Morton Ranch Junior High Receives Recognition
Katy, Texas (October 24, 2013) – Morton Ranch Junior High became an official “No Place for Hate School.” Morton Ranch is the second junior high school in Katy ISD to receive this prestigious recognition.

Mr. Larry Lachman with the Anti-Defamation League came out and presented the banner to principal, Mr. Mark McCord. The banner presentation took place during a Unity Day Pep Rally. The pep rally was one of several events conducted during October, the official anti-bullying month.
Other events held to bring awareness to bullying included Unity Day, where students and teachers wore orange in the support of ending bullying. Sixth grade students participated in the “Step Up” assembly and were given specific skills on how to identify and lend support to students who are bullied in school.
Students have also been participating in bullying and cyber bullying lessons during advisory classes. Teachers also went through a district created bullying workshop as a part of their professional development training.