Mayde Creek High School Gets Total Makeover
August 2, 2018
By Jennifer Skelton & Ashley Lancaster
The largest and most comprehensive renovation project in the school’s history is expected to be complete before August 15.

The Mayde Creek Rams will start the first day of their 2018-2019 school year in an almost unrecognizable campus. The renovations were approved in the 2014 school bond, and have a price tag of just over $51 million. According to Mayde Creek High School Principal Ronnie Edwards, they could not have come at a better time.
“Katy ISD has done an excellent job at strategically planning when a campus is in need of updates or renovations, and we were able to see the benefit of that this year,” he says. After taking a certain degree of water damage during Hurricane Harvey in August of last year, the completed changes will give fresh heart to the student body and staff.
The new and improved learning areas and open spaces are literally designed to foster a positive school culture. “The design of the open spaces and flex seating in the common areas will facilitate more collaboration, and give students more opportunities to have their voices heard,” he says.
The hallways and campus infrastructure have been streamlined as well, with Mayde Creek’s back hallways being updated to connect and help students get to class faster. Additionally, a skybridge connecting the freshman center to the main campus will cut down on walking time.
The school will also integrate updated safety and security measures that are being implemented at campuses across the district. And while the ninth grade campus was not included in upgrades approved by the 2014 bond, Mayde Creek freshman will benefit from new classroom furniture, flooring, and updated paint.
A new “Genius Bar” in the school library will also be available, giving students increased opportunities for the use of technology.

(Genius Bar in the school library)
Overall, Mr. Edwards and the rest of the Mayde Creek staff are proud of the success of the project. “We have kept track and taken photos of the renovations from start to finish. It’s important for the community to get a good picture of just how much has changed and how it will benefit future Rams.”
Classroom Renovations to meet current program needs in original section of high school – including Science, Fine Arts, CTE, Administration, Library, Kitchen/Commons
Modify access to building – review construction of corridors to connect halls
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing upgrades/replacement
Elevator replacement
Replacement of finishes – flooring, ceiling, carpet
Renovations to Softball field to meet Title IX
Installation of Walk In Floral Cooler
Relocate Lights above Pool
Reconstruct access road around Mayde Creek complex
2017 BOND
Every school bond generally has normal upgrades and maintenance for all school campuses Additional items were approved for Mayde Creek High School on the 2017 bond.
Athletic Turf Replacement
Scoreboard Replacement in Gyms
Technology Retrofit and Tablets
Document Cameras
Printer Replacements
Upgrade Electrical System (1999)
Renovations & Additions: Library, Athletics, Administration & Music (1999)
9th Grade Center & Performing Arts Center (PAC) (2002)
Exterior Door Replacement (2007)
Natatorium (2008)
Central Plant (2012)
Security Vestibule (2012)

(New flexible seating upstairs)