher-planned, child-directed learning activities each day. We also work closely with our families to help guide good nutritional choices as an integral part of our home-school relationship.”
To learn more about The Goddard School Block Party and The Goddard School located in Katy, parents are encouraged to drop in for a tour or call Asli Remlinger directly to arrange a personal appointment at 281-392-1912 or visit online at
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The National Merit Scholarship Foundation today released the names of College-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners. Five Katy ISD students were named among the winners, bringing the total to 18 Katy ISD students winning scholarships from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation this year.
The following students will receive between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship:
- John Cheng, Seven Lakes HS, Rice University
- Gabriela Hanco, Taylor HS, Washington University in St. Louis
- Clare Jensen, Seven Lakes HS, Rice University
- Anuhya Jonnalagadda, Cinco Ranch HS, Baylor University
- Karen Wylie, Seven Lakes HS, Baylor University
Congratulations to these students and to all of Katy ISD’s National Merit Scholarship winners.
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Brooks Sports, Inc. recently named Taylor High School Cross Country Coach Amy Pitzel as the nation’s most inspiring coach for 2011. Pitzel was chosen from a nationwide pool of entries representing 46 states. As part of winning the award, Pitzel will receive $5,000 in Brooks gear for the Taylor High School program, $500 in cash for team expenses and a trip for two to the Brooks PR Invitational in 2012.
The Brooks Inspiring Coach of the Year Award recognizes 10 finalists and one winning cross country and track and field coach who made a significant, positive impact on the lives of their athletes.
In a video currently posted on the Brooks blog, Pitzel says, “There was a pretty elite group of coaches that were nominated, so I didn’t know what my chances were…I feel like I owe this all to my team because they were the ones that nominated me. They are a very special group of kids and parents.”
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Taylor High School Cross Country Coach Amy Pitzel receives her Inspiring Coaches award from Brooks CEO Jim Weber.
Seven Lakes High School orchestra director Desiree Overree is one of only 50 people in the country, and one of only two from Texas, to be named a Distinguished Music Educator by the Yale School of Music. This award recognizes music educators throughout the U.S. for their outstanding accomplishments in teaching music in public schools. As part of the recognition, Overree received an all-expense paid trip to New Haven, Connecticut, to participate in the Symposium on Music in Schools held at Yale School of Music.
The Symposium takes place once every two years, with this year’s event focusing on: integrating music into the general classroom; and the relationship between visiting teaching artists and public school music teachers. Additionally, 2011 participants had an opportunity to meet with world renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma.
“This has been one of the most fantastic opportunities in my career,” says Overree. “I met and collaborated with some of the best in music education from around the country and found many people interested in the music education program at Seven Lakes and in Katy ISD.”
Overree was first nominated by Superintendent Alton Frailey and Katy ISD executive director of Fine Arts, Bob Bryant, earlier this year. On the nomination form, Frailey states that Overree “truly embodies the qualities of exemplary leadership as she provides instruction, correction, affirmation, and exposure to the endless possibilities of expression, emotion ad excellence that can only be experienced through music.”
Added to this outstanding opportunity, Overree and Seven Lakes High School were recently recognized with an Honorable Mention Certificate and a $500 award check for a submission to the 2010 Original Score Contest presented by State Farm. This contest called for an original piece of music depicting Texas. The submitted score, Guardian Souls of the Alamo, was created by 2010 Seven Lakes High School graduate R.J. Cruz, and depicts the battle of the Alamo. Overree, along with Seven Lakes HS Band Director Damon Archer, worked with Cruz last fall to refine the piece that was later performed by the Seven Lakes Symphony Orchestra.
Overree, who has been teaching music since the age of 15, will start her seventh year with Katy ISD, and her sixteenth year in public education this fall.
“Ms. Overree is an incredible teacher. Her passion for music, music-making, and the musical development of each of her students is unsurpassed,” says Bryant. “Ms. Overree embodies the many components that not only define an exceptional teacher, but that are essential to providing quality music education.”
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The orchestra programs at Katy ISD’s Beckendorff and McMeans junior high schools have advanced to the final round in the Texas Honor Orchestra competition. Both schools are advancing in two categories – full orchestra and string orchestra. The finals will take place at the Texas Orchestra Directors Association annual conference this July.
Winners from the state competition will perform at the Texas Music Educators Association Clinic and Conference in February 2012. The Beckendorff orchestra is led by Matthew Porter and Shaun Hillen, and band director Susan Steber. The McMeans orchestra is led by Amy Williams and band director George Liverman.
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During their regular June Board Meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved Ted Vierling, current principal of Beckendorff Junior High, as the new principal of Seven Lakes High School. This appointment comes after Seven Lakes HS principal Christie Whitbeck accepted the position of assistant superintendent of academics for Alvin ISD.
Vierling has been with Katy ISD since 1998 when he started his educational career as a U.S. History teacher at Mayde Creek High School. He also served as an assistant principal for Mayde Creek HS from 2002 to 2004. Vierling moved to Beckendorff Junior High in 2004 where he served as assistant principal until 2006 and as principal from 2006 on. Vierling holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University and a Master of Education degree from the University of Houston. He will start his new role as the Seven Lakes High School principal on July 1, and Katy ISD is currently seeking to fill the principal position at Beckendorff Junior High.
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For the 15th consecutive year, the Alley Theatre is providing young playwrights the chance to improve and expand their writing skills with its summer program, Houston Young Playwrights Exchange (HYPE). Six plays by local teens, including Taylor High School junior Camron Alexander, have been selected to undergo development in a professional forum guided by the Alley’s staff, with the program culminating in a two-day public showcase of their work as staged readings.
Alexander will be a junior next year at James E. Taylor High School. He wanted to be a part of HYPE because he felt “it was an amazing opportunity to not only learn and develop my own abilities but also to work with others who can teach me more about the world of theatre and writing on a professional level,” and he hopes his play “demonstrates the importance of what others say and how one person’s actions may have a lasting affect in the lives of those around them.”
His play, titled “In Media Res,” follows a grieving wife following her husband’s death. She carries her husband’s gun around for safety but finds out the hard way that everyone is in much graver danger due to its presence.
One of the Alley Theatre’s Education and Community Engagement Department’s premier programs, HYPE has helped dozens of young playwrights develop their work since the program was started in 1996. The six HYPE participants also have the opportunity to learn from an experienced playwright Alvaro Saar Rios, HYPEplaywright in residence.
A native Houstonian, Rios attended HCC Central Campus and the University of Houston and has worked with various Houston theaters, including the Alley Theatre, Express Children’s Theatre, and The Ensemble Theatre. Rios and his wife, Michelle, are the co-founders of The Royal Mexican Players, a national touring performance troupe. Rios is the author of various plays, such as The Crazy Mexican Show and One Hot Texican Summer. His work has been performed in New York City, Milwaukee, Chicago, and all over Texas. Recently, Rios obtained an MFA in Writing for Stage & Screen from Northwestern University where he wrote Moody, a full-length play inspired by the Moody Park Riots.
Friday, August 12 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, August 13 at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the Alley Theatre box office, 615 Texas Ave. or online at For more ticket information, visit or call 713-220-5700.
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The Katy High School Brigade officers and cheerleading captains have been announced for the 2011-2012 school year.
Officers and captains include: Lieutenant Nicki Erickson, Sergeant Allyson Savoie, Lieutenant Ginger Kneale, Major Courtney Brown, Major Tori Cooper, Major Allicea Beale, Vice President Katie Stebbins, Secretary Clarice Tesch, Sergeant Katie Smithson, Sergeant Cassie Fulgham, Sergeant Brenda Erickson, President Susi Doan, Colonel Rebekah Cherniss, Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Zientek, Chaplain Kourtney Davis, Varsity Cheer Captain Lauren Ellingson, JV Cheer Captain Devyn Harris, JV Cheer Captain Hannah Martin, and Varsity Cheer Captain Amber Treybig.
The officers and captains are currently attending summer camp to prepare for the upcoming school year. They will kick off the 2011-2012 season by hosting their annual dance and cheer camp for Katy-area girls ages 4 and up on August 15 at Katy High School from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. For more information, visit
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Four Taylor High School students were named to the 2011 All-State Orchestra. They are: Kevin Cho, viola; Alyssa Thomason, viola; Jake McKinley, string bass; and Isaac Kim, violin.
All-State is the highest honor a Texas music student can receive. These students were selected through a process that begins with over 55,000 students from around the state vying for this honor to perform in one of 13 ensembles (bands, orchestras, and choirs).
The students participate in three days of rehearsals directed by nationally recognized conductors during the annual Texas Music Educators Association Clinic/Convention. The students then have the privilege of performing before thousands of attendees at the culmination of this event.
On Saturday, May 28 Taylor High School Orchestra students participated in the Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest at University of Texas in Austin. The following students earned medals for their performance:
Superior Soloists: Kevin Cho, viola; Austin Kuo, piano; Jonathan Lim, violin; Tommy Nguyen, violin; and Alyssa Thomason, viola.
Superior Ensembles: Yoo Won Kim and Tanya Xu, violin duet; and Kevin Cho, David Hyder, Jonathan Lim, and Andy Nguyen, string quartet.
Excellent Soloists: Michell Li, violin; Andrew Nguyen, violin; Austin Kuo, violin; David Hyder, cello; Erick Jaimes, string bass; and Joshua Miller, string bass.
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Summer is coming soon and parents may be thinking about what their child will do for meals when school is out. This summer, Katy ISD is participating in the USDA Summer Food Program at three district schools.
The program is free of charge to any child under the age of 18. Lunch only will be served to children who come and eat in the school cafeteria. Parents who bring their child may purchase a meal for $2.75.
Lunch meals will be similar to what is served during the school year. The menu may be viewed on the Katy ISD Nutrition and Food Service Department website.
School Sites: Stephens Elementary and Morton Ranch Elementary
Days the lunch is offered: Monday – Thursday
Dates the lunch is offered: Starting on Tuesday, June 14 and ending on Wednesday, July 6 (no lunch offered on Fridays or July 4)
Time the lunch is offered: 10 – 11 a.m.
Please enter the school from the outside door to the cafeteria and look for the summer food service poster.
School Site: Raines High School (OAC Complex)
Days the lunch is offered: Monday – Thursday
Dates the lunch is offered: Starting on Tuesday, June 14 and ending on Wednesday, July 20 (no lunch offered on Fridays, June 30 or July 4)
Time the lunch is offered: 10 – 11 a.m.
Enter the school from the front door to Raines High School and look for the summer food service poster.
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Three Katy ISD principals have been selected by Raise Your Hand Texas to attend the Principal’s Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education this summer. The following three are among the 100 Texas principals who were chosen from an extremely strong pool of applicants this year:
Becky Bracewell-Tucker, principal of Raines High School, attending Redesigning High Schools for Improved Instruction
Chris Salenga, principal of Polly McRoberts Elementary, attending Leadership: An Evolving Vision
Kerri Finnesand, principal of Stan Stanley Elementary, attending Leadership: An Evolving Vision
Raise Your Hand Texas covers tuition and travel expenses, including airfare and hotel as well as provides a stipend for miscellaneous expenses.
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Just two weeks before the end of the school year, sixth grade students from Morton Ranch Junior High had a chance to unveil a special mural that brings together cultures and students through one meaningful project.
Sponsored with a grant from the Texas Commission of the Arts and ARTreach, and lead by Morton Ranch JH teacher Crystal Andres, the mural showcases artwork inspired by six cultural regions – Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.
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At the conclusion of the 2010-2011 academic year, students from Katy ISD’s Miller Career & Technology Center (MCTC) attempted and passed Apple Certified End User exams, placing them among a handful of persons in the state certified in these respective programs. MCTC holds the national record for the most End User certified students graduating from a program.
A total of 18 Audio Engineering students attempted and passed Logic 9 Level 1 Certified Pro exam, bringing the total number of registered Certified Pros for Logic 9 Level 1 in the state of Texas up to 31. A total of 24 Media Tech I students attempt and passed the Final Cut Pro 7 End User certification exam; and 11 students attempted their fourth End User Certification exam in Soundtrack Pro 3, having already successfully passed the certification exams in Final Cut Pro 7, Motion 3 and Color Correction. All 11 students passed and are now Final Cut Studio Master Pros. There were only two registered Master Pros in the state of Texas, and now Katy ISD has added 11 more to that number. There are only 115 in the nation, and MCTC students have increased the national number by 10 percent.
The MCTC Media Technology program is led by Jack Degelia and the Audio Engineering program is led by John Bertram.
Congratulations to the following students for conquering these exams:
Logic 9 Level 1 Certified Pros: Austin Harris, Ryan McArthur, Spencer Peters, John Paul Relampagos, Luis Ricardo, Jake Castellano, William Landry, Sarah Mehl, Russell Pregeant, Joseph Soria, Haresh Virappen, Briel Arias, Rick Blaylock, Andrew Cordy, Mark Harrison, Nathan Walker and Erin Conners.
Final Cut Pro 7 Level 1 Certified Pros: Jordan Abernathy, John Aguilar, Caine Bird, Brittany Brown, Jackson Cade, Neshme Colmenero, Andrew Craig, David Dodd, Matthew Dodd, Brett Donohoe, Andrew Estrada, Rachel Fallin, Natalie Luengo-Jacobs, Andres Kochinski, Sally Lee,Brandon Lumsdon, Iain McMichaels, Theo Miesner, Faolain Morrell, Brea Myers, Nicole Nunez, Kayla O’Rourke, Andrea Rodriguez and Nicholas Scott.
Soundtrack Pro 3/ Final Cut Studio Master Pros: Brandon Cernetisch, Stephanie Hernandez, Jose Lopez, Ivan Ovalle, Daniel Rusinek, Justin Sanchez, Jenna Thong, Angel Valdez-Lopez, Lewis ‘Trey’ Watson, Justin Westmoreland and Rachel Williams.
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A total of 620 students, or approximately 16 percent, from the Katy ISD graduating class of 2011 earned academic and/or athletic scholarships totaling more than $18,453,000. The total amount of academic scholarships earned is $14,506,842 and athletic scholarships totaled $3,946,164.
Cinco Ranch students received $4.2 million in academic scholarships and $1.2 million in athletic scholarships for a total of $5.4 million.
Katy High School students received $2.3 million in academic scholarships and $982,000 in athletic scholarships for a total of $3.3 million.
Mayde Creek students received $629,000 in academic scholarships and $268,000 in athletic scholarships for a total of $897,000.
Morton Ranch students received $1.9 million in academic scholarships and $182,000 in athletic scholarships for a total of $2.1 million.
Seven Lakes students received $2.5 million in academic scholarships and $889,000 in athletic scholarships for a total of $3.3 million.
Taylor High School students received $2.8 million in academic scholarships and $445,000 in athletic scholarships for a total of $3.3 million.
Congratulations to the Katy ISD Class of 2011 for their hard work and accomplishments!
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The Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) recently welcomed Houston Christian High School as a Member School.
“On behalf of ISAS, I heartily congratulate Dr. Steve Livingston, Head of School, and the Board of Trustees, faculty, administration, staff, students, and parents of Houston Christian on this achievement, the product of extensive and exemplary collaborative work,” says Rhonda G. Durham, ISAS executive director. “The school is clearly committed to meeting the highest educational standards and to ongoing school improvement. ISAS is privileged to join in this spirit of aspiration in the hope and belief that the students of Houston Christian High School will be the beneficiaries.”
“I am delighted to see that Houston Christian recognizes and pursues excellence for its programs, students, and families,” says Dr. Suzette Estes, HCHS principal. “The future is bright for Houston Christian and the consistent move from ‘Good to Great’ compliments the goals and expectations of our highly qualified and dedicated faculty, administration, and staff.”
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Katy ISD educators Robyn Hrivnatz and Sarah Bauguss have been chosen by Microsoft Corp. to attend the 2011 Microsoft U.S. Innovative Education Forum (IEF). As second-round finalists, they join the previously announced finalists traveling to the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Wash. in July to showcase the creative ways they are using technology in the classroom.
This year, Microsoft Partners in Learning saw a record number of submissions from teachers transforming their classroom curriculum using technology. Robyn and Sarah were two of 100 educators in the nation chosen to attend the US IEF.
Of the many applications from individual teachers, partners and schools, 78 outstanding educator projects stood out that address tangible, real-life issues for students, such as blended learning, service learning and civic engagement, working with social media in education, creating entrepreneurship opportunities, assistive technologies, and the application of gaming as it relates to learning.
Presented by Microsoft Partners in Learning, the U.S. Innovative Education Forum celebrates outstanding school leaders for using technology in their classroom curriculum to enhance positive learning outcomes while increasing student engagement and success. Teachers who apply to attend the U.S. IEF are evaluated based on the learning philosophy and goals of their project submission, their use of technology in the project, and their ability to demonstrate examples of student work and achievement connected with the project.
“The school leaders selected to attend IEF are the best in the nation at incorporating technology into their classroom curricula to enhance each lesson and really break through with students,” says Andrew Ko, senior director, U.S. Partners in Learning, Microsoft. “It is inspiring to see these educators use technology to get students excited about learning and connected to the issues impacting their lives while developing the skills they will need for a successful future.”
Educators who attend the celebratory event will network and share their teaching best practices with peers, engage in learning excursions to Seattle landmarks, participate in hands-on learning sessions with Microsoft’s latest technologies, and present their projects to a panel of judges. Ten projects will be selected to represent the United States at the Partners in Learning Global Forum this November in Washington, D.C., where they will compete against educators from across the globe.
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The Mayde Creek High School Martinettes recently announced their field officers for the 2011-2012 school year.
New field officers include: Kat Jones, Jennifer Rundio, Ke’Njanai Williams, Capt. Alyssa Burnside, Taylor Swindell, Cortney Richardson, and Morgan Gravett.
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Students and their families at Beck Junior High celebrated a successful “Beck Gives Back” campaign at the close of the 2010-2011 school year. Throughout the year students participated in a variety of service projects, benefitting the Katy community.
Achievements include:
Blood Drive: 18 units donated (saving up to 66 lives)
KCM Canned Food Drive: 588 items donated
Custodian Christmas: seven hams and fruit baskets given
Santa’s Sleigh: 15 infants-teens adopted ($4650.58 collected)
Supplies for Soldiers: one large box mailed to Afghanistan
Veterans Day: 70 letters written to veterans
Valentine Candy Grams: 2,835 sold
Operation Interdependence: more than 1,000 notes written
Ronald McDonald House: 46,787 can tabs collected for financial support of facility, hospital shuttles, etc.
Hakuna Matata Day sponsor
Conducted incoming sixth grade tours
Holocaust Library materials: $500 donated
Project Linus: 53 blankets donated
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Students at Kilpatrick Elementary enjoyed learning about the history of the American flag before the end of the 2010-2011 school year.
Thomas Green, Dale Williamson and Stephen Tanner, all members of the Sons of the Revolution, joined with Virginia Evans of the Tejas Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution to present the Colonial Flag program at Kilpatrick Elementary.

Katy High School’s Parent Teacher Organization, Friends of Katy High School, recently awarded scholarships to outstanding KHS students. Each scholarship recipient will receive $1,000 for college tuition.
Recipients include: Alexandra Gil, Kelli Gay, Shelby Mata, Gabriela Caminos. Ashley Gates, Josh Day, Andrew Coker, Kevin Blanchard, Daniel Attaway, and Tyler Droog.

Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary School closed out the 2010-2011 school year with a successful PTA fundraiser and its second annual Element Song Showdown.
The Kilpatrick PTA recently held a Spirit Night at Spring Creek BBQ where a portion of the proceeds from meals was donated back to the school. PTA Vice President of Fundraising Fon Deuterio and Spring Creek BBQ Managing Partner Ellis Dyson presented Principal Rodriguez with a check for $1,400.
In addition, Kilpatrick Elementary held its second annual Element Song Showdown. Participants included fourth graders: Phillip DuPont, Sid Puranik, Amanda Mudra, Sebastian Herrador, Sonia Tandon, Natalie Askins; and fifth graders: Neel Bhobe, Varsha Kumar, Lisa Chirayath, Andrew Koob.
Taking “Master of the Elements – Grande Pooh-bah!” awards were Aditya Shah, Francisco Rivera, and Paige Sauer; fourth-grade teacher Ms. Bishop and fifth-grade teacher Mrs. Lewis.
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Seventy students at Stan Stanley Elementary completed the Marathon Kids program in its inaugural year at the school. Marathon Kids is a national fitness program for children. To complete the program, children must walk or run a marathon (26.2 miles) over several months of the school year.
Tracking is recorded in quarter-mile increments. The goal of the program is to encourage healthy living through walking and running. Stan Stanley is the first Katy ISD school enlisted in the program.
During the school year, children had opportunity to participate in the Houston Area Kick Off and Final Mile celebration. Several children also ran in organized races such as the Katy YMCA Turkey Dash and Texas Children’s Hospital Kids Fun Run. The children who completed the program closed out the year with a celebratory ice cream social.
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Students who have not received a high school diploma because they did not meet the passing standard on sections of the Exit Level Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) will have the opportunity to retake the necessary subject area tests in July. The TAAS test is no longer being offered; however, individuals eligible to take TAAS will take Exit Level ELA and/or mathematics.
Students currently enrolled in school who need to retest are automatically registered; however, those who are out of school must register online by June 10. Individuals will need to register online for the TAKS test by accessing the website at The registration process will be online only. The online submission must be completed by 5 p.m. on June 10. Online registrations received after this date will not be processed. Paper registration packets will no longer be available.
The 2011 July TAKS tests will be administered on the following dates:
July 11: ELA
July 11: ELA Writing (TAAS – eligible examinees for writing)
July 12: Mathematics
July 13: Science
July 13: ELA Reading (TAAS – eligible examinees for reading)
July 14: Social Studies
Katy ISD is offering the July Exit retesting at Raines High School located at 1732 Katyland Dr. For additional information, contact the Katy ISD Office of Research, Assessment and Accountability at 281-396-2343.
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The 2011 hurricane season is just around the corner and Katy ISD is again preparing for tropical weather hazards. Preparations include reviewing and updating its tropical weather annex to the emergency operations plan; coordinating its planning with regional partners in Fort Bend, Harris and Waller Counties; and making sure that emergency resources are available and ready should a storm threaten the Texas Gulf Coast.
In order to respond ahead of any storm, Katy ISD stays informed by working closely with the National Weather Service, Texas Division of Emergency Management, Harris County Homeland Security and Emergency Management and Fort Bend County Office of Emergency Management.
“In order for Katy ISD to be ready for storms we need our personnel, students, and our students’ families to be prepared,” says John Bremer, Katy ISD emergency management coordinator. “Prepared families help us by allowing us time to close schools and secure the buildings well ahead of the threat. We know our personnel need time to take care of family. We also know our business partners may need to evacuate essential employees and their families. If families are prepared, then we can make better decisions about school operations.”
Families should prepare by making a plan, putting together a hurricane survival kit, and staying informed. The Houston region has many helpful resources to guide students, parents, and school personnel through these three steps.
Our partners at Harris County Homeland Security and Emergency Management have prepared tools for families to use as they prepare for hurricane season. These tools include a brochureon Hurricane Preparedness and a preparedness checklist. The Ready Houston regional preparedness page also has helpful information on how to prepare for disasters, including hurricanes at:
“Make a plan, put together a survival kit, and stay informed are the three steps Katy ISD uses to prepare for hurricane season; these are the same steps students, parents and school personnel can use to be ready,” adds Bremer. “Hurricane season is less frightening when you have prepared.”
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The Katy ISD Board of Trustees recently recognized the achievements of nearly 200 students during their Spring 2011 Student Recognition evening. This is one of two district-wide recognition events, the other the fall, which celebrates the achievements of students from all grade levels in a variety of programs.
“We constantly see and hear so many good things about Katy ISD students. It is exciting to celebrate their accomplishments with their families on one special evening,” says Rebecca Fox, Katy ISD Board of Trustees vice president.
Among those being recognized were top state and/or national winners from programs such as the State German Contest, Texas State Visual Art Competition (VASE), National Merit Corporate Scholarship program, Future Business Leaders of America, Future Farmers of America, All State Fine Arts events, and State Theatre award winners.
Marcy Canady, Katy ISD Assistant Superintendent for School and Community Engagement, welcomed guests and opened the meeting saying that, “The fact that these students are here is a testament to their dedication to school and the dedication of their parents and teachers.”
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The Seven Lakes High School Science Olympiad team represented Texas and competed at the National Science Olympiad Tournament in Madison, Wis. This is a 27th year of a competition for middle and high school students that is considered one of the most prestigious in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math.
Seven Lakes competed against 60 teams from all 50 states in 26 different science and engineering events and proudly brought home medals in two events. Coach Sara Mullenax was one of four teachers (two high and two middle school) to receive a Science Olympiad Coaching Excellence Award. With over half of the team being freshmen, the team is looking forward to even greater accomplishments in the future.
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With just a few days left in the school year, the Seven Lakes High School Interact Club announced that they have reached their goal of raising $20,000 to sponsor a landmine detection dog for the CHAMPS organization. Seven Lakes Interact Club members have been working hard throughout the year to create fundraising activities for this effort and, having received support from local businesses, Morton Ranch High School students, and students from Dulles High School in Fort Bend ISD, their dog Spartacus will soon be headed across the globe to work in minefields.
“The determination of Seven Lakes High School students, with support from our local community, proves that we really can make a difference,” says Jessica Postlethwaite, Seven Lakes teacher and Interact Club co-sponsor. “Thanks to our combined efforts, Spartacus will find forgotten landmines and help the people of Sri Lanka to put their civil war behind them and live safe, productive lives.”
Last October, CHAMPS Director Kimberly McCasland visited students at Seven Lakes and talked with them about the importance of finding landmines in mine contaminated countries across the globe. During the presentation she introduced Utsi, a 10-year-old Belgian Malinois and CHAMPS Canine Ambassador, who demonstrated how CHAMPS dogs find landmines.
“Every half hour, someone falls victim to a landmine,” says McCasland. “Forty percent of landmine victims are under the age of 15.”
Seven Lakes teachers and Interact Club co-sponsors Angele Fowler and Postlethwaite, along with students and Interact officers Tanisha Kashikar and Louise Goodfellow, visited Global Training Academy in Somerset, Texas to select Spartacus, a German shepherd from the Netherlands, who responds to verbal commands in Dutch. Spartacus will be deployed to Sri Lanka in June, where he will work hard to find landmines left during the civil war that ended in 2010. Postlethwaite will be travelling to Sri Lanka this summer to see Spartacus at work.
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In early April, Spanish students at Seven Lakes High School took the National Spanish Exam. This week the school was notified that 109 of their students were medal winners in the exam.
Approximately 150,000 students completed this examination nationwide. Students are tested in the areas of proficiency and achievement. Medal winners are eligible to compete for further prizes and scholarships. Senior Sara Moore has been chosen to compete for the senior scholarship as a representative of Seven Lakes. She will write an essay and complete a video conversation/interview with her teacher.

Katy High School recently recognized those who received Coach of the Year awards. Honorees included Gary Joseph, Shanna Marhofer, Karen Paxton and Justic “Doc” Landers.
Joseph is the campus athletic coordinator and head football coach. He was named District 19-5A Football Coach of the Year, Houston Texans Coach of the Week and one of Houston’s Top 100 Professionals. Marhofer, girls assistant basketball coach, was named Texas Association of Basketball Coaches Girl’s Assistant Coach of the Year. Paxton, head volleyball coach, was named Katy ISD Volleyball Coach of the Year. And Landers, a trainer at Katy High School, was named Katy ISD Trainer of the Year.
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Cinco Ranch High School choir students Amanda Menzie and Kale Harris were recently awarded the choir’s annual scholarships. The award was announced at the choir’s year-end banquet recently held.
Menzie and Harris, both seniors, earned recognition for their achievements throughout the four years as choir members, including earning spots in the Texas All-State Choir.
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During a special meeting following this week’s regularly scheduled meeting, Katy ISD’s Board of Trustees recognized the dedication and community service of its three outgoing members Judith Snyder, Eric M. Duhon and Chris Crockett. Serving 30 years collectively, outgoing Board president Judith Synder has served on the Board of Trustees for 15 years, Eric M. Duhon for 12 years and Chris Crockett for three and one-half years.
“As a board member and as a community member, I truly appreciate the commitment that Ms. Snyder, Mr. Duhon and Ms. Crockett have shown to our students and to the people of Katy,” says Rebecca Fox, Katy ISD Board of Trustees vice president.
New Board members Henry Dibrell, Terry Huckaby and Bill Proctor were sworn-in and officers for the 2011-2012 school year were elected. New officers for the 2011-2012 school year are: Joe Adams, president; Rebecca Fox, vice president; Roberts Shaw, secretary; Neal Howard, treasurer; Henry Dibrell, sergeant-at-arms; Terry Huckaby, member; and Bill Proctor, member.
Prior to the special session, Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved construction of the Wolfe Elementary replacement school at a cost not to exceed $16 million. The project, which was part of the November 2010 Bond referendum, will result in an entirely new campus for Wolfe – one of Katy’s oldest elementary campuses. Construction will begin in June and be completed in August 2012.
Also during the regular meeting, the Board recognized Katy ISD’s National Merit Scholarship winners and 2011 Valedictorians and Salutatorians from each Katy ISD high school.
Upcoming Katy ISD Board of Trustees meetings include a work study meeting on June 13 and a regular meeting on June 20. For more information about the Katy ISD Board of Trustees, visit the School Board page at
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The Gift of Time was the theme of the 2011 Katy ISD Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Celebration that honored 14,522 school district volunteers. This year alone, more than 718,000 volunteer hours were gifted to Katy ISD campuses. This brings the total volunteer hours given to Katy ISD to more than 6.2 million since 2000.
“Based on the average U.S. income, the amount of hours donated to schools each year is worth about $15 million,” says Janet Theis, Katy ISD Partners in Education. “Many campus activities would not take place if it weren’t for the dedication of this community, and this is why our volunteers are so extremely valuable. As a district, we are truly thankful for their continued support.”
Each year, Katy ISD campuses salute their volunteers by selecting a campus “Volunteer of the Year.”
Announced at the VIPS Celebration were the 2010-2011 Campus Volunteers of the Year: Monica McDivitt, Alexander Elem.; Michael Darling, Bear Creek Elem.; Cecilia Heh Suen, Beck JH; Cynthia Rodriguez, Beckendorff JH; Mary Carroll Benson, Cardiff JH; Mirta Dos Santos, Cimarron Elem.; Sherrie Cooke, Cinco Ranch HS; Tracy Carey, Cinco Ranch JH; Lisa Madrigal, Creech Elem.; Linda Ames, Exley Elem.; Paulina Gonzalez-Nossa, Fielder Elem.; Athena Vargas, Franz Elem.; Samantha Hilton, Golbow Elem.; Kimberly Guidry, Griffin Elem.; Ezy Dampman, Hayes; Wendy Freaney, Holland; Ginny Williams, Hutsell; Roslyn Anderson, Katy Elem.; David and Teresa Wert, Katy High; Edna Rokoski, Katy Junior; Becky Morris, Kilpatrick; Tammy Jones, King Elem.; Lisa Martinez, Mayde Creek Elem.; Kina Tebo, Mayde Creek HS; Vannel McCaslin, Mayde Creek JH; Deborah Foreman, McDonald JH; Maxx Roopchand, McMeans JH; Gregg Scott, McRoberts Elem.; Jami Pruett, Memorial Parkway Elem.; Beverly Spaulding, Memorial Parkway JH; Jennifer Perez, Morton Ranch Elem.; Jeri Flores, Morton Ranch HS; Josie Davis, Morton Ranch JH; Cathy Berner, Nottingham Country Elem.; Holly Winchester, Pattison Elem.; Jan Henson, Rhoads Elem.; Natalie Boyd, Rylander Elem.; Anina Porter, Schmalz Elem.; Anne Marie Barrios, Seven Lakes HS; Danielle Nuckolls, Stanley Elem.; David Flores, Stephens Elem.; Toni De La Torre, Sundown Elem.; Pete and Cheryl Gavrel, Taylor HS; Neil LeBlanc, West Memorial Elem.; Shirley Coffey, West Memorial JH; Jill Wojciechowski, Williams Elem.; Susie Price, Winborn Elem.; Jan Evans, Wolfe Elem.; Tiffany Hoffman, WoodCreek Elem.; and Stephanie Knight, WoodCreek JH.
Katy ISD enjoys the support of volunteers who contribute significantly both to the district and their home campuses. VIPS is administered by Partners in Education, the Katy ISD department that brings the community into the classroom. For more information about Partners in Education, visit
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Congratulations to the 2011 Roosevelt Alexander Elementary Volunteer of the Year, Monica McDivitt.
Monica was nominated not only for her advocating for special needs children at RAE as well as in the Katy community, but also because of her dedication, positive attitude, and most of all because of the impact that her mission has made with all students, parents and staff at the school.
In addition, RAE also recognized their 2010-2011 student council officers for completing a successful year. Student council members included: President Kenneth Killinger, Vice President Michael Horowitz, Treasurer Campbell Vann, and Secretary Griffin Weiss.
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Beckendorff Junior High (BDJH) congratulates Cynthia Rodriguez on being named the campus’ 2010 – 2011 Volunteer of the Year.
Cynthia freely gave of her time and talents to a wide variety of events and tasks at BDJH this year. She led the PTA fundraising efforts and achieved a 60 percent increase in donations. These funds were used to purchase many items for the school and to fund numerous educational programs throughout the year.
She also vastly expanded our partnerships with area businesses for BDJH Spirit Nights, and helped lead volunteer efforts for the athletic banquet, as well as participated in multiple eighth grade and other PTA events.
To celebrate the end of their time in middle school, the Beckendorff Junior High PTA held the 2011 8th grade dance on Friday, May 13. The theme of the dance was “An Evening Cruise” and was attend by more than 450 BDJH eighth grade students.
All students arrived in style and were greeted by BDJH fathers who volunteered to usher in all the excited guests. The night was made complete with a DJ, casino, game room, personalized slide show, festive snack bar and the always anticipated end-of-the-evening balloon drop.
The BDJH PTA wishes all eighth grade students good luck and much success as they move onto high school.
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The WoodCreek Junior High choirs recently presented their third annual “Pop Show.” This year’s theme was “I Love the 80s.”
The show included performances from all of the junior high choirs, as well as many solo and duet performances to popular music from the 80s. Some students showcased additional talents by playing instruments or showing off their dance moves. All choir members joined together for the final act to perform Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”
Following the performances, an awards ceremony was held by Directors Mrs. Burris and Mrs. Brown to recognize outstanding student accomplishments.
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In just one week Griffin Elementary families donated more than 2,000 non-perishable food items to the Katy Christian Ministries’ (KCM) Food Pantry. School collection boxes were crammed with canned goods. Donations will help KCM provide local people in need with three nutritionally balanced meals each day.
Griffin would like to thank First Choice Power for donating tickets worth $700 for participating students to spend at the Grizzfest the school’s annual fundraiser.
“The PTA wants to encourage students to help those who are less fortunate in our community,” says PTA President Tiffany Walker. “We’re so appreciative that when we asked Griffin families and First Choice Power to step forward, we were overwhelmed with generosity. Our students aimed to take a giant Grizzly bite out of hunger.”
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Katy High School recently recognized the seniors who earned the Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA) Academic All-State Team selection.
Those honored include: Lindsay Gustafson, trainer; Alex Gill, soccer; Jessica Slate, softball; Emily Cordon, basketball; Morgan Griffin soccer; Taylor Notter trainer; Kayla Fischer, track; Teresa Tauriello, track; Caitlyn Cassity, golf; Shayne Haley, track; Melissa Herman, softball; Courtney Cox, basketball; Meghan Jackman, basketball; Christian Ramsey, baseball; Robert Cagle, basketball; Dillon Mazzoccoli, baseball; Grant Williams basketball; Connor Wynne, basketball; and Angel Montoya, baseball.
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The Taylor Lacrosse Club beat Klein 10-8 in the final game of the season to wrap up the Texas High School Lacrosse Clubs’ district championship. It is the first title for Taylor in its nine year history. Taylor finished the regular season with a 9-3 record.
Taylor was lead by seniors Brent Phelps, goalie, and Mason Moore, midfielder, who were selected as All-State players. Colby Morgan, All District, and Grant Bolding – Honorable Mention also received honors for the season. Taylor graduates 14 seniors with several planning to continue their lacrosse careers in college.
In addition, Phelps, varsity goalie and co-captain of the Taylor Lacrosse team, was named an US Lacrosse Academic All-American for 2011. This award is given a select group of players nationwide who excel in not only in the sport of lacrosse, but demonstrate high academic achievement, broad involvement in school activities and commitment to community service.
He is the only player selected from the Houston area and one of only 4 players named in the state of Texas.
Phelps is a two time All State lacrosse goalie and helped lead the Taylor Lacrosse Club to win the THSLL district championship. He is currently ranked academically near the top of his class at Morton Ranch High School and has been a member of the Maverick Band for the past 4 years. Phelps also attained the rank of Eagle Scout this year and continues to participate in Boy Scout Leadership programs.
Phelps will attend Texas A&M to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering and plans on continuing his lacrosse career for the Aggies.
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Taylor High School seniors Natalia Romero, Alex Ngo, Carrie Pyle and Hayley Edmondson were the recipients of the THS Choir Boosters scholarships. The students received the awards at the annual choir banquet held Saturday, May 21 at CrossPoint Community Church.
Natalia Romero was also the recipient of the highest student honor awarded by Katy ISD, the Award of Excellence, at a banquet held at the Merrill Center. The annual banquet, hosted by the Katy ISD Board of Trustees, recognizes seniors who have consistently distinguished themselves in a particular area of study.
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A packed audience of families and students at Griffin Elementary were treated to a fantastic variety show of more than 30 acts. These students won their coveted performance places after auditions attracted 145 performances.
Musicians, dancers, and singers filled the stage with performances showcasing cultures from around the world. Martial artists displayed their don’t-mess-with-me skills, as they smashed through wooden boards, whipped sticks through the air and demonstrated the precision required to master TaeKwonDo. While gymnasts thrilled everyone with their amazing flips and turns. Screens were lowered for everyone to marvel at student produced computer animation and a movie. Finally there were cheers for three students who demonstrated just how fast a rubric cube can be solved. All the while two 5th grade students kept the show moving with their lively repartee and jokes.
Who needs T.V. talent shows, when Katy students can put on such a stunning display?
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Students enrolled in Professor Rima Adil’s College and Career Planning course at the Houston Community College Katy Campus earned their Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) last month. The CRC is a portable workforce credential based on the WorkKeys job skills assessment system.
Adil teaches her students the skills they need to be successful in college and skills employers are looking for in prospective hires. The CRC was the perfect instrument to support her student’s professional goals.
“I found the CRC very motivating, relevant and beneficial since at this stage in their lives, students are making choices about their careers and most of them are either entering the work industry through student jobs or have recently joined it,” says Adil.
The Career Readiness Certificate allows students to show prospective employers that they possess critical workplace skills in addition to their academic accomplishments. The certificate was created to help employers identify strong applicants by certifying that a CRC recipient possesses competency skills (Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information), required by approximately 90 percent of all jobs in the nation.
“A job applicant with a CRC has a distinct advantage over other candidates with similar experience or education level. Employers can be confident that applicants will have the essential skills to fill the position and employers can save time and money when an applicant has been pre-screened,” says WorkKeys Senior Program Coordinator Elizabeth Buerkle.
The CRC is only one of the tools available through WorkKeys at HCC. Additional services available for employers include EEO-guided job profiling for selection and training purposes, instructional support, EEO-guided new or updated job descriptions, and assistance with moving qualified, lower-level employees into supervisory positions.
To learn more about WorkKeys and the CRC, contact 713-718-5718 or
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Fifth graders in Patricia Billi’s class at Rhoades Elementary School participated in the Adopt-A-Pilot program with Southwest Airlines this past school year. Southwest Airlines pilot Frank Miner has been an invaluable resource and mentor at the school for the past four years.
Adopt-A-Pilot is a mentorship program that sends Southwest Airlines pilots into fifth grade classrooms to lead them through lessons on science, geography, math, creative writing, and other core subjects, all based in aviation-related activities. Students will also research careers, F.L.I.G.H.T. values, and realize the importance of staying in school. Adopt-A-Pilot is offered free of charge to schools.
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In the picture: Walid Bnider is learning what happens when a fighter pilot ejects from his jet with the help of Southwest Adopt-A-Pilot, Frank Miner.
Members of the Katy community, donors, senior students, and faculty attended the Pope John XXIII High School groundbreaking ceremony Friday, May 13. The expansion includes the Crosthwait Student Center and a new competition gymnasium. The ceremony included remarks from Principal Tim Petersen and President of the Board of Directors Theresa Bramanti.
Over 150 students, alumni, parents, staff, and community leaders attended the ceremony. Bishop Vincent M. Rizzotto, auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, presided over the blessing ceremony and groundbreaking.
“Today, we are honored to remember Fr. Joe Crosthwait at Pope John XXIII High School. In 2000, he played an integral role in the establishment of the school, and his enthusiasm for Catholic education was infectious,” says Theresa Bramanti.
As the Katy area continues to grow, many more families have expressed interest in the dedicated, high-quality educational environment that comes with Catholic secondary schooling. As the only Catholic high school in West Houston, Pope John XXIII strives to educate the whole student – mind, body, spirit, and imagination.
“We are very grateful that we have been graced with the community support for such an expansion,” says Tim Petersen. “With this expansion, we believe we will be able to increase our enrollment to over 400 students, reaching more and more of our community through our future leaders.”
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For the ninth time in the past 10 years, Katy ISD has been named among the Best Communities for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation, which recognizes schools and districts across the U.S. for their commitment and support for music education. Katy ISD is one of only 14 districts in Texas to receive this recognition for 2011.
“Our music educators constantly go above and beyond their required duties to make sure their students succeed. This recognition is a direct reflection of their commitment,” says Bob Bryant, executive director of fine arts for Katy ISD. “It is evident that our community, administration, and School Board supports and encourages quality music education for every student.”
Just recently, Katy ISD hosted its third Annual West Houston Jazz Festival. This event was first launched in 2009 by Katy ISD band directors as a way to provide a learning and performance venue to jazz students, while increasing exposure, education and entertainment to the Katy/West Houston area. Approximately 1600 patrons watched as nine Big Bands and six jazz combos from high schools and middle schools, as well as professional jazz musicians participated in the event this year. Featured concerts were performed by the Dennis Dotson Quartet and the Stan Kenton Alumni Band.
Additionally, Katy ISD students have had the chance to interact with some of the best in the business. Just recently, Norwegian-American composer Ola Gjeilo visited Taylor High School choir classes to meet and answer questions for students. Taylor HS students also recently had a chance to meet renowned composer and author, Dr. Morten Lauridsen during a presentation and student meet and greet.
“Students in Katy ISD are exposed to high-quality music programs from kindergarten through their senior year,” adds Bryant. “Studies have shown that children engaged in music and the arts often perform better academically as well. This is just another reason why we try to offer a variety of quality fine arts programs and opportunities for our students.”
Among the music programs offered to Katy ISD students include: string orchestra, full orchestra, choir vocal ensemble, marching band, concert band, jazz band and multiple individual events of solos and small ensembles.
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In the final Leadership Katy meeting of the school year, the Class of 2011 participants met at Beck Junior High to take part in a panel discussion with Principals Dr. Cazilda Steel, Mayde Creek High School; Jeffrey Stocks, Beck Junior High; and Mindy Dickerson, Cimarron Elementary. The group also heard from Superintendent Alton Frailey and representatives from the Katy ISD Technology Department. More than 70 community members, parents and business men and women actively participated in the Leadership Katy Class of 2011.
“The point of Leadership Katy is to help further educate participants about district operations, while creating a dialogue between the community and the district,” says Janet Theis, Katy ISD Partners in Education.
Leadership Katy started in 2003 as a way to provide a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on in a school district, from finance to food service and everything in between. Members meet once a month during the academic year to hear from different departments and to tour various areas of district.
Naomi Williams, parent and Leadership Katy 2011 participant says, “The biggest take-away for me this year was learning the thoroughness of decision-making, and the forward thinking that goes into the district’s actions and vision for the future.”
Each year, patrons are invited to participate in Leadership Katy by way of self nomination, nomination by their principal, or nomination by Leadership Katy alumni. Katy ISD will be seeking nominations for the class of 2012 this summer.
“My family moved here for the school district,” says Anitra Ondrush, Leadership Katy 2011 participant. “This (Leadership Katy) has opened my eyes to the different levels in the district, and has made me even more proud to be a part of Katy ISD.”
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Wood Group Management Services, in collaboration with the Houston Symphony and Katy ISD’s Partners in Education, has provided funding for each Katy ISD campus to receive a free educational CD-ROM and DVD copy of “The Planets-An HD Odyssey” produced by the Houston Symphony.
The DVD features Gustav Holt’s famous orchestral suite “The Planets” performed by the Houston Symphony accompanied by state-of-the-art, high-definition images returned from space. Cross-curriculum lesson plans for grades 1 through 12 are also included. Subject areas include science, history, mythology, music history and language arts.
Thanks to Wood Group’s support, Katy ISD is the first district in the Houston Area to receive the highly valued CD-ROM set, and is currently the only district to receive one for every campus.
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On Thursday, May 12, members of American Legion Post 164 of Katy were on hand for the annual Mayde Creek High School NJROTC Change of Command Ceremony. During the ceremony, Stephen Brady, Vice Commander Elect of Post 164 presented awards to two cadet students who distinguished themselves in scholastic achievement and military excellence.
Brady presented Cadet Petty Officer First Class Glaston Panchano with the Award for Excellence and a framed certificate to accompany the medal. He also presented Cadet Petty Officer First Class Alondra Serrano-Flores the Award for Scholastics and a framed certificate. This is the second year Post 164 has honored students of the Mayde Creek NJROTC and hopes it will become an annual event for years to come.
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The Katy Area Chamber of Commerce held their Annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at the Merrell Center. Over 350 guests attended the luncheon honoring the 55 Katy ISD Teachers of the Year.
The District-Wide Teachers of the Year were Kimberly Bojko of Griffin Elementary, and Amy Martinez of Raines High School. The District-Wide First Year Outstanding Teachers of the Year were Jordan Stubbs of Creech Elementary, and Robin Barnes of McDonald Junior High.
In addition, 51 other teachers were recognized as Campus Teachers of the Year. The Teachers of the Year received two large gift bags filled with gifts contributed by individuals, community organizations and businesses throughout the community. The keynote speaker for the luncheon was Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale.
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For the ninth time in the past 10 years, Katy ISD has been named among the Best Communities for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation, which recognizes schools and districts across the U.S. for their commitment and support for music education. Katy ISD is one of only 14 districts in Texas to receive this recognition for 2011.
“Our music educators constantly go above and beyond their required duties to make sure their students succeed. This recognition is a direct reflection of their commitment,” says Bob Bryant, executive director of fine arts for Katy ISD. “It is evident that our community, administration, and School Board supports and encourages quality music education for every student.”
Just recently, Katy ISD hosted its third Annual West Houston Jazz Festival. This event was first launched in 2009 by Katy ISD band directors as a way to provide a learning and performance venue to jazz students, while increasing exposure, education and entertainment to the Katy/West Houston area. Approximately 1600 patrons watched as nine Big Bands and six jazz combos from high schools and middle schools, as well as professional jazz musicians participated in the event this year. Featured concerts were performed by the Dennis Dotson Quartet and the Stan Kenton Alumni Band.
Additionally, Katy ISD students have had the chance to interact with some of the best in the business. Just recently, Norwegian-American composer Ola Gjeilo visited Taylor High School choir classes to meet and answer questions for students. Taylor HS students also recently had a chance to meet renowned composer and author, Dr. Morten Lauridsen during a presentation and student meet and greet.
“Students in Katy ISD are exposed to high-quality music programs from kindergarten through their senior year,” adds Bryant. “Studies have shown that children engaged in music and the arts often perform better academically as well. This is just another reason why we try to offer a variety of quality fine arts programs and opportunities for our students.”
Among the music programs offered to Katy ISD students include: string orchestra, full orchestra, choir vocal ensemble, marching band, concert band, jazz band and multiple individual events of solos and small ensembles.
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On Tuesday, May 10, Discovery Education presented more than 200 third grade students and teachers at Jo Ella Exley Elementary School with an assembly where they will be awarded a Tech Fit classroom and special screening of Discovery Channel’s award-winning series LIFE.
The school won the Tech Fit classroom for participating in a Discovery Education Virtual Field Trip. The Tech Fit classroom consists of Epson and eInstruction classroom products. The assembly also included a trivia challenge, prize giveaways, and movie snacks.
Following the assembly, members of Discovery Education’s staff presented educators with a free professional development session to learn all about the new technology.
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Two outstanding teachers have been chosen as the 2011 Katy ISD District-Wide Teachers of the Year. Kimberly Bojko, kindergarten teacher at Michael L. Griffin Elementary and Amy Martinez, Biology, IPC and Chemistry teacher at Martha Raines High School, were announced during a surprise visit from Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey at their schools.
“These individuals exemplify the finest attributes of outstanding teachers. Their passion for teaching truly enhances student learning and achievement. They are models of teachers that every student, parent and school wants and deserves,” says Frailey. “I congratulate Ms. Bojko and Mrs. Martinez on this honor.”
Bojko, this year’s elementary District-Wide Teacher of the Year, has been teaching in Katy ISD since 2007. She holds a Masters of Education degree from The Ohio State University and studied Literacy Collaborative under professors Gay Su Pinnell and Patricia Scharer. Bojko is often called upon to give presentations to teachers and parents on meaningful, interactive and hands-on opportunities to engage students in the classroom. She has also been recognized as a SMART Exemplary Educator and Digi Star Award winner.
“Ms. Bojko is an outstanding teacher whose passion for education inspires students and colleagues. Every day she demonstrates there are no limits to learning,” says Jacki Keithan, Michael L. Griffin Principal.
“It’s an honor to be Katy ISD’s Elementary Teacher of the Year,” says Bojko. “I am proud and thrilled to win such a prestigious award, especially when there are so many great teachers in Katy. It was amazing to discover Superintendent Frailey, the faculty and all the Griffin students had come out to cheer and recognize my work. Now I have a huge incentive to make sure I live up to the title.”
Martinez, this year’s secondary District-Wide Teacher of the Year, has been at Katy ISD’s Raines High School since 2009. She majored in Secondary Education and Biology at Drury University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education. She has participated on the IPC curriculum writing team and created online courses about modeling/teaching for fellow Raines teachers. She was named the Outstanding First-Year Teacher at Drury University in 1999.
“Amy is a teacher and leader of students and educators at RHS and has been instrumental to every positive change that has occurred on campus,” says Becky Bracewell-Tucker, Martha Raines High School Principal. “She has been influential in changing our story from being a school of unmotivated students and poor academic performance to a place of learning where teachers and students are finding success.”
“My most significant contributions and accomplishments as a teacher revolve around leading students, and even at times teachers, to go to the next level of learning,” says Martinez. “To see the relief on someone’s face when a concept they have struggled with in school finally makes sense, brings a satisfaction that is hard to adequately describe to someone who has never experienced it.”
Both District-Wide Teachers of the Year will be nominated by Katy ISD for the 2011 Texas Education Agency’s State-Wide Teacher of the Year program.
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Outbacker of the Month is the most prestigious award earned at Kilpatrick Elementary School. Kilpatrick Outbackers exhibit Koalaty character continuously. Outbackers are those that always lend a helping hand, always have a smile on their face, serve as role models, and go above and beyond to make OKE the exemplary school that it is. One student, staff member, volunteer, and Partner in Education is chosen every month to be Outbacker of the Month.
Those honored include: Ruby Anne Myers, Claudia Garrett, Blayne Burke, Fernanda Sequiera, Monica Barrios, Michele DuPont, Celeste Waters, Volunteer Dina Schillinger and 4th Grade Teacher Megan Bishop.
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McMeans Junior High’s choir, orchestra and band recently attended UIL competitions, and all received Superior ratings in sight reading and stage performance. Pictured with their trophies are, from left, Choir Director Christin Abbott, Orchestra Director Amy Williams, Band Assistant Sandy Brunskill, and Band Director George Liverman. Please mention you found this on

Westlake Academy, a private Christian school, recently completed its annual Spelling Bee. For the Kindergarten through Grade 2 division, the winners were: 1st Place Andrew Bevington (2nd grade), 2nd Place Michael Walker (Kinder.), and 3rd Place Elizabeth Walker (2nd grade). In the Grade 3 through 6 division, the winners were: 1st Place Holly Gibson (4th grade), 2nd Place Kirisma Brantley (6th grade). All of the spellers performed wonderfully, and Westlake is extremely proud of their bee participants.
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The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) recently released the names of the first group of winners in the 56th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Approximately 1,000 distinguished high school seniors have won corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarship awards financed by about 200 corporations, company foundations, and other business organizations.
The following four Katy ISD students have won 2011 corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarships:
Lynn Gai, Taylor HS, National Merit BP Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
Nikhil Garg, Taylor HS, National Merit BMC Software, Inc. Scholarship
Reinaldo Amendola-Mayorga, Cinco Ranch HS, National Merit Chevron Corporation Scholarship
Sirus Jesudasen, Seven Lakes HS, National Merit BP Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
Theses scholars were selected from students who advanced to the Finalist level in the National Merit Scholarship competition and met the criteria of their scholarship sponsors. Corporate sponsors provide National Merit Scholarships for Finalists who are children of their employees, who are residents of communities the company serves, or who plan to pursue college majors or careers the sponsor wishes to encourage.
Most of these awards are renewable for up to four years of college undergraduate study, and provide annual stipends that range from $500 to $10,000 per year. Some provide a single payment between $2,500 and $5,000. Recipients can use their awards at any regionally accredited U.S. college or university of their choice.
The National Merit Scholarship program will soon release the names of its coveted National Merit Scholarship recipients, as well as winners of college-sponsored Merit Scholarships. For more information, visit
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Griffin Elementary student Siv Henny Horensky has won the prestigious Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s People’s Choice award for her idyllic painting of a cowboy and his horse Looking at the Valley. Competition sponsors Reliant Energy presented Henny with $1,000 for the Griffin art department and $1,000 for KISD to purchase art supplies. She was also excited to receive an amazing limited edition Houston Rodeo belt buckle from the 2011 Bareback Riding Champion Clint Cannon, among other gifts.
Henny created her painting in art class using watercolor paint. Her primary drawing was beautiful, and after painting, it came to life. The amazing result shows the talent of this modest fifth grade student.
“We’re thrilled Henny’s painting won,” says art teacher Vanina Orendorff. “It is a pleasure to teach such an enthusiastic student. We plan to spend the prize money on document cameras, which will be a great addition to our classes.”
“We’d like to thank Houston Rodeo and Reliant Energy for encouraging young artists,” says art teacher Brenda Haegner. “Every year it’s exciting to visit the Rodeo and see the wonderful art so prominently displayed at such a huge event.”

Seven Lakes High School announced their 2011-2012 Junior Varsity cheerleading squad.
Members for the 2011-2012 school year, pictured below, include: Sydney Walden, Kendall Guinn, Taylor Freetage, Niki Swanson, Meg Swanson, Britt Fancher, Sara Stout, Kristen Whiddon, Brennah Blackwelder, Taylor Fono, Austin Harris, and Alissa Fono. The Junior Varsity squad is sponsored by Jaime Wilson, who teaches US History at Seven Lakes High School.
The JV squad will cheer at their first event together May 18 at the Spring Game at Spartan Field.
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For the sixth year Children at Risk, in partnership with the Houston Chronicle, has evaluated and ranked 998 elementary and secondary schools in greater Houston. Several Katy ISD campuses have been named top schools in the area:
- Greater Houston’s Top High Schools in Science and Mathematics – Cinco Ranch High School (no. 6) and Taylor High School (8)
- Greater Houston’s Top 10 Middle Schools – Beckendorff Junior High (8)
- Greater Houston’s Top 10 Elementary Schools – Kilpatrick Elementary (no. 9)
All six Katy ISD high schools ranked in top 50 overall high school category, with three listed among the top 20: Cinco Ranch High School (no. 13), Taylor High School (no. 14) and Seven Lakes High School (no. 17). A total of 144 high schools were evaluated.
In addition to Beckendorff Junior High, Katy ISD’s McMeans Junior High (no. 13) and Cinco Ranch Junior High (no. 20) are listed among the top 20 middle schools in the area out of 265 total middle schools evaluated.
Children at Risk looks at a number of variables at each level, including data from the Texas Education Agency and TAKS test results, to determine school rankings. For more information, visit
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This summer, a select group of Katy ISD teachers will be travelling to destinations like Puerto Rico, France, Alaska and Thailand as part of the Fund for Teachers Grant program. The program selects teachers across the country to participate in learning experiences around the globe to enrich personal and professional growth.
This year’s grant recipients are:
- Margaret Frank, Schmalz Elementary Frank will study habitat diversity of the nature reserves in Puerto Rico, in a Spanish language immersion setting
- Teresa Chardola, Seven Lakes High School Chardola will attend a language immersion school in France and visit major Parisian monuments to create a Paris unit for classroom use
- Stephanie Montez and David Montez, Katy Junior High Stephanie and David will participate in the “Science at Sea” Alaskan study trip
- Natalie Sansom, Creech Elementary Sansom will explore the cultural and natural environments of Thailand, while developing an art exchange and cross-cultural learning program
Katy ISD’s teachers received more than $20,000 in funding through the Fund for Teachers grant this year. Past Katy ISD grant recipients participated in a wide variety of expeditions, including: exploring Hawaii’s active volcanoes; studying Islam through Morocco’s political, social and economic development; and trekking across Laos learning about the Hmong culture.
Fund for Teachers enriches the personal and professional growth of teachers by recognizing and supporting them as they identify and pursue opportunities around the globe that will have the greatest impact on their practice, the academic lives of their students and on their school communities. For more information, visit
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Katy Texas News
Posted April 11, 2011
The Katy ISD Police Department will join forces with members from the Houston Drug Enforcement Administration during National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day to collect potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs. This initiative will take place on Saturday, April 30, 2011. Katy ISD will have two locations this year. The south location will be Roosevelt Alexander Elementary located at 6161 S. Fry Rd., and the North location will be Sundown Elementary located at 20100 Saums Rd. Both locations will be manned by Katy ISD Police Officers.
“We encourage all families to take a moment to look in their medicine cabinets and drop-off any unused prescription drugs,†says Katy ISD Police Sergeant Tom Donalson. “This is an easy and anonymous service that could potentially save a life.â€
Patrons may drop off their expired or unwanted prescription drugs for on-site destruction between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the school’s cafeteria.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice DEA, prescription drug abuse in the U.S. is increasing at alarming rates – as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, many Americans do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away – both potential safety and health hazards.
This event is the second of its kind. The first event was conducted in October of 2010, and Katy ISD Police manned one site. That site netted over 200 lbs of expired or unwanted dangerous drugs. For a complete listing of collection sites across the U.S., visit
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Katy Texas News
Posted April 11, 2011
The Seven Lakes girls softball team was recently ranked no. 17 in a new straw poll by the Texas Coaches Association. This is a huge accomplishment for the Seven Lakes softball program, as this is the first time in the program’s history to receive this recognition. With a current district record of 5-2 and wins over Katy Taylor and Cinco Ranch, Seven Lakes is making their mark in what is considered an extremely competitive district full of talented teams and players.
“It is good to see the recognition for our program,†says Terry Kangas, head coach. “We have accomplished a lot this year, and that is good for the girls and their hard work that they are putting in.â€
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Katy Texas News
Posted April 6, 2011
Katy ISD’s Partners in Education group was recently surprised with a generous donation of $3,200 from the Team Katy PAC to the KEYS Mentoring scholarship fund. This donation consists of the remainder of the funds from Team Katy’s 2010 Katy ISD Bond campaign. The donation will assist in providing scholarships to KEYS Mentoring student participants.
“This money could have been returned to donors, but we decided to give it to the kids,†said Joe Simmons, Team Katy representative. “That’s why Team Katy existed, for the students.â€
In the past five years, $61,000 in scholarships have been awarded to graduating KEYS students. Currently, more than 600 mentors are volunteering their time to the program throughout the district; however, there is a strong need for more volunteers.
“We are especially in need of men mentors,†said Martha Brown, Katy ISD Partners in Education. “Just one hour a week can make a huge difference in motivating a student to keep pushing forward in school and in life.â€
KEYS Mentoring brings adults role models into Katy ISD schools to motivate, encourage and inspire students on the brink of success. Whether spent playing games, reading or just talking, that one hour a week makes a tremendous difference in the life of a child. For more information, visit
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Katy Texas News
Posted April 6, 2011
The ladies of the Katy High School Winter Guard went to Pearland Friday night with one goal: bring back a state title, which they did. Their last state championship was more than 10 years ago.
Andrew Lee, band director in charge of Guard and Drumline, was visibly moved by his team’s success. “The girls worked hard for this,†he says. “They earned it.â€
“I love these girls, and I prayed they do their best and congratulate themselves on an amazing season,†adds guard director Michelle Jordan. The team has been practicing afterschool since marching season ended in December. They competed in three shows prior to finals with two first place and one second place finish.
Most people are familiar with Color Guard work in the marching band with flags, rifles and sabers. Winter Guard competitions are held in gymnasiums with only guard members performing on a painted floor to taped music. While the Novice division is one of the lower levels of competition with teams using body work and flags with some rifle work, Katy went above and beyond and competed with saber work as well.
Greg Horne, father of former guard director Meghan Horne, wrote the show. He picked the music, “The Ascent†by Yanni. Greg and Meghan both flew back from Boston to work with the girls during weekend rehearsals.
Since this is a Texas Color Guard Circuit event and not UIL sanctioned, Katy had members from freshmen thorough senior classes and an eighth grade member from West Memorial Junior High. All of the members had to maintain academic eligibility to participate. As Winter Guard started after football season was over, two marching band members participated as well.
All six Katy ISD schools had teams competing this year with Taylor’s JV squad taking a second place trophy in the Novice Division with Katy. Taylor’s Varsity took second in Scholastic A which competes at a higher level and has different judging criteria than Novice. They will be competing in Dayton, Ohio for a chance at a Winter Guard International title April 7-9.
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Katy Texas News
Posted April 6, 2011
High school cheerleaders, coaches and mascots joined forces for the first ever Katy ISD Cheer for Charity Showcase that raised just over $3,000 for playrooms at Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus.
“It was good to see the cheerleaders and mascots from all schools congratulating each other on their performances at the end of the evening,†says Bob Bryant, Katy ISD Director of Fine Arts. “This is another example that shows that, though we have many schools here, Katy ISD is one community working together.â€
Approximately 650 patrons attended the event that featured varsity and junior varsity cheerleading squads representing each Katy ISD high school. High school mascots also joined forces with a combined performance.
“Pushing the students to stay positive and committed to their teams to see the project through was very rewarding,†says Amy McConnell, psychology teacher and cheerleading coach at Taylor High School. “We tend to be very competitive with one another but, on this night, we were cheering and celebrating together. It was very powerful.â€
During the planning phase of the event, cheerleading coaches from all campuses compiled a list of popular charity choices submitted by their squads and voted on who would be the final recipient. This resulted in Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus being the charity of choice for the event.
“I think it was perfect timing with the opening of the west campus,†adds McConnell. “Plus, it’s great to see students doing something for the youth in this community.â€
A check presentation to Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus is scheduled for Monday, April 11.
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Katy Texas News
Posted April 5, 2011
The Funky Foilinators team from Griffin Elementary finished in third place at the State Destination ImagiNation (DI) tournament in Lubbock, Texas. The students will now compete at the Global Tournament in Knoxville, Tenn. in May.
The team impressed judges with their teamwork and structure they created from wood, glue and foil which held 725 pounds without breaking. The team also won compliments from the judges for their creativity with props and costumes.
Every year, 100,000 students from across the United States and over 30 other countries participate in DI. This year Katy schools sent nine teams from six schools to state. This educational activity requires teams drawn from grades 1 – 12 to solve open-ended challenges and present their solutions at tournaments. Students are tested to think on their feet, work together and devise original solutions.
“We were proud of both our teams who represented Griffin with true DI spirit,†says Nancy Hess, challenge teacher at Griffin Elementary. “The teams worked for several months perfecting their solutions to the challenge and did an outstanding job on their performances. This is the first time we have qualified to send teams to the state tournament. Our team managers really worked hard preparing the students for their performances. Our Griffin students were outstanding. At school we encourage creativity, teamwork and perseverance. Months of hard work and fun have led to an amazing DI result.â€
Griffin sent two teams to the state tournament. The RaDIcal Rescuers also did a fantastic job and won sixth place medals for their outstanding performance in both the team challenge and the instant challenge.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 28, 2011
Local student and state champion Macy Ray of Pattison Elementary School won the 2011 Southwest Regional Hoop Shoot Free Throw Contest held in Dallas this past Saturday, March 26.
Ray won the 10-11-year-old girls division by sinking 23 free throws out of 25 attempts. She also won a later contest for top score at the tournament, sinking five of five baskets in a shoot off with the 12-13-year-old boys division winner.
Ray advances to the national finals in Springfield, Mass. On April 29-30. She will compete against 11 other regional champions for the national title and to have her name engraved on the Elks trophy in the Basketball Hall of Fame.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 25, 2011
Five members of the Taylor High School boys swim team competed at the Texas State UIL swimming championships the weekend of February 18-19. The team broke four school records during the State meet. Senior Captains Cooper Robinson and Albert Riley along with juniors David Harlan, Anurag Gupta, and James Taylor represented Taylor at the state meet. The team finished eighth in State.
In individual events, Albert Riley took third place in the 50-yard Freestyle and fourth place in the 100-yard freestyle earning All American Automatic and breaking a school record.  Cooper Robinson took third in the 100-yard backstroke earning American Automatic where he already has the school record and earned 17th place All-state in the 200 freestyle based on his region results. James Taylor took fifth in the 100-yard breaststroke and received All American consideration.  David Harlan took 12th in the 200-yard freestyle.
The 400-yard Free Relay team took fourth place, breaking a school record and making All American Automatic. The 200-yard medley relay team won fifth place all state ranking and All American Automatic qualification based on their region 5 5A school record results.
The team also competed in the 2011 UIL Region 5 5A championships at the University of Houston. The team had outstanding results with all swimmers achieving personal bests, five swimmers making All-American, and two school records broken. The boys finished second as a team and the girls 11th. Five team members qualified for the State Meet for All-American recognition including Albert Riley, Cooper Robinson, David Harlan, James Taylor, and Anurag Gupta.
Other regional finalists included Kasey Palfreyman, Simone Romero, Carmina Alvarez, Marie Saunders, Lauren Woltemate, Jordan Rodriguez, Megan Skinner, Grant Bolding, Stuart Mossop, Alan Tankovic, Patrick Rozum, Christian Martin (diving), and Kayvon Flynn (diving).
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 25, 2011
Katy ISD is one of only 388 school districts nationwide being honored by the College Board with a place on its AP Achievement List for opening AP classroom doors to a significantly broader pool of students, while maintaining or improving the percentage of students earning scores of 3 or higher.
From 2008 to 2010, Katy ISD increased the number of students participating in the AP program from 1,934 to 2,329 while improving the percentage of students earning AP Exam scores of 3 or higher, the score typically needed to earn college credit, from 82 percent in 2008 to 83 percent in 2010.
“This recognition by the College Board is further proof that we are accomplishing our mission to provide students unparalleled learning experiences here in Katy ISD,†says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “I am proud of the work that everyone associated with the AP program has done to not only make the AP courses available to students, but to ensure that they succeed in achieving at exceptional levels.â€
The AP Achievement List is comprised of all school districts that are simultaneously expanding opportunity and improving performance. Inclusion on the list is based on the following criteria:
- Examination of three years of AP data, from 2008 to 2010;
- Increase in participation in/access to AP by at least four percent in large districts, at least seven percent in medium districts and at least 11 percent in small districts;
- A steady or increasing percentage of exams taken by African American, Hispanic/Latino and American Indian/Alaska Native students; and
- Performance levels maintained or improved when comparing the percentage of exams in 2010 scoring a 3 or higher to those in 2008, or the school has already attained a performance level in which more than 70 percent of the AP students are scoring a 3 or higher.
“Participation in college-level AP courses can level the playing field for underserved students, give them the confidence needed to succeed in college, and raise standards and performance in key subjects like science and math,†says College Board President Gaston Caperton. “The AP Achievement List identifies districts that are defying expectations by expanding access while enabling their students to maintain or improve their AP Exam scores.â€
Helping more students learn at a higher level and earn higher AP scores is an objective of all members of the AP community, from AP teachers to district and school administrators to college professors. Many are experimenting with a variety of initiatives and strategies to determine how to expand access and improve student performance simultaneously.
“These districts are living proof that when access to AP is provided for the range and breadth of prepared and motivated students, districts can achieve even higher learning outcomes for their students — and the opportunity for so many more to earn college credit and placement — than when AP opportunities were restricted to a smaller segment of the high school population,†says Trevor Packer, vice president of the College Board’s Advanced Placement Program.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 21, 2011
Katy ISD recently surprised two deserving teachers with the Outstanding First Year Teacher of the Year Award. Sue Creech Elementary teacher Jordan Stubbs and T.H. McDonald Junior High teacher Robin Barnes were chosen for the elementary and secondary awards respectively. Katy ISD superintendent Alton Frailey, assistant superintendent – area 2 Patricia Paetow, and each campus principal surprised the teachers in their classrooms.
“It was a distinct pleasure to join with family and colleagues to celebrate the great work of these two truly outstanding individuals and professional educators,†says Frailey. “You can tell immediately upon meeting them that they each bring something very special to our team. I know they will continue to have a stellar career and we are fortunate to have them.â€
Robin Barnes is a graduate of Texas A&M University and teaches math at McDonald Junior High. With this being her first year as a teacher, Barnes has already made great strides on campus having taken on the task of organizing and shaping the school’s Title I math pull-out program as well as sponsoring the sixth through eighth grade pep squads.
“Robin’s relentless, positive attitude and willingness to help students learn, even when she has taken on multiple responsibilities, is what made her the candidate for Outstanding First Year Teacher of the Year for our campus,†says Colleen Dale, assistant principal at McDonald JH.
Jordan Stubbs is a graduate of Sam Houston State University and holds a Bachelor of Science in interdisciplinary studies, majoring in EC-12 Special Education and EC-6 Generalist.  Stubbs teaches Life Skills at Creech Elementary.
“Jordan knows what needs to be done every day. She completes it with dignity and respect toward the student, all while making learning fun,†says Elena Thrun, Creech Elementary principal. “Confidence, compassion and attitude seem to be the tri-fecta that made Jordan a standout during her first year.â€
Both Stubbs and Barnes will be honored, along with campus teachers of the year, at a special event in May. At that time, Katy ISD will also announce the two District-Wide Teachers of the Year.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 21, 2011
Due to its long history of exceeding state, corporate, and industry standards of health, safety, and educational excellence for children ages 6 weeks through 12 years, the Kids ‘R’ Kids School of Quality Learning in Katy, Texas located at 21955 Westheimer Parkway, has earned Kids ‘R’ Kids International’s highest acclamation by being named a Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy.
To parents of children in the Cinco Ranch area, this means the newly named Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy has achieved these outstanding benchmarks:
- For at least two consecutive years it has earned Kids ‘R’ Kids International’s Platinum award for Healthy and Safety
- It has earned Kids ‘R’ Kids International’s “Pride and Joy†award for educational achievement
- It is currently a candidate for AdvancED Accreditation through (SACS/CASI), among the most prestigious accreditation achievements available in the early childhood education arena
For preschoolers and school age children who attend the newly named Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy in Cinco Ranch their parents can rest assured the best practices for health, safety, and education are upheld continuously by the academy’s owners, directors, teachers, and support staff.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 15, 2011
The Firethorne Stampede auction team continued its support of the Katy ISD Future Farmers of America (FFA) Livestock Show and Sale scholarships by purchasing 13 animals, including the Grand Champion Pig, Reserve Champion Lamb. Reserve Champion Pig and the Grand Showman/Fourth Place Lamb.
“We especially were thrilled to purchase the showmanship lamb raised by one of our own Firethorne Visitor Center Guides, Hanna Holsapple, who is a junior at Cinco Ranch High School,†says Firethorne Stampede spokesman Wayne Meyer. “Hanna has done an outstanding job as a Future Farmers of America student, raising an award-winning lamb, and at Firethorne, where she helps showcase our community to future homeowners.â€
The Firethorne Stampede participants included: Firethorne, Jefferson Development Company, Allen Boone & Humphries, BKD LLP, Bluegrass Maintenance, Canady & Canady, Clearwater Utilities, Inc., First Southwest Co., Founders Bank, Freed Advertising, HBC Terracon, Jones & Carter, Inc., Lake Management, Perry Homes, RHC Investments, Southwest Water Co., Storm Water Solutions, Susan Farb Public Relations and Tax Tech Inc.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 11, 2011
Komal Agarwal, a Seven Lakes High School student, took home the top Grand Champion award in the 2011 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Art Competition. Agarwal’s winning artwork “Teamwork†characterizes the bond between a cowboy and his horse. Agarwal’s artwork will be entered into the art scholarship auction, the world’s largest student art auction, on Sunday, March 13, at Reliant Arena.
“Everyone in the Katy ISD Fine Arts Department is proud of Komal and her art teacher, Kim Glasgow, for this great accomplishment,†says Mitzi Jones, Katy ISD assistant director of Fine Arts. “Komal’s artwork is a special piece. Knowing how many pieces of art that this was judged along with, it is a great honor to celebrate this victory with her as we look to the art auction this Sunday.â€
Also big winners in the HLSR art competition are Pattison Elementary student Michelle Gelman, who won Overall Champion – Elementary for her sculpture “Don’t Mess with Texas,†and Seven Lakes HS student Alice Xie who was named Reserve Class Champion – High School Mixed Media.
The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo competition included 100 school districts and 60 private schools. Katy ISD students received more Glassell Art School scholarships and Western Art Academy scholarships than any other district. Additionally, eight pieces of student artwork was selected for the art scholarship auction. Katy ISD received the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo “Super Show Hall of Fame†award for having its local event achieve Super Show status for five consecutive years.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 11, 2011
Katy ISD is one of only 20 districts in the country, and the only district in Texas, to be named a recipient of an E-rate grant as part of the 2011 “Learning On-The-Go†wireless pilot program implemented by the Federal Communications Commission. Schools and districts across the country had an opportunity to apply for their share of more than $9.5 million in grant monies earlier this year.
Though Katy ISD does not yet know exactly how much of the $9.5 million they will receive, the grant application was submitted to help sustain the district’s Mobile Learning Device (MLD) program for fifth grade students at 11 elementary campuses; or to expand the MLD program to fifth grade students district-wide (32 elementary campuses).
“Katy ISD is now two years into the MLD program and, since its inception, we have seen significant improvements in benchmark testing scores, and student engagement,†says Lenny Schad, chief information officer for Katy ISD. “We definitely see a positive impact on student learning at the 11 campuses and this grant will allow Katy ISD to sustain and possibly expand the MLD program.â€
Katy ISD’s MLD program started at Cimarron Elementary during the 2009-10 academic year, and expanded to 10 additional elementary campuses in 2010-11. As part of the program, students are issued a Smartphone for the academic year – with disabled phone and texting capabilities. In November 2010, Katy voters passed a Bond Referendum that included $35.5 million for technology retrofits and infrastructure improvements throughout the district. Approximately $2 million of the $35 million is allocated to campus improvements such as technology changes in math and science, web tools, and the continued expansion of mobile learning technologies.
“By law, E-rate funds cannot be used to purchase MLD devices, or for the purchase any other technology items outside of specific programs outlined in the grant application,†adds Schad. “Therefore, a small portion of bond funds set aside for technology will still be used to purchase the MLD devices, with the E-rate grant being used for monthly data costs.â€
The E-rate grant will be awarded over the next three years. Katy ISD plans to utilize the funds in MLD roll-outs beginning in 2011-12.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 9, 2011
The Goddard will participate in World Wildlife Fund’s 2011 Earth Hour for the third year in a row. To mark this global call to action on climate change, on Saturday, March 26 at 8:30 p.m. hundreds of millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour.
The Goddard School located in Katy, will join more than 370 Goddard Schools nationwide to help spread the message that by working together, each one of them can make a positive impact toward a sustainable future. The Goddard School located in Katy will launch an entire week of activities and lesson plans beginning March 21st leading up to a big celebration for the Stepping Up for the Environment event on March 25th at 10 a.m., a day before the global event.
“This is an exciting opportunity for our teachers and children to get creative in ’stepping up’ awareness about saving energy and the environment,” says Asli Remlinger, owner. “Joining Earth Hour enables our students to learn an important lesson and get the message out to their families and in their communities.”
Throughout the week, children and teachers will participate in a variety of fun activities, games and lessons designed to increase their awareness of how energy use and daily activities can affect the future of the planet and how they can conserve energy in their daily lives. The Goddard School located in Katy will integrate learning about the environment into art projects, science lessons and even snack time. Classes will nominate an official “Lightning Bug,” who will be responsible for always turning off the classroom lights when the children exit the room. Students will also create invitations asking parents and neighboring buildings to join them in Earth Hour.
On March 25, The Goddard School located in Katy will celebrate Earth Hour with the Stepping Up for the Environment event. The School will have various activities promoting environmental awareness and activities emphasizing the importance of reusing, reducing and recycling. Then, at 10 a.m., schools will turn off any non-essential lighting for one hour.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 9, 2011
Mayde Creek Elementary recently had a very important visitor drop by Mrs. Glenn’s second grade class: Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. The class wrote the superintendent letters convincing him to call off school in early February when winter weather hit the area.
In addition, the school also named their teacher and paraprofessional of the year. Monica White was named Paraprofessional of the year, Sabrina Berger was named First Year Teacher of the Year and Christy Williams was named Teacher of the Year.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 7, 2011
Teacher of the Year
Morton Ranch High School (MRHS) recently announced Jim Janczak as this year’s teacher of the year. He is a sophomore English teacher and the head baseball coach at MRHS. He has been teaching for 22 years, and his career has included teaching at Memorial Parkway Junior High, Taylor High School, and MRHS.
He was a football coach at Taylor High School, later serving as the school’s first softball coach before moving to baseball the next year. Janczak moved to Morton Ranch when it opened and became the school’s first baseball coach. This is Coach Janczak’s second teacher of the year award.
To help kick off TAKS testing, MRHS varsity baseball players Jake Stewart, Jesse Davis, Anthony Gomez, and Joseph Heaton, along with Coach Janczak, joined Morton Ranch Elementary for TAKS spring training. The boys visited with Morton Ranch Elementary students and talked about eating healthy, listening to their coaches, working hard, and doing the best they can do. The team led students in warm-up exercises and gave principal Elisa Farris the game ball from their home opener that they won the night before as a reminder to students that hard work pays off.
Teacher Receives Award
Jeanna Bickerstaff, MRHS AP English language and composition teacher and English department chair, was recently honored at the March Katy ISD School Board meeting for the College Board Southwest Region Advanced Placement Award. This award was given for her work in advancing the AP program at MRHS. She was one of four winners to receive the award in the southwest region, which consists of Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Arizona.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 3, 2011
Cheerleading squads from all Katy ISD high schools will host the district’s first ever Cheer for Charity Showcase, benefiting children’s playrooms at Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus. The event will showcase the skills and talents of JV and Varsity squads, as well as mixed squad cheer routines – all taking place on Tuesday, March 22, 6:30 p.m. at the Leonard E. Merrell Center.  Tickets are $2 and can be purchase from members of any Katy ISD high school cheerleading squad.
“This event will showcase these students’ talents, in an event that is not focused on competition,†says Amy McConnell, Cinco Ranch High School teacher and Varsity Cheerleader Sponsor. “The evidence of school spirit from our cheerleaders is contagious you walk the halls of any of the six high schools in Katy ISD.â€
This event is a collaborative effort of all squads and cheer coaches. Coaches and cheerleaders both assisted in selecting the charity for this year, and all team routines have been developed by cheerleaders and their coaches.
“We hope everyone who attends this event is inspired by the athletes who spend most of their time on the sidelines impacting the events on the field, the court and the campus,†says McConnell
For more information contact Amy McConnell at Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted March 3, 2011
A local artist entertained students at the The Goddard School of Katy last week when he conducted an art session, where he explained, and then demonstrated the two ways of sketching.
Larry Witte, former manager of Design Graphics and Printing, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he worked at a Houston branch, delighted the junior and pre-kindergarten students with his “magical moves†of art. Allowing each student to come up to his easel and “make a mark†on the paper, he then created pictures of a dog, clown, house, space shuttle, and even beautiful roses.
“You draw pictures in two ways. Number one, you do it while looking at the model; secondly, you imagine what you cannot see and draw it from your memory,†he told the students.
Recently retired and now residing in Fulshear, Witte “paints for fun†and often makes sketches for his granddaughter, Cameron, 5, a member of the Goddard School class.
“She (Cameron) knows my work. We do something everytime she visits me and my wife, Patty,†he says.
Witte enjoyed himself and promised to come back for another art teaching session. And the students? They took out their paints and paper, used their imaginations, and produced their own art products.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 3, 2011
After months spent stretching their powers of innovation and creativity, Griffin Elementary sent 10 excited teams to the Gulf Coast Regional Destination ImagiNation tournament. All the teams did a fantastic job and four standout performances brought back trophies to school. The first placed Funky Folinators and the second placed RaDical Rescuers teams will now represent Griffin at the state tournament in Lubbock, Texas in April 2011.
“I’m thrilled for the teams and their volunteer leaders,†says challenge teacher Nancy Hess. Their hard work and determination meant all our students had fun, learnt about teamwork and discovered how using their imagination can lead to unexpected and unique solutions.â€
Every year, 100,000 students across the U.S. and over 30 other countries participate in Destination ImagiNation. This educational activity requires student teams to solve open-ended challenges and present their solutions at tournaments. Teams are tested to think on their feet, work together and devise original solutions that satisfy the specific requirements of the challenges. Participants gain more than just basic knowledge and skills – they learn to unleash their imaginations and take unique approaches to problem solving.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 1, 2011
Cinco Ranch High School FIRST Robotics team CRyptonite will compete at the Lone Star Regionals March 18-19. The regional tournament will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center. The tournament will feature over 56 teams, with an expected attendance of over 1,000 people.
FIRST (For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is a nonprofit organization founded by inventor Dean Kamen. The vision of FIRST is to create a world that celebrates science and engineering, and encourages young people to pursue a career in these fields. Each year, FIRST presents teams with a unique challenge that pushes them to their creative limits, sparking the development of fundamental engineering skills such as analytical problem solving, cooperative brainstorming, task management, and experience in fabrication and machining. The team works with alumni, parent mentors, and professional engineers in an intense six-week period to create a robot for the new competition.
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Katy Texas News
Posted March 1, 2011
Ties & Tiaras, Katy ISD’s fundraising event for the KEYS Scholarship Program, was hosted at Agave Road on February 24. Mentors of the Year were celebrated, corporate sponsors were honored and high school students from across the district entertained guests. This annual event is hosted to fund scholarships for graduating seniors who have participated in the district’s KEYS mentor program.
Since its inception in 2006, the KEYS Scholarship Fund has awarded a total of $61,000 to graduating KEYS seniors. KEYS – Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success – is an initiative for children on the brink of success that matches a deserving child with a caring adult for one hour per week. KEYS and KEYS Scholarships are offered by Partners in Education, the Katy ISD department that brings the community into the classroom. For more information, please go to and click on the KEYS logo or contact Martha Brown at Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 25, 2011
The Katy High School Bengal Brigade and Cheerleaders recently competed in a team challenge to collected non-perishable food items to fill the Katy Christian Ministries Food Pantry. Collectively, the teams collected over 1,500 items to help the Katy community in this growing need. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 25, 2011
The WoodCreek Lady Timberwolves recently clinched the 8B Basketball District Championship. The girls come off an undefeated season. They are coached by Lindsay Burnell. Team members include: Maddie Williams, Micah Johnson, Skylar Dabney, Neha Bhat, Courtney Williams, Kaitlyn Matthey, Brooke Griffin, Abby Gentry, Carla Fischer, Samantha Dorisca, Kylie Liddell. and Kaija Blake.
In addition, the WoodCreek Lady Timberwolves 8C Basketball team also won their district championship. They are coached by Madison Wilson. Team members include: Savannah Stylianou, Laura Cusguen, Caitlyn Causey, Niana Pallat, Cierra Enabnit, Rebecca Serna, Laura Bohorquez, Megan Mendiola, Kaitlin Miller, Rachel Cecil, Lynette Botes, Courtney Burson, and Miranda Serna.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 25, 2011
The Houston Christian High School (HCHS) National Honor Society installed 27 new members, including students from Katy, during the Candlelight Induction Ceremony on February 22. Students must qualify based on scholarship (have an overall average of 93 or higher), character, leadership, and service to become a member of the NHS. New members include senior Hayley Walden; juniors Katie Garbarino, Jack Kellner, Taylor Ratkiewicz, Faith Redding, Devon Sills, and Adrianna Thompson; and sophomores, Ramsey Al-Azem, Rachael Barnett, Katrina Benwell, Liz Constantinou, Shelby Corder, Madison DeLuca, Brendan Ehrenstrom, Joseph Embrey, Chris Evans, Katie Flores, Kyle Garman, Karina Giron, Meg Goode, Sam Herrera, Ariana Morgan, Nathalie Simoes, Gianna Tiedemann, Michael Vaughan, Ricky Wolfe, and Jordan Zeal.
New officers were also installed during the ceremony and include juniors Eric Hopper, President; Lauren Schulz, Vice President; Kathryn Quandt, Secretary; Chris Mosser, Public Relations; and Sarah Floris and Matthew Schwartz serving as Chaplains. The outgoing officers who will graduate in May include seniors Lexi Peterson, President; Katie Brand, Vice President; Alex Bui, Secretary; Sarah Rommelmann, Public Relations; and Zack Dotson, Chaplain.
Current NHS members at Houston Christian include seniors Bayley Andrews, Taylor Birmingham, Reid Bishop, Anna Boucher, Priya Chacko, Sarah Corder, Carrie Craft, Arman Gonzalez, Trevor Johnson, Collin Leitko, Ryan Lloyd, Morgan Long, Tyler Look, Sarah Ott, Kaitlin Panaccione, Leah Slavens, Sakura Tantzen, Christopher Tutunjian, Lane Walla, and Julia Weeks; and juniors Katherine Allison, Jeremy Biar, Max Brown, Janice Byth, Alexandra Constantinou, Trey Dupree, Kaitlin Handel, Claire Hill, Kaitlyn Hirschbuehler, Evan Kirkland, Ashley Mack, Rachel Moore, Beth Powell, Hannah Shearer, Waverly Walla, and Logan Zoelle.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 24, 2011
The ninth annual summer band camp, offered to next year’s seventh-ninth grade Katy ISD band students, will be held at Katy High School from July 18-22.
The camp will include daily section rehearsals, full band rehearsals, and fun music based electives. Lunch is also part of the camp. The cost of the camp is $100 and will include a T-shirt if payment is received by June 3. Late registration is an additional $30 for entries received after June 3.
The camp runs from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday and concludes with the Grand Concert on Friday morning at 9 a.m. After the concert, those students wishing to extend the fun can join in the group’s optional trip to Splashtown Water Park in Spring, Texas for an additional $35 (park admission, meal, bus transportation, and drinks are included in price) for a total camp cost of $135 ($165 after June 3).
The Katy ISD Junior High Summer Band Camp has been a huge success each year and the district anticipates a large enrollment this year. Plan to register early in order to secure a spot. To receive a brochure and registration packet email
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 23, 2011
Kilpatrick Elementary School recently named Tom D’Andrea as 2011-2012 Teacher of the Year. D’Andrea is a physical education teacher who has taught at Kilpatrick since its opening in 2003. He has worked for Katy ISD for 27 years.
The elementary also named their 2011 Executive PTA Board. Members include: Lisa Askins, Shantania Loving-Leggins, Becky Morris, Heather Nichols, Tracy Wilson, Principal Malynn Rodriquez, Lisa Kana, Heather Sanders, Sherri Tandon, Chrisite VanderVliet, second grade teacher Brittany Sciba, Dina Schillinger, Traci Faulk, Fon Deuterio, Julia Purnell, Cindy Cruz-Davis, Debbie Conaway, Judi Smith, Patricia Gilarranz, Jennifer Lehane, Shannon Clarkson, Kendall Walters, and Anna Marsh.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 22, 2011
E2DJ represented Creech Elementary at the Destination Imagination tournament in late February. They placed third in the Versus Foiled Again competition. Their structure weighed in at 25 grams and held 160 pounds. Team members include: Ellen Pack, Danny Zhang, Elyssabeth Pratt and Joshua Pack. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 22, 2011
Second graders, Jillian Simmons, Gabi Widmer, and Jacob Smith of Hayes Elementary show off their leaf drawings made during a recent visit to the Outdoor Learning Center.  The OLC is a place where plants and farm animals live and grow and where students can have a hand-on experience with science and social studies activities. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 21, 2011
Eight choir students from Kilpatrick Elementary participated in the Katy ISD Elementary Honor Choir’s command performance at the Texas Music Educator Association’s Convention in San Antonio on February 10. Those who participated are: Madison Beall, Neel Bhobe, Victoria Delgado, Thomas Holmes, Katrina Kier, Andrea Nunez, Sid Puranik, and Celeste Waters. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 17, 2011
McMeans Junior High student Lance Gopilan won First Place in the 2011 Katy ISD Spelling Bee that took place this week. Gopilan’s winning word was “mortician†in the bee that went 18 rounds for more than two hours. The 2011 Runner Up is Hrishikech Srinivasan, a student at Creech Elementary. Both students went home with a large trophy donated by Custom Awards & Engraving in Katy, and both students will advance as equals HoustonPBS Regional Spelling Bee in March.
“This is the first year that Katy ISD has been able to send two students to the regional competition,†says Deborah Hubble, assistant principal at Morton Ranch Elementary and one of the organizers of the 2011 Spelling Bee. “Both students did an outstanding job and will represent the district well.â€
Each year, Katy ISD fourth through eighth grade students complete a qualifying spelling test at their home campus. The top 20 scoring students are invited to participate in campus-level spelling bees. A first place winner and an alternate from each Katy ISD elementary (grades 4-5) and junior high campus (grades 6-8) are invited to the district spelling bee where they receive a certificate and trophy for their campus win. First place winners, and alternates when applicable, participate in the district bee for a chance to move on to the regional level.
The HoustonPBS Regional Spelling Bee covers 42 counties and will take place on March 26 at 2:00 p.m. at the PBS studios at the University of Houston, and will be broadcast live on HoustonPBS. The regional competition is the qualifying bee for the Scripps National Spelling Bee that will take place this June in Washington, D.C.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 17, 2011
Rylander Elementary will host Rhinofest, its annual spring fundraising event on Saturday, April 9Â from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Â The school is currently seeking small businesses in Katy to support the school as a vendor at the event. For a vendor application, visit Rhinofest will feature shopping, class baskets, games, bounce houses, a petting zoo and more. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted February 16, 2011
Social studies students at WoodCreek Junior High recently held a Soap Drive for Haiti. Members of Mrs. Wilson’s and Ms. Sternadel’s eight grade U.S. history classes alone brought in more than 2,000 bars of soap. Overall, the school donated more than 7,000 bars of soap to sent to Haiti and help fight the Cholera outbreak. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 16, 2011
Six Cinco Ranch High School choir students advanced through the rigorous selection process and received placement in the prestigious All-State Choir and the opportunity to perform at the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Convention, which took place the weekend of February 12 – 13 in San Antonio.
The students selected for women’s Choir are: junior and second year All-State Lindsay Bartlett; junior Sara Marquis; senior Amanda Menzie; and junior Melanie Mozer (alternate). Selected for Men’s Choir are seniors Christopher Deyo and Kale Harris. Directors Dorothy Wilson and Eric West are pleased with the accomplishments of these dedicated musicians.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 16, 2011
Twenty-seven students from five Katy ISD high schools will participate in one of six Texas Tobacco-Free Teen Leadership Summits at the Mo-Ranch in Hunt, Texas, February 25 and 26. The students were chosen to attend based on their leadership roles within the district’s P.O.W.E.R. (Police Officers Working to Empower students and Reinforce prevention) Role Model program. This year’s Summit will focus on launching a statewide movement in addition to activities the students can host and participate in to make Texas a smoke-free state.
The Texas Tobacco-Free Summit, sponsored by the Texas School Safety Center, is an opportunity for young people across Texas to join a collaborative movement to eliminate the negative influence tobacco has on our communities. During the two-day event, students will hear from law enforcement, researchers, and educators about the negative effects of tobacco on our youth and society. They will leave not only with new friendships and knowledge, but also leadership skills, advocacy skills and practice, media training and public speaking skills, and the latest tobacco statistics and health reports.
According to Katy ISD Police Department’s Sergeant Tom Donalson, who supervises the P.O.W.E.R. program, The P.O.W.E.R. program has six specially trained, uniformed officers, five of which work full-time, that provide Katy ISD students with risk prevention instruction. The P.O.W.E.R. program consists of 11 lessons that are taught once a week to fifth graders throughout the district. “Although the P.O.W.E.R. program focuses on elementary students, it also benefits junior and senior high school students who learn leadership skills and serve as role models for the younger kids,†says Donalson.
The P.O.W.E.R. Role Model Club is offered at all Katy ISD high schools. However, in order to become a Role Model, students must complete a comprehensive written application before being granted an interview. Students who apply must also be in good standing academically and model exceptional school and lifestyle behavior. Once the application process is complete, each student must then pass an extensive screening and interview process with the Katy ISD Police Department, who then selects the final membership.
As role models, students learn leadership, mentoring, and counseling skills. These skills are applied on their home campuses and by working with and talking to the fifth graders about developing a safe and healthy lifestyle, avoiding negative peer pressure, and positive social change.
“These high school students truly serve as a positive influence for many younger kids who may have no one else to look up to,†says Donalson.
Katy ISD’s P.O.W.E.R. Role Model program has approximately 500 members throughout the District. Students earn community service hours through various P.O.W.E.R. events such as summer camps and also have the opportunity to receive college scholarships awarded from the P.O.W.E.R. Advisory Board.
Currently, Katy ISD police officers Michelle Owens, Ivan Nelson, James Grima, JR Martinez, Don Shrum, and Neill Austin serve as the P.O.W.E.R. Officers. The P.O.W.E.R. program is part of the police department’s Community Involvement Division and has been in existence for the past 18 years.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 15, 2011
Sixth and seventh grade students at WoodCreek Junior High recently enjoyed a visit from chalk artist Ben Glenn.
Glenn is a high-energy motivational speaker and artist, who shares positive messages about hope, while creating beautiful images out of chalk. In this particular presentation, Glenn explained to the students that in our lives, there will always be a little bit of ugly. Expressed through his artwork, he showed the students how “a little bit of ugly can get a little uglier before it gets better.”
Sharing his life story on how he struggled with ADHD as a child, Glenn’s presentation included a powerful message on never giving up, and moving forward, no matter what obstacles they face in their lives. Students enjoyed the program, which was sponsored by the WCJH PTA.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 15, 2011
Hoop Shoot
Rylander Elementary student Titan Doll was chosen to represent the school in the Elks National “Hoop Shoot” competition in the 8-9 year old division. Founded by Elks National Foundation, the “Hoop Shoot” national free throw contest is now in its 39th year. The ultimate goal is to advance to national competition and win a scholarship.
The contest begins within the physical education programs in the elementary and junior high levels. Each school holds free throw contests and winners are chosen to represent their school in the local competition. One boy and one girl from each school represents their age group (8-9 years, 10-11 years, 12-13 years) and competes against other students in their school district.
The local competition this year was held in January at Mayde Creek High School. Each competitor had two rounds of free throws to make. Titan made 19 out of 25 free throws, putting him in a three-way tie and two rounds of tie-breaker shoot-offs. Out of almost 30 competitors in the 8-9 year old age group, Titan placed third and came home with a trophy.
Volunteers Honored
On February 9, Rylander Elementary volunteers enjoyed a luncheon hosted by school staff. Every year, teachers and staff of the school show their appreciation to their volunteers by treating them with a lunch, an array of desserts and goodies to take home. This year’s luncheon, “Volunteers Warm Our Hearts,” was coordinated by Gail Mikeska, teacher liaison of Rylander Elementary PTA. The volunteers had a wonderful time enjoying their meal, visiting with one another and took home a nice mug filled with coco mix, which was perfect for the chilly day.
Celebrating 100
First grade teachers led their Rylander Rhinos through the hallways of Rylander Elementary. To celebrate the 100th day of school, Rylander held its annual parade. First and second grade students marched in the procession displaying their originality through their 100th day outfits.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 15, 2011
The Cinco Ranch High School BRAVO show choir’s original production of “The Evolution of Song” debuted last week in the Cinco Ranch Performing Arts Center.
The members of BRAVO, and directors Dorothy Wilson and Eric West, would like to thank the community for their support, especially in light of the changed performance dates due to school closures. “The Evolution of Song” took audiences on a journey through time, as they explored the music of era’s gone by. From the beginning of time, through the roaring 20s, the tumultuous 60s and up to modern day pop, the talented performers entertained audiences with musical numbers and dancing representative of those decades. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 15, 2011
Taylor High School Swimming and Diving Team competed in the District 19 5A meet on January 28 and 29 where the girls team finished fourth overall and the boys defended their title to win their third District Championship in a row.
Seven girls and 12 boys placed in the finals on Saturday with seven girls and 10 boys qualifying for the Regional Championships on February 5 and 7 by placing sixth or higher. Taylor swimmers taking gold medals home included Albert Riley for the 50 and 100 free, Cooper Robinson – backstroke, Cooper Robinson, James Taylor, Anurag Gupta, and Grant Bolding – 200 medley relay, and Cooper Robinson, David Harlan, Anurag Gupta, and Albert Riley – 400 freestyle relay. Senior Captain Albert Riley was named District Swimmer of the Year 2011.
Heather Burgess was named District Diving Coach of the year and Rick Barker was named Boys District Swimming Coach of the Year. Â Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted February 11, 2011
The National Center for Education Achievement recently released the 2010 Higher Performing Schools List for Texas that includes 12 Katy ISD campuses. Higher Performing Schools are identified based on two measures: consistent improvement in student achievement from previous years and/or absolute student achievement at the school using Commended Performance results on the spring 2010 TAKS test. Schools opening after fall 2007 were not eligible for the list this year as NCEA requires three years of TAKS data.
The following Katy ISD campuses were named 2010 Higher Performing Schools in the following areas:
Alexander Elementary – Science and Writing
Creech Elementary – Writing
Exley Elementary – Writing
Kilpatrick Elementary – Math, Science and Writing
Winborn Elementary – Science
Beck Junior High – Math
Beckendorff Junior High – Math
Cinco Ranch Junior High – Writing
McMeans Junior High – Math, Science, Social Studies and Writing
Cinco Ranch High School – Math and Science
Seven Lakes High School – Math, Science and Social Studies
Taylor High School – Math and Social Studies
These campuses will be recognized during the Katy ISD Board of Trustees Meeting on Monday, Feb. 28. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted February 10, 2011
Griffin Elementary school runners raised $1,086 for the American Heart Association at the school’s annual Grifâ€fun†Fun Run. Despite unseasonal icy temperatures that caused Katy school closures the day before, the intrepid students and their families sped around the Beckendorff Junior High track.
Led by the Griffin P.E. teachers Mark Fobian, Tara Hauhe and Lauren Adams, assistant principal Elise Allen and D.J. for the day music teacher Jason Ritchie everyone was cheered across the finish line at a fun filled event with a serious mission.
“At Griffin we want to give back to our community,†says P.E. teacher Mark Fobian. “Our fun run is a wonderful way to help others and help our students discover that fitness and healthy living are great choices. It was amazing to see the enthusiasm and determination to cross the finish line. Whether it was kindergarteners running 200m, fifth graders powering through 800m or whole families completing one mile.â€
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 9, 2011
The district’s Emergency Management Team has been reviewing weather and road information from local authorities and there have been no reports of ice formation on any of the roadways in the Katy area, nor is there expected to be any ice formation on the roads prior to or during dismissal that would prevent the safe transportation of students. As such, all Katy ISD campuses will dismiss at their normal times, Wednesday, Feb. 9.
Because ice is expected to start forming on roads and bridges later this evening and tonight, all after-school extracurricular activities for Wednesday, Feb. 9 are cancelled.
District officials are continuing to monitor the developing weather situation for Thursday morning. At 3 a.m., officials with the Katy ISD Transportation and Police Departments will begin driving local roads to inspect bridges and overpasses for ice accumulation.
By 5:30 a.m., district officials will determine if road conditions warrant a delayed start. A notice of delayed start will be posted on the Katy ISD Web site and sent to all media by 6 a.m. Please note that if there is no delayed start posting on the website then all Katy ISD campuses are opening at their normal times.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 9, 2011
Katy ISD’s Partners in Education is delighted to announce the 2011 KEYS mentors of the year and their campuses:  Judy Blanchard, Katy High School; Ruth Ann Casci, Morton Ranch High School; Elton Couch, Rylander Elementary and Cinco Ranch Junior High; Barbara Estes, Sundown and Mayde Creek Elementary Schools; Anne Hanaoka, Creech Elementary and Beck Junior High; Carlton Johansson, Wolfe Elementary; George Lee, Cinco Ranch and Morton Ranch High Schools; Patty McDermott, Sundown Elementary; David Saenz, Mayde Creek Junior High; Brenda Stevenson, Kilpatrick and WoodCreek Elementary Schools; and Michelle White, Creech Elementary.
Collectively, this group represents a total of 84 years and, because some mentor more than one child, 25 students.
With over 600 mentors working with children on the brink of success all across Katy ISD, the designation of “Mentor of the Year†is a significant one. They are selected based on their years of service, the number of children they have mentored and their depth of commitment to those children. Mentors of the Year are nominated by campus KEYS Liaisons and will be honored on February 24 at Ties & Tiaras, the KEYS Scholarship Program’s fundraising event.
For more information on KEYS visit To RSVP to Ties & Tiaras, visit the website or contact Martha Brown at Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted February 8, 2011
Stan C. Stanley Elementary’s PTA recently started a chapter of WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students). The group is for fathers, grandfathers, uncles and other father-figures to become more involved with Stanley students.
This program is an innovative national program of the National Center for Fathering. Its focus is to improve education in our nation’s schools by using the positive influence of fathers to provide a positive and active male role-model for students during their school day, and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears to enhance school security.
WATCH D.O.G.S. dads volunteer for at least one day each year wearing their official T-shirts and “dog tags†identifying themselves as WATCH D.O.G.S. These dads may read to a class, play at recess, help in the lunchroom, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and other assigned activities to actively engage with Stanley students.
Stanley Elementary is the only PTA sponsored WATCH D.O.G.S. program in the area, and the overwhelming participation has attracted national attention. The school averages more than one dad on campus a day, and is estimated to log around 1,200 volunteer hours from the dads this school year. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 7, 2011
Four Katy seniors participated in National Signing Day, Wednesday, Feb. 2. On this day, high school seniors offered sporting scholarships officially sign their letter to play their sport with a particular college or university.
Erin Bailey signed a letter of intent to attend Lubbock Christian University on a cross country, track and field scholarship. Michael Grant Clifton signed a letter of intent to play football and attend the United States Naval Academy. Teresa Tauriello signed a letter of intent to attend Texas A & M University at Corpus Christi on a cross country, track and field scholarship. Donovonn Young signed a letter of intent to play football at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 3, 2011
The district’s Emergency Management Team has reviewed the latest information from the National Weather Service this afternoon and based on the most recent weather reports and the high probability of hazardous driving conditions Thursday night and Friday, all Katy ISD campuses will be closed, Friday, February 4.
Extracurricular Activities
All afterschool and evening activities for both Thursday, Feb. 3, and Friday, Feb. 4 have been cancelled.
Make-up Day
The make-up day for students will be February 18, which is on the instructional calendar as a bad weather make-up day. The make-up day for staff and employees will be announced in the near future.
Katy Texas News
Posted February 3, 2011
Students at Williams Elementary have been busy with the start of the spring semester. Student members of Read, Deed, Run participate in an afterschool program over a period of 25 weeks. Participants are required to run a marathon worth of miles, read a marathon worth of books and do a marathon worth of good deeds in the community. The program is concluded with a 1.2 mile race.
In addition, Read, Deed, Run teachers led by example by participating in the Houston Marathon. Teachers Angel Bateman, Courtney Calfee, Cecilia Escalona, Mindy Nash, and Nicole Walker completed either the half or the whole marathon.
Read, Deed, Run students also recently sent care packages to soldiers currently serving in Afghanistan. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted February 2, 2011
The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm watch, in effect from noon Thursday through noon Friday. A mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain is expected across southeast Texas Thursday afternoon through Friday morning. The precipitation is expected to begin Thursday afternoon, continue Thursday night and then taper off around mid-morning Friday.
All Katy ISD campuses will be on a normal operating schedule for Thursday, Feb. 3. Throughout the day Thursday, district emergency management personnel will monitor the developing weather situation for winter precipitation. Should district officials determine that inclement weather or other conditions necessitate the cancellation of school on Friday, the district will notify all major Houston metro-area media, as well as post a notice on the Katy ISD website prior to the end of day on Thursday.
Because of the possibility of school cancellation on Friday, parents are encouraged to make arrangements for child care that may be needed in the event classes are cancelled.
Parents also have two ways to receive school closings via e-mail and text alerts (please note that these are third-party sites not administered by Katy ISD):
- On the left side of the page enter the name of the school for which you would like to receive alerts then click on “Find Your School.”
- Once found, select your school to continue. You will have the option of adding additional schools.
- Enter your e-mail address and cell phone number if you would like to receive alerts via text message.
- Click on “Subscribe Now” to complete the registration process.
- From the main menu click “Join Mailing list.”
- From the drop-down menu, click on Katy ISD.
- Scroll down and enter your name and e-mail address in the appropriate fields. Enter you cell phone number in the appropriate field if you would also like to receive alerts via text message.
- Click “submit” and you should see a thank you message verifying that you have been placed on a mailing list to receive alerts.
Parents and staff can also call the Katy ISD School Closure Hotline at 281-237-0175 for school closure information.
Please continue to monitor the Katy ISD Web site and local media outlets for further information.
Safe Driving
Many of our students drive to jobs and other activities after school and for most this may be the first time they have driven in winter precipitation. Should local roadways become slippery due to snow and/or ice, it is recommended that drivers take the following precautions.
- Allow enough time for travel between destinations
- Slow down when driving
- Keep your seatbelt buckled
- Remember to avoid sudden stops and quick direction changes
- Be more observant. Visibility is often limited by winter weather
If you should encounter ice and begin to slide, stay off your brakes. Remove your foot from the accelerator and manage your skid. Slamming on the brakes will cause you to lose what little traction you have. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted February 2, 2011
The Seven Lakes Academic Decathlon team successfully defended their Regional Championship this past weekend, Jan. 28 – 29 at Morton Ranch High School. The Spartans, defending Regional and State Champions, defeated the state runner-up from last year and cross-town rival James E. Taylor High School by 3,000 points.
“This was a solid win for our program and that was our first goal of the year, successfully defend our Regional Title,†says John P. Irish, Seven Lakes AcaDec head coach. “We have four weeks to get ready for state, and we are going to need every day of that period in hopes to repeat as the State Champion.â€
The Spartans enter the meet ranked no. 2 in the state behind Dobie High School, but that doesn’t concern the team as they head into the state meet.
“We’ve been in that position every time we’ve won state,†says Irish. “In 2008 when we won our first state championship, we were the no. 2 ranked team in the state and last year when we also won the state title. We feel ok at the no. 2 spot at this point in the season.â€
Individually the Spartans dominated the meet, by having eight of their nine students finish in the top five. The scholastic team of Iana Ivanova, Matt Bernhard, and Victoria Tejeda finished first through third place, respectfully.
“Our scholastics have been our most consistent group this year, they have dominated at every meet we’ve been at,†says Irish.
The varsity team of Cesar Ortega, Mario Gutierrez, and Elizabeth Liberman finished second through second respectfully. And the honors team, Jonathan Xu, Sirus Jesudasen, and Catherine Tran, finished third, fourth and sixth respectfully.
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Katy Texas News
Posted February 1, 2011
This February, Houston Community College will celebrate Black History Month with cultural, educational and wildly entertaining attractions. The celebration kicks off on Thursday, February 10.
The HCC Student Life Office will sponsor a drive-in movie, Remember the Titans, at the Katy Campus, 1550 Foxlake Dr. on Friday, February 18. Remember the Titans, featuring Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington, is an inspirational movie about the fight for diversity and equality.
Enjoy the film from the comforts of your own car or bring your favorite blanket/lawn chair. If you choose to view the movie from inside your vehicle, you will be able to tune in on the radio. Snacks and refreshments will be available during the film. For more information, contact the HCC Student Life Office at 713-718-5702. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted February 1, 2011
Ties & Tiaras, a fundraiser for Katy ISD’s KEYS Scholarship Program, will be held on Thursday, February 24, from 6 – 8 p.m. at Agave Road. This annual event is hosted to fund scholarships for graduating seniors who have participated in the district’s KEYS mentor program. The event will also recognize the Katy ISD KEYS mentors of the year, honoring their years of service and dedication to students.
Guests will be treated to hors d’oeuvres and beverages provided by Hasta La Pasta, and from 6 – 7:30 p.m. may bid on a beautiful collection of Katy ISD student artwork and gift baskets during a silent auction. The evening’s entertainment will be provided by Katy ISD high school performing arts students.
Joining Hasta La Pasta in supporting the KEYS Scholarship Program are Perry Cummins, H-E-B, Firethorne, Tradition Bank, Brazos Valley School Credit Union, Cotton Development LP, Members Choice Credit Union, Memorial Hermann Hospital Katy, Walmart, WoodGroup and Grand Vision.
Since its inception in 2006, the KEYS Scholarship Fund has awarded a total of $61,000 to graduating KEYS seniors. KEYS – Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success – is an initiative for children on the brink of success that matches a deserving child with a caring adult for one hour per week. KEYS and KEYS Scholarships are offered by Partners in Education, the Katy ISD department that brings the community into the classroom.
An invitation to Ties & Tiaras may be accessed by going to and clicking on the Ties & Tiaras logo. Â For more information, contact Martha Brown at or 281-396-2468. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted February 1, 2011
Katy ISD’s Mayde Creek Junior High was one of 20 schools in the Houston area to win the 2010 Gallery Furniture $5,000 Teacher’s Lounge Makeover contest. The school was selected through an online voting contest that took place in fall 2010. Teachers are resting more comfortably with two new couches, new tables and chairs, and a fresh new coat of paint – all hand-picked by Mayde Creek staff.  “Mattress Mack†McIngvale is scheduled to visit Mayde Creek JH on May 18.
“Teachers were thrilled to learn that our campus won the makeover. The icing on the cake was that they were able to go on a shopping spree to select the furniture that would best fit our needs,†says Tory Hill, principal of Mayde Creek JH. “The Mayde Creek Junior High Gators really appreciate Mattress Mack’s generosity.â€
Mayde Creek JH entered the contest in 2010 by writing in 420 words or less why their campus should be selected for a makeover. Patrons were able to vote on their favorite campus entry via the Gallery Furniture Facebook page. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 31, 2011
On Tuesday, Feb. 1, Katy High School’s KTTV student anchor Ashley Childs will appear on CNN’s Headline News (HLN) Morning Express with Robin Meade between 6 and 10 a.m.
Childs, a senior at Katy High School, was selected in response to her essay written for the Backpack Journalist project for students with military parents. Childs is attending a two-day writing and broadcast workshop in Atlanta, which includes the opportunity to appear on HLN. HLN, a division of CNN, will be hosting a live group of Backpack Journalist Military Youth during their Salute Our Troops segment.
KTTV is Katy High School’s on-campus news show that produces daily stories to keep KHS students and staff informed about campus events and achievements. KTTV students are versed in Adobe Visual Communicator, Premiere Elements and Design Premium. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 31, 2011
The National Weather service has issued a hard freeze watch, which is in effect from Tuesday evening through Wednesday morning. An arctic front will push through the region on Tuesday with much colder conditions following. Temperatures will likely fall below freezing before midnight and continue to fall overnight with readings below 25 degrees across most inland portions of southeast Texas. In addition, strong northerly winds will send wind chill values into the single digits and teens.
At this time, the district does not foresee that the cold weather will have an impact on the district’s normal operating schedule. However, should there be a change in the weather that impacts the ability of students and staff to get to school safely, the district will follow established procedures for notifying parents of any changes to the normal school schedule.
Parents are encouraged to take special precautions to ensure that their children are prepared for the cold weather, particularly those that walk to school or wait at a bus stop. Children should wear several layers of lightweight warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing; mittens, which are warmer than gloves; and a hat to keep heat from escaping from the head.
Katy ISD’s Office of Emergency Management is working to ensure that the district is prepared for the onset of cold temperatures. All established procedures and protocols for cold weather have been followed and include such things as:
- Actively monitoring weather conditions and forecasts
- Participating in state weather preparedness calls
- Inspecting buildings and preparing pipes (wrapping/draining) to prevent ruptures
- Modifying and testing the HVAC program to ensure heat remains on to prevent pipes from freezing
- Manually inspecting all modular buildings, concession stands and other out-buildings to ensure they are prepared for freezing temperatures
- Starting buses earlier to ensure they can run; having extra mechanics on hand
- Monitoring roadways, paying particular attention to overnight weather conditions for possible changes that could impact the normal school schedule
- Checking with charter bus vendor to ensure they are prepared for cold weather emergencies for scheduled out-of-town student trips
- Reviewing all outdoor event schedules and modifying as necessary
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Katy Texas News
Posted January 31, 2011
Kilpatrick Elementary has had a busy start to the year. From students honored for their artwork to naming their “New Teacher of the Year,†the school’s students and staff have accomplished a lot during the first month of 2011.
Kilpatrick Elementary students participated in this year’s Houston Livestock and Rodeo Art Show. The following students received ribbons for their artwork: Avery Hodge, Max Anderson, Haoli Yin, Mandy Chen, Becky Lee, Morgan Hartfield, Jordan Craft, Samantha Thompson, Julia Hand, Kerigan Boudreaux, and Rachel Oberman.
Kilpatrick Elementary student Caterina Faya entered the Texas General Land Office’s “Adopt a Beach†art contest, and her painting was selected to appear in this year’s calendar.
Kilpatrick Elementary student Brenden Townsend received the PTA Reflections Contest Award of Excellence for his Kung Fu choreography entry “Brenden Eagle.†He was the only elementary school student in Katy ISD that received this honor.
Finally, Kilpatrick Elementary named Anna Skalka their New Teacher of the Year. Anna is a Special Education teacher.
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Katy Texas News
Posted January 28, 2011
Congratulations to the Seven Lakes Spartan wrestlers, who are off to a fantastic start this season. Their 2011 accolades include:
A record of 25-1
Cy Ridge Classic – Team Runner Up
The Woodlands Invitational – Team Runner Up
Frisco Centennial Titan Games – Team Champions
Bryan’s Doc Hess Invitational – Team Champions
Cy-Fair ISD Invitational – Team Runner Up
Seven Lakes Spartan Duals – Team Champions
Morton Ranch Maverick Stampede – Team Champions
They hope to keep up the great work and move on to district competition. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 27, 2011
Morton Ranch High School junior Roger Hebert recently achieved a perfect 300 game at the age of 16. His “300 Ring†was presented to him in January by the United States Bowling Congress’ youth league. In addition, Hebert is the captain of the Morton Ranch varsity bowling team and currently holds the position for highest average in Katy ISD. Congrats Roger! Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 27, 2011
The Cinco Ranch High School Varsity and Junior Varsity Cheer Squads participated for the second year in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. “Team Cinco†is made up of cheerleaders, sponsors, and family members. All donations that were collected go directly to the Susan G. Komen fund. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 27, 2011
Fielder Elementary invited area business partners to judge their science fair projects on January 24. The students individually presented their projects to and the judges had the opportunity to interact with the students and ask questions about their projects.  The Rainforest Café donated lunch for the judges.
Science fair judges included:
Aaron Greely-Mission Burrito
Chris Holingworth-Rainforest Café
Theresa Grey-Rainforest Café
Michael Logan-Rainforest Café
Karen Pennywell-Katy ISD secondary science curriculum
Courtney Holmes-Chick-fil-a
Chelsea Taylor-Chick-fil-a
Kelly Fasti-Mission Burrito
Elise Jacobson-Katy ISD elementary science curriculum
Dr. Tolliver-Kelsey Seybold Clinic
Fred Georges-Kelsey Seybold Clinic

Katy Texas News
Posted January 26, 2011
The Taylor High School varsity girls’ golf team won second place at Greatwood Golf Course on January 17-18. Courtney Moro won second place in individual play. Team members include Courtney Moro, Kristen Purser, Remi Fruge, Maya Gruebler and Erin Hagemeier. The Taylor golf team is coached by Joe Gibbons and Cindy Lloyd. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 26, 2011
Fielder Elementary celebrated National No Name Calling the week of January 18-21. Fielder earned the No Place for Hate recognition from the Anti-Defamation League last year.
No Name Calling Week activities included: say something nice day; multi-color day where students wore multiple colors in their clothing to promote acceptance and inclusion of different people or groups; mix it up at lunch day where they were paired with a student from another class; and positive ribbon day where students designed and displayed ribbons with positive slogans. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 26, 2011
The Cinco Ranch High School cheerleaders, mascots and sponsors recently attended the UCA Cheer Camp at Texas A&M. The Varsity Cheer Squad won the top honor of Camp Champion for their team cheer, and a Superior Recognition for their extreme routine, which includes dance. The Varsity Cheer Squad also received a Leadership Award which was voted on by the other squads attending the camp. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 25, 2011
Seven teachers from the Katy ISD were recently initiated into the Epsilon Mu Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.
Those initiated included: Jeanna Bickerstaff, Morton Ranch High School; Stephanie Coxe, Creech Elementary School; Wendy Cramer, Creech Elementary School; Â Colette Everhard, Kilpatrick Elementary School; Tekara Hicks, Kilpatrick Elementary School; Â Kaleena Kroman, Kilpatrick Elementary School; Â and Heather Williams, West Memorial; Â were recognized by President Elizabeth Stelevich at the ceremony at Stan Stanley Elementary School.
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Katy Texas News
Posted January 24, 2011
Roosevelt Alexander Elementary School’s AllProDad chapter held a special breakfast January 21. AllProDad’s is a group that holds a monthly one-hour breakfast before school so fathers and their children can spend time discussing family topics, spend time together, create fun memories and strengthen their relationship. RAE’s AllProDad’s chapter is led by Kenny Horowitz. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 24, 2011
WoodCreek Junior High choir members recently participated in a solo and ensemble competition held at Beckendorff Junior High. Thirty-two of the 27 solos received a first division rating of superior. Six of the eight ensembles received a first division rating of superior as well. All other WoodCreek students received a second division rating of excellent.
“The students worked really hard to receive these scores,†says Clelyn Brown, WoodCreek’s choir director. “The great thing about solo and ensemble is that it directly reflects the hard work that students put into their own musical practice. I’m so pleased to have such dedicated students at WoodCreek.â€
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Katy Texas News
Posted January 24, 2011
Congratulations to Taylor High School wind ensemble students Connor Aimone, Evan Toler and Logan Langford who will perform with the Texas All-State Band in San Antonio, Saturday, February 12 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio as part of the 2011 Texas Music Educators Association Clinic/Convention.
All three were chosen for this honor through a competitive process held this year across the state at District, Region and Area levels.
Aimone is a student of Scott Shanks and plays euphonium. This is his third time to perform as a member of a TMEA All-State organization. Connor is the son of Tim and Janet Aimone.
Toler is a student of Iris Gonzales and plays clarinet. This is Toler’s first time to perform as a member of a TMEA All-State organization. Evan is the son of Wesley and Lisa Toler.
Langford is a student of Billie Wilbanks and plays French horn. This is Langford’s first time to perform as a member of a TMEA All-State organization. Logan is the son of Kathi Langford.
High school students selected to perform in the All-State concerts have competed through several levels of auditions beginning in the fall of 2010 to arrive at the state level. All-State is the highest honor a Texas music student can receive. Over 1,500 students are selected through a process that began with over 60,000 students from around the state vying for this honor to perform in one of 13 ensembles (bands, orchestras and choirs). Texas Music Educators Association sponsors the Texas All-State competition.
This competitive process begins throughout the state in auditions hosted by 28 TMEA Regions. Individual musicians perform selected music for a panel of judges who rank each instrument or voice part. From this ranking, a select group of musicians advances from their Region to compete against musicians from other areas in seven TMEA Area competitions. The highest-ranking musicians judged at the TMEA Area competitions qualify to perform in a TMEA All-State music group.
These All-State students participate in three days of rehearsals directed by nationally-recognized conductors during the TMEA Clinic/Convention. Their performances for thousands of attendees bring this extraordinary event to a close. For the All-State concert schedule and conductor information, go to
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Katy Texas News
Posted January 24, 2011
With the cold weather finally here, Katy residents are pulling out their coats, sweaters and jeans. Sadly, there are many teens in the community who lack these basic necessities. Kristan Schiele, a junior at Cinco Ranch High School, decided to do something about it.
She has started a jeans drive called “Teens for Jeans” with Cinco Ranch High School Key Club, in association with and Aeropostale. The campaign calls attention to rising teen homelessness in the U.S. and in Katy by asking teens to collect gently worn jeans for homeless youths. Their goal is to collect 500 pairs of jeans by February 11.
“I was shocked when I learned that one out of three homeless people is under the age of eighteen,” says Schiele. As the cold approaches, giving them an extra layer or two will certainly make them feel warmer. Schiele says she believes that it is an opportunity of a lifetime to help out these teens in need. She is trying to convince fellow teens to donate perfectly wearable jeans to a great cause instead of throwing them away.
If you have any gently used jeans that you know you will no longer wear, bring them to either the main campus or 9th grade campus at Cinco Ranch High School now through February 11 and donate them. Homeless shelters often have a greater need for large sizes, but jeans of all sizes will be happily accepted for this campaign. All of the jeans should be in good condition. The more donations, the more teens we will help keep warm this winter. A little warmth goes a long way, especially when it is from your heart. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted January 20, 2011
Fourth grade girls of Fielder Elementary recently had the opportunity to attend the Overnight Adventure at the Children’s Museum of Houston. The girls were guided through the museum’s exhibits and engaged in hands-on art activities with the assistance of volunteers from the Junior League of Houston, Inc. and Fielder staff. The rich experience of interacting with other fourth grade girls from other schools and sleeping in the museum was a chance of a lifetime and one they will never forget. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 20, 2011
Second graders Jillian Simmons, Gabi Widmer, and Jacob Smith of Hayes Elementary show off their Leaf drawings made during a recent visit to the Outdoor Learning Center.  The OLC is a place where plants and farm animals live and grow and where students can have a hands on experience with science and social studies activities. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 17, 2011
Congratulations to Taylor High School senior Eric Redeker, who took first place in the River Ridge I-10 Junior Championship golf tournament. His score of 148 (72-76) earned him the top spot in this competition. He is pictured below with Coach Nordstrom of the Texas Junior Golf Tour. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 17, 2011
Seven Lakes High School senior Dylan Barnard is the first student in school history to place first at the area choir audition. He will travel to San Antonio February 9 – 11 to perform with the All-State Mixed Choir at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center on February 12. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 17, 2011
Katy ISD joins districts across the state to thank School Board members for voluntarily tackling the enormous job of governing local school districts. January has been proclaimed School Board Recognition Month by the Governor, to help highlight the contributions of dedicated men and women who take the time to care about our local schools.
“Our seven school board members are a direct link between the community and the classroom, and have devoted countless hours to help ensure a quality education for our students,†said Katy ISD superintendent Alton Frailey. “I thank them for being true advocates for our students.â€
The men and women serving on the Katy ISD seven-member Board are:
- Judith Snyder, president – Ms. Snyder has served on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 1996. She has been named Master Trustee by the Texas Association of School Boards and has also served as a Legislative Representative from Region IV. Snyder has also been active in community service, serving on numerous boards, including the Katy Business Community Steering Committee and the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
- Rebecca Fox, vice president – Ms. Fox has served as a member of the Katy ISD Board since 2004. She has also been named “Master Trustee†by the Texas Association of School Boards. Fox is a long-time volunteer in Katy ISD schools through programs like KEYS Mentoring and Junior Achievement. She was awarded the distinction of PTA Lifetime Member for her dedication to students, families and the community.
- Chris Crockett, secretary – Ms. Crockett has served on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 2007. She is an active volunteer in the district, having served on the 2006 Bond Review Committee and having served on multiple campus PTA Boards and Campus Advisory Teams. Crockett was named Volunteer of the Year for Memorial Parkway Junior High in 2004. Prior to moving to Katy, Crockett was an active volunteer in Anchorage, Alaska; Jakarta, Indonesia; Aberdeen, Scotland; and McKinney, Texas.
- Robert Shaw, treasurer – Mr. Shaw has served on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 1997. Shaw has been an active member in the district, having been a former membership chairman and concessions chairman of the Katy High School Athletic Booster Club. Prior to his board service, Shaw served the district as UIL swim referee, served on the Katy ISD Plan Committee, served as vice president of the West Houston Aquatic League and served as president of the Tiger Swim Club.
- Joe M. Adams, sergeant-at-arms – Mr. Adams has served the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 1989 and currently serves as a director of the Gulf Coast Area Association of School Boards. Adams also serves on the Board of Directors o f the Southern Federal Credit Union and the North Houston Association. Adams has worked in the oil and gas industry for thirty years, including assignments in London, England and Cairo, Egypt.
- Eric M. Duhon, trustee – Mr. Duhon has served on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 1999. He is a former member of Katy High School Athletic Boosters and is a former member of Katy High School Band Boosters. Duhon is a Global Director of Data Center Technologies for BG-Group, holds a degree in Technology Management from Pepperdine University and is a Patent Holder.
- Neal Howard, trustee – Mr. Howard has served on the Katy ISD Board of Trustees since 2009. Howard has been active in the Katy community, having served as a small group leader at Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church and the Young Life-Katy Adult Committee. Howard has also coached for Katy Youth Basketball for eight years and is a member of the Rice Belt Basketball Chapter of the Texas Association of Sports Officials.
For more information on Katy ISD’s Board of Trustees, visit Katy ISD will recognize and honor Board of Trustees members during the regularly scheduled Board meeting on Jan. 24, at 6:30 p.m. in the Katy ISD ESC Board Room. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted January 14, 2011
Next month, more than 140 students from all six Katy high schools will take part in a hands-on drill that will test their skills in emergency preparedness as part of the district’s Teen Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. This program assists teens in handling disaster situations that can happen during the school day and when professional responders are not immediately available to help.
In October, 2010, Katy ISD introduced the Teen CERT program to its high schools, signing-up 143 students to participate in the 20-hour course. Students learned about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their schools and community, and were trained in basic disaster response skills including fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. The program also educated students on disaster psychology and terrorism from experts in the field, including local first responders and the Katy ISD Police Department.
In order to be certified in Teen CERT, students must participate in one of two final drills held on Friday, Feb. 18, and Friday, Feb. 25. The day-long event will be held at the Harris County Fire & Sheriff’s Training Academy in Atascocita. Activities include fire suppression, light search in rescue, cribbing to lift victims, collapsed walls or other heavy items and medical triage. Students will receive community service hours for their participation in the program, and senior students in the program can compete for college scholarships.
Students from the Katy ISD Teen CERT program also participated in Katy ISD’s Mock Full-Scale Exercise held on October. There, students saw first-hand the important role that disaster training plays in a large-scale emergency and how they can avoid becoming victims of a disaster.
Katy ISD implemented the Teen CERT program with the assistance of the Harris County Citizen’s Corps and the Harris County Department of Education.
For more information on the Teen CERT program in Katy ISD, contact the Katy ISD Office of Emergency Management at 281-396-2784. For directions to the Harris County Fire and Sheriff’s Training Academy in Atascocita, visit Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted January 14, 2011
Competing against students from all Houston-area school districts, Katy ISD junior and high school students received 35 winning entries in the 2010-2011 Regional Scholastic Art Competition. Students won 11 Gold Key and 19 Silver Key individual awards, in addition to five portfolio awards.
“We are very proud of our teachers for submitting all their entries to Scholastic this year as it was our first year to go completely digital,†says Mitzi Jones, Katy ISD assistant director of fine arts. “The art teachers rose to the challenge, rolled up their sleeves and got right down to business. This was a fantastic way to start the spring semester.â€
Katy winners represented the categories of ceramics and glass, digital art, drawing, mixed media, painting, printmaking and sculpture. Winning students represented the following campuses: Cinco Ranch JH, Cinco Ranch HS, Mayde Creek JH, Mayde Creek HS, Memorial Parkway JH, Morton Ranch HS, Seven Lakes HS and Taylor HS.
All Gold Key winners will advance to the national level and will have their work on display locally from Jan. 14 through Feb. 9 at the Art League of Houston, located at 1953 Montrose Blvd. A Gold Key Award Reception will also be held on Feb. 14, from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., at the Harris County Department of Education, located at 6300 Irvington Blvd. in Houston.
All Silver Key winners will have their work on display at Texas Art Supply, located at 2001 Montrose Blvd., from Jan. 7 – 30. A Silver Key Award Reception will be held at Texas Art Supply on Jan. 23 and Jan. 30 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted January 13, 2011
Congratulations to Melanie Piché and Jasmine Johnson, junior Taylor choir students who earned places in the Texas All-State Choir to be held at the annual convention of the Texas Music Educators Association,  February 9-12, 2011 in San Antonio.
Area Auditions were held Saturday, January 8 at Deer Park High School. Piché placed second in the Soprano 2 room and earned a spot in the All-State Mixed Choir. Johnson placed tenth and earned a spot in the All-State Women’s Choir. The Taylor Choir is under the direction of Kevin Riehle and Kristin Likos. Please mention you found this on
Photos courtesy of Piche Photography

Katy Texas News
Posted January 12, 2011
An evening of splendor awaits the Katy attendees of Houston Christian High School’s “Positively Palm Beach” Annual Gala and Auction at the Omni Hotel Houston Riverway on Friday, March 25. Cascading bougainvilleas and towering palm trees will enhance the evening as the popular Houston band, 5th Avenue, will perform many current dance favorites. Guests will have the opportunity to show their support for HCHS as they bid on many silent and live auction treasures that include family getaways, entertainment events, and the always popular fellowship parties.
“We are so excited about this year’s event,” says Nancy Tutunjian, gala chairperson and HCHS mom. “The evening brings together faculty, parents, and friends to celebrate all of the joys at Houston Christian and its commitment to providing our students with a quality education in a Christian environment.”
The 2011 Gala Committee invites all who are interested to attend this fundraising event which provides funding for student financial aid, fine arts, athletics, technology, and academic programs. Ticket information can be found at or by contacting HCHS at 713-580-6030. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted January 12, 2011
Jeanna Bickerstaff, the English department chair at Morton Ranch High School, was nominated for and won the AP Award for the College Board’s Southwest Region. The region includes Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Only four of these prestigious awards are given each year. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 12, 2011
Katy High School recently celebrated Dr. Jim Kearny’s successful completion of his doctoral degree from The University of Texas. Dr. Kearney, a Katy High School German teacher and foreign language department chair, joins eight other doctoral degree holders at Katy High School: Dr. Alton Royer, assistant principal for instruction; Dr. Holly Stack, Pre-AP biology Teacher; Dr. Rhonda Burrough, chemistry and AP environmental science teacher; Dr. Kim Harvey, licensed specialist in school psychology; Dr. Lynn Roney, English teacher; Dr. Roxy Riefkohl, counselor; Dr. Chad Teague, senior class principal; and Dr. Steve Robertson, Katy High School principal.

Katy Texas News
Posted January 10, 2011
Members of the Beckendorff Junior High Cheerleading Squad and Pep Squad participated in the Third Annual Operation Teddy Bear Event. Students stuffed teddy bears and decorated T-shirts for their bears, which were donated to patients and their family members at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Katy. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 10, 2011
Students at Hayes Elementary were excited to go outside and play on the new playground equipment at their school. The Hayes PTA worked hard to raise funds for a new rock wall and swings for students to enjoy during recess.

Katy Texas News
Posted January 7, 2011
Seven Lakes High School seniors recently spent all day with their economics class visiting Junior Achievement Finance Park at West Oaks Mall. The Finance Park is a new hands-on program that gives students the opportunity to learn financial literacy though real-life scenarios. Up to 150 students per day can visit under the guidance of 15 to 20 volunteers. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 7, 2011
The Taylor High School orchestras entertained audiences during their Winter Extravaganza concert. Kevin Cho, a Taylor High School senior, had the privilege of conducting the combined concert orchestras during their performance of “Concerto Grosso, Op. 6 No. 5.†Cho has been actively involved in orchestra during his high school years and is currently the president of the Taylor Orchestra Student Association.
The Taylor High School Orchestras are under the direction of George Engelmann, Chris Bailey, and Aimee Norris. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted January 4, 2011
As one of their many service projects throughout the school year, Katy High School National Honor Society members recently helped at a “Celebrate Your Princess” walk. Students are active throughout the year with a variety of community service activities. More than 750 individuals participated in the walk, sponsored by Christus St. Catherine Hospital and Trendmaker Development.
Katy High School NHS members also helped at the Walk MS: Katy at Katy Mills Mall. Walk MS is a community event to help raise funds for MS research and education, as well as programs and services to help individuals with MS move forward.
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Katy Texas News
Posted January 4, 2011
The Lambda Tau Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International recently welcomed six new members. DKGSI is an honorary women teacher’s organization, and the Katy chapter was founded in 1980. New members include, from left in photo below, Laura Jungeblut, Pattison Elementary; Lori Button-Edelson, Cinco Ranch High School; Kris O’Leary, Fielder Elementary; Julie Schneller, Seven Lakes High School; Madalyn Lee, WoodCreek Elementary; Haldi Shannon, Pattison Elementary. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted December 28, 2010
Three Katy-area football players were selected from more than 2,500 nominees to participate in the Eastbay Youth 8th Grade All American Bowl. These players will receive advance recognition from college scouts and personnel all before making their way to Katy High School. They will also get a chance to spend time with the U.S. Army All American High School Players and will be VIP attendees at the U.S. Army All American Bowl live on NBC Saturday Jan. 8, 2011.
The selected players are: Rodney Anderson, tailback at Katy Junior High; Broderick “BJ†Brooks Jr., middle linebacker at Katy Junior High; and Derrick Brown, defensive tackle at West Memorial Junior High. All three will play in the 8th Grade All American Bowl Sunday, Jan. 9 at the Alamodome in San Antonio. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted December 28, 2010
Kindergarten students and teachers at Kilpatrick Elementary “paid it forward” during the holiday season. Students walked to raise money for the Snowdrop Foundation, an organization that funds research and scholarships for children with cancer. The students raised $4,612 in honor of Lucy Schuler, the inspiration for this project. Lucy has been battling leukemia since being diagnosed in April 2010. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted December 21, 2010
The award winning Taylor High School Pacesetters dance team enjoyed their annual Holiday Event at the Willow Fork Country Club. Each girl brought a gift card to the dinner as a way to give back to the community in the spirit of the holidays. Katy Christian Ministries will be the recipient of the gift cards and will distribute them to needy families.
The Taylor High School Pacesetters are a Nationally Recognized dance team under the direction of Darby Boyd and Kristen Polansky. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted December 20, 2010
Parents at Griffin Elementary school eagerly went back to class to learn how their children are being taught math skills that will prepare them for an ever changing world full of new technologies and opportunities. Led by Principal Jackie Keithan, teachers demonstrated how smart boards are being used in every grade to actively engage and encourage each student to fulfill their math potential. The older generation also learnt how best practices from around the world are being sought out and brought to Katy to help further improve math teaching. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted December 20, 2010
WoodCreek Junior High’s choirs have been very busy this month. In early December, the WCJH 7th and 8th grade choir members performed for WoodCreek Elementary and Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary. On December 9, the choir students performed their annual winter concert under the direction of Clelyn Brown, Lauren Burris and Gail Land. The concert also included a performance by the Seven Lakes High School choir.
WCJH Choirs include the following: TimberWolf Tenor Choir, TimberWolf Treble Choir, WoodCreek Men’s Choir, WoodCreek Women’s Choir, Varsity Women’s Choir, and the WolfPack Singers. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted December 20, 2010
After months of early morning practices the 5th grade choir at Griffin Elementary took their show on the road. After singing for fellow students the school tour bus rolled out. Residents at Heritage Grand in Cinco Ranch and shoppers at the Galleria shopping mall in Houston were entertained by a wonderful medley of songs. The songbirds finished their exciting day with a standing room only concert for families and friends back at school. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted December 15, 2010
Katy ISD is one of 43 districts out of 1,235 public school districts and charter schools in Texas to receive the maximum five-star rating under the Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST). Of the 17 districts of 50,000 or more students, the district was one of only three to receive the highest rating and is one of only seven districts in the greater Houston area to be listed. The FAST rating system identifies districts and schools that have high academic achievement and cost-effective operations.
Released from the office of Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the FAST rating system identifies districts and schools that have high academic achievement and cost-effective operations. The report, entitled Connecting the Dots: School Spending and Student Progress, was commissioned by the Texas Legislature in 2009 as a result of HB3 to “develop a method to compare school districts on a level playing field.â€
“To be listed as one of only 43 districts in the entire state speaks volumes of  our continued efforts maintain effective and efficient operations while creating an environment that is conducive to learning and student growth,†said Katy ISD superintendent Alton Frailey.
Katy ISD also recently achieved a Superior rating from the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST), having passed all critical indicators and earning 80 of 80 possible points. FIRST is a state-wide rating system that grades the management of school finance.
Katy ISD is a TEA “recognized†district serving more than 60,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 53 campuses, and with more than 8,300 employees is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted December 14, 2010
Katy ISD announced they collected $13,250 for their 2010 Food for Families Campaign.
Katy ISD’s Partners in Education works to spread holiday cheer with this annual fundraiser that provides support to Katy ISD families in need. Their goal this year was to raise $10,000 – enough to provide one meal to 200 families.
By raising well above their goal, Katy ISD will be able to provide 256 Katy ISD students and families with funds to purchase food during the holiday season. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted December 14, 2010
In October, Seven Lakes High School art students and their teacher, Angie Bartuska, collaborated with painter Ray Phillips to create two large canvases for Texas Children’s Hospital. Ray Phillips painted with the students and taught them his technique for layering paint and screened images on canvas using acrylic paint. The students requested certain imagery that would be child-centered and playful. Ray Phillips had those images transferred onto large screens prior to the workshop then walked them through the process.
His studio is located just off The Strand in Galveston, Texas, so after painting, several students went down to the beach with Ms. Bartuska and photographed children playing in the water. These children were then painted onto the canvases back in the classroom.
For more information on Ray Phillips and his work, go to his website at
The paintings will be hanging in the new Texas Children’s Hospital West Campus located at Barker Cypress and I-10. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted December 10, 2010
West Houston Charter School is getting a new name: Aristoi Classical Academy (ACA). The new name that the school is transitioning to is more reflective of the curriculum and teaching methods at the school. Aristoi Classical Academy, with 307 students, 42 faculty and staff, is located just north of I-10 in Old Katy. At this K – 8 school, the development of community relationships is important.
“Education is about relationships, among students, faculty, administration, and the community,†says the Headmaster Reggie Johnson. “When the relationships are strong, education is effective and the kids benefit the most. They are our future. Wherever relationships are weak or worn thin the child’s education is affected in a bad way.â€
The school has put into practice several programs to enrich the relationships, including: an accessibility requirement for everyone to return emails and phone calls within 24 hours; a weekly coffee with the Headmaster where parents and community are invited; a biannual state of the school address which defines accomplishments, and goals and strategies for the coming year; and a monthly newsletter for news and events. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted December 10, 2010
Katy ISD presented its inaugural KatyOne award to representatives from the Taylor High School JET Band and Seven Lakes High School Spartan Band during the Board of Trustees fall student recognition event this week. The award was the first of its kind for the district, and was created to recognize and celebrate those who work together, from different schools or different areas of the district, to do something positive for our community.
“We have people in every corner of the district reaching over attendance boundaries to do great things for each other and the community,†says Katy ISD superintendent Alton Frailey. “Sometimes these acts go unnoticed. Through KatyOne, we plan to share these stories with the greater community and hopefully inspire others to do something good.â€
The Taylor and Seven Lakes bands were chosen for the award in response to a special connection of support that has grown between the two organizations over the past few years. This bond hit a pinnacle point when the Seven Lakes band lost one of their own in a car accident last year. The JET band reached out to the Spartan Band, expressing their condolences, showing support and paying tribute to the group by forming a “7†and an “L†on the field in the game following the tragedy. This led to the two band directors writing a combined half-time show for the last game of that season – which was Seven Lakes vs. Taylor.
“A culture of teamwork has always existed among all of our Katy ISD band directors, and this has filtered to the students as well,†says Bob Bryant, executive director of Fine Arts for Katy ISD.
Accepting the award on behalf of the Taylor JET Band were Chris Bailey, director of bands, and David Kendler, Taylor HS principal. Accepting the award on behalf of the Seven Lakes Spartan Band were David Reynolds, assistant director of bands, and Christie Whitbeck, Seven Lakes HS principal. Damon Archer, director of bands for Seven Lakes was unable to attend, but was recognized for his dedication to the bands. Megan Seiler, Karen Wylie, Alison Anchors and Melissa LeRoy, drum majors of the Spartan band were also in attendance. Taylor High School drum majors Hoang Nguyen, Connor Aimone, Blair Begbie and Tamara Natasya, were unable to attend due to a performance.
The two bands have been invited to perform a special combined marching show the day before the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans this January, and will also participate in the game’s half-time show. For more information about KatyOne, visit
Adds Frailey, “We should all be very proud of our Katy ISD students who continue to demonstrate that, as a fast growing community, we must find a way to stay connected, respectful and supportive of one another. This is the only way to preserve the positive values and quality of life most were seeking when they chose Katy ISD and the Katy community.  I encourage all of us to join them in their efforts.â€
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Katy Texas News
Posted December 10, 2010
Men who currently mentor in the Katy ISD KEYS Mentor Program or those who are interested are invited to attend the Katy ISD Partners in Education’s Men Who Mentor Breakfast. Partner’s in Education is hosting this annual networking event on Friday, January 14, 2011 from 8 – 9 a.m. in room 1200 at the Education Support Complex, 6301 S. Stadium Ln.
Currently only one-third of the Katy ISD mentoring family is comprised of men, but hundreds more are needed at campuses across the district. Partners in Education offers this male-only event to recruit more members for the KEYS Mentor Program.
KEYS places a caring adult with a child for time together one-on-one for an hour each week. All sessions take place on-campus, during the school day, during the school year. Although Katy ISD has over 600 mentors at 50 campuses, male mentors are in short supply and needed to serve as role models for young male students. A recent evaluation of KEYS showed that 89 percent of students in the program decreased discipline referrals, 88 percent decreased absences and 80 percent increased grades. These numbers prove that one hour per week really can make a difference.
Those interested in attending the Men Who Mentor Breakfast may RSVP at and click on Men Who Mentor. Questions may be directed to Martha Brown at Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted December 10, 2010
Taylor High School’s golf team has had a very successful fall semester, consistently winning awards and placing in tournaments.
Hunter Clemenceau placed second in a tournament sponsored by Bryan High School held at Legendary Oaks Golf Course in September. In mid-November the junior varsity boys team, consisting of Hunter Clemenceau, Jordy Kanisius, Kevin Cho, Austin Partin and Sam Detke, won first place at the Memorial High School Tournament held at Eagle Point Golf Course. In individual play at the same tournament, Cho won first place and Partin won fourth place.
Also in mid-November, the junior varsity girls team, consisting of Kendall Bosse, Courtney Hernandez, Caitlin Beer, and Hannah Grimsley, won third place at the at the Galveston Ball High School tournament held at Moody Gardens Golf Course. Beer placed second in individual play and Hernandez placed third.
In late November, the junior varsity boys team, consisting of Ryan Miller, Austin Zen, Sean Ali-Samboul, Jacob Cahilll and Clark Corser, won third place at the Fort Bend Austin tournament held at Pecan Grove Golf Course. Miller placed second in individual play and Cahill placed third. The junior varsity girls team, consisting of Hannah Grimsley, Kirby Clifford, Maya Gruebler, Remy Fruge, Caitlin Beer and Courtney Hernandez, won first place at the Fort Bend Austin High School tournament held at Pecan Grove Golf Course. In individual play, Caitlin Beer placed second and Courtney Hernandez placed third.
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Katy Texas News
Posted December 7, 2010
The RoboRangers, a Katy-based robotics team comprised of elementary students in the 4th and 5th grades, competed for the first time last weekend and received the First Place Project Award in a qualifying tournament of FIRST LEGO League (FLL). FLL is a global robotics program and competition designed to get children aged 9-14 excited about science and technology.
The RoboRangers, along with 26 other teams from the Houston area, participated in the FLL qualifying tournament on December 4, hosted by the University of Houston Department of Technology’s Coordination of Robotics Education (CORE) at Bammel Middle School.
The RoboRangers, a first-year team of eight 4th graders and two 5th graders, received the First Place Project Award for their research project and presentation about an innovative way to eliminate fractures and osteoporosis by making bones so strong that they can never break. They ranked no. 7 in robot performance. The day-long competition featured robotic performance rounds in between the teamwork, project and robot design judging sessions.
The RoboRangers’ overall performance qualified them to advance to the 2010 Lone Star Championship Tournament, which will take place on December 11 at the University of Houston Recreation and Wellness Center. Private judging sessions of teamwork, research project and robot design will be held in the morning, in between the exciting robot performance rounds. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted December 3, 2010
Katy ISD announced it is extending the deadline for its annual Food for Families campaign to Friday, Dec. 10.
Katy ISD’s Partners in Education works to spread holiday cheer with this annual fundraiser that provides support to Katy ISD families in need. The goal this year is to raise $10,000 – enough to provide one meal to 200 families.
“We initially launched Food for Families as a means for Katy ISD administrators to offer tangible support for district students in need,†said Janet Theis, Katy ISD Partners in Education Specialist. “Last year, we extended our outreach to Katy community members and businesses as this is a great way to directly impact the holidays of families right here in Katy ISD.â€
The cost to feed one family has increased to $50 from $35. Last year, Food for Families collected $7,800 and fed more than 200 families. The cost to feed the same amount of families is now approximately $10,000.
Those interested in participating may continue to drop-off cash or check donations by Friday, Dec. 10. Donations will be accepted in the Partners in Education office, ESC Room 1460. Please make checks payable to Katy ISD/Food for Families.
Families receiving assistance are nominated by their home campus with every Katy ISD campus participating. For more information, contact Partners in Education at 281-396-2461. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted December 2, 2010
Each morning on the announcements Kilpatrick Elementary School students are challenged to do something kind for someone. In late October in honor of “Making a Difference Day, “ two Kilpatrick students took their efforts outside of the school and made a difference in the Katy community.
Sisters Emily and Callie Bexley collected food items for Katy Christian Ministries (KCM), which are especially needed at this time of year when the demand is greater. The sisters visited neighbors to ask for nonperishable food donations, which they delivered to KCM. After making their delivery, the girls toured the facility and learned how their donation benefited KCM. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted November 30, 2010
Katy ISD community members will have an opportunity to purchase Katy ISD bonds Wednesday, Dec. 1 and Thursday, Dec. 2, as the first bonds are sold from the $459 million bond authorization that was approved by voters this past November.
A total of $204,855,000 in bonds will be sold in $5,000 denominations including $43,705,000 in Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2010-C; $155,000,000 in Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2010-D (Build America Bonds – Direct Payment to Issuer); and $6,150,000 in Limited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2010-E.
Bonds will be guaranteed by The Permanent School Fund of Texas and as such, the Expected Ratings for the bonds are Aaa (PSF Insured)/Aa2 (Underlying) by Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., and AAA (PSF Insured)/AA (Underlying) by Standard & Poor’s.
Those wanting to invest in Katy ISD bond should read the entire Preliminary Official Statement prior to making any investment decisions with regard to this issue. For a more complete description of the bonds please contact the undersigned and request a copy of the Preliminary Official Statement. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted November 29, 2010
The Cinco Ranch Cougar Stars will host their 7th Annual Holiday Parade of Homes December 2-3. Katy residents can tour six area homes that are sure to dazzle and get you in the Christmas spirit. Tickets are $12 and are available through Cougar Star members or at the following retailers: Beau Kisses, Hauerlands, Juliegh Holley School of Dance and YaYa Club. For questions, contact Linda Leiby at 281-578-9648. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted November 29, 2010
Rovanna Luther, Katy Junior High ESOL teacher, was recently named Texas Region IV TESOL Middle School Teacher of the Year. The winners were nominated by their peers for demonstrating commitment to excellence in teaching, professional growth and collaboration with fellow educators. They are also nominated for being innovative, enthusiastic, creative, inspiring, and caring educators in the class room.  Luther was recognized at the Texas TESOL conference in late October. Please mention you found this on

The Cinco Ranch boys varsity golf team won first place recently at the Taylor High School Fall Classic. The golf tournament took place at River Ridge Gold Club in Sealy. Eleven boys teams, seven girls teams and 10 individual players competed in the tournament. In addition, team member Scott Newell took home the first place individual medal for his 74-75, 149 total. Mayde Creek’s Nick Pierce took second place with a 151 and Ben Steinle of Fort Bend Travis took third with a 152. Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted November 23, 2010
Children’s book author Kate Klise recently visited Hayes Elementary students. During her visit, she gave students tips to writing a good story, such as “one character + one problem + one journey = story,†was advice easy for students to remember. Kate has written several children’s books including “Stand Straight,†“Ella Kate†and “Regarding the Fountain.†Please mention you found this on

Katy Texas News
Posted November 22, 2010
Katy ISD’s Partners in Education is working on spreading holiday cheer this season through its annual Food for Families campaign that helps provide a little support to Katy ISD families in need. The goal this year is to raise $10,000 – enough to provide one meal to 200 families.
“We initially launched Food for Families as a means for Katy ISD administrators to offer tangible support for district students in need,†said Janet Theis, Katy ISD Partners in Education Specialist. “Last year, we extended our outreach to Katy community members and businesses as this is a great way to directly impact the holidays of families right here in Katy ISD.â€
The cost to feed one family has increased to $50 from $35. Last year, Food for Families collected $7,800 and fed more than 200 families. The cost to feed the same amount of families is now approximately $10,000.
Those interested in participating may drop-off cash or check donations by Friday, Dec. 3. Donations will be accepted in the Partners in Education office, ESC Room 1460. Please make checks payable to Katy ISD/Food for Families.
Families receiving assistance are nominated by their home campus with every Katy ISD campus participating. For more information, contact Partners in Education at 281-396-2461. Please mention you found this on
Katy Texas News
Posted November 17, 2010
Taylor High School completed their 2nd Annual Big Feast. Taylor Student Council sponsors this annual ‘food drive’ and asks students to donate money to purchase holiday meals for needy families in the area.
This year, with the help of John Eagle Honda, Taylor High School raised $4,500 which will allow more than 200 families in the Katy area to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal from Black Eye Pea. Taylor Student Council also plans to purchase $2,500 worth of presents for 25 children the school adopted through Santa Cops, a program sponsored by the Katy ISD Police Department.

Katy Texas News
Posted November 12, 2010
“Outbacker of the Month†is the most prestigious award students, staff members, volunteers and Partners in Education can earn at Odessa Kilpatrick Elementary School. Outbackers exhibit “Koalaty†character, always lend a helping hand, always have a smile on their face and serve as a role model as well as go above and beyond to make OKE an exemplary school.
September Outbackers:
Katie Head, kindergarten; Tyler Brownlee, first grade; Samantha Lucas, second grade; Marissa Stovall, third grade; Brandon Yan, fourth grade; Hannah Kim, fifth grade; Rosanne Robins, staff; and Traci Faulk, volunteer.Â
October Outbackers:
Luke Rager and Riley Anne Quarles, kindergarten; Callie Leavell, first grade; Grayson Heilman, second grade; Julia Nicholson, third grade; Jake Adamson, fourth grade; Amanda Watson, fifth grade; Tracy Wilson, volunteer; and Amber Dugosh, kindergarten teacher.

Katy Texas News
Posted November 11, 2010
Third grade students at Michael Griffin Elementary paid tribute to veterans and the serving military with a concert of patriotic songs.
Following months of diligent practice under the guidance of music teachers Cynthia Brodt and Jason Ritchie, the students took to a stage festooned with a giant American flag, balloons and sparking musical notes. Cub Scouts from Dens 2 and 5 of Pack 281 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas flags prior to the concert.
There was standing room only as a large audience of family and friends packed the school gym. The students encouraged the audience to join them in singing “My Country Tis of Thee†and “America the Beautiful.†For the finale, Principal Jackie Keithan invited veterans from the community to join the students on stage so their personal service could be recognized.

Katy Texas News
Posted November 9, 2010
Katy Mayor Don Elder visited Mrs. Clark’s second grade class at WoodCreek Elementary this morning. He and the class participated in Promise to Read, a program offered each November by Katy ISD to provide members of the community, businesses and organizations the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the world of children’s literature. Mayor Elder spent 30 minutes with the class and they read “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.†Please mention you found this on

Congratulations to the Cinco Ranch Junior High 8A volleyball team, who was named district champions!
Front: Coach Anabell Pinedo, Karli Hamilton, Hannah Guthrie, Emma Taylor
Middle: Emilie Floyed, Laura Walling, Brittany Nollkamper, Miranda Maldanado
Back: Jessica Dorey, Alix Hubley, Makayla Randle
Katy Texas News
Posted November 5, 2010
The fall Miller Career and Technology Center (MCTC) broke ground on a new garden. The MCTC Bistro and AP/GT Environmental Science classes have partnered to construct a garden for the purpose of growing vegetables and herbs. MCTC teacher Dr. Sharon Sledge and her AP/GT Environmental Science students will be growing and maintaining the vegetables and herbs in the garden. MCTC teacher Patty Kenjura and her culinary arts students will use the vegetables and herbs in the meals prepared in the student-run campus Bistro.
The idea was sparked by Kenjura’s trip to Italy this past summer, where she learned about slow-cooking methods, which correlates with teaching students about community sustainability, and also emphasizes buying and using locally grown seasonal produce. Not only will the project provide hands-on learning for the students about growing and working with produce, but the AP/GT Environmental Science students will conduct soil tests and plan to incorporate composting into the project. Chemistry students will conduct chemical tests of the soil. MCTC students have planted sweet Italian basil, chives, brussel sprouts, cabbage, buttercrunch lettuce, cauliflower, tomatoes, and radishes. The students look forward to sharing the fruits of their labor with the community.

The current Media Technology II students at MCTC recently tested for the Apple Certified End User Exam for Final Cut Pro 7 in May. All of the students who took the test passed. They must score 80 percent or higher to pass this rigorous exam. MCTC currently holds the national record for the most End User certified students graduating from a program. Student who took the test are currently enrolled in the second year media technology program at MCTC.

Katy Texas News
Posted November 3, 2010
Katy ISD voters approved the district’s $459 million bond package on Tuesday with more than 50,000 people casting a vote on the Katy ISD bond election. Unofficial totals have 27,720 voting “for†and 25,948 voting “against†the package. Election results will become official once the votes are canvassed later this month.
“I want to thank the Task Force members who spent many hours crafting this bond package and the community members and volunteers who helped get information out about the referendum,†says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “The Katy community has set the direction for Katy ISD, and we now have a lot of work ahead of us as we begin the process of building new schools and investing in our current facilities. We are committed to being transparent during this process as we manage the resources the community has given us to fund these projects.â€
To meet the target dates set for the opening of the three new elementary schools, the new junior high, High School No. 7, and the Wolfe Elementary rebuild, the district is looking to start construction on each of the facilities this spring. All are slated to open in August 2012, with the exception of High School No. 7, which will open in August 2013. The district will also begin the design work for the major renovation projects identified in the bond package to meet the aggressive schedule set for these projects.
The district anticipates that it could have its first bond sale as early as December or January.
Katy ISD is a TEA “recognized†district serving more than 60,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 53 campuses, and with more than 8,300 employees is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area.
Congratulations to the James E. Taylor High School varsity girls golf team, who placed first at the Fall Golf Classic held this past weekend at River Ridge Golf Course. Pictured from left are: Coach Joe Gibbons, Amy Hoffmaster, Danielle Poe, Kristen Purser, Erin Hagemeier, Courtney Moro and Coach Cindy Lloyd.
Katy Texas News
Posted October 29, 2010
On Wednesday evening, an automated call was placed to residents of Katy ISD regarding the 2010 bond election. This call was initiated and coordinated by the Team Katy PAC. Katy ISD was not involved in the coordination of the call, nor was any district resource used in the making of this call.
We have heard from several parents who are concerned that the calls not only went to their home numbers, but also to cell phone and work numbers that were only given to the district as secondary contact numbers. We immediately began looking into the situation and discovered the following: On April 28, 2010, a Public Information Request was submitted asking for “phone numbers only of parents, staff and volunteers of Katy ISD who currently reside within the boundaries of Katy ISD.” The requestor also asked that the numbers be sorted by zip code.
The district responded to the request in accordance with the Public Information Act, and provided the requestor with parent phone numbers sorted by zip code; no other information, such as parent or student names, was given.
Because the Public Information Act does not provide an exception for the district to withhold secondary numbers, such as cell phone or work numbers, and considers this information public, the district is obligated under law to release these numbers as well. In addition, the district, by law, is not permitted to ask a requestor why they are asking for the information, or what they intend to do with it.
Although the release of cell phone and work numbers was done in accordance with the Public Information Act, we understand, and share the concerns of parents regarding their privacy and the issuance of phone numbers they consider private.
We are currently exploring any steps we may be able to take to allow parents to keep their secondary phone numbers from being released as a result of a public information request.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or concern this may have caused. We take very seriously the management and safeguarding of student and parent information. We will continue to look for ways to keep information private that parents want kept private.
Katy Texas News
Posted October 26, 2010
Congratulations to the 63 Cinco Ranch High School students who participated in the second round of auditions for a chair in the Texas Music Educators Association’s All-State Choir. The 53 students, pictured below, earned a chair in one of the Region Choirs.  Thirty-two of these students advance to the Pre-Area audition for the Texas All-State Choir. The choirs will perform Saturday, November 13 at Westbury Baptist Church in Houston. The CRHS choir is under the direction of Dorothy Wilson and Eric West.

Katy Texas News
Posted October 21, 2010
Houston Community College’s Pandora’s Box Film and Speaker Series will host Obie O’Brien on Tuesday, October 26. O’Brien, vice president of government affairs for Apache Corporation, will talk to a group of students, faculty, staff, and community members about the future of national energy policy in this country with reference to Apache’s investment in natural gas and alternative energy sources, the environmental effects of current policy, and an insider’s view on what is possible at what cost. His address will take place at 12:30 p.m. in the HCC Katy Campus, Cyber Lounge.
O’Brien has been director of governmental, regulatory and community affairs since joining Apache in 1992. Prior to joining the company, he served as governmental affairs manager for Mitchell Energy, special projects director for U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen and projects coordinator for U.S. Representative Michael A. Andrews. He earned his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.
This event is free and open to the public. The HCC Katy Campus is located at 1550 Foxlake Drive, Houston, TX 77084. For more information, contact Professor Steve Wolfe at or 713-718-5467.
Katy, Texas News
Posted October 15, 2010
On Monday, October 18, Katy ISD administration and staff will be recognized for their outstanding use of educational technologies and digital content by Discovery Education, the leading provider of high quality curriculum-based digital content and professional development resources, and Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX 10).
Katy ISD is one of only a handful of school systems in the nation to be recognized by Discovery Education for their use of educational technologies and digital content in the classroom. Between 2004 and January of 2009, Katy ISD educators shared over 1 million Discovery Education streaming service videos with students. Since last year, over 500,000 more educational videos have been viewed. This tremendous jump in use is indicative of the school district’s commitment to improving academic achievement through the integration of  digital content and educational technology today’s 21st Century students are comfortable with into school curricula. Today, Katy ISD continues to integrate digital content into existing curriculum in an effort to engage today’s tech-savvy students in the digital world they inhabit.  Â
Following the presentation, Congressman McCaul will tour the school to witness firsthand the district’s efforts to use the latest tools and resources to teach today’s tech-savvy generation. Congressman McCaul, whose district includes Katy, serves on the House Committee on Science and Technology. He is also founder and co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional High Tech Caucus and avidly promotes legislation that increases federal support of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education in our public schools and universities.
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Katy, Texas News
Posted October 15, 2010
Creech Elementary School’s “Creech Dads in Action” took part in the Jumpstart Read for the Record Thursday, Oct. 7. The annual campaign helps raise awareness of literacy by bringing children and adults together to read the same book, on the same day, in homes and communities all over the world. Thirteen Creech Dads read “The Snowy Day†by Ezra Jack Keats to 350 Creech kindergarten and first grade students. Please mention you found this on

October 1, 2010 – Katy, Texas – CRHS Choir Students Advance to Region Congratulations to the 74 Cinco Ranch High School choir students who earned a spot in the Texas Music Educators Associations Region 23 District Choir. These students also earned the right to audition for the Region Choir, and will be practicing hard in the next few weeks to earn a chair. CRHS choir is under the direction of Dorothy Wilson and Eric West. They are proud of all 91 students who auditioned. Please mention you found this on
September 13, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Taylor High School Band held their annual Band Olympics with spirited competition between the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Band Members. Congratulations once again to the Senior Class for receiving the overall Championship. Please mention you found this on
September 7, 2010 – Brookshire, Texas – Dave Campbell’s Texas Football is proud to announce that the Brookshire Royal High School Falcons football team has been named the Army Strong Team of the Week for Division 3A.
The Falcons were chosen for this honor because of their teamwork, dedication, discipline, personal courage and integrity, values shared by U.S. Army Soldiers. Â
“Brookshire Royal knocked off powerhouse Giddings with a dramatic 60-yard touchdown run by star RB Brandon Williams in the closing minutes that secured a 34-31 victory,†said Adam Hochfelder, general manager of Dave Campbell’s Texas Football. “Williams, who has committed to OU, rushed for 259 yards on 18 carries. Royal also beat Giddings in the 2009 state playoffs.â€
The award will be presented to the team at a time to be determined later this week by a representative of the U.S. Army.
“The U.S. Army is recognizing the student-athletes at Brookshire High School for demonstrating qualities similar to those exhibited by its Soldiers. Student-athletes and Soldiers share similar values, but more importantly they must be mentally, emotionally and physically strong,” said CPT John Harrell. “We expect to see some of these young men competing at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl, the college level, or maybe even professionally in the future.”
For more information on the Army Strong Team of the Week program, please visit Please mention you found this on
Sept. 3, 2010 – Katy, Tx  – Katy ISD will, for the second year in a row, broadcast the President’s Back to School address on Tuesday, Sept. 14; however, campuses may make their own decisions as to the best time to view the speech in their classrooms. Parents who do not want their child to view the speech or participate in related activities may complete an opt-out form and return it to their child’s school no later than Thursday, Sept. 9.
It has become somewhat of a tradition for presidents to address students as former President George H.W. Bush spoke to students across the nation in 1991 and former President Clinton did in a “Webside†chat in 2001. In addition, former President Reagan spoke to the nation’s students during a nationally broadcast question and answer session in 1986.Â
Classrooms across the district will follow the President’s address with district developed activities and materials that align with Katy ISD’s curriculum. Students with opt-out forms on file will participate in alternative activities, and their grades will not be penalized.Â
The President’s Back to School speech will be available for patrons to view online. Information on how to view the address is expected to be posted soon at
Katy ISD is a TEA “recognized†district serving more than 60,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 53 campuses and with more than 8,300 employees, is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area. Please mention you found this on
August, 30 2010 – Katy, Texas –  Dave Campbell’s Texas Football is proud to announce that the Katy Tigers football team has been named the Army Strong Team of the Week for Division 5A.
The Katy Tigers were chosen for this honor because of their teamwork, dedication, discipline, personal courage and integrity, values shared by U.S. Army Soldiers. Â
“The Tigers, ranked No. 3 in Class 5A, opened the season with a dominating performance against cross town rival Galena Park North Shore, 44-6. Katy’s defense put on an impressive performance, holding No. 9 North Shore to 186 yards while forcing three turnovers,†said Adam Hochfelder, general manager of Dave Campbell’s Texas Football. “ Katy’s Donovonn Young led the offense with 103 rushing yards on 21 carries.â€
The award will be presented to the team at a time to be determined later this week by a representative of the U.S. Army.
“The U.S. Army is recognizing the student-athletes at Katy High School for demonstrating qualities similar to those exhibited by its Soldiers. Student-athletes and Soldiers share similar values, but more importantly they must be mentally, emotionally and physically strong,” said CPT John Harrell. “We expect to see some of these young men competing at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl, the college level, or maybe even professionally in the future.”
For more information on the Army Strong Team of the Week program, please visit Please mention you found this on
August 30, 2010 – Katy, Texas – The Greater Katy Alumnae Panhellenic Association (GKAPA) is thrilled to announce the recipients of our 2010 College Scholarships! GKAPA Awards Scholarships to young women from the Greater Katy Area who have attended either public or private schools, and have excelled in academic studies at their respective universities, made great contributions to their communities both here in the greater Katy Area as well as for their college communities and have been actively involved in their National Panhellenic Sorority Group.
GKAPA is a member of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and represents twenty of the twenty-six NPC groups. GKAPA provides a free service to graduating high school seniors, as well as existing college women who are interested in becoming a member of any of the twenty-six NPC groups. The services provided are educational as to the process of joining a group, expectation of group membership and assistance with providing the necessary letters of recommendation that are often required by University Panhellenic Groups. GKAPA is unique in that no other Houston Area Alumnae Panhellenic Group provides the letter of recommendation services to the young women they serve.Â
In the past four years, GKAPA has awarded scholarships to 17 Greater Katy Area young women from area High Schools like Katy, Taylor, Cinco Ranch and Seven Lakes. Recipients have attended The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Tech University, Texas A & M University, Texas Christian University, University of Texas at Arlington, University of Oklahoma and The University of Mississippi. The 2010 Recipients of the GKAPA Scholarship are:
Kristina Pontious – University of Texas at Austin
Amanda Stringer – University of Texas at Austin
Marci Luedtke – Texas A & M University
 Sara Wisener – Texas Tech University
Area women who are alumnae of NPC groups who would like to get involved with GKAPA and parents of graduating high school women interested in scholarships or whose daughters are considering sorority membership, may go to our website for information on GKAPA and on our events for the 2010 – 2011 Academic Year that include our annual recruitment roundtable in February and our scholarship luncheon and fashion show in March.  www.katypanhellenic.orgÂ
GKAPA meets the first Monday of every month (Except September and December) at the MUD Building at 805 Hidden Canyon, Katy, Texas.  The first meeting for this year is Monday, September 13, 2010 at El Jarrito Mexican Restaurant, 21724 Hidden Canyon, Katy, Texas 77450
Please contact Tasha Coney, Vice President of Membership GKAPA for information regarding this release. Â or 713-966-9453. Please mention you found this on
August 25, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey was named Superintendent of the Year by ESC Region 4. He is one of 18 superintendents across the state to be nominated for the annual Superintendent of the Year (SOTY) Award by the Texas Association of School Boards. Dr. Bill McKinney, Executive Director for Region 4, recognized Frailey during Katy ISD’s August Board of Trustees Meeting.
 Frailey has served as Katy ISD’s superintendent for three years. During his leadership, the district has reached and maintained a “recognized†status and, for the first time in recent history, all Katy ISD campuses are rated as recognized or above.
 “Mr. Frailey has a special commitment to ensure that all students succeed,†said McKinney. “We commend Mr. Frailey for his vision and for his success in achieving excellence in the areas identified by the Texas Association of School Boards.â€
 The SOTY program has recognized exemplary superintendents for excellence and achievement in educational leadership since 1984. Candidates are chosen for their strong leadership skills, dedication to improving educational quality, ability to build effective employee relations, student performance, and commitment to public involvement in education. Superintendents from any of Texas’ 1,035 local school districts are eligible for nomination by their school boards. Local nominees are submitted to a regional selection committee, which chooses one nominee to send to the state selection committee. The Superintendent of the Year will be announced September 26 at the TASA/TASB Convention in Houston.
Katy ISD is a TEA “recognized†district serving more than 60,000 students. Covering 181 square miles west of downtown Houston, Katy ISD is comprised of 53 campuses, and with more than 8,300 employees is one of the largest employers in the West Houston area. Please mention you found this on
August 24, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Katy ISD marks a significant milestone in its growth this week as it welcomes the 60,000 student to the district, an eighth grader at WoodCreek Junior High. Please mention you found this on
August 24, 2010 – Katy, Texas – To the neighborhood communities of Green Trails, Nottingham Country and Memorial Parkway: Despite the 100+ heat index, you came out to support our first ever Taylor Band Community Parade and March-A-Thon. While we previewed our new 51’ equipment trailer and performed 20 mini-concerts along the 6 mile route through the neighborhoods, you provided treats and much encouragement. Thanks to the people who made signs, carried balloons, and even put money into our buckets. Lots of young children danced and a few even “marched†along with us for a few blocks. During our route, we saw friends from the 7 Lakes Band, Taylor Pacesetters and even a few of our alumni and their parents – thanks for coming out to cheer us on! Thanks are also due to numerous fire trucks that blazed the route, 9 constable cars that provided safe passage on our streets, and various EMS personnel who stayed with us all day. Our 300 marchers were also supported by over 50 Band Booster volunteers who dedicated their day to keeping the students hydrated, sun screened, and fed. With your help, we raised over $15,000.00 to support the Taylor Band programs and our trip the perform at this year’s Sugar Bowl. Please mention you found this on
August 3, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Taylor High School choir students recently attended a choir camp at Houston Baptist University. Taylor Choir Director and Fine Arts Department Chairman Kevin Riehle was the major accompanist during the week and at the concert at the conclusion of the camp. Please mention you found this on

District misses Exemplary by three-tenths of a percentage point – plans appeal
July 30, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Final ratings released today by the Texas Education Agency show that Katy ISD earned a Recognized rating for the third straight year, even without the Texas Projection Measure (TPM). Â
Although preliminary results initially pointed to an Exemplary rating for the 2009-10 school year, and while test scores placed the district at the Exemplary level, the district fell short of earning the higher rating by 0.3 of a percentage point because the completion rates for Hispanic and Economically Disadvantaged students fell just below 95 percent, the state’s requirement for Exemplary. Â
According to the data submitted to the TEA, the district missed the completion rate by a total of five students. A review of the data submitted, however, shows that a group of students (some of whom were Hispanic and/or Economically Disadvantaged) who graduated between June and August of 2009 were not included as graduates in the district’s submission to the state. Had the students been noted as graduates, the district would have surpassed the 95 percent completion rate and been rated Exemplary. An appeal will be filed with the state based on this finding.Â
“I am extremely pleased with the way our students and teachers performed and the fact that our test scores are at the Exemplary level,†says Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. “Although our overall rating is currently lower than projected due to the misreporting of last year’s graduates, we are still excited that for the first time, every one of our campuses is rated either Exemplary or Recognized.â€Â
For the 2009-10 school year, 100 percent of Katy ISD campuses received a rating of recognized or above with 32 campuses receiving an exemplary rating (64%) and 18 campuses receiving a recognized rating (36%).  In addition, the district and all campuses have met 2010 Preliminary Adequate Yearly Progress. Â
On the 2010 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), district-wide performance (including TPM) for all students tested in all grades reached the “Exemplary†level in reading/language arts (99%), math (96%), writing (99%) social studies (100%), and science (97%). Katy ISD reached the “Exemplary†level on all 25 TAKS performance indicators (five student groups tested in each of five subject areas).Â
Katy ISD’s “Exemplary†campuses for 2009-10 are Alexander Elementary, Bear Creek Elementary, Cimarron Elementary, Creech Elementary, Exley Elementary, Fielder Elementary, Griffin Elementary, Hayes Elementary, Holland Elementary, Katy Elementary, Kilpatrick Elementary, King Elementary, McRoberts Elementary, Nottingham Country Elementary, Pattison Elementary, Rylander Elementary, Schmalz Elementary, Stanley Elementary, Stephens Elementary, Sundown Elementary, West Memorial Elementary, Williams Elementary, Winborn Elementary, WoodCreek Elementary, Beck Junior High, Beckendorff Junior High, Cinco Ranch Jr. High, McDonald Junior High, McMeans Jr. High, WoodCreek Junior High, Cinco Ranch High School and Seven Lakes High School.Â
“Recognized†campuses are Franz Elementary, Golbow Elementary, Hutsell Elementary, Mayde Creek Elementary, Memorial Parkway Elementary, Morton Ranch Elementary, Rhoads Elementary, Wolfe Elementary, Cardiff Junior High, Katy Jr. High, Mayde Creek Jr. High, Memorial Parkway Jr. High, Morton Ranch Jr. High, West Memorial Jr. High, Katy High School, Mayde Creek High School, Morton Ranch High School and Taylor High School.Â
Raines High School, the district-wide dropout prevention and recovery campus, received an “Acceptable†rating under state criteria for alternative education sites.
July 23, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Cinco Ranch High School Bravo Show Choir is bringing Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s musical, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat†to life this fall. This popular show began in 1967 as a 20-minute “pop cantata†for a school Easter concert, and was revived and expanded in the mid-’70s, heading to Broadway in 1982. This lively interpretation tells the story of Joseph’s coat of many colors and has charmed audiences around the world with its excitement, energy, and musical variety. Dates for the show are September 16, 17 and 18, in the PAC of Cinco Ranch High School. Ticket information: In advance: adults $8, students $6. At the door: adults $10, students $8. Katy ISD Gold Card honored.  For more information, or to reserve tickets, please contact Dorothy Wilson at 281-237-5204 or Please mention you found this on

June 21, 2010 – Katy, Texas – The University of Houston-Victoria School of Business Administration is expanding its business degree offerings in the fall to include the Bachelor of Business Administration program at the University of Houston System at Cinco Ranch. The BBA program in Cinco Ranch will offer five areas of concentration – accounting, finance, general business, management and marketing. This program is intended for upper-level undergraduate students transferring from other institutions with at least 54 semester credit hours. In 2007, UHV began offering a BBA program at the University of Houston System at Sugar Land. Enrollment there grew to more than 400 students this spring. School officials are anticipating the same rate of expansion for the BBA program starting this fall in Cinco Ranch. Please mention you found this on
June 16, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Five Katy ISD fifth-grade students have been selected to participate in Education in Action’s 2010 Lone Star Leadership Academy summer program.
The students, from Griffin and West Memorial Elementary Schools, will travel to Dallas/Fort Worth to participate in leadership activities with students from all over Texas. Student participants are selected based on their commitment to community or school and overall grade point average.
The Katy ISD students participating this year are:
- Kirsten Yates, West Memorial Elementary
- Cody Meng, Griffin Elementary
- Matthew Hammond, Griffin Elementary
- Alyssa Palmer, West Memorial Elementary
- Jamie Tan, Griffin Elementary
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June 15, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Newsweek recently released the 2010 list of America’s Best High Schools, naming four Katy ISD high schools among top 1,622 schools in the nation. The four Katy ISD high schools ranked this year are: Cinco Ranch High School (No. 478), Seven Lakes High School (No. 689), Taylor High School (No. 982) and Katy High School (No. 1387).
The schools listed in the America’s Best High Schools 2010 report represent only six percent of all American public high schools. Rankings are determined by a combination of the number of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or Cambridge (AICE) tests given at the schools, compared to the number of graduating seniors. Please mention you found this on

June 14, 2010 – Katy, Texas – James E. Taylor High School Sophomore, Melanie Piché was awarded Outstanding Performer at the 2010 Texas State Solo-Ensemble Vocal Solo contest. Of the approximately 85,000 students participating at the regional University Interscholastic League (UIL) music contests and the 22,000 musicians who performed at TSSEC, only 231 students earned the distinguished honor of being recognized as an Outstanding Performer. Piché received a UIL draped medal. The medallion is identical to those awarded to state champions in all UIL events. The above photo of Melanie will be included in the next edition of the UIL Book of Champions. This annual publication honors Texas high school students who reach the higest level of achievement in UIL competition. Piché is a member of Chorale and a member of the show choir Expressions under the direction of Kevin Riehle, Director and Kristin Tayor, Assistant Director. Â
June 10, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Katy High School’s parent teacher organization, The Friends of Katy, is pleased to announce the 2009-2010 Friends of Katy scholarship winners. They are (front row, left to right): McKenzie Wright, Jessica Barnett, Kelsey Peters, Caroline Cowart and Nicholas Peltz with Ms. Lisa Hinks, Friends of Katy Scholarship chairperson; (back row, left to right) KHS principal, Dr. Steve Robertson, Grant Fielding, Jonathon Fisher and Matthew Perry with Ms. Cathy Sciba, KHS Lead Counselor. Each recipient will receive $1,000 for college tuition. Congratulations to these outstanding Katy High School seniors! Please mention you found this on

June 10, 2010 – Katy, Texas – OKE 4th & 5th graders participated in The Element Song Showdown after their last Eureka! Experiment. 4th grade winners: Aditya Shah, Micah Wall, Pearson Broadrick, Francisco Rivera, and Paige Sauer. Please mention you found this on

June 8, 2010 – Katy, Texas – At the State Solo & Ensemble Contest held in Austin on May 29th and May 31st, the following Taylor High School Choir students received medals:
- Superior (1) rating on Solo:Â Mary Kim, Natalia Romero, Jasmine Johnson, Melanie PicheÂ
- Excellent (2) rating on Solo:Â Jean Durbin and Bethany McDougal
The Taylor Choir is under the direction of Mr. Kevin Riehle and Miss Kristin Taylor. Please mention you found this on
June 4, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Taylor High School student, Elizabeth Neville, is pictured with her Ten Year Piano Study Award. Presented in May 2010, the award represents ten years of study with one teacher. Elizabeth studies piano with Mary Ann LaCour of Katy and she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Neville of Katy. Please mention you found this on

June 3, 2010 – Katy, Texas – The troop created “boo boo bunnies” as part of their badge work and donated them to Fielder Elementary School’s Nurse Phyllis Bell. Representing GSSJC Troop #5004 are Bethany B, Olivia F, Catherine L, Shianne W, Stephanie H and Jennifer P. Accepting on behalf of Fielder Elementary are Phyllis Bell, RN and Chaudia Nunez, Clinic Aide. Students at Fielder look forward to receiving this special prize when receiving care from Nurse Bell and her staff! Please mention you found this on

June 3, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Morton Ranch Junior High students, including Ashley Thornhill (pictured) and science teacher, Roy Eriksen recently participated in a model rocket project associated with a unit on space exploration. Students got the chance to launch their model rockets from the MRJH football fields. Eriksen played an integral role in designing the lab, as he helped coordinate which rockets the students could build and the order in which they would be launched. The successful project was a collaborative effort among the entire sixth-grade science team, he says, and it was great to see students so engaged and excited about science. Please mention you found this on

May 28, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Katy ISD recently celebrated another successful year of volunteerism through its VIPS program by honoring its 2009-2010 Campus Volunteers of the Year. Honorees were announced by campus principals at the district’s annual VIPS Breakfast. The event highlighted the support of over 11,000 parent volunteers who, this school year, donated over 738,941 hours to Katy ISD. Please mention you found this on

May 26, 2010 – Katy, Texas –  The Taylor High School Marching Band held its annual Marching Fundamentals Camp for incoming Freshman. The 8th graders are taught the basics of stretching, marching and correct instrument handling in preparation for the upcoming 2010 marching season. Please mention you found this on

My 25, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Kourtney Faldyn, a graduating senior from Taylor High School, has received a $500 scholarship from the Katy Area Retired Educators. With a major in elementary education, she plans to teach kindergarten after graduation from Texas A&M University. She is the daughter of Katy ISD educators Russell and Cindie Faldyn.Â
In her senior year, Kourtney was enrolled in the Get, Ready Set, Teach Program at Miller Career center. Throughout high school, she has been actively involved in many extra-curricular school and community activities including the Taylor Pacesetter Dance Team, the Best Buddies-Peer Organization, the Peer Assistance Leadership Program, the Taylor Spanish and Book Clubs, the National Honor Society, the National Charity League, and the Epiphany of the Lord Youth Group.Â
The KARE Scholarship Committee also included Nancy Gorden, Linda Bailey, Luanne Zacek, Jamie Wolman, Gail Coveler and Becky French. Please mention you found this on

May 24, 2010 – Katy, Texas – On Friday, May 21st, the WoodCreek Junior High Choir, led by Lauren Burris, proudly presented their 2nd Annual Pop Show titled, “The Music of Our Lives”. Songs ranged from popular oldies to today’s favorites. The show included solo acts, duets, ensembles, and performances from all of WoodCreek’s Choirs: TimberWolf Tenor Choir, TimberWolf Treble Choir, WoodCreeek Men’s Choir, WoodCreek Women’s Choir, & the Wolfpack Singers. They performed to a highly enthusiastic audience. Following the Pop Show, Choir members celebrated with an end-of-the-year awards ceremony which was immediately followed by an end-of-year party. Please mention you found this on
May 20, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Congratulations to the Roosevelt Alexander Elementary PTA 2010 Texas PTA Lifetime Membership Honorees. All Texas PTA Lifetime Membership award winners have consistently given countless hours, undying respect and selfless actions to not only the RAE PTA and to Alexander Elementary, but to the Katy community on the whole. Please mention you found this onÂ

Katy YMCA’s Homeschool Theatre Arts class performs Peter Pan.
May 13, 2010 – Katy, Texas – The Katy Family YMCA Home School Theater Arts class performed their version of PETER PAN on May 12 in front of family and friends. Directed by Theater Arts instructor, Dori Fostok, the cast consisted of 20 Homeschool students ranging in ages from 5 to 16. Auditions were held in January and the cast met weekly for 2 hours to practice. Not only did the students perform, they choreographed the dances, worked out the scenes, built props, designed costumes, etc. Ms. Dori was very proud of her students and the production was a huge success!
The Katy Family YMCA is offering a Theater Arts camp June 14 – 17 from 1pm-3pm for ages 6 – 14. Bring out your child’s creativity by learning theatre fundamentals such as acting, singing, & dancing! Learn behind the scenes processes such as prop & costume design, skit writing & stage make-up! Call the Katy YMCA at 281-392-5055 or visit to find out more!Â


May 13, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Kilpatrick students participated in the KISD Honor Choir, directed by Michele Dial and Lynne Spears.   Please mention y ou found this on

May 11, 2010 - Katy, Texas – Please congratulate the student staff of the Morton Ranch High School Maverick Star newspaper! The newspaper was just awarded Second Place by the American Scholastic Press Association. This honor puts the Maverick Star in the top 25% of high school newspapers nationwide. The judge said that the Maverick Star’s score, based on writing, editing, photography, design, and coverage, showed a solid grasp of journalistic production in all areas.
A special award was also won by Maverick Star artist Skye Canales. Skye’s cartoon series, “Clueless†was selected for a Special Category Award – Outstanding Cartoon. Only 12 students across the nation had cartoons chosen for this award. Congratulations to Skye Canales and the Maverick Star staff. Staff members include:
- Editors-in-Chief: Vanessa Palmer and Hector Flores
- Design Editor: Michelle Zajac
- Opinions and Features Editor: Paige Haubert
- News Editor: Rebeca Trejo
- Sports Editor: Stella Rocha
- Entertainment Editor: Avery Jennett
- Advertising Editor: Alyssa Uresti
- Head Photographer: Lexie Nickerson
- Reporters: Nancy Amin, Sam Beeler, Skye Canales, Miguel Chavez, Sara El-Nagi, Sarah Oyarce
- Photographers: Marijose Flores, Gustavo Iglesias, Gary Loayza, Jazmin Rodriguez
- Designers: Jordan Bragg and Brittany Parker
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May 6, 2010 – Katy, Texas – First Graders at Pattison Elementary enjoyed watching the chicken eggs in their classrooms every day waiting for the eggs to hatch.  Please mention you found this on

May 7, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Daniel Silliman has been awarded First Place in the High School Ensemble division of the Texas Music Teachers Association (TMTA) Composition Contest. He will be honored for this achievement at the upcoming TMTA Convention, to be held June 10-14 at the Arlington Convention Center in Arlington, Texas. The sixteen-year-old studies piano and composition with Tobin Wright and is currently completing his junior year at Taylor High School. Silliman was also awarded the American Festival for the Arts/Accessible Contemporary Music Young Composer’s Prize, which entailed a public performance of his composition at Roosevelt University in Chicago, Illinois, last November. Please mention you found this on
May 6, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo volunteers visited Stanley Elementary to give the students an up close and personal educational experience about the rodeo. The Houston Rodeo Speaker’s Committee and other volunteers rotated students around various stations including rodeo crafts, campfire songs, dances and animal displays. Students were decked out in western attire, and were even treated to line dance lessons taught by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Please mention you found this on

May 5, 2010 - Katy, Texas – Nancy Hess’ celebration of National Teacher Day is particularly festive this year. Yesterday morning, during the student-produced morning announcements broadcast on closed circuit television, Hess was presented with Houston’s 2010 Plank Fellowship Award, given in recognition of the inspired implementation of her Fund for Teachers’ fellowship and the continued impact it makes on her teaching practice, her students and her community. Only eight teachers across the country received this distinction, along with the $500 prize.Â
In 2007, Nancy capitalized on a Fund for Teachers grant to experience a cultural immersion in England, France, Germany and Austria. Upon her return, she recreated Monet’s most famous garden in her classroom to welcome students on the first day of school. Students dove into the fine arts curriculum to the sound of a working fountain and surrounded by flowers, prints of Monet’s work and photos of the real garden – all beckoning them to come sit on a bench and read a book.Â
To introduce students to additional artists and locations, Nancy developed slide shows using the Sistine Chapel, the Louvre and the National Museum in London as examples of how art and music developed over time; built on her experience hearing a Mozart concert in a Salzburg fortress to teach The Magic Flute; and created a culminating activity for the unit – a Living Museum. Each student chose an artist to portray to the school community and created project boards enhancing their performances. Finally, Nancy is in the process of creating an ABC’s of Architecture book based on the elements of design she saw and illustrated with photos taken of the famous European landmarks she visited.Â
“My fellowship showed me that as a teacher, I am responsible for bringing information to life,†said Hess. “Seeing my students excited about learning makes me excited about teaching and I’m now motivated to always bring passion and personal experiences into my classroom.â€Â Please mention you found this
May 5, 2010 – Katy, Texas – The eighth annual summer band camp, offered to next years 7th, 8th, and 9th grade KISD band students, will be held at Katy High School from July 19th to July 23rd. The camp will include daily section rehearsals, full band rehearsals, and fun music based electives. Lunch is also part of the camp. The cost of the camp is $100 and will include a t-shirt if received by June 4th. Late registration is an additional $25. The camp concludes with the Grand Concert on Friday morning at 9am. After the concert, those students wishing to extend the fun a little longer can join in the group’s optional trip to Splashtown Water Park in Spring, Texas for an additional $30 (park admission, meal, bus transportation, and drinks are included in price) for a total camp cost of $130 ($155 after June 4th). The KISD JH Summer Band Camp has been a huge success each year and we anticipate a large enrollment this year. Plan to register early in order to secure a spot.
Camp participants will audition for summer band camp placement the first day of camp, beginning promptly at 8am. Students should prepare major scales and chromatic scales specific to the student’s instrument, as well as a band camp audition etude. Students will be ability grouped with the number of bands being determined by total enrollment for the camp. Audition materials are available from your Katy ISD Band Director or the Camp Staff. In addition, an email confirmation is sent out upon registration, along with attachments that include audition materials and the medical form that is required for all participants.
The camp provides an economical and convenient alternative to those who may not have had a chance to attend another band camp over the summer due to scheduling and/or costs. Participants will receive top quality instruction on their instruments from our own great KISD and Houston area Band Directors. Join us for the eighth annual Katy ISD Junior High Summer Band Camp and keep your playing skills sharp for next year! To receive a brochure and registration packet email Please mention you found this on
May 3, 2010 – Katy, Texas – As part of Texas History, special guest “William B Travis”, commander of the gallant men that defended the Alamo in 1836, visited Fouth Grade students of Pattison Elementary to tell his story of the battle of the Alamo.  Please mention you found this on Â

April 29, 2010 – Katy, Texas – On April 17th, all of the WoodCreek Choirs took a trip to the Alamo Showcase of Music Festival and Competition in San Antonio, TX. The WoodCreek Women’s, WoodCreek Men’s and the TimberWolf Beginning Mixed Choirs competed and all were awarded a superior rating trophy. Each choir was also chosen as the Outstanding Overall Choir in their category (Women’s, Men’s and Beginning Mixed). To top it all off, WoodCreek Choirs were chosen as the OUTSTANDING OVERALL MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIRS to perform at the competition site that day. This means the judges selected our choirs to be the BEST of any choirs to compete that day.
Following their performances, WCJH Choir members had an afternoon of fun in Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Then, that evening, they were awarded their trophies at Fiesta Texas. Choir members were truly in celebration mode.
WoodCreek Choirs have earned 14 trophies this year. Since WoodCreek Jr. High opened its doors in 2008, our talented choir students have earned a total of 27 trophies in just 2 years. This is a true testament to the talent, dedication, and musical growth happening here at WoodCreek Junior High. Way to go TimberWolves!

April 28, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Cimarron Elementary School hosted its first Dad’s Day on April 15. We had a great turnout of fathers to welcome the kids in the car rider line, volunteer in the library and cafeteria, and read stories to the children in their classrooms. The children were so excited to have them, and sent home handwritten Thank You cards to all of the Dads. What a success, and a new tradition for the kids and Dads to look forward to every year. Please mention you found this on

April 28, 2010 – Katy, Texas – The Circus has come to town!  Second Graders of Pattison Elementary entertained students and parents with a performance of Circus, Circus. Pictured is Addy Aliaj the Band Member, Sigurd Smith the Elephant, Alexandria Skillern the the Circus Girl, Grace Fisher the Bear, Sasha Burford the Clown and Grace Kim the Horse. Please mention you found this on

April 27, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Cinco Ranch’s outstanding golfer Kyle Westmoreland will continue his career with Air Force as he has signed to play for the Falcons. Kyle has been instrumental in leading the Cougars to the Regional Tournament four straight and is currently in the hunt for a State Championship. Joining Kyle on this great day are:
We are thankful to have had a young man of Kyle’s character and competitiveness in our athletic program and he has done a lot to bring positive accolades to CRHS. We wish Kyle the very best the rest of this spring for the Cougars and in the future for Air Force. Please mention you found this on
They came. They worked. They learned.Â

April 27, 2010 – Katy, Texas – On April 10th more than 150 boy scouts, cub scouts, students, PTA members, teachers and community members took part in the beautification project at Bonnie Holland Elementary School.
The project was organized by the school’s PTA Environmental Awareness Co-Chairs, Cathy Buss and Lori Alten, in recognition of Keep America Beautiful: Great American Cleanup.
The day included a clean-up walk where students and adults walked through Seven Meadows and picked up trash, cleaned up the community and learned about what items are recyclable.
Bonnie Holland, the school’s namesake and Katy ISD’s Assistant Superintendent for Governance, Legal Affairs, and Special Programs greeted the students and checked them in.
Back at the school, members of Boy Scout Troop 925 and Cub Scouts from Pack 281 planted Crape Myrtles, donated by Benjamin Po, D.D.S. of Pediatric Dentists of Katy and Hal Stevenson, D.D.S. of Stevenson Orthodontics.
Bonnie Holland Elementary students also incorporated the beautification project into their reading program.  Students were encouraged to read three books about the environment and were rewarded with a tag for their reading chain.  Â
Keep America Beautiful: Great American Cleanup is the nation’s largest community improvement program. The goal of the organization is to engage individuals to take greater responsibility for improving their community environments.
An estimated 3 million volunteers and attendees donated more than 5 million hours in 2009 to clean, beautify, and improve more than 32,000 communities in all 50 states and beyond. Please mention you found this on
April 24, 2010 – Katy, Texas – The first grade team at Exley Elementary thought it would be a great idea to incorporate community service into our curriculum. The project began on Monday, February 1st. Teachers began  explaining to students that February is the month of love. It is a time for individuals to show love and kindness towards others. We then utilized the time to inform students about the issues of homelessness. Fly Away Home by Eve Bunting was read to students. The misconceptions

associated with homelessness were discussed and the hardships homeless individuals face were identified. One specific hardship included harsh weather and temperatures during the winter months. Students brainstormed ways in which they could show love and kindness towards the homeless. Students were then informed that they were going to make their very own classroom quilts.
 It was through much collaboration with employees at Quilt N’ Sew in Katy, Texas, that we came to formulate a plan for creating the quilts. Quilt squares and fabric markers were provided for each student in first grade. Students then decorated their square with a motivational message or illustration. Squares were then collected and combined with additional quilt pieces. We contacted the president of the West Houston Quilt Guild to inquire about their participation in this project. Their charity bee agreed to donate their time. They also provided all sashing needed to complete the quilt tops. They sewed the quilt squares and sashing together to compete all nine quilt tops.
Once the tops were completed, we met with the president of the quilt guild and together we determined the best way to complete the quilts. Employees at Quilt N’ Sew graciously donated the remaining materials needed. We immediately began looking for first grade parents who were willing to volunteer to help. Four volunteers expressed interest. We met with them one afternoon and explained to them the directions for completing the quilts. Parent volunteers then took their quilt top, batting, and backing and sewed them together to make a twin size quilt.
All nine quilts were finally finished last week. We are currently in contact with the Star of Hope homeless shelter in Houston. We are trying to coordinate a time in which a representative from the Star of Hope can come to the school so quilts can be presented and donated by the students.
Students have taken much pride in their accomplishments and are excited to be doing such a wonderful act of kindness. Please mention you found this on
April 26, 2010 – Katy, Texas – The Cinco Ranch High School Robotics Team 624 participated in the Lone Star Regional at the George R. Brown last month. The competition proved to be more exciting than ever before for Team 624! Our team finished the qualifying match round with a 7-1-1 record leaving us as the 3rd seeded team out of a field of 66 teams going into the elimination rounds. After exciting wins in the quarterfinals and semifinals we made it to the finals to take on an alliance that included both the first and second seeded teams. We won the first match of the best of three match final, leaving the other alliance in shock! Unfortunately, two opposing alliance robots were able to turn our robot over and prevent our relentless scoring attack giving them the victory. Even with this loss, it was a proud moment for our team to compete at this level of competition. Team 624 was the recipient of the “Engineering Inspiration†award which qualified us to attend the FIRST Championship in Atlanta. The TEA and the Houston Endowment provided grants to offset our entry fees to the Championship. With the help of our school administrators, teachers, sponsors and mentors, travel/lodging arrangements for over 40 people were made within 48 hours! The competition in Atlanta was fierce with teams from all over the world vying for a spot on the Championship EINSTEIN Field. The team did a fantastic job making it to the Curie Division Quarter Finals.  We are all extraordinarily proud of our performance and look forward to next season. Keep a look out for our Green Hair Spikes!!! Please mention you found this on
April 21, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Katy ISD’s volunteer celebration, the VIPS Breakfast, will be held in the Merrell Center Arena on Friday, May 21, from 9-10:30 a.m. This annual event honors the thousands of school district volunteers who donate hundreds of thousands of hours each year to our students and teachers. In addition, each school’s Volunteer of the Year will be announced.
This years VIPS Breakfast keynote speaker is YouTube sensation and internationally acclaimed inspirational comedian Judson Laipply. His “Evolution of Dance†has been viewed over 140 million times and led to appearances on the Today Show, Ellen, Inside Edition, E!, Oprah, and hundreds of other media outlets around the world. Entertainment for the VIPS Breakfast will include a Katy ISD Show Choir and Jazz Ensemble, both comprised of students from every district high school.Â
Katy ISD parent volunteers who need more information may contact their school’s VIPS Campus Liaison or Katy ISD Partners in Education at Volunteers planning to attend should RSVP online at The VIPS Breakfast is hosted by Partners in Education, the Katy ISD department that brings the community into the classroom!

- Front Row: L to R – Kelsey Snyder, Kendall Cole, Haley Hill, Shannon Creedon, Haley Hammond, and Cali Littlejohn, Marina Munoz; Back Row: L-R – Joanna Calhoun, Sarah Bockholt, Heather Donnella, Hannah Rousseau, Taylor Lyons (not pictured Morgan Nelson)
Congratulations Cinco Ranch High School to our 2009-2010 Junior Varsity Cheerleaders! It has been a great year and you have been amazing! Please mention you found this on

April, 16, 2010 – Katy, Texas – On Thursday, April 1, 2010, Pattison Elementary’s 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students and parents had the opportunity to hear a most inspiring story from Alvin Law himself. Attitude, Learning, Value, Imagination, Never give up are the “Laws” Alvin lives by every day and promotes across the US, Canada and the globe since 1981. Being born with no arms, Alvin has accomplished things in life most of us only dream about. He is a trained broadcaster, fundraiser, and musician. Pictured with Alvin is his neice and nephew, both students of Pattison, Rebecca and Nicholas Reitsma. Alvin plays a tune for the students showing off his talents.  Sponsored in part of Arts in Education, Pattison PTA. Please mention you found this onÂ

April 13, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Cinco Ranch boys varsity took the District 17-5A Championship shooting rounds of 315-296 for a 28 stroke victory and total score of 611. Cinco shot an impressive 71, 75, 75, 75 & 76 on the final day distancing itself from second place Katy and Katy Taylor. Katy and Katy Taylor both shot a 639 to tie for second. Katy won second place in an exciting 10 man playoff. Mayde Creek shot 647, Seven Lakes shot 651, and the Cinco Ranch B-Team shot 659 to stay in the mix. Cinco Ranch was led by Junior Jake Leatherwood who won the individual first place medal with a 73-76. Senior Kyle Westmoreland shot the low round of the tournament with a 71 to finish in 4th place. Senior Micah Hill shot 79-75 for 6th place, Sophomore Dylan Reynolds shot 81-75 for 8th place, and Junior Scott Newell shot 83-75 to tie Senior Jake Hartill 78-80 for 11th place. The Cougar Boys advance now to the Regional Tournament at Eagle Point GC on April 21-22. The Cougars are coming off of their big win at the Region Preview there on March 26-27 and will try to duplicate that victory when it counts towards the State Championship in Austin on May 13-14th. Please mention you found this on
April 9, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Westlake Academy, a new private Christian school, hosted its first Spelling Bee on Thursday, March 11, 2010. A total of 18 students from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade participated, and they all had a wonderful experience! It was a long race to the finish line; the winner and first runner-up competed in numerous rounds before finally declaring a winner. Congratulations to all of the Super Spellers! Please mention you found this on

April 8, 2010 – Katy, Texas – This clinic is to help students who are interested in dance and dance team, gain confidence and provide them the opportunity and enjoyment of working with the Stars. This clinic is sure to be the highlight of their summer. It is open to any girl or boy interested in dance or dance team between the ages of 4-18.Â
The clinic will take place Monday June 21st- Friday 25th, 2010 from 8:00 am- 12:00 pm daily at the Cinco Ranch Cougar Stars Dance Gym. Tuition: $125 for clinic and t-shirt. A light snack will be provided.Â
Students will be divided by school grade and will learn age appropriate routines from the 2010-2011 Cougar Stars. All participants should come in shorts, shirts, leotard, and tights, or anything comfortable to move in. Please wear tennis shoes or jazz shoes. Clinic participants will perform routines in a special showing for the parents 11:15 am on Friday, June 25th.
Registration: 7:00 am-12:00 pm or pre-registration through the mail. Check must accompany registration form and should be made payable to CRHS DTBC. Mail registration forms to: Cougar Stars Dance Clinic Attn: Lindsey Dresner, 23440 Cinco Ranch Blvd. Katy, TX 77494. Registration forms can be found at  If you have any questions, contact Lindsey Dresner at  Please mention you found this on

April 12, 2010 – Katy, Texas – A special presentation was made to the Katy ISD School Board during the recognition of “Music in Our Schools Monthâ€. Each member was presented with a framed photo commemorating the first combined half time show with Taylor High School and Seven Lakes High School students taken by Craig Moseley.
The story behind this collaboration goes back to a car accident, which resulted in the loss of a fine young man who marched in the Seven Lakes Band, named Matthew Schmidt. Matthew’s love of music and marching band, inspired hundreds of students who wanted to support one another during this tragic time and has since created a new level of friendship, respect and love between the students in marching band at Seven Lakes and Taylor.
The presentation to the KISD board members, Superintendent Mr. Alton Frailey and Fine Arts Director Mr. Bob Bryant was an effort to capture this spirit as well as those inspiring moments. Please mention you found this on
April 5, 2010 – Katy, Texas – Five West Houston Charter School students won 1st or 2nd at the PSIA (Private School Interscholastic Association) competition on March 27th and are heading to state competitions which will be held at TCU campus on April 24th. Please mention you found this on