Katy, TX (September 10, 2013) – The Beck Jr. High PTA volunteers welcome returning parents and new to Beck Jr. High parents to their annual Open House Night.

Beck Jr. High Volunteer Linda Ames, Student Volunteer Paloma Ames, and Beck Jr. High PTA Volunteer Angela Bazzi
Beck Jr. High Volunteer Linda Ames, Student Volunteer Paloma Ames, and Beck Jr. High PTA Volunteer Angela Bazzi
Student Volunteer Rachel Regner, Beck Jr. High PTA Volunteer Beth Fortier, and Student Volunteer Claire Fortier
Student Volunteer Rachel Regner, Beck Jr. High PTA Volunteer Beth Fortier, and Student Volunteer Claire Fortier

At the start of each school year, the PTA volunteers help man the tables that include the PTA registration/memberships, school supplies, school tshirts & jackets, and special orders (which includes hair bows, hair bands, mugs, etc). Behind the scene of such a busy time is Beck Jr. High’s own PTA President Maggie Boyle who makes sure everything goes smoothly for both the faculties and parents.

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