oodCreek Jr. High Choirs give Outstanding Performances at Alamo Showcase

April 29, 2010 – Katy, Texas – On April 17th, all of the WoodCreek Choirs took a trip to the Alamo Showcase of Music Festival and Competition in San Antonio, TX. The WoodCreek Women’s, WoodCreek Men’s and the TimberWolf Beginning Mixed Choirs competed and all were awarded a superior rating trophy. Each choir was also chosen as the Outstanding Overall Choir in their category (Women’s, Men’s and Beginning Mixed). To top it all off, WoodCreek Choirs were chosen as the OUTSTANDING OVERALL MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIRS to perform at the competition site that day. This means the judges selected our choirs to be the BEST of any choirs to compete that day.
Following their performances, WCJH Choir members had an afternoon of fun in Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Then, that evening, they were awarded their trophies at Fiesta Texas. Choir members were truly in celebration mode.
WoodCreek Choirs have earned 14 trophies this year. Since WoodCreek Jr. High opened its doors in 2008, our talented choir students have earned a total of 27 trophies in just 2 years. This is a true testament to the talent, dedication, and musical growth happening here at WoodCreek Junior High. Way to go TimberWolves!