Katy, TX (August 23, 2016) Harris County Public Health (HCPH) has confirmed a positive West Nile Virus (WNV) human case in our portion of Harris County. The virus was confirmed in an elderly patient who resides in the City of Katy limits.

West Nile fever is a mosquito-borne infection by the West Nile virus. Approximately 80% of West Nile virus infections in humans have few or no symptoms. As this case is an isolated incident, it is a good reminder that we depend on our community to help in the efforts of controlling the breeding and habitats of the mosquito population. Infection from the mosquitos can be a real concern. Historically, July through September have been the peak timeframe for West Nile Virus transmission.

The City’s Mosquito Control Department began mitigation efforts to control the mosquito population in May. The City does weekly spraying as well as placing larvacide pellets in multiple areas of the City. City owned property is regularly patrolled after rain events to make sure there is not accumulated or standing water. In efforts to combat the complication of recent rains, the City has modified their spraying to accommodate weather events and better keep up with the retention of the mosquito spray.

Your best defense against being bitten is by being prepared. Remember to “Prevent the Bite, Day & Night!”

Personal Protection:
– When outdoors, prevent the bit by using an EPA-registered insect repellant that contains one of the following DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. Follow product instructions.
– If possible, wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks. For infants, place mosquito netting over infant carriers, cribs, and strollers.

Courtesy of The City of Katy
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