Saudi-Based Company (SABIC) Moving U.S. Headquarters to Katy, Texas
April 11, 2018
Jennifer Skelton
Many Katy residents noticed and were concerned about the huge police presence in the Grand Parkway/99 and Franz Rd area this past Saturday. They took to social media to attempt to find out what was going on. The answer was tied to an earlier mystery from March, that played out on social media, as well, and local news stations, when white domes were moved to an open area of land off Grand Parkway. The mystery to both questions has been solved.

Photo: HRH Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia with Secretary of Energy and former Governor Rick Perry at the SABIC event in Katy
Saudi Basic Industries Corp., the Middle East’s largest petrochemicals maker, said on Saturday that it plans to build a Katy headquarters for its operations in the Western Hemisphere, a project that would boost its Houston-area headcount from 400 to 1,000. The company plans to complete the expansion within two or three years.
On Saturday, Mohammad bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia spent the day in Katy and Houston. First stop was meeting with former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and former Secretary of State Jim Baker.
Next up, was a visit to a Habitat for Humanity neighborhood of Harold Park, where 176 homes where destroyed by Hurricane Harvey’s flooding. Aramco, a Saudi owned gas company that is headquartered in Houston, donated $3.7 million to Habitat for Humanity for Harvey relief.
Last stop was to Katy to meet guests at the event under the big white domes that now are placed off Grand Parkway and Franz Rd.
SABIC’s future location is on the land located Franz Road and Grand Parkway.
At the beginning of March, after the mysterious domes caused many a debate on social media, the company released this statement.
“The Houston area is home to SABIC’s Americas Region Head Office as well as research and innovation centers, including land we own on Franz Road. Site preparation is underway for a SABIC business event to take place in mid- to late March on the land. In recent months, we have taken steps to clear debris from the site and increase security. We have recently erected some temporary dome-like structures to create a venue for the upcoming event, and expect to keep them up for about a month.”